Embedded Pearlized Color

Interference colors create unusual color-flip effects when used in specific ways. There are multiple ways to incorporate them into painting mixtures, techniques and products to produce shimmering color shifts. Here is a wild one sure to yield many possibilities, suggesting the magical sheen of abalone shell or insect wings. See Technique 18 for a similar method simulating wax effects.

Materials List


1 or more interference paint colors, several fluid modern paint colors


Any primed painting surface (sturdy and rigid is recommended)


Painting knife, textural or other application tool, cup or mixing palette


An acrylic gloss gel

For Cleanup

Water, water container, paper towels or rags

STEP 1 Apply a Base Mixture

In a cup or on a mixing palette combine an interference paint color, into gloss gel in a 1:3 ratio. Here is Interference Red (Coarse) in Regular Gel Gloss. Mix well with a knife, then apply onto the surface at least 14-inch (0.6cm) thick.

STEP 2 Swirl Color into Wet Gel

Add a few drops of paint color into the wet gel. Gently move the colors around in the gel using a knife, brush, or other application tool, pushing the color into the depths of the gel and swirling them on top. Use color sparingly. Here, one drop each of Quinacridone Magenta, Phthalo Turquoise, Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade) and Quinacridone Burnt Orange are used. Add more base mixture if necessary to adequately cover your surface. Let it dry.

STEP 3 Add a New Layer with Texture

Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with a different interference and gel mixture. Here a mixture of Interference Gold with Regular Gel Gloss is applied, then drops of the following colors were added onto the wet gel: Green Gold, Phthalo Blue (Green Shade), Iridescent Gold Deep (Fine), Iridescent Bright Gold (Fine). After swirling the color into the gel, use a knife or comb to remove and add texture to the gel. Let it dry.

The Initial Layer

The first layer of gel and colors have dried, revealing a pearly effect.

Finished Example

The pearly effect is visibly enhanced with a second layer and texture. If desired, continue repeating layers to add more effects.

The painting continues from Technique 24 with another layer of gloss gel. This smooths the top surface allowing the butterfly to be easily painted on top using Interference Blue, Iridescent Silver, Quinacridone Burnt Orange, Carbon Black and Iridescent Copper.


Nancy Reyner

Acrylic on panel

8" × 10" (20cm × 25cm)

The pearlized purple-blue bands near bottom and middle are created using Technique 24 but substitute Iridescent Pearl for interference and made separately as skins (Technique 39) then glued in place with gel onto the painting. Other collage elements are added for playful effect.


Laura Casas

Acrylic and collage on canvas panel

14" × 11" (36cm × 28cm)