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My Road to Vegan:
Discover the author’s path to becoming vegan.

Setting a Date:
Figure Out the Best Time to Start.

The 21-Days-to-a-Vegan Road Map:
Understand how the 21-day process works, and that it’s flexible, easy, and fun.

Day 1: Finding Your Muse:
Identify your source of inspiration.

Day 2: Creepy Crawlies in Your Food, Oh My!:
Evaluate your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Identify, separate, and sort.

Day 3: Finding Your Vegan Oasis:
Research/list the best places to buy vegan groceries near youstores, farmers’ markets, etc.

Day 4: Let’s Get Nutty!:
Substitute a plant-based milk for dairy.

Day 5: Eggs Make Babies, Not Breakfast:
Experiment with egg replacements while cooking and/or baking.

Day 6: I Smell Something Fishy!:
Select a meal that normally contains fish and transform it into a delicious vegan meal.

Day 7: Mystery Meat:
Replace meat with delicious plant-based options.

Day 8: But I Love Cheese (Too Much!):
Learn how to use and create delicious options in place of dairy cheese.

Day 9: Fast, Cheap, and Easy:
Practice cooking with limited time and a tight budget.

Day 10: Culinary “Arts”:
Experiment with textures and colors while preparing meals.

Day 11: Because Bunnies Don’t Have Tear Ducts:
Understand animal testing and cruelty-free options. Evaluate your cosmetics/toiletries.

Day 12: I Spy with My Vegan Eye:
Check all household items for animal productsfrom under the kitchen sink to bed pillows.

Day 13: The Skeletons in Your Closet:
Look at labels on clothes, shoes, and accessories–separate, donate, etc.

Day 14: Excuse Me, Waiter, There’s a Fish in My Beer!:
Learn which beers and wines are vegan.

Day 15: Keeping the Happy in the Holidays:
Figure out where you’ll be and what you’ll eat in advance, while trying not to offend anyone.

Day 16: Vegan Wanderlust:
Plan ahead for when you’re on the road–hotels, restaurants, fast-food places, etc.

Day 17: Now, That’s Entertainment!:
Try out some cruelty-free entertainment such as a day trip to a fun vegan event, a sanctuary, bird watching, or animal-free circus, etc., instead of the zoo/animal circus/aquarium.

Day 18: Adopt, Don’t Shop:
Learn how to make a compassionate choice when you want a companion animalpet stores/puppy mills vs. shelters/rescue groups.

Day 19: Help! Vegan 911!:
Tips and tricks to stay on the vegan wagon.

Day 20: Planting Seeds of Compassion:
Learn easy, everyday ways to spread the word and make a difference!

Day 21: Vegan for the WIN!:
It’s not just you; learn how the entire world is going vegan, too!





About the Author
