44 Five Special Angel Prayers

Chamuel, for Love and Courage

Archangel Chamuel can help bring you courage, giving you the love and strength to keep going when all else seems to have failed. At these times, you might just have yourself to rely upon, and no one else around to support you. Chamuel sees the bigger picture—his name means “He who sees God.” He is a bringer of harmony in relationships, and can help you give and receive more love. When you accept your angel’s unconditional love for you and all other beings, you live from the heart and have more love to share. Love is multiplied.


Below is Chamuel’s prayer. When you feel no one is beside you, Chamuel will be there. Call upon him for help by saying:

Chamuel, help me now and come near.

Lend me courage, be my strength,

Help me accept the gift of love.

Hear my prayer.

Thank you.


Say this to yourself quietly or out loud, saying “Thank you” when you are ready. This prayer sounds very simple, but the act of acknowledging that you are ready to receive help opens your heart to love.


This ritual helps you generate self-compassion and courage. So often we are much harder on ourselves than we would ever be on our closest friends. Day to day, we are beset by a million tasks to do, then berate ourselves for not doing them. There are always people to help us, but when you are stressed or in conflict, it’s hard to see them. Yet these helpers are your angels’ messengers.

When you feel overwhelmed, rest for just a moment and open up your palms. See light pouring into each palm. Meditate on this, on the receiving, and ask your angels to help you. To receive, you need to be able to feel humility. Sometimes it is easier to be giving to others, because conversely this can feel more empowering, that you are at least busy and doing something, but this just means that you avoid dealing with your own problems. Take a leap of faith. Breathe. Be ready to receive.

Say Chamuel’s prayer three times.

Now step back and become a witness—observe what shows up in the next day or two that’s positive, rather than continue the struggle to overcome every problem you face on your own. You might feel a tingling down one side of your body when your angels or Chamuel are near. When this happens, know that your prayer is being answered. Your angels will never leave you to fight alone, just invite them to join you. You can say Chamuel’s prayer whenever you need to; there is no limit to his help.

You might like to place a pink angel for Chamuel on your altar for seven days after practicing the ritual, because this symbolizes the time of creation—when you create a happier future, with more space for love and compassion for yourself and the new helpers coming into your life.

Michael, to Help You Let Go

Archangel Michael is the angel of truth, protection, and decisions. His name means “He who is as God.” He helps you cut the ties that bind you. These ties are metaphors for relationships and other issues that are holding you back. Some ties are subtle, others have a more obvious grip, and they are held in place by your emotional investment in the situation. It is worth contemplating whether your ties are happy or simply habit, and what you may need to let go of to move forward.



Whenever you need the strength to let go, call upon Michael by saying his prayer three times:

Michael, help me now and come near.

Protect me, show me truth, give me insight,

Let the past go so I can move on.

Hear my prayer.

Thank you.

Archangel Michael is often shown with a sword and a shield. His sword helps you cut the ties that bind, and banish fear, and his shield means that he will protect you as you go through the transition. Cutting the ties can involve a period of bereavement, a transition phase that might feel uncomfortable. Be gentle with yourself during this time, knowing that you are protected by Michael as you move forward in life.


* Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Ground, protect, and open up to your angels (see pages 910), following the rhythmic sound of your breath. Call in your guardian angel to be with you throughout the ritual. Really feel the presence of your guardian angel with all your senses—color, touch, smell, inner vision, intuition, sound.

When you are ready, call upon Archangel Michael, saying his prayer three times.

Feel an image forming of the person or issue you need to leave behind. Let the image become stronger as you breathe. What do you feel? Do you see the connection between you and the person or issue? You might feel the emotions behind your relationship as different colors, or as physical cords, or chains, or even sticky threads like a spider’s web. Let your senses summon all the feelings you have for this person or situation.

Now see whatever image you have shrink to a miniature, as if you were stepping back from a large photograph and shrinking it to the size of a thumbnail. See Archangel Michael take up his sword and cut the bond between you and this now tiny image, which fades and dissolves into light.

Stay with this process as long as you need to, then return your focus to your breathing for a few minutes. When you are ready, thank your guardian angel and Archangel Michael, open your eyes, and close down (see page 11).


You can also use Michael’s prayer and his meditation to let go of negative attitudes toward yourself. If you suffer from low self-esteem or repetitive negative thoughts, or are struggling with addiction, such as smoking or unhealthy eating, for example, modify the prayer to “Let go of my xx” and state your problem. Michael will help. Do consult your doctor or other healthcare provider for advice if you need to. You might like to ask Michael to help you write down or mentally review what you need to say before an appointment, too, as he supports true communication.

Raphael, for Healing

Raphael means “God has healed,” and so he is the angel of healing. He is also associated with joy, peace, and knowledge. These can be seen perhaps as the outcome of healing and recovery; the experience of illness often makes us wiser, and brings relief, happiness, and peace of mind. Raphael is usually linked with green, the color of healing and of the heart chakra.


Raphael, help me now and come near.

Bring me healing.

May you bring healing to me [or name others]

And peace to us all.

Hear my prayer.

Thank you.


We are all healers. We all have the ability to soothe and comfort others and change our world for the better with our words, thoughts, intentions, and actions. You can have a profound healing effect on everyone in your life. This prayer is a call to Raphael, the angelic doctor, to help ourselves and/or others, but it also awakens the healer within.


Angelic healing means allowing your angels to channel their healing light through you to a person or pet, so that they may begin to heal themselves wherever possible. In essence, we do not heal—but our angels do. We just need to allow this process to happen by becoming a pure channel for our angels.

Healing with angels is safe. You cannot cause harm by gently laying one or both hands on people or your pets (provided you are not touching an area that is sore or infected). However, do not try this if you have drunk alcohol the same day (even just a little), as this can disrupt the flow of healing energy.

Hands-on Healing: Humans and Animals

Before you begin, wash your hands. Make sure the person or animal you are working with is in a comfortable position, and that you can sit comfortably, too.

* Follow the grounding and protection ritual and call in your guardian angel, who will help you connect with Archangel Raphael (see page 13). See a column of light flowing from the crown of your head through to Raphael, then allow his healing energy to pass back down through your crown, third eye, throat, and heart chakras (see page 12) then down both arms and into the palms of your hands. Say Raphael’s prayer either aloud or to yourself three times.

* Now rub your palms together and gently place one or both hands on the person or animal. Feel the energy circuit connect, as a flow of green light pouring into their body.

* The next part is tricky: don’t do anything. Be empty. Witness your unwanted thoughts floating by and disappearing up into a blue sky. With your mind quiet, use your senses to attune to Raphael (noticing sound, touch, color in your mind’s eye). Really feel his energy moving through your body (this is why you need to feel empty, so that you can be filled with his energy). At this point your palms may begin to feel hot. This is normal.

* You might stay in this position for a few moments, or feel guided to move elsewhere on the body. Always check that the person is comfortable for you to touch them there. If you are with an animal, sense their response if and when you move your hands. You can also check with Raphael or your guardian angel if you’re unsure about moving position, but you will find that your body often knows what to do.

* You might continue the healing for a few moments or longer. You will know when it’s time to remove your hand because the energy will shift and the connection will feel lighter. You may feel as if you were being told to step back. If so, gently remove your hand(s) and step away. Shake your hands and touch the floor. This sends any excess energy back to Mother Earth and grounds the healing. Thank your guardian angel for sharing the healing experience, and close down (see page 11).

You might also like to try the self-healing and distant healing techniques in Tip 12.

Uriel, for Seeing the Light

Archangel Uriel is the bringer of light. He is known as the Angel of Presence, and his name means “God is my light,” or “God is my fire.” He stands for creativity, inventiveness, problem-solving, and revealing your life path. He is the flash of inspiration that shows the way ahead, the light of spirit that illuminates the truth. His element is Earth, and he has long been associated with thunder and earthquakes. As thunder is the sound of lightning, his gift is the flash of knowing, the thunderbolt of realization.

Uriel is often depicted holding a book, symbolizing his knowledge, and standing before a radiant sun. He offers joy and sunshine. It has been said as far back as the thirteenth century that saying the name of Uriel ten times in the morning brings good fortune for the day ahead.



Uriel, help me now and come near.

Bring me the light of knowledge.

Show me my path, make it clear.

Hear my prayer.

Thank you.


Find a pen and notepad, and go to a quiet place. Light a candle for Uriel, to honor him with fire energy. Ground and protect yourself, then call in your guardian angel (see pages 910). If you have a question, write it down as simply as possible. Be specific; for example, you could say: “Where will my next job be?” or “Should I retrain?’ If you already have a career dream, write that down as a wish, such as: “To be a teacher/to travel/to study/to run a new business.” Now take out the vowels from your question or wish. For example, “To be a teacher” would become “Tbtchr.” Write this down three times, running the words together, on a small, square piece of paper:


This is your mantra.

* Fold each corner of the paper into the center, as if you were making an envelope. Say Uriel’s prayer three times. Your guardian angel will help you make the connection with Uriel.

* Now take the candle and pour a few drops of hot wax onto the center of the envelope to make a wax seal. Let the wax set, then extinguish the candle flame and place the envelope on your altar. Leave it there for seven days, as seven is one of the numbers of creation.

* Thank your angels, and look for the signs of their guidance over the next week. You may be shown your answer in the page of a magazine you come across, on a billboard, or through the words of a friend, for example. Seeing the signs of an angel in your daily life (see Tip 1)—from a feather to pennies on the street—tells you that you are on your destined path.

Gabriel, for Self-Acceptance and Creativity

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of the Annunciation, who told Mother Mary that she would conceive a son, Jesus. He is the angel of hope, messages, revelations, and guidance (he also helps with conception and children—see Tip 10). His flower is the lily, symbol of purity, and in many paintings of him he is shown with a three-petaled lily, the fleur de lys, which represents the Holy Trinity. Three is a dynamic number. When you see threes, this is a message from God and the universe, delivered by Gabriel, to help you see the potential for change, urging you to accept the gifts you have and get creative with them.

Setting your intention to explore your talents tells the universe that you are willing to believe in yourself and embrace change. Gabriel will hold you as you go through the transformation; it doesn’t matter if your wishes are life-changing intentions, such as being a parent, or a small project, such as making a birthday card. Are you wrestling with or searching for inspiration for a writing project? If so, call upon Gabriel, who helps writers and makes the words flow. Angels always fix the source, not the symptom. This often comes down to self-belief and self-acceptance, like tending a garden from which everything else can grow. If you need support in accepting yourself—particularly your psychic gifts—you can wear a moonstone pendant over your heart or higher heart chakra. Moonstone is one of Gabriel’s crystals.


Gabriel can communicate with you in dreams, and help you understand the messages in them. Do you need help finding and following your dreams and goals? Gabriel will empower you to do this. His name means “God is my strength.”


Gabriel, help me now and come near.

Bring me hope and guide me

So I accept who I am and can be.

Hear my prayer.

Thank you.


Before you sleep, prepare your bedroom. You can scent the room with a soothing essential oil such as lavender, which helps promote relaxation. Add a couple of drops to the water bowl of an aromatherapy burner, let it burn for 10–20 minutes, then blow out the candle before you get into bed. Alternatively, spray your bedroom with an angel–dreams mist made with two drops of lavender essential oil and two drops of neroli or clary sage essential oil diluted in about 1 fl. oz. (30ml) of spring water in a mister bottle (dedicate the mist by following the ritual in Tip 27).

* Now ground, protect, and open up (see pages 910), making a strong connection with your angels. Write down what you want to do. Write your message as three simple words on a piece of paper or your angel journal, or you can use the notes application on your phone. So, if you are hoping to conceive, you might write your name, your partner’s name, and the word “child.” If you’re working on a project, you could write the following message: “Book/writing/success,” expressing the object (book), what you need help with (writing), and how you want to feel (success). Give the note page the title “Gabriel.”

* Say Gabriel’s prayer three times. Now ask Gabriel and your guardian angel to show you a way forward in your dreams. When you are ready, close down (see page 11).

Look for signs of three the next day. This is confirmation that your angels have heard your prayer, and are working on your wish.

You might also like to read the dream angels tip on page 68.

Keep asking

Angels never run out of wishes for you. Whatever you need, keep asking, and experience the joy of inviting angels into your life.

Thank you, My Angels