- accelerometer, Actions, Not Apps
- acceptCommands attribute (Contacts), Voice Commands
- acceptTypesproperty, Share Contacts
- access tokens, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, userToken
- expired, replacing, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- including as part of HTTPS Authorization header, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- accessibility, Glass for, Accessibility
- accessories for Glass, Peripherals/Accessories
- Accessory Development Kit (ADK), Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- access_type parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- AccountManager object, Authentication
- using for other types of configuration, Authentication
- Accounts resource, Authentication
- actions, Card Actions and Subscriptions
- custom menu items, Custom Menu Items
- simple event actions, Simple Event Actions
- subscriptions and, Listen Up!
- thinking in actions, not apps, Actions, Not Apps, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- Activity object, Other Neat Templates
- activity recognition, Other Contextual Signals
- Activity.onCreate method, Basic Text Formatting
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge), The DIY Movement: When the Status Quo Just Isn’t Good Enough
- adult content on Glass, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- aesthetics
- issues with Glass, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
- current state of, Where Are We Now?
- designing to avoid criticism, Think for Glass
- of the headset, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
- align-justify class, HTML: Even More Style
- alignment for text, HTML: Even More Style
- All Notes notebook, Twitter
- Allthecooks Recipes, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- analytics
- current state of Glass analytics, Where Are We Now?
- for your Glassware, App Analytics
- implications for Glass development, Think for Glass
- metrics on wearables, The Glass Ceiling—Your Project’s Quota
- societal issues with Glass analytics, Issue #6: Glass Analytics
- Android applications, Forging Glass
- sideloading on Glass, Sideloading Android Apps on Glass
- writing in Java, The GDK
- Android Debug Bridge (ADB), The DIY Movement: When the Status Quo Just Isn’t Good Enough
- Android Developers documentation, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- Android Native Development Kit, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- Android Open Accessory protocol, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- Android OS, Glass and, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
- Android Screen Monitor, connected to Glass, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- Android SDK
- Glass Development Kit (GDK) components from, What Is the GDK?
- synchronization tools, Synchronization Across Platforms
- Android services, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- Android Studio, Tactical Wearable Design, What Is the GDK?
- setting up Glassware project on, Writing Native Code for Glass
- Android Wear
- and the personal network, Other Contextual Signals
- design principles, Targeting Microinteractions
- Glass and, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device, Android Wear
- Glass versus, Using the System
- Glassware and apps driven by, Glass for Gaming
- PayPal app for, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- voice actions for, Configuring Voice Commands
- android.text.HTML.fromHTML method, Creating Rich Text
- Android@Home initiative, Home Integration
- AndroidManifest.xml file, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!), Configuring Voice Commands
- animation, Testing Native Glass Applications
- API Console versus Developers Console, Preparing Your Project
- API Explorer, Going Beyond the Playground
- .APK files, Writing Native Code for Glass
- App Inventor, What Is the GDK?
- App Statistics dashboard, App Analytics
- application model, The Glass Application Model
- programs built using Glass Development Kit (GDK), Glass Development Kit (GDK)
- programs built using Mirror API, Mirror API
- application preferences, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- appointment reminders from Google Now, Google Now
- apps, servers versus, Life on the Server Side
- AR (see augmented reality)
- archival storage of Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware
- Arduino, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- article tags, HTML: Even More Style
- auto-paginate class, Bundles of Fun
- cover-only class, Bundles of Fun
- map within, Rendering an In-Card Map
- section and footer elements in, HTML: Even More Style
- separating content into multiple cards, Bundles of Fun
- article.photo selector class, What About Images?
- attachments
- Timeline.attachments collection, Components of the Mirror API
- to email, need for Glass improvement in, Gmail
- to timeline items, Media Matters
- sharing, Share Contacts
- audio
- audio-only files attached to timeline items, not supported, Share Contacts
- card contents read aloud, Simple Audio
- importance in Glass design, Don’t Neglect Audio
- notifications, Simple Audio
- Augmate, Streamlining Operations
- augmented reality, Issue #5: Augmented Reality
- current state of, Glass and, Where Are We Now?
- Glass becoming leading contender as AR client, Think for Glass
- unrealistic expectations for Glass, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
- authentication, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- authenticated URL fetch, Share Contacts
- GDK apps, Authentication
- authorization, OAuth: IDs and Secrets, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- (see also OAuth)
- processing authorization code (or error), Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- Authorization header (HTTPS), Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- Authorized JavaScript origins field, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- Authorized Redirect URI field, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- auto-overflow class, Bundles of Fun
- auto-paginate class, Bundles of Fun
- background images, What About Images?
- mosaics, Working with Mosaics
- bandwidth, avoiding excessive use of, Don’t Be a Bandwidth Hog
- banking industry, Glass and, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- batteries
- battery life and Glass usage, How Glass Gets Audio into Your Ear
- battery-safe programming with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
- immersions’ demands on, Immersions
- Blippar framework, Think for Glass
- bold text on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- bone conduction transducers, How Glass Gets Audio into Your Ear
- bounce rate for Glass content, Where Are We Now?
- bridged notifications, System Intents
- brightness of the display, Actions, Not Apps
- Brivo Labs, OKDoor Glassware, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- bundleId property, Bundles of Fun, Keeping in Contact
- bundles, Using the System, Notify Responsibly, Bundles of Fun
- applying auto-paginate class, Bundles of Fun
- default ordering in Glass, Bundles of Fun
- duplicating features of bundled cards in GDK apps, Other Neat Templates
- isBundleCover timeline item property, Bundles of Fun
- sample card for, Bundles of Fun
- typical flow, Bundles of Fun
- using a cover card, Bundles of Fun
- business of producing Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware
- businesses, use of Glass in the workplace, Corporate Glass
- BYOD (bring your own device) concept, Corporate Glass
- callbackUrl (Subscriptions.insert), callbackUrl
- camera, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
- indicating in use, Think for Glass
- limitations of, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
- shutter button control, It Was Native All Along!
- voice actions with, Glass Is a Great Listener
- canceling in-process actions, Delete Versus Dismiss
- Canvas, What Is the GDK?
- CAPTION layout, applying images to, Using Icons
- captions, adding to shared resources, Share Contacts
- card-based metaphor, Glass UI, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
- CardBuilder class, A View to a Card
- CardBuilder.addImage method, Working with Mosaics
- CardBuilder.Layout enumeration, A View to a Card
- CardBuilder.Layout templates, Other Neat Templates
- CardBuilder.Layout.AUTHOR template, Ellipses and Excess Content
- CardBuilder.Layout.COLUMNS, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
- using icons, Using Icons
- CardBuilder.Layout.COLUMNS_FIXED, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
- CardBuilder.Layout.TEXT template, Basic Text Formatting
- CardBuilder.Layout.TEXT_FIXED template, Basic Text Formatting
- CardBuilder.Layout.TITLE template, Other Neat Templates
- CardBuilder.Layout_CAPTION template, Using Icons
- cards
- actions, Card Actions and Subscriptions
- and subscriptions, Listen Up!
- custom menu items, Custom Menu Items
- simple event actions, Simple Event Actions
- always testing on Glass, Keeping in Contact
- automatic deletion of older cards, Delete Versus Dismiss
- bundling, Notify Responsibly
- Contact object, Keeping in Contact
- design, official templates for, Tactical Wearable Design
- footer area in, using, Google+
- layout, Targeting Microinteractions
- live cards in GDK apps, Live Cards–Two Flavors of Live Cards
- live versus static, ordering of, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
- master copy in your database, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- pinned, Using the System
- security and, Event Security: Google the Bouncer
- working with, Working with Timeline Cards–Oh, CRUD…
- audio, Simple Audio
- bundles, Bundles of Fun
- CRUD operations, Oh, CRUD…
- footer, HTML: Even More Style
- going beyond Mirror API Playground, Going Beyond the Playground
- Hello, World!, Glass-style, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style–“Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- HTML, HTML: Even More Style–HTML: Even More Style
- images, What About Images?–Working with Mosaics
- JSON representation, viewing, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- media attachments to timeline items, Media Matters
- rendering an in-card map, Rendering an In-Card Map–Rendering an In-Card Map
- updating previously-inserted cards, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- using Playground to prototype and test, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- CardScrollAdapter object, Other Neat Templates
- CardScrollView, Basic Text Formatting, Other Neat Templates
- CardScrollView.setOnItemClickListener, Other Neat Templates
- changelog, Packages
- CharSequence, Basic Text Formatting
- Chromecast, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- Glass and, Chromecast and Home Entertainment
- Glass integration with, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- LynxFit integration with, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
- Chrome’s Developer Tools, Life on the Server Side
- classes (GDK), The GDK Object Model
- client_id parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- client_secret parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- cloud computing
- designing for the cloud, Design for the Cloud
- not fully utilizing, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
- cloud-based services, Forging Glass
- Mirror API programs, Mirror API
- code parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- collaboration Glassware, Vodo, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
- collection parameter (Subscriptions.insert), collection
- collection property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- locations, for Subscriptions, Where Do You Think I Am?
- color options, Glass frame, Where Are We Now?
- colors
- for text on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- Glass headset, Which Hue Is for You?
- mixing for text instead of font sizes, HTML: Even More Style
- searching by, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
- ColorSnap Glassware, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
- columns
- absolute positioning, HTML: Even More Style
- columnar layouts in GDK, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
- layout classes in CSS, HTML: Even More Style
- com.google.android.glass namespace, The GDK Object Model
- communities (Glass), Glass Is Naturally Social
- Concur Glassware, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- configuration, web-based, providing, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- CONFIRMED state, Custom Menu Items
- Contact object, Keeping in Contact
- contacts, Components of the Mirror API
- share, The Share Menu Item–Share Contacts
- voice commands targeting, Voice Commands–Voice Commands
- Contacts collection, Keeping in Contact
- Contacts.acceptCommands, Voice Commands
- Contacts.insert method, Share Contacts
- containers for data, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- content
- avoiding gotchas in, Content
- content creation in POV world, Content Creation in a POV World
- Glass as content creation utility, What Glass Isn’t
- contentUrl, Share Contacts
- contextual commands, Configuring Voice Commands
- contextual information, Google Now, Context FTW, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals–Context and the Future
- environments of users, tailoring Glass design around, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
- future uses of, Context and the Future
- in vignettes, Vignettes
- location and localization, Location Becomes Localization
- location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- location services, enabling, Enabling Location
- making user’s real-life activities core part of application experience, Google Now
- other than location, Other Contextual Signals
- subscribing to locale changes, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
- time zone for user’s location, Setting Things Straight
- tracking with Google Now, Google Now
- wearer’s environment as part of Glass UI, Noble Truth 5: Build for People
- cooking assistant, KitchMe Glassware, KitchMe’s Glassware Is Simply Delicious
- core design principles (see design principles, core)
- corporate Glass, Corporate Glass
- cover-only class, Bundles of Fun
- crash reports for Glassware, Updating Releases, Versioning, and Crash Reports
- creator attribute, timeline items, Keeping in Contact
- credentials (OAuth), Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- CrowdOptic, crowdsourced broadcasting model, CrowdOptic: Crowdsourced Broadcasting
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- base CSS styles for Glass, HTML: Even More Style, Basic Text Formatting
- built-in layout classes, HTML: Even More Style
- formatting options, CSS classes, CSS selectors, and inline styles, HTML: Even More Style
- using with HTML for cards, HTML: Even More Style
- CUSTOM menuItem action, Custom Menu Items
- Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), Writing Native Code for Glass
- data analysis, using Glass for, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- data stores, Preparing Your Project
- for Mirror API projects, The Even Bigger Picture
- DateUtil class, Basic Text Formatting
- Dawn Data, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- Debug Mode, Writing Native Code for Glass
- DEFAULT state (menu item actions), Custom Menu Items
- DELETE menu item, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them, Custom Menu Items
- PENDING and CONFIRMED states, Custom Menu Items
- deleting versus dismissing items in Glass, Delete Versus Dismiss
- design principles, core, The Five Noble Truths of Great Glassware Design
- advocating multitasking, Advocate Multitasking
- Avoid the unexpected, Noble Truth 4: Avoid the Unexpected
- error handling, Error Handling
- in content, Content
- not hogging bandwidth, Don’t Be a Bandwidth Hog
- performance, Performance
- permissions, Permissions
- surprises, pleasant, Surprises Should Be Pleasant Surprises
- synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
- Build for people, Noble Truth 5: Build for People
- design for Glass, Noble Truth 1: Design for Glass
- audio, Don’t Neglect Audio
- deleting versus dismissing items, Delete Versus Dismiss
- providing web-based configuration, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- tactical wearable design, Tactical Wearable Design
- targeting microinteractions, Targeting Microinteractions
- Don’t get in the way, Noble Truth 2: Don’t Get in the Way
- exceptions, The Exceptions Make the Rule
- less is more, Less Is More
- notifications, Notify Responsibly
- issue commands, don’t start apps, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
- Keep it relevant, Noble Truth 3: Keep It Relevant, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
- contextual information, Context FTW
- quickness of delivery, How Soon Is Now?
- targeting microinteractions, Targeting Microinteractions
- design, Glass design rivaling Apple products, Actions, Not Apps
- designing for Glass, Noble Truth 1: Design for Glass–Provide Web-Based Configuration
- avoiding poor design, Glassware Antipatterns: Avoiding Poor Design–Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- choosing wrong development framework for Glassware, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- Glass not necessarily bound to your phone, Glass Isn’t Necessarily Bound to Your Phone
- improperly implementing ideas for Glass experience, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- not fully utilizing cloud computing, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
- not using prism display for complicated reports, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- overloading the system and wearer, Overloading the System AND the Wearer
- sticking to prefab templates and styles, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
- thinking in actions, not apps, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- treating Glass like any mobile device, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
- unrealistic expections for augmented reality and gaming, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
- using default voice commands, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
- design patterns, official documentation, Tactical Wearable Design
- designing for the cloud, Design for the Cloud
- glanceable layouts and structure they imply, Working with Mosaics
- Gmail Glassware, Gmail
- adding value by omission, Gmail
- design takeaways, Gmail
- Google+ Glassware, Google+
- areas needing improvement, Google+
- design takeaways, Google+
- greater goal of wearable design, Google Search
- outstanding examples, Glass as Personal Technology
- outstanding Glassware, design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
- Think for Glass mindset, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
- Twitter Glassware, Twitter
- design takeaways, Twitter
- developer groups, Glass Is Naturally Social
- Developer Policies, Think for Glass
- gotchas for developers, Gotchas
- developer settings, Testing Native Glass Applications
- Developers Console, Preparing Your Project, Going Beyond the Playground
- API Console versus, Preparing Your Project
- App Statistics dashboard, App Analytics
- metrics on wearables, The Glass Ceiling—Your Project’s Quota
- obtaining Client ID information from, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- development frameworks, Mirror API
- (see also Glass Development Kit; Mirror API)
- choosing wrong framework for Glassware project, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- directions
- getting with voice actions, Glass Is a Great Listener
- turn-by-turn directions, Don’t Neglect Audio
- Dismiss menu item, Custom Menu Items
- PENDING and CONFIRMED states, Custom Menu Items
- dismissing versus deleting in Glass, Delete Versus Dismiss
- displayName property (Contacts), Share Contacts
- div element, using for absolute positioning of columns, HTML: Even More Style
- documentation, reference, for Mirror API methods, Going Beyond the Playground
- DriveSafe app, Think for Glass
- driving, using Glass and, Issue #3: Using Glass While Driving, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- current state of concerns, Where Are We Now?
- Eclipse, Tactical Wearable Design
- education, Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
- ellipses
- indicating more content in GDK cards, Ellipses and Excess Content
- indicating more text in Gmail Glassware card, Gmail
- email scope, What Do You Want? Information
- Emotient, Think for Glass
- error handling, Error Handling
- considerations for Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- events, Events: The Building Blocks of the Glass Timeline
- adding menu items to an event, Simple Event Actions
- location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- location, suscribing to, Where Do You Think I Am?
- related to the timeline, working with, Components of the Mirror API
- security for, Event Security: Google the Bouncer
- Evernote, Glassware, Twitter, Glass Is Naturally Social
- eyeFlame built Glassware, Context FTW
- Facebook, multiple scope URLs, What Do You Want? Information
- facial recognition, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
- current state of, Where Are We Now?
- designing to avoid problems with, Think for Glass
- NameTag app, NameTag Launches Headfirst into Facial Recognition
- Factory reset option (Settings), It Was Native All Along!
- Fancy Glassware, Error Handling, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
- fashion, issues with wearing Glass, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
- Field Trip Glassware, Think for Glass, Context FTW
- figure tags, mosiac list in, Working with Mosaics
- filtered data streams, Gmail Glassware, Gmail
- financial services industry, Glass and, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- first-person perspective, content creation and, Content Creation in a POV World
- Five Noble Truths (see design principles, core)
- footer element, HTML: Even More Style
- footers (timeline cards), HTML: Even More Style
- adding a gradient, What About Images?
- forced perspective, The Science Behind the Projection
- form factor, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
- frames, custom, for prescription glasses, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
- GAE (Google App Engine), Preparing Your Project
- gaming
- GlassFrogger, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
- unrealistic expectations for Glass, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
- using Glass, Glass for Gaming–Glass for Gaming
- virtual pet for Glass, Glass for Gaming
- GDK (see Glass Development Kit)
- Genie Glassware, Genie: The Swiss Army Knife of Glassware
- Get directions (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener, It Was Native All Along!
- GitHub
- GlassFrogger code on, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
- OpenGL demo, code repo, What Is the GDK?
- Glanceable UI, Targeting Microinteractions
- glanceable layouts and structure they imply, Working with Mosaics
- Glass
- Android Wear versus, Using the System
- for gaming, Glass for Gaming–Glass for Gaming
- future of, Reflections on the Future–In Closing
- accessibility, Accessibility
- Android Wear, Android Wear
- Chromecast and home entertainment, Chromecast and Home Entertainment
- corporate Glass, Corporate Glass
- hardware hacking and Internet of Things, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- home integration, Home Integration
- in medicine and education, Glass in Medicine and Education
- peripherals/accessories, Peripherals/Accessories
- streamlining operations, Streamlining Operations
- hacking, Hacking Glass–Living on the Bleeding Edge
- mirroring what is available on other platforms, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- removing from the head, effects on apps, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
- using the system, Using the System
- Glass Asset Studio, Custom Menu Items
- Glass Creative Collective, Glass in Medicine and Education
- Glass Development Kit (GDK), Glass Development Kit (GDK), The GDK–So Which Framework Is for Me?
- advantages of using, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- authentication, Authentication
- choosing between Mirror API and, So Which Framework Is for Me?
- configuring voice commands, Configuring Voice Commands
- developers mistakenly using instead of Mirror API, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- differences from Mirror API, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- documentation, Testing Native Glass Applications
- drawing and animation, What Is the GDK?
- Glassware built against, design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
- Glassware shipping with Glass, It Was Native All Along!
- Google approval of Glassware built on, The Review Process
- Google’s control over voice commands, With Voice Commands, Google Has the Final Word
- hybrid Glassware, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- installed apps running on Glass, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- Mirror API and, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- object model, The GDK Object Model
- On-Head Detection feature, halting running apps, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
- overview of, What Is the GDK?
- add-on, components to work with Glass UI, What Is the GDK?
- basic components from Android SDK, What Is the GDK?
- porting existing apps to Glass, not recommended, Porting Existing Apps to Glass: DON’T
- system intents, System Intents
- testing native Glass apps, Testing Native Glass Applications
- tools for rapid design, More Tools for Rapid Design
- updating releases, versioning, and crash reports, Updating Releases, Versioning, and Crash Reports
- user interface elements of apps
- immersions, Immersions
- live cards, User Interface Elements of GDK Apps–Two Flavors of Live Cards
- view to a card, A View to a Card
- basic text formatting, Basic Text Formatting
- columnar layouts and mosaics, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
- creating rich text, Creating Rich Text
- creating your own layouts, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
- ellipses and excess content, Ellipses and Excess Content
- other neat templates, Other Neat Templates
- using icons, Using Icons
- writing native code for Glass, Writing Native Code for Glass
- Glass ecosystem
- how it is different, The Glass Ecosystem: What It Is and How It Is Different
- platform, not a product, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
- techical specifications (as of Explorer Edition), Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- timeline and application code running in completely separate processes, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- what it isn’t, What Glass Isn’t
- Glass Frogger, Glass for Gaming, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
- Glass Hunt, Glass for Gaming
- Glass Platform Developer Policies, Think for Glass, Submitting Your Glassware
- Glass sync, Forging Glass
- glass.location scope, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- GlassCopter, Glass for Gaming
- Glassentation, Overloading the System AND the Wearer
- Glassware, The Glass Application Model
- authorization, Security and OAuth
- built using Glass Development Kit (GDK), Glass Development Kit (GDK)
- built using Google Mirror API, Mirror API
- business of producing, The Business of Producing Glassware
- case studies from the field, Glassware Done Right: Case Studies from the Field–GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
- CrowdOptic, CrowdOptic: Crowdsourced Broadcasting
- Fancy and ColorSnap, colorful queries, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
- Genie, Genie: The Swiss Army Knife of Glassware
- GlassFrogger, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
- KitchMe, KitchMe’s Glassware Is Simply Delicious
- LynxFit, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
- MiKandi, MiKandi Takes Glassware into the Bedroom…Then Pivots to Keep it There–Going Forward, Pushing the Envelope
- NameTag and facial recognition, NameTag Launches Headfirst into Facial Recognition
- Preview, Preview: The Latest Movie Trailers Are Just a Glance Away
- Thurz Sports, Thuuz Sports Lets You Know What’s Hot
- Vodo, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
- choosing wrong development framework for your project, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- getting listed on MyGlass, Getting on MyGlass: Glassware Submission, Review, and Distribution–The Review Process
- launching via voice commands, Glass Is a Great Listener
- making money from, Monetization
- native apps shipping with Glass, It Was Native All Along!
- official listing, Societal Issues with Glass and How to Avoid Them in Your Projects
- outstanding examples of, Glass as Personal Technology
- design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
- Evernote, Twitter
- Gmail, Gmail
- Google+, Google+
- Twitter, Twitter
- primary entry points for, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- review of, The Objective of Glassware Review
- submitting for review by Google, Making Your Awesome Glassware Even More Awesome
- timing your release of, Timing Your Release
- Glassware Flow Designer, Tactical Wearable Design, More Tools for Rapid Design, A View to a Card
- Glassware Launch Checklist, Submitting Your Glassware
- Glassware Review Request, Submit!
- GlassWireframe, More Tools for Rapid Design
- global distribution of Glass, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- Gmail Glassware, Gmail, Synchronization Across Platforms
- delivery of messages from Important folder only, Gmail
- design takeaways, Gmail
- organizing conversation threads into distinct bundles, Gmail
- GolfSight app, Immersions
- Google
- OAuth URL, base, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- review process for Glassware, Making Your Awesome Glassware Even More Awesome
- Google Analytics
- integration with Glass, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- integration with Glass cloud-based serivces, Think for Glass
- Google APIs, use by Mirror API projects, The Even Bigger Picture
- Google App Engine (GAE), Preparing Your Project
- Google Apps Script (GAS), Life on the Server Side
- Google Cast API, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- Google Cloud Endpoints, Design for the Cloud
- Google Cloud Messaging for Android, The High-Level View
- Google Cloud Platform, Design for the Cloud
- information about, Preparing Your Project
- Google Developer Groups, Glass Is Naturally Social
- Google Developers Console, Life on the Server Side, Preparing Your Project, Going Beyond the Playground
- App Statistics dashboard, App Analytics
- Google Developers site, The Five Noble Truths of Great Glassware Design
- Google Drive, collaboration for users working in, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
- Google Goggles, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
- Google Mirror API (see Mirror API)
- Google Mirror API Playground (see Mirror API Playground)
- Google Now, Google Now
- Google Play Services, GDK apps and, Think for Glass, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- Google Search on Glass, Google Search–Google Search
- Google+, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
- driving force behind this book, Google+
- enabled on Glass, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
- Glassware, Google+
- location services moved to, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
- Google+ API, What Do You Want? Information
- people.get method, What Do You Want? Information
- Google+ Glassware, Glass Is Naturally Social
- design issues, room for improvement, Google+
- GPOP, Peripherals/Accessories
- GPS, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
- resource-intensity of checking for signals, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
- gradient, adding to a timeline card footer, What About Images?
- grant_type, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- graphical data (complex), not using Glass for, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- graphics
- free tools for, Custom Menu Items
- in GDK apps, Testing Native Glass Applications
- gyroscope, Actions, Not Apps
- h1 and h2 tags, keeping everything on one line, What About Images?
- hacking Glass, Hacking Glass–Living on the Bleeding Edge
- JavaScript, Give Me JavaScript, or Give Me…
- rooting your headset, Officially Unofficial: Rooting Your Headset
- sharing your screen, Sharing Your Screen
- sideloading Android apps on Glass, Sideloading Android Apps on Glass
- Hangouts Glassware
- example of hybrid Glassware, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- messaging via, Glass Is a Great Listener
- mosaics in, Working with Mosaics
- synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
- virtual tour of CERN via, Glass in Medicine and Education
- Happy Aquarium, Glass for Gaming
- hardware hacking, Glass and, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- head movement gestures, Actions, Not Apps, Accessibility
- head-mounted display (HMD), Forging Glass
- headset
- evolution of, What You See and What You Get
- modular bundle of technology in, What You See and What You Get
- healthcare, Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
- high-frequency rendering, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- home automation applications, Context FTW
- home entertainment, using Glass, Chromecast and Home Entertainment
- home integration, using Glass for, Home Integration
- home screen, Using the System
- (see also timeline)
- hosting for Mirror API services, Life on the Server Side
- Google App Engine (GAE), Preparing Your Project
- hostnames, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- formatting for scientific notation, HTML: Even More Style
- Glass convenience classes for text, HTML: Even More Style
- images, What About Images?
- lists, formatting for Glass, HTML: Even More Style
- tabular data on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- tags accepted for timeline cards, HTML: Even More Style
- using with CSS for cards, HTML: Even More Style
- HTML.fromHTML method, Creating Rich Text
- HTTP, Life on the Server Side
- for events sent to Glass, The High-Level View
- HTTP services, Mirror API, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- HTTPS, Preparing Your Project
- Glassware making HTTPS calls to Google API server, How Your Server Talks with Google
- HTTPS Authorization header, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- human-computer interaction (HCI)
- further progress with Glass, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
- reinvention of, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- hybrid Glassware, It Was Native All Along!, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- GlassFrogger, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
- Hybrid Mosaic template, What About Images?
- icon-small class, What About Images?
- icons, What About Images?
- in columnar layouts on GDK cards, Using Icons
- in GDK app TITLE layout, Other Neat Templates
- in GDK apps, Using Icons
- id (sharing contacts), Share Contacts
- IDEs (integrated development environments), Tactical Wearable Design, What Is the GDK?
- working with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
- images
- applying to TEXT layout in GDK app, Using Icons
- geotagging of, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- in GDK apps, Using Icons
- in TITLE layout, GDK app, Other Neat Templates
- mosaics on GDK app cards, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
- on cards, What About Images?
- on timeline cards
- background photos, What About Images?
- list-based layouts and figure layouts, Working with Mosaics
- mosaics, Working with Mosaics
- working with medium-sized images, What About Images?
- working with small images, What About Images?
- optimal density in GDK apps, More Tools for Rapid Design
- imageUrls (sharing contacts), Share Contacts
- img tags, What About Images?
- src attribute, Rendering an In-Card Map
- immersions, Glass Development Kit (GDK), The Exceptions Make the Rule, Immersions
- apps based on, examples of, So Which Framework Is for Me?
- development patterns for, Immersions
- dismissing, Immersions
- GDK immersions used as gaming stages for Glass, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
- native apps unnecessarily built as, leading to negative performance, Immersions
- On-Head Detection and, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
- summary of characteristics, Immersions
- UI dissimilar to timeline motif, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
- Incremental Authorization, What Do You Want? Information
- Ingress, Glass and, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
- input mechanisms, Actions, Not Apps
- criticism of Glass, Google Search
- designing for fewer steps, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- inReplyTo, Keeping in Contact
- INSERT operation, Keeping in Contact
- Instagram, multiple scope URLs, What Do You Want? Information
- installation, errors encountered during, Error Handling
- integrated development environments (see IDEs)
- international distribution of Glass, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- internationalization, Google+ Glassware issue with, Google+
- Internet of Things, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- IP address
- checking against to verify requests, verifyToken
- for your server, Preparing Your Project
- isBundleCover property, Bundles of Fun
- isDeleted, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- isPinned, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- isProcessingContent (Timeline.attachments), Share Contacts
- italic text on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- itemId property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- Java
- using with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
- writing Android applications in, using GDK, The GDK
- JavaScript, What Is the GDK?
- in Glass, HTML: Even More Style
- using on Glass, Give Me JavaScript, or Give Me…
- JavaScript Object Notation (see JSON)
- JavaScript origins, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), How Your Server Talks with Google
- callback body, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- card representation, viewing, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- custom menu item action, Custom Menu Items
- for bundled cards, Bundles of Fun
- object model for JSON resource, How Your Server Talks with Google
- response containing OAuth access token, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- Justinmind Prototyper Pro, More Tools for Rapid Design
- Lambda Labs, Face API, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
- languages
- supporting languages other than English, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- voice commands adapted for, Location Becomes Localization
- latitude (Locations object), Where Do You Think I Am?
- Layar framework, Think for Glass
- layout
- CardBuilder.Layout enumeration, A View to a Card
- CardBuilder.Layout templates, list of, Other Neat Templates
- custom, creating for GDK apps, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
- layouts supported by live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- templates for, Testing Native Glass Applications
- layout classes in CSS, HTML: Even More Style
- LinkedIn, multiple scope URLs, What Do You Want? Information
- live cards, Live Cards–Two Flavors of Live Cards
- apps based on, So Which Framework Is for Me?
- as dynamic containers for data, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- layouts and views supported, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- On-Head Detection and, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
- Stop command, Live Cards
- summary of characteristics, Immersions
- two flavors of, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- localization, Location Becomes Localization
- considerations for Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- locale settings, Location Becomes Localization
- tips for localizing your Glassware, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
- Location object, Simple Event Actions
- locations, Components of the Mirror API
- enabling location services in Glass, Enabling Location
- geotagging images, not available in Glass, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- localization and, Location Becomes Localization
- location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- location services in Glass, immaturity of, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
- subscribing to locale changes, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
- user location and context, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
- uses of location in Glassware, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- Locations object, important fields, Where Do You Think I Am?
- Locations.get method, Where Do You Think I Am?
- longitude (Locations object), Where Do You Think I Am?
- Loves Data, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- low-frequency rendering, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- LynxCast, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- LynxFit, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- case study, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
- using prefab templates and having its own personality, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
- machine-to-machine hardware hacking, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- magnetometer, Actions, Not Apps
- Make a call to (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- Make Vignette menu item, Vignettes
- Maker Shed, Living on the Bleeding Edge
- maps
- in navigation system application, Immersions
- rendering an in-card map, Rendering an In-Card Map–Rendering an In-Card Map
- marketing channels for Glassware, Marketing Channels
- me (user ID), What Do You Want? Information
- medicine and education, Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
- menuItems property, Simple Audio, Simple Event Actions, Custom Menu Items
- menus
- adding to events, Simple Event Actions
- custom actions as menu items
- Gmail Glassware, Gmail
- Twitter Glassware, Twitter
- custom menu items, Custom Menu Items
- keeping track of state of menu items, Twitter
- setting values for menu items, Simple Event Actions
- TOGGLE PINNED and DELETE menu items, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- using contextual commands for interaction with, Configuring Voice Commands
- VOICE CALL menu item, Keeping in Contact
- Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- messages
- creator and recipients, Keeping in Contact
- message threads, replies attached to, Keeping in Contact
- pinned by users, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- sending via voice actions, Glass Is a Great Listener
- microinteractions, What Does It Mean to Think for Glass?, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
- and required attentiveness of the wearer, Don’t Neglect Audio
- augmented reality (AR) and, Where Are We Now?
- emphasizing as core unit of usability for Glass experience, Targeting Microinteractions
- MiKandi Glassware, MiKandi Takes Glassware into the Bedroom…Then Pivots to Keep it There–Going Forward, Pushing the Envelope
- MIME types, Share Contacts
- Mini Games Glassware package, Glass for Gaming, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming, What Is the GDK?
- Mirror API, Mirror API, Overview of the Mirror API–The Even Bigger Picture, Context and the Future
- advantages over native development, Life on the Server Side
- analytics and, Where Are We Now?
- body properties versus parameters, Going Beyond the Playground
- choosing between GDK and, So Which Framework Is for Me?
- components of, Components of the Mirror API
- data flow in, The High-Level View
- differences from GDK, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- disadvantages of, Life on the Server Side
- events, Events: The Building Blocks of the Glass Timeline
- examining methods in API Explorer, Going Beyond the Playground
- flow of information between Glassware, Google’s cloud, and Glass, The High-Level View
- GDK and, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- Glassware built with, design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
- Google approval of Glassware built on, The Review Process
- how your server talks to Google, How Your Server Talks with Google
- hybrid Glassware, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- maps rendered in 2D map view, Rendering an In-Card Map
- perceived as being too limited, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- preparing your project, Preparing Your Project
- project quota, The Glass Ceiling—Your Project’s Quota
- quota for calls against, Twitter
- security, Security and OAuth
- servers versus apps, Life on the Server Side
- services running on HTTP servers, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- subscriptions documentation, callbackUrl
- using with cloud computing, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
- Mirror API Issue Tracker, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
- Mirror API Playground, Tactical Wearable Design, Life on the Server Side, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- going beyond, Going Beyond the Playground
- maps not rendered in, Rendering an In-Card Map
- previewing prototypes of menu items, Custom Menu Items
- testing prototypes, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- working with content, HTML: Even More Style
- mirroring, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- mobile applications, design landmarks, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
- mobile devices, treating Glass like any other device, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
- monetization of Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware, Monetization
- mosaics, What About Images?
- in GDK apps, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
- working with, Working with Mosaics
- movies, optical illusion technique in, The Science Behind the Projection
- MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- multitasking in Glass, Advocate Multitasking
- MyGlass, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- getting on, Getting on MyGlass: Glassware Submission, Review, and Distribution–Monetization
- advantages of, What MyGlass Gets You
- categorical listings, Categorical Listings
- factors to think about before submission, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- objective of Glassware review, The Objective of Glassware Review
- prereview activities, Prereview Activities
- review process, The Review Process
- submitting your Glassware, Submitting Your Glassware
- requesting your Glassware not be listed on, Submitting Your Glassware
- use to disable permissions, Disabling (and Reacquiring) Permissions
- NameTag app, FacialRecognition.com, Issue #2: Facial Recognition, NameTag Launches Headfirst into Facial Recognition
- native Glass development, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- (see also Glass Development Kit)
- NAVIGATE menu item, Simple Event Actions
- navigation system application, Immersions
- The New York Times, Glassware, Notify Responsibly
- no-border class, HTML: Even More Style
- Note from Glass, Twitter
- Notification Sync, System Intents
- notifications
- bridged, System Intents
- Google+ Glassware, Google+
- handling responsibly, Notify Responsibly
- synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
- Twitter Glassware, Twitter
- OAuth, OAuth: IDs and Secrets–WAKE UP!!!
- credentials, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- geodata, rights to use, Enabling Location
- getting user’s identity, Who Are You? I Am the New Number Two
- Google’s OAuth provider screen for Glassware, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- Incremental Authorization, What Do You Want? Information
- OAuth2, OAuth: IDs and Secrets
- steps in authorization process
- authorization (and perhaps authentication), Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- processing authorization code or error, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- redirection to Google for authorization, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- using (and refreshing) the access token, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- OAuth providers, Mirror API
- object model (GDK), The GDK Object Model
- packages, The GDK Object Model
- object recognition, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
- Glassware using, Think for Glass
- offline access, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- offline, using Glass, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- OK Glass, Using the System
- activating voice interactions with Glass, Glass Is a Great Listener
- alternative hotwords, not chosen, Glass Is a Great Listener
- voice commands, how they are chosen, Glass Is a Great Listener
- OKDoor Glassware, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- On-Head Detection feature, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
- onCreate method, A View to a Card
- Ongoing Task pattern, Live Cards
- onKeyDown method, It Was Native All Along!
- OPEN URI menu item, Simple Event Actions, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- Openclipart.org, Custom Menu Items
- OpenGL, What Is the GDK?
- operation property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- optics pod, Actions, Not Apps
- overheating
- avoiding in Glass headset, Performance
- Glass failsafe against, It Was Native All Along!
- overlay-gradient-short class, Using Icons
- overlays, What About Images?
- p (paragraph) tags, HTML: Even More Style
- icon-small class and text-small, What About Images?
- text-auto-size class attribute, HTML: Even More Style
- packages (GDK), The GDK Object Model
- Pandora Glassware, Two Flavors of Live Cards, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- parameters, method parameters versus body properties, Going Beyond the Playground
- PENDING state, Custom Menu Items
- performance
- avoiding overheating of Glass headset, Performance
- immersions and, Immersions
- of installed apps on Glass hardware, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- of your Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- peripherals/accessories, Peripherals/Accessories
- permissions
- Android permission for custom voice commands, Configuring Voice Commands
- detailed information about, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- disabling and recquiring, Disabling (and Reacquiring) Permissions
- scopes and, What Do You Want? Information
- service-level, for working with user’s data, Permissions
- personal area networks, What We’re Bringing to the Table
- personal networks, Other Contextual Signals
- Android Wear and, Other Contextual Signals
- personal technology, Glass as, Glass as Personal Technology
- phone calls, making via voice command, Glass Is a Great Listener
- PhoneGap, Writing Native Code for Glass
- photo editing Glassware, sharing contacts for, Share Contacts
- pinned items
- not using pinned cards to launch applications, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- ordering of, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
- pinning cards, PIN and UNPIN actions, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- pixel density and screen size, More Tools for Rapid Design
- platform-as-a-service providers, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- Play a game (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- PLAY VIDEO menu item, Simple Event Actions
- plus.login scope, What Do You Want? Information
- plus.me scope, What Do You Want? Information
- plus.people.get API, What Do You Want? Information
- plus.profile.emails.read scope, What Do You Want? Information
- pornographic content, Glass and, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- porting existing apps to Glass, not recommended, Porting Existing Apps to Glass: DON’T
- Post an update (voice command), Twitter, Voice Commands
- Post an update to (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- POV cinematography and ad-lib narration, Content Creation in a POV World
- power options, Using the System
- presentation, Working with Timeline Cards
- GDK, unique presentation elements, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- Preview, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Preview: The Latest Movie Trailers Are Just a Glance Away
- prism display, Actions, Not Apps
- always using as preview monitor when camera is in use, Think for Glass
- challenge of small dimensions, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- not using for complicated reports, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
- privacy issues, Issue #1: Privacy
- current state of, Where Are We Now?
- location and, Enabling Location
- questionable places for use of Glass, Issue #1: Privacy
- profile scope, What Do You Want? Information
- programming languages
- flexiibility with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
- GDK, using Java, What Is the GDK?
- Project ID, Preparing Your Project
- Project name (for Mirror API), Preparing Your Project
- projection unit, Actions, Not Apps
- great consumer of battery charge, Immersions
- science behind, The Science Behind the Projection
- publish/subscribe model, Mirror API framework, Mirror API
- radiation, Glass and, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- rapid design tools, More Tools for Rapid Design
- Raspberry Pi, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
- READ ALOUD menu item, Simple Event Actions
- READ MORE menu item, Simple Event Actions
- real-time interactivity, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- recipes archive, KitchMe Glassware, KitchMe’s Glassware Is Simply Delicious
- recipients
- getting from Timeline.recipients property, Working with Mosaics
- specified with Timeline.recipients property, Keeping in Contact
- Record a video (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- redirect URIs, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
- redirect_uri parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- reference documentation for API methods, Going Beyond the Playground
- referrer logs, Where Are We Now?
- regulatory environment, Glass and public policy, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- curent state of, Where Are We Now?
- developing within guidelines, Think for Glass
- release early, release often, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- relevance, emphasizing, Noble Truth 3: Keep It Relevant
- location and contextual information, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
- remote control for Glass, Actions, Not Apps, Peripherals/Accessories
- RemoteViews object, Two Flavors of Live Cards, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
- REPLY ALL menu item, Keeping in Contact
- voice-entered text and, Keeping in Contact
- REPLY menu item, Keeping in Contact, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- voice-entered text and, Keeping in Contact
- resources, sharing, Sharing Resources with Glassware, Share Contacts
- (see also sharing)
- response_type parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- REST, How Your Server Talks with Google
- RESTful API versus native SDK debate for Glass, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- unifying the camps, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- RESTful services, crafting with decoupled components, Design for the Cloud
- Revolv, home automation work, Home Integration
- Ribeiro, Justin, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project, Custom Menu Items
- rich text, creating in GDK app, Creating Rich Text
- scalability, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- scope parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
- scopes, OAuth: IDs and Secrets, What Do You Want? Information
- getting the bare minimum, What Do You Want? Information
- multiple, for Mirror API Glassware, What Do You Want? Information
- permission to view user’s location, Enabling Location
- reqesting information from the user, What Do You Want? Information
- screen size and pixel density, More Tools for Rapid Design
- searches, Glass Is a Great Listener
- color as query, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
- Google Search on Glass, Google Search–Google Search
- second-screen companion, Thurz Sports, Thuuz Sports Lets You Know What’s Hot
- section tags, HTML: Even More Style
- div elements in, HTML: Even More Style
- security, Security and OAuth–WAKE UP!!!
- disabling and reacquiring permissions, Disabling (and Reacquiring) Permissions
- for events, Event Security: Google the Bouncer
- OAuth, OAuth: IDs and Secrets
- of your Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
- subscriptions, Listen Up!
- Send a message to (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- sensors
- access to Glass sensors, Mirror API
- access to, with GDK, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- Android sensors and APIs for interacting with them, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
- LynxFit access to Glass sensors, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
- on Glass, Actions, Not Apps
- servers
- for Mirror API projects, Preparing Your Project
- how your server talks to Google, How Your Server Talks with Google
- versus apps, Life on the Server Side
- service accounts, Authentication
- services
- Android services driving lifeycle of live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- creating and configuring Google API service object, Authentication
- starting at bootup for live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- settings
- Debug Mode, Writing Native Code for Glass
- Factory reset option, It Was Native All Along!
- Glass developer settings, Testing Native Glass Applications
- subscribing to Settings collection, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
- Settings.get method, Setting Things Straight
- SHARE menu item, Twitter, The Share Menu Item
- Share voice command, Share Contacts
- sharing, Sharing Resources with Glassware–Voice Commands
- contacts, Share Contacts–Share Contacts
- captioning shared resources, Share Contacts
- inability to share multiple entities at once, Share Contacts
- voice commands, Voice Commands–Voice Commands
- sharingFeatures property, Share Contacts
- Sherwin-Williams, Fancy and ColorSnap Glassware, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
- smartphones, Wearable Computing
- Glass and, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- Glass pairing with, Glass Isn’t Necessarily Bound to Your Phone
- smartwatches, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
- social norms, software respecting, What Does It Mean to Think for Glass?
- social, Glass as, Glass Is Naturally Social
- societal issues with Glass, Societal Issues with Glass and How to Avoid Them in Your Projects–What Glass Isn’t
- aesthetics, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
- analytics, Issue #6: Glass Analytics
- augmented reality, Issue #5: Augmented Reality
- business of producing Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware
- facial recognition, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
- privacy, Issue #1: Privacy
- regulatory environment and public policy, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
- using Glass while driving, Issue #3: Using Glass While Driving
- what Glass isn’t, What Glass Isn’t
- Society of Glass Enthusiasts (SoGE), Glass Is Naturally Social
- sourceItemId, Keeping in Contact
- sourceItemId property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- SpannableString class, Creating Rich Text
- spatial depth for prism display, The Science Behind the Projection
- speakable text, setting, Don’t Neglect Audio
- speakableText property, Simple Audio
- specifications, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- Spellista, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
- Sports template, HTML: Even More Style
- SSL certificates, Preparing Your Project
- subscriptions and, Listen Up!
- Stanford MedicineX series of Hangouts On Air, Glass in Medicine and Education
- Start a timer (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- static cards, Live Cards
- in hybrid applications, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- manipulating programmatically, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- major difference from live cards, Live Cards
- Stickman Ventures, Justin Ribeiro, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
- Stop command, Live Cards
- Stopwatch app, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- Strava’s fitness apps, Less Is More
- streamlining workflows and business processes, Streamlining Operations
- styles
- defining custom style and using as them for menu activities, Testing Native Glass Applications
- using built-in styles, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
- styling
- for lists, HTML: Even More Style
- options for, HTML: Even More Style
- using style rules in Glass, HTML: Even More Style
- subscription proxy, Listen Up!
- subscriptions, Components of the Mirror API, Listen Up!
- adding with Subscriptions.insert method, Listen Up!
- Mirror API documentation on, callbackUrl
- responding to subscription pings, Responding to Subscription Pings
- security, Listen Up!
- simple callbacks and how to handle them, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- subscribing to locale changes, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
- to location events, Where Do You Think I Am?
- Subscriptions.collection property, Where Do You Think I Am?
- swiping/tapping on the trackpad, Actions, Not Apps
- synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
- system intents, System Intents
- bridged notifications, System Intents
- documentation on, System Intents
- tables
- HTML tables, data on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- not using for absolute positioning of columns in HTML, HTML: Even More Style
- Take a note (voice command), Voice Commands
- Take a note with (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- taking Glass off, effects on apps, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
- Talkray, Other Contextual Signals
- technical specifications, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
- telemedicine, use of Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
- telemetry applications, using Glass, Glass in Medicine and Education
- telephony device, Glass as, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction, Glass Isn’t Necessarily Bound to Your Phone
- templates
- built-in, using for Glassware, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
- Google Mirror API Playground, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- images in, What About Images?
- layout templates for GDK apps, Testing Native Glass Applications
- list of templates available through CardBuilder, Other Neat Templates
- text
- creating rich text in GDK apps, Creating Rich Text
- formatting for cards in GDK apps, Basic Text Formatting
- formatting on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- Glass convenience classes for, HTML: Even More Style
- in GDK app TITLE layout, Other Neat Templates
- mixing colors instead of font sizes on cards, HTML: Even More Style
- size in cards
- auto-sizing, HTML: Even More Style
- sizes defined by Glass, HTML: Even More Style
- TEXT layout in GDK apps, applying images to, Using Icons
- text property, Simple Audio
- text-small class, Basic Text Formatting
- TEXT_FIXED layout, Basic Text Formatting
- themes, Testing Native Glass Applications, Peripherals/Accessories
- Think for Glass, A New (R)evolution in Computing, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
- aesthetics, Think for Glass
- augmented reality, Think for Glass
- driving while using Glass, Think for Glass
- facial recognition issues, Think for Glass
- meaning of, What Does It Mean to Think for Glass?
- privacy concerns, Think for Glass
- regulatory environment and public policy, Think for Glass
- what Glass isn’t, What Glass Isn’t
- Thurz Sports Glassware, Thuuz Sports Lets You Know What’s Hot
- time zone, determining from user’s location, Setting Things Straight
- timeline, Using the System
- and application code, running in separate processes, Installed Apps Running on Glass
- bundles on, Bundles of Fun
- CRUD operations on, Oh, CRUD…
- events as building blocks of, Events: The Building Blocks of the Glass Timeline
- events related to, working with, Components of the Mirror API
- immersions and, Immersions
- information and events in, Using the System
- location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
- UI and cards in, Actions, Not Apps
- timeline cards (see cards)
- Timeline object
- documentation, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- html property, HTML: Even More Style
- list of methods, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- property names and descriptions, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
- reference documentation for, Going Beyond the Playground
- Timeline.attachments, Share Contacts
- Timeline.attachments.contentUrl, Share Contacts
- Timeline.attachments.insert method, Media Matters
- Timeline.delete method, Custom Menu Items
- Timeline.get method, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- Timeline.insert method, Going Beyond the Playground
- Timeline.list method, Keeping in Contact
- Timeline.menuItems.action property, The Share Menu Item
- Timeline.patch method, Custom Menu Items, Keeping in Contact
- Timeline.recipients property, Working with Mosaics, Keeping in Contact, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
- Timeline.speakableText property, Don’t Neglect Audio
- Timeline.text property, Don’t Neglect Audio
- Timeline.update method, Custom Menu Items, Keeping in Contact
- Timeline.userActions.type, Share Contacts
- Timer app, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
- Timer Glassware, The Exceptions Make the Rule
- timestamps
- Locations.timestamp, Where Do You Think I Am?
- on timeline cards, HTML: Even More Style
- setting timestamp field on cards in GDK apps, Basic Text Formatting
- Tinder app, Google Search
- Titanium Collection of custom-built frames, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
- TITLE layout, combining icon, images, and text in, Other Neat Templates
- Tits & Glass, MiKandi Takes Glassware into the Bedroom…Then Pivots to Keep it There–Going Forward, Pushing the Envelope
- TOGGLE PINNED menu item, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- tools for Glass design, Tactical Wearable Design
- touchpad
- manipulating timeline with, Using the System
- on Glass, The Science Behind the Projection
- touchpad API in GDK, The GDK Object Model
- Translate this (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
- trigger phrases, selecting, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
- turn-by-turn directions, It Was Native All Along!
- Twitter, What Do You Want? Information
- Twitter Glassware, Twitter, Glass Is Naturally Social
- adding captions to shared resources, Share Contacts
- effective redesign of more complex web UI, Twitter
- multiple custom menu items, Twitter
- tracking state changes in menu items, Twitter
- Web-controlled curation of user’s social stream, Twitter
- UbiTech NYC, Glass Is Naturally Social
- UI
- Glass, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
- minimalism in design and data brevity with high impact, Tactical Wearable Design
- prefab templates and styles for, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
- wearer’s environment as part of, Noble Truth 5: Build for People
- Umano built Glassware, Don’t Neglect Audio
- unexpected, avoiding, Noble Truth 4: Avoid the Unexpected
- UNPIN action, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- updates for Glassware, Updating Releases, Versioning, and Crash Reports
- user configuration settings, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- user IDs, What Do You Want? Information, userToken
- userActions.payload, Custom Menu Items
- userActions.type, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them, Voice Commands
- userinfo.email scope, What Do You Want? Information
- userinfo.profile scope, What Do You Want? Information
- userToken, userToken, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- values property (menu items), Simple Event Actions
- verifyToken, verifyToken, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
- videos
- challenges for Glass, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
- first-person, Content Creation in a POV World
- inability to share via Twitter Glassware, Twitter
- recording, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
- voice command for, Glass Is a Great Listener
- streamed, on-demand, Mirror API
- Viewfinder application, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
- views, A View to a Card–When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
- CardBuilder object instantiated directly as, Basic Text Formatting
- custom layouts, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
- managing with CardScrollAdapter, Other Neat Templates
- supported by live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- View object, A View to a Card
- ViewTube for Glass, Two Flavors of Live Cards
- Vignette Postcards, Vignettes
- vignettes, Vignettes
- virtual pet for Glass, Glass for Gaming
- Vodo Glassware, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
- real-time collaboration, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
- VOICE CALL menu item, Keeping in Contact
- voice commands, Actions, Not Apps, Glass Is a Great Listener
- appropriate use in user’s environment, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
- as of Explorer Edition, Glass Is a Great Listener
- configuring in GDK, Configuring Voice Commands
- conflicts in, Configuring Voice Commands
- contacts added by calling Contacts.insert, Share Contacts
- default, deviation from, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
- for share contacts, Voice Commands–Voice Commands
- getting directions, Glass Is a Great Listener
- Google’s control over, With Voice Commands, Google Has the Final Word
- languages and, Location Becomes Localization
- launching Glassware or services, Glass Is a Great Listener
- matching across other platforms, Configuring Voice Commands
- official list of, Configuring Voice Commands
- searches, Google Search
- sending messages, Glass Is a Great Listener
- taking pictures or videos, Glass Is a Great Listener
- voice controls, Using the System
- voice print analysis, Think for Glass
- voice triggers, supported, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
- VoiceTriggers.Command enumeration, Configuring Voice Commands
- wearable computing, Forging Glass
- with Glass, Welcome to Wearable Computing!
- wearable computing devices
- greater design goal of, Google Search
- interactivity, Card Actions and Subscriptions
- tactical wearable design, Tactical Wearable Design
- WearScript, Writing Native Code for Glass, Give Me JavaScript, or Give Me…
- weather monitoring applications, Context FTW
- web browser (Glass), System Intents
- web services, OAuth2 for authorization, OAuth: IDs and Secrets
- web stack, using to produce native apps on Glass, Writing Native Code for Glass
- web-based configuration, Provide Web-Based Configuration
- Windows systems, Glass drivers for, Writing Native Code for Glass
- Wink feature, using to take pictures, Glass Is a Great Listener
- Winkfeed, Notify Responsibly, What Do You Want? Information
- footer information, HTML: Even More Style
- winking (input mechanism), Actions, Not Apps
- Winky, The GDK
- workout software for wearables, LynxFit, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head