

Adenium obesum, 88

Adromischus cristatus, 82, 88

Aeonium, 31, 34, 56, 61, 65

A. arboreum ‘Atropurpureum’, 34

A. arboreum ‘Zwartkop’, 34, 89

A. haworthii ‘Kiwi’, 91

A. ‘Kiwi’, 34, 49

A. ‘Mardi Gras’, 93

A. ‘Sunburst’, 57

A. tabulaeforme, 34

A. ‘Zwartkop’, 49, 50

African milk barrel, 157

African starfish flower, 199

Agave, 8, 38, 74

A. americana, 38

A. attenuata, 57

A. ‘Blue Glow’, 95

A. ‘Confederate Rose’, 95

A. lophantha ‘Quadricolor’, 38, 97

A. tequilana, 43

A. victoriae-reginae, 97

agave cactus, 177

Alluaudia procera, 99

Aloe, 27, 38, 39, 42, 43, 74

A. barbadensis, 43, 101

A. barberae, 39, 40, 103

A. ‘Blizzard’, 104

climbing, 26

A. dichotoma, 48

A. ferox, 40

A. ‘Firebird’, 104

A. ‘Firefly’, 39

A. juvenna, 105

A. marlothii, 52

A. ‘Oik’, 105

A. plicatilis, 107

A. vaiegata, 107

Aloe vera, 39, 43, 101

Aloinopsis, 27

Anacampseros telephiastrum variegata ‘Sunrise’, 109

‘Angelina’ stonecrop, 196

areole, 15, 17, 24

artificial lighting, 81

Asclepiadoideae, 30

asparagus, 38

Astrophytum, 24

A. myriostigma, 111

Austrocylindropuntia, 24

A. cylindrica cristata, 179

A. subulata, 181


baby toes, 27, 163

balloon cactus, 190

baseball plant, 155

beavertail cactus, 24, 51

Bijlia, 27

birthday cake cactus, 178

bishop’s cap cactus, 111

black rose aeonium, 89

blue agave, 43

blue chalk sticks, 35, 198

bottle cactus, 169

Bowiea volubilis, 112

bowstring hemp, 194

Brasiliopuntia, 24

Browningia, 24

Bryophyllum, 74

bulbils, 74

bunny ear cactus, 180

burro’s tail, 35, 36, 194

Bursera, 27

bush sedum, 195

bush stonecrop, 195


Cactaceae family, 21

Cactoideae, 21, 24


cultural uses of, 25

defining, 15

description of, 21

edible, 25

family and subfamilies of, 21, 24

growing indoors, 79

growing outdoors, 47

See also individual plants

Calandrinia spectabilis, 61

candelilla, 43

candy cactus, 163

cane types, 24

cardón, 185

Carnegiea gigantea, 21

Carpobrotus, 37

C. edulis, 35

Carraluma, 30

carrion flowers, 30, 199

caruncle, 31

Cephalocereus senilis, 112


C. peruvianus, 25, 113

C. repandus, 25, 113


C. sandersonii, 113

C. woodii, 36, 115

cholla types, 24

Christmas cactus, 63

Christmas cheer stonecrop, 195

Cissus, 27

Cleistocactus, 24

climbing onion, 112

cobweb houseleek, 197

cochineal insects, 25

concrete leaf, 200

Consolea, 24

C. rubescens, 117

convergent evolution, 43

corn cob euphorbia, 151

Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga ‘Undulata’, 119

Crassula, 27, 56, 72

C. arborescens, 52

C. helmsii, 11

C. ovata, 9, 51, 81, 123

C. ovata ‘Gollum’, 52

C. ovata ‘Gollum’ jade, 125

C. ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’, 52

C. perfoliate var. falcata, 121

crested thumb cactus, 179

crinkle-leaf plant, 88

crown of thorns, 43, 153

cultural uses, 25, 43

cuticle, 63

Cylindropuntia, 24

Cyphostemma juttae, 127


Delosperma, 35, 37

desert rose, 88

devil’s tongue barrel cactus, 163

dish gardens, 14

dormancy, 65

dragon fruit, 173

drainage, 59, 62, 65, 82

drunkard’s dream, 169

Dudleya, 27, 31

D. brittonii, 129

dyckia, 12


Echeveria, 11, 27, 30, 31, 72

E. affinis, 31

E. ‘Black Prince’, 131

E. gibbiflora, 31

E. ‘Gorgon’s Grotto’, 133

E. harmsii, 33

E. ‘Neon Breakers’, 135

E. nodulosa, 31, 32, 141

E. ‘Perle von Nurnberg’, 137

E. pulvinata, 31

E. purpusorum, 31

E. runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’, 141

E. setosa, 31

E. x imbricata, 139

E. x imbricata ‘Compton Carousel’, 139

Echinocactus, 24

E. chamaecereus, 143

E. grusonii, 21, 143

Echinopsis, 74

T. pachanoi, 203

elephant bush, 51, 193

elephant cactus, 185

elephant’s food, 193

emerald idol, 179

epiphytes, 21

Espostoa, 24

E. lanata, 145

etiolation, 63, 80

Euphorbia, 27, 42, 43, 48

E. anoplia, 145

E. antisyphilitica, 43

E. flanaganii, 147

E. flanaganii cristata, 149

E. mammillaris variegata, 151

E. milii, 43, 153

E. obesa, 43, 155

E. polygona ‘Snowflake’, 157

E. pulcherrima, 43

E. tirucalli ‘Firesticks’, 159

E. trigona, 41

E. trigona ‘Royal Red’, 159

Eve’s needle, 181


false ocotillo, 99

false saguaro, 185

fan aloe, 107

Faucaria, 27

F. tirgrina, 83, 161

Fenestraria, 27

F. aurantiaca, 163

Ferocactus, 24

F. latispinus, 163

fertilizer, 64

fire sticks, 159

flapjacks, 174

frangipani, 193

frankincenses, 66

freezing temperatures, 53, 63

Frithia, 27

frost, 53

Furcraea, 74

F. macdougallii, 165


Gasteraloe, 10, 81

G. ‘Green Ice’, 165

Gasteria, 27, 72, 81

germination times, 69

giant chalk dudleya, 129

giant saguaro, 21

giant tree aloe, 103

glochids, 16

golden barrel, 21, 143

golf ball cactus, 66

good luck jade, 123

Graptopetalum, 31, 34, 49, 60, 72, 80

Graptophytum, 34

Graptoveria, 34, 80

green coral, 149

green ice gasteraloe, 165

Greenovia, 27

Gymnocalycium, 24

G. mihanovichii ‘Hibotan’, 167


Hatiora salicornioides, 169

Haworthia, 27, 29, 72, 81

H. coarctata, 82

H. fasciata, 169

H. retusa, 171

H. truncata, 171

hens and chicks, 9, 139

Hoodia, 30

horse’s teeth, 171

hottentot fig, 35

Huernia, 27, 30

Hylocereus undatus, 25, 173


ice plants, 35, 37

Indian fig, 25


jade plant, 9, 51, 81, 123

jelly beans, 195

jewel plant, 200


Kalanchoe, 27, 72, 74

K. ‘Bordeaux’, 174

K. ‘Houghton’s Hybrid’, 173

K. luciae, 174

K. ‘Pink Butterflies’, 173

K. tomentosa, 175

Key lime pie, 88


Lampranthus, 35

L. deltoides, 35

leaf cuttings, 72

Leuchtenbergia, 24

L. principis, 177

light requirements, 62, 63, 80, 81

Lithops, 27, 28, 177

living stones, 27, 28, 177

lizard tail, 165

Lophophora williamsii, 25


MacDougall’s hemp, 165

Madagascan ocotillo, 99

Madagascan palm, 189

Maihuenia, 24

Maihuenioideae, 21, 24

Mammillaria, 24, 74

M. bocasana, 178

M. hahniana, 178

M. herrerae, 66

M. matudae cristata, 179

Manfreda, 27, 38

mangraves, 39

Manley, Denise, 31

medicine plant, 101

Mediterranean climate, 51

Medusa’s head, 147

mimicry-type plants, 27

mistletoe cactus, 169

moisture test, 58, 59, 83

Monanthes, 27, 31

moon cactus, 167

mother-in-law tongue, 194

mother-in-law’s cushion, 143


night-blooming cereus, 173

Nolina, 27

nopal cactus, 25

Nopalea cochenillifera, 25

nurse plants, 48, 50


O’Connell, Renee, 31, 34

offsets, 74

old lady cactus, 178

old man cactus, 112

old man of Mexico, 112

old man of the Andes, 183

Opuntia, 24

O. chlorotica var. santa-rita, 183

O. cylindrica cristata, 179

O. ficus-indica, 25, 51

O. microdasys, 180

O. quitensis, 180

O. subulata, 181

Opuntioideae, 15, 21, 24

Orbea, 27, 30

Oreocereus, 24

O. celsianus, 183

Oscularia, 27

overwintering, 51, 53


Pachycereus, 24

P. pringlei, 185

P. schottii, 187

Pachyphytum, 31, 34, 72

Pachypodium lamerei, 189

Pachyveria, 34

paddle plant, 174

painted echeveria, 141

panda plant, 175

parachute plant, 113

Parodia magnifica, 190

partridge breast aloe, 107

peanut cactus, 143

pearl aloe, 165

Peperomia graveolens, 190

Pereskia, 24

Pereskiodeae, 21, 24

Peruvian apple cactus, 25, 113

Peruvian old man, 145

petiole, 24

peyote, 25

pickle weed, 35

pincushion cactus, 178

pink butterflies, 173

pink sparkler, 173

pitahaya agria, 25

pitaya, 173

planters, 58

planting mixes, 64

plantlets, 74

Pleiospilos, 27

P. nelii, 191

Plumeria, 27

P. rubra, 193

poinsettia, 43

polka dot cactus, 180

pork and beans, 195

Portulacaria afra, 51, 193

potting soil, 62, 64, 70

powderpuff, 178

prickles, 18

prickly pear types, 24

prism cactus, 177

propagation, 66

propeller plant, 121


quadricolor century plant, 97

Queen Victoria agave, 97


raised beds, 58

Rebutia, 24

red buttons opuntia, 180

red pencil tree, 159

road kill cactus, 117

rosary vine, 115

rosettes, 30, 31

Rosularia, 27

royal red milk tree, 159

ruby ball, 167

ruby glow peperomia, 190


Salvia leucantha, 65

Sán Pedro cactus, 25, 203

Sansevieria, 72, 74, 81

S. trifasciata ‘Laurentii’, 194

Santa Rita prickly pear, 183

Schlumbergera, 24, 63

sea onion, 112

sea urchin, 155

Sedeveria, 34

Sedum, 26, 27, 34, 72

S. acre, 51

S. album, 51

S. ‘Burrito’, 23

S. hispanicum, 51

S. lineare, 51

S. morganianum ‘Burrito’, 194

S. praealtum, 195

S. reflexum, 51

S. rubrotinctum, 35, 195

S. rupestre, 51

S. rupestre ‘Angelina’, 50, 196

S. spathulifolium ‘Capo Blanco’, 196

S. spurium, 35

seed, growing from, 68, 69

Sempervivum spp., 9, 31, 34, 51

S. arachnoideum, 82, 197

Senecio, 56

S. articulatus ‘Variegatus’, 197

S. mandraliscae, 35, 50

S. radicans, 35

S. rowleyanus, 35, 37

S. scaposus, 198

S. talinoides var. mandraliscae, 198

senita, 187

shark jaws, 161

silver coral, 198

silver dollar plant, 52

silver ruffles, 119

snake plant, 194

snow pole cactus, 145

snowball cactus, 178

snowflake euphorbia, 157

soil, 62, 64, 70

spekboom, 193

spider web hens and chicks, 197

spines, 16, 18, 24

split rocks, 27, 191

spoon leaf stonecrop, 196

Stapelia, 30

S. gettleffii, 31

S. gigantea, 199

star cactus, 171

stem cuttings, 70

Stenocactus, 24

Stenocereus gummosus, 25

Stetsonia, 24

sticks of fire, 159

stone plants, 27

string of bananas, 36

string of hearts, 36, 115

string of pearls, 35, 37


cultural uses of, 43

defining, 15

as firebreaks, 51

growing indoors, 79

growing outdoors, 47

introduction to, 9

non-cactus, 16, 27

plant care for, 59

propagation of, 66

See also individual plants

swamp stonecrop, 11


teddy bear plant, 175

temperature, 63

Tephrocactus, 24

tequila agave, 43

thorns, 18

tiger aloe, 107

tiger jaws, 27, 83, 161

tiger tooth aloe, 105

tip burn, 53

Titanopsis, 27

T. calcarea, 200

torch cactus, 201

transplanting, 69

tree grape, 127


T. grandiflous, 201

T. pachanoi, 25, 203


umbrella plant, 113


variegated candle plant, 197

variegated hens and chicks, 139

violet prickly pear, 183


water deficiency, 48

watering basics, 59, 82

Welwitschia mirabilis, 66

wild grape, 127

window, photosynthetic, 27, 29

window plant, 163

Wright, Dick, 31


xerophytes, 11


Yucca, 27, 38

Y. elephantipes, 38

Y. filamentosa, 38


zebra cactus, 169

zebra plants, 27

zipper plant, 145