This book wouldn’t be possible without my family, Jon, Julia, and Danny Mathis, who have been so patient, yet quick with the hugs and support, when I’m knee deep into writing. I am always grateful for the friendship of my “soul sister” Jeannie Yamine, who is always ready to listen, brainstorm, and cheer me on. Thanks also to the rest of the family—especially my father, Dan Shomon Sr.; brother, Dan Shomon Jr.; in-laws, Rus and Barb Mathis; and cousins Ellen Blaze and Joan Kelleher—for their support. And to my mother, Pat, thanks for always being with me in spirit.
Many thanks to HarperCollins and Jessica Deputato, for her tremendous assistance and enthusiasm for this book. I am always grateful to be represented by a phenomenal agent and friend, Carol Mann of the Carol Mann Agency. I don’t want to miss a chance for a final thank you to my editor for the last ten years, Sarah Durand. My previous books are better for having been edited by Sarah.
I could not have finished this book without the research/writing help of Cynthia Austin and Leslie Blumenberg and the wonderful babysitting of Rosario Quintanilla and Elizabeth Mensah Eng-mann.
I must thank the experts who keep me healthy and happy: Kate Lemmerman, MD, Jan Nicholson, and Scott Kwiatkowski, DO. Also, thanks to my New York colleagues Aracely Brown at the New York Open Center and Robyn Hartman of the Women’s Wellness Society and to my New York editorial team of Joy Walsh Victory, Kate Grossman, Stacey Felsen, and Kristin Kane.
Thanks to my dearest friends, who make this world a better place: Mohammed Antabli and Franca Fiabane, Michael Phillips, Gen Piturro and Demo DeMartile, Julia Schopick, Richard Moss, Jane and Joe Frank, Kathlin Smith and Bernie Van Leer, Cynthia Austin, Laura Horton, Kim Conley, and the “Momfriends.”
Thanks also go to the many thyroid patients who generously contributed their personal stories for the book, including support group guru Stefanie Rotsaert, and to my unofficial news bureau: Kim Carmichael Cox, Sherry Leu, and Micki Jacobs, for making sure I don’t miss any of the latest news.
Much gratitude goes to the practitioners and professionals who generously shared their time, information, resources, and insights for this book or helped facilitate my information-gathering process. They include David Brownstein, MD; Adrienne Clamp, MD, DABMA; Annemarie Colbin, PhD; Jocelyne Eberstein, LAc, DOM; Laura Fredrick of McKinney Advertising & Public Relations; Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS; Gayle Green; Stephen Gurgevich, PhD; Joy Gurgevich; Charles Hakala and Hakala Labs/Research; Harriet Hall, MD; Donna Hurlock, MD; Irma Jennings; Risa Kagan, MD, FACOG; Scott Kwiatkowski, DO; Tieraona Low Dog, MD; Eileen Mackison; Martin Mulders, MD; Viana Muller, PhD; the North American Menopause Society; Tara Parker-Pope; Walter Pierpaoli, MD; Jerilynn Prior, MD, FRCPC; Uzzi Reiss, MD; Teri Robert, PhD; Molly Roberts, MD; Marie Savard, MD; Karilee Shames, RN, PhD; Richard Shames, MD; Jan Shifren, MD; Kim Switnicki, ACC, ECPC; Teresa Tapp and Kitty Etherly of T-Tapp; Jacob Teitelbaum, MD; and David Zava and ZRT Laboratories. Thanks also to Dee Adams for the amazing cartoons and her unfailing sense of humor.