abortions, 188

absinthe, 69, 71

accommodations, 163

Accra, Ghana, 219

Advance-Africa, 211

Afghanistan, 196197, 219

Africulturban, 122

Aichi Arts Center, 82

AIDS Relief for China (ARFC), 212

Airbnb, 175

airlines/flights, 166168

airpasses, 167

Alberta, Canada, 2425


absinthe, 69, 71

beer, 111, 126127

botellón, 140141

brennivin, 98

Georgian wine, 108

laws regarding, 196197

snake wine, 110

soju, 123

All Tomorrow’s Parties, 121

Aloha Cherie, 96

Alpin Center, 27

Amazing Square Skatepark, 171

Amazon, 1619, 33, 202, 203

American Red Cross (ARC), 209, 210

Amsterdam, 4850, 194, 233

Andalucia, Spain, 54


in Amazon, 1819

culture shock and, 150

guinea pigs, 85

working with, 200204

Ankara fabric, 86

Antarctica, 44

antibiotics, 184, 185, 188

apps, 153, 154, 166, 170

Arcadia University, 234

Argentina, 39, 4344, 54, 203

Around the World tickets (RTW), 167

Arrecifes, Colombia, 40, 42

arrests, 158


architecture, 5152, 6163, 7071, 72

museums, 53, 6768, 72, 73

street art, 4850, 5657, 6466, 67

tattoos, 73

Atelier Brancusi modern art museum, 68

au pairs, 218

Australia, 1415, 60, 115, 149, 171, 196197, 203, 208, 210211, 227, 235

Australia Day, 195

ayahuasca, 138139


backpacks/backpacking, 145, 161, 179, 189

Baintha Brakk, 39

Bando, 49

Banksy, 57

Barcelona, Spain, 5152, 141

bat cave, 22

bathrooms, 148149

Beacon’s Closet, 84

Beagle Channel, 43

Belfast, Ireland, 114

Ben Lomond, 34

Ben Nevis, 34

Benin, Royal Palaces of Abomey, 60

Berlin, Germany, 5657, 126127, 193

bicycling, 17, 126

bike sharing, 233

biking, 233

Bingham, Hiram, 31

birdwatching, 201

Birmingham, United Kingdom, 213

birth control, 150, 181, 184, 188

Bishan, Singapore, 213

Bishan Public Library, 213

Blek le Rat, 67

blogs, 229

Blu, 57

blue bustard, 203

blue-footed boobies, 201

body modification, 130

Bolivia, 1619, 85, 202

Bolshoi Theatre, 6162

bombing, 64

Bondi Beach Skatepark, 171

Bonn, Germany, 234

Boracay, 2022

Borjomi, 107

botellón, 140141, 195

Botswana, 227

bottle schools, 231232

Boulet, Sandrine, 68

Boulevard de Clichy, 136137

Brancusi, Constantin, 68

Brazil, 128129, 149, 193, 195, 202

brennivin, 98

British Columbia, Canada, 23

British Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 184

Brooklyn, New York, 66

Brown-nosers (Cerny), 71

Buena Vista Social Club, 116

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 54

Buffalo Exchange, 84

bugs, 18, 186

Bukaru, 40

Bulabog Beach, Boracay, 20

bungee jumping, 227

Burkhina Faso, 87

Burma, 9091

Burns, Robert, 36

Busabout, 170

buses, 170

Bushwick Collective, 66

BUSTart, 49


cab drivers, 191

Cabo San Juan, Colombia, 40, 42

Café Cantante Mi Habana, 117

Café Slavia, 71

Cairns, Australia, 14

California, 130, 171

Calligraffiti, 49

Camino de la Muerte (Highway of Death), 17

camping, 35, 3738, 40, 177

Canada, 2325, 60, 118119, 213

Cañaveral, 40

Canberra, Australia, 227

canyoning, 2627

Cardiff University, 234

Carnaval, 128129, 195

cars, rental, 170

Casa Batlló, 52

Casa Calvet, 52

Casa de la Muscia, 117

Casa del Caribe, 117

Casa Milà, 52

Casa Vicens, 51

casino (dance), 117

Cassiopeia, 127

Catalán, Jesús, 93

Catherine the Great, 63

cats, 202

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 161, 184, 185

Central Library of Vancouver, 213

Century 21, 84

Cerny, David, 71

charger, 182

Chefchaouen, Morocco, 5859, 135

Chévere, El, 117

Chevlaier, Fred le, 67

Chiang Mai, Thailand, 204

Chiapas, Mexico, 9293

child labor, 215216

children, work with, 212, 214219

Chile, 39, 203, 227

China, 39, 60, 149, 171, 203, 208, 212, 216

Chli Schliere, 27

Choquequirao Trail, 32

Christiania, 130

Cittie of Yorke, 132133

Clean Train Movement of 1989, 65

climate, 146, 180

clothing, 7879, 8283, 84, 8687, 150, 180181, 186

Club der Visionäre, 127

clubs, 116117, 127

Coachella, 121

Cocoa Protocol, 215

Coleman’s Mustard Museum, 105

Coliseum, 72

Colombia, 40, 196197, 203, 235

Colombian woolly monkey, 203

communicating, 164

Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY), 202

condoms, 150, 181, 184, 188

Cope2, 65

Copenhagen, 130, 195

Copenhagen, Denmark, 210

Coral Sea, 14

Cortes, 65

cosplay, 8283

cost, 7, 147, 161162, 163164. See also funding travels

couchsurfing, 176177

counterfeit products, 80

Cozumel, Mexico, 204

crafts, 229

Crime Time Kings, 49

Cuba, 55, 116117

culture shock, 148, 150

Cuzco, Peru, 3133

Czech Republic, 6971, 216217


Daara J, 122

Dakar, Senegal, 122

Dalhalla, Sweden, 115

Dalí, 53

Danti, Ignazio, 72

Darwin, Charles, 43

Deepavali, 78

DEET, 18

Delft, Netherlands, 213

Denmark, 121, 130, 210

destinations, choosing, 145146

DHM (Hugo Muler), 49

diarrhea, 7, 186

Diwali, 7879

DOK Library Concept Center, 213

Dominion Tavern, 119

Dr. Revolt, 65

driving, 170

Drovers Inn, The, 35

drugs, 130, 134135, 138139, 194, 197. See also medications


East Side Gallery, 57

EC (emergency contraception), 188

Eco Rafting, 28

Eco-Habs, 40

Ecuador, 85, 201, 204

emergency contraception (EC), 188

emperor tamarin, 19

England, 121, 132133, 149, 210

environmental issues, 230235

Eurail Passes, 169

Europe, biking around, 233

European Bike Express, 233

exchange rates, 163

Exit, 121


Fab 5 Freddy, 65

Fabulous Five, The, 65

Fado, 120

Falkland Islands, 203

Família Sagrada, La, 52

Fat Joe (”Crack”), 65

Fat Tire Bike Tour, 126

Fernando Carlo, 65


Diwali, 7879

Festival of the Guinea Pig, 85

Folsom Street Fair, 130

food, 100

Igloofest, 118119

Internationale Berliner Bierfestival, 126

Kinky Copenhagen, 130, 195

music, 121

Oktoberfest, 126, 147, 195

planning for, 147

Figueres, Spain, 53

first aid, 182, 184, 186

Fitzroy, 39

5CC, 133

Flevopark, 50

flights, 166168

flying fox bat, 22

Folawiyo, Lisa, 87

Folsom Street Fair, 130


adjustment to, 186

Burmese, 9091

cheese, 104, 106

cost of, 163

crêpes, 9495

culture shock and, 150

festivals, 100

Georgian, 106108

German, 9697

haggis, 35, 36

Icelandic, 98100

Italian, 103104

Mexican, 9293

museums for, 105

poutine, 24

sausage, 97

Turkish, 101102

vegan, 96

Vietnamese, 109111

volunteer work with, 224225

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 225

Fort William, Scotland, 34

Forum (Roman), 72

Fox Glacier, 2829

France, 6768, 9495, 136137, 171, 233

Franz Josef Glacier, 2829

Fraser Island, 227

funding travels, 229

Futura Gallery, 71


Gabarone, Botswana, 227

Galapagos Islands, 201

Gallery of Maps, 72

Gansbaai, South Africa, 38

Gastrobiking, 233

Gaudí, Antoni, 5152

gay culture, 117, 150

gender issues, 150

Geneva, Switzerland, 226

Georgia, 106108

German Beer Purity Law, 126

Germany, 5657, 9697, 126127, 149, 193, 195, 208, 233, 234

Ghana, 86, 87, 216, 219

Global Mamas, 223

Global Volunteer Network (GVN), 212

Gnaoua, 121

Goltz-Kinský Palace, 70

Goodwill/Salvation Army, 84

Google Flights, 153

graffiti. See street art

Graffiti Hall of Fame, 66

Granada, Nicaragua, 55, 204

Grand Bazaar, 102

Grand Kremlin Palace, 63

Great Barrier Reef (GBR), 1415

Great Glen Way, 34

Greece, 131, 193

GREEN (Global Renewable Energy Education Network), 234

group travel, 152, 175

Guatemala, 231232

guidebooks, 154

Guinea Pig, Festival of the, 85

guinea pigs, 85

GUM Department Store, 63


Habitat for Humanity, 222

haggis, 35, 36

haggling, 81

Hamburg, Germany, 9697

Harpa Concert Hall, 115

Havana, Cuba, 55, 117

health, 7, 161, 184185

healthcare-related opportunities, 205212

Hello Kitty, 7677

Henxs, 4950

Highway of Death (Camino de la Muerte), 17

Hijab, Princess, 68

hiking, 29, 42

Himeji-jo, Japan, 60

Hipmunk, 153

History001, 123

HIV/AIDS, 211212

hoatzin, 19

Hoerikwaggo Trail, 37

Holì, 195

Honduras, Roatán, 204

Hong Kong, 7677, 227

Hope and Anchor, 133

Horiyoshi III, 73

Hostelling International, 162

hostels, 8, 173174

hotels, 177

House of the Black Madonna, 71

Hout Bay, 38

Huayna Picchu, 31

Hug It Forward, 231232

human rights, work with, 220225

human trafficking, 223224

hygiene, 187188


Ibiza, Spain, 193

ice climbing, 2829, 44

ice pick, uses for, 30

Iceland, 98100, 115, 234

Igloofest, 118119

Ilig-Iligan Beach, Boracay, 22

illness, 7, 161, 184, 186

immunizations, 185. See also vaccinations

Incan Trail, 32

India, 7879, 195, 196197, 211

inspiration, 9

Interlaken, 2627, 226

Interlaken Adventure, 27

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 209210

International Development, 224225

International Driving Permit, 170

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), 209

International Student Identity Card (ISIC), 32, 162

International Youth Travel Card (IYTC), 162

Internationale Berliner Bierfestival, 126

Internet resources, 145146, 148, 154, 157, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 170, 175, 184, 187

Invader, 57, 67

Inverness, Scotland, 34

Iquitos, Peru, 33, 139

Ireland, 114, 115

irezumi, 73

ISIC (International Student Identity Card), 32

Istanbul, Turkey, 101102

Italy, 72, 80, 103104

Ivan the Terrible, 61

Ivory Coast, 86, 87, 215216


jail, 158

Jamaica, 150

Japan, 60, 73, 8283, 105, 149, 171, 213

Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 38

Jefftown, 66

Jewel by Lisa, 87

Jørgensen, Henning, 130

Josefov, 71

JR, 67

Julio 204, 64


K2, 39

Kabul, Afghanistan, 219

Kaffeeklappe, 96

karaoke, 123

Karma83, 49

kayaking, 43

kente cloth, 86

Kenya, 211, 212

Kicking Horse Canyon, 2425

Kicking Horse River, 2425

kids, work with, 212, 214219

Kids Worldwide, 215216

kif, 134135

Kilimanjaro, 39

Kimchi Field Museum, 105

Kinky Copenhagen, 130, 195

kiteboarding, 20

Kiwi360, 105

Kouka, 67

Kremlin, 6263

Kyrgyzstan, 217


La Paz, Bolivia, 16, 17

Lake Cunningham Regional Skatepark, 171

Lamb and Flag, 132

language barriers, 8, 147

Latin America Veterinary Training Center, 204

laundry, 164

Leaf, The, 96

leather goods, 80

Lenin, Vladimir, 63

Lenin’s Mausoleum, 63

Leonardo, 72

Lesotho, 203

libraries, 213

Library of Birmingham, 213

Livingston Skatepark, 171

Loch Lomond, 34, 35

locks, 174, 182, 190

London, England, 132133, 210

Longmen Grottoes, China, 60

Lord Howe Island Group, Australia, 60

Louvre Nu, Le, 67

Luxury, 123


Macau, 227

Machu Picchu, 3133

Macrobotellón, 141

Maddox, Michael, 61

Madidi National Park, 16, 18

Magellan, Ferdinand, 45

magellanic penguin, 203

Malá Strana, 70

malaria, 186

Maléombho, Loza, 87

Mali, 87

mannies, 218

marijuana, 194, 196

Marseille Skatepark, 171

Martial Glacier, 44

mass-transit systems, 169170

Matador, 122

medications, 184185

Melnikov, Konstantin, 62

Melnikov House, 62

Meulman, Niels “Shoe,” 49

Mexico, 55, 9293, 204

Michelangelo, 72

Mickey, 49

mile-high club, 168

Milngavie, Scotland, 3435

Miró, Joan, 58

MLSS, 49

Mode2, 49

Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum, 105

Mona Lisa, 67

Montreal, Canada, 118119

Morocco, 5859, 121, 134135

Moscow, Russia, 6163

mosquitoes, 186

Mount Everest, 39

mountain climbing, 39

Muizenberg, South Africa, 38

Mulder, Hugo (DHM), 49

Muse de Sexe, 50

Musée de l’érotisme (Museum of Eroticism), 136

Musée d’Orsay, 68

Musée du Louvre, 67

Museum of Eroticism (Musée de l’érotisme), 136


art, 53, 6768, 72, 73

Atelier Brancusi modern art museum, 68

Coleman’s Mustard Museum, 105

cost of, 163

for food, 105

Kimchi Field Museum, 105

Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum, 105

Musée de l’érotisme (Museum of Eroticism), 136

Pompidou’s National Museum of Modern Art, 6768

Vatican Museums, 72

Vodka Museum, 105

Yokohama Tattoo Museum, 73


Cuban, 116117

Fado, 120

festivals for, 121

Igloofest, 118119

Irish, 114

karaoke, 123

Senegalese, 122

venues for, 115

Myrtos Beach, Kefalonia, 131


nannies, 218

National Marionette Theater, 71

National Societies of the Red Cross Red Crescent, 209

Nepal, 39

Netherlands, 196197, 213

New York City, 6466, 84

New Zealand, 2829, 105

Nicaragua, 55, 204, 208

1984 crew, 67

North Horn, 15

North Korea, 196197

Norwich, United Kingdom, 105

Not For Sale, 223, 224

Nychos, 66


Ōkārito Lagoon, 28

Okavango Delta, 227

Oktoberfest, 126, 147, 195

Old Bank of England, 132

Old Town, Prague, 70

open-jaw tickets, 167

Orange Kloof Forest, 3738

organization, planning and, 145146

Osaka, Japan, 105

Osprey Reef, 15

Otavalo, Ecuador, 204

Ottograph, 49

Outdoor Interlaken, 27


packing, 180182

Packing Pro, 153

Pakistan, 39

Pantheon, 72

Panthera, 202

Papa Moussa Lo, 122

Paradise Beach, Mykonos, 131

Paris, France, 6768, 136137

Park Güell, 52

park rangers, 235

Park Victoria, 235

partying, 164, 195

passports, 157, 161, 189, 190

PBS (Positive Black Soul), 122

Peace Corps, 221222

Pemba Island, 201

Pen Pal Kids Club, 212

personal space, 150

Peru, 3133, 85, 138139

pharmacies, 7, 182, 184, 186

phone, 182

Pietà, 72

Pigalle Place, 136, 145146

Pixel Pancho, 66

Plaça Reial, 51

Poland, Warsaw, 193

police, 191

political climate, 147148, 190191

political science majors, 226227

Pompidou’s National Museum of Modern Art, 6768

Portugal, 120

Postcard Star, 153

poutine, 24

Prague, Czech Republic, 6971

Prague Castle, 70

Prague Orloj, 70

prescriptions, 184, 186

Project Amsterdam Street Art, 49

Projects Abroad, 219

prostitution, 130, 196, 224

pubs, 114, 132133

Puebla, Mexico, 55

Pueblito, Colombia, 42


Quebec, Canada, 24

Queensland coast, 14


rafting, whitewater, 2425

Ramadan Bayram, 101102

Rangers without Borders, 235

Rannoch Moor, 34, 35

Raphael, 72

Rebecca Rils, 136137

recycling, 87, 229

Red Beach, Crete, 131

Red Bull Big Wave Africa surf competition, 38

Red Cross, 209

Red Light District, Amsterdam, 50

Red Rocks Amphitheater, Colorado, 115

Red Square, 61, 6263

Reinheitsgebot, 126

Renaissance, 72

rental cars, 170

Rideau Canal, Canada, 60

Rif Mountains, 58, 59, 135

Roatán, Honduras, 204

Romania, Transylvania, 219

Rome, Italy, 72

Roskilde, 121

Rowardennan Hotel, The, 35

Royal Palaces of Abomey, Benin, 60

RTW (Around the World) tickets, 167

Rurrenabaque, Bolivia, 16, 18

Russia, 6163, 105, 149, 196197


Sacré Coeur Catholic church, 137

Safari Ranger School, 235

safety, 7, 147148, 182, 189191

Sagoe, Deola, 87

Salkanty Trail, 32

San Francisco, California, 130

San Lorenzo Market, 80

Sanrio, 76

Santa Croce Leather Workshop, 80

Santa Marta’s, Colombia, 41

Santana, Carlos, 122

Santiago, Chile, 227

Santiago de Cuba, 117

Santorini, Greece, 193

São Paulo, Brazil, 193

sausage, 97

Scharf, Kenny, 65

Schmidt’s lazy toad, 203

School of Athens, The, 72

Scotland, 3435, 171

Scott, Jeremy, 65

scuba, 1415, 21

Seifrei, 49

selling crafts, 229

Sendai, Japan, 213

Sendai Mediatheque, 213

Senegal, 122

Seoul, South Korea, 105, 123

Serbia, 121

Serve the World Today, 231232

sex, 150, 168, 188, 193, 196197. See also birth control

sex shops, 136137

sex trade, 223224

Sexodrome, 137

Shanghai, China, 171

shark cage diving, 38

shark-feeding dive, 15

Shimizu, Yuko, 76

showers, 208

Sierra Leone, 216

Singapore, 213

Sistine Chapel, 72

skateboarding, 171, 219

Skateistan, 219

Skatin Chinchilla, 49

skydiving, 15

skydiving ant, 19

SkyScanner, 153

Slane Castle, Ireland, 115

slavery, 223224

SMP Skatepark, 171

snorkeling, 15, 21, 42

snowboarding, 23

soccer, 219

soju, 123

solo travel, 151

South Africa, 3738, 203

South Korea, 105, 123, 216

souvenirs, 164

Spain, 5152, 53, 54, 140141, 193, 195, 233

Spanish, places to learn, 5455

Spanish Steps, 72, 80

Spice Bazaar, 102


bicycling, 17, 126

biking, 233

bungee jumping, 227

camping, 35, 3738, 40

canyoning, 2627

hiking, 29, 3435, 42

ice climbing, 2829, 44

kayaking, 43

kiteboarding, 20

mountain climbing, 3738, 39

rafting, whitewater, 28

scuba, 1415, 21

shark cage diving, 38

skateboarding, 171, 219

skydiving, 15

snorkeling, 21, 42

snowboarding, 23

soccer, 219

surfing, 38

volunteer work with, 219

whitewater rafting, 2425

SS Yongola, 15

St. Basil’s Cathedral, 61

St. Jerome in the Wilderness, 72

St. Peter’s Basilica, 72

St. Petersburg, Russia, 105

St. Vitus, 70

STA Travel, 155, 166

Stalin, Josef, 61, 63

STDs, 188

STEP Program, 158

Stik, 66

Stockholm, Sweden, 193

street art, 4850, 5657, 6466, 67

street smart chart, 196197

striped legless lizard, 203

study abroad, 9, 201, 210211, 226227, 234

Sultanahmet Square, 101

Super Kool 223, 65

surfing, 38

sustainability, 228, 230235

Sweden, 115, 193

Switzerland, 226, 233, 234

Sydney Opera House, Australia, 115


Table Mountain, 3738

tagging, 6465

Taki 183, 64

Tanzania, 39, 211

Tats Cru, 65

tattoos, 73, 130

Tayrona National Park, Colombia, 40, 42

Te Puke, New Zealand, 105

teaching English, 216217

tech gear, 182

technology, 153. See also apps

Thailand, 196197, 204, 224

Thurseblot, 100

Tierra del Fuego, 4344, 45

Tierra del Fuego National Park, Argentina, 43

time, 8

toiletries, 161, 181

toilets, 148149

Tokyo, Japan, 73, 171

Torres del Paine National Park, 227

tour guides, 154155

Touré Kunda, 122

Tracy 168, 65

trains, 169170

Transitions Abroad, 147

transportation, 162, 166168

Transylvania, Romania, 219

travel advisories, 147148, 191

travel agents, 154155

travel clinics, 185

travel insurance, 162, 187

travel partners, 151152

travel style, 151152

traveling in groups, 152

Trevi Fountain, 72

t-rex leech, 19

Tripadvisor, 153

Tripit, 153

Turkey, 101102, 217


U Bukany’ra, 70

Uganda, 212

UNESCO Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, 92

UNESCO World Heritage sites, 14, 60, 232

United Kingdom, 105, 213, 233

United Nations, 225

United States, 115, 121, 130, 171, 196197

University of Lausanne, 234

Urubamba River, 32

Urusov, Pyotr, 61

U.S. Department of State, 157, 159

U.S. embassy, 158

Ushuaia, Argentina, 4344

UTIs (urinary tract infections), 188


vaccinations, 161, 184, 185

Vancouver, Canada, 23, 213

Vatican Museums, 72

Veganz, 97

Venezuela, 203

vets, 204

Vietnam, 109111

Vincent Vegan, 96

visas, 159, 161

Vodka Museum, 105

volunteer work

with animals, 202, 204

on farms, 230231

with Habitat for Humanity, 222

with HIV/AIDS, 211212

with kids, 215216

with Peace Corps, 221222

transportation and, 166

value of, 9

with water, 206207


Wales, 234

Warsaw, Poland, 193


health and, 182, 184, 188

volunteer work with, 206207

Water for People, 207

Water Missions International (WMI), 207, 207

weather, 146, 180

weed, 194, 197

West Africa, 8687

West Highland Way (WHW), 3435

Whistler Blackcomb, 23

White Beach, Boracay, 21

White Trash, 127

whitewater rafting, 2425, 28

wood-eating catfish, 19

work opportunities, 9, 216217, 224225, 229, 235

World Cosplay Summit, 8283

World Food Programme, 225

World Vets International, 204

World Water Corps (WWC), 207

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF), 230231

Worldwide Helpers, 211


X Streets Collective, 49


Yakovlev, Postnik, 61

Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, 132

Yokohama Tattoo Museum, 73


Zaira, 49

Zanzibar, 201