32 Talk to Your Angels with Candles

Lighting a candle signals a change in energy and mood. Candles have been used ritually for thousands of years to signify the shift from one state of being to another, from this world to the world of spirit and the realm of the angels. Lighting a candle is a way to gently prepare a space for spiritual work. It creates an ambience of calm and readiness for angel communication.

Whenever you feel you cannot set aside time to meditate with your angels, simply light a candle on your angel altar while you are in the same room doing other tasks. This symbolizes your desire to have your angels in your life, and nourishes your connection.

There are also particular candles associated with angels and archangels. So if you want to ask Archangel Raphael to help you with healing, for example, buy a green candle. Green is Raphael’s color, and the color of healing and the heart chakra (see Tip 12). You can anoint the candle with one of Raphael’s essential oils, bergamot (for other archangels and their essential oils, see Tip 26). To do this, tip a few drops of essential oil onto the tip of the unlit candle, near the wick, and gently rub it over the surface of the candle (use a square of kitchen roll to do this, rather than touching the oils directly, as some are skin irritants). Place the candle in a holder. Light the candle, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

* Ground, protect, and open up to your angels (see pages 910). Ask Raphael to help you by addressing him by name, stating your wish; feel his presence and angelic love. Say thank you, and put your trust in him. Let go of any anxiety or worry, and believe that Raphael hears your wish and will do everything he can to help you. When you have finished, leave the candle burning for a minute or two until your feel you are fully back in the room, then extinguish it. If you have asked your angel for help, see your wish as the candle smoke drifting up to the universe. Close down (page 11).

You can place the candle on your angel altar to empower your request. If you don’t have the color of candle you need, don’t worry. The candle color empowers the ritual but doesn’t exclude you from communicating with your chosen angel(s). Just take a plain white or yellow candle and visualize your chosen angel’s color as you light it. Your belief and intention to communicate are what counts. Just light a candle, and begin.


Archangels and Candle Colors

Raphael Green

Gabriel Orange

Michael Blue

Haniel Pink, turquoise

Uriel Red

Zadkiel Violet

Jophiel Yellow

Raziel Indigo

Metatron White

Auriel Silver