22j Treat titles of works, company names, and words mentioned as words as singular.

An example.

Exercise 22–1

Edit the following sentences to eliminate problems with subject-verb agreement. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Answers appear in the back of the book.

An example reads, Jack’s first days in the military (strikethrough) was (end strikethrough) (insert) were (end insert) grueling.
  1. One of the main reasons for elephant poaching are the profits received from selling the ivory tusks.

  2. Not until my interview with Dr. Hwang were other possibilities opened to me.

  3. A number of students in the seminar was aware of the importance of joining the discussion.

  4. Batik cloth from Bali, blue and white ceramics from Delft, and a bocce ball from Turin has made Angelie’s room the talk of the dorm.

  5. The board of directors, ignoring the wishes of the neighborhood, has voted to allow further development.