- Absence: presence and, 29, 200; prolonged, 14, 80, 107, 148, 182, 191, 220; response to, 7, 9, 11, 29, 30, 84, 134, 181
- Accession of human remains, 64–65; provenience, 45, 65, 132; unilateral turnover, 45, 65
- Accountability, in MIA accounting, 86, 89–91
- Accounting. See Missing in action (MIA) accounting
- Accreditation: of Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, 247n36; of Central Identification Laboratory, 61–62, 93
- Ace of spades, 256n11; Merl Allen and, 154, 156, 166; on York Island, 170
- Age, biological profile and, 67–68
- Agent Orange, 7
- Allen, Alden “Skip,” 153; building memorial marker for son, 169–170; burial on York Island, 154, 162, 170; establishment of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and, 112, 114–115
- Allen, Casey, 153, 159, 168, 183; building memorial marker for brother, 169–170; on recovery of brother’s remains, 171
- Allen, Cindy. See Hawkins, Cindy
- Allen, Eleanor: burial on York Island, 154, 162, 170; Jeff Savelkoul’s visits and, 153, 154
- Allen, Marilyn. See Neff, Marilyn
- Allen, Merlin Raye: attack that killed, 118–120, 153; burial of remains on York Island, 16–17, 18, 115, 168, 169–171, 220; considered part of group burial at Arlington National Cemetery, 210, 211–212; Duwayne Soulier and, 19, 20; homecoming, 1–4, 16–17, 21, 22, 28, 63, 107, 157–168, 171; letter on establishment of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 109–111, 114, 159; Mary Defoe’s memories of, 105, 106; memorial marker on York Island, 154, 162; memorial service, 159, 161, 164, 165–166; military funeral service for, 167–168; nickname Merle, 153–154; photos of, 3, 155; on photo wall at Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post, 182–183; process of identification of remains, 63–64; remains recovery, 65, 171; Jeff Savelkoul and, 116–117, 121–122, 153–157, 166
- Allen, Michael, 39
- Allen, Sean, 153–154, 160, 161, 168, 170
- Allen, Sheila. See Kelly, Sheila
- All Things Considered (radio program), 93
- Alpha Recon Association, 170
- Ambiguity / ambiguous loss, 6, 34, 148, 192, 197, 198, 206; of MIA status, 7, 10, 15, 21, 199
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 60, 93, 99
- American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC), 36–37
- American exceptionalism, Vietnam War and, 28, 40, 220, 229–230n6, 233–234n63
- American flag: distributed at Applefest parade, 216–217; draped over coffin, 49, 52, 64, 211; at Merlin Allen’s homecoming, 1, 2, 107, 159, 167–168; at military funeral, 5, 10, 102; at repatriation ceremony, 143
- American Legion (Bayfield, Wisconsin), 186, 216
- American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors / Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD / LAB), 61, 93
- Ancestry, 239n30; biological profile and, 67–68
- Anderson, Benedict: national veneration of unknown soldier, 30–31, 40; on nation as imagined community, 218
- Anishinaabe, 113–114. See also Northrup, Jim
- Anthropology of MIA accounting, 63–68. See also Forensic anthropology
- Apostle Islands Honor Guard, 186
- Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 1, 108; establishment of, 109–114
- Applefest (Bayfield, Wisconsin), 180, 215–218
- Appy, Christian, 38
- Arc de Triomphe, unknown soldier at, 30
- Archaeology: of MIA accounting, 63–68; underwater, 86, 190
- Archival analysis / investigation, recovery of remains and, 55, 64
- Arlington National Cemetery, 26; burial of John House, John Killen, and Glyn Runnels at, 210, 211–212; funeral for World War II MIA, 164; homecomings for remains and, 13; military burial at, 5; mismanagement of, 90; origins of, 34. See also Tomb of the Unknowns
- Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory (AFDIL), 25, 70–71, 74, 88; accreditation of, 92, 247n36; media criticism of science used at, 93–97; MIA accounting mission restructuring and, 91–92, 213–215; outreach program, 71, 74, 86; professional reputation of, 92–93; samples from Vietnam War Unknown Soldier remains at, 49–50
- Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 49
- Armed Services Graves Registration Office (ASGRO), 47; review board, 59
- Asia, repatriation efforts during Korean War and anxiety over Asian control of US remains, 37–38
- Associated Press, 93
- Autosomal (auSTR) nuclear DNA testing, 70, 71, 95, 242n47
- Ayotte, Kelly, 90
- “baby-killer” rhetoric, 259n14
- Bacevich, Andrew, 34, 102
- Bác Hùng, 131, 133
- Bác Thuận “Old Man Shovel,” 124, 133, 140
- Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa, 17, 112, 114
- Bad River casino (Odanah, Wisconsin), 17; veterans display at, 258n7
- Battle of Loos, 30
- Battle of Tarawa, 214
- Bayfield (Wisconsin), 1, 2; in contrast to Red Cliff, 108; establishment of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 109–114; remembrance of those lost in Vietnam War, 16–17; title of “Best Little Town” and “Best Small Town,” 108; wartime loss and dispossession, 108–109. See also Allen, Merlin Raye
- Bayfield High School: Merlin Allen memorial service at, 159, 161, 164; memorial plaque for Jimmy Hessing at, 176; Merlin Allen’s graduation from, 1; sending boys to Vietnam, 20, 111; Trollers 1965 yearbook, 105, 106
- Bayfield Peninsula, 16; map of, 18, 105, 121, 167
- Belcher, Bill, 62–63
- Bereavement: mourning and, 159, 164; rituals of, 34, 149
- “A Bill to Provide for the Establishment of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in the State of Wisconsin, and for Other Purposes,” 109–112, 114
- Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (Fountain), 33–34
- Biological profile, 67–68; analysis of Michael Blassie’s, 47
- Blassie, Michael Joseph: exhibit profiling story of identification of, 51, 52–53, 144; grave of, 24–25, 26; identification of and new expectation of commemoration and remembrance, 70, 219–220; identification of remains, 25–26, 50, 94; material evidence from crash site, 46–47; name association with remains deleted, 47; remains labeled BTB (believed to be), 47; selection as Unknown Soldier, 41, 46–48, 96, 234n70
- Blassie, Pat, 49, 51–52
- Blood typing, 47
- Bode Technology, 94
- Body count, 8, 92
- Body not recovered (BNR), 6, 7, 8, 145, 177, 224n6
- Bones (television series), 23, 55
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: comparing MIA accounting to identification of missing persons in, 94–95; forensic scientific efforts to identify victims of genocide, 13–14, 25
- Boss, Pauline, 197
- Bratley Funeral Home (Washburn, Wisconsin), 1, 158–159
- Bresette, Randy, 179, 180; archive on Merlin Allen’s memorial service and, 21; on demographics of Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post, 185; at Duwayne Soulier’s remembrance gathering, 184; Merlin Allen’s homecoming and, 167; on stories of local men killed in Vietnam, 107, 183
- “Bringing Dad Home” (Spinler), 147, 151, 164, 168, 171
- Britain, Great War and commemoration of war dead in, 29, 30, 35, 39, 176
- Brooks, Rosa, 102
- Browns Valley (Minnesota), burial of Spinler remains in, 147, 148, 151–152, 171
- Budget, MIA accounting mission, 12, 83, 89, 93, 243–244n6; apportioned for missions in Southeast Asia, 130, 255n26. See also National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
- Burial rituals, focus on body itself, 5–6, 9
- Burney, Ian, 99
- Byrd, John, 88, 97, 214
- Cadwell, Jeff, 147
- Cain, Pam: father’s MIA status, 199; as MIA activist and daughter of MIA Oscar Mauterer, 192–198, 201; own rituals of remembrance, 198; photo of, 194; visits to Vietnam Veterans Memorial (the Wall), 200
- Canik, Jim, 25–26
- Care for the dead, 9, 226–227n23. See also Exceptional care; Expectations of care; Obligations of care
- Carhart, Tom, 260n18
- Carnes, Donna, 197
- Castaneda, Eugene, 117, 118, 120
- CBS News, 49, 93
- Cemetery: national military, 35, 36–37, 57, 65, 66, 214, 232n42; war, 30, 219. See also Arlington National Cemetery
- Center for Human Identification (Colorado State University), 59
- Central Identification Laboratory (CIL), 56–58, 234n72; accreditation of, 61–62, 93, 143; media criticism of science used at, 93–98; MIA accounting mission restructuring and, 91–92, 97, 213–215; professional reputation of, 61–62, 93; shift away from mortuary practice, 56, 60; standard operating procedure at, 58–59. See also Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii (CILHI); Scientific Analysis Directorate
- Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii (CILHI), 41–42, 234n72; allegations of unsupportable identifications and recommendations to redress issues, 59–60; external review of, 58–59; GAO evaluation of, 89; Vietnam POW / MIA cases and, 41–42; Vietnam War Unknown Soldier and, 43–44, 45–46, 47, 48, 50; World War II unnamed remains sent to, 37. See also Central Identification Laboratory (CIL); Scientific Analysis Directorate
- Certainty, ethos of exceptional care and ethics of, 96. See also Uncertainty
- Chain-of-custody: ceremony at DPAA, House family and, 210–211; evidence and protocol, 32, 47, 49, 142
- Chain of evidence, in recovery efforts, 132
- Changing of the Guard ceremony, at the Tomb of the Unknowns, 27, 218–219
- Charney, Michael, 59, 68
- Chest X-rays, radio analysis comparison technique and, 98–99, 102
- Chicago Tribune (newspaper), 108
- Chief Buffalo, 113–114, 167
- Chippewa Nation, 113–114, 188, 220; Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa, 112, 114. See also Red Cliff Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa
- Chippewa Reservation, 20
- CILHI 0014-A-78 (Vietnam War Unknown candidate remains), uncertainty regarding unilateral turnover, 45–46
- Civilian-military gap, MIA accounting and, 60–63, 238n22
- Civil-military relations in post-9/11 America, gratitude and obligation defining, 33–34
- Civil War: duties and debt to war dead and, 21–22, 28; missing and unknown war dead from, 7, 9; repatriation and, 11–12, 35
- Clavicles, biological profile and, 67, 249n64
- Clearing (consulting firm), 91–92
- Clelland, W. N., 259n9
- Closure, 107, 182, 197–198
- Cohen, William S.: disinterment of Vietnam War Unknown Soldier and, 27, 41, 49; on DNA testing, 51; forecasting “no other unknowns in any war,” 48, 82, 219, 220
- Cold War: family reference samples for missing personnel, 74; unaccounted for from, 10, 55, 87
- Commemoration: collective, 12; local forms of, 180–182, 220; national, 29, 30–31, 34–35, 36–37, 218, 220. See also Tomb of the Unknowns
- Commingled remains, 45, 59, 65, 70, 91, 94, 102
- Communities: mapping disproportionate losses among different types of, 251n6; of mourners, 2, 19, 30, 159, 220; wartime loss and dispossession, 108
- Concurrent return, 37, 58
- Congress: oversight of MIA accounting mission, 57, 59, 86, 181, 213–215; US Congressional hearings, 89–91, 96, 98, 215. See also National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
- Congressional delegation to excavation and recovery site in Vietnam, 137–139
- Consecration, MIA accounting and, 56
- Crash site, mapping, 126–129
- Credibility, science and, 60, 96, 237n9
- Crossland, Zoë, 55
- CSI (television series), 23, 98, 99
- “CSI effect,” 249n61
- Currey, Darlene, 187
- Dan (high school friend of Merlin Allen), 17, 19–21
- “Dealing with Ambiguous Loss” (workshop), 192
- Defense POW / MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), 31, 56, 236n4; Defense POW / MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) West, 213; establishment of, 91, 97; families of WWII unknowns suing, 101–102; percent of budget allocated to operations in Southeast Asia, 130, 214
- Defense Prisoner of War / Missing Personnel Office, 91; rivalry with Joint POW / MIA Accounting Command, 90
- Defoe, Ken, 105–106, 208
- Defoe, Mary E., 104–107, 187, 208
- Delta Air Lines, 32, 157, 181
- Demineralization protocol, 71, 93
- Dental analysis, 68–71, 74; identification of Darrell Spinler using, 76–77; identification of Dean Klenda using, 204–205; Vietnamese and American odontologists comparing methods, 142; WWI, 240n36
- Dental records, military, 69, 76, 240n36
- Department of Defense (DOD) DNA Registry, 25
- Department of the Interior, display about objects left at Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 14–15
- Derks, Mike, 206
- Diane (VFW Post 8239 Ladies Auxiliary member), 179, 216
- Dioxin, 7
- Discontent with public facts in American society, 100–101
- Disinterment, 65, 99, 239n27; from Manila American Cemetery, 101, 214; from National Military Cemetery of the Pacific, 65, 66, 95, 214; of Vietnam War Unknown Soldier, 27, 41, 48–51, 52
- Dispossession, 107, 251n7; Allen family and, 114–115, 167; creation of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and, 113, 115, 167; House family and, 211; Native Americans and, 113, 185; Vietnam War’s price of, 188; wartime loss and, 107–109, 218
- DNA blood card, 240n35
- DNA testing: autosomal, 70, 71, 94, 242n47; as evidentiary silver bullet, 50, 74; family reference samples, 26, 50, 71, 72–73, 86, 241n44; as gold standard line of evidence, 98; identification of REFNO 1895 using, 74–75, 76; media criticism of underuse in MIA accounting, 94–95; MIA accounting and, 50–51, 52, 68–71, 74; MIA families’ expectations and, 70; mitochondrial, 50, 70–71, 95, 241n41, 248n49; samples for, 50, 70; significance of, 25; of Vietnam War Unknown Soldier remains, 49, 50; Y chromosome, 70–71, 242n47
- Dog tags: DNA as molecular, 102; left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 14, 15; as material evidence, 65; remains trading and, 125
- Dolski, Michael, 64
- Dover Air Force Base, 64, 70, 135, 143
- “Dulce et Decorum Est” (Owen), 29, 218, 230n10
- Durkheim, Émile, 5
- Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post 8239, 21, 104–105, 107, 179–180, 191; Applefest and, 216–218; commemorative role played by, 181, 183–184, 209; at LZ Lambeau 2010, 207; Merlin Allen homecoming and, 157, 166–167; photo wall at, 182–183; remembrance gathering for Duwayne Soulier at, 183–189
- Efficiency: Congressional concerns about MIA accounting, 89–90, 138, 181; expectation of, 6; number of identifications per year to assess, 103; restructuring of MIA accounting mission and, 92; science as metric for assessing, 83, 86
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 40
- Epstein, Steven, 101
- Ethical memory, 16, 166, 228n36
- Ethnographic research, 9–10, 144
- Evidence: analysis of forensic, 41, 99; circumstantial, 44, 50, 59; multiple lines of, 51, 55, 64, 98; trace, 61. See also Dental analysis; DNA testing; Material artifacts / evidence
- Excavation, 66, 74, 94; of Team Striker helicopter crash site (REFNO 0746), 123–141
- Exceptional care: ethics of certainty and, 96; ethos of, 12, 28, 41, 62, 74, 90, 96, 101, 102, 135–136, 181, 220; mortuary affairs specialists and, 135–136; tied to homecoming and local reclamation, 13, 166
- Exceptionalism, ethos of, 28. See also American exceptionalism
- Exhumation of Korean War airman, 31–32
- Expectations of care: evolution with Vietnam War setting benchmarks for, 82, 83; families and, 77, 80; La David Johnson and, 82, 85; outsized, 23, 83; raised, 51, 101, 181, 214, 219; recalibrated by Vietnam War Unknown Soldier identification, 28, 70
- Experts / expertise: American questioning of, 100–101; forensic, 12, 25, 36
- Failed science narrative, 92–103, 150
- Family Reference Collection Form (Family Reference Sample chart), 71, 72–73
- Family reference samples, 26, 50, 71, 86, 95, 241–242n44, 242n46
- Faust, Drew Gilpin, 35
- Femur, biological profile and, 67
- Fictive kinship, 121, 221. See also Kinship: widening bonds of
- Field investigations, recovery of remains and, 64
- Field recoveries / field archaeology, 65–66
- First Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm), missing service members from, 244n13, 263–264n11
- Fizell, Diane, 179, 216
- Flags. See American flag; POW / MIA flag
- Forensic anthropology, 62, 63–68, 77. See also Anthropology of MIA accounting
- Forensic archaeology, 63–68; excavation of Team Striker crash site (REFNO 0746), 123–126, 128–129, 132–137, 142; map of Vietnam 1967 and 2012 recovery site, 119
- Forensic Files (television series), 23
- “Forensic gaze,” 249n61
- Forensic genetics. See DNA testing
- Forensic science: as language of memory, 6, 22, 101, 103, 182, 220; popular fascination with, 23; public understanding of, 98, 99–100
- Forensic science of MIA accounting, 6, 63–68; new definition of “accounting” and, 87–88
- Fountain, Ben, 33–34
- Fox, Greg, 65–66, 145
- France, Great War and commemoration of war dead during, 30, 39
- Franklin, H. Bruce, 97
- Funeral announcement for John House, John Killen, and Glyn Runnels, 210
- Furue, Tadao, 58–59, 68
- Gendered codes of mourning, 33, 207
- The General of the Dead Army (Kadare), 67, 81
- Gokee, Andy, 114
- Gonzales, Vince, 49
- Good Morning America (television program), 82
- Gordon, Danny, 180. See also Dan (high school friend of Merlin Allen)
- Gordon, Jeanette, 112
- Gould, Stephen Jay, 23
- Governance, over war dead and their living kin, 101
- Government Accountability Office (GAO), evaluating Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii, 89, 93, 96
- “Grave Science: America’s effort to bring home its war dead is slow, inefficient and stymied by outdated methods” (NPR), 93–96, 97
- Graves Registration Commission (Britain), 29
- Graves Registration Service (US), 36, 37
- Great War. See World War I
- Green, Frank C., Jr., identification of remains, 74–75, 76
- Greenblatt, Stephen, 15
- Greendeer, George, 207
- Grief, mourning and, 121, 159, 181, 198
- Hagel, Chuck, 91
- Harding, Warren, 40
- Hart, Anne, 59, 68, 96
- Hass, Kristin, 200, 261n26
- Hawkins, Cindy, 159, 163, 165, 168
- Heipel, Jimmy (Duwayne Soulier’s nephew), 184–185
- “Hero bike,” 15–16, 205–206
- Hertz, Robert, 5
- Hessing, Bill, 175
- Hessing, Florence, 173, 175; archive about son Jimmy, 175–177, 178, 220
- Hessing, Francis, 172, 173, 175, 177
- Hessing, Gary, 173, 175, 177
- Hessing, James William “Jimmy”: funeral for, 172–173; note posted on “Wall of Faces” about, 177–178; notification of death sent to parents, 172; photo of, 174; on photo wall at Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post, 182–183; posthumous medals awarded to, 176; remembered with Merlin Allen and Duwayne Soulier, 182–183, 188, 217
- Hessing, Joanna (Rothermund), 175
- Historical investigation, 64
- Hoff, Mary, 227n27
- Holland, Tom: attending Dean Klenda’s funeral, 204–205; on civilian-military gap, 60–61; on credibility of science in MIA accounting, 96; on definition of “accounting,” 87–88; on dental analysis vs. DNA testing, 69–70; failed science narrative and, 97
- Homecoming, 12–13, 21, 22, 28, 106, 107, 219; absence of, 181, 190, 221; Darrell Spinler’s, 147, 171, 180; Merlin Allen’s, 1–2, 17, 21, 107, 157–168, 172, 180, 186; military rituals of, 80; version of exceptional care in local, 144–145, 152; Vietnam War veterans’, 182, 205–206, 207
- Honor guard at Arlington National Cemetery, 5
- House, Amy, 125, 211
- House, Eric, 210–211
- House, John A., II: death in Vietnam, 117, 118, 120; investigation of case, 125; memorial on York Island and, 170; return and burial of remains of, 210–212
- House Armed Services Committee, 88
- Huffine, Ed, 25, 94
- Humerus, biological profile and, 47, 67
- Hương Phú commune, as possible site of Team Striker helicopter crash, 125–126
- Identification of remains: convergence of multiple lines of evidence and, 50, 51, 64, 74; individuated recovery and, 11–12, 28, 35, 38, 219; misidentification / mistaken identification, 44, 46, 47, 58, 89, 96
- Inouye, Daniel, 213, 262n1
- Integrity, scientific, 41, 83; addressing in MIA accounting process, 59–60, 61; CIL accreditation and, 62; CIL standard operating procedure and, 58
- Intelligence gathering, 22; recovery of remains and, 64
- International Commission on Missing Persons, 25, 93, 94
- International Committee of the Red Cross, 93
- International Organization for Standardization, 61
- Iwo Jima Memorial, 106
- Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, Blassie grave at, 24–25, 26, 52, 53
- Johnson, La David, 81–83, 243n4
- Johnson, Myeshia, 81–83, 85, 219, 243n3
- Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, 42, 56–57, 213
- Joint Casualty Resolution Center (JCRC), 39, 234n72
- Joint field activity (JFA), 125
- Joint Forensic Review, 141–142
- Joint Personnel Recovery Center (JPRC), 234n72
- Joint POW / MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), 56, 234n72; Central Identification Laboratory and, 57, 88; civilian-military gap and, 62–63; exhumation of Korean War airman and, 31; External Relations Office, 78; family visits to, 77, 145, 242–243n54; as gold standard of scientific rigor, 248–249n55; media criticism of, 93–94, 97–98; recovery team at Team Striker helicopter crash, 123–124, 126–141; request for photos of Oscar Mauterer, 195; restructuring and, 91; rivalry with Defense Prisoner of War / Missing Personnel Office, 90
- Joint Task Force-Full Accounting (JTF-FA), 61, 234n72
- Judd, Michael B., 117, 210, 211–212
- Kadare, Ismail, 67, 81
- Kelly, Sheila, 168, 217
- Kelsey, Harlan, 109
- Kennedy, John F., 109
- Kerley, Ellis, 59, 60, 61, 89
- Killed in action (KIA), 7; debate about designation on Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 199–200; included in tabulations for unaccounted for, 224n6. See also Body not recovered (BNR)
- Killen, John D., III: death of, 117; return and burial of remains of, 210, 211–212
- Kinship: forged through return of remains, 147–148, 151, 152–153, 164; widening bonds of, 164, 167, 186. See also Fictive kinship
- Kipling, Rudyard, 30
- Klenda, Dean Albert, 200–201; burial of remains, 203–205, 220; photos of, 202, 204; sister’s gift of wheat placed at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in memory of, 200–203
- Klenda, Deanna, 200; bringing wheat to leave at Vietnam Veterans Memorial (the Wall), 200–203, 209; burial of brother’s remains in Kansas, 203–205, 220; photo of, 204
- Klenda, Harry, 204–205
- Korean War: duties and debt to war dead and, 22; family reference samples for missing personnel from, 71, 74, 95; repatriation and, 37–38; Unknown Soldier at Alrington National Cemetery, 27. See also Concurrent return
- Korean War missing and unknowns, 42, 52; burial at National Military Cemetery of the Pacific, 57; exhumation and DNA testing of remains, 31–33, 34; included in MIA accounting mission, 10, 55, 87; number of, 7; shift from Vietnam War missing towards, 214–215; unilateral turnover of remains and, 65; use of radiograph analysis comparison technique for, 98–99
- Korean War POW / MIA Network, 91
- Kuepfer, Butch (Alan), 106, 167, 180, 182–183, 185, 186, 188, 216, 217
- Lambeau Field, welcome home event for Vietnam veterans at, 206–207
- “Land comp” (compensation for land clearing and use), 130
- Language of remembrance: science as, 6, 22, 101, 103, 182, 220; of Vietnam War, 90
- Laos: Oscar Mauterer MIA in, 191–198; ordnance used by US forces in, 7, 254n21; time restriction on recovery missions in, 65. See also REFNO 0738 (Darrell Spinler)
- Laqueur, Thomas: on care of the dead, 9, 145; on the Great War’s destruction and commemoration, 29, 30; on remains manifesting traces of events and conditions during life, 68; on work of the dead, 220
- Leafblad, Dolores, 177
- “Leave no man behind,” Vietnam War and, 38, 93
- Lee, Ang, 33
- Lee, Frances Glessner, 54–55, 99
- Lee, Mary, 34
- Lee, Robert E., 34
- Legendary Waters Resort and Casino, 17, 19, 105, 167
- Levine, Lowell, 59, 60, 62
- Life Sciences Equipment Laboratory (LSEL), 90, 91, 97, 245n18
- Liminal space, ritual and, 142
- Lin, Maya, 15, 199, 205
- Linnington, Michael, 97, 98
- Little Sand Bay, 167; military funeral service for Merlin Allen at, 161, 167–168, 169
- Long bones, biological profile and, 67
- Lumpkin, Michael, 92
- Lynch, Thomas, 41
- LZ Lambeau 2010, 206–207
- MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam) Form 5 and ID card, 46, 47
- Madeline Island, 113–114
- Manila American Cemetery, unknowns disinterred from, 214
- Mann, Bob, 49, 61
- Manning, Cindy, 184, 187
- Maples, William, 59
- Mariano, Guy “Junior”: helicopter crash and, 117, 118, 120; Merl Allen’s homecoming and, 158, 159, 166–168, 169; photos of, 161, 162
- Marine Corps Casualty Office, notification Merl Allen’s remains found and identified, 156
- Marshall, George C., 37
- Mass fatality, DNA analysis and, 69
- Material artifacts / evidence, 65, 68, 74; associated with Michael Blassie, 51–52; remains trading and, 125
- Material legacy of commemoration, Vietnam War and, 14–15, 200–205, 261n26
- Mauterer, Oscar: investigation of case, 195, 196–197; MIA in Laos, 192–198; photos of, 193, 194
- McCaskill, Claire, 89–90, 103, 138
- McEvers, Kelly, 93, 97, 98
- McKeague, Kelly, 96, 98
- McNamara, Robert, 8
- McRae, William, 44
- Media criticism of science used in MIA accounting, 93–97
- “Memorial bike,” 15–16, 206
- “Memorial Days” (Defoe), 104, 105
- Memorial Display Room, at Tomb of the Unknowns, 52–53
- Memorials, monuments and, 27, 182
- Memorial service: for Merlin Allen, 1, 159, 161, 164, 165–166; for Oscar Mauterer, 195; in small towns, 23
- Memory: fragmented and unstable nature of, 12, 13, 16, 123; language framing, 101; local, 12, 164–165, 181, 183, 220; national, 12, 34, 165; politics, 14, 83; site of and mourning, 16; space, place, and, 168–169
- Memory of war, connection between remembering and forgetting and, 122–123
- Memory work enabled by return of MIA remains, 16, 147–148, 168; fostering personalized narrative and localized ritual, 164–165, 220
- Merkel Funeral Home (Bayfield, Wisconsin), 173
- Metal detection, UXO clearance and, 126–127
- “MIA bike,” 15–16, 206
- Militarism, new American, 34, 102–103
- Military burials, 5, 13, 164
- Military dental records, 69, 240n36
- Military funeral: for Darrell Spinler, 147; lacking for MIA, 10; for Merlin Allen, 166–169
- Military ritual, 9–10, 49, 142; marking MIA absence, 10–11; of MIA homecoming, 79–80; at remembrance gathering for Duwayne Soulier, 186, 188; repatriation ceremony and, 143
- Military service: celebration of at Applefest Grand Parade, 217–218; draft vs. enlistment, 11, 14, 20, 38, 106
- Mills, James, 85
- Mills-Griffiths, Ann, 22, 85–86, 192, 200, 215
- Misidentification / mistaken identification, 44, 46, 47, 58, 89, 96
- Missing in action (MIA): category and meaning of, 7–8; from First Gulf War, 263–264n11; from Iraq and Afghanistan wars, 219; number of still unaccounted for, 7; tabulated together with POWs during and after Vietnam War, 8, 224n6. See also Korean War missing and unknowns; World War II missing and unknowns
- Missing in action (MIA) accounting: accountability and, 89–91; accounting-for goal, 213; adding World War II and Persian Gulf unknowns to mandate, 87; archaeology and anthropology of, 63–68; arc of, 16–21; congressional definition of “accounting,” 87–88; converging lines of evidence and, 74; criticism of leadership, efficiency, and results of, 83–84; dominant themes of, 205; finite nature of, 220–221; forensic science offering view of US government’s mission of, 22–23; forensic work of, 12; “fullest possible accounting,” 8, 12, 39–40, 80, 83–84, 86–87, 89, 91–92, 101, 164, 181, 205, 215, 219; local forms of commemoration and, 181–182, 220; mission, 22–23; restructuring of mission, 91, 213–215; two cases compared, 74–77. See also Science of accounting
- Missing in action (MIA) commemorative events, 10, 182, 195, 198, 200
- Missing in action (MIA) families: AFDIL’s outreach program to, 71, 74; author contacting, 144; DNA testing and expectations of, 70; expectations of, 70, 77, 80; taking custody of remains, 77–80. See also National League of POW / MIA Families
- Missing in action (MIA) remains: accession of, 64–65; cleaning disinterred, 66–67; Joint Forensic Review and, 141–142; posthumous life of, 68; redefined as sacred objects, 142–143; repatriation of, 142, 143; ritual swaddling of, 79–80; sorting and classifying, 67. See also Recovery of MIA remains; Remains
- Missing Man Table ceremony, 10–11, 207
- Missing persons, accounting for, 13, 69, 87, 93–94, 144
- Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing, 50, 70–71, 92, 95, 241n41, 248n49
- Moe, Leonard, 173
- Mortuary affairs specialists, 135–136
- Mortuary practice, MIA accounting and, 56, 58–59
- Mourning: grief, bereavement, and, 159, 164; national and communal, 39, 40; Vietnam Veterans Memorial as site of, 200
- Murder and the Making of English CSI (Burney & Pemberton), 99
- Murder Is Her Hobby: Frances Glessner Lee and The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death (exhibit), 54–55
- National belonging, 12, 13, 30, 35, 152, 164, 205, 220
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, 86–88; effect of new provisions, 88–89, 90–91; narrowed definition of accountability in, 87–88; number of annual identifications required, 86–87; reorganization of MIA accounting, 213–215
- Nationalism, 30–31
- National League of POW / MIA Families, 8–9; annual meeting and US government briefing, 85–86, 190; Deanna Klenda’s activism with, 202; mission statement, 226n22; original objection to Vietnam Veterans Memorial design (the Wall), 199–200; Pam Cain and, 191, 195–196; trust in MIA accounting procedures, 98
- National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl), 57; disinterment of unknown remains from, 65, 66, 214
- National Museum of Health and Medicine, 51
- National Park Service, Vietnam Veterans Memorial and, 14
- National POW / MIA Recognition Day, 196, 198, 200
- National Public Radio (NPR), joint investigative piece with ProPublica on MIA accounting science, 93–96, 97, 98
- National sacrifice, commemoration and notion of, 13, 27, 35, 188, 218; obligations tied to, 8, 9, 32–35, 218
- Native American ritual: guiding belated homecoming events at LZ Lambeau 2010, 207–208; remembrance of Duwayne Soulier and, 188–189
- Native Americans: dispossession and, 113–114, 185; disproportionate service in Vietnam War, 185–186; establishment of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and, 109–114
- NBC, 93
- NCIS (television series), 23
- Needham, Thomas, 61
- Neff, Marilyn: at hearing to create Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 109–110, 112; Merlin Allen’s memorial service and, 159, 168; notification of brother’s remains found and identified, 156; photo of, 161; at remembrance for Duwayne Soulier, 186; Jeff Savelkoul’s story of helicopter crash and, 153
- Neff, Ralph, 153, 186
- Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada), 201
- Nelson, Gaylord, 109
- Newago, Caroline, 112, 114, 259n9
- Newago, Mrs. Walter, 112–113
- New American militarism, 34; science and, 102–103
- New York Times (newspaper), 93, 101–102
- Next generation sequencing (NGS), 95, 248n52
- Nguyen, Viet Thanh: on helicopter gunship, 38; on memories of war dead and future wars, 220; on memory of war, 122–123; on true war stories, 166; on war cemeteries, 219. See also Ethical memory
- Niger, ambush of US troops by Islamic State militants in, 81–83
- Nixon, Richard, 8, 38, 39
- Northrup, Jim, 206, 207–208, 218, 261n40
- Northrup, Rodney Charles, 207–208
- Nothing Ever Dies: Vietnam and the Memory of War (Nguyen), 122–123
- Nuclear DNA testing, 70–71, 242n47; criticism of AFDIL’s underuse of, 94–95. See also Autosomal (auSTR) nuclear DNA testing; Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing
- Nutshell Studies, 54–55, 99. See also Lee, Frances Glessner
- Obama, Barack, 254n21
- Objects left at Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 14–15, 200–205, 261n26
- Obligations of care, 9, 15, 22, 24–53, 101, 215; identification of Michael Blassie remains, 24–26, 46–48, 51–53; indebtedness and gratitude, 31–35; legacy of Vietnam War Unknown, 51–53; removal of Vietnam War Unknown from Tomb of the Unknowns, 46–51; repatriation and, 35–41; selection of remains for Vietnam War Unknown, 41–46; Tomb of the Unknowns, 26–28; unknown and unnamed, 28–31
- O’Brien, Tim, 14–15, 166
- Odontograms, 69, 76
- Odontology, 58, 77, 97
- Operation Desert Storm, 263–264n11
- Operation El Dorado Canyon, 263n11
- Operation Glory, 37
- Operation Iraqi Freedom, 219
- Outer Island (navy vessel), 169
- Overseas national cemeteries, 36–37
- Owen, Wilfred, 29, 218, 230n10
- Pace, Stan, 186, 187–188
- Paris Peace Accords, 7, 8–9, 38–39
- Parsons, Tom, 25
- Pascale, Joe, 180
- Patriot Guard Riders: Allen homecoming and, 2, 158–159, 160, 166–167, 186; mission of, 158, 181
- Pearl Harbor attack: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and, 56; unnamed dead from, 57, 214
- Pelvic bones, biological profile and, 67
- Pemberton, Neil, 99
- Perec, Georges, 168–169, 170
- Perry, Dennis, 117, 118, 120, 170
- Persian Gulf War, 87, 244n13
- Personnel Accounting Consolidation Task Force (PACT), 91–92
- Pezewski, Ken “Polack,” 206
- Phú Lộc District, as possible site of Team Striker helicopter crash, 125
- Piehler, G. Kurt, 37, 38, 165, 206
- Pilloud, Marin: Dwayne Spinler and, 145, 147, 151, 171; escorting Korean War airman remains for DNA testing, 32–33, 34
- Pinckney, Linda, 177
- The Political Lives of Dead Bodies (Verdery), 34
- Popular culture: failed science narrative and, 98–99; fascination with forensic science, 23
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Vietnam vets and, 105–106, 208
- POW / MIA advocacy movement, 8. See also National League of POW / MIA Families
- POW / MIA families, uncertainty and, 8, 85–86. See also Missing in action (MIA) families
- POW / MIA flag, 11, 57, 227n27
- POW / MIA mythmaking, politics of, 97–98
- POW / MIA slogan “Bring ’em home or send us back,” 8, 15
- Principle of concurrence, dental analysis and, 69
- Probability, forensic analysis of remains and, 68
- ProPublica and National Public Radio (NPR), joint investigative piece on MIA accounting science, 93–96, 97
- Provenience, of remains, 45, 65, 132
- Pubic symphysis, biological profile and, 67
- Public Resolution 67; establishment of Tomb of the Unknowns, 27
- Punchbowl. See National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl)
- Quincy, M.E. (television series), 100
- Race, in forensic anthropology, 240n31. See also Ancestry
- Racism, repatriation in Korean War and, 37–38
- Radiograph analysis comparison technique, 98–99, 241n37
- Rankin, David, 49–50
- Rank society, 62
- Reagan, Ronald: Ann Mills-Griffiths and administration, 85; D-Day / Boys of Pointe du Hoc speech, 234n67; Vietnam War Unknown Soldier and recasting Vietnam War, 40, 41, 42, 48, 52, 233–234n63
- Reciprocity, 140–141
- Reclamation: local, 166, 182, 220; national, 143
- Recovery of MIA remains: aided by Vietnamese, 123; changing practices of, 213–214; complexity of process, 64; documenting archaeological results, 136–137; during and after Vietnam War, 38–39; expectations regarding swift, 82, 219; extension of American tradition, 11–12; Joint Field Activity and, 141–142; monetary compensation and, 130; recovery mission for Team Striker crash site, 123–141. See also Repatriation of remains
- Red Cliff (Wisconsin): in contrast to Bayfield, 108; remembrance of those lost in Vietnam War, 16–17, 164; wartime loss and dispossession and, 108, 185. See also Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post 8239
- Red Cliff Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa, 17, 113–114, 188; battle over establishment of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and, 109, 112–114
- Red Cliff Band Reservation casino, 17, 19, 105, 167
- Red Cliff Reservation, 111, 114
- Reedy, Edward, 97
- Reference Number (REFNO) 0746 (Team Striker helicopter crash): documenting archaeological results, 137; excavation and recovery of, 123–141; final photographs, 137; investigation of, 125; Joint Forensic Review, 141–142; remains recovered, 133–135; visit from congressional delegation, 137–139
- Reference numbers, 242n49
- REFNO 0738 (Darrell Spinler), 74, 76–77, 90, 145
- REFNO 1895 (Frank C. Green, Jr.), identification of, 74–75, 76, 90
- Reichs, Kathy, 55
- Remains: commingled, 45, 59, 65, 70, 94, 102; different conflicts’ varied conditions of, 64–65, 214–215, 219; remains trading, 125. See also Missing in action (MIA) remains; Recovery of MIA remains; Repatriation of remains
- Remembering War the American Way (Piehler), 165
- Renwick Gallery (Washington, DC), 54, 55, 99, 100
- Reorganization, MIA accounting agencies, 91–92, 97, 100, 213–215
- Repatriation of remains: American tradition of, 12, 22, 35–41; ceremony, 142–143; Civil War, 35; Korean War, 37–38; Spanish-American War, 36; Vietnam War, 38–39, 142, 143; Vietnam War and expansion of, 12; World War I, 36; World War II, 36–37
- Resolved: Advances in Forensic Identification of US War Dead (exhibit), 51, 52
- “The Ride Home” (event marking National POW / MIA Recognition Day), 196
- Rite of passage, 49, 143
- Rituals: creation of sacred things and, 5, 6; of disinterring remains of Vietnam War Unknown Soldier, 49; helping mourning society, 5, 34; military, 79–80, 166–169, 186, 188; Native American, 188–189, 207–208; as performance, 143; science as source of, 9–10; ushering objects and people through liminal space, 141, 142
- Rituals for the missing, 9–13, 164, 181, 219
- Rituals of remembrance: created by Vietnam veterans, 206; for Darrell Spinler, 149; for Duwayne Soulier, 183–189, 221; local, 28, 165, 220; MIA accounting as form of, 56; military, 144; for Oscar Mauterer, 198
- Robinson, Eldon, 227n27
- Robinson, Larry, 227n27
- Rolling Thunder, commemorative motorcycle ride, 16, 19, 111, 207
- Roosevelt, Quentin, 36, 232n38
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 36
- Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 232n38
- Rosary, Jeff Savelkoul’s, 125, 154, 156
- Runnels, Glyn L., Jr., 117; return of remains of, 210, 211–212
- “Run to The Wall,” Memorial Day commemorative gathering, 206
- Russell (township in Wisconsin), 111, 115, 164, 167
- Sacred: Arlington National Cemetery and Tomb of the Unknown as, 25, 26, 27, 218; creation of “new sacred things,” 5, 12, 102; missing as, 11; objects made, 11, 12, 142–143; science and, 6, 56, 102, 221; war dead as, 34
- Sacrifice: national, 13, 27, 35, 188, 218; obligations tied to, 8, 9, 32–35, 218; ultimate, 35, 218; what results from, 218–219
- Sampley, Ted, 48–49
- Sand Bay (Wisconsin), 109, 111
- Savelkoul, Jeff: ace of spades cards and rosary found at crash site and, 125, 154, 156; Allen memorial service and, 159; on attack in Vietnam that killed Merl Allen, 116–122; awarded bronze star, 156; bond with Allen family, 164, 171; escorting Merl Allen’s remains home, 156–157, 165; meeting Merl Allen, 116; Merl Allen’s military funeral and, 167–168; photo of Vietnamese prisoners and, 122, 123; photos of, 161, 162; public talks about Vietnam, 121, 165; visiting Allen family after Merl’s death, 153–154; on what MIA absence means for veterans, 152–158
- Scavenging, in Vietnam, 124, 125, 128, 138–139, 253n14
- Schneider, Kimberly, 60–61
- Science: advances in and changing modes of remembrance, 4, 6, 16, 27, 50; disjuncture between heightened expectations of care and limitations of, 83–84; generating “new sacred things,” 11, 12; as language of remembrance, 6, 22, 101, 103, 182, 220; new American militarism and, 102–103; portrait of “outdated,” 92–94, 98; public skepticism of, 84, 97, 102; as response to war’s defeat, 6, 12; rising expectations of, 28, 86; as socially embedded activity, 6, 23; as source of ritual for the missing, 9–10, 11; as yardstick of accountability and efficiency, 86
- Science of accounting, 6, 54–80; archaeology and anthropology of MIA accounting, 63–68; civilian-military gap and, 60–63; dental records vs. DNA testing, 68–71, 74; encounters with and expectations of families of MIAs, 77–80; from mortuary to laboratory, 56–60; National Public Radio / ProPublica piece criticizing, 93–96, 97; two cases compared, 74–77. See also Congress; DNA testing; Failed science narrative
- Scientific Analysis Directorate, 97, 213
- Scientific authority, 101; in conflict with military authority, 62–63
- Scientific expertise: disappointed expectations of, 84; public distrust of, 101
- Scientific knowledge, public reckoning with, 100–103
- Scientific Working Group for Forensic Anthropology (FBI), 93
- Scientists, failed science narrative and “risk-averse,” 84, 92–93, 96, 97–98, 100
- Self-references, DNA testing and, 70–71
- Senator Daniel K. Inouye Defense POW / MIA Accounting Agency Center of Excellence, 213
- Sex, biological profile and, 67–68
- Short tandem repeat (STR) technology, 71
- Sixty-Fifth Ordnance Company, 127
- Skull, ancestry estimations and, 67
- Smithsonian Magazine, 108
- Sociotechnical imaginaries, 244n7
- Soulier, Cindy. See Manning, Cindy
- Soulier, Darlene. See Currey, Darlene
- Soulier, Duwayne “Wotsy,” 19, 173, 217; circumstances surrounding loss, 182, 187–188, 191, 192, 259n9; enlisting in marines, 191; family as guardians of memory, 209; Mary Defoe’s memories of, 105, 106, 107; Merlin Allen and, 20; mother’s statement at congressional hearing, 112, 114; photo of remembrance gathering cake, 185; on photo wall at Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post, 182–183; remaining MIA, 21; remembrance of, 183–189, 209, 221. See also Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post 8239
- Soulier, Larry “Bootin,” 19–20, 21, 220; Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post and, 180, 184, 198; photo of, 190; remembrance for brother and, 186–187, 189, 191–192, 209, 220
- Soulier, Rose, 184, 185, 189, 191–192
- Soumis, David, 178
- South Shore Property Owners Association, 114
- Souvenir collecting on recovery sites, 139
- Space, memory and, 168–169
- Spanish-American War, repatriation and, 36
- Species of Spaces (Perec), 168–169
- Speicher, Scott, 263–264n11
- Spinler, Darlene: enduring grief and eventual suicide after loss of husband, 149–151; letters exchanged with husband, 149, 152; photo of, 146; private rituals of remembrance, 149
- Spinler, Darrell John: homecoming for, 147, 168, 180, 181; identification of remains, 76–77; MIA status, 145, 192; photo of, 146; recovery of remains, 151. See also REFNO 0738 (Darrell Spinler)
- Spinler, Darrell John, II, 152
- Spinler, David, 152
- Spinler, Dawn, 145, 152
- Spinler, Dwayne: “Bringing Dad Home” essay, 147, 151, 164, 168, 171; burial of father’s remains and, 151–152; effect of mother’s enduring grief and suicide on, 149–151; loss of innocence with “initial” funeral service in 1967, 148–149; on mourning’s generative effect, 164; photo of, 152; on presentation of flag at father’s funeral, 168; on recovery of father’s remains, 171; sharing memories of MIA father, 145; taking custody of father’s remains, 145, 147; waiting for news of father as child, 148, 201
- Srebrenica genocide, forensic scientific efforts to identify victims of, 13–14, 25, 78–79
- Stack, Alisa, 92
- Standard operating procedure (SOP), MIA accounting and, 57–58, 61, 63, 236–237n8
- Stature, biological profile and, 67–68
- Stephan, Carl, 98–99
- Stephanopoulos, George, 82
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 106
- Storytelling, narrative of missing war dead, 12–13, 52–53, 165, 205
- Taphonomy, 68
- Taylor, Zachary, 113, 114
- Team Hawk, 154
- Team Striker: attack that killed members of, 116–121, 156, 211; excavation and recovery of remains from helicopter crash, 123–141; Jeff Savelkoul visiting families and graves of, 154; member Mariano “Junior” Guy, 158, 159; memorial on York Island, 170; recovery mission to locate remains of dead from, 118, 119
- Teeth: baby as source for DNA sample, 71; biological profile and, 67; significance of recovery, 134. See also Dental analysis
- Tet Offensive, 38
- The Things They Carried (O’Brien), 14–15, 166
- Third Reconnaissance Battalion (US Marine Corps), 109, 117, 154. See also Team Striker
- Third US Infantry Regiment (Old Guard), 27, 49, 188
- This Republic of Suffering (Faust), 35
- Thompson, Bob “Hogman,” 206
- Tomb of the Unknowns, 26–28, 144, 188, 218; adding Vietnam War Unknown Soldier to, 39–40, 59; racial subtext of belonging and, 235n75; storytelling of, 52–53. See also Vietnam War Unknown Soldier
- Tradition: American of caring for war dead, 11, 22, 28, 38; burial, 30, 35; military, 24, 86, 186; Native American, 186, 188, 207, 220
- Transparency: CIL accreditation and, 61–62; CIL standard operating procedure and, 58, 84; scrutiny regarding in MIA accounting mission, 138
- Treaty of La Pointe (1854), 113–114
- Tribal rights, establishment of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and, 109–114
- Trotter, Mildred, 37
- Trump, Donald, 81, 243n3
- Trust: lack of, between government agencies and MIA community, 86; MIA families’ in mission, 84, 86, 96, 98, 102; new American militarism and, 102–103; in scientific integrity of recovery and identification process, 58, 59, 83
- “Unaccounted for,” category of, 6, 224n6
- Uncertainty: surrounding MIA fate, 8, 10, 166, 192, 199; Vietnam War POW / MIA families and, 85–86
- Unilateral turnovers, 44, 45, 65
- Unknowns, buried from: Civil War, 34; Korean War, 27, 57, 65; World War II, 27, 36–37, 65
- Unknowns, disinterment of: from Manila American Cemetery, 214; from National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, 65, 66, 214; Vietnam War Unknown Soldier, 27, 41, 48–51
- Unknown soldier: monuments to, 39; national veneration of, 30–31
- “Until They Are Home” (motto), 90
- USS California, 214
- USS Oklahoma, 239n27, 263n5
- USS West Virginia, 214
- UXO (unexploded ordnance), disposal of, 126–127, 136, 254n21
- Verdery, Katherine, 34
- Veterans: obligations of state toward, 35, 181, 209; World War II, 180. See also Vietnam War veterans
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) posts, 179, 180; rituals for MIAs at, 10. See also Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post 8239
- Vietnam: chemical agents used in, 7; map of Vietnam, 119; normalization and, 39, 233n57; number of dead from war with US (“American War”), 7, 225n10; number of missing from war with US (“American War”), 7, 123, 141, 225n13, 260n20; ordnance used by US forces in, 7, 126, 254n21; Paris Peace Accords and, 38–39; reparations and, 39, 233n56; US pressure on regarding MIA accounting, 246n29
- Vietnamese laborers at Team Striker crash site excavation (REFNO 0746), 123–124, 129–133, 137–139, 140–141; age and divisions among, 133; gifts exchanged between American team and, 139–141; relations between US field recovery workers and, 131–132, 137–138, 139–141
- Vietnamese Office for Seeking Missing Persons (VNOSMP), 128, 130, 131, 139; Joint Forensic Review and, 141–142
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial (the Wall), 199–205; criticism of design, 199–200, 260n18; forms of commemoration at, 182; Hero Bike and, 15–16, 205–206; objects left at, 14–15, 200–205, 261n26; as site of ritual, 200; Soulier family visit to, 191; thirty-fifth anniversary of dedication of, 199, 205
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, 14; “Wall of Faces” website, 177–178, 200
- Vietnam War: dental analysis of remains from, 69; disparity in US and Vietnamese losses in, 7, 123, 141, 225n10, 260n20; duties and debt to war dead and, 22; expanding tradition of individuated recovery, 11–12; family reference samples for missing personnel, 71; federal government and alienation of those who fought, 165; language of remembrance and, 90; material legacy of commemoration and, 14–15; repatriation of remains and, 38–39, 142, 143; shift of focus to Korean War and World War II unaccounted, 214–215; uneven losses among different types of communities, 185–186, 251n6; unilateral turnovers of remains, 65; women unaccounted for, 260n23
- Vietnam War Unknown Soldier: controversy over adding to Tomb of Unknowns, 39–40; decision to disinter, 40–41; disinterment of, 48–51; identification of, 24–26; selection of, 41–48. See also Blassie, Michael Joseph
- Vietnam War veterans: alienation after returning from war, 165, 206–207; “baby-killer” rhetoric and, 195, 259n14; demand that state fulfill its obligation to MIAs, 8, 181; meaning of MIA absence for, 152; PTSD and, 105–106, 208; sense of national belonging and, 205–206; significance of MIA accounting for, 13; welcome home event in Wisconsin in 2010, 206–207
- Visitation for Merl Allen’s homecoming, 159
- wahbegan (Northrup), 207–208
- Walker, Scott, 159
- the Wall. See Vietnam Veterans Memorial (the Wall)
- “Wall of Faces,” Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund website, 177–178
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 49
- War cemeteries, 30, 219. See also Cemetery
- War dead: Great War and new era of commemoration of, 29; as repositories of national memory, 34; symbolic power and social contract between US government and survivors, military, and general public, 35, 36; work of remembrance and, 121
- Warfare: high precision, 84, 102; industrialized and WWI, 28–29
- War Graves Commission (Britain), 29
- War poets, 28–29
- “The War’s Not Over Until the Last Man Comes Home” (pledge), 90
- War stories, true, 166
- Washington Post (newspaper), 41, 93
- Webb, Johnie, Jr.: acquiescence to demand for Vietnam War Unknown Soldier, 48; External Relations Office and, 78; Ellis Kerley and, 60; memo arguing against selection of Vietnam War Unknown, 42–43, 44, 45–46, 49
- Westboro Baptist Church, 158, 257n20
- Westminster Abbey, unknown soldier at, 30
- Whitman, Walt, 7, 23
- “Why We Must Know” (opinion editorial, Lynch), 41
- Wilmot, Amanda, 157, 168
- Winter, Jay: on commemoration of war, 28–29; on communities of mourning, 223n2; on fictive kinship, 121; on language framing memory, 101; on local forms of commemoration, 181; on mourning, 159, 164; on work of remembrance, 121
- Wisconsin, map of northern, 18
- Wisconsin Farmers Union, 111
- Wisconsin MIAs, 1, 15–16, 19, 21, 206
- Wisconsin Public Television, 206
- Wold, James W., 125
- Women: service in Vietnam War, 38, 233n54; among Vietnam War MIAs, 260n23
- Women of Srebrenica, 19, 78
- Work of remembrance, 121; Tomb of the Unknowns and, 218. See also Memory work enabled by return of MIA remains
- “Work of the dead,” 220
- World War I: care for war dead from, 29–31; commemoration of, 28–31; dental analysis and, 240n36; repatriation of American remains and, 36; war poets, 28–29
- World War II missing and unknowns: adding to MIA accounting mandate, 87; families suing Defense POW / MIA Accounting Agency, 101–102; family reference samples for, 73; MIA funeral at Arlington National Cemetery, 164; number of, 7; repatriation and, 36–37; shift from Vietnam War missing towards, 214–215
- World War II veterans, founding of VFW Post 8239 by, 180
- X-15 (Vietnam War Unknown candidate remains), 43–44
- X-26 (Vietnam War Unknown candidate remains), selection of, 47–48. See also Blassie, Michael Joseph
- X-32 (Vietnam War Unknown candidate remains), 44–45
- Y-chromosome (Y-STR) nuclear DNA testing, 70–71, 242n47
- York Island: Allen family property and, 11, 109, 115; burial of Merlin Allen’s remains on, 17, 157, 168, 169–171, 183, 220; memorial marker for Merl Allen on, 154, 156, 162, 169–170; memorial to deceased members of Team Striker, 170; memorial tributes left on, 163
- “You are not forgotten” (MIA pledge), 8, 11, 90, 165