Page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations
Abu Dhabi desalination and power plants, 178–179
affluence, 13–14, 41–42, 58–59, 129
agriculture: water-for-energy trades with energy sector, 191–192
water rights and low prices, 185
water usage compared to other sectors, 75, 76. See also irrigation
air-cooling (dry-cooling) method, 78–79
air quality, 12–13, 15, 34, 41, 160, 183–184, 190
Akasaki, Isamu, 27
Alabama, Farley Nuclear Plant, 2–3
Alaska, Exxon Valdez oil spill, 90
alternative energy, 32
Amano, Hiroshi, 27
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), 182
Amoco Cadiz oil spill, 91
Anasazi Indians, 58
“Another Giant Leap for Mankind” (Kirshenbaum, Webber), 182–183
Apple computer pricing model, 197–198
aquatic life, 39, 64–65, 76–77, 78, 89, 90
Arizona: Palo Verde nuclear power plant, 148
Snowbowl, 150
asthma, 12
At Home: A Short History of Private Life (Bryson), 10–11
Austin (Texas): Dillo Dirt soil amendment, 173–175
power outage and boil-water requirement, 127
treated effluent reuse, 145–146
wastewater treatment, 105, 173
Austin City Limits, 174
Bhattarai, Raj, 105
Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters (George), 103–104
biofuels, 81, 86–88, 95–96, 134–135, 172–173. See also corn-based ethanol
blackouts and power outages, 2, 116–119, 126–128
Blob, The, 128
blue water, 55
Boberg, Jill, 58
Botswana, 13
brackish or saline water for power plant cooling, 150–151, 175
Brazil, ethanol from sugar cane, 86, 87–88
Breitling Oil and Gas, 122
Browns Ferry nuclear plant, 120
Burning Springs, 93
Cadillac Desert (Reisner), 63, 98
California: climate change and hydropower in, 133–134
desalination plant, 4
fog harvesting, 152
Hetch Hetchy reservoir, 7
San Francisco Bay oil spill, 91
San Francisco water temples, 7, 203n.9
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), 3
Santa Barbara Channel oil spill, 43, 90
Santa Barbara pipeline oil spill, 91
Santa Clarita dam collapse, 67
snowpack, 132
State Water Project, 101–102, 137
cellulosic ethanol, 88, 135, 143
Chile, fog harvesting, 152
China: desalination plants, 139
South-North Transfer Project, 137–138
Three Gorges Dam, 61, 66–67, 67–68, 72
civilization, water and energy and, 6–10, 41, 131
Clean Water Act (1972), 77–78, 112–113
climate change: and changing snowmelt patterns, 132
and droughts, 132
energy-water-climate feedback loop, 132–133
and water and energy vulnerabilities, 4, 9, 130–135
closed-loop cooling towers, 77, 78
coal: as dominant fuel, 37–39, 155–156
as indirect solar energy, 30–31
coal mining and production: steam engines and, 21–22
using wastewater from, 162
and water constraints, 121
and water quality, 86
coal power plants: and air quality, 12–13
benefits of phasing out, 143
and cold weather, 115, 116–117
cold weather and power plants, 115–117
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 47
Colorado River, 4, 133–134, 148
combined cycle plants, 155–156
concentrating solar power (CSP), 80
Connecticut, Millstone Power Station shutdown, 115
conservation: importance of changing attitudes about, 199–202
integrated service utilities and, 196–198
value-based utilities and, 194–196
volumetric discounts and, 186–187
water conservation as path to energy conservation, 111
conventional and unconventional energy, 31–32
Cook, Debbie, ix
cooling systems and structures for power plants, 75, 76–79, 112–115, 147–149, 150–151, 153–155
corn-based ethanol, 81, 86, 87, 95, 96, 117, 122, 134–135, 136
Cosmopolitan, 84
cost-based vs. value-based capitalism, 193–198
cost recovery pricing, 186
CSP (concentrating solar power), 80
Curl, Bob, 108
Cuyahoga River fire (Ohio), 43
Daily Show with Jon Stewart, 90–91
dead zone (hypoxia), 96
Deepwater Horizon disaster (Macondo well), 90–91
Deliverance, 64
desalination: growth of, 138–140
integration of, with wind and solar, 151–152, 176–179
and membrane improvement, 157–158
opposition to, 4
types of systems used for, 102–103
U.S. investment in R&D, 182–183
dilbit (diluted bitumen), 92–93
direct solar energy, 29
distributed drinking water treatment, 162
distributed energy systems, 160–161
distributed water systems, 161–162
droughts: dry cooling systems and, 154
and Georgia’s attempted land grab (2008), 1
Duncan, Roger, 80
Eagle Ford Shale, 122, 125, 175–176
economic growth, and energy consumption, 4–5, 41–42, 129–130
Economist, 6
Eiseley, Loren, 43
electricity meters and billing, 163–165, 170–171
embedded energy, 14
embedded water, 14
Enbridge pipeline rupture, 93
energy basics: and civilization, 6–10
defined and described, 19
increasing consumption, benefits and drawbacks, 13–14, 34–36, 41–42
interconnected relationship of water and (overview), 2–6
introduction to thermodynamics, 20–28
as top ten problem of humanity, ix
transitions from one dominant fuel to another, 36–41, 155–156
water-intensive, 4–6. See also energy classifications; energy for water; power sector and power plants; water for energy
energy classifications: alternative, 32
conventional and unconventional, 31–32
direct and indirect solar, 29–31
sustainable, 33
“Energy Down the Drain” (Natural Resources Defense Council), 111
EnergyGuide labeling systems, 158
Energy Independence and Security Act (2007), 111
Energy Information Administration, 118
energy-lean water technologies, 157–160
energy service companies (ESCOs), 167
amount of energy needed for treatment, 100–101
for heating water, 110, 158–160
for pumping and conveyance, 97–102, 126–127, 137–138, 157
for treatment, 103–109, 127–128, 162 (see also desalination)
environmental concerns, 135–137
externalities related to energy consumption, 189–190, 191. See also aquatic life; water quality
EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ESCOs (energy service companies), 167
ethanol, 81, 86–88, 95–96, 117, 122, 134–135, 136
evaporation, 45
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 90
Fagan, Brian, 9
Farley Nuclear Plant (Alabama), 2–3
“Farm Woman’s Dream, The,” 16, 17
Faulkner, Chris, 122
Feynman, Richard, 19
First Law of Thermodynamics, 22–24
fish and hydroelectric dams, 64–65, 76–77, 78
fixed-pricing schemes, 184–185
floods, 57, 61, 67–68, 121, 131
Florida, heat wave and drought (of 2012), 2–3
fog harvesting, 152
forest residues, 88
fossil fuels, 27–28, 30–32, 34. See also natural gas; petroleum (oil)
fracking. See hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas
France: Amoco Cadiz oil spill, 91
heat wave (of 2003), 113–114, 120
freeze-offs, 116
fresh vs. saline water (classification), 51–53, 52
fuel switching, 141–143, 155–156
Fukushima incident (Japan), 121
gas. See gasoline; natural gas
gas meters and billing, 163–164, 165
gasoline, 81, 82, 95, 134, 185, 190. See also petroleum
Georgia: drought and attempted land grab, 1
Ghana, water availability, 14–16
global hydrologic cycle (global water cycle), 9, 29, 45–46, 46, 54
GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment), 50–51
Grand Teton Dam collapse (Idaho), 67
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), 50–51
graywater, 55–56, 106, 107, 108, 141, 143–145, 162, 166
Great Dam (Austin, Texas), 61
green (or clean) energy, 32, 33–34
green water, 55
groundwater, 10, 50–51, 53–54, 102, 103
growth. See economic growth; population growth
Grubert, Emily, 156
Gulf of Mexico dead zone (hypoxia), 96
Gulf of Mexico oil spill, 90–91
Harris reactor, 119
Hawaii, Maui water channels, 137
heating water, 16, 110, 158–160
Hetch Hetchy reservoir, 7
“Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use” (National Academies of Sciences and Engineering), 189–190
Himalayas snowmelt, 132
Hodge, Trevor, 7
Hunt, Bruce, 22
Hurricane Sandy, 128
hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas (fracking), 4
and effluent reuse, 147
energy for water trades with agricultural sector, 191–192
produced water, 84–85, 122–123
using waste gas to treat wastewater, 175–176
wastewater from, 51, 83–84, 84–85, 93–95, 123–126, 162
water availability vs. price, 122
waterless fracking, 156
hydroelectric dams and power, 60–75
capacities and sizes of power plants, 72–73
cold weather and, 116
collapsed dams and flooding, 61
efficiency of, 72
piping systems deterioration, 68–69
resistance to, 62, 63–64, 66, 73
small hydro and microhydropower, 73–74
Three Gorges Dam (China), 61, 66–67, 67–68, 72
water intensity of, 75
hydrologic cycle. See global hydrologic cycle (global water cycle)
hypoxia (dead zone), 96
Idaho, Grand Teton Dam collapse, 67
Illinois, Quad Cities nuclear power plant variance, 114–115
incandescent light bulbs, 24, 27, 111, 194–195
India: aquifers, 51
drought and electric grid failure (of 2012), 2, 118–119
Tehri Dam, 67
industrial sector, 59, 76, 149, 185
InsideClimateNews, 93
integrated service utilities, 196–198
International Space Station water treatment, 106–109
irrigation: biofuels and, 81, 86, 87–88, 95–96, 134–135, 143
and electric grid failure in India, 2, 118
and Mississippi barge traffic, 120–121
using treated effluent for, 56, 144–145
U.S. water withdrawals and, 59, 60
Israel: and desalination, 139
increasing water stress in, 130
and use of effluent, 145
Japan: Fukushima incident, 121
toilets in, 104
Johnson, Lyndon, 107
Johnson Controls, 153
Johnstown Flood (Pennsylvania, 1869), 67
Kennedy, John F., 181
Killington ski resort, 149–150
Lake Mead, 3
Lake Superior ice and coal delivery, 116–117
Las Vegas, Nevada, water supply, 3
LED lights (light-emitting diode), 27, 195
Libya, water availability, 130
light bulbs, 24, 27, 111, 194–195
lignocellulosic crops, 88
liquefied natural gas (LNG), 88–89
Liquid Assets (Boberg), 58
London water supplies and public health (1800s), 10–11
Louisiana: Hurricane Ike, 92, 126
McCracken, Brewster, 166
McGuire power plant, 119
mangroves, 151
Manhattan Project, 180
Marcellus Shale, 84–85, 124, 125
Mares, Bill, 150
markets for water and energy, 184–198
and balancing quantity and quality, 198–199
and cost-based vs. value-based capitalism, 193–198
cost recovery pricing, 186
externalities and full-cost accounting, 189–191
French and Australian vs. U.S., 192
inverted block pricing, 188–189
smart technologies and efficiency of, 186
social justice values vs. market value, 187–188, 198
using cross-sectoral deals and, 191–192
Maslow, Abraham, ix
Mason, Tom, 48
membrane desalination systems, 102–103, 103, 139, 157–158
Michigan, oil pipeline rupture, 93
microturbines, 160
Middle East: civil unrest and drought, 9
increasing water stress in, 129–130
rapid growth in, 139
Millstone Power Station shutdown (Connecticut), 115
Mirror Lake (Yosemite Valley), 65
moon: first manned mission to, 43
MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), 95
Nakamura, Shuji, 27
NASA water treatment system, 107–109
natural gas: gas flaring, 175–176
as indirect solar energy, 30, 31
ocean transport of LNG (liquefied natural gas), 88–99
power plants and cold weather, 115–116
switching from coal to, 143, 155–156
water intensity of, 81–82, 156. See also hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas
Natural Resources Defense Council, 111
Nature, 130
Nebraska nuclear power plant, 121
Nevada, Las Vegas water supply, 3
New Jersey, Oyster Creek nuclear power plant, 155
New Mexico: hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas, 4
using wind power for desalination, 176
New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina, 4, 127
New York, Hurricane Sandy, 128
New York Times, 90, 128
Nobelity Project, The (Pipkin), x
Nobel Prize, 27
nonrenewable energy reserves, 27–28
North Africa, drought and civil unrest, 9
North Carolina, drought and Harris reactor, 119
North Dakota, Bakken Shale, 122, 175–176
nuclear energy and power plants: Browns Ferry plant shutdown, 120
heat waves and, 112–113, 114–115
operational lifetimes of, 142–143
as primary energy, 28
San Onofre Nuclear Generating
use of effluent for cooling, 147–148
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 73
O Brother Where Art Thou, 64
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), 29, 74–75
Ogallala aquifer, 54, 130, 138
Ohio: Cuyahoga River fire, 43
earthquakes from wastewater injection, 125
oil. See petroleum
Oklahoma earthquakes, 85
open-loop (once-through) cooling method, 76–77, 78
Oregon, climate change and hydropower, 133–134
OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion), 29, 74–75
Oyster Creek nuclear power plant, 155
Palo Verde nuclear power plant, 148
Pennsylvania: Johnstown Flood (of 1869), 67
Marcellus Shale fracking, 84–85, 124, 125
reclaimed water from coal mines, 150
petroleum (oil): as dominant fuel, 39–40
fuel switching and 1970s oil shocks, 141–142
as indirect solar energy, 30–31
national security costs of, 189, 190
transportation sector and, 34
water transport of, 88. See also hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas
photosynthesis, energy from, 29–30
photovoltaic (PV) panels, 29, 34, 80, 160
Pickens, T. Boone, 138
pipelines, 43, 88, 89–90, 92–93, 115–116, 135, 137, 138
Pipkin, Turk, x
Plato, 141
plumbing codes, 144
polarity, 44
pollution. See air quality; water quality
population growth, x, 4–5, 8, 11, 36, 41, 58, 129–130, 142
poverty and water and energy availability, 14–18, 41, 42, 132, 181, 187, 188–189, 199
power outages and blackouts, 2, 116–119, 126–128
power sector and power plants: assessing demand and planning for, 36–37
clean energy standards, 183–184
combined cycle plants, 155–156
and desalination systems, 176–179
effluent reuse for cooling, 147–149
and on-site water treatment, 162
pricing (see markets for water and energy); saline or brackish water used for, 150–151, 175
thermal power plants, 44–45, 75, 76–79
U.S. R&D investments in, 180, 181–182
waste heat used for desalination, 178–179
water cooling systems, 75, 76–79, 112–115
and water production, 175–176. See also energy for water; hydroelectric dams and power; nuclear energy and power plants; thermal power plants; water for energy
precipitation, 45–46, 49, 56–58
pricing. See markets for water and energy
primary and secondary energy, 28–29
privatized vs. socialized water and energy systems, 198–199
propane gels, 156
prosperity. See wealth and prosperity
public health, 10–13, 128, 136. See also air quality; water quality
PV (photovoltaic) panels, 29, 34, 80, 160
Quad Cities nuclear power plant variance, 114–115
Rango, 49
reclaimed water, 106, 141, 145–150, 200
Reisner, Marc, 63, 64, 98, 100
renewable and nonrenewable water, 54, 56, 58, 59, 129–130
renewable energy, 31, 32–33, 34, 35, 74, 80, 86, 87. See also biofuels; hydroelectric dams and power; solar energy; wind energy
Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), 134, 135
research and development (R&D) investments in water and energy, 180–183
reverse osmosis membrane desalination systems, 102–103, 103, 139
Reynolds Transport Theorem, 48–51
RFS (Renewable Fuels Standard), 134, 135
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (Coleridge), 47
run-of-river hydroelectric designs, 73–74
saline or brackish water for power plant cooling, 150–151, 175
saline vs. fresh water (classification), 51–53, 52. See also desalination
San Francisco Bay oil spill, 91
San Francisco water temples, 7, 203n.9
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), 3
Santa Barbara Channel oil spill, 43, 90
Santa Barbara pipeline oil spill, 91
Santa Clarita dam collapse, 67
Sardar Sarovar Dam (India), 62, 66
saturated zone, 53
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 3
Second Law of Thermodynamics, 24–28
sewage. See waste disposal and wastewater treatment
shale boom. See hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas
silting, 65
Singapore New Water, 106
and burden of big data, 168–169
conventional dumb meters and, 163–165, 169–171
coupling power plants and desalination, 176–179
and efficient water and energy markets, 186
energy service companies (ESCOs), 167–168
and security, 168
smart appliances, 167
using gas from hydraulic fracturing to treat wastewater, 175–176
wastewater treatment and energy production, 172–175
snowmelt patterns, 132
socialized vs. privatized water and energy systems, 198–199
solar energy: and desalination, 151
distributed systems, 160
and hydrologic cycle, 46
integration with desalination, 176–178
photosynthesis and bioenergy, 29–32
water usage, 80
SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station), 3
South-North Transfer Project (China), 137–138
space station. See International Space Station water treatment
springs, 53
Syria, drought and civil unrest, 9
take-or-pay contracts, 185
Tantalus, 47
TDS (total dissolved solids), 51
Tehri Dam (India), 67
Tennessee, Georgia’s attempted land grab from, 1
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 63, 64, 120
Texas: cold snap (of 2011) and power outages, 115–116
drought (of 2011), 57
Eagle Ford Shale, 122, 125, 175–176
El Paso tiered water pricing, 188–189
hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas, 4, 84–85, 122, 175–176
hydroelectric dams, 61
State Water Plan, 69
take-or-pay contracts, 185
using wind power for desalination, 176
value of water vs. whiskey, 84
water cycle, 56
water pipelines, 138. See also Austin (Texas)
“Theory of Human Motivation, A” (Maslow), ix
thermal desalination systems, 102
thermal pollution, 65–66, 77, 89, 112–114
thermal pollution variances, 114–115
thermal power plants, 44–45, 75, 76–79
thermodynamics: First Law of, 22–24
Thompson, Benjamin, 20
Three Gorges Dam (China), 61, 66–67, 67–68, 72
tidal energy, 74
Time, 43
time-of-use (TOU) pricing, 167
toilet to tap, 105–106, 145, 146
“Top Ten Problems of Humanity for the Next 50 Years” (Smalley), x
total dissolved solids (TDS), 51
TOU (time-of-use) pricing, 167
transportation sector: dependence on petroleum, 34
and fuel switching, 143
water-borne commerce, 60, 120–121
water for fuel transportation, 88–90
turbines, 70, 71–72, 73–74. See also hydroelectric dams and power
unconventional and conventional energy, 31–32
United Kingdom (U.K.): annual energy consumption, 36
London water supplies and public health (1800s), 10–11
water availability in, 130
United States: annual energy consumption, 36, 38
desalination plants in, 139–140
energy spent for water, 111
environmental movement, 43, 135–136
freight and inland waterways, 60, 120–121
hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas, 84–85
hydroelectric dams and power, 60–64, 66, 73–74
Midwest cold-weather power failures (of 2014), 117
military water treatment systems, 106
power generation, shift from coal to natural gas, 155–156
power plants using brackish or saline cooling water, 150–151
R&D investments in water and energy, 180–183
reclaimed water use in, 145–149
wastewater treatment, 104
water pipeline projects, 137, 138
water use per capita, 59–60, 161. See also markets for water and energy
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2–3, 63, 120–121
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 63
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 56
U.S. Department of Energy, 73, 181
U.S. Drought Monitor, 57
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 68–69, 158
U.S. Geological Survey, 85
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 115
unsaturated zone, 53
uranium mining, 86
Uruguay drought (of 2008), 118
value-based vs. cost-based capitalism, 193–198
variable frequency drives (VFD), 157
variable speed drives (VSD), 157
Venezuela, heavy oil production, 84
Vermont, ski resort snowmaking in, 149–150
Washington, climate change and hydropower in, 133–134
waste disposal and wastewater treatment, 10–11, 103–109, 127–128, 136, 145–150, 172–175. See also under hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas
water basics: accessibility and availability, 46–47, 130
color schemes for footprinting, 54–56
demographic factors affecting water use, 14, 58–59, 129–130
density of, 98
freshwater and saline water, 51–53, 52
heat capacity and heat of vaporization, 44–45
interconnected relationship of energy and, 2–6
keeping track of water (Reynolds Transport Theorem), 48–51, 58
maximum density, 45
polarity of, 44
pricing (see markets for water and energy); renewal and recharge, 54
research and development investments in, 180, 182–183
surface water vs. groundwater, 53–54
as top ten problem of humanity, ix
U.S. per capita use, 60. See also energy for water; water for energy; water quality
water-borne commerce, 60
water cycle. See global hydrologic cycle (global water cycle)
water for energy: comparing water intensity of fuels, 81–90
cooling for thermal power plants, 75, 76–79, 112–115, 147–149, 150–151
and degradation of water quality, 90–96
wastewater treatment and energy production, 172–175
water-borne transportation of fuels, 88–90
water needs for renewable power sources, 79–81, 134–135. See also power sector and power plants
Water Footprint Network, 55
water-lean energy technologies, 153–156
water meters, 163–164, 165, 169–170
water projects. See hydroelectric dams and power
water quality: Cuyahoga River fire (Ohio), 43
pollution from agricultural portion of biofuel lifecycle, 95–96
thermal pollution, 65–66, 77, 89, 112–114
thermal pollution variances, 114–115
U.S. environmental movement and, 43, 77–78, 135–137. See also waste disposal and wastewater treatment
Water Research and Conservation Act (1967), 183
Water Resources Research Act (1964), 182–183
water vapor, 44, 45–46, 206n.3
waterwheel, wooden, 61
WaterWheel container, 172, 173
wealth and prosperity, 13–14, 41–42, 58–59, 129
West Virginia, Burning Springs, 93
wet-dry cooling systems, 79
whales and whale oil, 39
whitewater, 55
wind energy, 29, 70, 80, 98, 151, 176–178, 184
women and poverty and water availability, 14–18, 61, 172, 173
Yellowstone River oil spill, 93
Yukon River, 138
zombie water projects, 138