The 21-day plan to becoming vegan is a pretty straightforward one. I’ve already begun planting little seeds of compassion in the past few chapters, and they’re about to grow and flourish. As you read on, you’ll find all sorts of information and inspiration to help you get into the vegan groove. I’ve tossed in a few easy recipes, too. However, this isn’t a cookbook; it’s a game changer. It’s a medley of vegan food for thought, and all the tips and tools you’ll need to get into the proper mind-set to change your life, and change the world, in a very easy and enjoyable way.
Now that you’ve picked your start date, all you need to do is read one chapter each day, and do three things:
Complete the Goal for the Day.
Write in your journal.
Review your daily checklist at the end of each chapter.
The goal for the day is always explained clearly at the beginning of the chapter, and it’s very simple and brief. We’ll start off by taking a peek in our pantry, fridge, and freezer and organize things a bit. Heaven knows they could probably use a cleaning whether or not you want to go vegan, right? Mine sure do. Then we’ll replace the simplest of things in our food, like ditching dairy cream in our morning coffee or smoothie, and gradually learn how to switch out meat, eggs, and fish, replacing them with much healthier fare. Then it’s off to look around our home to ensure it reflects comfort and kindness for all. We’ll turn on the closet light, too, because we all know cruelty is never in fashion. Our bubble baths, showers, and mani-pedis will all become relaxing indulgences that pamper without harm. And then we’ll make sure our entertainment and holidays inspire joy to the world, rather than dark despair. You’ll also find a few extra words of compassion and tips sprinkled throughout from my vegan friends, just to keep things extra “vegantastic.” All it takes is 21 days. You can do it!
As you get into the swing of things, you’ll be encouraged to enhance the voyage by writing about each day in your vegan journal. It can be a paper journal that you keep by your bedside, or if you prefer, an electronic version—jotting notes on an iPad will work well, too. It can even be as simple as a dozen pieces of binder paper stapled together. You don’t need anything fancy. Whatever you decided to use, just know that you don’t have to worry about presentation; no one will see if your sentences are complete or accurate, so just write freely and often. Even just a little list of thoughts each day will be helpful. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you write in your journal:
If you’re struggling with something as you transition to becoming vegan, writing it down will help you articulate exactly what it is, and will help you focus on improving whatever is hindering you. Getting into an easy routine by writing a little something each day usually helps folks with accountability, no matter what they’re trying to accomplish.
Writing each day helps you see just how far you’ve come, especially if you hit a bump in the road. You might stumble a bit one day, but hey, there’s probably many days that were wonderful successes, and by writing them down, you’ll have them all at your fingertips to read over; and they’ll remind you of how great you’re doing in the big scheme of things. A journal can help you stay positive, and that’s important. You’ll also be able to document difficulties so you don’t repeat them, such as “Note to self: Do not walk down that candy aisle again; next time, straight to the grains and produce!”
Writing down all the reasons why you’re doing something really helps remind you of the purpose behind the action, and that will help propel you along. As you read this book, if you come across something that makes you sad (such as how animals are treated) or something that makes you angry (such as how you’ve been duped by certain government agencies and companies), or really surprises you (there’s fish in my orange juice?) writing down a few facts or thoughts about it will help set things in stone, so that you’ll remember why the simple steps you’re taking are so darn important. You’ll likely find a few inspirational quotes that you’ll want to jot down, too, and perhaps share with others one day as you plant seeds of compassion of your own.
It’s no secret that most health educators ask that their students keep a food journal at some point so they can see exactly how healthy, or more likely, unhealthy, they’re eating. Keeping a log of daily events helps you see your habits and create healthy changes. And for those who want to lose weight, a journal can help with that, too! A recent Kaiser Permanente study showed that those who kept a journal on what they ate lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t.1 It was the process of reflecting on what they eat that helped them become aware of their habits, enabling them to transition to a healthier diet, with more fruits and vegetables. Makes sense, right? With a journal, it’s easy to keep track of all sorts of health issues like weight, energy, stamina, acne, etc. You’re likely going to have loads of wonderful news to report on how you’re feeling, so go ahead and write all those good things down.
I think this is perhaps the most important reason to keep a vegan journal. You’re about to learn about so many new and yummy foods, ways to cook, places to shop, websites to visit, books to read, and fun things to do and you’ll need a place to jot them all down. You’ll also want to scribble down a few things you want to avoid. What if you’re in the store reading an ingredients list and you can’t remember the sneaky little word food manufacturers use for beaver butt? Or you forget the name of that cruelty-free shampoo you wanted to try out, or the day and time of your local farmers’ market? Rather than dragging this book around, just jot down the important things you want to remember in your little journal and take that along with you. It can hold your recipes and grocery lists, too, because goodness knows, it’s no fun getting home only to find you forgot the oats for your overnight oats, or worse, that tub of cashew milk ice cream for your movie night. Don’t let it happen. Take your journal. And here are a few morsels of advice, based on my twenty-eight-plus years of being vegan:
Know that you can never be a perfect vegan, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
If you’ve grown accustomed to scoring perfect work reviews, earning perfect scores on exams, having perfect organizational skills, or can nail a high E flat like the finest coloratura soprano on any given day—congrats! I am kale green with envy! Just know it’s impossible to be 100 percent vegan. I repeat: it is impossible to be 100 percent vegan. That’s both good and bad. It relieves a bit of the pressure (whew!), but it’s also a bummer because, ideally, it would be great if there was a way to avoid harming anyone and everyone, all the time, wouldn’t it? Sadly, there are animal products in our car tires and computer screens, and mice and gophers are inevitably destroyed while harvesting our grain. A chunk of our income tax goes toward antiquated animal research, as well as toward the subsidy of corn and soy for Big Ag to grow and sell to factory farms. We inadvertently kill bugs and butterflies as we drive, as we bike, and as we walk. One day you will accidentally buy and eat an animal product in a meal you thought was vegan, and in the flurry of a medical emergency, you might even be willing to do whatever the surgeon suggests to save your life. So as you transition to a compassionate lifestyle, just remember, being vegan means you’re doing the very best you can do to cause the least amount of pain and suffering to others. Being vegan doesn’t mean you’re ending all suffering, because, sadly, at this moment in time, it’s impossible. I’m not perfect; you’re not perfect; no one is perfect. So if you normally take pride in being a Perfect Patty, don’t drive yourself batty here. OK? Just do your best. And if anyone ever finds a planet where we can actually all be perfect vegans, you better save me a ticket on the first rocket ship out.
Know that every new moment provides an opportunity to do better than the last.
Going vegan is easy; you can do this. But, if by chance, you have a little “whoops” moment with a bit of non-vegan food, don’t fret. You don’t need to wait until next month, next week, or even the next day to get back on track. The opportunity to start anew awaits you at the very next meal. I’m not trying to give you an easy out, or forgive you here. Mistakes are mistakes, and when it comes to harming animals, the environment, or your own health, mistakes can really hurt. Just know that a weak moment of willpower or the curse of the crazy can hit even the best of us. I remember being at my best friend’s Halloween party about fifteen years ago after a really horrible breakup, and I didn’t know up from down. In the lingo of wellness expert Kris Carr, my doomed relationship was my “shit pickle” and I was a mess. I had already been vegan for over a decade, but I was so angry and upset with myself and the world that the crazies set in and I grabbed a big bowl of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups intended for trick-or-treaters and I gobbled them all up. Did I throw in the towel, right then and there and give up on being vegan? Heck no! I dried my tears, pulled myself together, and I’ve never eaten a crappy antibiotic-infused cow-boob-juice chocolate peanut butter cup again. So if you get into a pickle, it’s no big dill (hee-hee), just dust off your knees, and start anew. There’s a lesson to be learned in our mistakes, so take note, adjust accordingly, and move on.
Know that the road to the happiest, healthiest you goes far beyond being vegan.
As you begin to enjoy delicious vegan food and embark on a beautiful compassionate lifestyle, don’t forget that being healthy and happy is a result of taking good care of yourself—far beyond the foods you eat and the clothes you wear. Most folks notice a huge difference in their energy, alertness, and stamina pretty quickly once they switch to a healthy plant-based diet. After just a few months, singer songwriter Jason Mraz went as far as saying eating a plant-based diet not only made him stronger, fitter, healthier, and more productive, it even made him “a lot better in bed.”2 Hey, now. But here’s the reality: a lot of important factors contribute to our wellness. As we meander together through the 21 days, if you find that you’re not quite as happy or healthy as you thought you would be, consider perusing the following list and adjust accordingly.
SLEEP Make sure you’re getting enough, which, according to the National Institutes of Health, is seven to eight hours each night for most adults.3 Studies show that the lack of sleep not only makes us cranky, but can make folks gain lots of unwanted weight and be more susceptible to catching a cold.4 Sound, adequate sleep makes us feel better and stay healthier. Get those extra z’s, please.
RELATIONSHIPS Let go of the unhealthy ones. After all, you can’t make room for the good ones if the bad ones are sucking up all of your time and energy. It’s easier said than done, I know, but life is too short to be with poopie people. Let them go. Surround yourself with folks who are supportive, make you laugh, and inspire you to be the best you can be.
EXERCISE Exercise reduces our stress and anxiety, increases our energy, and just fifteen minutes a day has been shown to increase life expectancy by three years.5 You don’t need a gym membership or fancy running shoes; just move around. Movement can be as simple as walking up and down a flight of stairs, doing jumping jacks, dancing to your favorite tunes, or jogging around the block. Just wiggle around and get that body moving.
CAREER Eating well won’t turn crappy coworkers into saints, nor ho-hum work into your dream job. If you’re in a rut and miserable at work, take a beat and look into new opportunities. It’s never too late to go back to school, or to follow your heart when it comes to your career. Do what you love, and if you can’t do it right this second, make a plan to get there. Just knowing you’re in the process of making a positive change will help you feel better.
COMMUNITY Get involved and connect with others. When folks don’t feel like they’re part of a community, they can feel alone, depressed, and uninspired. If you feel isolated, consider volunteering, joining a meet-up group, being part of a book club, or joining an online support group with those who share a common interest. Consider taking a community college course, or checking out free events at the public library. A sense of community involvement motivates us and lifts our spirits.
SOLITUDE Unplug and unwind. I can’t emphasize this one enough. In this hectic rushrush world that just seems to keep spinning us faster and faster, it’s imperative that we detach from stress every now and then and just spend some time alone. Consider taking a break from social media a few times a year, too. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how good it feels. Take a few minutes each day to sit alone outside and simply take it all in: the beauty and wonder of it all. Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day; you just need to make time to find it and enjoy it. Sit still. Breathe in the good. Exhale the bad. And relax.
OK, sweet peas, here are a few things to look forward to!
A HEALTHIER DIET Know that the better you eat, the more you’ll crave foods that are good for you. In the beginning of your transition to becoming a happy, healthy vegan you might find yourself enjoying lots of highly processed and packaged vegan foods, and that’s OK. Just know that the more you eat fresh fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains, the more you’ll want them. It may take a little while, but one day down the road, a crispy, sweet apple will likely become more desirable than a sugary candy bar. You’ll soon want a bag of cashews or almonds over a bag of salty MSG-coated chips. And a perfect avocado (ooh la la!) will make your mouth water as much as any chunk of cheese ever has. I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t even miss cheese. I kid you not. As time goes on, if you eat good food, you’ll keep eating good food, and you’ll want more of it, so don’t be afraid to branch out and try new whole foods, even those you used to loathe as a kid. I couldn’t stand Brussels sprouts; now I love them. My husband used to hate beets and zucchini; now he can’t get enough. And we eat tomatoes from the farmers’ market in the car like we just scored a big bag of Halloween candy, before we even leave the parking lot. There’s such an abundance of fresh, nutritious, whole foods to enjoy. Go out there and gobble them up.
THE JOY OF HOME COOKING Know that cooking at home will make your transition to becoming vegan easier and healthier. There’s just something about being in control of the food you’re eating that makes it extra good, for your taste buds and your health, even if you’re not a master chef. And here’s why:
INGREDIENTS: When you cook at home, you control the exact ingredients in the meal. You don’t have to worry about someone using fish sauce without telling you, or a chunk of mystery meat falling into your burrito. You can make your vegan Thai iced tea without yellow dye #6 and you don’t have to worry about “today’s special” being food that was spoiling the day before. You also get to season to taste, and use healthier sugars that you enjoy. My sweet tooth loves to cash in on this benefit! Who knows exactly what’s in that bowl of soup at the Main Street diner? Or how long it’s been sitting in the pot. Seize the stove, and whenever possible, whip it up yourself.
PROPORTIONS: When you cook at home, you control the proportions in your meal. This is really helpful for those who are trying to lose weight, or for those who want extra nutrients. For example, you can sprinkle B12 fortified nutritional yeast on just about anything savory at home, or add flaxseeds to smoothies for those important omega-3s. You can make your plate heavy on the fresh greens, and lighter on the processed pasta or bread. You can also reduce, or skip, the oil and salt. Many chefs don’t care what’s healthy; they just serve it up, as instructed, with what’s on hand. When you’re in the kitchen, you can make sure every snack and meal is a healthy one.
ORGANIC VERSUS CONVENTIONAL: When you cook at home, you control which produce is organic and which is conventional. For example, I try to avoid conventional apples, peaches, strawberries, and tomatoes because they’re notorious for being heavily contaminated with pesticides (you’ll find out more on Day 3!). Unless a restaurant is 100 percent organic, which is rare, you’re stuck eating produce that you might normally avoid if eating at home.
OPPORTUNITIES TO INSPIRE: When you cook at home, you have the opportunity to inspire loved ones to join in on the experience, and get healthy! If you’re the only one in your home that’s going vegan, seize the opportunity to have family members or significant others help you out in the kitchen. Consider guiding kids safely through the cooking process, too! When kids are involved with the cooking, researchers found they not only increased their consumption of fruits, vegetables, and dietary fiber, but developed a greater willingness to try new foods.6 Perhaps invite your kids to measure ingredients, wash produce, and hand-mix batters and sauces. Bring in your significant other to help out with the chopping, baking, and stovetop cooking. Just think of how much time you’ll have to enlighten them on all the benefits of going vegan as they’re washing those leaves of romaine. Make the kitchen your creative classroom, have some fun, and get healthy together!
CLEAN FOOD: When you cook at home, you can control how sanitary your environment is, and that’s important. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 1 in 6 Americans get sick from a food-borne illness annually. That’s about 48 million people, and a heck of a lot of toilet paper. Food-borne illnesses account for a whopping 128,000 patients being hospitalized each year, and 3,000 deaths, too! I got what was likely food poisoning at a food expo a few years back, and awoke at 3:00 A.M. the next morning with severe stomach pains. As you can probably imagine, the next hour or so in the bathroom was pretty ugly, and we’ll leave it at that. I swore I’d never go back to that food expo again, but you get to sample hundreds of vegan products making their debut, so I still go and take my chances. Free vegan food? Count me in! But now I’m far less excited about dining out at restaurants that serve animal products. Most food-borne illnesses come from the mishandling and consumption of raw meat, and considering a single hamburger can contain the body parts of over 100 different cows—who lived in horrifically unsanitary conditions—it’s easy to understand why meats host so many pathogens.7 Sure there’s always a chance you’ll bring produce that’s contaminated with animal feces into the house, but when you cook at home, you have far more power to make sure your kitchen is clean. Or, in my kitchen, that would be “clean enough.”
A LIFESTYLE THAT’S AS AFFORDABLE AS IT IS HEALTHY Know that you don’t need to have a lot of money to be vegan. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, “It’s just too expensive to be vegan,” I’d probably have enough moolah to buy about three dozen vegan cupcakes. Celebrities often have vegan chefs, vegan recipes often call for pricey ingredients from specialty stores or items that have to be shipped from far away, and vegan restaurants often cater to the foo-foo shoo-shoo crowd. Well, listen up: you don’t need to be rich to be vegan, in fact you don’t even have to be in the “shrinking middle class.” You can be a starving student, or on unemployment, or just flat-out broke, and still be vegan. So sit tight, and when we get to Day 9: Fast, Cheap, and Easy, I’ll show you how to enjoy the best of what being vegan has to offer, whether you travel by foot or by yacht, live in a penthouse or the projects. Going vegan doesn’t take a lot of money; it’s what’s in your heart that counts, not your pocketbook.
Thought FOR THE Day
Life is full of twists and turns. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that nothing is certain. Just follow your heart, and see where you land. It’s the journey that matters, not the destination.