
Aaron, 179

Acts, 147, 325n19

Adam, 30–31, 89

Albert the Great, 176, 325n13

Albigensians, 66

Alembert, Jean le Rond d’, 141, 198, 226, 245, 325n4

Allobrogians, 103

Aloisia, 146, 322n68

Althusius, Johannes, 235, 326n46

Amadeus VIII, 107

Amé V, 114

Amé VIII, 119

Amedée of Savoy, 119

amour-propre, 9, 25, 29, 42, 55, 284, 292

Amsterdam, 16

Antichrist, xiv, 81, 163, 310, 321n46

Antioch, 144

Antoine, Nicholas, 216–217

Antonin, 66

Archimedes, 133

Aristides, 72

Aristophanes, 224

Aristotle, 108, 324n2

Asia, 64

atheism, atheists, xvi, xxi, 6, 12, 26, 49–50, 75–76, 87

Athens, Athenians, 10, 172, 224, 254, 285, 292

Augustine, Saint, 7, 14, 19, 29, 53, 78, 90, 317n12, 318n35, 320n25

Aymon, 110

Baal, 175

Baillods, Henri, 313, 328n4

Balard, Jean, 127

Bantu, 40

Bardin, Isaac, 288, 295

Basel, 108

Baume, Pierre de la, 113, 119, 121, 125

Beausobre, Isaac de, 44, 321n44

Belial, 3

Berne, 127, 253

Berruyer, Father, 186, 325n24

Binet, Abraham-Gédéon, 328n78

Bourg, Anne du, 66, 322n59

Boyle Society, 173

Brantôme [Brantome], Pierre de Bourdeilles, seigneur de, 190, 325n26

Brioché, 175, 325n14

Bruhier, Jacques-Jean d’Ablaincourt, 176, 325n17

Burgundy, 102, 105, 107, 108

Burnet, Thomas, 30, 320n26

Cabrières, 67

Caesar, 103, 292

Caiaphas, 164

Calas, Jean, 6, 167, 322n36

Calvin, Jean, 156, 159, 165, 241

Camisards, 62

Cana, 168–169

Carlos, Don, 190

Carthage, 243, 285

Causens, Chevalier de Mauléon de, 78, 322n64

Charlemagne, 103, 107, 109

Charles III, Duke, 123

Charles IV, 119, 121

Charles V, 119, 121, 123

Charles the Bold, 123

Chenelat, P., 193

China, 262

Chorier, Nicholas, 322n68

Chouet, Jean-Louis, 275, 281

Cicero, 68, 166

Clement of Alexandria, 44

Clerc, Joseph, 313

Confignon, Pierre de, 114

Conflans, Bishop Guillaume, 114

conscience, xxii, 28–29, 49, 51, 53, 75, 126, 145, 148, 160, 163, 221, 223

Corinthians, 47, 58, 97

creator, creation, xv, xvii, 7, 40, 42, 59

David, 224

De Deo uno et trino, 91

De Trinitate, 78, 90

Decemvirs, 255

Deuteronomy, 57, 70

Dominick, 66

Domitian, 14

Ducals, 127

Edict of Nantes, 61

Edom, 312

Eigeldinger, Fréderic S., 315n6

Eignots, 127

Elijah, 175

Elul, 313

England, 62, 176, 225, 246, 252, 287–291

Epictetus, 92

Eskimos, 40

Espagne, Henri, l’, 116

Euclid, 137

Exodus, 180

Fabri, Bishop Ademarus, 112, 114, 281

Farel, Guillaume, 164

Fleury, Cardinal de, 162

Four, Borough of, 111

François I, 123

Francueil, Mme. de, 321n50

Frawstat, 170

Frederick the Great, xiii, 170

Fribourg, 107, 113, 124, 127, 253

Froment, Antoine, 164

Gaillard, Castellan of, 116

Galatians, 47, 95

Galilee, 169

general will, 232, 267, 301

Genesis, 31, 44

genius, 60, 156, 212

Gentil, Valentin, 241

Gentilis, Albéric, 216

Germany, 108, 225, 235

Girardin de la Rive, 127

Goths, 108

Grabeau, 241

Grammont, Bishop Humbert de, 114

Greece, Greeks, 72, 108

Gregory XII, Pope, 121

Grotius, Hugo, 173

Guinea, 175

Gustave, 170

Ham, 24, 319n10

Harcourt, College of, 175

Hardouin, Jean, 173

Hebrew, 44, 95, 173

Henri IV, 320n31

Heraclitus, 44

History of Manicheanism, 44

History of the Severambes, 234, 326n43

Hobbes, Thomas, 235

Hypotiposes, 44

Imer, Jean-Jacques, 309, 328n1

Ishmael, 64

Israel, 50, 216

Italy, 123, 225

James, Saint 146

James II, 231

Jansenism, Jansenists, 26, 54, 69, 186, 319n17, 321n54

Jesuits, 25, 34, 158, 319n16

Jesus, xvi, xx, 3, 11–13, 15, 47–48, 58, 72–73, 78, 81, 89, 97, 142–146, 151, 170–180, 186, 321n53

Jews, 169–171, 225

John, 168, 169, 170, 172

John, Saint, 176

John Damascene, Saint, 15, 318n41

Joli de Fleuri, 54, 321n49

Jonah, 169

Joseph, 168

Joshua, 175

Judea, 169

Justin Martyr, 44

Juvenal, 324n1

Keith, George, 223, 319n12, 326n35

Koran, 149

La Bruyère, Jean de, 150

La Mare, Henri de, 186

La Rochefoucauld [La Rochefoucault], François, duc de, 150

Lahonton, Baron de, 101, 324n35

Lapland, Lapps, 40

Lausanne, 108

law of nature, xiv, 62, 174

Lazarus, 176

Le Fort, Louis, 292

Le Vasseur, Thérèse, 321n50

Leipzig, 170

Leon X, Pope, 119

Leonidas, 72

Leszczynski, Stanislas, 328n83

Leti, Gregorio, 115

Libya, 285

Livy, 68

Locke, John, 235

Lombards, 108

Louis XIV, 126

love of oneself, 28–30

Lucretius, 44

Luke, 151, 168, 169

Lullin, P. E., 135

Lutherans, 137

Lutzen, 170

Magna Carta, 281

Manicheans, 44

Marius, 292

Mark, 151, 169, 171, 172, 180

Marseille, 294

Martin V, Pope, 113

Mary, 72

Matthew, 47, 151, 168, 169, 170, 172, 180

Maximillian, Emperor, 119

Mercurey of Neufchâtel, 162

Merindol, 67

Messiah, 85, 169, 171

Mestrezat, Philippe, 273

Methodists, 186

Micheli du Crest, Jacques-Bartélemy, 260

Milan, Milanese, 124

Miller, James 317n66

misanthrope, 22

Mishnah, 57

Mohammed, 63, 64

monster, 26, 50, 65, 94

Montazet, Antoine de Malvin de, 78, 322n65

Montelli, Canon, 115

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de, 224, 236, 253, 325n5, 328n5

Montmollin, Frédéric-Guillaume de, xiv, 321n46, 325n5, 328n5

More, Thomas, 326n43

Morelli, Jean, 136, 192, 200, 214–216, 241,

Moses, xix, 45, 68, 70, 170, 180

Narva, 170

natural law, xvi, 16, 54, 108

natural right, 62, 136

Nero, 14

Neufchâtel, 112, 248

Newton, Isaac, 174

Ninevites, 169

Nollet, Jean-Antoine, abbé, 175, 325n13

Octavius, 292

Odo de Villars, 119

Origen, 44

Otho, 261, 327n65

Pâris, Jean de, 68–69, 322n61

Parsi, 63

Pascal, Blaise, 316–317n54

Paul, Saint, 3, 8, 15, 38, 41, 47, 58, 81, 89, 144, 146, 172, 186–187, 224

Pericles, 302

Perrin, François, 192

Peter, 317n6, 318n33

Peter, Saint, 89

Pharisees, 47

Philibert, Duke, 122

Philip, 180

philosopher, xvi, 3, 6, 39, 41, 81, 142, 166, 293, 328n83

philosophy, xv, xxii, 3, 5, 15, 24, 31–32, 39, 44, 81, 153, 208, 212, 225, 227, 267, 284

Photius, 44

Plato, 44, 72, 84, 160, 234, 320n42

Plutarch, 328n89

Poland, 198, 239, 327n51, 328n83

political thinker, 29, 149, 239, 243, 320n24

Pompey, 292

Praenestum, 175, 325n11

Proverbs, 318nn32, 40

providence, xxi, 46, 59, 85, 140

Puffendorf, Samuel, 262

Rabelais, François, 158

Richardet, Claude, 127

right of nature, 61

Rivet, Dom Antoine, 321n43

Romans, 317n9, 318nn17, 34

Rome, Roman Empire, Romans, xxvi, 10, 68, 103, 108, 109, 112, 116, 125, 154, 233, 243, 285, 291, 292

Rouelle, Guillaume-Francois, 175, 325n12

Saint Pierre, Charles Castel, Abbé de, 236, 323n9

Salleneuve de, 121

Sarrisin, Jean, 260, 327n13

Satan, 163, 165, 310

Savoy, Jean de, 119

Savoy, Jean Louis de, 124

Savoye, Claude, 127

Servet, Michel, 165, 216

Sesson, Bishop Pierre de, 114

Sidney, Algernon, 235, 326n45

Sigismund, Emperor, 119, 121

Silhouette, Etienne de, 295, 328n85

Simon, 180

Sion, 108

Sixtus IV, Pope, 121

Socinians, 158

Socrates, 72–73, 126–127, 224

Sophroniscus, 72

Sorlin, 121

Sparta, Spartans, 10, 68, 72, 285, 292

Spinoza, 24, 87, 319n11

Spon, 121

State of nature, xvii

Stephen, Saint, 144

Strasbourg, 126,

Stromates, 44

Surat, 63

Sylla, 292

Syracuse, 133

Syria, 175

Tacitus, 261, 327n65

Talmud, 57

Tertullian, 9, 42, 45, 318n19

Thomas, Saint, 58

Thonon, Michel Guillet de, 247

Thucydides, 302

Timothy, 74, 317n1, 318n37

Titus, 318n36

Tobias, 15, 318nn38–39.

Toulouse, 66

Townsend, Lord, 281

Treaty of Soleure, 281

Trinity, 78, 97, 148

Tronchin, Louis, 204

Turks, 59

Ulpian, 83

Utopia, 234, 326n43

Vairasse, Denis, 326n43

Vauvenargues, Marquis de, 208, 326n29

Venice, 175, 252

Verneau, Vidomne, 127

Vernes, Jacob, 173

Vernet, Jacob, 173

Vienna, 116, 125

Voltaire, xxiv, 224, 322n4, 326nn31, 32, 38

Wido, Bishop, 110, 114

Wilkes, John, 289, 328n76

William of Orange, 231

Wisdom, 317n2

wise man, the wise, sage, 11, 15, 41, 69, 73, 167, 174, 178, 179, 211

Zeringhen, Duke of, 119

Zoroaster, 63

Zurich, 253


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712–1778

[Selections. English. 2002. University Press of New England]

Letter to Beaumont, letters written from the mountain, and related writings / edited by Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace.

p. cm. — (The collected writings of Rousseau; vol. 9)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 1-58465-164-4 (alk. paper)

ISBN 978-1-61168-285-4 (e-book)

1. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712–1778—Censorship. 2. Church and state. I. Grace, Eve. II. Title.

PQ2034 .A3 1990 vol. 9


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