Each astrological sign has its own ruling angel, whom you can call upon to reinforce your positive qualities, empowering you whenever you need a stronger sense of self. You can connect with your astro-angel at any time of year, not just during your birthday month. Below are listed the twelve signs and their angels, the qualities they offer you, and the special color each angel radiates.
To talk to your astro-angel, ground and protect yourself (see pages 9–10), and ask for a connection by calling their name three times and visualizing their color. Three is the number of magic and creation. You can also wear your zodiac or month–angel’s color to empower your connection. (For crystals, incense, and flower associations, see pages 32, 80, and 102.)
Can you cosmically connect? Try this ritual on a Friday, as this is the day ruled by Archangel Haniel, one of the angels of love. If you can, do it during a waxing moon phase—this is when the moon is growing into a full moon (you can check when the moon is waxing on an astrology or astronomy website).
* Place two candles on your altar, one of your astro-sign color, and one for the other person’s, or take two crystals—again, your astro-crystal and the crystal representing the other person’s astro sign—one in each hand. Ask the angel of the moon and guidance, Archangel Gabriel, to guide you together if this should be your destiny, and Archangel Haniel to help your relationship grow. Then place both crystals together on your altar. If you are using candles, light them both, make the same request, and thank these angels for their help. Blow out the candles and leave the candles and/or crystals on your altar for a moon cycle of 28 days. Within this time you should have your answer.
21 March–20 April
Angel Machidiel
• SYMBOL: The ram
• ANGEL MACHIDIEL’S GIFTS: Self-belief, focus, drive, action
• COLOR: Red
• CRYSTALS: Carnelian, diamond, Herkimer diamond
21 April–21 May
Angel Asmodel
• SYMBOL: The bull
• ANGEL ASMODEL’S GIFTS: Loyalty, luxury, patience, resourcefulness
• COLOR: Red-orange
• CRYSTALS: Rose quartz, emerald
22 May–21 June
Angel Ambriel
• SYMBOL: The twins
• ANGEL AMBRIEL’S GIFTS: Communication, flexibility, openness
• COLOR: Orange
• CRYSTALS: Citrine
22 June–22 July
Archangel Muriel
• SYMBOL: The crab
• ANGEL MURIEL’S GIFTS: Sensitivity, caring, keeping secrets
• COLOR: Amber
• CRYSTALS: Moonstone, pearl
23 July–23 August
Angel Verchiel
• SYMBOL: The lion
• ANGEL VERCHIEL’S GIFTS: Leadership, vision, generosity, courage
• COLOR: Lemon-yellow
• CRYSTALS: Golden topaz, tiger’s eye
24 August–22 September
Angel Hamaliel
• SYMBOL: The maiden
• ANGEL HAMALIEL’S GIFTS: Organization, relationships, healing
• COLOR: Yellow-green
• CRYSTALS: Jade, peridot, moss agate
23 September–23 October
Angel Zuriel
• SYMBOL: The scales
• ANGEL ZURIEL’S GIFTS: Harmony, justice, brain-power
• COLOR: Emerald
• CRYSTALS: Lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue topaz
24 October–22 November
Archangel Barachiel
• SYMBOL: The scorpion
• ANGEL BARACHIEL’S GIFTS: Intuition, chance, intensity, spirituality
• COLOR: Green-blue
• CRYSTALS: Obsidian, coral, aqua aura
23 November–21 December
Angel Advachiel
• SYMBOL: The archer
• ANGEL ADVACHIEL’S GIFTS: Travel, creativity, perspective
• COLOR: Blue
• CRYSTALS: Ruby, turquoise
22 December–20 January
Archangel Haniel
• SYMBOL: The goat
• ANGEL HANIEL’S GIFTS: Steadfastness, honesty, financial management
• COLOR: Indigo
• CRYSTALS: Garnet, ruby
21 January–18 February
Archangel Cambiel
• SYMBOL: The water-carrier
• ARCHANGEL CAMBIEL’S GIFTS: Communication, revelation, messages
• COLOR: Orange
• CRYSTALS: Moonstone, mother of pearl, opal
19 February–20 March
Angel Amnitziel
• SYMBOL: The fish
• ANGEL AMNITZIEL’S GIFTS: Empathy, originality
• COLOR: Crimson
• CRYSTALS:- Bloodstone, fluorite, coral