
Abercrombie, James, 223

Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of, 416, 419, 423

Achard, André, 319

A’Court, Sir William, 242, 244–5, 262

Adams, Daniel, 53

Adelaïde, Madame (Louis-Philippe’s sister), 483

Adelphi (secret society), 169

Aix-la-Chapelle: congress (1818), 186–94

Álava, General Miguel, Marquis of, 233

Albrecht, Daniel Ludwig, 201

Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’, 18

Alexander I, Tsar of Russia: celebrates Napoleon’s downfall, 3–4; and Holy Alliance, 4, 8, 180; education and upbringing, 5–6; reign, 6–7; religiosity, 7–8, 183, 304–5, 323, 324; on prospect of European settlement, 9; welcomes fall of Bastille, 11; alliance with Napoleon, 76; befriends Richelieu, 119; and French food shortage, 137; and Capodistrias, 153–4; suspects Paris-based conspiracy, 154–5, 258; letter from La Harpe in Italy, 176; and Italian liberation, 178; reformist intentions frustrated, 179–80; grants constitution to Poland, 181; religious ecumenism, 182; fails to demobilise, 183, 199; interest in foreign affairs, 183, 278; welcomes Lebzeltern, 184; at Aix-la-Chapelle congress, 186–9, 193–4; kidnap plot against, 192; popularity in Germany, 193, 207; in Vienna, 194; and Prussian threat, 199, 206; concerned about French army, 214; and repression in Germany, 228; belief in assassinations and conspiracies, 233, 270–1, 274, 279; advocates intervention in Spain, 238; and Naples revolution, 242, 247–8, 261, 262–3; told of Carbonari in Italy, 247; interest in Italy, 249; rejects constitution for Russia, 250; disturbed by European disorder, 252; adopts reactionary position, 254–5; calls and attends congress (Troppau), 255–8, 265–6; and Semeonovsky Guards mutiny, 258–60, 330; near-fatal coach accident, 266; at Laibach, 267; raises question of Spain at Laibach congress, 269; and revolution in Piedmont, 272–3; and Greek independence movement, 274, 278, 280; renounces liberalism, 276, 323–6; mistrusts French police, 295; preoccupation with Spain, 296, 298, 301, 305; attends Verona congress of monarchs (1822), 300, 322; and Austrian rule in Italy, 303; infatuated by Lady Londonderry, 304; visits Venice, 306; welcomes French invasion of Spain, 307; proposes intervention in Americas, 308; spies and intelligence-gathering, 324; orders dissolution of all associations, 326; paranoia, 326, 330; death and succession (1825), 331–2; uninterested in police, 341; bans societies, 431; effect of control, 500

Algiers: French capture, 360

Ali Pasha, governor of Janina, 273

Alibaud, Louis, 418–19

Alien and Seditious Acts (USA, 1798), 69

Aliens Act (Britain, 1793): repealed (1826), 428

Allen, William, 304, 356

Alsace, 497

Altenstein, Freiherr von, 310

Amiens, Treaty of (1802), 74

Amis de la Vérité, Les (Masonic lodge), 283

Amis du Peuple, 411–12

Ancillon, Johann Peter, 200, 404

Andryane, Alexandre, 318–20

Angoulême, Louis Antoine, duc d’ (Dauphin), 126, 231, 306–8

Annual Register, 233, 427

Anti-Jacobin (journal), 46, 66

Anti-Jacobin Review, 46

Apponyi, Count Antoine: as ambassador in Paris, 355, 372; messages from Metternich, 372, 382, 401, 406, 468; Metternich warns of world’s moral sickness, 476; on Paris as safe city, 486

Apponyi, Count Rodolphe, 384

Arakcheev, General Aleksey Andreevich, 259, 324, 331

Argenson, Marc-René de Voyer de Paulmy, comte d’, 282, 284, 292, 310

aristocracy: dominance diminishes, 393

armies: nature of, 100

army, French: after Napoleon’s fall, 111; reconstituted under Saint-Cyr, 214

Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 224, 463

Arnim-Boitzenburg, Count Adolf Heinrich von, 466

Artois, comte d’ (‘Monsieur’) see Charles X, King of France

Arzamas (Russian literary society), 448

Association of Friends of the People (Britain), 44, 49

Association for the Preservation of Liberty and Property Against Republicans and Levellers (Britain), 46

asylum (political), 405

Atholl, John Murray, 4th Duke of, 67, 294

Auber, Daniel François Esprit: La Muette de Portici (opera), 365, 442

Auerstadt, Battle of (1806), 158

Aumont, Louis Marie Céleste, duc d’, 126

Austria (Habsburg monarchy): police and surveillance, 25, 34, 39, 162, 312–20; reaction to French Revolutionary ideas, 29, 31–4; peasant rebels, 30; war with France (1792), 35, 37, 40, 44; fears of revolution and conspiracies, 39–40, 500; Napoleon defeats, 76; national debt, 97; and Tyrolese, 99; Metternich guides, 158–9; political-social tranquillity, 161; control of mail, 162–3; and rule in Italy, 163–4, 166–7, 261, 301–3, 403–4, 473; presidency of Bund, 198; and Naples revolution, 244–5, 247–9, 263, 268–9; army marches on Naples, 269–72; armistice with Naples, 275; students suspected and repressed, 314; troops in Italy, 372, 392; signs convention with Russia (1833), 399; extradition treaty with Russia, 405; education controlled, 436–7; censorship, 437–40, 442–3; economic crisis (1840s), 468; and European nationalist movements, 468; annexes Kraków, 472; administration under Ferdinand, 477; financial crisis, 477; smoking in Milan, 478; in 1848 revolution, 488–9, 491; Milan revolts against, 489; counter-revolution, 495

Austrian Netherlands: French occupy, 35, 44, 47

Baader, Franz von, 101

Babeuf, François (‘Gracchus’), 169, 423

Bacciochi, Elisa Bonaparte, Countess (Napoleon’s sister), 174

Bacszany, János, 314–15

Baden, 491

Bagot, Sir Charles, 154

Bakunin, Mikhail, 497–8

Balashov, General Aleksandr, 203, 324

Balzac, Honoré de, 421; Le Médecin de campagne, 422

Bamford, Samuel, 144, 154, 221

Bancroft, George, 315

Bantry Bay (Ireland), 63

Barbet, Adrien, 358

Bareste, M. (compiler of almanacs), 411

Baring, Alexander, 190

Barrington, Shute, Bishop of Durham, 69–70

Barrot, Hyacinthe Odilon, 484–5

Barruel, Augustin, abbé, 17, 212, 247, 319; Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du Jacobinisme, 18–23, 59, 72

Bastille: fall (1789), 10–11, 14, 27, 52

Bavaria: bans books mentioning French Revolution, 28; repressive measures in, 395–6

Baxter, John, 51

Bazar Français plot (1820), 283

Beauharnais, prince Eugène de, 165, 239

Bedford, Francis Russell, 5th Duke of, 59

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 29, 40

Behr, Professor (of Würzburg), 396

Belfort (France), 284

Belgium: unrest in, 184, 364–5; revolution, 372, 376, 379, 384, 386, 390; bans extradition of political refugees, 405

Bellegarde, Heinrich von, 166, 168

Bellerophon, HMS, 2

Bellingham, John, 89

Bellini, Vincenzo: Norma, 441

Benckendorff, General Aleksandr Kristoforovich von: on contented state of England, 180; on dissatisfaction in Russian army, 330–1; heads Russian secret police, 339–46, 349, 353, 454–5, 500; background and career, 340–1; and Roman Madox, 347; and Sherwood, 348; and censorship, 352, 451; correspondence with Grand Duke Constantine, 354; reports on fall of Charles X, 374; and Polish situation, 375, 464; cooperates with Metternich, 405–6, 431–2; severs relations with Princess Lieven, 445; on passport control committee, 446; on Kiev, 450; sensitivity, 454; and Dubelt, 455

Bentham, Jeremy, 71

Bentinck, Lord William, 165, 168, 174

Beobachtungs Anstalt (Milan), 167

Béranger, Pierre-Jean de, 287, 361, 363

Berlin: and 1848 revolution, 489–90, 497

Berlioz, Hector, 361, 496

Bermudez, Zea, 399

Bernstorff, Christian von, 215, 257–8, 279, 303, 373, 378, 391

Berry, Charles-Ferdinand, duc de, 126, 128, 168; murdered, 231–3, 235–6, 295, 351

Berry, Marie-Caroline, duchesse de, 231, 236

Berton, General Jean-Baptiste, 135, 284

Bestuzhev, Mikhail and Alexander, 332

Bible Society, 71, 326

Binder, Wilhelm, 404, 414, 434

Birmingham: dissent and riots in, 43–4; National Convention of the Industrious Classes convenes in, 426

Birmingham Political Union, 393, 407

Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 463

Blacas, Pierre Louis Jean Casimir, comte de, 267

Black Lamp, the (society), 74–5

Blanc, Louis, 284, 360, 362–3, 418, 423, 481

Blanc, Pierre, 125

Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 423

Bode, Johann Christoph, 17

Bognon, baron, 280

Boigne, comtesse de, 326

Boislecomte, Ernest Sain de, 330

Bolívar, Simón, 133, 183, 327

Bologna, 475

Bonald, Louis de, 14, 106

Bonaparte family, 131, 134, 420

Bonaparte, Caroline, 158

Bonaparte, Jérôme, 132, 174

Bonaparte, Joseph, 132–3, 174, 183

Bonaparte, Louis, 131

Bonaparte, Lucien, 131, 359

Bonaparte, Pauline (later princess Borghese), 131

books: banned, 442

Börne, Ludwig, 405

Borovkov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich, 337

Bouilhet, Louis, 482

Boulay de la Meurthe, Antoine, 291

Bowles, John: Reflections on the Political and Moral State of Society at the Close of the Eighteenth Century, 73

Boyen, Hermann von, 204, 463

Brandreth, Jeremiah, 151–2

Braunmühl, Anton von, 396

‘Brindisi, Duke of’ (Filipetti or Ancirotta), 174, 253

Britain: police, 26, 368–9, 380, 407; refuses to recognise French Republic, 40, 42; proposed reforms, 41–3, 45; representative government, 41; Dissenters in, 43–6, 49, 52; corresponding societies, 44, 68; attitudes to French Revolutionaries, 45–6; government spies, 47; revolutionary fears and countermeasures, 47–54, 58–9, 65–8, 86, 95, 142, 144–7, 149–51, 154–5, 221–2; war with France (1793–4), 49, 55, 58–9; industrial strikes, 50–1; intelligence-gathering, 56, 65–6; food shortages and riots, 58, 74, 93–4, 141–2, 368, 492; and French invasion threat, 59, 75; living conditions, 70, 491–2; religious and moral conditions, 70–2; war with France resumes (1803), 75; mail protected from interference, 86; economic downturn and harvest failures (1809–12), 87; parliamentary reform movement, 87–8, 143, 145–6, 152, 221, 366; war with USA (1812), 87; civil unrest and Ludditism, 88, 91–3; supposed nationwide conspiracy (1812), 91–2; bumper harvest (1813), 94; Napoleon’s trade wars on, 96; economic and trade effects of war, 97; national debt, 97; post-war conditions, 141; Metternich blames for European problems, 148; protests and arrests, 151–2; agents provocateurs, 152–4; as ally of Spain, 183; and South American trade, 183; civil unrest (1818–19), 216–17, 221; Metternich laments withdrawal from continental matters, 268; Metternich loses faith in, 277, 406, 426; and French July revolution (1830), 366–7, 370; Swing riots, 367, 369, 379, 381, 386; banking crisis (1825), 368; trade unions formed, 368; unrest against Wellington’s government, 379–80; Poland appeals to for help, 383; Reform Bills (1831–2), 385–7, 392, 406–7; riots (1831), 386–7; mob actions, 406; growth of cities, 407; working-class movement, 407; radical groups, 426–7; strikes and disorders, 426–30; immigration and political refugees, 429; intercepts Mazzini’s post, 469; effect of 1848 revolutions in, 491–2; see also London

British Critic (journal), 46

Brivazac-Beaumont (agent), 126

Broglie, Victor, duc de, 104, 361–2

Brontë, Revd. Patrick, 93

Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron, 366

Browne, Lieutenant Colonel, 244

Brune, Marshal Guillaume, 115

Brunnow, Baron, 462

Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, Duke of, 17, 45, 350, 365

Brunswick, William, Duke of, 365

Buchanan, James, 457

Buckingham, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, 1st Duke of, 168

Bugeaud, Marshal Thomas Robert, 483–4

Bulatov, Colonel, 332

Bulgarin, Faddei Venediktovich, 452

Bund (Germany), 198

Bundesroman, 16

Bundeszentralbehörde, 397

Buonarroti, Filippo Antonio, 169–70, 318–19

Burdett, Sir Francis, 87, 94, 143–5

Burghersh, John Fane, Baron, 174, 302

Burghersh, Priscilla, Lady, 490

Burke, Edmund: on French Revolution, 12, 74; praises Polish constitution, 38; denounces Priestley, 43; fears revolutionary movements, 45, 67–9; pulls out dagger in Commons, 48; opposes anti-Catholic laws in Ireland, 62; on appeal of Jacobinism, 73; on war with France, 74; Letters on a Regicide Peace, 67; Reflections on the Revolution in France, 13–14, 28, 42

Burney, Fanny (Mme d’Arblay), 43

Burschenschaften see Germany

Byng, General Sir John, 154, 220

Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 89, 91, 171, 177–8, 244, 316

Cabet, Étienne, 423

cabinet noir, 84

Caché, Benedikt de, 38

‘Calabrian look’, 481, 490–1

Campochiaro, Duke of, 245

Canler, Paul Louis, 286, 288, 482

Canning, George, 46, 216, 299, 356, 368

Canosa, Prince Capece Minutolo, 474

Canuel, General Simon, baron, 138, 140

Capodistrias, Ioannis, 253–4, 257–8, 261, 273, 277–8, 280

Carabinieri, 103

Caraman, marquis de, 257, 263, 303

Carbonari (secret society), 170–1, 213, 242–3, 245–9, 275, 276, 283–5, 297, 301, 318, 401

Carême, Marie Antoine, 3

Carignano, Prince of see Charles-Albert

Carlos, Don, Infante of Spain, 399, 424

Carnot, Hippolyte, 291

Caroline Augusta, Empress of Francis of Austria, 436

Caroline of Brunswick, Queen of George IV, 240–1, 256, 277

Caron, Lieut. Colonel, 285

Carrel, Armand, 372

Cartwright, Major John, 87–8, 94, 143, 145, 217

Castle (British government spy), 153, 155

Castlereagh, Amelia, Viscountess, 187–8

Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount: and Alexander’s Holy Alliance, 5; believes Alexander mad, 8; and Ireland, 62; background and career, 90–1; as foreign secretary, 90–1; on social unrest and fall in church attendance, 142; and revolutionary sentiments, 147, 155–6; defends Castle, 153; Clancarty warns of French émigrés, 155; will, 156; negotiates treaty with Metternich, 159; Stewart complains of Metternich to, 172; letter from Burghersh in Florence, 174; and Alexander’s proposed multilateral disarmament, 180; and South American intervention, 183; and Alexander’s presence at Aix-la-Chapelle congress, 186–9, 193; on Prussian army, 199; approves of Metternich’s Karlsbad Decrees, 227; assassination plot against, 234, 240; protection against assassination, 235; opposes intervention in Spain, 238; and Naples revolution, 244; Bagot reports to, 255; and proposed French congress on Neapolitan crisis, 255–6; opposes interference in internal affairs of other states, 261; rejects Metternich’s protocol on Naples settlement, 263–4, 268; defends Austria’s intervention in Naples, 269; accompanies George IV to Hanover, 277; Alexander appeals to for advice, 279; and Alexander’s fixation on Spain, 296; non-recognition of new republics in Americas, 297; succeeds to Londonderry Marquessate, 297; health decline and suicide, 298–9; rejects European antipathy to Amricas, 298

Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia, 5–6, 28, 38

Catherine, Grand Duchess of Russia, 193, 326

Catholic Church: restored in France, 357

Catholic Emancipation Act (Britain, 1829), 369

Cato Street conspiracy (1820), 234–6

Cavaignac, Eléonore-Louis, 412

Cavour, Camillo Benso, Conte di, 104, 475

censorship: in Russia, 352, 450–3; in Austria, 437–40, 442–3; in Italy, 440–1

Central Commission of Investigation (Zentral Untersuchungs Kommission), Mainz, 224–5, 246, 309–11, 463, 466

Cerrito, Fanny, 479

‘Cézar’ (Austrian spy), 38

Chaadayev, Piotr Yakovlevich, 452–3

Chambord, Henri, comte de, 419, 424

Charco (Piccadilly hatter), 47

Charles, Archduke of Austria, 383

Charles IV, King of Spain, 175

Charles X, King of France (earlier comte d’Artois; Monsieur): forms army in Koblenz, 109; Louis XVIII appoints to command against Napoleon’s return, 112; and les Ultras, 119; assassination plots against, 139, 236; succeeds to throne, 311; coronation, 355; plans counter-revolution, 358; dissolves Chamber and calls new election (1830), 360; and 1830 revolution, 362; flees to England, 362–3, 366; Metternich warns, 373

Charles-Albert, King of Sardinia (earlier Prince of Carignano), 175, 272, 402–3, 475, 479, 489, 495, 496

Charles Felix, King of Piedmont, 272, 302

Charlotte Augusta, Princess, 155

Charlotte of Prussia, Empress of Nicholas I, 335, 399

Charte (France), 108, 110, 161, 253

Chartists and Charter (Britain), 427–8, 430, 491–2

Chateaubriand, René, vicomte de, 297, 300–1, 303–4, 306

Chaumont, treaty of (1814), 159

Chevaliers de l’Épingle Noire, 137, 293

Chevaliers de la Foi, 285

Chichagov, Admiral Pavel Vassilievich, 445

Chignard (police agent), 135

cholera epidemics, 377, 413

Chopin, Frédéric, 438

Church, the see Catholic Church; religion

Church Tract Society, 71

Clancarty, Richard le Poer, 2nd Earl of, 155, 184

Clanwilliam, Richard Charles Francis Meade, 3rd Earl of, 186–8

Claremont House, Esher (Surrey), 484

Clary, Count, 39

Cobb, Richard, 25, 78

Cobbett, William, 69, 87, 94, 143–4, 152, 380

Cochrane, Admiral Thomas, 145

Cockburn, Rear Admiral Sir George, 2

codes and ciphers: in diplomatic correspondence, 435

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 66

Collard, Pierre Paul Royer, 294

Combination Acts (Britain): repealed, 356, 368

Comelli, Count, 167

comité directeur: imagined, 239, 274, 277, 287, 290, 293–5, 301, 311, 321, 358, 376, 382, 390, 391, 409, 498

Comités de Surveillance de Lettres, 84

Committee of Public Safety (Russia; Komitet Obshchei Bezopastnosti), 323

Commons, House of (Britain): and reform, 41–3, 45, 87–8, 143, 145–6, 152, 221, 366, 385–7, 392, 406–7, 426; and supposed seditious movements, 146–9

Confalonieri, Count Federico, 321

Congrégation (France), 285

Consalvi, Cardinal Ercole, 163, 247, 262–3, 275, 303, 317

Considère (Paris rioter), 412

Constant, Benjamin, 114, 282, 294

Constantine, Grand Duke of Russia, 191, 250, 273, 331–3, 335, 354, 374–7

Constitutional Information Society, 53

Contremoulin, Captain, 137

Corcelle, Claude Tirguy de, 284

Corcelle, Francisque de, 284, 308

Corn Laws (Britain), 141, 467

Corresponding Societies (Britain), 44, 68

Coutts, Sophia (Lady Burdett), 87

Coutts bank, 60

Cowper, Emily, Lady (later Palmerston), 447

Crefeld, 497

Cult of Reason (France), 83

Custine, General Armand, 35

Custine, Astolphe Louis Léonor, marquis de, 447

Custozza, Battle of (1848), 495

Czapski, Count, 432

Czartoryski, Prince Adam, 383

Davison (Sheffield printer), 51, 175

Debelleyme, Louis-Maurice, 359

Decazes, Élie: succeeds Fouché as head of police, 122, 124; and intelligence-gathering, 127–8, 135; and surveillance, 131; employs Randon, 137; Ultras plot against, 139–40; Metternich mistrusts, 185; power, 195; Lebzeltern delivers Metternich letter to, 196; transforms French army, 214; becomes prime minister, 227; and assassination of duc de Berry, 232; Louis XVIII supports, 236; as ambassador in London, 244; and Metternich’s attacks on Capodistrias, 253

Decembrists, 337, 339, 341, 345, 348, 351, 354, 375, 431

Degen, Joseph, 39

Delacroix, Eugène, 364

Delaveau, Guy, 285–6, 291, 356

Delessert, Gabriel, 420, 423–4, 483

Dembowski, Edward, 470

demi-soldes, 135–7

De Quincey, Thomas, 66, 72

Desmarest, Pierre-Marie, 287

Despard, Colonel Edward, 74–5, 94

Dessolles, Jean-Joseph, marquis, 195, 227

Deutsche Bund, 197

Diderot, Denis, 18

Didier, Charles: Rome souterraine, 422

Didier, Jean-Paul, 136, 140, 293

Diebitsch, Field Marshal Hans Karl von, 331, 374, 383

Dino, Dorothée, Duchess of, 407

Donnadieu, General Gabriel, 283

Dörring, Johannes (or Joachim) Witt von, 310, 317–19, 390

Droits de l’Homme (society), 411–12, 415

Dubelt, Leontii Vassilievich, 349, 454–6

Dubelt, Vassily Ivanovich, 454–5

Du Camp, Maxime, 482, 485

Dugied, Pierre, 283

Dumas, Alexandre père, 284, 361, 412, 422; Les Mohicans de Paris, 421

Dumont, Étienne, 11

Dumouriez, General Charles François, 35

Duncan, Admiral Adam, Viscount, 60

Dundas, Henry, 47, 51–2

Duplay, Simon, 292–4

Dupont, General Pierre-Antoine, 111

Dupont de l’Eure, Charles, 284

Dutch Republic: France declares war on (1793), 49

Eckartshausen, Karl von, 8

Edinburgh Convention (1792), 49, 53

Edler von Rath, Matthias, 246

education: in Austria, 436–7; in Russia, 448–50

Edwards, George, 234

Elba (island), 7–8, 108, 111

Encyclopédie (French), 18, 73

Engels, Friedrich, 497; Communist Manifesto (with Marx), 498

Enghien, Louis-Antoine-Henri Condé, duc d’, 124

England see Britain

Enlightenment: ideology, 10, 33; de Maistre attacks, 13–14; Barruel criticises, 17; Francis II describes as ‘great swindle’, 31, 43; ideas resisted in Austria, 31, 33; attacked in Britain, 73; German, 101

Espoz y Mina, General Francisco, 307

Essai sur la secte des Illuminés (anon.), 16

Esterházy, Prince Pal Antal, 237, 244, 356, 382

Fabvier, Colonel Charles, 251

Fain, Agathon, 85

Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, 431, 477

Ferdinand IV, King of Naples (Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies), 242, 245, 249, 262, 265, 267, 302, 306, 308, 478

Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 183, 230, 267, 296, 307–8; death, 399

Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal, 131

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 224

Fielding, Sir John, 27

Fieschi, Giuseppe Maria, 418–19

Fiquelmont, Count, 430

Fiquelmont, Countess, 459

Fischer, family de, 162

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 61

Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth, 2nd Earl, 62, 93, 220

Flaubert, Gustave, 482

Florence: congress of monarchs (1822) see Verona

Follen, Karl, 205, 211, 309–10, 317

Foreign Enlistment Act (Britain, 1819), 183

Forsting, Baron, 431

Fouché, Joseph, 83–5, 121–2, 126, 174, 202, 292

Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, 462

Fox, Charles James, 10, 46, 48, 51, 65, 493

Foy, General Maximilien Sébastien, 293

France: security, 22–3; as nation, 27–8; exiles, 29–30; war with Austria (1792), 37, 40, 44, 225; war with Britain and Dutch Republic (1793–4), 55, 58–9; invasion threat against Britain, 59, 75; interference in Ireland, 61–3; war with Britain resumes (1803), 75; intelligence-gathering, police and informers, 78–9, 83–6; brigandage, 80; conscription, 80; under Napoleon’s rule, 81–2, 85; post intercepted and examined, 84–5; and great powers, 100; succession to Napoleon, 108–10; émigrés return (1814), 110; position of Church after Napoleon’s fall, 110; White Terror and confusion (1815), 115–16; épuration, 120; unrest and disorder under Louis XVIII, 124–5; pro-Napoleon conspiracies and plots, 136–40; rule in Italy, 164–5; Allied army of occupation, 185–6; Allied troops evacuate, 195; revolutionary potential, 195–6; Prussian reaction against, 201–3; political stability, 236; suspected conspiracies, 239; alarm at Austrian power in Italy, 249; proposes mediation between Austria and Italy, 255; and Troppau congress, 261; and Russian action against Turks, 279; conspiracies and mutinies, 284–5; passports, 287; secret societies, 293–5; favours intervention in Spain, 305–6; invades Spain, 306–8; quiescence, 354; Catholic Church in, 357; elections (1827), 359; harvest failures and famine (1816), 137, 140; (1826/1827), 360; July revolution (1830), 361–4, 409, 419; Metternich fears attack from, 372–3; Metternich prepares for war with, 383; supports Poland, 384; gives asylum to revolutionaries, 404; freedom of press curtailed, 410, 416; bread riots, 413; instability, 413–17; and legitimist succession hopes, 413–14; refugees in, 414–15; stabilises under Rémusat, 423; Nicholas’s hostility to, 445–6; republic declared (1848), 485; acts against Roman republic, 496; effect of 1848 revolution, 496–7

Franchet d’Esperey, 285, 311, 358

Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 4–5

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (later Francis I of Austria), 652; at Alexander’s military display, 3; on Enlightenment as great swindle, 31, 43; succeeds to throne, 31–2; and Polish unrest, 38; title changed on dismantling of Holy Roman Empire, 76, 158; keeps Napoleon’s obelisks, 161; and Austrian rule in Italy, 166, 172–3; bans secret societies, 167; and Metternich’s view of Alexander I, 181; opposes constitutions, 181; attends Aix-la-Chapelle congress, 186–7; Alexander urges to mobilise, 195; Metternich reassures, 215; letter from Alexander on Spanish revolutionaries, 252; attends Troppau congress, 256; leaves Troppau for Vienna, 265; at Laibach, 267; and revolution in Piedmont, 271–2; requests pope to excommunicate Carbonari, 275; Alexander appeals to for advice, 279; attends Verona congress of monarchs (1822), 300; visits Venice, 306; on not waging war on France, 384; Metternich plants letter to Frederick William in Bernstorff’s office, 391; death, 431; suspicious of education, 436–7; mocks censorship, 439

Frankfurt: student demonstration, 396–7; Bundestag, 490

Fraternal Democrats (Britain), 430

Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia, 18

Frederick, Prince of Saxe-Coburg, 78

Frederick William II, King of Prussia, 34

Frederick William III, King of Prussia: and Alexander’s Holy Alliance, 4–5; helps vanquish Napoleon, 4; at Aix-la-Chapelle congress, 186–7; turns against reform, 200–1; meets Metternich at Töplitz, 215, 398; at Laibach conference, 267; at Verona conference, 300; and Spanish constitutional crisis, 305; resists alliance with Austria and Russia, 372; and Polish unrest, 377; Metternich plants letter from Francis in Bernstorff’s office, 391; and sentence on Reuter, 396; death, 462

Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, 462–4, 466–7, 476, 486–7, 490

Freemasonry: origins and spread, 14–17; and French Revolution, 19, 73; reputation, 20; suspected of revolutionary activities, 32–3; in Britain, 67; Francis II suppresses, 167; in France, 193; see also secret societies

French Revolution: international and domestic reactions to, 10–13, 19–21, 28–30, 35, 45–6, 57, 74, 105; Barruel describes as conspiracy, 18–19; unpopularity in regions, 79; followed by wars, 98

Friedrich, Caspar David, 199, 225

Fries, Jakob Friedrich, 209

Gabriac, comte de, 260

Gagern, Heinrich von, 227, 493

Galen, Count, 476

Galicia: revolutionary activities, 400, 470–1, 473

Galitzine, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 265, 271, 273, 324, 448

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 496

Gay, Sophie, 419, 423

Gendarmerie: established in France, 82

Gendarmerie Royale, 362, 409

Gentz, Friedrich von: wishes success of French Revolution, 11; on European popular unrest, 189, 196; dislikes German student associations, 199; on effect of violent acts, 210; threatened with assassination, 214; organises Karlsbad conference, 215, 223, 226; and German resistance to change, 226; on Metternich’s mental upset, 242; on Capodistrias, 253; at Troppau congress, 257; proposes principle of intervention, 263–4; and Ferdinand of Naples, 267; at Laibach congress, 268; and British reaction to Austrian-Russian actions, 268; confers with Strangford, 301; and Rothschilds, 385; reconsiders political principles, 389; criticises Metternich, 399–400; and Metternich’s militancy, 431

George III, King of Great Britain, 55–6, 94, 240

George IV, King of Great Britain (earlier Prince Regent), 145, 233, 240, 256, 277, 279; death, 366

Gérard, Marshal Étienne Maurice, 483

German Confederation, 223, 229, 390, 396

German Party of Revolution, 404

Germany: occult and mysticism in, 16, 182; spiritual ambitions, 101, 182; proposed constitutions, 181; harvest failure (1816), 182; respects Alexander I, 193, 207; nationalism, 197–8, 200–1, 391, 393–4, 491, 500; student associations (Burschenschaften), 199, 207, 209, 212, 310, 394, 398; unification movement, 199, 226; university education in, 205–6; assassinations by fanatics, 209–11, 214, 223; Metternich’s repressive measures in, 223, 225–6, 246, 395; exodus of educated classes, 226; student plots to assassinate Napoleon, 293; stability, 309; Metternich believes in anti-social conspiracy, 311; and threat of French attack, 372; pro-Polish sentiments, 383, 391; student protests, 395–8; customs union (Zollverein), 400, 467; émigré revolutionaries, 404; writers proscribed, 405; food prices increase, 467; improved living standards and economic crisis, 467; population changes, 467; economic depression (1847), 476; and outbreak of 1848 revolutions, 479, 486–7, 490, 498; tricolour, 490; National Assembly, 493; repeals reforms after suppression of revolution, 495

Gesamtinkulpatentabelle (‘Black Book’), 397

Giessen ‘blacks’, 205, 309

Gillray, James, 46

Girard, General Jean-Baptiste, 112

Gise, Baron August von, 399

Gisquet, Henri, 410, 414–16, 420

Glasgow: unrest in, 222

Glave-Kobielski, Karl, Freiherr von, 314

Glorious Revolution (Britain, 1688), 41

Gneisenau, General August Wilhelm Anton, Graf Neithardt von, 199, 201, 224

Godwin, William, 42, 66

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 16, 448

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich, 348, 449, 454; Dead Souls, 452, 454, 459

Golovkin, Count, 257

Gordon, Sir Robert, 172, 296

Gordon Riots (London, 1780), 27

Görres, Joseph, 198

Gosling, Edward, 51

Gourgaud, General Gaspard, 133

Grand Firmament (Society), 294

Greece: independence movement, 273–4, 278–80, 301, 305; discussed at 1822 Vienna conference, 298

Grégoire, abbé, 227

Gregory XVI, Pope, 402, 475

Grellet, Stephen, 356

Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron, 58–9, 86

Greville, Charles, 380–1

Grey, Charles, 1st Earl, 44, 65

Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl, 150, 220–1, 366, 370, 385, 392

Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl and Wilhelm Carl, 463

Grimm, Baron Melchior, 12

Gronow, Captain Rees Howell, 480, 482, 485

Grosse, Carl: Der Genius, 16

Grüner, Justus, 201–3, 246

Guelfi (secret society), 174, 177

Guizot, François, 283, 423, 480, 482

Gustavus III, King of Sweden, 17

Gutzkow, Karl, 405

Habeas Corpus Act (Britain): suspended, 54, 58, 149–50, 154, 216

Habsburg monarchy see Austria

Hager, Baron, 442

Hägerlin, Court Councillor (Austria), 33

Hambach (Rhenish Palatinate), 393

Hampden Clubs, 88, 143–4, 146

Hardenberg, Karl August von, Prince, 188–9, 192, 201, 203–4, 215, 257

Hardie, Andrew, 222

Hardy, General Jean, 64

Hardy, Thomas (shoemaker), 44, 50, 53, 55–6

Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of, 234

Haschka, Lorenz Leopold, 40

Haydn, Joseph, 40

Hazlitt, William, 153

Hecker, Friedrich, 477, 491, 495

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 446

Heine, Heinrich, 171, 404–5

Henri IV, King of France, 2760

Henry, Commissaire (France), 83

Herwegh, Georg, 491, 495

Herzen, Alexander, 453–4, 458, 496, 498

Hildebrandt, C.R., 225

Hobhouse, John Cam, 235

Hoche, General Lazare, 62

Hoffmann, Leopold Alois, 17

Hölderlin, Friedrich, 11

Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron, 67, 174, 222

Holy Alliance (Sainte Alliance), 4–5, 8, 180

Holy Roman Empire: Napoleon dismantles, 76, 158

Hooper, John, 149, 151

Hope, Henry, 190

Hugo, Victor, 102, 364, 421–2; Hernani, 361

Humbert, General Joseph, 64

Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 190, 197, 463

Hundred Days, the (France, 1815), 113–14

Hungary: nationalist movement, 468, 471; resists tax increases, 477; in 1848 revolution, 489, 498

Hunt, Henry, 143–5, 150, 155, 216–19, 233, 235–6, 380

Hunt, James, 144

Hus, Jan, 14

Ibell, Karl Friedrich von, 211

Illuminati, Order of (earlier Perfectibles), 15–16, 18–20, 27, 74, 270, 317–18, 338, 350–1, 394

Indépendance Nationale, L’, 293

intelligence-gathering: throughout Europe, 56; under Napoleon, 77–8, 84; under Louis XVIII, 121–7, 135–6; Austrian, 312–17; see also police

Ireland: sailors in Royal Navy, 60; rule and dissent, 61–3; French attempt invasion, 62–3

Irish Insurrection Act (1796), 62

Isabella, Infanta of Spain, 399

Italy: policing, 26, 175, 315–17; division and governance in, 163–5, 174–5; unification movement, 165–6, 402; Austrian rule in, 166–7, 171–2, 269, 301, 302–3, 403–4; secret societies, 169–73; conspiracies and opposition, 175–6; travellers harassed by officials, 176–7; Austrian troops reinforced (1830), 372; risings (1830), 378, 382; France sends troops against Austrian aggression, 392; social conditions and poverty, 401; revolts under Mazzini, 403–4; censorship, 440–1; theatre in, 441; revolutionaries in, 469–70, 473; economic difficulties, 473–4; controlling measures, 474–5; Pius IX’s reforms, 475; resistance to innovation, 475; revolutions (1848), 478–9, 489; and ‘Calabrian look’, 481; see also Naples

Jablonowski, Prince, 242

Jacob, William, 226

Jacobins, 17–20, 30, 38–9, 71, 73–4, 83, 105, 350

Jacqueminot, General Jean-François, 483

Jahn, Ludwig, 197, 224, 314, 463

Jakubovich, Aleksandr Ivanovich, 328

Jefferson, Thomas, 68

Jena, Battle of (1806), 158

Jesuits, 18, 357–60

Jews: as revolutionaries, 351

John VI, King of Portugal, 267

Joinville, François, prince de, 418

Jordan, Professor (of Marburg), 396

Joseph II, Emperor of Austria: police, 25; anti-Enlightenment measures, 26, 33; reforms, 29, 161, 163; and Francis II’s upbringing, 31; death, 212

Journal des débats, 162

Junglingsbund, 310

Jung Stilling, Johann Heinrich, 7

Kalitowsky, Dr, 433

Kamptz, Karl Albert von, 205, 224–5, 338, 395, 397, 463

Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 180

Karl, Prince of Prussia, 464

Karlsbad, 215, 224, 228

Karlsbad Decrees, 223, 227, 246, 395, 477

Kästenburg (castle), 393–4

Kazan, University of, 325

Kent, Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of, 123

Kent, Victoria Mary Louisa, Duchess of, 194

Kératry, Auguste de, 293–4

Kinnaird, Charles, 8th Baron, 118, 139, 184

Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 11

Knigge, Baron Adolf Franz von (‘Philo’), 15–16

Kochubey, Viktor Pavlovich, 323, 460

Koechlin, Jacques, 284, 293

Kolowrat, Count Franz Anton von, 398–9, 431, 477, 488

Köning, Karl, 211

Kościuszko, Tadeusz, 38, 65

Kossuth, Lajos, 468, 488

Kotzebue, August von: murdered, 208–11, 213, 223, 309, 310, 327, 351

Kraków, 38, 470, 472, 495

Krametz-Lilienthal, Anton, 314

Kritsky brothers, 346

Krüdener, Baroness Julie von, 3, 8, 101, 182

Kubeck, Karl Friedrich von, 399

Labouchère, Pierre César, 190

Lafayette, George, 284

Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de, 30, 282–4, 292, 363, 394, 409, 485

La Ferronays, Pierre Louis de, 233, 237, 257, 264, 303, 323

Lafitte, Jacques, 282, 351, 358, 363, 385

La Harpe, Frédéric César de, 5–6, 103, 176, 179, 226

La Hodde, Lucien de, 410–11, 482

Laibach (Ljubljana): congress (1821), 265, 267–71

Lallemand, Nicolas, 239

La Mare, Nicolas de: Traité de la police, 22

Lamarque, General Jean-Maximilien, 412

Lamartine, Alphonse de, 102, 480, 485, 494

Lamsdorff, General Matthew, 334

Lancaster, Joseph, 71

Langres, Lombard de: Des Sociétés secrètes en Allemagne et en d’autres contrées, 211–12, 319

Lannes, Marshal Jean: bastard son, 400

Larl August, Grand Duke of Weimar, 206

Lassave, Nina, 418

Latour-Maubourg, General Victor de Fay de, 217, 227

Laube, Heinrich, 405

Lavalette, Antoine-Marie, comte de, 116

Lavalette, Madame de, 294

Lawrence, Thomas, 187, 192

Lebzeltern, Baron Louis-Joseph: as ambassador to St Petersburg, 184; takes Metternich letter to Decazes, 196; on French army, 214; and Alexander’s understanding of German unrest, 228; and assassination of duc de Berry, 233; and Metternich’s call to Alexander for conference of ambassadors, 238; reports on Alexander’s view of foreign rebels, 255; mission to Rome, 263; and Metternich’s view of Spanish crisis, 297; letter from Metternich on Russian activities in Turin, 321; shelters Trubetskoy, 333, 356

Ledoux, Captain, 138

Ledru-Rollin, Auguste, 411, 481

Lees, John, 219

Leipzig, Battle of (1813), 94, 159

Leo XII, Pope, 102

Leopold I, King of the Belgians, 386, 445, 484

Leopold II, Emperor of Austria, 29–32, 34, 157–8; death, 212

Leopoldo II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 402

Lermontov, Mikhail, 102, 352; ‘Death of the Poet’, 451

Lesovsky, Stepan Ivanovich, 453

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: Emilia Galotti, 440; Nathan the Wise, 33

Leykam, Marie-Antoinette de, 356

Lieven, Princess Dorothea: at Aix congress, 190–1; background and character, 191; Metternich’s infatuation with, 191–2, 194, 278, 303; letters from Metternich, 194, 215, 267, 431; in London, 235, 240; Metternich requests to have Capodistrias removed from office, 253; and British role in Naples, 256; at Verona, 303–4; on Metternich’s remarriage, 357; as princess, 357; letter from Grey, 370; on danger of revolution in Britain, 379; and Reform Bill (British), 386; on danger of assassinations, 416, 419; letters to Aberdeen, 416, 419, 423; on Paris ‘egoism’, 423; disobeys Nicholas’ recall to Russia, 445; in Paris, 446

Lieven, Prince Kristof Andreevich, 190, 192, 194, 238, 256, 303

Lilien, Baron von, 163

Liszt, Franz, 361

literature: and censorship, 442

Liverpool: strike against abolition of slave trade, 51; population growth, 407

Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of: as prime minister, 90; Southey warns of revolution, 93; maintains armed troops, 144; on suspending habeas corpus, 150; interrogates Bamford and insurrectionists, 156; warns Wellington of Lancashire unrest, 220; and proposed European alliance, 255, 268; and Castlereagh’s decline and suicide, 298; relaxes attitude to civil disturbances, 368

Lollards, 14

Lomachevsky, Colonel, 349, 459

Lombardy-Venetia: under Austrian rule, 163–4, 166, 173, 440, 473, 498, 500; police, 315

London: policing, 27, 387, 407; mobs and protests, 58, 223, 240–1, 380; squalid conditions, 70; demonstrations against Wellington, 379; see also Britain

London Corresponding Society, 45–6, 48, 50–3, 55–6, 58, 65, 73, 75; outlawed, 66

London Working Men’s Association, 426

Londonderry, Frances, Marchioness of, 304, 439

Londonderry, Robert Stewart, 1st Marquess of, 90

Londonderry, Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of see Castlereagh, Viscount

Longchamp, Dubois de, 47

Löning, Karl, 211, 223

Louis, Archduke of Austria, 477

Louis XVI, King of France, 34, 49, 69

Louis XVII, King of France (earlier Dauphin), 109

Louis XVIII, King of France (Louis Stanislas Xavier): accession, 108–9, 117; and Napoleon’s return from Elba, 112–13; and fate of Ney, 116; succession to, 120, 195, 311; appoints Decazes police chief, 122, 236; and Italian conspiracy, 168; weakness and ill health, 195–6; and death of duc de Berry, 231; and crisis in Naples, 253; and French non-intervention in Spain, 270; supposed assassination attempt on, 290; death, 311

Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (later Napoleon III), 413, 419–20, 424

Louis-Philippe, King of the French (earlier duc d’Orléans): under surveillance in England, 123–4; considered for succession, 251, 355; accession, 363, 374; Metternich resists recognising, 373; opposes forces of anarchy, 383–4; finances, 385; and erection of Egyptian obelisk in place de la Concorde, 408; pacifism, 413; assassination attempts, 414, 417–19; allows return of Bonaparte family, 420; mocked, 423; Nicholas spurns, 444–5, 447; recognised by Austria and Prussia, 444; popularity, 468; and outbreak of 1848 revolution, 481–3; flees to England, 484, 487; on suppression of 1848 revolution in France, 494

Louvel, Louis Pierre, 232, 295

Lowe, Sir Hudson, 134

Luddites, 89, 91, 94

Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, 487

Luise, Queen of Frederick William III of Prussia, 200

Lukovsky (informer), 349

Luther, Martin, 206

Lützow, Major Adolf von, 198

Lyon, 79–80, 138, 282, 413

Lyon, Jane, 334

Macerata, Italy, 176

Maddox, Roman, 347–8

Magnitsky, Mikhail Nikolaevich, 325, 350–1, 448

mail (post): protected in Britain, 86; intercepted in Austria, 162–3, 433–5; Mazzini’s intercepted in Britain, 469

Mailath, Johann von, 440

Maillé, duchesse de, 417

Mainz see Central Commission of Investigation

Maistre, Joseph de, 13–14, 103, 105, 435

Maitland, General Sir Peregrine, 93

Malmesbury, James Edward Harris, 2nd Earl of, 381

Malthus, Thomas, 70

Manchester: civil unrest, 217–21; population growth, 407

Manchester and Salford Yeomanry, 219

Manuel, Jacques-Antoine, 282, 294

Maréchaussée (marshalcy), 22, 25, 82

Maria Christina, Queen of Spain, 399

Maria Feodorovna, Empress of Russia, 191, 338, 487

Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 25

Marie-Amélie, Queen of Louis-Philippe, 480, 484

Marie-Louise, Empress of Napoleon I, 76, 130, 163, 303, 316

Marmont, Marshal Auguste, 116, 138, 251, 358, 361–2, 366, 444

Marsan, Marie-Louise, comtesse de, 120

Martignac, vicomte Jean-Baptiste de, 359

Martineau, Harriet, 142

Martini, Karl Anton von, 39

Martinovics, Ignác, 39

Marx, Karl, 446, 494; Class Struggles in France, 497; Communist Manifesto (with Engels), 498

Mazarin, Cardinal Jules, 23

Mazzini, Giuseppe, 401–3, 418, 469–70, 478, 500

Mecklemburg, General Karl, Duke of, 206, 465

Mehmet Ali Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, 408

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount, 380, 387

Melville, Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount, 385

Menz, Count de, 245, 301

Merilhou, Joseph, 282, 284, 358

Merthyr Tydfil, 386

Meshcherskaia, Princess Sophie, 259

Mesmer, Dr Franz Anton, 29

Methodism: in Britain, 70–1; Metternich’s suspicion of, 182

Metternich-Winneburg-Beilstein, Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar von: and Alexander’s Holy Alliance, 5; on Alexander, 8, 166; on revolutionary French exiles, 30; background and career, 157–8; political principles, 159–62, 390; controls intelligence services, 162–3; and Austrian rule in Italy, 163–4, 168, 171–2, 178, 302–3; on Italian secret societies, 172–3; distaste for Alexander’s liberalism, 180–1; opposes constitutions, 181; wariness of religious heresies, 181–2; suspects Russian diplomatic activities, 183; diplomatic relations with Russia, 184; warns Wellington of Netherlands, 184; and Russian proposed withdrawal from France, 185; suspicious of Decazes, 185; and Alexander’s presence at Aix-la-Chapelle congress, 186, 188–9, 193; infatuation with Dorothea Lieven, 191–2, 194, 278, 303; receives intelligence from Grüner, 193; differences with Alexander, 194; and disorder in France, 196; fears revolution in Prussia, 196–7; favours Bundestag, 198; and murder of Kotzebue, 210, 223; concern over French army, 214; and German suicidal terrorists, 214; repressive measures adopted in Germany, 223–4, 226–7, 246; and Spanish pronunciamiento, 231, 237–8; on assassination of duc de Berry, 233; theory of universal conspiracy, 238–9, 381–2, 390–1, 400; daughter’s death, 241; and Naples revolution and constitution, 241–9, 255, 258, 262–3, 265, 269, 275, 301–2; antipathy to political opposition, 250; and Alexander’s proposal on Naples crisis, 253; distrusts and maligns Capodistrias, 253; sends Lebzeltern to meet Alexander, 255; attends Troppau congress, 257–8, 262–5; and army mutiny in St Petersburg, 261; proposes universal principle of intervention, 264; at Laibach congress, 267–8, 270; informed of revolution in Piedmont, 271; believes revolutions outdated, 275; appointed chancellor, 276; and papal ban on Carbonari, 276; confers with Castlereagh, 277–8; loses faith in Britain, 277, 406, 426; Alexander appeals to for advice, 279; accuses Capodistrias of pro-Greek propaganda, 280; and Greek independence movement, 280; undermines Holy Alliance, 280; believes French police infiltrated by conspirators, 295; opposes constitutional government in Spain, 297; suspicion of Monroe doctrine, 298; and Vienna conference (1822), 298; at Verona congress of monarchs (1822), 299–301, 303–4; on Castlereagh’s suicide, 299; opposes intervention in Spain, 305–8; made Duke of Texas, 308; believes in German anti-social conspiracy, 311; on Charles X’s succession in France, 311; employs police spies in Italy, 316; interrogates Confalonieri, 321; Benckendorff meets, 340; instructions to Apponyi, 355; remarries (Marie-Antoinette de Leykam), 356; suspicion of French revolutionary movements, 356; wariness of England and Canning, 356; on Charles X’s measures, 360; and July Revolution (France 1830), 363–4, 371–3, 390; proposes pan-German military force against threat of French attacks, 372–3; wariness of Louis-Philippe, 373; sends troops to suppress risings in Italy, 378, 382; welcomes Polish rising, 378, 382; prepares for war with France, 383; and Rothschilds, 385; Gentz’s revised view of, 389–90; and German support for Polish refugees, 391; isolation, 392; and British unrest, 393, 406–7; and Hambach festival, 393–4; issues six (then ten) articles (1832), 395; exploits popular demonstrations, 397; Kolowrat criticises, 398; meets Nicholas at Munchengrätz, 398–9; holds conference of German ministers in Vienna (1834), 399–400; loses influence in Germany, 400; troubled by minor insurrections, 400–1; and Mazzini’s revolts, 403–4; cooperates with Russians, 405–6; exchanges information with Benckendorff, 405, 431–2; blames Mazzini for violence in France, 418; on Paris as ‘sewer’, 426; on political refugees’ activities, 430–3; assassination threat to, 433; controls passage of European mail, 433–6; censorship, 437–9; suppresses societies and institutions, 437; and Frederick William IV’s aims, 463; opposes reform movement in Prussia, 467; opposes liberalism and nationalist movements, 468–9; and Switzerland as centre of subversion, 468–9; and Polish revolutionaries, 469–73; opposes Hungarian nationalism, 471; annexes Kraków, 472; and illiberality in Italy, 475; on Prussian depression, 476; and 1848 revolutions, 477, 479, 486–8, 496; rule in Austria, 477; self-exile in England, 488–9, 496

Meyendorff, Baron Peter von, 397–8, 405, 464, 489

Michael, Grand Duke of Russia, 259, 333, 348–9

Michelet, Jules, 480

Mickiewicz, Adam, 450

middle classes: reject dominance of aristocracy, 393

Mierosławski, Ludwik, 470, 490

Miguel, Dom (of Portugal), 399

Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Aleksandr Ivanovich, 190

Milan: anti-Austrian conspiracy, 167–8; Metternich proposes investigating commission in, 302; revolts against Austrian rule (1848), 489

Miles, William Augustus, 35

millenarianism, 100

Miloradovich, General Mikhail Andreevich, 259–60, 333

Minichini, Luigi, 242–3

Ministry of All the Talents (Britain), 86

Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, marquis de, 17

Mirari vos (encyclical), 402

Modena: rising, 378, 381

Modena, Francis IV, Duke of, 474

Moira, Francis Rawdon Hastings, 2nd Earl of, 67

Molé, Louis-Matthieu, 139, 364

Mollien, Nicolas, 113

monarchy: and legitimacy, 104

Monnier (conspirator), 137

Monroe, James, 297–8, 308

Montez, Lola, 486

Montlosier, François Dominique de, 102, 104, 357

Montmorency, Anne Adrien Pierre de, duc de Laval, 301, 303, 305–6

Moore, Thomas, 407

Mordvinov (Russian suspect), 246–7

More, Hannah, 71

Morea, Agricole, 114

Morelli, Lieutenant Michele, 242–3

Morey, Pierre, 418

Morning Chronicle, 162

Mortemart, General Casimir Louis de Rochechouart, duc de, 362

Mortier, Marshal Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph, 418, 444

Moscow Telegraph, 353

Mosley, Sir Oswald, 217

Mounier, Claude, baron, 239, 251, 283

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: The Magic Flute, 16; La Clemenza di Tito, 31

Muir, Thomas, 49, 63

Müller, Adam, 101, 162

Munchengrätz: conference (1832), 398

Murat, Joachim, 163, 165, 243, 245

Muravev, A.N., 347, 458

Muravev, Nikita Mikhailovich, 328

Muravev-Apostol, Sergei Ivanovich, 333

Musset, Alfred de, 102

Nagler, Karl von, 201

Nantil, Léon, 251

Napier, General Charles, 426

Napier, Colonel Sir William, 381

Naples: ‘Army of the Holy Faith’, 99; Murat rules, 163; Bourbons reclaim, 164; revolution and constitution (1820), 242–9, 253, 255–6; discussed at Troppau and Laibach congresses, 258, 261–3, 267–9; Austrian army marches on, 269–72, 301; armistice with Austria, 275; occupied by Austrian army, 302

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: exiled, 1–3, 7–8, 108, 128; Treaty of Tilsit with Alexander I, 7; and prospective invasion of Britain, 75; abolishes Holy Roman Empire, 76, 158; domination in Europe, 76–7, 85; rule, 77, 81–3, 85; assassination attempts on, 82, 293; Continental System, 86, 96; defeated in Russia, 87, 179; Leipzig defeat, 94; legitimacy questioned, 107; returns from Elba for Hundred Days, 112–15; loses popular support, 114–15; rumours of return, 128–31; restrictions and reputation after downfall, 131; fears of escape from St Helena, 133–4, 140; occupies Schönbrunn Palace, 161; and control of Italy, 163, 165, 169; Metternich’s view of, 168–9; death, 282; survival rumours, 307; Gentz on mistake of overthrowing, 390

Napoleon II, King of Rome (Duke of Reichstadt), 76–7, 129, 163, 282, 320, 363; death, 413

Napoleon III, Emperor of the French see Louis-Napoléon

Naryshkina, Maria Antonovna, 326

National Assembly (France): and national security, 27–8

National Charter Association, 428

National Convention of the Industrious Classes (Britain), 426

National Guard (France): disbanded, 360, 362; Lafayette given command, 409; and 1848 demonstrations, 494

National Political Union of the Working Classes (Britain), 407

nationalism: and independence movements, 101

Necker, Jacques, 120

Nefedev (Russian state councillor), 342

Neipperg, Count, 303

Nelson, Admiral Horatio, Viscount, 118

Nemours, Louis-Charles-Philippe, duc de, 418

Nepean, Evan, 48

Nesselrode, Count Karl von: as foreign minister of Russia, 185; Pozzo di Borgo reports to, 185, 214, 239; Dorothea Lieven sends information to, 191, 240; warned about Ultras, 196, 213, 239; and revival of French army, 214; and Capodistrias, 253, 261; withholds Metternich’s information from Alexander, 253; writes to Richelieu, 270; Metternich warns against intervention in Greece, 301; attends Verona congress, 303; and Metternich’s reaction to French 1830 revolution, 371–2; on British Reform Bill, 386; Meyendorff reports to, 397–8; and Gutzkow’s writings, 405; on passport control committee, 446; and Metternich’s flight to exile, 489

Nesselrode, Countess von, 213, 260, 460

Nether Stowey, Somerset, 66

Netherlands: and independent Belgium, 365

Neumann, Philipp von, 227, 338

Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, 4th Duke of, 387

Ney, Marshal Michel, 112, 116; sons’ whereabouts, 291

Nicholas I, Tsar (earlier Grand Duke) of Russia: and Semeonovsky Guards mutiny, 259–60; succeeds Alexander I, 331–4; qualities, 334–5; interrogates and punishes Decembrist mutineers, 336–8, 345–6; manifesto on purifying society, 339; friendship with Benckendorff, 340; and role of Third Section, 343, 349; fear of conspiracies and threats, 349–52; censorship rules, 352; Metternich disparages, 356; and reaction to French 1830 revolution, 371; refuses to recognise Louis-Philippe, 373–4; and rising in Poland, 375, 377, 382–3; mobilises against French threat, 376; meets Metternich at Munchengrätz, 398–9; supports Don Carlos in Spain, 399; praises Metternich, 406; recognises Louis-Philippe reluctantly, 444–5; rule and preservation of national integrity, 444–8, 460–2, 500; suspicion of French influence, 445–6; censors Pushkin, 451–2; bans smoking in streets, 453; hostility to Poles, 453; personal problems, 460; and Frederick William IV, 462–3, 467; wariness of Prussia, 462–3, 466; assassination attempt on, 464; urges Metternich to incorporate Kraków into Austria, 472; reaction to 1848 revolutions, 486–7, 493; on Metternich’s flight to exile, 489; My Confession, 444

Nikitenko, Aleksandr, 461

nobility: rights affected by Congress of Vienna, 103; see also aristocracy

Nodder, Frederick Polydore, 51

Nodier, Charles, 122

Nore mutiny (1797), 60

Norfolk, Charles Howard, 11th Duke of, 59, 65

Norris (Manchester magistrate), 218

North, John Henry, 388

Northern Bee (Russian periodical), 452

Northern Society (Russia), 328, 332–3

Northumberland, HMS, 1

Norwich Revolution Society, 42, 44

Notes on the chief causes of the late revolutions of Europe (pamphlet), 72

Novalis (Baron Friedrich Leopold von Hardenberg), 101

Novara, Battle of (1821), 276

Novgorod: mutiny, 377

Novosiltsev, Count Nikolai Nikolaievich, 181, 250, 374–5

Odessa, 273

opera: and censorship, 441

Opie, Amelia Alderson, 66

Orange Order (Ireland), 62

Orléans, Ferdinand-Philippe, duc d’, 417, 419, 468, 480, 484

Orléans, Hélène, duchesse d’, 485

Orléans, Louis-Philippe, duc d’ see Louis-Philippe, King of the French

Orlov, Count Aleksei Fyodorovich, 455

Österreichische Beobachter (newspaper), 162

Paine, Thomas, 42, 46

Paisley (Scotland), 53

Palermo: revolution (1848), 478

Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 395, 473, 487

Papal States: French occupy, 102; and passage of mail, 163; opposition to government suppressed, 175; and Naples, 263; revolts, 382, 403; beggars, 401; bankruptcy, 473; carabinieri, 474

Paris: in French Revolution, 12; police and regulations, 22–5, 286, 359–61, 410, 415–16, 420–1, 423; mob actions in, 45; September massacres, 69; conditions described in Britain, 71–2; population increase and density, 117, 422; military conspiracy, 250–2; small bomb at Tuileries, 270; improvements, 282; conspiratorial cells (ventes), 283–4, 293–4, 422–3; under Delaveau’s repressive policing, 286–92; National Guard, 358; July revolution (1830), 361–4; Metternich believes centre of universal conspiracy, 382, 390, 394; obelisk from Egypt installed in place de la Concorde, 408–9; troublemakers and factions, 410–13, 424–5; rioting, 412; cholera, 413; refugees and exiles in, 414; cultural pre-eminence, 421; in fiction, 422; Russian visitors, 446–7; poverty and social conditions, 480–1; and outbreak of 1848 revolution, 481–6

Paris, Louis-Philippe Albert d’Orléans, comte de, 484–5

Parkinson, James, 55

Parliament, Houses of: destroyed by fire, 407; see also Commons, House of

Parthana, Madame, Duchess of Floridia, 268

Pasquier, Étienne-Denis, 231, 237, 256

Patriotes de 1815, Les, 136

Patriotic Society (Poland), 374–6

Patrushev, Nikolai, 500

Paul, Emperor of Russia, 5–7

peace (1815): effects, 96–100

Pedro, Dom (of Portugal), 399

Peel, Sir Robert, 369, 381

Peep o’Day Boys (Ireland), 61

Pellico, Silvio: Le mie Prigioni, 320, 459

Pentrich, Derbyshire, 151, 154

Pepe, General Guglielmo, 243, 271

Perceval, Spencer, 86, 89, 91, 107

Pergen, Johann Anton, Count von, 25, 30, 32–3, 39–40, 162

Perovsky, L.A. (Russian interior minister), 446

Perrier, Casimir, 385

Pestel, Pavel Ivanovich, 328, 333

Peter I (the Great), Tsar of Russia, 349

Peterloo massacre (1819), 219–21, 241

Peuchet, Jacques, 126, 128, 139

Philadelphes (group), 169

Philiki Hetairia (association), 273

Photius, 326

Piedmont: revolution, 271–2, 275–6, 302, 305; rising (1830), 378; attempted insurrection (1833), 400; constitution, 479

Pietism, 101, 466

Pillnitz, declaration of (1791), 42

Pitt, William, the Younger: reforms, 41; counter-revolutionary measures, 44, 47–8, 52–5, 59; shocked at execution of Louis XVI, 49; death threat against, 51; suspends Habeas Corpus Act, 54; and French invasion threat, 59; withdraws Fitzwilliam from Ireland, 62; tolerates Freemasonry, 67; death, 86; and Addington, 90

Pius VII, Pope, 174

Pius VIII, Pope: death, 378

Pius IX, Pope, 475, 495

Place, Francis, 65, 87, 152, 154, 221, 366, 379, 426

Plug-Plot events (Britain), 428

Poisson, Dr, 3

Poland: constitution (1791), 37; revolution (1794), 38; revolutionaries from, 41–3, 169, 404, 469–73; king deposed, 161; Alexander I grants new constitution to, 181; Tsar attends opening of Sejm, 250; Congress Kingdom, 374–5; nationalist movement, 374, 386; Nicholas’s attitude to, 375, 453, 464; under Grand Duke Constantine, 375–6; rising (1830), 376, 378, 382, 384, 429; Nicholas sends in troops, 377; German popular support for, 383, 391; exiles flee westward, 391; émigrés attempt to foment conspiracy in Galicia, 400; refugees in France, 414; refugees in England, 429–30; Metternich suspects of revolutionary activities, 430–1; poor intelligence reports, 432; Frederick William’s tolerance of, 464; Frederick William promises autonomy to provinces, 490; Germans declare partition illegal, 491; 1848 revolution, 498

Polevoi, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 353

police: in France, 22–5, 83–5, 286–92, 356, 415–16, 423; in Paris, 22–5, 286, 359–61, 410, 420–1; in Austrian Empire, 25–6, 39, 162, 312–20, 356; under Napoleon, 77–8, 81; under Louis XVIII, 122, 124–7; in Italy, 166, 173, 175; in Prussia, 201–5, 465; in Russia, 341–53, 454–8; in Britain, 368–9, 380, 387, 407, 491; in French fiction, 421

Police Act (Britain, 1829), 369

Polignac, prince Jules de, 359, 362, 414

Polish Democratic Society, 469

Poniatowski, Marshal Józef Antoni, 133

Ponte, Lorenzo da, 29

Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd Duke of, 52, 86

Portugal: military insurrection, 252; conflict over succession, 399

Posen, Grand Duchy of, 464, 470, 473

Pozzo di Borgo, Charles André, 118, 120, 138–9, 185, 214, 221, 233, 237, 239

press freedom see censorship

press gangs: riots against, 55

Preston (Lancashire): Moor Park, 492

Preston, Thomas, 144, 149, 151, 234

Price, Richard, 42–3

Priestley, Joseph, 43–4

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 411, 423

Prussia: Napoleon defeats, 76; and war of liberation, 99; proposed constitution, 181; Metternich’s alarm over, 196–7; revolutionary nationalism, 198–200, 202; army, 200; territorial changes, 200; constitution deferred, 201; police, 201–5, 465; repressive measures, 224–6; and Metternich’s settlement of Naples crisis, 262; and potential threat from France, 372–3; establishes Zollverein, 400; as German champion, 400; as supposed threat to Russia, 462, 464; protests suppressed, 465–6; demands for reform, 467, 476–7; economic depression, 476; counter-revolution, 495

Pushkin, Alexander, 102, 327, 449, 451–2; Eugene Onegin, 327; Boris Godunov, 451

Quadruple Alliance (Britain-Austria-Russia-Prussia), 159, 238, 257, 264, 269

Quincy, Edmund, 12

Quiroga, Colonel Antoni, 230–1, 237, 327–8

Radetzky von Radetz, Field Marshal Joseph, Count, 476, 495

Radowitz, Joseph von, 463

Ramel, General Jean-Pierre, 115

Ramses II, pharaoh, 409

Randon (conspirator), 137

Rapp, General Jean, 252

Réal, Pierre-François, 82

Rebecca riots (Wales), 428

Récamier, Juliette Bernard, 190, 303

Rechberg, Count, 246

Reform Bills (Britain), 385–7, 392, 406–7

religion and churches: affected by war, 98–9; in post-Napoleonic France, 110–11; and rise of secular state, 160–1

Religious Tract Society, 71

Rémusat, Charles de, 419, 423–4

Reuter, Fritz, 396

revolutions of 1848: outbreak and spread, 478, 481–5, 488–91; effect on ruling monarchs, 486; fail to evolve, 494–5; effects, 496–8

Rey, Joseph, 310

Rhenische Merkur, 198

Richards (builder/actor; ‘Oliver’), 154

Richelieu, Cardinal Armand Jean Duplessis, duc de, 23

Richelieu, Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis, duc de: on French fanaticism, 37; as prime minister, 118–19, 122, 133, 137; fears Napoleon’s escape and return, 133–4; disbelieves intelligence reports of conspiracy, 136; and Alexander’s suspicions of conspiracy, 154; at coronation of Leopold II, 158; resigns as prime minister, 195; and Cato Street conspiracy, 235; and assassination plot against royal family, 236; and British reluctance to support action on Naples crisis, 256; disapproves of Metternich’s intervention in Naples, 269; rejects French intervention in Spain, 269; and bomb at Tuileries, 270; dismisses idea of comité directeur in Paris, 277; on stability in Paris, 282; repressive regime, 284; second ministry falls, 285, 296; Advice to Young Noblemen, 101

Richmond, Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of, 369

Richter, Jean-Paul, 16

Riego, Major Rafael del, 230–1, 237, 252, 296, 307, 327–8

Rights of Man: as concept, 104

Riot Act (England, 1714), 26

Robespierre, Maximilien, 40, 83, 169

Romanticism, German, 101

Rome: republic proclaimed (1849), 495

Romilly, Sir Samuel, 11, 45, 151, 154

Ross, Captain Charles, 1–2

Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio, 306; Guillaume Tell, 441; I Lombardi, 441

Rostopchin, Count Fedor Vassilievich, 247

Rothschild family, 351, 384–5, 473

Rothschild, David, 190

Rothschild, James, 384

Rothschild, Salomon, 384

Rothschild, Solomon and Carl, 190

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 14, 19, 80, 169

Rowan, Hamilton, 61

Royal Navy: mutinies (1797), 60; rights over neutral shipping, 86

Ruffo, Prince Alvaro, 268–9, 303

Runich, D.P., 325

Russell, Lord John, 385, 387

Russia: Napoleon defeated in, 87, 179; national debt, 97; Alexander’s proposed reforms, 179–80; religious revivalism, 182; seeks Mediterranean naval base, 183; Alexander rejects constitution, 250; army mutiny, 258–61; and Greek independence movement against Turks, 278–9; hostility to Turkey, 278; embassy in Turin, 322; repressive measures, 323–5, 447, 451, 454–60; literary societies, 327–8; disaffection in, 328–30; imperial expansion, 329; December Mutiny over succession to Alexander I, 332–4, 336, 338, 341; under Nicholas I’s rule, 339–40; Third Section (secret police), 342–8, 352–4, 447, 451, 453–8, 460; discontent among youth, 345–6; denunciations, 349; censorship in, 352, 450–3, 459–60; and Polish nationalist movement, 374–7; cholera epidemic, 377; captures Warsaw, 391; signs convention with Austria (1833), 399; extradition treaty with Austria, 405; rumoured Polish refugees’ conspiracy in, 431–2; Nicholas preserves national integrity, 444–9; visitors to Paris, 446–7; education, 448–50; serfdom preserved, 460; supposed Prussian threat to, 462; and effect of 1848 revolutions, 493–4; effect of tsars’ control, 500

Rutland, John Henry Manners, 5th Duke of, 388, 390

St Helena, 1, 128–9, 133–4

Saint Just, Louis Antoine, 169, 227

St Peter’s Fields, Manchester, 151, 216–20

St Petersburg: spies in, 323–4; see also Russia

Saint-Agnan (of Milan), 167–8

Saint-Cyr, Marshal Laurent de Gouvion, 214

Saint-Domingue, 46

Saint-Leu, duchesse de (formerly Queen Hortense of Holland), 419

Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de, 101

Saint-Romain-de-Popey, 125

Salis, General de, 474

San Lorenzo, Duke of, 290

Sand, George: La Comtesse de Rudolstadt, 422

Sand, Karl Ludwig, 209–11, 223, 309, 327, 395, 453

Sanglen, Yakov Ivanovich, 324, 350

Sardinia, 163, 474–5, 489

Sartine, Antoine de, 24

Sauer, Count, 32

Saumur, 284

Saurau, Count Franz Joseph, 32, 173

Savary, General Anne-Jean-Marie, 239

Savoy, 400–1, 403

Sayn-Wittgenstein, Prince Wilhelm Ludwig Georg von, 201, 203–4, 206, 211, 224–6, 394

Scheffer, Ary, 361, 480

Scheltein (police agent), 137

Schiller, Friedrich von, 16; Don Juan, 33; Faust, 33; The Robbers, 33

Schlegel, Friedrich, 162

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 160, 224

Schmalz, Anton Heinrich, 201

Schwarz, Colonel, 259

Schwindelgeist (‘Freedom Swindle’), 31, 33, 207, 436

Scotland: unrest in, 222

Seale, Major, 91

Sealsfield, Charles, 312

Sebastiani, General Tiburce, 483

Secret Expedition (group), 323

secret societies, 169–70, 211–13, 293–5, 310, 318–19; see also Freemasonry

Seditious Meetings Act (1816), 150

Seditious Meetings Bill (1794), 59

Sedlnitzky, Count Josef, 162, 186, 207, 378, 433

Selivanov, I.V., 456

Semeonovsky Guards (Russia): mutiny, 258–61, 320

Serafim, Metropolitan, 333

Seymour, Hamilton, 299

Shaw, Alderman (of London), 144

Shegog, John, 241

Shelley, Frances, Lady, 220

Shelley, Mary, 176

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 91

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 48

Sherwood, Captain John, 331, 348–50

Shishkov, Admiral Aleksandr Semeonovich, 180

Sicilies, Kingdom of the Two: revolts, 403; see also Naples

Sicily, 242, 249

Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount: as home secretary under Liverpool, 90–2; on Mount Tambora eruptions and civil unrest, 99; opposes parliamentary reform, 143; and threat of civil unrest, 144, 149–51; uses informers, 154; assassination threats against, 156, 234, 236, 240; and Peterloo, 218, 220; on dissatisfactions in Britain, 256

Six Acts (Britain, 1819), 221–2

slave trade: abolished in Britain, 86

Société des Amis du Peuple, 384

Société des Bonnes Études, 285

Société des Familles, 416

Société du Lion Dormant, 293

Société Propagande, 381

Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor (Britain), 71

Society of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 450

Society for the Suppression of Vice (Britain), 71

South America, 183, 230, 297, 308

Southern Society (Russia), 328, 331, 338, 348

Southey, Robert, 11, 93, 142, 221, 381

Spa Fields, London, 143, 152, 155

Spain: reaction to French Revolution, 28; religion in, 99; aims to regain South American colonies, 183, 230; Napoleon invades, 183; pronunciamiento (1820), 230, 237, 247; constitution of 1812 reintroduced, 237–8; extremists in, 252, 269; aims for European republics, 254; resistance to constitutional government, 296–7; discussed at 1822 Vienna conference, 298; Alexander’s preoccupation with, 296, 305; France invades, 306–8; civil war (1833), 399

Special Constables Act (Britain, 1831), 387

Spence, Thomas, 42, 71, 144, 155

Spenceans (British revolutionaries), 216

Sphinx, Le (French paddle steamer), 408

spies see intelligence gathering

Spithead mutiny (1797), 60

Stackelberg, Count, 213

Stadion, Count, 275

Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine, baronne de, 293, 448

Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl, Freiherr vom, 157, 197, 204, 224, 226

Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle): in Italy, 176, 315; La Chartreuse de Parme, 171

Stewart, Lord Charles (later 3rd Marquess of Londonderry), 172, 187, 256–8, 263–4, 267–8

Stewart, Robert, see Castlereagh

Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th Viscount, 301

Struve, Gustav von, 477, 491, 495

Stuart, Lord Dudley Coutts, 358

Sturdza, Count Aleksandr, 106, 207

Sublimi Maestri Perfetti, 170, 318–19

Sue, Eugène: Le Juif errant, 422; Les Mystères de Paris, 421

Sukhinov, Ivan Ivanovich, 346

Sun (British newspaper), 48

Sunday schools (Britain), 71

Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of, 150, 295

‘Swing, Captain’, 367, 369

Swiss Society of Vienna, 313

Switzerland: Metternich controls post, 162; as revolutionary centre, 468–9

Sźechényi, Count, 468

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, prince of Benevento, 3, 104, 108, 114–15, 407

Tambora, Mount (Sumbawa, Indonesia): eruption, 99, 105, 129, 142

Tandy, Napper, 64

Tarasov, Dr (Alexander’s physician), 304

Tatishchev, Dmitri Pavlovich, 183, 303

Templars, Order of, 14, 217

Terrier de Monciel, Antoine de, 126

Test Act (Britain), 43

Thelwall, John, 50, 54–5, 59

Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 423

Third of May, The (Polish émigré periodical), 459

Third Section see Russia

Thistlewood, Arthur, 144, 149, 151, 153–4, 156, 233–5

Thugut, Baron Johann Amadeus, 35, 37–8, 40

Ticknor, George, 287

Tilsit, Treaty of (1807), 7

Times, The, 94

Tiutchev, Fyodor Ivanovich, 449

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 479–81, 485

Tolstoy, Petr Alexeevich, 340

Tone, Theobald Wolfe, 61–2, 64

Tooke, John Horne, 55, 143

Töplitz, 405–6

Torelli, Luigi, 316

trade: wartime changes, 96–7

trade unions: formed (Britain), 368–9

Trafalgar, Battle of (1805), 75–6

Treasonable and Seditious Practices Bill (Britain, 1794), 58

Trenck, Baron, 186

Trollope, Frances, 417

Troppau (Silesia): congress (1820), 256–7, 260, 264–5

Trubetskoy, Prince Sergei Petrovich, 329, 332

True Briton (newspaper), 48, 66

Tugendbund (League of Virtue, Prussia), 197, 199, 201–2, 212, 327

Turgenev, Nikolai, 327–8

Turin: Russian embassy in, 322

Turkey (Ottoman Empire): and Greek independence movement, 273–4, 278, 305

Turnvereine (athletic associations), 197

Tuscany: revolts, 403

Tyrol, 99

Tzschoppe, Gustav Adolf von, 225

Ulm, Battle of (1806), 76

Ultras, les, 119–20, 138–40, 186, 195–6, 213, 236, 239, 285, 296, 357

Union Croisée, L’, 319

Union of Free Poles, 374–5

Union Societies for parliamentary reform, 221

Union of Welfare (Russia), 326–8, 337

United Irishmen, Society of, 61–4

United States of America: revolutionary agitation in, 68; conflict with Britain over naval interference, 86; war with Britain (1812), 87; protects republics of Latin America, 297–8

University College London, 356

Unlawful Societies Act (Britain, 1799), 66

Upton, Thomas, 55–6

urbanisation, 98

utilitarians, 71

Uvarov, Sergei Semionovich, 104, 325, 447–50

Vadier, Marc-Guillaume, 114

Valmy, Battle of (1792), 45, 350

Valtancoli, Giuseppe, 177

Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August, 205

Vassilchikov, General, 247, 252, 259–60, 330

Vatican: spies and intelligence-gathering, 316

Vauversin (police agent), 135

Vendée, the, 79, 83, 120

Venetia see Lombardy-Venetia

Venice: under Austrian rule, 163, 166; Metternich visits, 306; Fanny Cerrito in, 479; declares independence from Austria, 489; attacked by Austrian and Russian troops, 496

Verdi, Giuseppe: Nabucco, 441

Vernet, Horace, 481

Verona: congress of monarchs (1822), 298–301, 303–4

Viazemsky, Prince Petr Andreevich, 181, 250

Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia, 102–3, 168, 272

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain: assassination attempts on, 419; invites Nicholas I and Louis-Philippe to London, 445; Frederick William writes to on 1848 revolution, 486; Lady Burghersh explains Berlin revolution to, 490

Vidocq, François, 83, 125, 421

Vienna: conference (1819–20), 228; conference of foreign ministers (1822), 298–9, 302–3; booksellers and printers, 442; demonstrations (1848), 488; and effect of 1848 revolution, 497

Vienna, Congress (and Treaty) of (1815): negotiations, 8, 100, 103–5, 114–15, 150, 159; Metternich attends, 159; curbs German nationalism, 198; installs French regime, 373

Vigny, Alfred de, 102

Villèle, Jean-Baptiste Joseph, comte de, 105, 126, 285, 356–9

Vincent, baron Nicolas Charles de, 185, 213, 238, 297

Vinegar Hill, County Wexford, 64

Vock, Maksim Yakovlevich von, 337, 342, 344, 346

Volkonsky, Prince, 248, 264

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet, 14, 18–19, 271

Vorontsov, Aleksandr, 7

Voss, Countess, 201

Wagner, Richard, 498

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 366

Wales: Rebecca riots, 428

Walker, George: The Vagabond, 72

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 23

wars: end in Europe (1815), 96; economic and social consequences, 97–8

Warsaw: Russians capture, 391

Wartburg, Thuringia, 206

Washington, George, 69

Waterloo, Battle of (1815), 8, 95, 115

Watson, Dr James, 144, 148–9, 151, 153–6, 234

Watson, James, Jr, 144, 149, 155

Watt, Robert, 55

‘Ways and Means’ society (Scotland), 55

Wedderburn, Robert, 71

Weidig, Pastor, 396

Weishaupt, Adam, 15, 18–19

Wellesley, Richard Colley, Marquess of, 156

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of: on Alexander I’s military parade, 3; believes Alexander I mad, 8; as ambassador in Paris, 118; urges appointment of Fouché, 121; attempted shooting in Paris, 139; pessimism over state of France, 140; on social unrest and unemployment, 142; Metternich warns of Netherlands disorder, 184; and Russian proposed withdrawal from France, 185; conducts dignitaries on tour of Waterloo, 192; on death of Louis XVIII, 195; belief in conspiracy, 213; alarm over reconstituted French army, 214; supports Peterloo massacre, 220; believes in revolutionary movement in Britain, 221, 385, 393; and Spanish pronunciamiento, 231, 237–8; letter from Pozzo di Borgo, 233; on Cato Street conspiracy, 235; mobbed in London, 240, 406; on disaffected military in London, 241; and Naples revolution, 244; and Alexander’s suspicions of Spanish ambassador, 259; and Alexander’s rejection of military insubordination, 296; and Castlereagh’s health decline, 298; as observer at 1822 Vienna conference, 299; attends 1822 Verona conference, 303–5; womanising, 304; and Alexander’s preoccupation with Spain, 305; denounced as conspirator, 351; letter from Molé on July revolution (1830), 364; on role of troops in event of civil unrest, 370; rejects Metternich’s proposal for conference, 378; opposes reform, 379; as prime minister, 379; on popular unrest, 381; reaction to Reform Bill and riots, 385, 387; disbelieves rumours of French officers in London, 387; decline in popularity, 388; warned of assassination plots, 392; commands force against Chartist demonstration, 492

Werther, Heinrich Wilhelm von, 373

Wesley, John, 49

Westminster Radicals, 71

Wette, Wilhelm de, 211

Whig Club, 65

Whiskey Rebellion (USA, 1794), 69

Wickham, William, 48, 52; A Practical View of Christianity, 71

Wilberforce, William, 59

Wilhelm I, King of Württemberg, 228, 309, 397, 469, 486

William I, King of the Netherlands, 365, 376, 379, 386

William II, Elector of Hesse-Kassel, 365

William III (of Orange), King of Great Britain, 41

William IV, King of Great Britain, 388, 392, 406

William, Prince of Orange, 117

William, Prince of Prussia, 464, 467, 490

Wilmot, Martha, 312

Wilson, General Sir Robert, 118, 216, 258, 307

Wollaston, Francis, 19

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 11, 66

Wordsworth, William, 11, 66, 90, 406

working classes: and potential revolution, 393; in Britain, 407

Working Men’s Association (Britain), 429

Wrede, Prince Karl Philipp von, 391, 392, 397, 404

Wycliffe, John, 14

Yorck von Wartenburg, General Johann David von, 224

Young Europe, 403, 418

Young Germany, 405

Young Italy (Giovine Italia), 402–3, 418

Ypsilantis, Count Alexandros, 273–4, 278–9

Zakrevsky, Arsenii Andreevich, 252, 270, 354

Zavalyshin (revolutionary), 337

Zentner, Baron von, 246

Zichy, Count, 206