
The Warm-Up Plan

If you do nothing else now or ever, this simple, nonstructured approach will still make a difference. These guidelines are for when you:

image  would like to move toward a healthier diet without giving up what’s comforting and familiar

image  plan to go on the 21-Day Diet, but prefer to get prepared, so it’s not a sudden change

image  want to lighten up and maybe lose a few pounds over the long haul without undertaking something measured and prescriptive

image  might be overwhelmed by anything more than just a few bullet points (Don’t worry. There are only ten.)

image  want to start doing something immediately

Remember, this plan is an optional introduction or alternative. If you’re ready to go for it, you can turn right to the 21-Day Diet on here and start there.

Copy this page and post it somewhere visible. Then do these basic things. After a week, you should start noticing positive changes in your mood and your body.

image  Eat a good breakfast within three hours of getting up. Don’t skip this meal!

image  Eat nothing after dinner.

image  Exercise or move for at least thirty minutes every day. (Moderate activity, such as walking, is fine.)

image  Add at least two servings of “A-List” vegetables daily. (See here.)

image  Add at least one serving of “A-List” fruit daily. (See here.)

image  Limit your “white starch” carbohydrate intake to just one serving daily, if any. Try to make the rest (or all) of your carbs whole wheat, whole grain, etc.

image  Allow yourself one small dessert every other day. Eat it slowly and enjoy!

image  Try to drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

image  Have some protein at each meal.

image  Your alcohol allowance: One serving per day of wine, beer, or a non-sweetened mixed beverage (optional).

Read through the Nine Turning Points, thinking about how they can fit into your life. You can keep eating the foods you are used to, but make room on your plate—and in your day—for incorporating as many of those recommendations as you can. Remember to keep tabs on your weight once a week, using the same scale, at the same time of day, and in the same clothes. And don’t forget to take a deep breath, eat slowly, and pop that daily multivitamin!