Epilogue: Namaste, Bitches
As we come to the end of our journey together, I want you to think about a big question … WHY? Why should you just get on and do the tasks? Why should you step into your greatness and go for your goals with gusto? Well, I’m here to ask you, why not?
What have you got to lose? Why not be the you with the money you desire, the body you dream of, the relationship that lights you up? Why not now? What are you waiting for? Take action NOW.
Don’t wait for tomorrow to implement the changes in your life. Don’t wait until tomorrow to give up the sugar. Don’t wait until tomorrow to finally start that business. Don’t wait until tomorrow to take salsa classes in Brazil. Whatever it is that your heart yearns for, it is already yours for the taking if you tune in to the frequency of the Universe and move gracefully towards that which you want following a plan that you can put your focus on.
And remember this, nobody is an overnight success. In psychology, there is a concept called relative deprivation. This is where you have the perception that you are worse off than the other people you compare yourself to. Having this feeling can lead to the comparison hangover I talked about in Chapter 4. Most of us compare our today to someone else’s 20 years of hard graft. We haven’t seen the work or sacrifices they put in behind the scenes. Don’t be scared to put the work in because, as clichéd as it sounds, success is not the last stop on the journey. Success is the person you become as a result of the journey you take. Who you become as a result of stepping up and unapologetically being the best version of you is where the magic lies.
As I explained earlier in this book, when you look at someone else and it triggers envy, use that positively. Use that envy as a kind reminder from the Universe that you desire something and that it is meant for you, too. But don’t be misled into believing you can click your fingers for it, because most successful people I’ve spoken to have put in the heart hustle to make it happen. (Heart hustle is the work you must put in to follow your heart’s desires.) Be willing to work for your dreams and accept that it’s going to get uncomfortable doing it. But oh so bloody worth it.
Let the power of your mind and the power of the Universe create your ideal life. Trust that you have all you need inside your incredible imagination to forge a life beyond your wildest expectations. Make a commitment to move past your limiting beliefs, ninja-kick your way through your fears and put yourself in the driver’s seat. Stop giving a fuck about the little things in life that simply don’t matter. Save your fucks for magical shit. Success is your absolute birth right. Remember to lead life through the lens of love and this will truly leave you Soul-ar-powered and tuned firmly in to UniverseFM. And if someone says you can’t do what you want, do it twice and take a selfie.
Our time together and your journey of spiritual awesomeness and psychological transformation do not stop here. I have created some life-changing tools to help you stay focused and keep you motivated to become the best version of you – find them at www.noorhibbert.com/book.
Life really is the ticket to the greatest show on earth – are you ready to come join me in the front row?