GOAL FOR THE DAY: Look ahead to the next holiday and make a plan so that your holiday is vegan and enjoyable for everyone around your table.
The holidays can be stressful enough without throwing a new way of living into the mix, especially when you’re surrounded by friends and family who may be south of enthusiastic about your newfound love and empathy for all beings. But that’s OK, bring on the nog and mistletoe! We’re ready to celebrate!
The two “biggies” when it comes to holidays and being a newbie vegan are Thanksgiving and the December mix of festivities: Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and the rest. No surprise there, right? First you need to figure out if you’d like to host a holiday feast at your own home, or accept an invitation to someone else’s dinner table. If you’re staying in, there are all sorts of creative ways to celebrate the season with a host of vegan fare.
Ready for a festive season that’s filled with compassion and joy for all? Then bring on the good tidings and cheer; let’s go!
1. Figure out a plan for celebrating the holiday at home. What can be festive and vegan for the holidays? First, take a look online and you’ll discover loads of free recipes there. Just search what you normally love to eat around the holidays, along with the word vegan and be prepared to have your holiday socks knocked off. There are so many to choose from. One good place to start is on PETA’s Vegan Holiday page: www.peta.org/living/food/celebrate-vegan-holiday. There are beautiful cooking videos and loads of vegan entree recipes—everything from Almost “Beef” Wellington with Madeira Sauce to Wheatmeat Roulade with Chestnut “Sausage” Stuffing. The major magazines and newspapers often list special vegan recipes throughout the holiday season, too. You can get creative with the Simple Seitan recipe here, if you’re in the mood. Make a roast with it! And if you enjoy traditional British holiday fare, The Vegan Society has a long list of vegan recipes from Haggis to Yorkshire Pudding (popovers).1 Pinterest is loaded with vegan holiday recipes, too. Vegan Sticky Toffee Pudding, anyone? There’s a recipe for that, too! Just hop online and watch the holiday cooking video by North Londoner Ava Szajna-Hopgood.2 She’s adorable!
As you make a few switch-a-roos in recipes, just know that if you’re making something savory, like mashed potatoes or gravy, don’t use a sweetened vanilla nut milk. Use plain and unsweetened! I can’t tell you how many times vegans, myself included, have grabbed that vanilla almond milk, just because it was handy dandy, and ruined a perfectly fine dish. Once you pour it in, there’s no getting that sweet vanilla flavor out. Consider yourself warned.
After you’ve gone through the online options, peruse vegan holiday cookbooks, like Lindsay Nixon’s Happy Herbivore Holidays and Gatherings, or The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook: Entertaining for Absolutely Every Occasion by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Go to the bookstore or your local library and see what’s on the shelf. Even if you just flip through a few, you’ll get some new ideas.
Looking for a way to avoid spending all day in the kitchen? Check out the premade options at a grocery store! These are best if you want something fast and easy for the main dish, allowing you more time to focus on the delicious sides. Just pop them in the oven and you’re done! Here’s a quick snapshot of main dish options to give you a taste:
Trader Joe’s Turkey-less Stuffed Roast
Gardein’s Savory Stuffed Turk’y
Gardein’s Holiday Roast
Vegetarian Plus Vegan Whole Turkey
Field Roast Grain Meat Hazelnut Cranberry Roast en Croute
Field Roast Grain Meat Celebration Roast
Field Roast Grain Meat Smokey Forager’s Roast with Pineapple Mustard Glaze
Tofurky Holiday Vegetarian Roast and Gravy
And don’t forget the stuffing! You can easily grab a bag of it at the store. You can make it from scratch, of course, but if this is your first vegan holiday season, and you’re looking for something easy, just pick up a bag of any of these. (Some store-bought stuffing mixes are far healthier than others, so read the ingredients carefully and try to make the best choice possible.)
Pepperidge Farm Herbed Seasoned Stuffing
Mrs. Cubbison’s Focaccia Bread Stuffing
Whole Foods Everyday 365 Organic Vegan Stuffing
As you get closer to the holidays, you’ll notice that the selection of festive foods for your vegan holiday will increase. The more the merrier!
You can also explore local vegan restaurants and grocery stores to see if they’re creating any special meals for the holidays. Whole Foods Market creates a vegan holiday plate each year that you can order in advance. Ditto Native Foods. They usually have Native Wellingtons, vegan pumpkin pies, and pumpkin cheesecakes to go, too. Vegans are happily, and heartily, celebrating the holidays across the world. See what’s cookin’ in your neighborhood.
Tofurky makes a yummy Savory Gravy that’s easy to find around the holidays, but if you have a little bit of time, consider making your own. It’s easy!
Here’s how I make basic gravy. Feel free to adjust it to taste. You can easily use vegetable stock in lieu of the Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and water. And you can add sauteed mushrooms, thyme, or whatever else your holiday heart desires!
¼ cup nutritional yeast
¼ cup unbleached all-purpose flour
2 cups water
⅛ cup Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon sage
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1. In a small pot, combine the nutritional yeast and flour. Add the water, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, garlic and onion powders, sage, and pepper and mix together over low heat.
2. In a separate small bowl, combine the cornstarch with just enough water to dissolve it (1 to 2 tablespoons). When completely dissolved, pour it into a pot while whisking slowly. The goal is to avoid any clumps, but if your cornstarch dissolved completely in the water, this shouldn’t be a problem.
3. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat to medium, and cook, whisking occasionally, for 5 minutes. Pour the gravy into a pretty gravy boat, and drench those mashed potatoes and stuffing. Enjoy!
2. Figure out what to do if you choose to spend the holiday at someone else’s home. Unless someone has invited you over for the holidays with the understanding that you’re doing all the cooking (how nice of you!), you’ll likely have a lot less control over what’s on the table. But here’s the beauty of it all: going to someone else’s home gives you the opportunity to bring over a vegan dish or two for all to enjoy. This kind gesture will not only provide you with the certainty that you’ll have something good to eat, it will also:
Give you the chance to show everyone that you really do eat delicious food. (Deflecting those “poor you” looks!)
Demonstrate that you’re not expecting anyone to go out of their way for you. (You’re still polite and sweet as pumpkin pie!)
Provide an easy platform to talk about your decision to go vegan with the rest of the family. (Because it will come up, even if you don’t say a peep, so it might as well happen while everyone’s enjoying your vegan candied yams!)
I like bringing homemade cranberry sauce and gravy since most folks can enjoy those no matter what else is on their plate, and if you’re having any plain homemade sides at someone’s house, they’ll provide you with something flavorful to slather them with. I bring lots of other yummy stuff, like vegan stuffing, and a main dish, too. I’m not a fan of laborious meal-making throughout the year, as you’ve probably gathered by now, but when it comes to the holidays, I get the cooking bug like no other!
The recipe that follows is a little treat I like to make that’s impressive around the holidays, or any time of the year, and it makes a great gift for your hosts, your friends—well, anybody—including yourself!
Easy Cashew Date Balls
1 cup pitted dates
1 cup raw cashews
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Sesame seeds, powdered sugar, and cocoa powder for decoration (optional)
Just toss the pitted dates, cashews and salt into a food processor and blend until they have a sticky consistency. Roll the mixture into balls the size of giant marbles and place on a plate. They taste great just like this, but I go one more step and roll a few in white sesame seeds (my favorite combo!), and a few in powdered sugar and cocoa powder, too.
3. Keep in mind that although your first holiday as a vegan might not be easy, keeping things in perspective will really help … and with this thought, I’m interrupting our celebration for a tiny reality check so we’re not completely blinded by the lights and glitter. Holidays are difficult for most newbie vegans, no doubt about it. You’re likely going to miss a few traditional meals you’ve come to love over the years until you make a few adjustments, and you’ll probably upset a few friends or family members, too, who just won’t understand. Folks are already a little stressed and cranky around the holidays, so you’ll be an easy target. But take a beat to think about what the holidays are really all about. We all know they’re to inspire peace and joy to the world, but go beyond the words, and reflect. Take these thoughts in and let them nestle in your heart for a moment.
Someone is missing their parent, sibling, spouse, or child, who for the first time isn’t sitting at the table.
Someone is falsely imprisoned this holiday season, without any freedom in sight.
Someone is living under a freeway ramp, not realizing it’s a holiday at all.
When you take a step back and look at the big picture, it’s really not the food that makes us happy. It’s our loved ones and companionship, or simply being at peace with ourselves. No matter what happens during your first holiday as a vegan, just remember to be grateful for what you have, enjoy the company of those you love, and realize that going vegan hasn’t made you give up anything that truly matters. Your heart is filled with compassion and your actions are making the world a better place for all. And that, my friends, will carry you through the season, no matter how many times Uncle Ned asks, “Want some turkey?” or Aunt Marge says, “You’re going to die without your protein!” Just love them as you always have, and enjoy your holiday meal. ‘Tis the season, my sugarplums! You’re going to be A-OK.
Although this isn’t a cookbook, I’m going to share a few tasty tidbits to help keep your holidays merry and bright.
Do you want to make vegan gravy or desserts and need cruelty-free thickeners? Holiday food is often thickened with things vegans don’t eat, but fear not. Here’s a list of common thickeners that you can use for sauces and desserts in lieu of eggs and cream:
Do you need a quick festive holiday meal? “Veganize” a shepherd’s pie, one of my favorite meals as a kid; it’s perfect comfort food for the holiday season. To “veganize” your traditional recipe, just use a vegan butter in place of dairy butter for the mashed potato topping, and for the underlying filling, use chopped mushrooms, or vegan beef crumbles, in lieu of the ground meat and you’ll be good to go!
Are you looking for some colorful and healthy vegan “Sides?” Here are a few suggestions:
Did you know you can bake a beet just like you bake a potato? Just wash and trim a large beet, without removing the skin, and wrap it in aluminum foil. Be sure you wrap it well so that the beet juice doesn’t leak everywhere. If you prefer to avoid cooking with aluminum, you can bake it in an oven-safe dish, too. Just pop in your oven, or toaster oven, and bake at 375°F for 1 hour. After you let it cool for a bit, you can easily remove the skin, but I prefer to gobble it up as is. Slice, or serve whole, and season to taste with a dash of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, and, if you’re like me, a splash of balsamic vinegar. If you’re serving beets at the holidays, toss a little green herb on top, like fresh dill, for an extra-festive look. Simple, tasty, and healthy, too!
These are vibrant purple inside, packed with antioxidants, high in fiber, and super delicious! Keep your eyes open for them around the holidays. Some folks just prepare them as they would regular potatoes, but others enjoy taking advantage of their slightly sweet taste by baking and then mashing them with coconut milk and a dash cinnamon or curry powder. The Okinawan sweet potato isn’t even related to potatoes; it’s part of the morning glory family. But who cares? They’re beautiful and tasty!
I love that pomegranates are in season during the holidays because, as I mentioned in Day 10, Culinary Arts, I love to sprinkle them on sides that are green! Consider tossing them on everything from spinach salads to roasted Brussels sprouts. They’re so festive, and healthy, too!
Need a topping for that holiday dessert?
If you’re in the mood for a dollop of whipped cream for that hot cocoa or pumpkin pie, So Delicious makes a yummy CocoWhip! from coconut milk, or you can just make your own!
Vegan Coconut Whipped Cream
One 15-ounce can unsweetened regular coconut milk (not the “low fat” or “light” type)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 teaspoons organic sugar
1. Place the can of coconut milk upside down in the fridge overnight.
2. The next day get your pie out and ready to top. Or you can be extra healthy and prepare a bowl of fresh fruit!
3. Open the can and scoop out the thick part, leaving the really liquidy part behind. You’ll notice a really nice hard clump on the top of the can, and a decent amount on the bottom, too!
4. Place the liquid in a bowl and add vanilla and sugar to taste. We’re all different, so add what you think you’ll like!
5. Blend! After about 1½ minutes or so, you will see a nice consistency.
6. Top your cake, pie, fresh fruit, hot cocoa, vegan ice cream, or whatever else suits your fancy with your vegan whipped cream, and enjoy!
If you’re looking for candy for Easter or Halloween that’s a bit “healthier” than what I posted on the I Can’t Believe It’s Vegan list, check out Surf Sweets Candy (vegan gummies!), Tree Hugger Bubble Gum (gumballs!), JJ Sweet’s Cocomels (caramels!), and Torie and Howard’s Chewie Fruities (similar to Starbursts!). These treats have no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial colors, and no artificial flavors. And two vegan thumbs up for Amy’s “Sunny” Candy Bar (made with coconut and toasted almonds), and their “Dreamy” Candy Bar (made with a creamy nougat). They’re organic, and crazy good! Need marshmallows without gelatin for your hot cocoa or gingerbread house? Check out Sweet & Sara, Dandies, and Trader Joe’s Marshmallows. Just keep them away from me, please. I have no self-control when it comes to vegan marshmallows—they are so good. Looking for the sweetness of condensed dairy milk for sweet holiday treats? Nature’s Charm and Let’s Do Organic have you covered. You can heat their condensed coconut milk up to make a smooth caramel sauce, or keep going and make homemade caramels!
There’s no shortage when it comes to vegan chocolate on Valentine’s Day! xoxo
Green & Black’s Organic Dark Chocolate
Whole Foods Organic Dark Chocolate with Almonds
Chocolove Almonds & Sea Salt in Dark Chocolate (check out their other vegan flavors, too!)
Newman’s Own Organic Super Dark Chocolate Bar
Endangered Species Natural Dark Chocolate Squares
Valentine’s Day Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
½ cup Trader Joe’s chocolate chips (any plain vegan chocolate will do!)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 pint basket strawberries (chilled)
Parchment paper
1. Place the chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl and add the coconut oil on top. Microwave for 30 seconds. Carefully remove the bowl, stir, return to the microwave, and continue to melt for another 10 to 15 seconds. Remove from the microwave, stir, making sure the mixture is completely melted, and set aside.
2. Place the parchment paper on a plate or a tray; just make sure the plate or tray is a size that can fit in your refrigerator. Carefully dip each strawberry into the bowl of melted chocolate, covering about two-thirds of each strawberry, and carefully transfer to the parchment paper–lined plate.
3. Once you’ve dipped all of the strawberries, place them in the fridge so the shell can set, and feed them to your lucky valentine.
NOTE: This chocolate shell coating also works well for dipping frozen banana slices. I like to put a dollop of peanut butter on top of each slice, then dip, then freeze. Voilà—frozen peanut butter–banana bites! Deeeelicious!
A can of garbanzo beans walks into a bar … There’s no punch line here folks, but what I’m about to tell you is so amazing that when people first heard it, many thought it was a joke! Aquafaba has taken the world by storm, and it’s just aqua = water, and faba = beans. As I mentioned on Day 5, it’s simply the brine from a can of beans; the liquid you usually strain out! But you can easily make marshmallow fluff, meringue cookies and pies, chocolate mousse, buttercream frosting, nougat, and all sorts of yummy things with it that were a wee bit difficult to do before this crazy discovery! It’s the perfect substitute for egg whites, so get that mind of yours thinking about what you want to create with it. You can visit aquafaba.com and the aquafaba “hits and misses” Facebook page for a few ideas!
There are so many variations. By all means, don’t stop here; just use this recipe as a base. Get creative, and make something spectacular! I’m just learning how to work with aquafaba myself. It’s a whole new world!
Brine from one 15-ounce can garbanzo beans (Great Northern bean or cannellini bean brine works well, too)
½ cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Preheat the oven to 250°F
2. Pour the brine into your mixer bowl and blend on high for 10 to 15 minutes. (You might need to give your mixer a minute to rest now and then as you’re doing this so it doesn’t overheat.) You’ll know when it’s done because you’ll see the brine form nice peaks. Theoretically, you should be able to turn the mixer bowl upside down and it won’t fall out.
3. Once you see peaks, slowly add the sugar and vanilla and blend until well mixed. Again, you should still see peaks.
4. Place very small dollops of the whipped aquafaba onto a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
5. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 90 minutes. Let cool completely while in oven. When the meringues are cooled, they will be hard to the touch. Store in an airtight container.
NOTE: Want to make buttercream frosting? Just blend in some vegan butter and sugar once the peaks have formed, and frost away. Need a little marshmallow fluff to go with vegan s’mores or on ice cream? Just use powdered sugar instead of granulated and pile it on. Craving some vegan chocolate mousse? After the peaks have formed, just add a little melted chocolate, whip, refrigerate, and serve. The possibilities are truly endless. Go explore some recipes online and have some fun! Just remember: Sweet treats are OK now and then, but don’t overdo the sugar, sugah! You are plenty sweet enough. As they say, with every bite of food we’re either fighting disease, or feeding it, and I’m pretty sure we all know which role processed sugar plays. Phooey!
And now back to that can of beans that walked into the bar. You’re not going to just let him get away, are you? Get back here, you can of beans! Let’s make hummus!
Sun-dried Tomato-Kalamata Hummus
Always a great dip for a party, this hummus makes good of those leftover beans when you’ve been making something with aquafaba.
One 15-ounce can garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained
Juice of ½ lemon (you can add a little water, or more lemon juice, if you want your hummus to be thinner)
1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil
1 heaping tablespoon sun-dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon garlic powder (or chopped fresh garlic)
1 teaspoon onion powder (or chopped fresh onion)
½ teaspoon sea salt (skip the salt if your beans have salt added already)
6 pitted Kalamata olives
Freshly ground black pepper
OK, here’s how simple this recipe is: Put everything into a food processor, and blend until smooth! Just use your own judgment for the proper amount of olive oil. And you can use water in lieu of oil, if you prefer. The main ingredient is simply garbanzo beans (chickpeas); the rest is up to you! Experiment with the foods you love, or those you have handy. Other fun additions to consider: tahini, capers, cooked eggplant, avocado, or artichoke hearts. Dips are so easy and fun!
□ Did you figure out where you’re spending the next big holiday?
□ Did you make a game plan for what food you’ll be enjoying?
□ Did you find a store that will have the items you need for your holiday meal? □ Did you experiment with aquafaba?
Thought FOR THE Day
Life goes by fast. Walk, run, swim, and skip while you can.