Airplane Position Indicator 67
Allin, William Bradford 49
Amherst NS 83
Antigonish NS 67
Automobile Backup Light 70
Automobile parts 60, 68, 70, 83, 84
Baddeck NS 32
Baggage Check, Separable 63
Barker, William Henry 85
Barnes, Charles C. 53
Bateman, George Charles 85
Bathurst NB 45
Bear River NS 54
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Lord 68
Bell, Alexander Graham 32
Bertrand, Philias 78
Berwick NS 19
Black, James William 19
Boat Propeller 58
Boiestown NB 79
Boutilier, Walter H. 27
Bryce, Frank W. 27
Bustin, Robert 85
Campbell, Thomas 33
Canadian Standards Association 74
Canoe, Wood and Canvas 65
Cantelo, John Solomon 49
Cap with Ear and Head Band 36
Chesley Corner NS 56
Chestnut Canoe Company 65
Chestnut, Harry 65
Chestnut, William T. 65
Chicken Bone 20
Chocolate Nut Bar 20
Chocolate Peppermint Rolls20
Clark, Joseph Sutton 21
Clothes Washer with Wringer Rolls 28
Coleman, Stephen Leonard Chauncey 68, 83, 84
Confectionary Marker 20
Connecting Link 55
Connors Bros. Ltd. 26
Connors, Lewis 84
Coulson, James C. 36
Crossword Game 41
Crowell, W.A. 85
Cultivating and Hilling Machine 57
Cycle Runner 64
Daine, Richard 85
Dalhousie NB 61
Daman, L.W. 80
Davy, Arthur 66
Deer Island NB 23
Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation 74
Dump Box for Truck 71
Egerton NS 50
Elliott, James 46
Faucets, Combined Hot and Cold Water 33
Fenerty, Edward Lawson 85
Fish, Frozen Marinated 27
Fish Oil Products 23
Fishway 45
Fredericton NB 47, 62, 65, 68, 83, 84
Fuller Brush Company 37, 38, 87-88
Gallagher, Bernard 85
Ganong, Gilbert W. 20
Ganong, Whidden 23
Gay, Robert 85
Gesner, Abraham 48
Gill, Abraham 51
Goodenough, Sidney Herbert 86
Goudge, Henry 85
Grand Pré NS 39
Grand River PEI 49
Grant, Charles L. 39
Great Bend KS 38
Halifax NS 27, 29, 48, 70, 85, 86
Hall, Arthur Wesley 73
Harris, Robert Carr 61
Harrison, Frank A. 86
Harrison, Thomas 85
Hartford CT 37
Hasbro Inc. 42
Holman, Robert C. 57
Horsford, Samuel 85
Household Cleaning Products 28, 30, 31, 87-88
Hudson’s Bay Company 65
Hughes, Joseph Stuart 56
Ice Cream Soda 19
Ironing Board 31
Jenkins, George 49
Kentville NS 22
Kerosene 48
Larkin, John T. 85
Leadbetter, George W. 40
Lewis, Charles 84
Lipsett, James Thomas 77
Lollipops 20
Lyons, John Mitchell 63
Mabou NS 60
MacGillivray, John D. 67
Mackie, Irwin Cameron 74
Mawhinney, Robert T. 71
McAvity, Alexander 46
McCloskey, Lawrence St. Clair 79
McColl, Francis Partridge 84
McDonald, Edward R. 41
McFarlan, Richard 45
McKeen, Samuel 60
McNaughton, Isaac 50
McVay, William Alexander 73
Metal Protection 86
Miller, James H. 62
Miller’s Flanger 62
Moncton NB 63
Montreal QC 27
Munro, Donald 55
Murray Harbour PEI 49
Negus, Frank 86
New Glasgow NS 66
Odometer 60
Oxford NS 85
Parson, Osborne H. 86
Patch, John 58
Pavement, Red 75
Phillips, Henry James 75
Pictou NS 55
Pool Cue Tip, Replaceable 40
Poole, John Henry 83
Porter, John B. 31
Potato Digger 49
Propeller, Variable Pitch 72
Pulleys, Rubber-Lined 50
Quick-Release Buckle 66
Rand, Rupert Leslie 83
Rein Connector 66
Reynolds, W.E. 49
Robertson, John R. 86
Roller Bearing 54
Rooney, James 22
Ross, James A. 70
Rotary Ventilator 77
Round Hill NS 86
Saint Hilaire NB 82
Saint John NB 28, 30, 33, 34, 46, 71, 77, 78, 83, 85
Saw Tooth, Inserted 78
Scrabble 42
Scuba Tank 46
Sederquest, J. Roswell 64
Shediac NB 41
Shoes, Gum Rubber 39
Sidewalk, Partitioned Concrete 73
Skates, Clip-On 29
Smith, Chesley Ernest 83
Snow Blower 61
Snowbike 64
Soap, Cold Water 30
Somerville MA 37
Spencer, John M. 83
Springhill NS 40
St. Andrews NB 84
St. George NB 21
Stabilizing Bar for Vehicle Suspension System 68-69
Stanfield, Frank 35
Stanfield, John 35
Stanfield’s Limited 35
Starr Manufacturing Company 29
Steam Engine, Compound 47
Steel Rails, Tempering of 74
Stevens, John 69
Stewart, Andrew James 30
Stewart, Thomas McAvity 34
Stiggins, William 49
Strain Gauges 76
Summerside PEI 57
Sydney NS 74
Taylor, Peter 86
Tea and Coffee Pot 22
Telephony, Electric 32
Thermal Windowpane 79
Therriault, Joseph Leon 82
Thomas, George Welton 54
Thompson, Joseph 83
Thompson, Rachel A. 85
Tibbets, Benjamin F. 47
Tidal Motors 86
Toilet Bowl, Vortex-Flushing 34
Toothbrush with Replaceable Bristles 37-38
Track Clearer 62
Turnbull, John E. 28
Turnbull, W.R. 86
Turnbull, Wallace Rupert 72, 86
Typewriter and Calculating Machinsms 86
Underwear Combination, Adjustable 35
University of New Brunswick 69
Vane Pump 53
Water Purification 86
Weatherstrip 82
Welsford NS 37
Wentworth, Hartley A. 23
Westfield NB 83
Whelpley, Edwin H. 85
Whelpley, James Albert 85
Whitman, George 86
Windsor NS 85
Wood Pulp in Sheets 56
Wood Pulp Press 56