39 Talk to Your Angels with Angel Cards
Angel cards are a brilliant way to invite angels into your life. Keep them on display in a bowl and choose one at random for a daily affirmation. Making your own cards charges them with your energy and makes a strong connection with your angels.
Take some colored pencils or poster paint or, if you don’t have these, some old magazines. Cut seven card shapes from sturdy cardboard—they can be any size or shape you like.
Choose shades of these colors:
Red, orange, yellow, green, pink, blue, indigo, violet
You can color in the whole of the card in a color or paint a “swipe” on each. If you’re using magazines, cut out color swatches and stick them onto the card. Now attune your cards.
* Ground, protect, and open up (see pages 9–10).
* Hold the cards in your right hand and really feel your angels’ presence through your senses. Ask your angels to bless the cards, saying: “My Angels, please bless these cards. May my readings be for the good of everyone.” When you are ready, thank your angels.
* Hold each card to your heart in turn, feeling your angels’ wings around you.
* Shuffle the cards and choose one.
What color do you see? This is your angel’s message for you today:
• RED is for security. You are being asked to look at your identity and how safe you feel. This may relate to your home and life direction.
• ORANGE is for sexuality and self-expression. What do you need to share and create?
• YELLOW is good health, strength, and joy.
• ROSE-PINK is for love and compassion.
• GREEN denotes healing and protection.
• BLUE is for speaking your truth and communicating clearly with others.
• INDIGO is for intuition and psychic connection.
• VIOLET is for transformation and your spiritual path.
* Close down after the reading (see page 11).
You can use angel cards or your own color cards to do simple readings for yourself and your friends.
After grounding, protecting, and opening up to your angels (see pages 9–10), shuffle the cards to imprint your energy on them. If you are reading for a friend, ask them to shuffle the cards. Then fan out the cards on a table and choose three using your left hand (traditionally, the left hand is known as “the hand of fate”). The first card you pick represents the past, the second shows the present, and the third the future.
* Try explaining the card meanings as if you were telling a story. Your angels will help you interpret the cards further—sense any other images or words that come to you while you are reading the colors.
* When you have finished your reading, thank your angels and close down (see page 11).
The channeled messages in the Directory (page 141) can be inspiration for your message cards, or you can make your own. Here’s how:
* Go through the grounding and protection ritual (see pages 9–10).
* Take your angel journal (see Tip 19) or a notebook and pen. Connect with Archangel Metatron, the angelic scribe; ask him to come close, and thank him in advance for helping you.
* Take up your pen and sense your angel’s energy around you, using all your senses. Now ask for a message. Write it down quickly and turn over the page. Do this again, for each message you receive, and repeat until you feel the energy shift. If you start to feel as though your mind is taking over and directing you, take a break, reconnect with your angels and/or Archangel Metatron, and continue.
* Cut out the words and place them in a small bowl on your angel altar.
* Thank your angels, and close down (see page 11).
If you’re finding it difficult to trust a word you’re getting—or if you’re not getting anything—try this: hold your pen in your non-dominant hand (so if you are right-handed, hold the pen in your left hand, and vice versa). We use the non-dominant hand because it helps bypass your “thinking” mind, which can get in the way of your intuition. See what happens now.