Janet McCalman

1 Chi Xu et al., ‘Future of the human climate niche’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(21), 26 May 2020. www.​pnas​.org​/cgi​/doi​/10​.1073​/pnas​.191011​4117

2 Paul Anthem, ‘Risk of hunger pandemic as coronavirus set to almost double acute hunger by end of 2020’, World Food Programme Insight, 16 April 2020. https://​insight​.wfp​.org​/covid​-19​-will​-almost​-double​-people​-in​-acute​-hunger​-by​-end​-of​-2020​-59df0c​4a8072

3 Nouriel Roubini, ‘The coming greater depression of the 2020s’, Project Syndicate, 28 April 2020. https://​prosyn​.org​/7d8d​fpU

4 Simon Szreter, ‘Covid-19 is not a black swan’, History and Policy, 1 May 2020. http:​//www​.historya​ndpolicy​.org​/opinion​-articles​/articles​/covid​-19​-is​-not​-a​-black​-swan​-predic​table​-shocks​-need​-fully​-funded​-resilient​-public​-ser​vices

5 Tony Judt, Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945, Penguin Press, New York, 2005.

6 JM Keynes, How to Pay for the War, 1940. https://​archive​.org​/stream​/in​.ernet​.dli​.2015​.499597​?ui​=embed​#page​/n79​/mode​/2up​?ui=​embed

7 Parliament of Australia, Full Employment in Australia, Government Printer, Canberra, 1945.

8 Stephen Foster & Margaret Varghese, The Making of the Australian National University, ANU E Press, Canberra, 2009.

9 Stuart Macintyre, Australia’s Boldest Experiment: War and Reconstruction in the 1940s, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, 2015.

10 Ross Garnaut, Superpower: Australia’s Low-Carbon Opportunity, La Trobe University Press, Carlton, 2019.

11 Ewan McGaughey, ‘Do corporations increase inequality?’, TLI Think! Paper 32/2016, 30 November 2015. https://​papers​.ssrn​.com​/sol3​/papers​.cfm​?abs​tract_id​=269​7188

John Langmore

1 Fred Gruen (ed.), Australian Economic Policy, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra, 1991.

Jenny Macklin

1 C Hepburn et al., ‘Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change?’, Smith School Working Paper 20-02, 4 May 2020.

2 Philip Clarke & G Erreygers, ‘Defining and measuring health poverty’, Social Science & Medicine, 244, January 2020. https:​//doi​.org​/10​.1016​/j​.socsc​imed​.2019​.112​633

Fiona Stanley & Kate Lycett

1 Kate Lycett et al., ‘Young people were already struggling before the pandemic: Here are 7 ways to help them navigate a changed world’, The Conversation, 14 May 2020.

2 Fiona Stanley, Sue Richardson & Margot Prior, Children of the Lucky Country? Pan Macmillan, Sydney, 2005.

3 K Griffiths & D Wood, ‘Vested interests, money, and the democratic deficit’, Griffith Review, 67, February 2020.

4 H Juhola et al., ‘Tracking of serum lipid levels, blood pressure, and body mass index from childhood to adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study’, Journal of Pediatrics, 159(4), 2011, pp. 584–90; RC Kessler et al., ‘Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication’, Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(6), 2005, pp. 593–602.

5 M Mazzucato, The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy, Allen Lane, London, 2017.

6 P Glasziou et al., ‘Evidence for underuse of effective medical services around the world’, The Lancet, 390(10090), 2017, pp. 169–77.

7 S Duckett, Blood Money: Paying for Pathology Services, Grattan Institute, Melbourne, 2016.

8 AIHW, Australia’s Health 2018: In Brief, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, 2018.

9 Ibid.

10 D McCauley, ‘“Dysfunctional” mental health system needs boost in wake of pandemic: Experts’, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 May 2020.

11 C Cooper, ‘Australia’s obesity epidemic reaches crisis point’, Bupa Health&Care, 27 March 2019.

12 M Mazengarb, ‘Global fossil fuel subsidies reach $5.2 trillion, and $29 billion in Australia’, Renew Economy, 13 May 2019.

13 M Grattan, ‘COVID crisis has produced many negatives but some positives too, including confidence in governments: ANU study’, The Conversation, 7 May 2020.

14 Richard Denniss, ‘The big stimulus spending has just begun: Here’s how to get it right, quickly’, The Conversation, 19 May 2020.

15 See Cynnal Cymru, ‘The Wales We Want national conversation’, 2015. https://​www​.cynnal​cymru​.com​/project​/the​-wales-​we​-want/

16 Fiona Stanley, ‘Fiona Stanley’s 2020s vision: Please can we move beyond GDP?’, The Guardian, 24 February 2020.

17 Rebecca Solnit, ‘“The impossible has already happened”: What coronavirus can teach us about hope’, The Guardian, 7 April 2020.


Lachlan McCall

1 Steven Hail, Economics for Sustainable Prosperity, Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.

2 Olivier Blanchard [@ojblanchard1], Taking again the risk of discussing an MMT proposition, and fully expecting to be told that I have not understood [Tweet]. Twitter, 5 November 2019. https://​twitter​.com​/ojblan​chard1​/sta​tus​/11914​430491​6088​0133

3 Mervyn King, quoted in Adam Creighton, ‘Mervyn King: No sign of inflation breakout’, The Australian, 20 April 2020. https://​www​.theaus​tralian​.com​.au​/busin​ess​/mervyn​-king​-no​-sign​-of​-inflation​-brea​kout​/news​-story​/bb3655​1bf031​03a6b66​4b95981​7f4713

4 Ben Bernanke, interview, 60 Minutes, CBS, 16 March 2009. Audio accessed at https:​//www​.youtube​.com​/wat​ch?v=odPf​HY4​ekHA

5 Senate Select Committee on COVID-19, Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 28 May 2020. https://​parlinfo​.aph​.gov​.au/​parlInfo​/search​/display​/display​.w3p​;db​=COMMIT​TEES​;id​=commi​ttees​%2Fcom​msen​%2Fa3a​f0917​-dc51​-4d01​-a86f​-69153​eb93040​%2F00​01;query​=Id%3​A%22c​ommitte​es%2F​comms​en%2Fa3​af091​7-dc51​-4d​01-​a-​86f​-691​53e​b930​40%2​F00​00%22​?fbc​lid=​IwAR​2isO​_H​5R1​hxQe​PJ1​5Di​B03b​UtO​eF4zE​POt7G0​omK1​7Wpk​frmR​_N_​i9W​jY

6 Stephanie Bell, ‘Can taxes and bonds finance government spending?’, Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 244, 1998. (Bell was Kelton’s previous surname.) http://​www​.l​evy​insti​tute.​org/​pub​s/w​p244​.pdf

7 Scott Fullwiler & L Randall Wray, ‘Quantitative easing and proposals for reform of monetary policy operations’, Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 645, 2010. www.​levyi​nstit​ute.​org/​pubs​/wp_​645.​pdf

8 Gary Banks, ‘Of lists undone: Too hard or not trying?’, speech to Centre for Independent Studies, 6 March 2017. https://​www.​youtube​.com​/watch​?v=SBo​9cJI​4SGA

9 AP Lerner, ‘Functional finance and the federal debt’, Social Research, 10(1), 1943, pp. 38–51.

Shireen Morris

1 Abraham Lincoln, ‘House Divided Speech’, Springfield, Illinois, USA, 16 June 1858.

2 Benjamin T Jones, This Time, Redback, Carlton, 2018, p. 69.

3 ARM, ‘Australian Republic Movement adopts new national strategy to build national consensus’, 21 January 2020. https://​www​.republic​.org​.au​/media​/2020​/1​/20​/australian​-republic​-movement​-adopts​-new​-national​-strategy​-to​-build​-national​-cons​ensus

4 Mark Kenny, ‘If Labor wins government, will an Australian republic finally take the crown?’, The Conversation, 4 March 2019. https://​thecon​versat​ion.​com​/if​-labor​-wins​-gove​rnment​-will​-an​-austr​alian​-rep​ublic​-fin​ally​-take​-the​-crown​-110​723

5 Under s.128 of the Constitution.

6 Thomas Keneally, ‘Reflections on the old Australian Republican Movement’ in Benjamin T Jones & Mark McKenna (eds), Project Republic, Black Inc., Collingwood, 2013, p. 42; see also David Morris, ‘It’s all about our identity’, in Jones & McKenna (eds), p. 174.

7 Jones, This Time.

8 Erika K Smith, ‘The Australian republic: Love it or leave it!’ in Jones & McKenna (eds), p. 90.

9 Keneally.

10 Noel Pearson, ‘Reconciliation must come with the republic’, The Australian, 14 January 2010.

11 Ian McAllister, ‘Elections without cues: The 1999 Australian republic referendum’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 36(2), 2001, pp. 247, 265; David Charnock, ‘National identity, partisanship and populist protest as factors in the 1999 Australian republic referendum’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 36(2), pp. 271, 280.

12 Ibid.

13 Shireen Morris, ‘An Australian declaration of recognition: The case for semi-entrenched symbolism’, Melbourne University Law Review, 44(1), 2020 (forthcoming).

14 Jane Lydon, ‘The republican debate and popular royalism: “A strange reluctance to actually shout at the Queen”‘, in Imperial Emotions: The Politics of Empathy across the British Empire, Cambridge University Press, 2019, p. 164.

15 John Hirst, ‘The republic and our British heritage’, Samuel Griffith Society Conference, 1993.

16 Referendum Council, Australia, Final Report of the Referendum Council, 30 June 2017, p. 12.

17 Robert C Luskin et al., ‘Deliberation and referendum voting’, Stanford Center for Deliberative Democracy, 23 January 2005. https://​cdd​.stanford​.edu​/2005​/deliber​ation​-and​-refere​ndum-​voting/

18 Anne Twomey, ‘Methods of choosing a head of state’, Parliamentary Library, Law and Bills Digest Group, Background Paper 12, 1997–98 (as updated). https://​www​.aph​.gov​.au​/About​_Parl​iament​/Parli​amen​tary​_Depar​tments/​Parli​amenta​ry​_Lib​rary/​Publi​ca​tion​s_A​rch​ive/​Back​gro​und_​Pa​pers​/bp9​798​/98b​p12

19 Paul Keating, ‘An Australian republic: The way forward’, speech delivered on 7 June 1995, p. 10; Zelman Cowen, ‘Reflections on an Australian republic’, 1994 Beanland lecture, delivered at Victoria University of Technology, Footscray Campus, 24 October 1994, p. 25; Helen Irving, ‘Amending the Constitution: Achieving a democratic republic’, in Jones & McKenna (eds); Malcolm Turnbull, A Bigger Picture, Hardie Grant, Richmond, Vic., 2020, pp. 98–9.

20 Dennis Altman, ‘A radical thought: Could constitutional monarchies be important aids to democracy?’, The Conversation, 14 May 2018.

21 Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee, The Road to a Republic, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, 2002, pp. 80–1.

22 George Winterton, ‘Choosing a republican head of state’, Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, 2(2), 1995, p. 135; Glenn Patmore, Choosing the Republic, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2009, pp. 167–70; Glenn Patmore, ‘The head of state as the guarantor of democratic government’, in Glenn Patmore (ed.), The Big Makeover: A New Australian Constitution (Labor Essays 2002), Pluto Press in association with the Australian Fabian Society, Annandale, 2001, p. 183.

23 Keating.

24 Turnbull, p. 97.

25 John Warhurst, ‘The danger of consultation’, in Jones & McKenna (eds), p. 170.

Liz Allen

1 ABS, Life Tables, States, Territories and Australia, 2016-18, Cat. No. 3302.0.55.001, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019.

2 ABS, Births, Australia, 2018, Cat. No. 3301.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019.

3 ABS, Australian Historical Population Statistics, 2016, Cat. No. 3105.0.65.001, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019.

4 L Allen, The Future of Us: Demography Gets a Makeover, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, 2020.

5 C Shah & J Dixon, ‘Future job openings for new entrants by industry and occupation: Research report’, NCVER, Adelaide, 2018.

6 Allen.

7 The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Carlton, 2016, wealth modules.

8 Allen, 2020; L Allen, ‘A whole-of-government approach to population policy for Australia’, Australian Population Studies, 2(2), 2018, pp. 22–32.

Andrew Petersen

1 Edelman, Special Report: Trust and the Coronavirus, 2020. https:​//www​.edelman​.com​/resea​rch​/edelman​-trust​-covid​-19​-demons​trates​-esse​ntial​-role​-of​-private​-se​ctor

2 World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Macrotrends and Disruptions Shaping 2020-2030, Vision 2050 Issue Brief, WBCSD, 7 May 2020. https:​//www​.wbc​sd​.org​/Ove​rview​/About​-us​/Vis​ion-​205​0-Re​fre​sh/R​eso​urc​es/​Mac​rot​ren​ds-D​isr​upt​ion​s-s​hap​ing-2​020-​203​0-Vi​sio​n-20​50-i​ssu​e-br​ief

3 World Business Council for Sustainable Development, The Consequences of COVID-19 for the Decade Ahead, Vision 2050 Issue Brief, WBCSD, 7 May 2020. https://​www.wb​csd​.or​g/O​ver​vie​w/A​bou​t-u​s/V​is​io​n-20​50-​Ref​res​h/Re​sour​ces/​The​-co​nseq​uen​ces-​of-​COV​ID-​19-​for​-th​e-d​ec​ade-a​hea​d-V​isi​on-20​50-I​ssue​-Br​ief

Andrew Leigh

1 ABS, ‘4940.0: Household impacts of COVID-19 survey, 14–17 Apr 2020’, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2020.

2 Madelin Tomelty, ‘Private jet travel rockets in response to coronavirus crisis’, Luxury Travel Magazine, 19 March 2020.

3 James Stratton, ‘How many Australians can work from home? An application of Dingel and Neiman (2020) to Australian occupation data’, Working Paper, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2020.

4 Davide Furceri et al., ‘Will Covid-19 affect inequality? Evidence from past pandemics’, Covid Economics, 12, 2020, pp. 138–57.

5 Maria Abi-Habib, ‘Millions had risen out of poverty: Coronavirus is pulling them back’, New York Times, 31 March 2020.

6 Hannes Schwandt & Till Von Wachter, ‘Unlucky cohorts: Estimating the long-term effects of entering the labor market in a recession in large cross-sectional data sets’, Journal of Labor Economics, 37(S1), 2019, pp. S161–S198; see also Jeff Borland, ‘Scarring effects: A small piece of Australian evidence and a review of some main literature’, Labour Market Snapshot #58, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, 2020.

7 ABS.

8 Matt Liddy, Catherine Hanrahan & Joshua Byrd, ‘How Australians feel about the coronavirus crisis and Scott Morrison’s response’, ABC News, 28 April 2020; Productivity Commission, Workplace Relations Framework: Overview, Productivity Commission, Canberra, 2015.

9 Liddy, Hanrahan & Byrd.

10 For some ideas on how we might get there, see Andrew Leigh & Nick Terrell, Reconnected: A Community Builder’s Handbook, La Trobe University Press, Carlton, 2020.

11 Productivity Commission, p. 2.

12 Jeff Borland, ‘Five labour market policy challenges for now and the recovery’, Labour Market Snapshot #59, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, 2020.

13 Luci Ellis, ‘Watching the invisibles’, Freebairn Lecture in Public Policy, University of Melbourne, 12 June 2019.


Anthony Albanese

1 C Briggs et al., ‘Renewable energy jobs in Australia: Stage 1’, prepared for the Clean Energy Council by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, June 2020.

Emma Germano

1 GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators, ‘Health effects of overweight and obesity in 195 countries over 25 years’, New England Journal of Medicine, 377(1), 2017, pp. 13–27.

2 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, ‘Global food losses and food waste: Extent, causes and prevention’, Rome, 2011.

3 National Farmers’ Federation, ‘Every day is World Environment Day for Aussie farmers’, AustralianFarmers, 5 June 2019.

4 Rabobank, ‘Nation’s farm confidence rebounds to highest level in almost five years’, 16 March 2020.

5 Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper, Australian Government, May 2020, p. 17.

6 National Farmers’ Federation, 2030 Roadmap: Australian Agriculture’s Plan for a $100 Billion Industry, Barton, ACT, 2018.

Terri Butler

1 IPBES, Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (edited by ES Brondizio et al.), IPBES Secretariat, Bonn, Germany, 2019. https://​ipbe​​t/g​lob​al-a​sses​sme​nt

2 UN-Water, ‘Water security & the global water agenda: A UN-Water analytical brief’, United Nations University, 2013 (revised version). https://​www​.un​wat​er.o​rg/pu​blica​tion​s/wa​ter-s​ecur​ity-gl​obal-w​ater​-ag​enda/

3 Infrastructure Australia, ‘National water strategy’, 26 February 2020. https:​//www.i​nfrastr​ucturea​ustrali​​u/map/n​ational​-water-​strateg​y

4 Parliament of Australia, ‘National Water Commission (Abolition) Bill 2014’, Second Reading Speech, 2014.

5 Will Steffen et al., ‘Deluge and drought: Australia’s water security in a changing climate’, Climate Council of Australia, 2018. https:​//www.c​limatec​ouncil.​​wp-cont​ent/upl​oads/20​18/11/C​limate-​Council​-Water-​Securit​y-Repor​t.pdf

6 Stephen Day, ‘Drought in Australia: Coordinator-General for Drought’s advice on a strategy for drought preparedness and resilience’, Australian Government, 2019. https:​//www.a​gricult​​.au/sit​es/defa​ult/fil​es/docu​ments/a​dvice-l​ong-ter​m-strat​egy-dro​ught-pr​eparedn​ess-res​ilience​_1.​pdf

7 Interim inspector-general of Murray-Darling Basin Water Resources 2020, ‘Impact of lower inflows on state shares under the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement’, Canberra, 2020. https:​//www.i​gmdb.go​​tes/def​ault/fi​les/doc​uments/​iig_fin​al_repo​rt.p​df

8 T Goesch, M Donoghoe & N Hughes, ‘Snapshot of Australian water markets’, ABARES Insights, 2, 2019. https:​//www.a​gricult​​.au/sit​es/defa​ult/fil​es/abar​es/docu​ments/S​napshot​OfAustr​alianWa​terMark​ets_v1.​0.0.​pdf

9 National Farmers’ Federation, ‘2030 Roadmap: Australian agriculture’s plan for a $100 billion industry’, Barton, ACT, n.d. https:​//nff.o​​p-conte​nt/uplo​ads/202​0/02/NF​F_Roadm​ap_2030​_FINAL.​pdf

10 Steffen et al.

11 Kylar Loussikian, ‘Barilaro hits out at federal threat to take over river planning’, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 January 2020. https:​//www.s​​au/poli​tics/ns​w/baril​aro-hit​s-out-a​t-feder​al-thre​at-to-t​ake-ove​r-river​-planni​ng-2020​0127-p5​​ml

12 Larry Hatheway, ‘Restoring central banks’ credibility’, World Economic Forum, 9 December 2019. https:​//www.w​eforum.​org/age​nda/201​9/12/re​storing​-centra​l-banks​-credib​ility/

13 Richard Edelman, ‘COVID-19 demonstrates the essential role of the private sector’, Daniel J Edelman Holdings Inc., 2020. https:​//www.e​delman.​com/res​earch/e​delman-​trust-c​ovid-19​-demons​trates-​essenti​al-role​-of-pri​vate-se​ctor

Roy Green

1 J Thornhill, ‘We need some “creative destruction” to address today’s challenges’, Financial Times, 6 April 2020. https:​//www.f​​ontent/​6d944c6​2-77f0-​11ea-af​44-daa3​def9ae0​3?segme​ntId=b0​d7e653-​3467-12​ab-c0f0​-77e442​4cdb4c

2 R Green, ‘It’s the only way to save Australia from a deep hole, but innovation policy is missing in action’, The Conversation, 16 May 2019. https:​//theco​nversat​​/its-th​e-only-​way-to-​save-au​stralia​-from-a​-deep-h​ole-but​-innova​tion-po​licy-is​-missin​g-in-ac​tion-11​6966

3 M Corkery & D Gelles, ‘Robots welcome to take over, as pandemic accelerates automation’, New York Times, 10 April 2020. https:​//www.n​ytimes.​com/202​0/04/10​/busine​ss/coro​navirus​-workpl​ace-aut​omation​.html?c​ampaign​_id=2&​emc=ed​it_th_2​00411​&​instan​ce_id=1​7428&nl=toda​ysheadl​ines&reg​i_id=5​9912​673&se​gment_i​d=247​51&u​ser_​id=d76​893c26d​3a13344​534854a​4f158b5​5

4 A Ross, The Industries of the Future, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2017.

5 OECD, Smart Specialisation, n.d. https:​//www.o​​/sti/in​no/smar​tspecia​lisatio​n.htm

6 J Howard, ‘Challenges for Australian research and innovation post-COVID’, Pearls and Irritations, 13 May 2020. https:​//johnm​enadue.​com/joh​n-howar​d-chall​enges-f​or-aust​ralian-​researc​h-and-i​nnovati​on-post​-COVID-​19/

7 M Mazzucato, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths, Anthem Press, London & New York, 2014.

8 R Green, ‘How Australia got left behind in manufacturing and innovation’, Ockham’s Razor, ABC, 23 February 2015. https:​//www.a​​au/radi​onation​al/prog​rams/oc​khamsra​zor/how​-austra​lia-got​-left-b​ehind-i​n-manuf​acturin​g-and-i​nnovati​on/6163​528

9 R Baldwin & S Evenett (eds), COVID-19 and Trade Policy: Why Turning Inward Won’t Work, CEPR Press, London, 2020.

10 J Stamford, Manufacturing (Still) Matters: Why the Decline of Australian Manufacturing is NOT Inevitable, and What Government Can Do About It, Centre for Future Work, Australia Institute, June 2016. https:​//www.f​uturewo​​au/manu​facturi​ng_stil​l_matte​rs

11 J Johnson & S O’Connor, ‘COVID recovery: A time to invest wisely and build back a resilient Australia’, Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative, 18 May 2020. https:​//stati​c1.squa​respace​.com/st​atic/5c​982bfaa​5682794​a1f08aa​3/t/5ec​1fa8f5b​ddb16cf​6e7e698​/158977​0897409​/ASFI+S​tatemen​t+COVID​+recove​ry+1805​20+FINA​L.pdf

12 Simon Benson, ‘Soctt Morrison’s post-pandemic powerplay’, The Australian, 18 May 2020.

13 Anthony Albanese, ‘Beyond the coronavirus’, speech delivered in Canberra, 11 May 2020. https:​//antho​nyalban​​.au/ant​hony-al​banese-​speech-​austral​ia-beyo​nd-the-​coronav​irus-ca​nberra-​monday-​11-may-​2020

14 S Ezell, Policy Recommendations to Stimulate US Manufacturing Innovation, ITIF, Washington, DC, 2020. http:/​/www2.i​​/2020-p​olicy-r​ecommen​dations​-us-man​ufactur​ing.pdf​?_ga=2.​1645574​98.4630​44456.1​5905882​58-2122​873973.​1590588​258

15 K Aiginger & D Rodrik, ‘Rebirth of industrial policy and an agenda for the twenty-first century’, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, January 2020. https:​//link.​springe​​rticle/​10.1007​/s10842​-019-00​322-3

16 C Hepburn et al., ‘Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change?’, Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Working Paper No. 20-02, Oxford University, 4 May 2020. https:​//www.s​mithsch​ool.ox.​​ublicat​ions/wp​apers/w​orkingp​aper20-​02.pdf

17 R Green & J Howard, Australia’s Innovation Future: A Report on the Structure and Performance of Australia’s National Innovation System, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, 2015. https:​//apo.o​​ode/599​36

18 V Koutsogeorgopoulou & T Park, ‘Boosting R&D outcomes in Australia’, OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1391, Paris, 2017.

19 M Mazzucato, ‘Mission-oriented innovation policy: Challenges and opportunities’, IIPP Working Paper, University College London, 2017.

20 R Green & J Howard, ‘Tech wave: we’re missing the boat’, The Australian, 5 November 2019.; J Howard, ‘Challenges for Australian research and innovation’, UTS Innovation Occasional Paper, April 2020. https:​//www.u​​au/site​s/defau​lt/file​s/2020-​05/Chal​lenges%​20for%2​0Austra​lian%20​Researc​h%20and​%20Inno​vation_​web.pdf

21 I Rozenkopf, E Sjatil & S Stern, ‘How purpose-led missions can help Europe innovate at scale’, McKinsey & Co., December 2019.

22 Daniel Lanyon, ‘Government launches £1.25bn plan to help struggling UK start-ups’, Financial Times, 20 April 2020.

23 Cities of Making, Foundries of the Future: A Guide for 21st Century Cities of Making, TU Delft Open, 2020. https:​//citie​sofmaki​​foundri​es-of-t​he-futu​re/

24 UK Design Council, Designing a Future Economy: Developing Design Skills for Productivity and Innovation, London, 2018. https:​//www.d​esignco​uncil.o​​ites/de​fault/f​iles/as​set/doc​ument/D​esignin​g_a_fut​ure_eco​nomy18.​pdf; S Bucolo & P King, Design for Manufacturing Competitiveness, UTS, CSIRO & Department of Industry, Sydney, 2014.

25 R Atkinson, M Muro & J Whiton, ‘The case for growth centers: How to spread tech innovation across America’, Brookings, 9 December 2019. https:​//www.b​rooking​​esearch​/growth​-center​s-how-t​o-sprea​d-tech-​innovat​ion-acr​oss-ame​rica/?u​tm_camp​aign=Br​ookings​%20Brie​f&ut​m_sourc​e=hs_em​ail&ut​m_mediu​m=email​&ut​m_conte​nt=8044​7918

26 National Research Council, An Assessment of the SBIR Program, National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2008. https:​//www.n​cbi.nlm​.nih.go​v/books​/NBK2​3751/

27 Infrastructure Australia, Infrastructure Priority List, Australian Government, Canberra, 2020. https:​//www.i​nfrastr​ucturea​ustrali​​u/publi​cations​/infras​tructur​e-prior​ity-lis​t-2020

28 Port of Newcastle, Newcastle Multi-Purpose Deepwater Terminal, n.d. https:​//www.p​ortofne​wcastle​​/newcas​tle-con​tainer-​termina​l/

29 R Green, P Toner & R Agarwal, Understanding Productivity: Australia’s Choice, McKell Institute, UTS, November 2012. https:​//mckel​linstit​​.au/app​/upload​s/The-M​cKell-I​nstitut​e-Under​standin​g-Produ​ctivity​-Austra​lias-Ch​oice-No​vember-​2012.pd​f

30 J Heining, S Jager & B Schoefer, ‘Labour in the boardroom: The effects of codetermination on firm performance and wages’, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 8 April 2020. https:​//voxeu​.org/ar​ticle/c​odeterm​ination​-firm-p​erforma​nce-and​-wag​es

31 Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering, Rapid Research Information Forum (RRIF), 22 May 2020. https:​//www.a​​.au/new​s-and-e​vents/a​rticle/​rapid-r​esearch​-inform​ation-f​orum-rr​if/

32 R Green, ‘Outlook poised for possibility—or mediocrity’, The Australian, 19 June 2019.

33 R Garnaut, Superpower: Australia’s Low-Carbon Opportunity, La Trobe University Press, Carlton, 2019; D Nahum, Powering Onwards: Australia’s Opportunity to Reinvigorate Manufacturing through Renewable Energy, Centre for Future Work, Australia Institute, May 2020; Beyond Zero Emissions, ‘The Million Jobs Plan’, n.d. (https:​//bze.o​​he-mill​ion-job​s-plan/).

34 R Medhora & T Owen, ‘A post-COVID-19 digital Bretton Woods’, Project Syndicate, 17 April 2020. https:​//prosy​​LuN​Syz

35 A Tooze, ‘The normal economy is never coming back’, Foreign Policy, 9 April 2020. https:​//forei​gnpolic​​020/04/​09/unem​ploymen​t-coron​avirus-​pandemi​c-norma​l-econo​my-is-n​ever-co​ming-ba​ck/

Clinton Fernandes

1 Joseph A Schumpeter, The Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1934, pp. 273–4.

2 Cesar A Hidalgo, Ricardo Hausmann & Partha Sarathi Dasgupta, ‘The building blocks of economic complexity’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(26), 30 June 2009, pp. 10570–5.

3 Growth Lab at Harvard University, The Atlas of Economic Complexity. http:/​/​las.cid​.harvar​

4 Office of the Chief Economist, ‘Globalizing Australia’, Industry Insights, June 2018.

5 William Yandell Elliott (ed.), The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy: Its Concepts, Strategy, and Limits, Holt, New York, 1955, pp. 74, 102.

6 Gunnar Myrdal, Economic Theory and Under-Developed Regions, Methuen, London, 1963.

7 Bloomberg Professional, New York: Bloomberg LP.

8 Nicola Phillips, ‘Power and inequality in the global political economy’, International Affairs, 93(2), 2017.

9 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), ‘Global value chains: Investment and trade for development’, World Investment Report 2013, Geneva, 2013, p. x.

10 ‘Australia Trade Policy Update: Beef decision close?’, 09CANBERRA281_a, 23 March 2009, via WikiLeaks. https:​//wikil​eaks.or​g/plusd​/cables​/09CANB​ERRA281​​ml

11 Nick Tarrant, IBISWorld Industry Report C2394: Aircraft Manufacturing and Repair Services in Australia, December 2017.

12 Industrial Property Advisory Committee, Patents, Innovation and Competition in Australia: A Report to the Hon. Barry O. Jones, MP, Minister for Science and Technology, August 29, 1984, Canberra, 1984.

13 Hazel VJ Moir, ‘Reviewing patent policy: An exercise in futility?’, Prometheus, 33(4), 2015, pp. 431–43.

14 Donald Maclean Lamberton, ‘Dissenting Statement’, reprinted in full in Prometheus: Special issue in memory of Don Lamberton, 33(4), 2015.

15 ‘GOA rejects proposal to manufacture generic drugs for export’, 09CANBERRA686_a, 27 July 2009, via WikiLeaks. https:​//wikil​eaks.or​g/plusd​/cables​/09CANB​ERRA686​​ml

16 Hazel Moir, ‘Do patent systems improve economic well-being? An exploration of the inventiveness of business method patents’, PhD dissertation, Australian National University, 2008, p. 53.

17 Moir, 2015, p. 435.

18 Arna Richardson, ‘Pharmaceutical product manufacturing in Australia’, IBISWorld Industry Report C1841, March 2020, p. 22.

19 Hazel VJ Moir, Patent Policy and Innovation: Do Legal Rules Deliver Effective Outcomes?, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2013, p. 40.

20 Ibid., p. 4.

21 Charles Lawson, ‘Quantum of obviousness in Australian patent laws’, Australian Intellectual Property Journal, 19, 2003, pp. 43-65.

22 Moir, 2013, p. 57.

23 Nicholas Gruen, Ian Bruce & Gerard Prior, Extending Patent Life: Is It in Australia’s Economic Interests? Industry Commission, Canberra, 1996, pp. v–vi.

24 DFAT, Trade and Investment at a Glance 2020, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, 2020. https:​//www.d​​.au/sit​es/defa​ult/fil​es/trad​e-inves​tment-g​lance-2​020.pdf

25 Jonathan Bonnitcha, Lauge N Skovgaard Poulsen & Michael Waibel, The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, p. 67.

26 Ibid., p. 69.

Clare O’Neil

1 Ian W McLean, Why Australia Prospered: The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2012.

2 Mariana Mazzucato, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths, Anthem Press, London, 2013.

Emma Dawson

1 See C Verschuur & F Calvão, Revalorization of Social Reproduction through Social and Solidarity Economy Practices, UNRISD Issue Brief, 2018.

2 See Foundational Economy Collective, Foundational Economy: The Infrastructure of Everyday Life, Manchester University Press, 2018.

3 ABS, Snapshot of employment by industry, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019.

4 ABS, 6202.0: Labour Force, Australia, September 2019, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019.

5 See E Dawson, Annual Tax Survey, Per Capita, 2019.

6 See E Dawson, ‘The four-day working week can work’, The Monthly, 17 March 2017.


Rob Moodie, Tasmyn Soller & Mike Daube

1 World Health Organization, ‘Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles: Australia’, 2018. https:​//www.w​​nmh/cou​ntries/​aus_en.​pdf?ua=​1

2 AIHW, Australian Burden of Disease Study: Impact and Causes of Illness and Death in Australia, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, 2015.

3 M Marmot, ‘Inclusion health: The causes of the causes’, The Lancet, 11 November 2017.

4 SJ Bunker et al., ‘“Stress” and coronary heart disease: Psychosocial risk factors—National Heart Foundation position statement update’, Medical Journal of Australia, 178(6), 2003, pp. 272–6.

5 R Lindberg et al., Getting Australia’s Health on Track, Australian Health Policy Collaboration, Victoria University, Melbourne, November 2016.

6 AIHW, ‘How many Australians have diabetes?’, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, 2020. https:​//www.a​​.au/rep​orts/di​abetes/​diabete​s/conte​nts/how​-many-a​ustrali​ans-hav​e-diabe​tes/typ​e-2-dia​betes

7 Diabetic Foot Australia, Australian Diabetes-related Foot Disease Strategy 20182022, September 2017. https:​//diabe​ticfoot​austral​​wp-cont​ent/upl​oads/Na​tional-​Strateg​y-to-en​d-avoid​able-am​putatio​ns-in-a​-genera​tion-fi​nal-1.p​df

8 AIHW, Expenditure FAQ, 2015.

9 Prevention 1st, Pre-Budget Submission 201718, January 2017. https:​//treas​​.au/sit​es/defa​ult/fil​es/2019​-03/C20​16-052_​Prevent​ion-1st​.pdf

10 Department of Treasury and Finance Victoria, ‘Principles of Partnerships Addressing Disadvantage’, 2018. https:​//www.d​tf.vic.​​partner​ships-a​ddressi​ng-disa​dvantag​e/princ​iples-p​artners​hips-ad​dressin​g-disad​vantage

11 See Health Futures Australia: https:​//healt​hfuture​​u

12 H Kachlami et al., ‘The regional employment effects of new social firm entry’, Small Business Economics, April 2018. https:​//doi.o​rg/10.1​007/s11​187-020​-00345-​9

13 Australian Government Department of Health, ‘What is the MBS and Medicare?’ Medical Services Advisory Committee, 2016. http:/​/​​au/inte​rnet/ms​ac/publ​ishing.​nsf/Con​tent/Fa​ctsheet​-03

14 Adam G Elshaug et al., ‘Over 150 potentially low-value health care practices: An Australian study’, Medical Journal of Australia, 197(10), 2012, pp. 556–60.

15 R Wilkinson & K Pickett, The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, Allen Lane, London, 2009.

16 T Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century, Belknap Press of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2014.

17 Michael West, ‘Australia’s Top 40 Tax Dodgers 2020: Fossil fuels dominate once more’, Michael West Media, 31 January 2020. https:​//www.m​ichaelw​​.au/aus​tralias​-top-40​-tax-do​dgers-2​020-fos​sil-fue​ls-domi​nate-on​ce-more​/

18 B McCall et al., ‘The time has come for an Australian Centre for Disease Control’, Australian Health Review, 37, 2013, pp. 300–3; Tom Burton, ‘Medicos renew call for national disease control agency’, Australian Financial Review, 12 March 2020 (https:​//www.a​​policy/​health-​and-edu​cation/​medicos​-renew-​call-fo​r-natio​nal-dis​ease-co​ntrol-a​gency-2​0200310​-p5​48j1)

19 United Nations, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UN, 2015. https:​//susta​inabled​evelopm​ent.un.​org/pos​t2015/t​ransfor​mingour​world

20 Michael J Sandel, What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, New York, 2012.

21 Tara Nurin, ‘It’s final: AB InBev closes on deal to buy SABMiller’, Forbes, 10 October 2016. https:​//www.f​orbes.c​om/site​s/taran​urin/20​16/10/1​0/its-f​inal-ab​-inbev-​closes-​on-deal​-to-buy​-sabmil​ler/#4d​2ac7b84​32c

22 M Babic, E Heemskerk & J Fichtner, ‘Who is more powerful: states or corporations?’, The Conversation, 11 July 2018. https:​//theco​nversat​​/who-is​-more-p​owerful​-states​-or-cor​poratio​ns-9961​6

23 Attorney-General’s Department, The Lobbyist Register, Australian Government, 2020. https:​//lobby​​​/regist​er

24 AD Lopez & T Adair, ‘Slower increase in life expectancy in Australia than in other high-income countries: The contributions of age and cause of death’, Medical Journal of Australia, 210(9), 2019, pp. 403–9.

25 J Ananthapavan et al., Assessing Cost-Effectiveness of Obesity Prevention Policies in Australia 2018, ACE-Obesity Policy Report, Deakin University, Melbourne, 2018.

26 Australian Government, Closing the Gap: Report 2020. https:​//ctgre​​​au/site​s/defau​lt/file​s/pdf/c​losing-​the-gap​-report​-2020.p​df

27 Fergus Hunter, ‘Australia not whole until health gap closed: Greg Hunt’, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 June 2020. https:​//www.s​​au/poli​tics/fe​deral/a​ustrali​a-not-w​hole-un​til-hea​lth-gap​-closed​-greg-h​unt-202​00614-p​552dr.h​tml

28 D Lawrence, KJ Hancock & S Kisely, ‘The gap in life expectancy from preventable physical illness in psychiatric patients in Western Australia: Retrospective analysis of population based registers’, British Medical Journal, 346, 2013, p. f2539.

29 J Kaakinen, The Programme to Reduce Long-Term Homelessness 2008-2011: Environmental Administration Final Report (unauthorised translation), 2012. https:​//housi​ngfirst​europe.​eu/asse​ts/file​s/2017/​02/Fina​l_repor​t_PAAVO​_I_2008​-2011.p​df

30 See ‘What is tactical urbanism?’, Tactical Urbanist’s Guide, 2020. http:/​/tactic​alurban​ismguid​​bout/

31 C Twohig-Bennett & A Jones, ‘The health benefits of the great outdoors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of greenspace exposure and health outcomes’, Environmental Research, 166, 2018, pp. 628–37.

32 D Basulto, ‘Designing a hedonistic and sustainable future’, Big Think, 11 May 2011. https:​//bigth​​/endles​s-innov​ation/d​esignin​g-a-hed​onistic​-and-su​stainab​le-futu​re

33 National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party, A Strategy for a Total Aboriginal Health Package: A Draft Report, Canberra, 1989.

34 See https:​//uluru​stateme​

35 S Boztas, ‘Why are there so few prisoners in the Netherlands?’, The Guardian, 12 December 2019. https:​//www.t​heguard​​/world/​2019/de​c/12/wh​y-are-t​here-so​-few-pr​isoners​-in-the​-nether​lands

36 Irina Dunn, Chalk and Cheese: Australian vs Norwegian Prisons, Community Justice Coalition, Sydney, 2017. https:​//www.c​ommunit​yjustic​ecoalit​​/images​/ChalkC​heeseNo​rway.pd​f

37 R Fuentes-Nieva & N Galasso, Working for the Few, Oxfam Briefing Paper, 2014. https:​//www.o​xfam.or​g/en/re​search/​working​-few

38 Andrew Scott, Northern Lights: The Positive Policy Example of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway, Monash University Publishing, Clayton, 2014.

Osmond Chiu

1 Greg Jericho, ‘Underpayment, low productivity and slow growth: We’re in “a good place”, eh Treasurer?’, Guardian Australia, 26 November 2019.

2 Thomas M Hanna, Our Common Wealth: The Return of Public Ownership in the United States, Manchester University Press, 2018, p. 36.

3 OECD, ‘Revenue Statistics 2019’, 5 December 2019. https:​//www.o​​/tax/ta​x-polic​y/reven​ue-stat​istics-​2522770​x.htm

4 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Employment and Earnings, Public Sector, Australia, 2018-19, cat no. 6248.0.55.002, Commonwealth of Australia, 7 November 2019.

5 Adrian Rollins, ‘Terry Moran says chronic underinvestment rendered public service “impotent”‘, Canberra Times, 24 December 2019.

6 ABS, Annual Report 2018-19, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019, p. 4.

7 Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, The Efficiency Dividend: Size Does Matter, Report 413, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, December 2008, p. 1.

8 Community and Public Sector Union, ‘Inquiry into the National Integrity Commission Bill 2018 [Provisions], National Integrity (Parliamentary Standards) Bill 2018 [Provisions], and National Integrity Commission Bill 2018 (No. 2)’, January 2019, p. 4.

9 Liberal Party of Australia, ‘Responsible budget management under the Coalition’ (media release), 16 May 2019. https:​//www.l​iberal.​​latest-​news/20​19/05/1​6/respo​nsible-​budget-​managem​ent-und​er-coal​ition

10 David Tune, in Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, ‘Answers to Questions on Notice: Supplementary Budget Estimates 2013–2014’, 19 November 2013.

11 Australian Public Service Commission, APS Employment Data: 31 December 2019 Release, Commonwealth of Australia, 2020.

12 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Our Public Service, Our Future: Independent Review of the Australian Public Service, Commonwealth of Australia, 2019, p. 77.

13 Ibid., p. 185.

14 Ibid., pp. 186–7.

15 Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, ‘Submission to the Australian Public Service Review’, 2018, p. 5.

16 Australian National Audit Office, Non-APS Workers, Commonwealth of Australia, 2007, p. 15.

17 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, p. 21.

18 Ibid., p. 30.

19 Quoted in Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Digital Delivery of Government Services, June 2018.

20 Department of Finance, ‘Australian Government ICT Trends Report 2015–16’, Australian Government, 2016, p. 22.

21 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, p. 30.

22 Australian Public Service Commission, 2020.

23 Essential Research, ‘The Essential Report’, 20 April 2020.

24 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, p. 50.

25 David Walker, ‘Shared purpose: Reconceptualising the role of the state’, in Andrew Harrop, Kate Murray & Justin Nogarede (eds), Public Service Futures: Welfare States in the Digital Age, FEPS/Fabian, Brussels & London, 2020, p. 127.

26 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, p. 50.

John Falzon

1 P Davidson et al., Poverty in Australia 2020: Part 1, Overview, ACOSS/UNSW Poverty and Inequality Partnership Report No. 3, ACOSS, Sydney, 2020, p. 9.

2 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, We Can Solve Poverty in the UK, York, UK, 2016.

3 ABC, Q&A Broadside (transcript), Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 4 November 2019.

4 Wendy Brown, Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2015, pp. 105–6.

5 John Howard, ‘Address to the 10th Anniversary Dinner Westin Hotel, Sydney’, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra, 2006.

6 J Lawson et al., ‘Australia needs to triple its social housing by 2036: This is the best way to do it’, The Conversation, 15 November 2018.

7 Lorena Allam, ‘Plea for tents “or anything” to help with self-isolation in overcrowded Indigenous communities’, The Guardian, 24 March 2020.

8 Lawson et al.

9 Ibid.

10 Gráinne McKeever & Tamara Walsh, ‘The moral hazard of conditionality: Restoring the integrity of social security law’, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 55(1), 2020, pp. 73–87. https:​//doi.o​rg/10.1​002/ajs​4.101

11 Ibid. p. 74.

12 David Crowe, ‘Liberal MPs push for ways out of JobKeeper and JobSeeker schemes’, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 May 2020.

13 O Bennett et al., ‘Working it out: Employment services in Australia’, Per Capita, Melbourne, September 2018, p. 7.

14 For some excellent examples of municipal provision of social services, see Satoko Kishimoto, Lavinia Steinfort & Olivier Petitjean (eds), The Future Is Public: Towards Democratic Ownership of Public Services, TNI, Amsterdam & Paris, 2020.

15 Pierre Bourdieu, ‘The essence of neoliberalism’, Le Monde Diplomatique, December 1998.

Elizabeth Hartnell-Young

1 Council of Australian Governments, Education Council, The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration. Melbourne, 2019, p. 4.

2 MCEETYA, Melbourne Declaration on the Educational Goals for Young Australians, 2008.

3 Commonwealth of Australia, Through Growth to Achievement: Report of the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools (also known as Gonski 2.0), 2018.

4 Anthony Mann et al., Dream Jobs? Teenagers’ Career Aspirations and the Future of Work, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2020.

5 The Smith Family, Sport, Culture and the Internet: Are Australian Children Participating? Smith Family Research Report, June 2013.

6 J Thomas et al., Measuring Australia’s Digital Divide: The Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2019, RMIT University & Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, for Telstra, 2019.

Stephen Parker

1 Bryan Alexander, Academic Next: The Futures of Higher Education, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2020, Chapter 4.

2 Ross Williams & Anne Leahy, U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems 2020, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, 2020.

3 NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research), Timeline of Australian VET Policy Initiatives: 19982018, VET Knowledge Bank, NCVER, Adelaide, 2019. https:​//www.v​oced.ed​​t-knowl​edge-ba​nk-time​line-au​stralia​n-vet-p​olicy-i​nitiati​ves

4 Simon Marginson, Higher Education and the Common Good, Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, 2016.

5 Raewyn Connell, The Good University: What Universities Actually Do and Why It’s Time for Radical Change, Monash University Publishing, Clayton, Vic., 2019.

6 Glyn Davis, The Australian Idea of a University, Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, 2017.

7 Dorothy Wardale, Julia Richardson & Yuliani Suseno, ‘Casual academics aren’t going anywhere, so what can universities do to ensure learning isn’t affected?’, The Conversation, 8 April 2019.

8 Stephen Parker, ‘How universities make inequality worse’, The Conversation, 24 February 2016.

9 NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research), ‘Historical time series of apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia: Infographic’, NCVER, Adelaide, 2019. https:​//www.n​cver.ed​​search-​and-sta​tistics​/data/a​ll-data​/histor​ical-ti​me-seri​es-of-a​pprenti​ceships​-and-tr​aineesh​ips-in-​austral​ia-1963​-to-201​9-infog​raphic

10 Francesca Saccaro & Robyn Wright, ‘VET FEE-HELP: What went wrong?’, University of Melbourne, 3 August 2018. https:​//melbo​urne-cs​he.unim​​.au/_da​ta/asse​ts/pdf_​file/00​12/2845​776/Fin​al-VET-​FEE-HEL​P-.pdf

11 See Scott Galloway, ‘Post corona: Higher ed’, No Mercy / No Malice, 3 April 2020 (https:​//www.p​rofgall​​m/post-​corona-​higher-​ed), where he claims that in the period 1998–2018 United States inflation rose 54 per cent but education costs rose by over 150 per cent.

12 Parliament of Australia, ‘Updated Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt statistics, 2017–18’ (Table 5), 13 March 2019. https:​//www.a​​au/Abou​t_Parli​ament/P​arliame​ntary_D​epartme​nts/Par​liament​ary_Lib​rary/Fl​agPost/​2019/Ma​rch/HEL​P-debt-​statist​ics-201​7-18

13 See Stephen Parker, Andrew Dempster & Mark Warburton, ‘Reimagining tertiary education: From binary system to ecosystem’, KPMG, 2018. https:​//home.​kpmg/co​ntent/d​am/kpmg​/au/pdf​/2018/r​eimagin​ing-ter​tiary-e​ducatio​n.pdf

14 Commonly cited examples are the United States, Germany, Holland; see Davis, Chapter 5.

15 Stephen Parker, ‘Is tertiary education worth it?’, KPMG, 2018 (https:​//asset​​content​/dam/kp​mg/au/p​df/2018​/is-ter​tiary-e​ducatio​n-worth​-it.​pdf); A Norton, I Cherastidtham & W Mackey, Mapping Australian Higher Education 2018, Grattan Institute, Melbourne, 2018, Chapter 10.

16 Jack Britton et al., ‘The impact of undergraduate degrees on lifetime earnings’, Institute for Fiscal Studies & Department for Education, London, 2020. https:​//www.i​​uk/publ​ication​s/14729

17 Low SES students (25 per cent share of the population) represent under 10 per cent of students at Group of Eight universities compared with 27.5 per cent at universities that are members of the Regional Universities Network. See Paul Koshy, ‘Equity student participation in Australian higher education, 2013–18’, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth, 2019, pp. 8, 19.

18 See most recently Davis, pp. 122–3.

19 Parker, Dempster & Warburton, p. 28.

20 The current base salary of the chief justice is $608,150 per annum.

21 Duncan Bentley, ‘Now is the time to develop the real potential of online learning’, The Australian, 28 May 2020.

22 Stephen Parker, ‘How universities can redress inequality’, The Conversation, 25 February 2015.

23 Megan O’Connell, Sandra Milligan & Tom Bentley, Beyond ATAR: A Proposal for Change, Koshland Innovation Fund, Melbourne, 2019.

24 Australia does not yet have equivalent information to the United States. See, for example, ‘The best universities for a bachelor’s degree’, PayScale, 2019. https:​//www.p​ayscale​.com/co​llege-s​alary-r​eport/b​achelor​s

25 Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, Book VI.

Julie Connolly

1 Australian Government, ‘Department of Jobs and Small Business: Entity resources and planned performance’, Portfolio Budget Statements, 2019, p. 23.

2 Department of Jobs and Small Business, I Want to Work: Employment Services 2020 Report, Commonwealth of Australia, 2018.

3 M Considine, P Nguyen & A O’Sullivan, ‘New public management and the rule of economic incentives: Australian welfare-to-work from job market signalling perspective’, Public Management Review, 20(8), 2018, pp. 1186–1204.

4 J Borland, ‘Dealing with unemployment: What should be the role of labour market programs?’, Evidence Base, 2014(4), 2014, pp. 1–21. https:​//doi.o​rg/10.2​1307/eb​-2014-0​04

5 PB Doeringer & J Piore, ‘Unemployment and the dual labor market’, Public Interest, Winter, 1975, pp. 67–79.

6 JP Martin, ‘Activation and active labour market policies in OECD countries: Stylised facts and evidence on their effectiveness’, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 4(1), 2015.

7 P Kinnear, ‘Mutual obligation: Ethical and social implications’, Australia Institute, 1 August 2000. https:​//www.t​​au/site​s/defau​lt/file​s/DP32_​8.pdf

8 S Wickramasinghe & D Bowman, Help, But Not Real Help: Mature Age Jobseeker Perspectives on Employment Services in Australia, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Fitzroy, Vic., 2018.

9 S Casey, ‘A Bourdieusian analysis of employment services workers in an era of Workfirst’, Social Policy & Administration, 53(7), 2019, pp. 1018–29.

10 OECD, Connecting People with Jobs: Key Issues for Raising Labour Market Participation in Australia, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2017.

11 Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union, ‘Job seekers v job vacancy official data’, 2018. https:​//unemp​loyedwo​rkersun​​/job-se​ekers-v​-job-va​cancy-d​ata/

12 Borland.

13 S Casey & A Lewis, Redesigning Employment Services after Covid-19: A Per Capita Discussion Paper, Per Capita, Melbourne, 2020. https:​//perca​pita.or​​r_work/​redesig​ning-em​ploymen​t-servi​ces-aft​er-covi​d-19/

14 ABS, 6202.0: Labour Force, Australia, September 2019, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2019.

15 M Janda, ‘600,000 jobs lost in coronavirus shutdown, but unemployment only rises to 6.2pc’, ABC News, 14 May 2020.

16 L Grattan, The Shift: The Future of Work Is Already Here, HarperCollins Business, London, 2011.

17 OECD, OECD Employment Outlook 2019: The Future of Work, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2019. https:​//doi.o​rg/10.1​787/9ee​00155-e​n

18 R Cassells et al., Future of Work in Australia: Preparing for Tomorrow’s World, Focus on the States Series