Abildgaard, Jørgen, 38, 55–57, 68, 189
Aboriginal people, 149–150, xi–xiii
Aboutaleb, Ahmed, 24
circular systems and, 125–129
compactness and, 129–132
consuming cities and, 111–114
dangers of, 114–115
holistic, 116–117
new urban, 81–82
overview of, 107–109
reducing consumption and, 119–125
rise of, 110–111
sharing of, 117–118
sustainability and, 115–116
Adams, Henry, 74
adaptive futures
adaptive management and, 163–165
beginnings of, 160–162
bouncing forward and, 166–168
overview of, 155–158
physical exposure and, 162–163
planning and, 158–160
social vulnerability and, 165–166
adaptive management, 163–165
Adler, Steve, 212
Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), 99
Airbnb, 123
alliances, regional, 200
alternative fuels, 43–46. See also Specific forms
Amazon, 106
Anderson, Susan, 20
Architecture 2030, 62
Arup, 181
Athens, Lucia, 191–192
Austin, Texas
biophilic urbanism and, 150
circular pathways in, 127
continuous innovation and, 191–192
future and, 212
innovation districts and, 98
reducing consumption in, 120
renewable energy economy and, 98
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26
Australia, 100, 209. See also Specific cities
autonomous vehicles (AV), 37, 41, 99, 190, 209–210
Badger, Emily, 191
Ban Ki-moon, 19
Bangkok, Thailand, 79
Baranda Sepúlveda, Bernardo, 40, 50
Barangaroo development (Sydney), 188
Barber, Benjamin, 24, 59, 200–201
Barry, John, 74
BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), 44
Batty, Michael, 208
Baum, Edgar, 103
Beatley, Timothy, 2, 141, 151, 152–153, 181, 183
Behrenstrasse (Berlin), 87
Bennett, Lisa, 70
Benthemplein Water Square (Rotterdam), 16
Benz, Bertha, 44
Berlin, Germany
green infrastructure and, 145–146
innovation in, 21
reducing consumption in, 120
renewable energy economy and, 67, 102
urban greening and, 182
Bernstein, Peter, 159
bicycle-sharing systems, 50
Colombia and, 83–84
continuous innovation and, 189
Copenhagen and, 15, 28, 50, 56–57
learning from others and, 60–61
Minneapolis and, 50
biodiesel, 45
biodiversity, 147–150
bioenergy, 91
biophilia, 150–151
Biophilic Cities Network, 150–151
biophilic urbanism, 2, 150–153
Biotope Area Factor regulations, 182
Bloomberg, Michael, 19, 24, 42, 59, 61
bonds, green, 97
Boris Bikes, 60–61
Boston, Massachusetts
abundance of resources and, 112
adaptive management and, 164
filling harbor in, 67
Green Ribbon Commission and, 5, 174–178
innovation in, 15–16
natural disasters, climate change and, 155–157
new technical capacities in, 201
social vulnerability and, 165–166
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 24, 26, 28
urban sustainability and, 162–163
Boston University, 177–178
Boulder, Colorado
circular pathways in, 127
future and, 212
politics and, 40
reducing consumption in, 120
renewable energy economy and, 85, 87, 91, 93, 95, 96
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 28
urban systems of, 35
bouncing forward, 166–168
Brand Finance Canada, 103
branding, 103–105
Brandt, Kate, 127
Braungart, Michael, 111, 115, 116
Brazil. See Specific cities
Brechin, Gray, 140
Brook, Daniel, 78
Brostrom, Thomas, 177
Brown, Jerry, 47
Brown, Robert, 177–178
Brundtland Report, 27, 115–116, 117, 140
Brynjolfsson, Erik, 116
building codes, 180
Bullitt Center (Seattle), 16–17
bus rapid transit (BRT) systems, 16, 53, 60
business incubators, 95–96
C40 Cities network, 20, 101, 120, 161
C40 December 2016 Summit, 202–203
Calgary, Canada, 114–115
California, 100. See also Specific cities
Canada. See Specific cities
cap-and-trade markets, 16, 29, 124–125
Cape Town, South Africa
circular pathways in, 127
city green bonds and, 180
compactness and, 131
environmental equity and, 205
future of, 188
goals of, 32
innovation in, 18
natural disasters, climate change and, 157
renewable energy economy and, 85, 86, 91
shifting transportation modes in, 49
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 24–25, 28, 29
urban sustainability and, 161
urban systems of, 36
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) system, 21
Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA), 5, 190, 202–203
carbon neutrality, 32, 55–57, 94
car-free days, 51
“Caring for Country” initiative (Melbourne), 149–150
cars. See Automobiles
Carson, Rachel, 27
CDP system. See Carbon Disclosure Project system
central business districts, 7
centralized control, 88
Ceres, 175
Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA), 164
Cheng Zhen, 62–63
Chennai, India, 162
Chicago, Illinois, 18
China. See also Specific cities
automobiles and, 79
cobenefits of innovations in, 54
compactness and, 130–131
electric vehicles and, 179
innovation in, 21
learning from others and, 62–63
new governance model for, 200
Shang dynasty temples in, 68
urban greening and, 182
China Development Bank, 54
“China: Towards a Zero Carbon Built Environment” workshop, 63
Choho, Abdeluheb, 180
choices, 69
Circular Cities Network, 127
circular economy, as goal, 31
Circular Economy Package, 180
“Cities Alive” (Arup), 181
City Biodiversity Index (Singapore), 148
city innovation labs. See Urban climate innovation laboratories
Cleveland, John, 5
Clichy-Batignolles (Paris), 188
climate change, 3, 18–22, 79–80, 216
CNCA. See Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance
Co-Create Copenhagen, 104
Cohen, Deborah, 112
collaborations, renewable energy economy and, 94–97
colonialism, 78
Colorado. See Specific cities
compactness, 129–132
competing virtues, 38–39
complete neighborhoods, 46, 198
composting programs, 125–126
congestion, 130
congestion fees, 50
connectivity, 36
Connell, David, 83, 159, 167, 168
constituency for change, 39
context, changing, 178–181
Copenhagen, Denmark
bridges in, 68
circular pathways in, 127
cobenefits of green infrastructure in, 144
constant improvement in, 55–57
continuous innovation and, 189
Dome of Visions and, 5
environmental equity and, 205
innovation clusters and, 43
learning from others and, 61
new and expanded financial resources and, 204
politics and, 38
renewable energy economy and, 85, 86, 90–91, 94–97, 103–104
shifting transportation modes in, 50
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26, 28, 29
Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, 97
cost effectiveness of green infrastructure, 144
Costanza, Robert, 115
Cradle to Cradle principles, 2
CRWA. See Charles River Watershed Association
Danish Cleantech Hub, 97
day-lighting of covered creeks and rivers, 163–164
de Blasio, Bill, 107–108, 121, 205
de Lille, Patricia, 24–25
“Deadline 2020” report (C40 Cities), 101
Dearborn, Michigan, 104–105
decentralization, 86–87, 99–100, 164, 178–179, 200
DeJean, Joan, 68
delivery systems, 33
Denmark. See Specific cities
department stores, 74–75
DER. See Distributed energy resources
Dickinson, Elizabeth, 111
distributed energy resources (DER), 100, 178
Doctoroff, Daniel, 41
Dome of Visions (Copenhagen), 5
drought, Melbourne’s trees and, 134–135
Earth Day, 27
Ecological Footprints, 114
economics. See also Clean economy; Renewable energy economy
cities as drivers of, 81
development of modern cities and, 72–74
growth based on performance instead of consumption, 208
leveraging of private markets and, 197
new and expanded financial resources and, 202–204
of place, 89
reducing consumption and, 119–121
of social well-being, 111
urban climate innovation laboratories and, 38
ecosystems, protecting and enhancing, 147–150
Edison, Thomas, 70
Eiffel Tower (Paris), 72
electric vehicles (EV)
changing context and, 179
fuel switching and, 44–46
renewable energy economy and, 92–93, 102
Shanghai and, 85–87
electricity, 70
electrification of everything, 92
emails, to trees, 17, 133, 137
Embarcadero (San Francisco), 47–49
Energy Efficiency for All, 204
engineering, rise of, 74
England. See Specific cities
Equity and Environment Agenda (Seattle), 117
EV. See Electric vehicles
examples, learning from, 59–63
expectations, innovation and, 193–194
externalities, 159
favelas, 8
Figueres, Christiana, 216–217
Finamore, Barbara, 102
flexible infrastructure, 164–165
flooding, 155–158
Florida, Richard, 89, 104, 117
food waste, reusing, 125–126
Ford Motor Company, 104–105
forest cities, 182
France. See Specific cities
free-market system, decline in per-capita consumption and, 208
fuel switching, 43–46
Futurama pavilion (New York World’s Fair), 76
future. See also Adaptive futures
continuous innovation and, 189–190
economic growth based on performance and, 208
good news/bad news and, 208–209
images of, 185–186
innovation challenges of, 190–192
issues of, 204–206
low-carbon districts from, 188
new and expanded financial resources and, 202–204
new governance models for, 200–201
new technical capacities in, 201–202
Royal Seaport project and, 186–187
surprises and, 209–211
General Motors, 76
Generation Z, 216
geoengineering, 210
Germany. See also Specific cities
electric vehicles and, 179
emissions in, 209
new governance model for, 200
renewable energy economy and, 101, 103
Global Cities, 104
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, 20
Global Footprint Network, 114
Global Innovation Centers program (Shanghai), 96
global warming. See Climate change
goals of urban climate laboratories, 31–33
Google, 127
Gore, Al, 27
governance, 200–201
Graham, Wade, 78
Grantham, Jeremy, 178
GRC. See Green Ribbon Commission
Greater Tokyo Area, 7
green, as new urban, 181–183
Green Factor regulations (Seattle), 182
green infrastructure, 143–147, 190
Green Line (Minneapolis), 17
Green Loop (Portland), 199
Green Ribbon Commission (GRC), 5, 174–178
Greenberger, Alan, 68
green-city branding, 103–105
“Greenest City 2020 Action Plan” (Vancouver), 148
grids, 68
Grindberg, Björn, 102
gross domestic product (GDP), 111, 117
Hall, Peter, 79
Hamburg, Germany, 101
Hanchao Lu, 113
Hara, Mami, 194–196
Hayes, Denis, 17
hazardous wastes, 115
Health Care Without Harm, 177, 180
heat-island effect, 136
holistic abundance, 116–117
Hong Kong, China, 103
hospitals, 180
Howe, Neil, 173
Hughes, Robert, 72
human capital, 89
100 Resilient Cities, 20, 21, 161, 167
hurricanes, 155–156
hybrid grids, 100–101
hybrid nature, 142
hydroelectricity, 92
ideas. See Transformational ideas
IKEA US, 180
Illinois. See Specific cities
Illman, Sue, 181
import replacement, 99–100
Inch, Donna, 105
incinerators, 113
An Inconvenient Truth (Gore), 27
indigenous knowledge, 202
Industrial Revolution, 87–88, 90, 111
infill land, 157
innovation. See also Urban climate innovation laboratories
aggressive performance expectations and, 193–194
cities as, 6
climate change and, 18–22
cobenefits of, 53–55
for future, 189–190
future challenges of, 190–192
integration and, 192–193
modern examples of, 15–18
innovation districts, 98–99
innovation ecology, 213
Integrated Waste Exchange, 127
integrated water management, 149
integration, 192–196
intelligent electricity grid, 93
intergrid, 93–94
International Style, 108
Internet of Things, 100, 101–102
interstate highway system, 76
investments, changing context and, 178
Istanbul, Turkey, automobiles and, 79
Jabareen, Yosef, 83
Jakarta, Indonesia, 144
James, Tai, 166–167
Japan. See Specific cities
Johnson, Boris, 60
Johnston, Sadhu, 18
Karl Johans Gate (Oslo), 16
Kay, Jane, 148
Kearney, Richard, 72
Khan, Sadiq, 95–96
Khanna, Parag, 79
Khoo Tech Puat Hospital (Singapore), 152
Khulna, Bangladesh, 162
Kirshen, Paul, 165
Knopman, Debra, 165
Koop, Bryan, 68, 176–177, 183–184
Kostof, Spiro, 168
Kotkin, Joel, 68
Kraemer, Andreas, 102
Kristof, Nicholas, 114
laboratories. See Urban climate innovation laboratories
landfills, 113
Landscape Institute, 181
Lee, Ed, 45
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 120, 179–180
Lempert, Robert, 165
levees, 20
livability, 193
livable cities, 94
Living Breakwaters project (New York City), 16, 164
Livingston, Ken, 59
Ljungkvist, Kristin, 104
London, England
abundance of resources and, 112
adaptive management and, 164
alternative fuels and, 44
bicycling and, 60–61
circular pathways in, 127
efficient use of resources in, 113
premodern, 71
reducing consumption in, 122
renewable energy economy and, 92, 95–96
shifting transportation modes in, 50
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26–27, 28
Los Angeles, California, 79
mandates, 69
markets, leveraging of private, 197
Martinez, Vincent, 121
Massachusetts. See Specific cities
mattresses, 180
McAfee, 116
McDonough, William, 2, 82, 111, 115–116, 126, 168
McKibben, Bill, 178
Measure AA (California), 199
Melbourne, Australia
abundance of resources and, 113
adaptive management and, 163, 165
compactness and, 131
ecosystem and biodiversity protection in, 147, 149–150
green infrastructure and, 190
innovation in, 17–18
natural disasters, climate change and, 157–158
natural systems and, 133–139
rapid transformation of, 140
renaturing of, 142
urban sustainability and, 161
urban systems of, 37
Menino, Thomas, 24
Mexico. See Specific cities
Mexico City, Mexico
automobiles and, 79
city green bonds and, 180
cobenefits of innovations in, 53
compactness and, 131
as example, 60
green infrastructure and, 145
innovation in, 16
politics and, 40
shifting transportation modes in, 50
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26
urban sustainability and, 161
urban systems of, 34
Miami, Florida, 209
Middelgrunden wind farm, 86
Milan, Italy, 200
Minneapolis, Minnesota
innovation in, 17
renewable energy economy and, 90, 91
shifting transportation modes in, 50
Minnesota. See Specific cities
Mississippi River, controlling, 74
Moe, Nils, 63
Montgomery, Charles, 51
Moody’s Investors Service, 180
Moore, Jennie, 185
Movement Generation project, 117–118
Mueller district (Austin), 98
Müller Garcia, Tanya, 146
Mumford, Lewis, 87
Murray, Edward, 117
natural disasters, 102–103, 155–156
comprehensive approaches to, 139–143
future and, 136–139
green infrastructure expansion and, 143–147
Melbourne drought and, 133–139
protection and enhancement of ecosystems and biodiversity and, 147–150
providing ways to immerse in, 150–153
restoration of, 82
The Nature Conservancy (TNC), 149
Netherlands, 20, 164. See also Specific cities
New York City
abundance of resources and, 112, 113
adaptive management and, 164
car-free days and, 51
circular pathways in, 127
compactness and, 129–130
ecosystem and biodiversity protection in, 150
efficient use of resources in, 107–109
environmental equity and, 205
in future, 185
green infrastructure and, 190
new and expanded financial resources and, 204
new technical capacities in, 201
politics and, 42
premodern, 70
reducing consumption in, 119, 121
renewable energy economy and, 93, 101
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 28
New York State, 100–101
Newsome, Gavin, 46
Nicholas, Steve, 19
nonprofit organizations, 175–176
Nordhavn district (Copenhagen), 97
Norway. See Specific cities
Obama effect, 50–51
Old Mutual Mupine development (Cape Town), 188
Old Oak district (London), 95
“One City: Built to Last” plan, 107–109
100 Resilient Cities, 20, 21, 161, 167
Oregon. See Specific cities
Oslo, Norway
biophilic urbanism and, 150, 151
circular pathways in, 125–126, 129
cobenefits of innovations in, 54
financial resources and, 202
fossil fuels and, 209
innovation in, 16
politics and, 40
renewable energy economy and, 92
shifting transportation modes in, 49
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 24
Owen, David, 129
oyster beds, 16
Paes, Eduardo, 41
Pander, Sean, 122
Paris, France
abundance of resources and, 112, 113
cars and, 51
circular pathways in, 127
compactness and, 131
efficient use of resources in, 113
Eiffel Tower and, 72
future of, 188
green infrastructure and, 145
Green Zone and, 62
innovation in, 19–20
natural disasters, climate change and, 157
Pont Neuf and, 68
renewable energy economy and, 101
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26–27, 28
urban sustainability and, 161
urban systems of, 34
Paris talks, 19–20, 91–92, 216
Park Royal district (London), 95
Partin, Johanna, 195, 203, 212
passive-energy buildings, 102
Pecan Street Lab (Austin), 98
Peduto, Bill, 92
Peking-to-Paris race, 70
Peñalosa, Enrique, 83–84
Penn, William, 68
Pennsylvania. See Specific cities
economic growth based on, 208
of green infrastructure, 143–144
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 68
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 91–92
place, economic importance of, 89
planning, transformational nature of, 83
pollution, 115
Pont Neuf (Paris), 68
Porter, Eduardo, 89
Portland, Oregon
biophilic urbanism and, 150
comprehensive plan for, 198–199
future and, 192–193
lack of design uniformity and, 197
private markets and, 197
reducing consumption in, 122
renewable energy economy and, 90, 92
shifting transportation modes in, 46
urban systems of, 37
power-sharing, 200–201
premodern cities, 70–72
price signals, 69
private markets, leveraging of, 197
Quayside project (Toronto), 98–99
racial equity, 166
Raggett, Mark, 197
Raphael, Debbie, 25, 38–39, 47–48, 61–62
Recology building (San Francisco), 15
redevelopment districts, 95
Register, Richard, 140
religions, 140
remunicipalization, 200
renewable energy economy
cities and, 87–90
city clusters and, 94–97
elements of, 90–94
green-city branding and, 103–105
innovation districts and, 98–99
local production and, 99–103
overview of, 85–87
Renner, Michael, 130
as goal, 160–162
need to increase, 180–181
through equity, 166–168
retrofitting, 108–109, 119, 121
Richard, Graham, 99, 102–103, 179
Richie, Alexandra, 87
Rifkin, Jeremy, 2, 72–74, 88, 90, 93, 126
Riise, Anja Bakken, 54
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
automobiles and, 79
biophilic urbanism and, 150
circular pathways in, 127
financial resources and, 202
goals of, 32
innovation in, 22
learning from others and, 61
politics and, 41
renewable energy economy and, 91, 101
standard urban model and, 7–8
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26
Ris, Bud, 156–157
risk capital, 203
Robertson, Gregor, 24, 32, 53, 60, 95, 103
Rodin, Judith, 167
Rohter, Larry, 8
“Room for the River” initiative (Netherlands), 163–164
Rosa, Rodrigo, 61
Rotterdam, Netherlands
adaptive management and, 163, 164
cobenefits of green infrastructure in, 144–145
flooding and, 158
goals of, 32
innovation in, 16
renewable energy economy and, 101–102
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 24, 26
water engineers and, 145
Royal Dutch Shell, 179
Royal Seaport (Stockholm), 17, 60, 98, 186–187, 191–193, 195–197
Sadik-Khan, Janette, 51–52
Salmhofer, Christina, 186–187, 193–194, 195–196
alternative fuels and, 44–46
biophilic urbanism and, 150, 151
car-free days and, 51
circular pathways in, 125–126, 127
ecosystem and biodiversity protection in, 147–148
Embarcadero and, 47–49
goals of, 34
innovation in, 15
learning from others and, 61–62
natural disasters and, 158
new and expanded financial resources and, 203
new technical capacities in, 201
rapid transformation of, 140
reducing consumption in, 120, 122–123
renewable energy economy and, 92, 102–103
restoration projects in, 199
shifting transportation modes in, 46
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 25, 28
Sandy (Hurricane), 155–156
sanitary sewers, 113
seasons of history, 173
Seattle, Washington
abundance of resources and, 117
cobenefits of innovations in, 54
reducing consumption in, 120, 122
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 28, 29
urban greening and, 182
waste management and, 191, 194
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), 191, 193, 194–197
SEEE. See Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange
self-importance, 140–141
self-organization, 172–174
self-regulating markets, 72–74
Semarang, Indonesia, 162
sequestration, 210
setbacks, persistence despite, 42
sewage, heat generation from, 16
Shanghai, China
abundance of resources and, 113, 115
adaptive management and, 163
alternative fuels and, 45–46
carbon-efficiency market of, 124–125
green buildings and, 179–180
green infrastructure and, 190
innovation clusters and, 43
innovation in, 16
natural disasters, climate change and, 155–156
politics and, 40
premodern, 70–71
renewable energy economy and, 85, 86–87, 93, 96, 102, 103
shifting transportation modes in, 49
uniformity and, 78
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26–27, 28
urban sustainability and, 162–163
Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange (SEEE), 124–125
sharing, of abundance, 117–118
Shears, Ian, 37, 42, 134–139, 142–143
Shenyang, China, 62–63
Shepard, Wade, 7
Silent Spring (Carson), 27
Singapore. See also Specific cities
adaptive management and, 163
biophilic urbanism and, 152–153
ecosystem and biodiversity protection in, 148
renewable energy economy and, 103
shifting transportation modes in, 50
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26, 28, 29
urban greening and, 183
situational improvisation, 41
smart information technologies, 100, 178–179
Smellbourne, 113
Smith, Doug, 122
social equality, 117–118
social vulnerability, 165–166
solar energy, 91, 100–102, 178
solar water heaters, 17, 85, 86
South Africa. See Specific cities
Southwest Ecodistrict (Washington, DC), 188
spatial systems, 33
steam engines, 110
Steinberg, Ted, 75–76
Stockholm, Sweden
cars and, 50–51
innovation districts and, 98
renewable energy economy and, 91, 92, 98
Royal Seaport project and, 17, 60, 98, 186–187, 191–193, 195–197
shifting transportation modes in, 50
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26, 28
Storper, Michael, 89
Strauss, William, 173
streetcars, 112
stretch goals, 32–33
subsidies, 100
super trees, 142
surge barriers, 162–163
surprises, expecting, 209–211
sustainable development, 27, 159–161
Sustainable Sydney 2030 campaign, 103
Sweden. See Specific cities
bicycling and, 60
financial resources and, 202
future of, 188
green infrastructure and, 190
innovation in, 17
renewable energy economy and, 103
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 28
tax credits, 178
technology, 36–37, 209–211. See also Innovation
temples, 68
Tesla, 86
Texas. See Specific cities
Thailand. See Specific cities
Tilikum Crossing (Portland), 17
TNC. See The Nature Conservancy
Tobing, Aisa, 145
TOD. See Transit-oriented development
Tokyo, Japan, 7
top-down command and control systems, 88
Torchiana, David, 177
Toronto, Canada
circular pathways in, 127
innovation districts and, 98
innovation in, 22
new governance model for, 200
politics and, 41
reducing consumption in, 120
renewable energy economy and, 90, 98
transformational ideas
automobiles and, 76–77
department stores as, 74–75
list of four main, 81–84
modern, 72–74
modern uniformity of cities and, 78–80
in nineteenth century, 77
premodern cities and, 70–72
ways affecting people’s decisions and actions, 69–70
transit-oriented development (TOD), 46, 130, 131
automobiles and, 51–52, 76–77, 79
changing fuels and, 43–46
electrification of, 92
Travis, Will, 3
adaptive management and, 163
Melbourne and, 133–139
requirements for, 190
sending emails to, 17, 133, 137
super trees, 142
Trentmann, Frank, 74–75, 77, 110, 112
Trudeau, Justin, 41
Turkey. See Specific cities
2030 Districts, 120
typhoons, 155–156
Uber, 123
uniformity, 78–80
Updike, Bill, 41
urban abundance. See Abundance
urban climate innovation laboratories
alternative fuels and, 43, 44–46
challenges faced by, 35–37
changing urban systems and, 33–35
clusters, waves and, 43
core systems and, 43–44
creators of, 27
goals of, 31–33
list of featured, 9
overview of, 23–26
politics and, 38–42
similarities and differences between, 26, 28–29
transportation mode shifting and, 44, 46–50
Urban CO2 Reduction Project (1991), 20
urban ecology, 142
urban evolution, overview of, 73
Urban Forest Fund, 137
urban forestry, 135–139
urban greening, 181–183
urban planning, 83
Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN), 63, 161
urban systems, changing, 33–35
Utility Occupation Tax, 40
van Begin, Gino, 186
Vancouver, Canada
alternative fuels and, 44
circular pathways in, 127
cobenefits of innovations in, 53
compactness and, 131
ecosystem and biodiversity protection in, 148
financial resources and, 202
goals of, 32
innovation in, 16
rapid transformation of, 140
reducing consumption in, 121–123
renewable energy economy and, 91, 95, 103
shifting transportation modes in, 49
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 24, 26
urban systems of, 37
Venice, Italy, 164
voluntary action, 69
Walsh, Martin, 24
Wanngård, Karin, 60
Washington. See Specific cities
Washington, DC
biophilic urbanism and, 150
future of, 188
green infrastructure and, 145
innovation in, 22
new and expanded financial resources and, 204
politics and, 41
reducing consumption in, 120
renewable energy economy and, 93, 100
as urban climate innovation laboratory, 26, 28
urban systems of, 35
circular systems and, 126
continuous innovation and, 191
decentralized, 164
integrating at urban system scale and, 194
in past, 113–114
Royal Seaport and, 187
total amount of waste and, 209
“Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities” initiative, 162
water plazas, 164
water resilience, 161
water utilities, 123
Watt, James, 110
Wenar, Leif, 114
Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Program, 127
Williams, Peter, 36
Wilson, Edward O., 82, 148, 150–151, 208
wind power, 86, 91, 96, 101, 178
Winograd, Morley, 116–117
World’s Fair, 76
Yangtze River, 115
Yarra River, 147
Yokohama, Japan, 190
Zang Ao Quan, 125
Zehnder, Joe, 132
Zero Emissions Building Centre of Excellence (Vancouver), 37
Zero Emissions Building Plan, 121–122
zero-emission mobility, 54
zero-net-carbon building code, 180
Zhu Dajiang, 106
Zimmerman, Robert, 164
Zócalo district (Mexico City), 16, 53
Zoho “climate-proof” district (Rotterdam), 16, 144–145
zoning codes, 112