
Location references in bold type

refer to illustrative material and on-page definitions.

absolutism 11, 11

Acton, Lord 17, 95

Adorno, T. 5, 78

affirmative action 191, 191

alienation 73, 734

Allende, S. 62

altruism 27, 27

anarchism 92

collectivist anarchism 1012

anarcho-communism 104, 105

anarcho-syndicalism 93, 1034

mutualism 102, 102, 103

core ideas and principles

anti-clericalism 99100

anti-statism 94, 95, 95, 96, 97

economic freedom 1001

natural order 97, 98, 99

democracy, anarchists’ perspective on 19

differences between

individualist anarchism and collectivist anarchism 108

eco-anarchism 174, 175

economy, anarchists’ perspective on the 69

equality, anarchists’ perspective on 65

freedom, anarchists’ perspective on 15

human nature, anarchists’ perspective on 38, 94, 95

individualist anarchism 1056

anarcho-capitalism 108, 109

egoism 106, 107

libertarianism 107, 1078

nation, anarchists’ perspective on the 117

nature, anarchists’ perspective on 162

origins and development of 93, 94

society, anarchists’ perspective on 40

anarcho-capitalism 108, 109

anarcho-communism 104, 105

anarcho-syndicalism 93, 1034

Anderson, B. 118

androgyny 140, 140, 141

animal rights 162, 169, 169, 170, 175

anomie 38

Anthony, S. B. 138

anthropocentrism 161

anti-colonial nationalism 132, 1334

anti-politics 57, 57

anti-Semitism 132

Arendt, H. 5

assimilation 201

Atkinson, T.-G. 153

atomism 14, 14

austerity 54, 54

authoritarian conservatism 434, 45

authoritarianism 44

Bahro, R. 173

Bakunin, M. 64, 97, 99, 100, 101

Barruel, A. 111

Barry, B. 202

Beasley, C. 155

Bentham, J. 22, 23, 23, 26, 41

Berlin, I. 15, 16, 195, 196

Bernstein, E. 82

Beveridge Report 29

biocentric equality 177

biodiversity 177

bioregionalism 179, 179

Bismarck, O. von 44

black feminism 154

black nationalism 122

Blair, T. 85

Bobbio, N. 6

Bohr, N. 163

Bolivar, S. 112, 124

Bookchin, M. 98, 173, 174, 175, 175, 180

Boulding, K. 165

bourgeois ideology 76

bourgeois state 67, 67

bourgeoisie 66, 66

Bourne, R. 96

Bright, J. 108

Brownmiller, S. 153

Brundtland Report 168

Buddhism 98, 100, 134, 159, 164, 171

Bukharin, N. 77

Burke, E. 34, 39, 40, 45, 48, 49

Bush, G. W. 34

Butler, J. 155

capitalism 62

Capra, F. 163, 164, 172

Carson, R. 159, 159, 174

Castro, F. 133

Chamberlain, H. S. 132

Chamberlain, J. 41

Charvet, J. 153

Chauvin, N. 130

chauvinism 113, 130, 131, 132

Christian democracy 46

Christianity 81, 99, 130 164

Christoyannopoulos, A. 100

Churchill, R. 46, 47

citizenship 185

civic nationalism 117, 117

ethnocultural nationalism, and 123

civil liberty 18

civil society 14, 14, 18

class consciousness 76, 76

class politics 667

classical liberalism 10, 12, 12, 20

characteristics of 201

economic liberalism 23, 24

modern liberalism, and 29

natural rights 212

Social Darwinism 245

utilitarianism 223, 23

Clinton, B. 85, 88

Clinton, H. 89

Cobden, R. 25, 108

collectivisation 65, 65

collectivism 64

collectivist anarchism 1012

anarcho-communism 104, 105

anarcho-syndicalism 1034

individualist anarchism, and 108

mutualism 102, 102, 103

common ownership 69, 70

communism 61, 61, 70, 71

social democracy, and 83

see also Marxism

communitarianism 86, 86, 1878

competition state 88, 88

‘consciousness-raising’ 152, 152


authoritarian conservatism 434, 45

Christian democracy 46

core ideas and principles

authority 41, 41

hierarchy 35, 35, 39, 41

human imperfection 356, 37

property 42, 42, 43

social order 356

society 37, 38, 39, 41

tradition 36, 36, 37, 39

culture, conservatives’ perspective on 188

democracy, conservatives’ perspective on 19

differences between

libertarian conservatism and paternalistic conservatism 49

neoconservatism and neoliberalism 55

ecoconservatism 1723

economy, conservatives’ perspective on the 423, 69

equality, conservatives’ perspective on 65

fiscal conservatism 53, 53

freedom, conservatives’ perspective on 15

gender, conservatives’ perspective on 141

human nature, conservatives’ perspective on 356, 37, 38

libertarian conservatism 48, 49

multiculturalism, and 200, 201

nation, conservatives’ perspective on the 117

national conservatism 57, 57, 58

nature, conservatives’ perspective on 162

New Right 33, 35, 35, 4950

neoconservatism 50, 54, 55, 557

neoliberalism 50, 51, 51, 523, 54

origins and development of 33, 345

paternalistic conservatism 45

One Nation conservatism 45, 46, 47, 48

social conservatism 38, 38

society, conservatives’ perspective on 37, 389, 40, 41

state, conservatives’ perspective on the 412, 95

Toryism 47

traditional conservatism 33, 41, 48

conservative nationalism 1289

constitutionalism 17, 1718

constructivism 11819, 119

consumer sovereignty 172, 172

Corbyn, J. 89

cosmopolitan multiculturalism 198, 199

cosmopolitanism 198

Crosland, A. 83, 84, 84, 85

cultural feminism 145, 1456

cultural nationalism 121, 121, 122, 123


perspectives on 188

see also multiculturalism

Daly, M. 175, 176

Darwin, C. 25

Daoism 98, 100, 159, 164

de Beauvoir, S. 140, 151

de Gaulle, C. 128

de Maistre, J. 43

de Tracy, D. 4

deep diversity 194, 194

deep ecology 161, 161, 162, 1778, 17980

shallow ecology, and 162

democracy 17, 18

perspectives on

anarchists 19

conservatives 19

ecologists 19

liberals 18, 19

multiculturalists 19

socialists 19

democratic centralism 76, 76

Descartes, R. 163

developmental individualism 12

Dewey, J. 37

dialectic 73, 73

dictatorship of the proletariat 75, 75, 77, 102

difference feminism 141, 141

equality feminism, and 146

direct action 97, 97

direct democracy 105, 105

discourse 154

Disraeli, B. 45, 46

divine right 3, 11, 11, 36, 99

Donne, J. 63

Drake, J. 154

Dubois, R. 160

Durkheim, E. 38

eco-anarchism 174, 175

ecocentrism 161

ecoconservatism 1723

ecofeminism 175, 176, 177

ecoliberalism 172

‘ecological consciousness’ 171, 171


core ideas and principles

‘ecological consciousness’ 171, 171

ecology 160, 160, 161, 162

environmental ethics 168, 169

holism 163, 1634, 165

post-materialism 170, 170

sustainability 165, 166, 166, 167, 168, 168

deep ecology 161, 161, 162, 1778, 17980

democracy, ecologists’ perspective on 19

differences between

shallow ecology and deep ecology 162

economy, ecologists’ perspective on the 69

equality, ecologists’ perspective on 65

freedom, ecologists’ perspective on 15

human nature, ecologists’ perspective on 38

modernist ecology 167, 167, 168, 1712

ecoconservatism 1723

ecoliberalism 172

nature, ecologists’ perspective on 162

origins and development of 159, 160

shallow ecology 161, 161

social ecology 168, 168, 173

eco-anarchism 174, 175

ecofeminism 175, 176, 177

ecosocialism 1734

‘transpersonal ecology’ 171

types of 176

economic liberalism 23, 24, 48

economy, the

perpectives on

anarchists 69

conservatives 423, 69

ecologists 69

liberals 1920, 69

socialists 69, 69, 70

ecosocialism 1734

egalitarianism 64, 64, 65

egoism 14, 14, 106, 107

egoistical individualism 12

Ehrlich, P. 160

Einstein, A. 163

Elshtain, J. 144

empire 114

Engels, F. 4, 61, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 148

Enlightenment 13, 13

entropy 165, 165

environmental ethics 168, 169


equality of opportunity 16, 16

formal equality 185

perspectives on 65

anarchists 65

conservatives 65

ecologists 65

feminists 65

liberals 65

socialists 60, 645, 65

equality feminism 145, 145

difference feminism, and 146

essentialism 141, 141

ethical individualism 12

ethical socialism 80, 81

ethnic nationalism 121, 121, 122, 123

ethnicity 115

ethnocultural nationalism 123, 183, 183

civic nationalism, and 123

Eurocentrism 186

Euroscepticism 56, 56, 129

expansionist nationalism 12930, 131, 132

liberal nationalism, and 127

Eysenck, H. 7

Fabian Society 68

Fanon, F. 133

fascism 130


black feminism 154

core ideas and principles

equality and difference 1456

patriarchy 142, 142, 143, 143

redefining ‘the political’ 1434

sex and gender 139, 139, 140, 141, 141

cultural feminism 145, 1456

culture, feminists’ perspective on 188

difference feminism 141, 141

differences between

equality feminism and difference feminism 146

liberal feminism and radical feminism 151

ecofeminism 175, 176, 177

equality, feminists’ perspective on 65

equality feminism 145, 145

first-wave feminism 138, 138

freedom, feminists’ perspective on 15

human nature, feminists’ perspective on 38

intersectionality 139, 13940, 154, 155

liberal feminism 138, 138, 146, 1478

multiculturalism, and 201

nature, feminists’ perspective on 162

origins and development of 137, 13840

postfeminism 139, 156

‘pro-woman’ feminism 145, 145

radical feminism 139, 150, 151, 152, 153

second-wave feminism 139, 139

sexual division of labour 144

socialist feminism 139, 148, 149, 150

society, feminists’ perspective on 40

state, feminists’ perspective on the 95

third-wave feminism 154, 155

transfeminism 139, 155

types of 153, 154

feudalism 11, 11

Fichte, J. 121, 131

Figes, E. 151

first-wave feminism 138, 138

fiscal conservatism 53, 53

fiscal stimulus 54

fossil fuels 165

Foucault, M. 154

Fourier, C. 61, 80, 149

Fox, W. 171

Franco, F. 93

Frankfurt School 78

fraternity 63, 63

free trade 126


perspectives on

anarchists 15

conservatives 15

ecologists 15

feminists 15

liberals 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16

nationalists 15

socialists 15

Friedan, B. 13, 14, 139, 146, 147

Friedman, D. 99, 108

Friedman, M. 51, 52

Fromm, E. 170

Fukuyama, F. 79

fundamentalist socialism 70, 70

future generations 169

Gaia hypothesis 164, 165

Gaitskell, H. 82

Galbraith, J. K. 85

Gandhi, M. 133

Garvey, M. 122, 122, 183

Gellner, E. 118


perspectives on 141

see also feminism

‘general will’ 119, 119

Giddens, A. 86, 87, 87

Gilman, C. P. 149, 149

Gilmour, I. 45

Gladstone, W. 10

Godwin, W. 93, 95, 97, 105, 108

Goldman, E. 96, 96

Goldsmith, E. 160

Goldwater, B. 34

Goodhart, D. 202

Goodin, R. 169

government 11

gradualism 68, 68

Gramsci, A. 5, 78

Gray, J. 195

Green, T. H. 27, 28

green capitalism 172, 1723

green ideology see ecologism

Greer, G. 139, 152, 156

Grimm, J. 122

Grimm, W. 122

Habermas, J. 78

Haeckel, E. 158

‘happiness economics’ 170

‘hard’ Wilsonianism 567

Hardin, G. 166, 167

Hardy, T. 159

Harriman, R. 160

Hayek, F. von 48, 51, 52

Hegel, G. W. F. 72, 73

Heisenberg, V. 163

Herder, J. 121, 121, 187

Herzl, T. 124

Heywood, L. 154

Hinduism 133, 135, 159, 164

historical materialism 72, 72

Hitler, A. 2, 44

Ho Chi Minh 133

Hobbes, T. 16, 22, 36, 36, 97

Hobhouse, L. T. 27

Hobsbawm, E. 11819

Hobson, J. A. 27

holism 163, 1634, 165

homeostasis 160, 160

hooks, b. (G. J. Watkins) 154, 155

Horkheimer, M. 78

human nature 13

perspectives on

anarchists 38, 94, 95

conservatives 356, 37, 38

ecologists 38

feminists 38

liberals 12, 13, 14, 38

socialists 38, 623, 645

human rights 12, 12, 13

humanism 80, 169, 169

Huntington, S. 184, 200

hybridity 198

identity politics 189

ideology 4

concept of 4, 5

imperialism 113, 129, 130

independence 112, 112, 120

individualism 12, 12, 13, 14

individualist anarchism 1056

anarcho-capitalism 108, 109

collectivist anarchism, and 108

egoism 106, 107

libertarianism 107, 1078

individuality 12, 26, 27

industrial capitalism 11

industrialism 166

inflation 52, 52

integral nationalism 131, 131, 132

intersectionality 139, 13940, 154, 155

internationalism 126

Islam 3, 62, 81, 134

Islamism 135, 184, 193

Jahn, F. 121, 131

James, W. 37

Jefferson, T. 21, 22

jingoism 130

John Paul II, Pope 81

Johnson, L. 29

Jost, J. 5

justice 12, 30, 53, 645, 168

see also social justice

Kant, I. 54, 126

Kautsky, K. 70

Kennedy, J. F. 29

Keynes, J. M. 2, 30, 31, 52

Keynesianism 31

Khomeini, Ayatollah 35

King, M. L. 183

King, Y. 175

knowledge economy 86, 86

Kropotkin, P. 64, 96, 101, 104, 104, 105, 159, 175

Kymlicka, W. 189, 190, 190

Laclau, E. 79

laissez-faire 24, 24, 25

Layard, R. 170

Le Pen, J.-M. 58

Le Pen, M. 58

left/right divide in politics 5, 6, 6, 7, 7

Lenin, V. I. 2, 5, 61, 67, 70, 75, 76, 77, 93, 134

Leninism 76

Leopold, A. 177, 178

lesbianism 153


meanings of term 10

liberal democracy 18, 18

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) (Japan) 345

liberal feminism 138, 138, 146, 1478

radical feminism, and 151

liberal multiculturalism 188, 188, 193, 1945

liberal nationalism 124, 125, 126, 1278

expansionist nationalism, and 127

liberalism 10

classical liberalism 10, 12, 12, 20

characteristics of 201

economic liberalism 23, 24

natural rights 212

Social Darwinism 245

utilitarianism 223, 23

communitarian liberalism 86

core ideas and principles 10

equality of opportunity 16, 16

freedom 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16

individualism 12, 12, 13, 14

reason 13, 14

culture, liberals’ perspective on 188

democracy, liberals’ perspective on 18, 19

differences between

classical liberalism and modern liberalism 29

universalist liberalism and pluralist liberalism 201

ecoliberalism 172

economy, liberals’ perspective on the 1920, 69

equality, liberals’ perspective on 65

gender, liberals’ perspective on 141

human nature, liberals’ perspective on 12, 13, 14, 38

liberal democracy 18, 18

modern liberalism 10, 12, 12, 256

economic management 30, 31

individuality 26, 27

positive freedom 278

social liberalism 289, 30

multiculturalism, criticisms of 200

nation, liberals’ perspective on the 117

nature, liberals’ perspective on 162

neoliberalism 24

origins and development of 1112

society, liberals’ perspective on 14, 1516, 40

state, liberals’ perspective on the 16, 1718, 95

libertarian conservatism 48, 49

paternalistic conservatism, and 49

libertarianism 48, 107, 1078

Locke, J. 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 54, 97

Lovelock, J. 164

Lukacs, G. 78

Luxemburg, R. 76, 76

Lyotard, J.-F. 79

MacIntyre, A. 187

Macmillan, H. 42, 47, 48

Macpherson, C. B. 14

Malatesta, E. 105

managerialism 83, 83

Manchesterism 108

Mao Zedong 133

Marcuse, H. 78

market 19

free market 1920, 20

market fundamentalism 24, 24

Marshall, P. 94

Marx, K. 2, 4, 61, 67, 67, 70, 134

Marxism 70, 71

classical Marxism

economics 734

philosophy 71, 72, 73

politics 745

demise of 79

dialectical materialism 71, 71

neo-Marxism 77, 778

orthodox communism 756, 77

post-Marxism 7980

Maslow, A. 170

materialism 169

Maurras, C. 131, 131

May, T. 58

Mazzini, G. 124, 125, 125

Meadows, D. 160

mercantilism 19, 19

Merchant, C. 175, 176

meritocracy 16, 16

metaphysics 178

methodological individualism 12

militarism 129, 131, 132

Mill, J. 22, 23

Mill, J. S. 14, 15, 18, 26, 27, 27, 125, 138, 146, 147, 172

millenarianism 100, 100

Millett, K. 139, 142, 142, 143, 152

minority rights 18990, 191, 192

Mitchell, J. 150

mixed economy 70, 70, 82

modern liberalism 10, 12, 12, 256

classical liberalism, and 29

economic management 30, 31

individuality 26, 27

positive freedom 278

social liberalism 289, 30

modernism 118

modernist ecology 167, 167, 168, 1712

ecoconservatism 1723

ecoliberalism 172

Modood, T. 193, 194

Montesquieu, C. de 18, 187

More, T. 61

Morris, W. 81, 159, 173, 175

Mouffe, C. 79


core ideas and principles

culture and identity 187, 187, 188, 188, 189

diversity 1923

minority rights 18990, 191, 192

politics of rights, redistribution and recognition 1845, 185, 186, 187

cosmopolitan multiculturalism 198, 199

democracy, multiculturalists’ perspective on 19

liberal multiculturalism 188, 188, 193, 1945

nation, multiculturalists’ perspective on the 117

opposition to 199

conservative criticisms of 200, 201

feminist concerns about 201

liberal criticisms of 200

social reformists’ criticisms of 2012

origins and development of 182, 1834

particularist multiculturalism 197, 198

pluralist multiculturalism 188, 188, 1956

society, multiculturalists’ perspective on 40

types of 199

Murray, C. 53

Mussolini, B. 44

mutualism 102, 102, 103

Naess, A. 161, 171, 177, 179

Napoleon III, Emperor 44


perspectives on the nation 117

see also nationalism

nation-states 114, 114

national conservatism 57, 57, 58

nationalisation 70, 70


anti-colonial nationalism 132, 1334

black nationalism 122

civic nationalism 117, 117

conservative nationalism 1289

core ideas and principles 111

culturalism 121, 121, 122, 123

nation 112, 112, 11516, 117, 117

organic community 11819

self-determination 119, 1201

cultural nationalism 121, 121, 122, 123

differences between

civic nationalism and ethnocultural nationalism 123

liberal nationalism and expansionist nationalism 127

ethnic nationalism 121, 121, 122, 123

ethnocultural nationalism 123, 183, 183

expansionist nationalism 12930, 131, 132

freedom, nationalists’ perspective on 15

integral nationalism 131, 131, 132

liberal nationalism 124, 125, 126, 1278

origins and development of 111, 112, 113, 11415

pan-nationalism 130, 130, 131

political nationalism 121, 121

postcolonial nationalism 134, 135

society, nationalists’ perspective on 40

supranationalism 129, 129

natural aristocracy 41

natural rights 12, 212


perspectives on 162

negative freedom 15, 1516

Nehru, J. 124, 133

neo-Reaganism 56

neo-revisionism 85, 86, 87, 88

neoconservatism 50, 54, 55, 557

neoliberalism, and 55

neoliberalism 24, 50, 51, 51, 523, 54

neoconservatism, and 55

New Left 78

New Right 33, 35, 35, 4950

neoconservatism 50, 54, 55, 557

neoliberalism 50, 51, 51, 523, 54

Newton, I. 163

Nicholas I, Tsar 44

Nietzsche, F. 51, 52, 96, 107

nihilism 106

Nkrumah, K. 122

Nozick, R. 48, 53, 54, 108

Nyerere, J. 63

Oakeshott, M. 5, 36, 37

offence 191, 191

One Nation conservatism 45, 46, 47, 48

organic community 11819

organicism 39, 39

O’Sullivan, N. 35

Owen, R. 60, 61, 81, 149

pacifism 97, 97

Paglia, C. 156

Paine, T. 21

pan-nationalism 130, 130, 131

pan-Slavism 130, 131

Pankhurst, C. 138

Pankhurst, E. 138

Parekh, B. 195, 196, 197

particularist multiculturalism 197, 198

pastoralism 159, 159

paternalism 47

paternalistic conservatism 45

libertarian conservatism, and 49

One Nation conservatism 45, 46, 47, 48

patriarchy 142, 142, 143, 143

patriotism 112

permissiveness 54

Perón, J. 35, 44, 45

Pettit, P. 186

Pisan, C. de 138

Pius IX, Pope 44

Plato 61

Plekhanov, G. 70, 71

pluralism 197

pluralist multiculturalism 188, 188, 1956

political myth 103, 103

political nationalism 121, 121

political spectrum 6, 7

Popper, K. 5

populism 57

positive discrimination 190, 190

positive freedom 16, 16, 278

post-materialism 170, 170

postcolonial nationalism 134, 135

postcolonialism 186, 187

postfeminism 139, 156

poststructuralism 154, 154, 155

pragmatism 37

preservationism 179, 179

primordialism 117, 118

privatisation 42, 423, 53

‘pro-woman’ feminism 145, 145

progress 5

progressive taxation 65, 65

proletariat 4, 66, 66, 67, 737, 82

see also dictatorship of the proletariat

Proudhon, P.-J. 92, 96, 99, 102, 102, 103, 105

racism 123

radical feminism 139, 150, 151, 152, 153

liberal feminism, and 151

Rand, A. 51, 52, 108

rationalism 13

Rawls, J. 15, 29, 30, 194

Reagan, R. 34

Reaganism 24, 35

neo-Reaganism 56

religious fundamentalism 134, 135, 135

republicanism 186

revisionist socialism 812, 82, 83, 84

revolution 5, 20, 31, 34, 46, 61, 67, 67, 68, 70. 747

Ricardo, D. 2, 19

rights 12, 86, 100, 108, 115, 116, 119, 125, 138, 1458, 168, 185

see also animal rights, minority rights

Roosevelt, F. D. 29, 31

Roosevelt, T. 42

Rothbard, M. 108, 109

Rousseau, J.-J. 98, 112, 119, 119, 124

Rowbotham, S. 149, 150

ruling class 74, 74

Rushdie, S. 191

Ruthven, M. 135

Said, E. 186

Saint-Simon, H. de 60

Sandel, M. 187

Saunders, B. 89

Schumacher, E. F. 165, 167, 167, 170

scientism 163, 163

Scott-Dixon, K. 155

second-wave feminism 139, 139

self-actualisation 179, 179

self-determination 119, 1201

Sen, A. 197, 200

separation of powers 18, 18

separatism 120

shallow diversity 195, 195

shallow ecology 161, 161

deep ecology, and 162

Shaw, G. B. 68

Sikhism 134

Singer, P. 169

Smiles, S. 24

Smith, Adam 2, 19, 23, 24, 48, 50

Smith, Anthony 118

Smuts, J. 163

social class 66, 66

social conservatism 38, 38

social contract 16, 16, 17

Social Darwinism 245

social democracy 61, 61, 80, 80

communism, and 83

‘crisis’ of social democracy 845

ethical socialism 80, 81

neo-revisionism 85, 86, 87, 88

revisionist socialism 812, 82, 83, 84

social justice 81, 81, 84

‘third way’, and the 87

social ecology 168, 168, 173

eco-anarchism 174, 175

ecofeminism 175, 176, 177

ecosocialism 1734

social inclusion 88, 88

social justice 37, 70, 81, 81, 84, 102, 186, 202

social liberalism 289, 30

social revolution 74, 745


communism 61, 61, 70, 71

see also Marxism

core ideas and principles

class politics 667

common ownership 69, 70

community 62, 63

cooperation 60, 63, 63, 64

equality 60, 645, 65

society 63

culture, socialists’ perspective on 188

democracy, socialists’ perspective on 19

differences between

communism and social democracy 83

social democracy and the ‘third way’ 87

economy, socialists’ perspective on the 69, 69, 70

ecosocialism 1734

freedom, socialists’ perspective on 15

fundamentalist socialism 70, 70

gender, socialists’ perspective on 141

human nature, socialists’ perspective on 38, 623, 645

nation, socialists’perspective on the 117

nature, socialists’ perspective on 162

New Left 78

origins and development of 60, 61, 62

revival of 889

social democracy 61, 61, 80, 80

‘crisis’ of social democracy 845

ethical socialism 80, 81

neo-revisionism 85, 86, 87, 88

revisionist socialism 812, 82, 83, 84

social justice 81, 81, 84

society, socialists’ perspective on 40, 667

state, socialists’ perspective on the 67, 68, 69, 95

state socialism 70, 70

socialist feminism 139, 148, 149, 150


perspectives on

anarchists 40

conservatives 37, 389, 40, 41

feminists 40

liberals 14, 1516, 40

multiculturalists 40

nationalists 40

socialists 40, 63, 667

Sorel, G. 103

sovereignty 119, 119

speciesism 169, 169

Spencer, H. 25, 104

Spooner, L. 107

Stalin, J. 70, 76, 77

Stalinism 77, 77

Stanton, E. C. 138

state 12

perspectives on the state

anarchists 94, 95, 95, 96, 97

conservatives 412, 95

feminists 95

liberals 16, 1718, 95

socialists 67, 68, 69, 95

‘state of nature’ 16, 16

state socialism 70, 70

status quo 5

Stirner, M. 95, 96, 106, 107, 107

Sumner, W. 25

Sun Yat-Sen 124

supranationalism 129, 129

surplus value 74, 74

sustainability 165, 166, 166, 167, 168, 168

syndicalism 93

system 164

Talmon, J. L. 5

Tawney, R. H. 81

Taylor, C. 190, 191, 191

Taylor, H. 146

Thatcher, M. 41, 53, 56

Thatcherism 24, 35, 128, 128

third-wave feminism 154, 155

‘third way’ 85, 85, 86, 87, 88

social democracy, and 87

Thoreau, H. D. 107, 179

Tocqueville, A. de 18

toleration 193

Toryism 47

totalitarianism 6, 6

traditional conservatism 33, 41, 48

‘tragedy of the commons’ 166, 167

transfeminism 139, 155

transgender 155

‘transpersonal ecology’ 171

transphobia 155

transsexual 155

tribalism 127, 127

Tsipras, A. 88

Tucker, B. 107, 108

unification 113, 113, 120

utilitarianism 223, 23

utility 22

utopianism 61, 61, 98, 98, 99

value pluralism 195, 195

Volksgeist 121, 121

Wagner, R. 122, 132

Waldron, J. 198

Ward, B. 160

Warren, J. 107, 108

Watkins, G. J. (bell hooks) 154, 155

Webb, B. 68, 68

Webb, S. 68, 68

welfare state 28, 28, 29

Wells, H. G. 68

Wilson, W. 114, 124, 125, 126, 127

Wolf, N. 156

Wolff, R. 105

Wollstonecraft, M. 13, 13, 138, 146, 147

women’s movement see feminism written constitution 17, 1718

xenophobia 113

Zapata, E. 93

Zen Buddhism 100, 164

Zionism 124