How I Got Happy: The Author’s Story
Concept: mind helps the body, body helps the mind; Timothy McCall, M.D., “The Science of Yoga,” chap. 2 in Yoga as Medicine (New York: Bantam Books, 2007).
Who, Why, and How to Happy-Go-Yoga
“Mindful Awareness Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety; Ease Depression and Pain,” UCLA Health, November 8, 2013.
Diana Yates, “A 20-Minute Bout of Yoga Stimulates Brain Function Immediately After,” University of Illinois News Bureau, June 5, 2013.
Meera Balasubramaniam, Shirley Telles, and P. Murali Doraiswamy, “Yoga on Our Minds: A Systematic Review of Yoga for Neuropsychiatric Disorders,” abstract, Frontiers in Psychiatry, January 25, 2013.
Chin-Ming Jeng, Tzu-Chieh Cheng, Ching-Huei Kung, and Hue-Chen Hsu, “Yoga and Disc Degenerative Disease in Cervical and Lumbar Spine: An MR Imaging-Based Case Control Study,” abstract, European Spine Journal, August 15, 2010.
Travel Buddies
Christine Chen. “Suffering from Presidential Stress?” MSN Healthy Living, The Daily Apple Blog, November 5, 2012.
Based on classic Garudasana, p. 97; B. K. S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga (London, England; Harper Collins UK, 2009).
Classic yoga twist, no source.
Based on classic Kundalini eye exercises.
Classic yoga arm bind, no source.
Adaptation of classic Bakasana (Crane or Crow Pose). P. 315; “Light on Yoga,” Iyengar, Light on Yoga.
Adaptation of classic Vrksasana (Tree Pose), p. 62; Iyengar, Light on Yoga.
Adaptation of Bikram Standing Half Moon Pose; Bikram Yoga College of India; with adaptations via Viniyoga style.
Adaptation of preparation for forearm stand, with “prayer” hands. No official name, no official pose, commonly used throughout yoga practices.
Adaptation of Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breath) p. 445; Iyengar, Light on Yoga.
Career Counselors
Personal practice.
Christine Chen. “Can You Fake It ’Til You Make It?” MSN Healthy Living, Daily Apple Blog.
Classic yoga seated twist, no source.
Hakini mudra; Gertrud Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, (New Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 2000) p. 112.
Classic Pada Bandha, no source.
Personal practice.
Adaptation of Restorative yoga (as learned in the tradition provided by Judith Hanson Lasater).
Mushti mudra; Pushpaputa mudra; Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, pp. 106, 164.
Classic adaptation of Pigeon Pose, standing use.
Supported Warrior III classic, no source.
Road Rage Relief
Traditional deity/mythical story of Goddess Kali; pose created by Dana Flynn and Jasmine Tarkeshi, cofounders of Laughing Lotus Yoga Center in New York City.
Classic hand movement in Warrior flow series, Christine Chen Yoga adaptation.
IT stretch: commonly known, adapted by Christine Chen Yoga.
Classic yoga teaching on relaxing the face to communicate to the brain; supplemented by concepts in The Yoga Face, Annelise Hagen, (New York: Penguin, 2007).
Alignment based on Iyengar, Light on Yoga, p. 71; Urdhva Drishti: David Life, “The Eye of the Beholder,” Yoga Journal.
Own Warrior I practice with a block; based on the story of the warrior struggle in the Bhagavad Gita—general theme of the critical chapter of the Mahabharata.
Classic yoga pose with multiple trainings.
Variation on Utthita Hasta Padangustasana: Iyengar, Light on Yoga, p. 77–78; “Orthopaedic Surgery Sports Medicine Guide to Cracking and Popping,” Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path (Distributed by Metta Forest Monastery 1999).
Ayurveda principles, personal practice.
Chill, Homies
Personal practice.
Uddiyana Bandha; simple modification from Yoga Journal and Iyengar, Light on Yoga.
Skandasana; different in the disciplines; using Vinyasa tradition.
Vajrasana; Srivatsa Ramaswami, The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga, p. 177–178 (New York, Da Capo, 2005).
Utkata Konasana/Goddess Pose; Yoga Basics.
Iyengar, Light on Yoga, pages 120 & 176.
Personal practice.
Salamba Sirsasana; Yoga Journal sample version; Brahmari Breath.
Classic Viparita Karani.
Classic Yin Pose.
Sunny-Side Up
Variation on classic Surya Namaskar, common practice.
Classic yoga teaching on relaxing the face to communicate to the brain; and adaptations from Hagen, The Yoga Face.
Kundalini kriya, classic practice.
Prasarita Padottanasana, classic pose.
Sama Vritti, Iyengar, Light on Yoga, p. 453.
Seated Cat-Cow, used as a classic warm-up and reduced Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Iyengar, Light on Yoga, 87.
Bhastrika breath: Chopra Center.
Vajrapradama mudra, Unshakeable Confidence and Trust; Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands p. 160.
Fish Pose variation, Matsyasana; Iyengar, Light on Yoga, p. 138.
Family Fun
Based on classic Bhujangasana; Iyengar, Light on Yoga, p. 107.
Sternocleidomastoid; Ray Long, The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys, vol. I, (Bhanda Yoga: 2007) p. 197.
Mudgara mudra: Cain Carroll and Revital Carroll, Mudras of India, p. 160; Timothy McCall, Yoga as Medicine; traditional story of the Ramayana.
Personal practice; Long, Key Muscles of Yoga, p. 157–160.
Adaptation of Vikasitakamalasana (Blossoming Lotus Pose); “Blossom and Grow,” Yoga Journal, and Sharon Gannon, “Blossoming Lotus,” Jivamukti Yoga, June 2006.
Combination of Laughing Lotus’s Breath of Joy, Sama Vritti Pranayama, and Hatha yoga Breath of Joy, from Yoga International.
Agnistambhasana; “Fire Log Pose,” Yoga Journal.
Dolphin Pose preparation for Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose or Forearm Stand).
Reclined pigeon pose; adaptation and variation on the common One-Legged King Pigeon Pose.
Anahata Chakra mudra: Carroll and Carroll, Mudras of India, p. 42; Christine Chen, “Everyday Shapes from the Heart,” blog post.
Crowd Control
Utkatasana (Chair Pose) variations p.88; Iyengar, Light on Yoga.
Universal chakras system.
Standing Half Moon; “Half Moon Pose,” Bikram Yoga.
Basic move to step back to a lunge; personal practice.
Kundalini kriya; Sochi mudra; Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, p. 104–105.
Sherry Ruah, “10 Surprising Health Benefits of Love,”, 2009.
Anjali; Carroll and Carroll, Mudras of India, p. 44; practice tip from “Salutation Seal,” Yoga Journal.
McCall, Yoga as Medicine, p. 249. (chronic fatigue treatment sequence.)
Trataka, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Yoga Bible/Cleansing Kriyas, Candle Gazing, p. 344 (Great Britain, Godsfield Press, 2003).
Reclined version of Jathara Parivartanasana (Stomach-Revolving Spinal Twist) and Sama Vritti Pranayama.
Child’s Pose standard teacher assist; also see “Child’s Pose, Yoga Journal.
Classic poses; “Peak Form,” Yoga Journal, and “Side-Reclining Leg Lift,” Yoga Journal.
Classic Sukhasana pose.
Classic Sukhasana partner variation.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, “Relaxation Techniques for Health: An Introduction,” National Institutes of Health, February 2013, and “Stress Management Health Center,” WebMD, National Institutes of Health, “Happiness Spreads Through Social Groups.”
Global 24/7
“Mindfulness Meditation Training Changes Brain in 8 Weeks,” news release, Massachusetts General Hospital, January 21, 2011.
Buddhist meditation.
Ganesha mudra; Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, p. 60.
Kumbhaka breath; adapted from various sources, including Sharon Gannon and David Life, Jivamukti Yoga (New York: Ballantine Books, 2002) p. 106.
Thomas Ashley-Farrand, Healing Mantras (New York: Ballantine Books, 1999) p. 165.
Kundalini yoga/Kirtan kriya; Carroll and Carroll, Mudras of India, p. 30; Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, p. 31.