34 When You are Ill your Guardian Angel will Hold Your Hand

Your guardian angel will come close while you are ill; you just have to ask. If you try this meditation at bedtime, ask Archangel Michael to ground the healing and close down for you in advance if you fall asleep partway through.

* First, do the grounding, protection, and opening-up visualization (see pages 910). Gently speak the name of your guardian angel aloud or silently, or just say: “My Angel, please join me now. Thank you.” Breathe in and sense your body filling with your guardian angel’s light.

* Ask your guardian angel to bring Raphael, the healing archangel. Imagine his color, emerald-green, pouring into every cell of your body. Sense his wings around you, giving you an angel hug. Connect with this feeling of calm and protection. Now ask for what you need. This might be help with pain in a part of your body, help dealing with tiredness and exhaustion, or perhaps the patience to rest and care for yourself.

* Trust your senses. If you have any pain or discomfort, the quality of the pain may start to feel different. Trust this feeling and stay with it. Imprint the feeling of protection and healing as a way to show your body how to heal itself. The angels see you as a perfect being. See yourself as perfect, as they do, and begin to generate a vibration of wellness.

* Watch your thoughts. Your words have an energy imprint—negative words can put you in a place of victimhood. Try to connect with a true sense of wellness, perhaps by visualizing words such as “relaxed,” “vital,” or “at home with myself.”

* Listen to your body, don’t fight it. Fighting pain and discomfort takes energy. Pain is a message from your body—what is your body trying to tell you? Send compassion to the parts that hurt.

* Place your left hand on your higher heart chakra and your right hand on your solar plexus (see the illustration on the following page). This connects you with love and energy—at a spiritual level, your angels’ universal love and your soul wisdom. Your body and mind know how to be well. Sense Raphael’s healing light flowing through your arms and palms into these chakras. Rest and let the energy flow. You can do this chakra self-healing exercise every day to support your health, even when you are well.

* Ask Archangel Michael to ground the healing in this lifetime, and any other lifetimes you had before.

* Close down when you feel ready (see page 11).


Chakra self-healing


For healing sleep, you can place any of these items on your bedside table or nightstand. They are symbols of protection and your angels, who watch over you. If you don’t have any of the crystals as individual stones, look through your jewelry collection to see if you have that crystal as a necklace, earrings, or bracelet, and place that by your bed instead.

* Your angel crystal (see Tip 6)

Lapis lazuli, forprotection, goodsleep, dreams, and spiritual connection

* Hematite, for grounding and protection. Also helps insomnia

* Celestite, the stone of heaven. Helps you remember your dreams

* A figurine of Raphael, the healing angel

* Any other angel figurine you love

* Charms: Feathers, wings, angelforms

* If you have children who are suffering from nightmares, the crystal chrysoprase, a heart chakra stone, helps protect them from bad dreams. Place it on their bedside table, or they can sleep with it under their pillow (of course, this isn’t suitable for younger children, who may mistake it for a sweet!). You can also try lepidolite, which is calming and balancing, brings emotional healing, and protects against negativity.

Now dedicate the items to deep, restful sleep, as follows.

* First ground, protect, and open up (see pages 910). Set your intention to have a great night’s sleep and generate how you want to feel tomorrow morning. Take yourself back to the last time you felt this way and reconnect with that feeling of contentment. (If you are dedicating crystals for your children, visualize them sleeping well and waking feeling happy and relaxed.)

* Place the items in your right hand (if you have lots of objects, you’ll need to do this more than once, depending on what can fit in your palm). Attune to each object for a few minutes by holding it and feeling its vibration, then call in your guardian angel.

* Ask your guardian angel to bless the objects, by saying: “My Angel, please bless these objects [and name them in turn] and watch over me.” Sense your angel’s white light passing through your crown, third eye, throat, and heart chakras, then down your left arm to your palm and to the object/s you’re holding. Really feel the angelic vibration in your body as you make the connection between your guardian angel, you, and the objects. Now ask your angel to bring you restful sleep, and to watch over you. Thank your guardian angel, and close down (see page 11).

Crystals and Cell Phones


Cell phones emit an electromagnetic field, and some people sense that this affects them in a negative way. If you are highly sensitive to energy, you may need to protect yourself from cell-phone emanations. Many of us have our phones switched on at night because we need them for an alarm. Ideally you would switch back to a non-electrical clock, but if this isn’t convenient for you, crystals can help. Try amazonite, black tourmaline, and sodalite to absorb cell-phone emanations. Place them between you and your phone on your bedside table or nightstand.