29 Ask your Angels to Help You Find Lost Things
Archangel Chamuel is known for helping you find things that are lost. He understands how items can seem to disappear, and he also wants to help you put things in the right place. He will help you find anything, from your keys to your direction and purpose in life. As an angel of justice, he wants things to go right for you. You can also call upon Rochel, the angel of lost objects.
A friend was always losing her glasses (and the more stressed she was at work, the more often she misplaced them). Thankfully, her colleagues knew her of old and were used to finding them in the restroom, by the kettle, or abandoned in meeting rooms, and she always had them returned to her. Although she couldn’t break the habit of a lifetime and become a person who didn’t lose things, she believed her glasses were always returned to her because she kept a tiny carved crystal angel, wrapped in a piece of cotton, secreted in her glasses case. While she couldn’t always remember where she had left her glasses, she had asked her angels to help her, and they regularly did—through other people.
If you really think you’ve lost something for good, you can dowse to get more information as to its whereabouts.
To dowse you need something that will act as a pendulum, i.e. a weight on a chain or string. Ideally, work with a crystal pendulum, or use a pendant necklace (avoid magnetic stones such as hematite, though, as this can skew your reading). Alternatively, make your own pendulum with a ring on a chain or piece of string.
* Ground, protect, and open up to your angels (see pages 9–10).
* Now tune in to your pendulum. Close your eyes and hold your pendulum for a few moments. Feel its energy. You might find your palms becoming hotter or colder as you do this. Open your eyes, take your pendulum in your dominant hand, and rest your elbow somewhere comfortable so the pendulum chain can move freely and your hand and elbow are stable. Now ask your pendulum an obvious question, such as “Is my name xx?” Wait and you will see the pendulum begin to move without any input from you. It may move in a circular motion, clockwise, or anticlockwise; it may move backward and forward in a line. Now ask another “yes” question. This should confirm the movement your pendulum makes for “yes.” Do the same for “no.” If the pendulum doesn’t move, or if it is static and trembles, this may not be the right time to dowse; wait one day and try again, or rephrase your question.
* Call upon Archangel Chamuel to help you find your lost items. Wait for him to come close, and sense his presence through the signs you know—maybe a tingling, a color you sense in your mind’s eye, a feeling of warmth and love, or perhaps an aroma.
* Walk around your home or office room by room and observe if your pendulum moves into the “yes” or “no” position. The stronger the energy of your “yes,” the closer you are to your lost item. Keep moving around to sense the strongest energy, then search close to where you are standing. If the pendulum doesn’t move, try one more time, rephrasing the question, but if nothing happens then, it’s likely the item is not in this place or cannot be found. Thank your angels whether you find your item or not. Not every lost object can be located, and your angels will let you know either way.
* If you don’t wish to dowse, simply ask for a sign about the whereabouts of your item, saying: “Archangel Chamuel, please help me find xx.” Thank your angels, and close down (see page 11).
* Let go of the outcome. Trust that your angels will find a way to help you remember where your item is—this can happen through someone you know reminding you, or a stranger, like an Earth Angel, helping you (see Tip 23). It’s important to add immediacy to your request, as time is not a consideration for angels unless you ask for it. For example, say: “Please help me find my item as soon as you are able. Thank you.” We can only keep looking for something for so long before declaring it officially lost, so decide how long this is; a moon cycle of 28 days may be enough. In the meantime, have faith that your angels will be guiding you.