2 Angels are Close When You Notice Numbers
Did you wake up one night and look at your phone, or the clock and see 11, 22, 33, or 44? Are you seeing these numbers in other places too? If so, your angels are talking to you. Numbers are the codes of the angels.
When angels are trying to contact you, they give a number pattern—your lucky number not just once but three times in one day, for instance, perhaps in a phone number, barcode, or ticket, on an airline departures board, or as a significant date.
In numerology (the study of sacred numbers), all numbers have a vibration and a meaning. A proliferation of threes, and 33, means you are being told that soon there will be action and decisions, particularly relating to conception and creative projects. Three is the number of the Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God and the divine will (see Tip 44, page 126). The number 333 means The Ascended Masters—spiritual beings who are guiding you strongly from now on. The numbers 11 and 22 are spiritual power numbers: 11 signifies intuition and 22, manifests dreams into being. Numbers in sequence, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, 6, 7, can mean “stay focused—you’re going in the right direction.” However, the key message when you start noticing number patterns is just this—that you are noticing, and when this happens your angels are saying “I have a message for you.” They have given you the special code, and now have your attention. Stop and breathe slowly, feeling the sensations around you. You might sense a whisper in your ear, or a word or image might suddenly come to mind. Even without specific signs such as these, noticing numbers and patterns means that you have support, are on the right path, and will be helped that day.
Forty-four is the number of the angels. When you see this number, the angels are showing you that you are strongly connected with them; they are letting you know that they are around you and ready to give you guidance. The message is “Be true to yourself. We will help you follow your path.”
Four is a sacred number in Pythagorean philosophy. It stands for the four elements—Air, Earth, Water, and Fire—and the four directions, together representing the essence of the world. Four was believed to stand for wholeness, justice, and completion, and when added to 1, 2, and 3, gives 10, the number of the cosmos.