2 Bithynia a district in Asia Minor south of the Black Sea

3 See … comes i.e. Bajazeth has not yet arrived

8 indifferently without prejudice

15 janissaries Turkish soldiers

16 Mauritanian steeds Mauritania in north-west Africa on the Barbary coast was famous for its horses.

26 rifle pillage

29 late lately

38 rouse cause to rise from cover

46 enlarge set free

52 bastones cudgels

36 train troop

57 runagates apostates, deserters

70 to in addition to

76 Alcoran Koran

78 sarell seraglio, harem

94 hugy huge

105 pash smash, crush

109 ysprung sprung
Typhon’s Typhon was a hundred-headed giant, the father of various monsters, including Hydra (see 140 below).

119 paragon match, consort

130 vaunt of extol

131 manage … arms fight her with words as we shall fight with weapons

139 bulwarks ramparts, defences

140 Hydra a many-headed monster, whose heads grew back as quickly as they were cut off

148 marshal point out, lead

154 Pharsalia Julius Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 B.C. at the battle of Pharsalus.

158 your … air ed. (our … lure O1)

168 boss fat woman

180 weeds clothing

188 s.d. Trumpets announce the battle and then cease.

192 roes small deer

213 foil ed. (soile O1) defeat

222 gat the best got the upper hand

225 runagates vagabonds

229 terms statuary busts set on pillars

247 puissant powerful

248 pilling brigandines pillaging pirate ships

230 wrack destruction

251 Isle Asant Zante, off the west coast of Greece

252–59 Tamburlaine imagines his fleet circumnavigating the globe, going east across the Indian Ocean (‘oriental sea’) and the Pacific to Mexico and thence to Gibraltar (‘Jubaltar’) and the Bay of Biscay (‘Portingale’).