
Abbott, Barbara  93, 120
abuse  58, 59, 62, 159
accommodation  11622, 156, 159
adjacency pair  69
Aguilar-Guevara, Ana  94
Allan, Keith  157
alloform  131
ambiguity  13, 17, 19, 27, 38, 48, 634, 66, 84, 99, 138, 145, 1501, 165
American Dialect Society  104
anaphor, anaphora  8590, 97102, 156, 159
antecedent  88, 99104, 156, 15960
apology  579, 639
appropriateness  11, 301, 58, 71, 745, 90, 103, 111, 11314, 143, 162
argument  89, 130, 149, 157, 159
argument reversal  130, 157, 159
Arnold, Jennifer  138
article  75, 904, 1078, 159, 161
assertion  21, 57, 62, 63, 71, 97, 1067, 109, 11316, 120, 133, 149, 155
Austin, John L.  559
auxiliary verb  60
Bach, Kent  149, 163
bare plural  90
Barron, Anne  157
belief  5, 15, 178, 27, 336, 57, 59, 64, 66, 69, 77, 7982, 93, 11415, 11819, 1256, 1578, 1612, 1645
Benz, Anton  152
bet  557
Bezuidenhout, Anne L.  144, 147
biconditional  7, 26, 159
bidirectional implication  7
Birner, Betty J.  1267, 1301, 139, 147
bivalent  109, 159
Blutner, Reinhard  1513
Brown Corpus  142
Brown, Penelope  71, 166
calculability  401, 434, 15960
cancelability  404, 47, 11016, 15961
canonical word order  1246, 12930, 132, 134, 1367, 139, 159, 1647
Carlson, Gregory  94
Carston, Robyn  53
cataphora  99, 159
Chafe, Wallace  125
change-of-state verb  111, 118, 159
Chierchia, Gennaro  144
Christopherson, Paul  94
Clark, Herbert H.  77, 144, 146, 160, 165
cleft  112, 11718, 120, 124, 1314, 136, 160, 164, 168
closed class  103
Cognitive Principle of Relevance  51, 160
cognitivism  81, 160
Coleman, Linda  34
command  22, 5961, 163
common ground  114, 11618, 1212, 1323, 144, 160
common knowledge  77
Communicative Dynamism  125
Communicative Principle of Relevance  512, 160
computational linguistics  70, 143, 153, 160
conditional  7, 26, 62, 15960
conduit metaphor  2, 78
conjunction  7, 23, 25, 39, 45, 160
consequent  160
constant  9, 160
constative  56, 59
context  1, 3, 6, 1011, 14, 1624, 26, 33, 37, 39, 424, 467, 5261, 68, 73, 80, 849, 92104, 11021, 1247, 1325, 13968
context-dependent/content-independent meaning  16, 1819, 24, 110, 1545, 160
contextual implication  52, 160
contradiction  412
convention, conventional meaning  23, 1124, 40, 437, 59, 615, 83, 1545, 1607
conventional implicature  40, 447, 154, 160
conversation analysis  69
conversational implicature  2547, 52, 110, 144, 1467, 152, 160, 162, 165
Cooperative Principle  10, 2440, 51, 54, 57, 64, 155, 157, 15960, 1635
copresence heuristic  77, 160
copula  12930, 162
coreference  88, 98, 160, 164
corpus  70, 1424, 157, 160
Corpus of Contemporary American English  143
criterial features  6, 160
Critical Period Hypothesis  92
Cummins, Chris  148
Davies, Mark  143
declarative  56, 5962, 161, 164
defeasibility  41, 161
definiteness  10, 75, 909, 1068, 111, 11722, 140, 147, 156, 159, 161, 163
deixis  849, 98, 156, 161, 163, 1667
deontic modality  19
descriptive  2, 267, 93, 99, 101, 167
determiner  2, 90, 91, 159, 161, 163
dialog  70, 143
dialog act  70
direct speech act  5972, 155, 161
discourse deixis  869, 98, 161
discourse entity  78, 88, 150, 161, 167
discourse model  45, 7583, 118, 1557, 159, 161
discourse referent  78, 150, 161
Discourse Representation Theory  150, 161
discourse-new information  1267, 1301, 135, 1389, 147, 161
discourse-old information  1268, 1301, 1379, 152, 161
discourse-status  126
dislocation  1368, 164, 167
distal  867, 161
ditransitive  124, 161
Division of Pragmatic Labor  49, 152
Doran, Ryan  145
dummy element  129, 136, 162, 166
dynamic modality  19
Dynamic Montague Grammar 150,  161
Dynamic Semantics  150, 157, 161
ellipsis  101
entailment  9, 2930, 412, 108, 11011, 113, 162
essential condition  58
event-related potential  147, 157, 162
exclusive or  8, 25, 41, 162
exhaustiveness  913
existence  4, 789, 93, 97, 10611, 11415, 119, 132
existential sentence  130, 13940, 1612
existential quantifier  9, 162, 167
experimental pragmatics  1448, 162, 167
explicature  53, 149
extension  82, 162
eye-tracker  1457, 162
face  734, 162, 1656
face-threatening act  74, 162
factive verb  111, 115, 11718, 162
familiarity  72, 74, 92, 946, 99101, 121, 125, 127, 156, 1615
Farsi  139
felicity  578, 623, 69, 70, 71, 92, 947, 114, 1202, 12534, 137, 142, 1556, 159, 162, 1645
felicity condition  578, 623, 69, 71, 1556, 162, 165
File Change Semantics  150, 162
filter  115, 162
Finnish  102, 139, 147
flouting  28, 312, 357, 162
focus  1256, 1314, 138, 144, 146, 157, 160, 162, 164
formal logic  69
Francis, W. Nelson  142
Frege, Gottlob  83, 106, 10910, 156
fulfillment of maxims  28, 31
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)  144, 148, 157, 1623
Game Theory  152, 157
gender  1015, 156
gender-neutral pronoun  1035, 156
generalized conversational implicature  457, 144, 162
Gibbs, Raymond W.  144
given information  116, 1257, 130, 131, 133, 138, 147, 157, 1623
Given-New Contract  1257, 130, 131, 138, 163
Godfrey, John J.  142
Goffman, Erving  71
Green, Georgia  94
Grice, H. Paul  10, 1213, 247, 34, 3954, 57, 152, 155, 157, 160
Groenendijk, Jeroen  150, 161
Grosz, Barbara  100
Gu, Yueguo  157
Gundel, Jeanette  93
Halliday, Michael A.K.  126, 163
Hasan, Ruqaiya  126, 163
Hawkins, John A.  93
hearer-new information  1267, 130, 163
hearer-old information  1267, 163
hearer-status  1267, 130, 163
hedge  1, 61, 65, 71, 73, 163
Heim, Irene  94, 150, 162
hereby  567, 59
Hirschberg, Julia  30, 138
hole  115, 163
honorific  72, 163
Horn, Laurence R.  2930, 412, 4751, 110, 1523, 157, 167
Huang, Yan  157
I-heuristic  50, 163
illocutionary force  648, 74, 156, 163
imperative  5961, 163
implication  7, 52, 160
implicature  2554, 78, 11011, 144, 146, 147, 152, 1545, 15960, 1623, 165, 167
impliciture  149, 163
imply  2930
inclusive or  8, 25, 41, 163
indefinite  902, 159, 163
indeterminate  40, 434, 163
indexical  845, 163
indirect speech act  10, 604, 71, 74, 146, 1556, 163
infelicity  58, 70, 94, 121, 127, 1301, 134, 137, 162, 164
inference  10, 1819, 22, 2834, 38, 401, 44, 4754, 70, 78, 99, 1268, 138, 1459, 153, 155, 1578, 1614
inferential relation  1268, 164
inferrable  1267, 164
information packaging  125, 157, 164
information status  1256, 164
information structure  12339, 157, 164
informative-presupposition it-cleft  118, 133
interrogative  5960, 161, 164
intonation  100, 153
inversion  1301, 1346, 139, 159, 164
irony  35
Italian  102, 139
it-cleft  118, 120, 1324, 164
iterative  112, 164
Jaszczolt, Kasia M.  157
Joshi, Aravind  100
Kaiser, Elsi  139, 144, 1467
Kamp, Hans  150, 161
Kaplan, David  19
Kaplan, Jeffrey P.  113
Karttunen, Lauri  115
Katsos, Napoleon  148
Kay, Paul  34
Kripke, Saul  80
Kučera, Henry  142
Labov, William  141
Lakoff, George  100
Lakoff, Robin  71
Language Log  1034
left-dislocation  1378
Levinson, Stephen C.  501, 71, 115, 163, 1657
Lewis, David  93, 118, 159
lexical decision  1456, 164
lexical pragmatics  1523, 157, 164
lexical semantics  56, 20, 164
Liberman, Mark  103, 105
Linguistic Data Consortium  143
Literal Lucy  145
locative  1345
locutionary force  65, 164
Loftus, Elizabeth F.  11819
logic  3, 610, 247, 3841, 48, 109, 1523, 155, 15961, 1638
logical connectives  25, 27, 389, 152
logical operator  78, 10, 3841, 153, 155, 15961, 1647, 173
long passive  1301, 159, 164
Lucy, Peter  144, 146
Mahootian, Shahrzad  139
Manner  27, 3840, 48, 155, 165
marked  4951, 71, 165
Marshall, Catherine R.  77, 160, 165
McCawley, James  152
Meibauer, Jörg  148
mentalism  812, 160, 165
metalinguistic negation  110
M-heuristic  50, 165
miscommunication  19, 29, 767
misfire  589, 62, 165
Morris, R.K.  144, 147
mutual knowledge  77, 121
Mutual Knowledge Paradox  77, 160, 165
natural language processing  6970, 143, 158
natural meaning  1214, 24, 44, 155, 165
negation  7, 10710, 112, 1656
negative face  734, 162, 165
neo-Gricean  50, 534
new information  102, 118, 1256, 130, 1368, 147, 157, 161, 1635
nonasserted content  116, 120
noncanonical word order  122, 12539, 146, 15960, 1647
nonconventionality  12, 19, 40, 434, 160, 165
nondetachability  40, 42, 44, 165
non-natural meaning  1214, 24, 44, 155, 165
non-truth-conditional meaning  20, 234, 1656
nonverbal context  88
Noveck, Ira A.  144, 148
null-subject language  102
Nunberg, Geoffrey  80
open proposition  1325, 165
Optimality Theory  1513, 157, 165
opting out  28
Östman, Jan-Ola  157
Papafragou, Anna  147
partially ordered set  138
particularized conversational implicature  457, 165
passive  124, 1301, 159, 165
performance error  144, 166
performative  559, 634, 155, 166
performative verb  556, 59, 166
perlocutionary effect  648, 156, 166
perlocutionary force  648, 156, 166
personal deixis  867, 98, 166
plug  115, 166
Politeness Theory  704, 156, 166
positive cognitive effects  52
positive face  734, 166
possible world  34, 155, 162, 1667
postposing  124, 12831, 1357, 139, 147, 152, 157, 162, 166
Potts, Christopher  45
Prague School  125
predicate  89, 114, 155, 15960, 1667
predicate logic  89, 155, 15960, 166
preparatory condition  58
preposing  124, 127, 131, 1349, 146, 152, 157, 166
prescriptive  2, 267, 104, 141
presentational  12930, 139, 166
presupposition  22, 40, 97, 10622, 1256, 1314, 138, 154, 1567, 15964, 166, 168
presupposition trigger  11113, 117, 118, 1212, 131, 156, 166
presupposition/focus construction  1314, 138, 157, 160
priming  1457, 157, 164, 166
Prince, Alan  151
Prince, Ellen F.  118, 126, 132, 138
projection problem  115, 166
promise  556, 589, 159, 166
pronoun  723, 856, 8890, 98103, 1368, 141, 1501, 156, 15965, 167
proper name  90, 106, 111, 161
proposition  39, 17, 22, 25, 53, 58, 1079, 11415, 118, 132, 134, 149, 155, 15968
propositional content condition  58
propositional logic  89, 155, 166, 168
Prototype Theory  6, 34, 53, 166
proximal  867, 167
pseudocleft  132
psychic continuity  812, 167
psycholinguistics  144
Putnam, Hilary  82
Q-heuristic  50, 167
Q-principle  479, 167
Quality  278, 336, 40, 48, 50, 155, 165
quantifier  9, 162, 167
Quantity  27, 2934, 3941, 458, 51, 94, 155, 165
question  22, 5960, 62, 701, 1078, 110, 132, 145, 155, 161, 164, 167
Question Under Discussion (QUD)  132, 167
reaction time  1446, 157, 167
Reboul, Anne  148
Recanati, François  11, 53
Reddy, Michael J.  2, 78
redundancy  42, 167
reference  53, 73, 7590, 93104, 106, 108, 112, 1368, 144, 147, 14951, 156, 15967
referent  7885, 8890, 93104, 106, 108, 147, 14951, 156, 15962, 165, 167
referentialist  7881, 167
reinforceability  424, 47, 167
Relation  27, 29, 369, 48, 51, 155, 165
relevance  267, 367, 39, 468, 514, 95, 133, 160, 165
Relevance Theory  514, 160
request  1, 34, 10, 28, 46, 55, 5961, 67, 71, 734, 94, 120, 146, 1624
reverse pseudocleft  132
right-dislocation  1367, 167
Roberts, Craige  93, 132
Rosch, Eleanor H.  6
R-principle  479, 167
Russell, B.  923, 97, 107, 109
Sadock, Jerrold M.  40, 42
salience  46, 867, 919, 102, 132, 1345, 145
sandwich  57, 20, 34
sarcasm  35, 67, 71
scalar implicature  29, 34, 41, 48, 50, 144, 167
scale  301, 34, 41, 167
Searle, J.R.  58, 612
Second Amendment  112, 116
semantic reference  80
semantics  224, 301, 35, 3745, 51, 58, 604, 7984, 92, 100, 109, 111, 113, 116, 1201, 1245, 129, 136, 138, 145, 14857, 15967
sense  834, 106, 156, 167
sentential semantics  6, 167
sincerity condition  58
Smolensky, Paul  151
spatial deixis  867, 98, 161, 167
speaker reference  80
speech acts  10, 5574, 78, 1556, 159, 1613, 165, 167
Sperber, Dan  513, 1489, 160, 162
spoken dialog systems  143
Stalnaker, Robert C.  114
statement  3, 1622, 26, 31, 36, 45, 53, 56, 5961, 647, 70, 97, 99, 10614, 149, 161
Steen, Gerard  157
Steinbach, Markus  148
Stevens, Jon  152
Stokhof, Martin  150
Strawson, Peter F.  161
subcategorization  128
subject  60, 100, 1023, 108, 124, 12930, 136, 139, 159, 162, 1646
Sussman, Rachel S.  94
Switchboard Corpus  1423
syntax  2, 99100, 102, 120, 124, 129, 139, 143, 157, 161, 1635
temporal deixis  867, 98, 161, 167
tense  21, 31, 56, 85
Theseus’ Ship  81
threat  8, 22, 37, 45, 55, 59, 62, 65, 74, 162
Tiersma, Peter  20
transitivity  124, 12930, 161, 166
Trueswell, John C.  139, 144, 1467
truth  38, 1924, 28, 31, 379, 445, 53, 10814, 124, 145, 14950, 1545, 15960, 1627
truth-conditional semantics  46, 20, 24, 389, 445, 150, 154, 167
truth-conditions  46, 20, 224, 389, 445, 53, 109, 124, 145, 149, 150, 1545, 160, 1623, 1657
truth-function  389
truth-value  4, 7, 22, 53, 1089, 113, 159, 164, 167
uncontroversial content  114, 116, 120
uniqueness  926, 108, 121, 156, 161, 163
universal quantifier  9, 167
unmarked  49
uptake  55, 57, 167
van Rooij, Robert  152
variable  9, 132, 142, 167, 168
Verschueren, Jef  157
violation of maxims  28, 31, 3340, 501, 162
Ward, Gregory  80, 127, 130, 134, 139, 147, 157
Wasow, Thomas  138
weight  138
Weinstein, Scott  100
wh-cleft  1323, 168
Wilkes-­Gibbs, Deanna  144
Wilson, Deirdre  513, 149, 160, 162
Word of the Year  105
word order  10, 12239, 144, 146, 159, 165
Zadeh, Lofti A.  6
Zanni, Guido  118
Zeevat, Henk  1512
zero anaphora  101
Zwarts, Joost  94