Appendix I

Maj. John Frost’s Orders for Operation Biting February 1942*





Major J D Frost, Commanding ‘C’ Coy 2nd Parachute Bn.

TOPOGRAPHY – Scene of operation to be explained on model.


From aerial photographs no sign of weapons heavier than MGs [Machine-Guns] can be seen. Until recently these appeared to be sited for defence against seaborne invasion only, but in the last three months three blockhouses have been constructed on the North shoulder of the exit from the beach. These are all thought to cover the valley and are connected to each other by communication trenches, work on these still continues. This group will be called REDOUBT.

There appears to be a strongpoint at the mouth of the beach exit, consisting of two blockhouses, four LMG posts and a roadblock. This group is likely to be sited for all-round defence, it is connected by communication trenches to a further LMG post one hundred yards up the valley. This group will be called BEACH FORT, it is surrounded by wire two metres thick.

Further inland there is a house on the edge of a depression running North from the Valley. This being the main perimeter of wire, is surrounded by wire ten metres thick. This house is believed to contain two MGs and is permanently manned. This will be known as GUARDROOM.

There are more possible LMG posts as shown on the model. The garrison consists of 30 men under an NCO. Five sleep in the GUARDROOM and the remainder in the village in a house some 500 yards from the beach.

To the North of the valley is a lone building which will be known as LONE HOUSE, 50 yards west of LONE HOUSE is the main objective which will be known as HENRY, LONE HOUSE is believed to contain 20 signallers.

North of LONE HOUSE is an enclosure of trees and buildings, believed to contain a number of signallers, this will be known as RECTANGLE.


120 all ranks (see loading schedule)


  1. To capture various parts of HENRY and bring them down to the boats.
  2. To capture prisoners who have been in charge of HENRY.
  3. To obtain all possible information about HENRY and any documents referring to him which may be in LONE HOUSE.

METHOD – The force will be divided into three main parties, each party to be allotted a definite task.


  1. Task – to capture and hold REDOUBT, BEACH FORTRESS and GUARD ROOM and to cover the withdrawal of the remainder of the force to the beach for embarkation in ALC’s.
  2. DZ – NELSON will be dropped in the area due East of the track running North & South (Model).
  3. Direction – The aircraft will be flying from South to North.
  4. FUP [Forming Up Point] – The line of the track and the hedge running North & South in the re-entrant due East of the DZ.
  5. Action – OC NELSON will detail 3 light sections to approach as near as possible to the 3 objectives enumerated in the task paragraph. The heavy sections will move to and take up a position on the spur due East of the REDOUBT so as to cover the road leading from the village and give support for the assault on the GUARDROOM and BEACH FORTRESS.
  6. Timing – 1st NELSON stick will be dropped at 0015 hrs. The whole party will move to their objectives as soon as possible after forming-up.
  7. Co-ordination – It is of vital importance that the enemy at LONE HOUSE and HENRY should be taken by surprise. Therefore NELSON will take every precaution to make no noise of any kind until either:

i. The attack on HENRY begins, or

ii. Successive blasts on a whistle are heard, or it becomes absolutely necessary to fire on the enemy. However should any section commander find it possible to occupy any one of the objectives silently, he will at once do so.

  1. RE [Royal Engineers] Immediately it is possible, Lieut Ross will move to the beach with RE personnel and stores [mine-detectors] to:

i. Clear and make a route through minefield (if any)

ii. Establish HQ and checkpoint.


  1. Task – Move to LONE HOUSE and deal with HENRY. Immediately all possible material has been taken, information and prisoners captured. To withdraw to the beach and prepare to embark.
  2. DZ – as for NELSON
  3. Direction – As for NELSON
  4. FUP – As for NELSON
  5. Action – DRAKE will move towards and take up a position West of the RECTANGLE in order to prevent enemy movement towards LONE HOUSE. HARDY will move to, and surround HENRY (Less RE party) RE party will follow JELLICOE.
  6. Timing – JELLICOE, HARDY and DRAKE will be dropped at 0020 hrs.
  7. Co-ordination – On the Sound of 4 blasts on the whistle, HARDY will force their way into LONE HOUSE, collect all enemy into a room on the ground floor and await further orders. RE party will commence their task with HENRY, JELLICOE will be responsible for their protection while doing so and will give any assistance they require.


  1. Task – To prevent with 2 sections any attempt by the enemy to attack HARDY from RECTANGLE and to support with 2 sections, NELSON, in the event of an attack from the village.
  2. DZ – As for NELSON
  3. Direction – As for NELSON
  4. FUP – As for NELSON
  5. Action – RODNEY will take up position on the ground to the West of the FUP so as to be able to carry out both tasks. He must be able to reinforce either detachment in case of emergency.
  6. Timing – RODNEY will begin dropping at 0025 hrs.
  7. Co-ordination – No noise or firing until HENRY has been taken or the signal – 4 blasts on the whistle – is heard.
  8. RE and Signals – OC RODNEY is responsible for ensuring that RE and Signal personnel are guided to area of BEACH FORT, where they will be met by Lieut Ross and will then carry out their duties (See Signal Instructions).


  1. Immediately HARDY have completed their task they will move to the beach by the most direct route.
  2. JELLICOE and DRAKE will follow at 50 yards intervals.
  3. However should OC RE have any doubts concerning HENRY, and should the situation warrant it, JELLICOE, HARDY and DRAKE will remain in position until a small party named NOW arrive from the beach, inspect HENRY and complete their task. The withdrawal will then continue according to plan.
  4. RODNEY will receive orders to withdraw by M/T or runner when HARDY etc have reached the beach. OC RODNEY will however prepare to withdraw as soon as he sees LONE HOUSE area evacuated.
  5. RODNEY will move by the more direct route.
  6. NELSON will withdraw immediately RODNEY are clear of the beach.


  1. OC parties are responsible for the disposition of their parties on the beach.
  2. RE personnel will lay tapes to guide parties through the minefield (if any). Lieut Ross to ensure that guides are in position when required.
  3. Section Commanders will report their sections present or otherwise to Lieut Ross, at the checkpoint (BEACH FORT).
  4. Parties will embark under orders from the Beach Control Officer – appointed by Lieut Ross.
  5. The Beach Control Officer will ensure that parties get to their boats as quickly and vigorously as possible. He will ensure that each boat takes its correct load, and will inform the Naval Officer in Command as soon as the boat is correctly loaded, and ready to leave. He will give the Naval Officer all possible assistance.


  1. No prisoner will be taken off, other than signallers.
  2. Ammunition will be conserved as far as possible.
  3. Sentries will be dealt with silently, whenever possible.
  4. The password will be ‘BITING’.
  5. It is emphasised that the whole operation fails unless HENRY is effectively dealt with and the parts required are captured. All ranks must be fully aware of this.
  6. On the ALCs the senior officer or NCO is in command of all troops. He is responsible to the Naval Officer in Command of the ALC and will ensure that all orders given by the NO are implicitly obeyed.


  1. Os i/c NELSON, HARDY, DRAKE and RODNEY will communicate with each other by:

i. No 38 W/T Set

ii. Whistle

  1. Signallers with RODNEY will communicate with the Naval Force by:

i. D/F transmitter

ii. No 18 W/T Set

iii. Visual (torch)

iv. Very pistol

  1. The senior signaller will decide which equipment is to be used where two similar equipments are available.
  2. Signals containers can be identified by a green light and will be painted with 4 black and white bands.
  3. Signallers will RV with RODNEY in accordance with para
  4. On orders being given by O i/c RODNEY to take up battle posn signallers will accompany RODNEY.
  5. Comm will at once be established with the Naval Force by No 18 W/T Set.
  6. As soon as notification has been received that the beach is clear, signallers will leave RODNEY and proceed to the beach. No 18 W/T sets will be carried without being dismantled.
  7. On arrival at the beach a REPORT CENTRE will be opened as near as possible to checkpoint at BEACH FORT.
  8. D/F transmissions will begin immediately on taking up posn at check point. The drill for establishing D/F transmissions will be in accordance with Appx.
  9. As soon as Naval craft are heard to be approaching. D/F transmissions will cease and the signaller i/c D/F apparatus will signal in the direction of the craft with a signalling torch using the white light. The signals to be sent on the torch will be the same as those sent on the D/F transmitter.
  10. In the event of Comm with the Naval Force failing, signals will be fired by Very pistol but only under orders of O i/c NELSON
  11. Very light signals

i. To indicate the direction of the beach to the Naval Force:

ii. Two green lights will be fired, one to the right and the other to the left along the base of and below the cliffs.


  1. Normal morning routine.
  2. 1000 hrs. Pack containers – check weapons and arms.
  3. 1400 hrs. Containers to Thruxton.
  4. 1700 hrs. Tea.
  5. 1930 hrs. Move to THRUXTON by MT.
  6. 2030 hrs. Arrive THRUXTON.
  7. 2100 hrs. Tea & refreshments.
  8. 2115 hrs. Fit statichutes.
  9. 2140 hrs. March to aircraft.
  10. 2200 hrs. All troops emplaned by.
  11. 2215 hrs. First aircraft takes off.

Feb ’42


Commanding ‘C’ Coy 2nd Parachute Bn

* No attempt is made here to comment upon or correct misstatements in Frost’s briefing, especially about details of the defences at Bruneval.