3 How Do You See an Angel

Ask yourself: are you a highly visual person—perhaps you react strongly to color, clothes, interior design, and film? Is this your strongest sense? Or perhaps you’re a “word” person—you’re a reader or listener, and everything’s about conversation; after you’ve finished watching a film it goes right out of your head. For this reason, you may also find it harder to visualize and meditate.

If you’re strongly visual, you may be clairvoyant (“clear-seeing”). If words and sound are “you,” you’re dominantly clairaudient (“clear-hearing”). Your angels may talk to you via your dominant sense at first, because it’s easiest for you at the beginning of your relationship. So for you, “seeing” an angel may mean hearing a whisper, sensing your angel’s colors, or seeing angel signs (see Tip 1). As you attune to your angels, your vibration will lift so that you become more sensitive to their presence through your other senses, too—you’ll start to be more aware of aromas, touch, even taste. “Seeing” your angels might mean feeling held, feeling calm and relaxed, smelling summer roses, or perhaps noticing a sweet taste in your mouth. All these experiences are equal. As you attune more to the angelic realms, you’ll become familiar with how your angels let you know they are with you.

If you do angel card or tarot readings, you’ll already have a strong idea of how messages tend to come through to you. For the medium Jackie Cox, clairaudience is her dominant channel. “It feels as if they [angels and guides] are putting words into the front of my forehead, then saying the words to me. I hear the words. I rarely get pictures, showing me what’s happened in a client’s life. I just don’t see that. Because I hear words, sometimes I go back to my angels and guides to check that I’ve heard the words correctly. I ask three times, ‘Have I got this right?’ They always let me know if I’m correct by giving me confirmation, usually goose bumps on my thighs! Then they push me to give the client those exact words, repeating them to me one more time. My clients often say, ‘That is exactly what I was thinking,’ or ‘My mother used that exact phrase.’”

For Jayne, giving readings and picking up intuitive messages is like being in a never-ending movie. “I see a client’s past, present, and future as a series of film clips,” she says. “It’s always in color, there’s a full cast of characters—they [her angels and guides] just show me everything, and it’s very fast. It’s like I’m in two places at once—watching the movie of their life and telling them what I see as the film plays out.”

The philosopher and esotericist Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) explained how we might “see” angels and their hopes for future humanity as images, in a lecture he gave in Munich in October 1918, entitled “The Work of the Angels in Man’s Astral Body” (the astral body is the fourth level of the aura, connected to the heart chakra):

“The Angels form pictures in man’s astral body and these pictures are accessible to thinking that has become clairvoyant. If we are able to scrutinize these pictures, it becomes evident that they are woven in accordance with quite definite impulses and principles. Forces for the future evolution of mankind are contained in them. If we watch the Angels carrying out this work of theirs—strange as it sounds, one has to express it in this way—it is clear that they have a very definite plan for the future configuration of social life on earth; their aim is to engender in the astral bodies of men such pictures as will bring about definite conditions in the social life of the future.”


You will need a room with a mirror that you can sit in front of. A dresser with a mirror is ideal.

* Take a candle (this can be any candle you have to hand, of any color) and place it close to the mirror. Light the candle, turn off the lights in the room, and close the door. Ground, protect, and open up (see pages 910). Begin to feel your angels’ vibrations as they join you in the room. You can ask your guardian angel to join you too, calling them by name.

* Close your eyes and visualize your angels, and begin to become sensitive to their presence, paying attention to all your senses. When you feel something, such as a change in temperature or a tingling sensation, your angels are with you. Now say to yourself, “I wish to see and commune with my angels.”

* Half-open your eyes and gaze into the mirror. Allow your senses to open, embracing the energy of your angels. Trust what you are sensing.

* Accept all the sensations you receive. Don’t try to “see” an angel; when you consciously will this to happen, your thinking mind jumps in and you are less present to messages or impressions you’re being given. Relax, breathe, and focus on your feelings and senses to keep the connection between you and your angels strong.


Trust yourself and your experience. Go with what happens naturally, because what happens naturally and quickly is right. You may sense a change in color, or feel something in your peripheral vision; sometimes it may feel as though an image appears in your mind as if someone outside of you has just given you a picture. Describe the picture to yourself or out loud before you think about what it is or what it means. When you are finished, close down (see page 11).



Scrying means seeing images in objects, traditionally stones with polished surfaces, such as a hematite mirror or crystal ball, which people meditated on to connect with other beings—angels and spirit guides—and to receive otherworldly signs and symbols. For this ritual, we make it easy and scry with water. You’ll need a candle of any type, and a teacup, mug, or a bowl. Don’t use your best china, as you’ll be adding wax to the water. The best cups or bowls to use are dark on the inside.

* Fill your cup or bowl with water from the faucet. Call in your angels (remembering to ground, protect, and open up—see pages 910), and gaze into the water. Sense the vibration of your angels around you.

* Light the candle and let it burn for a minute or two to give enough wax to drip into the water. Now swirl the water around with a spoon, then remove the spoon and pour some wax into the swirling water, into the center of the cup or bowl.

* Look at the patterns the solidifying wax is making in the water. Trust what you see.

* Remember to close down when you are finished (see page 11), and thank your angels.


When you drink a cappuccino, leave a little residue in the bottom of the cup. Better still, make a Greek or Turkish coffee and drink two-thirds of it, leaving lots of thick coffee grounds in the bottom of the cup. Now place the saucer on top of the cup with the handle toward you, turn both cup and saucer upside down, and leave for five minutes. Then turn the cup upright, put the saucer to one side, and look at the shape the cappuccino foam or coffee grounds have made on the inside of the cup. Do you see cloud shapes or wings?

Coffee-cup reader Hulya Mehmet says:

* An angel wing or wings in your cup means your angels are protecting and guiding you

* Clouds: Light clouds are a message from the angels to follow your dream; darker clouds can show problems you will overcome

* The number 44 means the angels are with you.