13 Wishing on an Angel for Love
Do you need more love in your life? Love is like water—it needs to flow and be shared. We often think love is just romantic, but the purest love is the love we know when connected to the Source—when feeling completely at one with everything.
This could be the moment you were sitting on a hill overlooking a bay, watching a gull float over the water. It might have been when you spent a day alone and felt really at home surrounded by all your possessions. People often cite one relationship when they talk about love—maybe it’s when you held your child for the first time, or fell in love—but real love extends to all things and goes far beyond individual bonds; it’s about being connected with the whole of life. And when you can feel that very special sense of belonging, all your relationships benefit.
In the love meditation opposite we visualize pink, the color of love, affection, and compassion; it’s common to see pink in the aura of someone who is in love, as pink is one of the colors of the heart chakra (see Tip 12).
The Love Meditation: Heart Chakra
* Ground and protect yourself, and open up (see pages 9–10).
* Invite your angel to join you, calling them by name. Ask your angel for love for yourself and others, saying gently aloud or to yourself: “My Angel, please bring love and guidance into my life.” Do this three times, and really feel your positive intention in your heart and your breath.
Now you are connected with your angel, sense their wings glowing pink, and feel this beautiful color as a light in your heart chakra (see the illustration on page 12). Feel it glow, and let it soothe any angst or hurt. Feel the pink vibration around you, and feel at one with yourself and your angel. When you are ready, thank your angel, close down your chakras (see page 11), and open your eyes.
If you saw pale pink, you are experiencing the highest love. Any dark areas and dark colors mixed with the pink, such as brown, gray, or black, can show past hurts you are holding on to. You can transform this by going back into the visualization and this time projecting a vibrant, pale pink into your heart chakra to lift the vibration there and to help clear any blocks.
Did you see any other colors? Turn to the chart on page 39 to see what messages they hold.
When you have connected with your angels, visualize them sending pink light to the person or people you want to send love to. Thank your angels when this is done.
Whenever you need a love boost, you need only ask your angel to come close. Simply being with your angel lets you experience pure, unconditional love. You can also practice the self-healing technique for heart healing (see Tip 34)—place your left hand on your higher heart chakra and your right hand on your solar plexus, and sense your angel’s light filling you up.
Angels to call upon:
• Archangel Haniel, the love angel
• Archangel Raphael, the holy healer