21 Write an Angel Blessing or a Letter
Angel blessing scrolls are messages written on small pieces of paper and rolled into a tiny scroll. You write down your request to your angel, then place the blessing scroll on your altar for seven days, or sleep with it under your pillow for seven nights. Seven is a mystical number and the number of creation, helping your wish manifest.
Before you begin, tune in to your angels, remembering to ground and protect yourself first (see pages 9–10). Visualize your angels’ wings around you (see the angel-wing meditation in Tip 8), and, if you have one, hold a crystal you have dedicated to angel communion, such as rose quartz or angel-wing calcite (see Tip 6). You may like to connect with your guardian angel or simply ask your angels in general to gather round you as you write your request. Whatever you do, begin when you feel a connection, and write from the heart.
* Dedicate the little paper scroll and pen you will write with to angelic work. Hold them in your right hand, connect with your angels, and say: “I dedicate these tools for working with my angels.” Feel the connection as a light passing from the angelic realm down through the crown of your head, through your third eye, throat, and heart chakras (see page 12), then through your right arm and hand, and into the pen and scroll. You have a manifesting chakra on the palm of each hand, and when you dedicate tools or dedicate and activate crystals by holding them, you link this chakra with your angels, bringing down their energy as you desire.
* As you hold the pen, focus on the vibration of your angels. Now set your intention. Imagine that your wish has been granted.
* Write the blessing as if your wish has already been granted. This might be:
“My angels, my mother is feeling much better …”
“My angels, thank you for bringing more money to us …”
“My angels, I now have a great job …”
* As you write, let the pen flow freely over the paper, sensing how your angels are with you and guiding you.
* Thank your angels, and sign the blessing with the name you are legally known by—not a nickname or other abbreviation. This is a formal request!
* Write the words “Blessing granted.”
* Roll up the scroll and tie it with ribbon or similar—the prettier it looks, the better, as angels love color and beauty.
* Place it on your altar.
Let the angels do the rest.
Angel to call upon:
• Archangel Metatron, the celestial scribe.
This is very easy and effective. Just follow the instructions above, but this time write an e–mail to your angels with your request, remembering to write as if your wish has been granted. Write the wish three times, finishing with your full name and adding “Blessing granted.” Then write “Thank you, My Angels.” Now e–mail it to yourself. If you have an angel-minded friend, you can e–mail your requests to her, and ask her to e–mail it back to you. Ask her to do the same. By reading, e–mailing, and exchanging your requests, you are empowering your intention that your wish is granted.
Here’s how you can use Twitter to send out a request to your angels. Tweet your blessing to @psychicsisters. Every week, Jayne and her team at Psychic Sisters gather together to ask their angels to help make your wishes come true.
Signing off with an archangel
If there’s a particular archangel whom you’d like to empower your blessing or letter, write the name of this angel after “Blessing granted.” Choose an angel linked with your message theme - such as Haniel, for love; Raphael, to send healing; or Michael, for truth and protection. See the Angel Directory on page 136 for more archangels and their associations.