Introduction: Speculative Genealogies – Armen Avanessian and Suhail Malik
1Foreign Territory: The Promises and Perils of Speculative Realism – Steven Shaviro
2Reflections of a Rotten Nature: Hegel, Lacan and Material Negativity – Adrian Johnston
4Deleuze: Speculative and Practical Philosophy – Sjoerd van Tuinen
Part 2: Languages of Speculation
6Language Ontology – Armen Avanessian
7The Realist Novel and ‘the Great Outdoors’: Towards a Literary-Speculative Realism – Arne De Boever
9Underlabouring for Science: Althusser, Brassier, Bhaskar – Nathan Coombs
10Formalism, Materialism and Consciousness – Dorothea Olkowski
11Subtending Relations: Bacteria, Geology and the Possible – Myra J. Hird and Kathryn Yusoff