DAY 19

VEGAN 911!

Tips and Tricks to Stay on the Vegan Wagon

GOAL FOR THE DAY: Fix any bumps on the road to “Veganville.” If you’re sailing smoothly, feel free to cruise on by, and just swing on back here should you need any help later on.

OK, listen up, y’all!

There’s only one big goal today: to deal with the most common problems that knock people off the vegan wagon. Don’t worry; everything will be fine. Let’s just debrief and see what went wrong so we can get you back on track. I need a little rest anyhow. After all, I’m the one pulling the wagon, not the horses; they’re off in a field where they should be, eating fresh grass in the sunshine. OK—sit down, get cozy, and let’s chat.


Did you veer off Easy Street and buy a fancy schmancy cookbook? Or find a post on Pinterest that inspired you to set off on your own to make a vegan Baked Alaska? I just read a recipe that called for fifteen ingredients to make a simple bowl of hummus. And get this: one of them was pumpkin-flavored vodka! Like we all have that handy, right? I also just went to the library and checked out a book written by an ultra-endurance athlete, which might be one of the most beautiful vegan cookbooks I’ve ever seen. I’ll likely break down and buy it to ogle. But if I was just starting off on my vegan journey and someone handed me that book and said, “Here’s some recipes to help you go vegan,” I’d fall right over from fright! It’s packed with unfamiliar, pricey, and hard-to-find ingredients. Delicious for sure, but my, oh my!

If you feel like you fell off the wagon because going vegan just feels too complicated, take a beat to reflect, and get back to the basics. A lot of the food you already ate and enjoyed was actually vegan. Spaghetti with marinara sauce, bean and rice burritos with guacamole and salsa, oatmeal with a little brown sugar, big salads, black bean soup, veggie stir-fries, fruit bowls, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches … I could go on and on. Just think back to the vegan food you already loved before you were trying to become vegan, and enjoy those foods for a little while. Instead of adding unfamiliar ingredients right off the bat, gradually enhance your meals with them as you feel more comfortable. Get back to your comfort zone, and keep things simple and familiar.


They can be brutal, I know. If you find that you’re having trouble breaking a pattern while you’re out and about, try mixing things up a bit. If you can’t fight picking up that cheese pizza because you pass by the pizza parlor each day, just as I did walking back from CAL, take a different route home—out of sight, out of mind. If you find you can’t resist the deep-fried mozzarella sticks at the bar where you and your friends meet each weekend, suggest trying out a new hot spot. Maybe a pub that has those thick “chips” with salt and vinegar? Or garlic fries! Now we’re talkin’! If you regularly meet folks at a less-than-vegan-friendly coffee shop and can’t resist those dairy cream–filled pastries, see if there’s a different cafe where you can chitchat. None of this has to be permanent. Sometimes we just need a brief interlude from patterns that we follow, day in and day out, that make it really difficult for us to readjust any aspect of our lives. Familiar places often make us react out of impulse rather than acting with intentional thought. It’s just something you’ve always done there, so you just keep doing it, without even thinking. Not to mention, it’s in your face. Take a look to see if any patterns are causing havoc, and see if you can make a small change. Heck, if I never got nudged to try out a new pub, I would have never met my husband. Who, by the way, wasn’t even at the pub, but that’s a whole other story. Spice things up a bit. Go out there and do something new!


Does vegan food taste less spectacular than what you were hoping for? Well, let me tell you a little story about our good friend water. Water is so important to our health. Our bodies are made up from about 60 percent of it; even our bones are 31 percent water. We need it to flush out toxins and regulate our body temperature, among other things, and without it, we go downhill fast! But for whatever reason, for almost my entire life, I just didn’t like drinking it. I’d go weeks without a glass of water, no joke! Then one day I tried what I call “spa water,” simply because it was the water they had at a spa, and I was intrigued. I tried it, and I loved it! And it was just water with sliced cucumbers floating in it! I still loathe plain water, but now I drink water that’s infused with citrus or cucumbers every day. I usually just squeeze half a lemon into a glass, or make warm lemon water. I love it so much! Just this tiny adjustment has made a world of difference for me, and my health.

Try to look back and see if there’s anything little that could make a difference in your transition to going vegan, and I mean really little, just like my spa water. Did you try one brand of almond milk, and now assume you don’t like any nut milks? If so, try another! Maybe all you need is a good seasoning to toss on food, such as a spice blend like Costco’s Organic No Salt Seasoning, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, or the lovely Mrs. Dash’s salt-free seasoning mix. Or kick things up a notch with a splash of sriracha! Even vegans don’t like bland food. Or perhaps just increase the creaminess of sauces by creating cashew, coconut, or cauliflower creams; wonderful variations abound! Maybe you didn’t like something that was raw that you might enjoy cooked, or vice versa. One bad experience with tofu has ruined a lifetime of yummy vegan food for many. Did it taste disgusting to you? If so, maybe you need to give it another shot, when it’s made with more flavor. Perhaps venture out to a good Asian restaurant so an experienced chef can prepare it for you, and see if you like it there. The wrong sweetener can be a doozie, too. Stevia ruins everything for me, but maple syrup? Now that’s divine! As they say, sometimes the little things really are the big things, so go over what’s gone wrong, and see if there’s a small fix that will work for you. If so, make that minor repair and get back on the train!


Did you try to flip that SAD diet into a healthy vegan one too quickly for your brain and belly to adjust? If you find yourself snatching a handful of your friend’s Flamin’ Hot Cheetos when they get up to grab a beer, or sneaking a spoonful of your lover’s hot fudge sundae when they’re focused on the game, maybe you need to have your own vegan junk food on hand for a snack-attack emergency? As we’ve learned, almost to the point of ad nauseum, a plant-based, whole foods diet is best, but sometimes folks need to take itsy-bitsy steps to get there. If you crave a little vegan junk food, have at it. Just try to balance it out with something healthy. If you want those vegan Joe Joe’s, try to eat an apple or banana first. If you want those Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos, make yourself gobble up a raw carrot or celery stick prior. It’s just like the old days when you had to clean up your room before you could go out and play. You know the drill. A little bit of temporary junk food might just do the trick to get you back on track to a lifetime of healthy eating, so give it a go!


Did you get “shaky hungry” when you were out and about? Or wind up eating dairy cheese at a business meeting because there was no other choice? It happens. But here’s the trick: It’s all about planning ahead. Have you ever seen a mom with a two-year-old pack up for a week of vacation? She has one suitcase for herself, and about a dozen contraptions and necessities for her toddler. The mama has to have the car seat, the stroller, the diapers, the cream, the snacks, the wipes … and don’t forget the toys! It goes on and on. Just think of yourself as a baby vegan (aww, you’re so cute!), and make sure to pack up all the little things you might need each day; I assure you, it will be a lot less cumbersome than what’s on a new mother’s list. Always have a Clif Bar or other snack bar in your purse or briefcase. Or even a bag of mixed nuts. Always call ahead to make sure where you’re going has food for you to eat, too. And if you don’t think they will, just take something with you, or fill up on something yummy before you go. I usually keep a bag of pretzels in the car. Remember, there’s no shortage of vegan food, just plenty of the whoops-I-forgot. Plan ahead, and get back on track!


Is vegan food draining your cruelty-free pocketbook? There’s a quick fix for that, my friend, and we talked about it in Day 9: Fast, Cheap, and Easy. Stop buying pricey processed foods. They’re so darn tasty, dang it, but they get even the best of us when it comes to keeping a tight budget. That means no more prepackaged veggie burgers, no more vegan cheese, no more veggie dogs, no more vegan cookies. Just buy whole foods (fresh or frozen): beans, rice, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, lentils, greens, oats, apples, etc., and try to cook at home whenever possible. You can find a lot of these foods at the Dollar Tree, too. You can gradually add back a few of the vegan goodies you enjoy, once the bucks roll in. I assure you if you stick to simple foods, and just buy a few spices and seasonings to jazz them up, you’ll not only save tons of money, but you’ll likely be eating healthier, too.

The money drain could also just be a result of poor fiscal management. Our couches are hand-me-downs and our curtains are made from sheets. I can’t remember the last time I had a manicure, and after twenty-eight years of being vegan, I still don’t own a Vitamix. But I don’t think twice about spending a thousand dollars on my kitty’s teeth to keep her happy, and our kitchen is always stocked with good food, no matter what the cost. It’s all about priorities. Our furry kids and our wellness are at the top of my list. What’s at the top of yours? Take a look at where your money goes, and see if you can make a few adjustments here and there. Maybe lower the ranks of entertainment, mall shopping, and pampering, and bring up the scrumptious vegan food a notch. Remember: Health is wealth!


Some folks call them “Buddha Bowls” or “Rainbowls,” but I call them Harvest Bowls because I envision them as a medley of simple but hearty seasonal food. Regardless of the name, they’re quick to make, delicious to eat, and are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber! Depending on your preference, you can make one raw, roasted, steamed, or a combo of all three. Just think of the wide variety of colorful and fresh, whole foods, as we discussed in chapter 13, and create a deep, wide bowl full of your favorites, side by side, and top it with your favorite sauce and seasonings. One example would be to fill up a large soup or pasta bowl with chopped purple cabbage, tomatoes, baked sweet potatoes, steamed kale, brown rice, avocado, and black beans, drizzle with balsamic vinegar, add a sprinkle of nutritional yeast, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, sesame seeds, and a small handful of chopped spring onions. Or maybe you’d prefer a sweet mix of tahini with maple syrup and lemon juice? Or perhaps toss on a few pumpkin seeds! Or you could top it with a simple cashew cream sauce: Just soak ½ cup of cashews for a few hours, rinse and drain, then blend with ¼ to ½ cup water or nut milk. Depending on your mood, you can then add sweet or savory additions to make your cashew cream just the way you like it. Enjoy!


I hear ya! A lot of things in life are. What’s great is when something good becomes second nature to us. When that happens, we don’t even have to think about it; it’s just normal, and we can’t imagine it being any other way. For most seasoned vegans, being vegan is exactly that: natural. And when something is natural, it’s not difficult at all. It’s as though a light switch flipped “on” in our head, and there’s no turning back, and we couldn’t be happier. We saw, we learned, we know. And barring a brain injury, what we know is here to stay. If you can shift your mind-set, I assure you, it will make going vegan a heck of a lot easier.

Imagine a plate of grilled newborn baby fingers, with a spicy BBQ newborn baby dipping sauce. Disgusting, I know, and it goes without saying, but you’re not eating them. And neither am I. But what if there are no other options on the menu that you like? Nope, not eating them. But what if everything else is too expensive? Nope, not touching that plate of newborn baby fingers. Get it away! But what if you’re really hungry, and there isn’t any other food for one hundred miles. No, still not eating them. But what if someone told you that the baby was really happy, and could crawl around wherever she wanted before they cut off her fingers? Disgusting. Still not eating them! But what if the cook just uses bits and pieces of the baby, and the baby doesn’t die? Not eating them. What if the cook was really resourceful and assured you they’re using all of the other baby parts, so nothing is going to waste? Gross! Not eating them. What if every recipe in your cookbooks calls for newborn baby fingers, and you don’t know how to cook without a recipe? Who cares! Still not eating them. What if you don’t have time to go find something else to eat? No! Still not eating them. But what if you really loved the taste because you had unknowingly been eating them for years, and thought they were delicious? I don’t care how good they taste! Not eating them. What if Aunt Marge has been making them at the holidays for your entire life, and you’ll hurt her feelings if you suddenly stop eating them? Well, too bad for wacky Aunt Marge. I am NOT eating grilled newborn baby fingers!


If you want to spice up your meal in a quick and easy way, consider adding a dollop of an über flavorful condiment to your plate! Salsa, chutney, sauerkraut, pickled ginger, and kimchi (made without fish stock) really pack a punch when it comes to taste. My mouth is watering just thinking about ’em!


A 2016 Oxford University report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) that documents the benefits of dietary change concluded that widespread adoption of a vegan diet could cut greenhouse emissions by 70%, save trillions of dollars by cutting health-care costs and lost productivity, and prevent over 8 million deaths by 2050.1

I think you get the point. When we think of cute newborn baby fingers, followed by the thought of eating them with BBQ sauce, these words and thoughts come to mind: disgusting, depressing, cruel, vile, sad, horrific, insane, etc. In fact you’re probably thinking, “What in the hell did I just read in the above paragraph? That was gross!” All you read was exactly how most vegans feel when they think about eating animal products. Unless they have a crazy self-destructive lapse, like I did momentarily when I ate those Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups fifteen plus years ago, most vegans don’t eat animals or their by-products, because just like the newborn baby fingers, it’s just something we would never do, and we don’t even have to give it any thought. We don’t want to eat something that’s a product of cruelty, pain, or suffering, and with so many other delicious and healthy options, why would we? If you’re really struggling and none of the tips above seem to help, I highly suggest watching one, or more, of the following films if you haven’t already done so, because for most seasoned vegans—who have gone vegan and stayed vegan—visuals are what flipped the switch, sealed the deal, and made things easy:

Cowspiracy (streaming on Netflix)

Speciesism (streaming on Amazon and Vimeo)

Earthlings (you can watch this one right now for free on YouTube)

And I’d top one of those off with the short video The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear by Gary Yourofsky, or Phillip Wollen’s powerful ten-minute speech at the “Animals Should Be Left Off the Menu” debate. So articulate and inspiring! Both are available on YouTube. Not in the mood for a movie? Read Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. It’s highly praised for helping lots of folks make the switch. There aren’t any graphic photos, but pages 117 through 121 will leave quite an impression, I assure you. Check it out.


Once you change your mind-set, you’ll realize it was never the recipes, the fancy kitchen gadgets, the money, or the time that you needed in order to go vegan. With a flip of a switch the light comes on, and you see the world in a whole new way, and you recognize your proper place in it. You walk away from the greed and sadness, and start marching toward justice, health, and compassion for all. Instead of causing problems, you strive to become part of the solution. You shed the guilt and start basking in the beauty and wonder of the world. You know that you’re not perfect, and that you’ll never be, but you do your best to be kind, each and every day. And this brings you joy. Now dust off those knees, take my little hand, and hop back on.


□ Did you pinpoint what your stumbling block is?

□ Did you make a minor adjustment or two and get back on track?

□ Did you envision how you would create your own Harvest Bowl?

Thought FOR THE Day

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”