

accelerometer, Actions, Not Apps
acceptCommands attribute (Contacts), Voice Commands
acceptTypesproperty, Share Contacts
access tokens, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, userToken
expired, replacing, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
including as part of HTTPS Authorization header, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
accessibility, Glass for, Accessibility
accessories for Glass, Peripherals/Accessories
Accessory Development Kit (ADK), Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
access_type parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
AccountManager object, Authentication
using for other types of configuration, Authentication
Accounts resource, Authentication
actions, Card Actions and Subscriptions
custom menu items, Custom Menu Items
simple event actions, Simple Event Actions
subscriptions and, Listen Up!
thinking in actions, not apps, Actions, Not Apps, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
Activity object, Other Neat Templates
activity recognition, Other Contextual Signals
Activity.onCreate method, Basic Text Formatting
ADB (Android Debug Bridge), The DIY Movement: When the Status Quo Just Isn’t Good Enough
adult content on Glass, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
issues with Glass, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
current state of, Where Are We Now?
designing to avoid criticism, Think for Glass
of the headset, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
align-justify class, HTML: Even More Style
alignment for text, HTML: Even More Style
All Notes notebook, Twitter
Allthecooks Recipes, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
current state of Glass analytics, Where Are We Now?
for your Glassware, App Analytics
implications for Glass development, Think for Glass
metrics on wearables, The Glass Ceiling—Your Project’s Quota
societal issues with Glass analytics, Issue #6: Glass Analytics
Android applications, Forging Glass
sideloading on Glass, Sideloading Android Apps on Glass
writing in Java, The GDK
Android Debug Bridge (ADB), The DIY Movement: When the Status Quo Just Isn’t Good Enough
Android Developers documentation, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
Android Native Development Kit, Installed Apps Running on Glass
Android Open Accessory protocol, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
Android OS, Glass and, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
Android Screen Monitor, connected to Glass, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
Android SDK
Glass Development Kit (GDK) components from, What Is the GDK?
synchronization tools, Synchronization Across Platforms
Android services, Two Flavors of Live Cards
Android Studio, Tactical Wearable Design, What Is the GDK?
setting up Glassware project on, Writing Native Code for Glass
Android Wear
and the personal network, Other Contextual Signals
design principles, Targeting Microinteractions
Glass and, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device, Android Wear
Glass versus, Using the System
Glassware and apps driven by, Glass for Gaming
PayPal app for, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
voice actions for, Configuring Voice Commands
android.text.HTML.fromHTML method, Creating Rich Text
Android@Home initiative, Home Integration
AndroidManifest.xml file, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!), Configuring Voice Commands
animation, Testing Native Glass Applications
API Console versus Developers Console, Preparing Your Project
API Explorer, Going Beyond the Playground
.APK files, Writing Native Code for Glass
App Inventor, What Is the GDK?
App Statistics dashboard, App Analytics
application model, The Glass Application Model
programs built using Glass Development Kit (GDK), Glass Development Kit (GDK)
programs built using Mirror API, Mirror API
application preferences, Provide Web-Based Configuration
appointment reminders from Google Now, Google Now
apps, servers versus, Life on the Server Side
AR (see augmented reality)
archival storage of Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware
Arduino, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
article tags, HTML: Even More Style
auto-paginate class, Bundles of Fun
cover-only class, Bundles of Fun
map within, Rendering an In-Card Map
section and footer elements in, HTML: Even More Style
separating content into multiple cards, Bundles of Fun selector class, What About Images?
Timeline.attachments collection, Components of the Mirror API
to email, need for Glass improvement in, Gmail
to timeline items, Media Matters
sharing, Share Contacts
audio-only files attached to timeline items, not supported, Share Contacts
card contents read aloud, Simple Audio
importance in Glass design, Don’t Neglect Audio
notifications, Simple Audio
Augmate, Streamlining Operations
augmented reality, Issue #5: Augmented Reality
current state of, Glass and, Where Are We Now?
Glass becoming leading contender as AR client, Think for Glass
unrealistic expectations for Glass, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
authentication, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
authenticated URL fetch, Share Contacts
GDK apps, Authentication
authorization, OAuth: IDs and Secrets, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
(see also OAuth)
processing authorization code (or error), Will You Come and Join the Dance?
Authorization header (HTTPS), Will You Come and Join the Dance?
Authorized JavaScript origins field, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
Authorized Redirect URI field, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
auto-overflow class, Bundles of Fun
auto-paginate class, Bundles of Fun


background images, What About Images?
mosaics, Working with Mosaics
bandwidth, avoiding excessive use of, Don’t Be a Bandwidth Hog
banking industry, Glass and, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
battery life and Glass usage, How Glass Gets Audio into Your Ear
battery-safe programming with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
immersions’ demands on, Immersions
Blippar framework, Think for Glass
bold text on cards, HTML: Even More Style
bone conduction transducers, How Glass Gets Audio into Your Ear
bounce rate for Glass content, Where Are We Now?
bridged notifications, System Intents
brightness of the display, Actions, Not Apps
Brivo Labs, OKDoor Glassware, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
bundleId property, Bundles of Fun, Keeping in Contact
bundles, Using the System, Notify Responsibly, Bundles of Fun
applying auto-paginate class, Bundles of Fun
default ordering in Glass, Bundles of Fun
duplicating features of bundled cards in GDK apps, Other Neat Templates
isBundleCover timeline item property, Bundles of Fun
sample card for, Bundles of Fun
typical flow, Bundles of Fun
using a cover card, Bundles of Fun
business of producing Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware
businesses, use of Glass in the workplace, Corporate Glass
BYOD (bring your own device) concept, Corporate Glass


callbackUrl (Subscriptions.insert), callbackUrl
camera, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
indicating in use, Think for Glass
limitations of, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
shutter button control, It Was Native All Along!
voice actions with, Glass Is a Great Listener
canceling in-process actions, Delete Versus Dismiss
Canvas, What Is the GDK?
CAPTION layout, applying images to, Using Icons
captions, adding to shared resources, Share Contacts
card-based metaphor, Glass UI, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
CardBuilder class, A View to a Card
CardBuilder.addImage method, Working with Mosaics
CardBuilder.Layout enumeration, A View to a Card
CardBuilder.Layout templates, Other Neat Templates
CardBuilder.Layout.AUTHOR template, Ellipses and Excess Content
CardBuilder.Layout.COLUMNS, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
using icons, Using Icons
CardBuilder.Layout.COLUMNS_FIXED, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
CardBuilder.Layout.TEXT template, Basic Text Formatting
CardBuilder.Layout.TEXT_FIXED template, Basic Text Formatting
CardBuilder.Layout.TITLE template, Other Neat Templates
CardBuilder.Layout_CAPTION template, Using Icons
actions, Card Actions and Subscriptions
and subscriptions, Listen Up!
custom menu items, Custom Menu Items
simple event actions, Simple Event Actions
always testing on Glass, Keeping in Contact
automatic deletion of older cards, Delete Versus Dismiss
bundling, Notify Responsibly
Contact object, Keeping in Contact
design, official templates for, Tactical Wearable Design
footer area in, using, Google+
layout, Targeting Microinteractions
live cards in GDK apps, Live CardsTwo Flavors of Live Cards
live versus static, ordering of, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
master copy in your database, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
pinned, Using the System
security and, Event Security: Google the Bouncer
working with, Working with Timeline CardsOh, CRUD…
audio, Simple Audio
bundles, Bundles of Fun
CRUD operations, Oh, CRUD…
footer, HTML: Even More Style
going beyond Mirror API Playground, Going Beyond the Playground
Hello, World!, Glass-style, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style“Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
HTML, HTML: Even More StyleHTML: Even More Style
images, What About Images?Working with Mosaics
JSON representation, viewing, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
media attachments to timeline items, Media Matters
rendering an in-card map, Rendering an In-Card MapRendering an In-Card Map
updating previously-inserted cards, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
using Playground to prototype and test, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
CardScrollAdapter object, Other Neat Templates
CardScrollView, Basic Text Formatting, Other Neat Templates
CardScrollView.setOnItemClickListener, Other Neat Templates
changelog, Packages
CharSequence, Basic Text Formatting
Chromecast, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
Glass and, Chromecast and Home Entertainment
Glass integration with, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
LynxFit integration with, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
Chrome’s Developer Tools, Life on the Server Side
classes (GDK), The GDK Object Model
client_id parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
client_secret parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
cloud computing
designing for the cloud, Design for the Cloud
not fully utilizing, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
cloud-based services, Forging Glass
Mirror API programs, Mirror API
code parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
collaboration Glassware, Vodo, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
collection parameter (Subscriptions.insert), collection
collection property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
locations, for Subscriptions, Where Do You Think I Am?
color options, Glass frame, Where Are We Now?
for text on cards, HTML: Even More Style
Glass headset, Which Hue Is for You?
mixing for text instead of font sizes, HTML: Even More Style
searching by, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
ColorSnap Glassware, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
absolute positioning, HTML: Even More Style
columnar layouts in GDK, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
layout classes in CSS, HTML: Even More Style namespace, The GDK Object Model
communities (Glass), Glass Is Naturally Social
Concur Glassware, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
configuration, web-based, providing, Provide Web-Based Configuration
CONFIRMED state, Custom Menu Items
Contact object, Keeping in Contact
contacts, Components of the Mirror API
share, The Share Menu ItemShare Contacts
voice commands targeting, Voice CommandsVoice Commands
Contacts collection, Keeping in Contact
Contacts.acceptCommands, Voice Commands
Contacts.insert method, Share Contacts
containers for data, Two Flavors of Live Cards
avoiding gotchas in, Content
content creation in POV world, Content Creation in a POV World
Glass as content creation utility, What Glass Isn’t
contentUrl, Share Contacts
contextual commands, Configuring Voice Commands
contextual information, Google Now, Context FTW, Context Is King: Using Location and Other SignalsContext and the Future
environments of users, tailoring Glass design around, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
future uses of, Context and the Future
in vignettes, Vignettes
location and localization, Location Becomes Localization
location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
location services, enabling, Enabling Location
making user’s real-life activities core part of application experience, Google Now
other than location, Other Contextual Signals
subscribing to locale changes, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
time zone for user’s location, Setting Things Straight
tracking with Google Now, Google Now
wearer’s environment as part of Glass UI, Noble Truth 5: Build for People
cooking assistant, KitchMe Glassware, KitchMe’s Glassware Is Simply Delicious
core design principles (see design principles, core)
corporate Glass, Corporate Glass
cover-only class, Bundles of Fun
crash reports for Glassware, Updating Releases, Versioning, and Crash Reports
creator attribute, timeline items, Keeping in Contact
credentials (OAuth), Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
CrowdOptic, crowdsourced broadcasting model, CrowdOptic: Crowdsourced Broadcasting
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
base CSS styles for Glass, HTML: Even More Style, Basic Text Formatting
built-in layout classes, HTML: Even More Style
formatting options, CSS classes, CSS selectors, and inline styles, HTML: Even More Style
using with HTML for cards, HTML: Even More Style
CUSTOM menuItem action, Custom Menu Items


Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), Writing Native Code for Glass
data analysis, using Glass for, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
data stores, Preparing Your Project
for Mirror API projects, The Even Bigger Picture
DateUtil class, Basic Text Formatting
Dawn Data, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
Debug Mode, Writing Native Code for Glass
DEFAULT state (menu item actions), Custom Menu Items
DELETE menu item, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them, Custom Menu Items
PENDING and CONFIRMED states, Custom Menu Items
deleting versus dismissing items in Glass, Delete Versus Dismiss
design principles, core, The Five Noble Truths of Great Glassware Design
advocating multitasking, Advocate Multitasking
Avoid the unexpected, Noble Truth 4: Avoid the Unexpected
error handling, Error Handling
in content, Content
not hogging bandwidth, Don’t Be a Bandwidth Hog
performance, Performance
permissions, Permissions
surprises, pleasant, Surprises Should Be Pleasant Surprises
synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
Build for people, Noble Truth 5: Build for People
design for Glass, Noble Truth 1: Design for Glass
audio, Don’t Neglect Audio
deleting versus dismissing items, Delete Versus Dismiss
providing web-based configuration, Provide Web-Based Configuration
tactical wearable design, Tactical Wearable Design
targeting microinteractions, Targeting Microinteractions
Don’t get in the way, Noble Truth 2: Don’t Get in the Way
exceptions, The Exceptions Make the Rule
less is more, Less Is More
notifications, Notify Responsibly
issue commands, don’t start apps, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
Keep it relevant, Noble Truth 3: Keep It Relevant, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
contextual information, Context FTW
quickness of delivery, How Soon Is Now?
targeting microinteractions, Targeting Microinteractions
design, Glass design rivaling Apple products, Actions, Not Apps
designing for Glass, Noble Truth 1: Design for GlassProvide Web-Based Configuration
avoiding poor design, Glassware Antipatterns: Avoiding Poor DesignChoosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
choosing wrong development framework for Glassware, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
Glass not necessarily bound to your phone, Glass Isn’t Necessarily Bound to Your Phone
improperly implementing ideas for Glass experience, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
not fully utilizing cloud computing, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
not using prism display for complicated reports, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
overloading the system and wearer, Overloading the System AND the Wearer
sticking to prefab templates and styles, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
thinking in actions, not apps, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
treating Glass like any mobile device, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
unrealistic expections for augmented reality and gaming, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
using default voice commands, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
design patterns, official documentation, Tactical Wearable Design
designing for the cloud, Design for the Cloud
glanceable layouts and structure they imply, Working with Mosaics
Gmail Glassware, Gmail
adding value by omission, Gmail
design takeaways, Gmail
Google+ Glassware, Google+
areas needing improvement, Google+
design takeaways, Google+
greater goal of wearable design, Google Search
outstanding examples, Glass as Personal Technology
outstanding Glassware, design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
Think for Glass mindset, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
Twitter Glassware, Twitter
design takeaways, Twitter
developer groups, Glass Is Naturally Social
Developer Policies, Think for Glass
gotchas for developers, Gotchas
developer settings, Testing Native Glass Applications
Developers Console, Preparing Your Project, Going Beyond the Playground
API Console versus, Preparing Your Project
App Statistics dashboard, App Analytics
metrics on wearables, The Glass Ceiling—Your Project’s Quota
obtaining Client ID information from, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
development frameworks, Mirror API
(see also Glass Development Kit; Mirror API)
choosing wrong framework for Glassware project, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
getting with voice actions, Glass Is a Great Listener
turn-by-turn directions, Don’t Neglect Audio
Dismiss menu item, Custom Menu Items
PENDING and CONFIRMED states, Custom Menu Items
dismissing versus deleting in Glass, Delete Versus Dismiss
displayName property (Contacts), Share Contacts
div element, using for absolute positioning of columns, HTML: Even More Style
documentation, reference, for Mirror API methods, Going Beyond the Playground
DriveSafe app, Think for Glass
driving, using Glass and, Issue #3: Using Glass While Driving, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
current state of concerns, Where Are We Now?


Eclipse, Tactical Wearable Design
education, Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
indicating more content in GDK cards, Ellipses and Excess Content
indicating more text in Gmail Glassware card, Gmail
email scope, What Do You Want? Information
Emotient, Think for Glass
error handling, Error Handling
considerations for Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
events, Events: The Building Blocks of the Glass Timeline
adding menu items to an event, Simple Event Actions
location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
location, suscribing to, Where Do You Think I Am?
related to the timeline, working with, Components of the Mirror API
security for, Event Security: Google the Bouncer
Evernote, Glassware, Twitter, Glass Is Naturally Social
eyeFlame built Glassware, Context FTW


Facebook, multiple scope URLs, What Do You Want? Information
facial recognition, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
current state of, Where Are We Now?
designing to avoid problems with, Think for Glass
NameTag app, NameTag Launches Headfirst into Facial Recognition
Factory reset option (Settings), It Was Native All Along!
Fancy Glassware, Error Handling, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
fashion, issues with wearing Glass, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
Field Trip Glassware, Think for Glass, Context FTW
figure tags, mosiac list in, Working with Mosaics
filtered data streams, Gmail Glassware, Gmail
financial services industry, Glass and, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
first-person perspective, content creation and, Content Creation in a POV World
Five Noble Truths (see design principles, core)
footer element, HTML: Even More Style
footers (timeline cards), HTML: Even More Style
adding a gradient, What About Images?
forced perspective, The Science Behind the Projection
form factor, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
frames, custom, for prescription glasses, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?


GAE (Google App Engine), Preparing Your Project
GlassFrogger, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
unrealistic expectations for Glass, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
using Glass, Glass for GamingGlass for Gaming
virtual pet for Glass, Glass for Gaming
GDK (see Glass Development Kit)
Genie Glassware, Genie: The Swiss Army Knife of Glassware
Get directions (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener, It Was Native All Along!
GlassFrogger code on, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
OpenGL demo, code repo, What Is the GDK?
Glanceable UI, Targeting Microinteractions
glanceable layouts and structure they imply, Working with Mosaics
Android Wear versus, Using the System
for gaming, Glass for GamingGlass for Gaming
future of, Reflections on the FutureIn Closing
accessibility, Accessibility
Android Wear, Android Wear
Chromecast and home entertainment, Chromecast and Home Entertainment
corporate Glass, Corporate Glass
hardware hacking and Internet of Things, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
home integration, Home Integration
in medicine and education, Glass in Medicine and Education
peripherals/accessories, Peripherals/Accessories
streamlining operations, Streamlining Operations
hacking, Hacking GlassLiving on the Bleeding Edge
mirroring what is available on other platforms, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
removing from the head, effects on apps, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
using the system, Using the System
Glass Asset Studio, Custom Menu Items
Glass Creative Collective, Glass in Medicine and Education
Glass Development Kit (GDK), Glass Development Kit (GDK), The GDKSo Which Framework Is for Me?
advantages of using, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
authentication, Authentication
choosing between Mirror API and, So Which Framework Is for Me?
configuring voice commands, Configuring Voice Commands
developers mistakenly using instead of Mirror API, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
differences from Mirror API, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
documentation, Testing Native Glass Applications
drawing and animation, What Is the GDK?
Glassware built against, design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
Glassware shipping with Glass, It Was Native All Along!
Google approval of Glassware built on, The Review Process
Google’s control over voice commands, With Voice Commands, Google Has the Final Word
hybrid Glassware, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
installed apps running on Glass, Installed Apps Running on Glass
Mirror API and, Installed Apps Running on Glass
object model, The GDK Object Model
On-Head Detection feature, halting running apps, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
overview of, What Is the GDK?
add-on, components to work with Glass UI, What Is the GDK?
basic components from Android SDK, What Is the GDK?
porting existing apps to Glass, not recommended, Porting Existing Apps to Glass: DON’T
system intents, System Intents
testing native Glass apps, Testing Native Glass Applications
tools for rapid design, More Tools for Rapid Design
updating releases, versioning, and crash reports, Updating Releases, Versioning, and Crash Reports
user interface elements of apps
immersions, Immersions
live cards, User Interface Elements of GDK AppsTwo Flavors of Live Cards
view to a card, A View to a Card
basic text formatting, Basic Text Formatting
columnar layouts and mosaics, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
creating rich text, Creating Rich Text
creating your own layouts, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
ellipses and excess content, Ellipses and Excess Content
other neat templates, Other Neat Templates
using icons, Using Icons
writing native code for Glass, Writing Native Code for Glass
Glass ecosystem
how it is different, The Glass Ecosystem: What It Is and How It Is Different
platform, not a product, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
techical specifications (as of Explorer Edition), Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
timeline and application code running in completely separate processes, Installed Apps Running on Glass
what it isn’t, What Glass Isn’t
Glass Frogger, Glass for Gaming, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
Glass Hunt, Glass for Gaming
Glass Platform Developer Policies, Think for Glass, Submitting Your Glassware
Glass sync, Forging Glass
glass.location scope, Location as Part of Timeline Events
GlassCopter, Glass for Gaming
Glassentation, Overloading the System AND the Wearer
Glassware, The Glass Application Model
authorization, Security and OAuth
built using Glass Development Kit (GDK), Glass Development Kit (GDK)
built using Google Mirror API, Mirror API
business of producing, The Business of Producing Glassware
case studies from the field, Glassware Done Right: Case Studies from the FieldGlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
CrowdOptic, CrowdOptic: Crowdsourced Broadcasting
Fancy and ColorSnap, colorful queries, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
Genie, Genie: The Swiss Army Knife of Glassware
GlassFrogger, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
KitchMe, KitchMe’s Glassware Is Simply Delicious
LynxFit, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
MiKandi, MiKandi Takes Glassware into the Bedroom…Then Pivots to Keep it ThereGoing Forward, Pushing the Envelope
NameTag and facial recognition, NameTag Launches Headfirst into Facial Recognition
Preview, Preview: The Latest Movie Trailers Are Just a Glance Away
Thurz Sports, Thuuz Sports Lets You Know What’s Hot
Vodo, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
choosing wrong development framework for your project, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
getting listed on MyGlass, Getting on MyGlass: Glassware Submission, Review, and DistributionThe Review Process
launching via voice commands, Glass Is a Great Listener
making money from, Monetization
native apps shipping with Glass, It Was Native All Along!
official listing, Societal Issues with Glass and How to Avoid Them in Your Projects
outstanding examples of, Glass as Personal Technology
design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
Evernote, Twitter
Gmail, Gmail
Google+, Google+
Twitter, Twitter
primary entry points for, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
review of, The Objective of Glassware Review
submitting for review by Google, Making Your Awesome Glassware Even More Awesome
timing your release of, Timing Your Release
Glassware Flow Designer, Tactical Wearable Design, More Tools for Rapid Design, A View to a Card
Glassware Launch Checklist, Submitting Your Glassware
Glassware Review Request, Submit!
GlassWireframe, More Tools for Rapid Design
global distribution of Glass, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
Gmail Glassware, Gmail, Synchronization Across Platforms
delivery of messages from Important folder only, Gmail
design takeaways, Gmail
organizing conversation threads into distinct bundles, Gmail
GolfSight app, Immersions
OAuth URL, base, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
review process for Glassware, Making Your Awesome Glassware Even More Awesome
Google Analytics
integration with Glass, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
integration with Glass cloud-based serivces, Think for Glass
Google APIs, use by Mirror API projects, The Even Bigger Picture
Google App Engine (GAE), Preparing Your Project
Google Apps Script (GAS), Life on the Server Side
Google Cast API, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
Google Cloud Endpoints, Design for the Cloud
Google Cloud Messaging for Android, The High-Level View
Google Cloud Platform, Design for the Cloud
information about, Preparing Your Project
Google Developer Groups, Glass Is Naturally Social
Google Developers Console, Life on the Server Side, Preparing Your Project, Going Beyond the Playground
App Statistics dashboard, App Analytics
Google Developers site, The Five Noble Truths of Great Glassware Design
Google Drive, collaboration for users working in, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
Google Goggles, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
Google Mirror API (see Mirror API)
Google Mirror API Playground (see Mirror API Playground)
Google Now, Google Now
Google Play Services, GDK apps and, Think for Glass, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
Google Search on Glass, Google SearchGoogle Search
Google+, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
driving force behind this book, Google+
enabled on Glass, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
Glassware, Google+
location services moved to, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
Google+ API, What Do You Want? Information
people.get method, What Do You Want? Information
Google+ Glassware, Glass Is Naturally Social
design issues, room for improvement, Google+
GPOP, Peripherals/Accessories
GPS, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
resource-intensity of checking for signals, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
gradient, adding to a timeline card footer, What About Images?
grant_type, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
graphical data (complex), not using Glass for, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
free tools for, Custom Menu Items
in GDK apps, Testing Native Glass Applications
gyroscope, Actions, Not Apps


h1 and h2 tags, keeping everything on one line, What About Images?
hacking Glass, Hacking GlassLiving on the Bleeding Edge
JavaScript, Give Me JavaScript, or Give Me…
rooting your headset, Officially Unofficial: Rooting Your Headset
sharing your screen, Sharing Your Screen
sideloading Android apps on Glass, Sideloading Android Apps on Glass
Hangouts Glassware
example of hybrid Glassware, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
messaging via, Glass Is a Great Listener
mosaics in, Working with Mosaics
synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
virtual tour of CERN via, Glass in Medicine and Education
Happy Aquarium, Glass for Gaming
hardware hacking, Glass and, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
head movement gestures, Actions, Not Apps, Accessibility
head-mounted display (HMD), Forging Glass
evolution of, What You See and What You Get
modular bundle of technology in, What You See and What You Get
healthcare, Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
high-frequency rendering, Two Flavors of Live Cards
home automation applications, Context FTW
home entertainment, using Glass, Chromecast and Home Entertainment
home integration, using Glass for, Home Integration
home screen, Using the System
(see also timeline)
hosting for Mirror API services, Life on the Server Side
Google App Engine (GAE), Preparing Your Project
hostnames, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
formatting for scientific notation, HTML: Even More Style
Glass convenience classes for text, HTML: Even More Style
images, What About Images?
lists, formatting for Glass, HTML: Even More Style
tabular data on cards, HTML: Even More Style
tags accepted for timeline cards, HTML: Even More Style
using with CSS for cards, HTML: Even More Style
HTML.fromHTML method, Creating Rich Text
HTTP, Life on the Server Side
for events sent to Glass, The High-Level View
HTTP services, Mirror API, Provide Web-Based Configuration
HTTPS, Preparing Your Project
Glassware making HTTPS calls to Google API server, How Your Server Talks with Google
HTTPS Authorization header, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
human-computer interaction (HCI)
further progress with Glass, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
reinvention of, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
hybrid Glassware, It Was Native All Along!, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
GlassFrogger, GlassFrogger: Hybrid Glassware Using the Browser
Hybrid Mosaic template, What About Images?


icon-small class, What About Images?
icons, What About Images?
in columnar layouts on GDK cards, Using Icons
in GDK app TITLE layout, Other Neat Templates
in GDK apps, Using Icons
id (sharing contacts), Share Contacts
IDEs (integrated development environments), Tactical Wearable Design, What Is the GDK?
working with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
applying to TEXT layout in GDK app, Using Icons
geotagging of, Location as Part of Timeline Events
in GDK apps, Using Icons
in TITLE layout, GDK app, Other Neat Templates
mosaics on GDK app cards, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
on cards, What About Images?
on timeline cards
background photos, What About Images?
list-based layouts and figure layouts, Working with Mosaics
mosaics, Working with Mosaics
working with medium-sized images, What About Images?
working with small images, What About Images?
optimal density in GDK apps, More Tools for Rapid Design
imageUrls (sharing contacts), Share Contacts
img tags, What About Images?
src attribute, Rendering an In-Card Map
immersions, Glass Development Kit (GDK), The Exceptions Make the Rule, Immersions
apps based on, examples of, So Which Framework Is for Me?
development patterns for, Immersions
dismissing, Immersions
GDK immersions used as gaming stages for Glass, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
native apps unnecessarily built as, leading to negative performance, Immersions
On-Head Detection and, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
summary of characteristics, Immersions
UI dissimilar to timeline motif, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
Incremental Authorization, What Do You Want? Information
Ingress, Glass and, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
input mechanisms, Actions, Not Apps
criticism of Glass, Google Search
designing for fewer steps, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
inReplyTo, Keeping in Contact
INSERT operation, Keeping in Contact
Instagram, multiple scope URLs, What Do You Want? Information
installation, errors encountered during, Error Handling
integrated development environments (see IDEs)
international distribution of Glass, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
internationalization, Google+ Glassware issue with, Google+
Internet of Things, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
IP address
checking against to verify requests, verifyToken
for your server, Preparing Your Project
isBundleCover property, Bundles of Fun
isDeleted, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
isPinned, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
isProcessingContent (Timeline.attachments), Share Contacts
italic text on cards, HTML: Even More Style
itemId property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them


using with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
writing Android applications in, using GDK, The GDK
JavaScript, What Is the GDK?
in Glass, HTML: Even More Style
using on Glass, Give Me JavaScript, or Give Me…
JavaScript Object Notation (see JSON)
JavaScript origins, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), How Your Server Talks with Google
callback body, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
card representation, viewing, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
custom menu item action, Custom Menu Items
for bundled cards, Bundles of Fun
object model for JSON resource, How Your Server Talks with Google
response containing OAuth access token, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
Justinmind Prototyper Pro, More Tools for Rapid Design


Lambda Labs, Face API, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
supporting languages other than English, Things to Think About Before You Submit
voice commands adapted for, Location Becomes Localization
latitude (Locations object), Where Do You Think I Am?
Layar framework, Think for Glass
CardBuilder.Layout enumeration, A View to a Card
CardBuilder.Layout templates, list of, Other Neat Templates
custom, creating for GDK apps, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
layouts supported by live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
templates for, Testing Native Glass Applications
layout classes in CSS, HTML: Even More Style
LinkedIn, multiple scope URLs, What Do You Want? Information
live cards, Live CardsTwo Flavors of Live Cards
apps based on, So Which Framework Is for Me?
as dynamic containers for data, Two Flavors of Live Cards
layouts and views supported, Two Flavors of Live Cards
On-Head Detection and, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
Stop command, Live Cards
summary of characteristics, Immersions
two flavors of, Two Flavors of Live Cards
localization, Location Becomes Localization
considerations for Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
locale settings, Location Becomes Localization
tips for localizing your Glassware, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
Location object, Simple Event Actions
locations, Components of the Mirror API
enabling location services in Glass, Enabling Location
geotagging images, not available in Glass, Location as Part of Timeline Events
localization and, Location Becomes Localization
location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
location services in Glass, immaturity of, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
subscribing to locale changes, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
user location and context, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
uses of location in Glassware, Location as Part of Timeline Events
Locations object, important fields, Where Do You Think I Am?
Locations.get method, Where Do You Think I Am?
longitude (Locations object), Where Do You Think I Am?
Loves Data, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
low-frequency rendering, Two Flavors of Live Cards
LynxCast, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
LynxFit, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
case study, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
using prefab templates and having its own personality, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles


machine-to-machine hardware hacking, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
magnetometer, Actions, Not Apps
Make a call to (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
Make Vignette menu item, Vignettes
Maker Shed, Living on the Bleeding Edge
in navigation system application, Immersions
rendering an in-card map, Rendering an In-Card MapRendering an In-Card Map
marketing channels for Glassware, Marketing Channels
me (user ID), What Do You Want? Information
medicine and education, Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
menuItems property, Simple Audio, Simple Event Actions, Custom Menu Items
adding to events, Simple Event Actions
custom actions as menu items
Gmail Glassware, Gmail
Twitter Glassware, Twitter
custom menu items, Custom Menu Items
keeping track of state of menu items, Twitter
setting values for menu items, Simple Event Actions
TOGGLE PINNED and DELETE menu items, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
using contextual commands for interaction with, Configuring Voice Commands
VOICE CALL menu item, Keeping in Contact
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
creator and recipients, Keeping in Contact
message threads, replies attached to, Keeping in Contact
pinned by users, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
sending via voice actions, Glass Is a Great Listener
microinteractions, What Does It Mean to Think for Glass?, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
and required attentiveness of the wearer, Don’t Neglect Audio
augmented reality (AR) and, Where Are We Now?
emphasizing as core unit of usability for Glass experience, Targeting Microinteractions
MiKandi Glassware, MiKandi Takes Glassware into the Bedroom…Then Pivots to Keep it ThereGoing Forward, Pushing the Envelope
MIME types, Share Contacts
Mini Games Glassware package, Glass for Gaming, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming, What Is the GDK?
Mirror API, Mirror API, Overview of the Mirror APIThe Even Bigger Picture, Context and the Future
advantages over native development, Life on the Server Side
analytics and, Where Are We Now?
body properties versus parameters, Going Beyond the Playground
choosing between GDK and, So Which Framework Is for Me?
components of, Components of the Mirror API
data flow in, The High-Level View
differences from GDK, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
disadvantages of, Life on the Server Side
events, Events: The Building Blocks of the Glass Timeline
examining methods in API Explorer, Going Beyond the Playground
flow of information between Glassware, Google’s cloud, and Glass, The High-Level View
GDK and, Installed Apps Running on Glass
Glassware built with, design takeaways, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
Google approval of Glassware built on, The Review Process
how your server talks to Google, How Your Server Talks with Google
hybrid Glassware, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
maps rendered in 2D map view, Rendering an In-Card Map
perceived as being too limited, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
preparing your project, Preparing Your Project
project quota, The Glass Ceiling—Your Project’s Quota
quota for calls against, Twitter
security, Security and OAuth
servers versus apps, Life on the Server Side
services running on HTTP servers, Provide Web-Based Configuration
subscriptions documentation, callbackUrl
using with cloud computing, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
Mirror API Issue Tracker, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
Mirror API Playground, Tactical Wearable Design, Life on the Server Side, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
going beyond, Going Beyond the Playground
maps not rendered in, Rendering an In-Card Map
previewing prototypes of menu items, Custom Menu Items
testing prototypes, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
working with content, HTML: Even More Style
mirroring, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
mobile applications, design landmarks, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
mobile devices, treating Glass like any other device, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
monetization of Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware, Monetization
mosaics, What About Images?
in GDK apps, Columnar Layouts and Mosaics
working with, Working with Mosaics
movies, optical illusion technique in, The Science Behind the Projection
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
multitasking in Glass, Advocate Multitasking
MyGlass, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
getting on, Getting on MyGlass: Glassware Submission, Review, and DistributionMonetization
advantages of, What MyGlass Gets You
categorical listings, Categorical Listings
factors to think about before submission, Things to Think About Before You Submit
objective of Glassware review, The Objective of Glassware Review
prereview activities, Prereview Activities
review process, The Review Process
submitting your Glassware, Submitting Your Glassware
requesting your Glassware not be listed on, Submitting Your Glassware
use to disable permissions, Disabling (and Reacquiring) Permissions


NameTag app,, Issue #2: Facial Recognition, NameTag Launches Headfirst into Facial Recognition
native Glass development, Installed Apps Running on Glass
(see also Glass Development Kit)
NAVIGATE menu item, Simple Event Actions
navigation system application, Immersions
The New York Times, Glassware, Notify Responsibly
no-border class, HTML: Even More Style
Note from Glass, Twitter
Notification Sync, System Intents
bridged, System Intents
Google+ Glassware, Google+
handling responsibly, Notify Responsibly
synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
Twitter Glassware, Twitter


OAuth, OAuth: IDs and SecretsWAKE UP!!!
credentials, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
geodata, rights to use, Enabling Location
getting user’s identity, Who Are You? I Am the New Number Two
Google’s OAuth provider screen for Glassware, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
Incremental Authorization, What Do You Want? Information
OAuth2, OAuth: IDs and Secrets
steps in authorization process
authorization (and perhaps authentication), Will You Come and Join the Dance?
processing authorization code or error, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
redirection to Google for authorization, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
using (and refreshing) the access token, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
OAuth providers, Mirror API
object model (GDK), The GDK Object Model
packages, The GDK Object Model
object recognition, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
Glassware using, Think for Glass
offline access, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
offline, using Glass, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
OK Glass, Using the System
activating voice interactions with Glass, Glass Is a Great Listener
alternative hotwords, not chosen, Glass Is a Great Listener
voice commands, how they are chosen, Glass Is a Great Listener
OKDoor Glassware, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
On-Head Detection feature, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
onCreate method, A View to a Card
Ongoing Task pattern, Live Cards
onKeyDown method, It Was Native All Along!
OPEN URI menu item, Simple Event Actions, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!), Custom Menu Items
OpenGL, What Is the GDK?
operation property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
optics pod, Actions, Not Apps
avoiding in Glass headset, Performance
Glass failsafe against, It Was Native All Along!
overlay-gradient-short class, Using Icons
overlays, What About Images?


p (paragraph) tags, HTML: Even More Style
icon-small class and text-small, What About Images?
text-auto-size class attribute, HTML: Even More Style
packages (GDK), The GDK Object Model
Pandora Glassware, Two Flavors of Live Cards, Things to Think About Before You Submit
parameters, method parameters versus body properties, Going Beyond the Playground
PENDING state, Custom Menu Items
avoiding overheating of Glass headset, Performance
immersions and, Immersions
of installed apps on Glass hardware, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
of your Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
peripherals/accessories, Peripherals/Accessories
Android permission for custom voice commands, Configuring Voice Commands
detailed information about, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
disabling and recquiring, Disabling (and Reacquiring) Permissions
scopes and, What Do You Want? Information
service-level, for working with user’s data, Permissions
personal area networks, What We’re Bringing to the Table
personal networks, Other Contextual Signals
Android Wear and, Other Contextual Signals
personal technology, Glass as, Glass as Personal Technology
phone calls, making via voice command, Glass Is a Great Listener
PhoneGap, Writing Native Code for Glass
photo editing Glassware, sharing contacts for, Share Contacts
pinned items
not using pinned cards to launch applications, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
ordering of, Winning Glassware Design Takeaways
pinning cards, PIN and UNPIN actions, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
pixel density and screen size, More Tools for Rapid Design
platform-as-a-service providers, Things to Think About Before You Submit
Play a game (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
PLAY VIDEO menu item, Simple Event Actions
plus.login scope, What Do You Want? Information scope, What Do You Want? Information
plus.people.get API, What Do You Want? Information scope, What Do You Want? Information
pornographic content, Glass and, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
porting existing apps to Glass, not recommended, Porting Existing Apps to Glass: DON’T
Post an update (voice command), Twitter, Voice Commands
Post an update to (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
POV cinematography and ad-lib narration, Content Creation in a POV World
power options, Using the System
presentation, Working with Timeline Cards
GDK, unique presentation elements, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
Preview, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Preview: The Latest Movie Trailers Are Just a Glance Away
prism display, Actions, Not Apps
always using as preview monitor when camera is in use, Think for Glass
challenge of small dimensions, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
not using for complicated reports, Don’t Use the Prism Display as a Stage for Complicated Reports
privacy issues, Issue #1: Privacy
current state of, Where Are We Now?
location and, Enabling Location
questionable places for use of Glass, Issue #1: Privacy
profile scope, What Do You Want? Information
programming languages
flexiibility with Mirror API, Life on the Server Side
GDK, using Java, What Is the GDK?
Project ID, Preparing Your Project
Project name (for Mirror API), Preparing Your Project
projection unit, Actions, Not Apps
great consumer of battery charge, Immersions
science behind, The Science Behind the Projection
publish/subscribe model, Mirror API framework, Mirror API


radiation, Glass and, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
rapid design tools, More Tools for Rapid Design
Raspberry Pi, Hardware Hacking and the Internet of Things
READ ALOUD menu item, Simple Event Actions
READ MORE menu item, Simple Event Actions
real-time interactivity, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
recipes archive, KitchMe Glassware, KitchMe’s Glassware Is Simply Delicious
getting from Timeline.recipients property, Working with Mosaics
specified with Timeline.recipients property, Keeping in Contact
Record a video (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
redirect URIs, Who Is Number One? You Are Number Six
redirect_uri parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
reference documentation for API methods, Going Beyond the Playground
referrer logs, Where Are We Now?
regulatory environment, Glass and public policy, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
curent state of, Where Are We Now?
developing within guidelines, Think for Glass
release early, release often, Things to Think About Before You Submit
relevance, emphasizing, Noble Truth 3: Keep It Relevant
location and contextual information, Context Is King: Using Location and Other Signals
remote control for Glass, Actions, Not Apps, Peripherals/Accessories
RemoteViews object, Two Flavors of Live Cards, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
REPLY ALL menu item, Keeping in Contact
voice-entered text and, Keeping in Contact
REPLY menu item, Keeping in Contact, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
voice-entered text and, Keeping in Contact
resources, sharing, Sharing Resources with Glassware, Share Contacts
(see also sharing)
response_type parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
REST, How Your Server Talks with Google
RESTful API versus native SDK debate for Glass, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
unifying the camps, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
RESTful services, crafting with decoupled components, Design for the Cloud
Revolv, home automation work, Home Integration
Ribeiro, Justin, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project, Custom Menu Items
rich text, creating in GDK app, Creating Rich Text


scalability, Things to Think About Before You Submit
scope parameter, Will You Come and Join the Dance?
scopes, OAuth: IDs and Secrets, What Do You Want? Information
getting the bare minimum, What Do You Want? Information
multiple, for Mirror API Glassware, What Do You Want? Information
permission to view user’s location, Enabling Location
reqesting information from the user, What Do You Want? Information
screen size and pixel density, More Tools for Rapid Design
searches, Glass Is a Great Listener
color as query, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
Google Search on Glass, Google SearchGoogle Search
second-screen companion, Thurz Sports, Thuuz Sports Lets You Know What’s Hot
section tags, HTML: Even More Style
div elements in, HTML: Even More Style
security, Security and OAuthWAKE UP!!!
disabling and reacquiring permissions, Disabling (and Reacquiring) Permissions
for events, Event Security: Google the Bouncer
OAuth, OAuth: IDs and Secrets
of your Glassware, Things to Think About Before You Submit
subscriptions, Listen Up!
Send a message to (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
access to Glass sensors, Mirror API
access to, with GDK, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
Android sensors and APIs for interacting with them, How the GDK Differs from the Mirror API
LynxFit access to Glass sensors, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head
on Glass, Actions, Not Apps
for Mirror API projects, Preparing Your Project
how your server talks to Google, How Your Server Talks with Google
versus apps, Life on the Server Side
service accounts, Authentication
Android services driving lifeycle of live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
creating and configuring Google API service object, Authentication
starting at bootup for live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
Debug Mode, Writing Native Code for Glass
Factory reset option, It Was Native All Along!
Glass developer settings, Testing Native Glass Applications
subscribing to Settings collection, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
Settings.get method, Setting Things Straight
SHARE menu item, Twitter, The Share Menu Item
Share voice command, Share Contacts
sharing, Sharing Resources with GlasswareVoice Commands
contacts, Share ContactsShare Contacts
captioning shared resources, Share Contacts
inability to share multiple entities at once, Share Contacts
voice commands, Voice CommandsVoice Commands
sharingFeatures property, Share Contacts
Sherwin-Williams, Fancy and ColorSnap Glassware, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing, Fancy and ColorSnap Leverage Colorful Queries
smartphones, Wearable Computing
Glass and, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
Glass pairing with, Glass Isn’t Necessarily Bound to Your Phone
smartwatches, Treating Glass Like Any Other Mobile Device
social norms, software respecting, What Does It Mean to Think for Glass?
social, Glass as, Glass Is Naturally Social
societal issues with Glass, Societal Issues with Glass and How to Avoid Them in Your ProjectsWhat Glass Isn’t
aesthetics, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
analytics, Issue #6: Glass Analytics
augmented reality, Issue #5: Augmented Reality
business of producing Glassware, The Business of Producing Glassware
facial recognition, Issue #2: Facial Recognition
privacy, Issue #1: Privacy
regulatory environment and public policy, Issue #7: Regulatory Environment—Glass and Public Policy
using Glass while driving, Issue #3: Using Glass While Driving
what Glass isn’t, What Glass Isn’t
Society of Glass Enthusiasts (SoGE), Glass Is Naturally Social
sourceItemId, Keeping in Contact
sourceItemId property, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
SpannableString class, Creating Rich Text
spatial depth for prism display, The Science Behind the Projection
speakable text, setting, Don’t Neglect Audio
speakableText property, Simple Audio
specifications, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
Spellista, Unrealistic Expectations for Augmented Reality and Gaming
Sports template, HTML: Even More Style
SSL certificates, Preparing Your Project
subscriptions and, Listen Up!
Stanford MedicineX series of Hangouts On Air, Glass in Medicine and Education
Start a timer (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
static cards, Live Cards
in hybrid applications, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
manipulating programmatically, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
major difference from live cards, Live Cards
Stickman Ventures, Justin Ribeiro, Choosing the Wrong Development Framework for Your Glassware Project
Stop command, Live Cards
Stopwatch app, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
Strava’s fitness apps, Less Is More
streamlining workflows and business processes, Streamlining Operations
defining custom style and using as them for menu activities, Testing Native Glass Applications
using built-in styles, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
for lists, HTML: Even More Style
options for, HTML: Even More Style
using style rules in Glass, HTML: Even More Style
subscription proxy, Listen Up!
subscriptions, Components of the Mirror API, Listen Up!
adding with Subscriptions.insert method, Listen Up!
Mirror API documentation on, callbackUrl
responding to subscription pings, Responding to Subscription Pings
security, Listen Up!
simple callbacks and how to handle them, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
subscribing to locale changes, Subscribing to Locale Changes Saves API Calls
to location events, Where Do You Think I Am?
Subscriptions.collection property, Where Do You Think I Am?
swiping/tapping on the trackpad, Actions, Not Apps
synchronization across platforms, Synchronization Across Platforms
system intents, System Intents
bridged notifications, System Intents
documentation on, System Intents


HTML tables, data on cards, HTML: Even More Style
not using for absolute positioning of columns in HTML, HTML: Even More Style
Take a note (voice command), Voice Commands
Take a note with (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
taking Glass off, effects on apps, On-Head Detection Halts Running Apps, Too
Talkray, Other Contextual Signals
technical specifications, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction
telemedicine, use of Glass in, Glass in Medicine and Education
telemetry applications, using Glass, Glass in Medicine and Education
telephony device, Glass as, Reinventing Human–Computer Interaction, Glass Isn’t Necessarily Bound to Your Phone
built-in, using for Glassware, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
Google Mirror API Playground, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
images in, What About Images?
layout templates for GDK apps, Testing Native Glass Applications
list of templates available through CardBuilder, Other Neat Templates
creating rich text in GDK apps, Creating Rich Text
formatting for cards in GDK apps, Basic Text Formatting
formatting on cards, HTML: Even More Style
Glass convenience classes for, HTML: Even More Style
in GDK app TITLE layout, Other Neat Templates
mixing colors instead of font sizes on cards, HTML: Even More Style
size in cards
auto-sizing, HTML: Even More Style
sizes defined by Glass, HTML: Even More Style
TEXT layout in GDK apps, applying images to, Using Icons
text property, Simple Audio
text-small class, Basic Text Formatting
TEXT_FIXED layout, Basic Text Formatting
themes, Testing Native Glass Applications, Peripherals/Accessories
Think for Glass, A New (R)evolution in Computing, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
aesthetics, Think for Glass
augmented reality, Think for Glass
driving while using Glass, Think for Glass
facial recognition issues, Think for Glass
meaning of, What Does It Mean to Think for Glass?
privacy concerns, Think for Glass
regulatory environment and public policy, Think for Glass
what Glass isn’t, What Glass Isn’t
Thurz Sports Glassware, Thuuz Sports Lets You Know What’s Hot
time zone, determining from user’s location, Setting Things Straight
timeline, Using the System
and application code, running in separate processes, Installed Apps Running on Glass
bundles on, Bundles of Fun
CRUD operations on, Oh, CRUD…
events as building blocks of, Events: The Building Blocks of the Glass Timeline
events related to, working with, Components of the Mirror API
immersions and, Immersions
information and events in, Using the System
location as part of timeline events, Location as Part of Timeline Events
UI and cards in, Actions, Not Apps
timeline cards (see cards)
Timeline object
documentation, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
html property, HTML: Even More Style
list of methods, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
property names and descriptions, “Hello, World!”, Glass-Style
reference documentation for, Going Beyond the Playground
Timeline.attachments, Share Contacts
Timeline.attachments.contentUrl, Share Contacts
Timeline.attachments.insert method, Media Matters
Timeline.delete method, Custom Menu Items
Timeline.get method, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
Timeline.insert method, Going Beyond the Playground
Timeline.list method, Keeping in Contact
Timeline.menuItems.action property, The Share Menu Item
Timeline.patch method, Custom Menu Items, Keeping in Contact
Timeline.recipients property, Working with Mosaics, Keeping in Contact, Hybrids: The Ultimate Glassware Challenge (and Experience!)
Timeline.speakableText property, Don’t Neglect Audio
Timeline.text property, Don’t Neglect Audio
Timeline.update method, Custom Menu Items, Keeping in Contact
Timeline.userActions.type, Share Contacts
Timer app, Think in Actions, Not in Apps
Timer Glassware, The Exceptions Make the Rule
Locations.timestamp, Where Do You Think I Am?
on timeline cards, HTML: Even More Style
setting timestamp field on cards in GDK apps, Basic Text Formatting
Tinder app, Google Search
Titanium Collection of custom-built frames, Issue #4: Aesthetic Appeal—Is Glass Fashionable?
TITLE layout, combining icon, images, and text in, Other Neat Templates
Tits & Glass, MiKandi Takes Glassware into the Bedroom…Then Pivots to Keep it ThereGoing Forward, Pushing the Envelope
TOGGLE PINNED menu item, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
tools for Glass design, Tactical Wearable Design
manipulating timeline with, Using the System
on Glass, The Science Behind the Projection
touchpad API in GDK, The GDK Object Model
Translate this (voice command), Glass Is a Great Listener
trigger phrases, selecting, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
turn-by-turn directions, It Was Native All Along!
Twitter, What Do You Want? Information
Twitter Glassware, Twitter, Glass Is Naturally Social
adding captions to shared resources, Share Contacts
effective redesign of more complex web UI, Twitter
multiple custom menu items, Twitter
tracking state changes in menu items, Twitter
Web-controlled curation of user’s social stream, Twitter


UbiTech NYC, Glass Is Naturally Social
Glass, Glass Is a Platform, Not a Product
minimalism in design and data brevity with high impact, Tactical Wearable Design
prefab templates and styles for, Stick to the Prefab Templates and Styles
wearer’s environment as part of, Noble Truth 5: Build for People
Umano built Glassware, Don’t Neglect Audio
unexpected, avoiding, Noble Truth 4: Avoid the Unexpected
UNPIN action, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
updates for Glassware, Updating Releases, Versioning, and Crash Reports
user configuration settings, Provide Web-Based Configuration
user IDs, What Do You Want? Information, userToken
userActions.payload, Custom Menu Items
userActions.type, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them, Voice Commands scope, What Do You Want? Information
userinfo.profile scope, What Do You Want? Information
userToken, userToken, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them


values property (menu items), Simple Event Actions
verifyToken, verifyToken, Simple Callbacks and How to Handle Them
challenges for Glass, Improperly Implementing Ideas for the Glass Experience
first-person, Content Creation in a POV World
inability to share via Twitter Glassware, Twitter
recording, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
voice command for, Glass Is a Great Listener
streamed, on-demand, Mirror API
Viewfinder application, The Camera: Photos, Videos, and More!
views, A View to a CardWhen You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
CardBuilder object instantiated directly as, Basic Text Formatting
custom layouts, When You Have No Choice—Doing It Yourself
managing with CardScrollAdapter, Other Neat Templates
supported by live cards, Two Flavors of Live Cards
View object, A View to a Card
ViewTube for Glass, Two Flavors of Live Cards
Vignette Postcards, Vignettes
vignettes, Vignettes
virtual pet for Glass, Glass for Gaming
Vodo Glassware, Not Fully Utilizing Cloud Computing
real-time collaboration, Vodo: Real-Time Collaboration for the Enterprise
VOICE CALL menu item, Keeping in Contact
voice commands, Actions, Not Apps, Glass Is a Great Listener
appropriate use in user’s environment, Designing with the Think for Glass Mindset
as of Explorer Edition, Glass Is a Great Listener
configuring in GDK, Configuring Voice Commands
conflicts in, Configuring Voice Commands
contacts added by calling Contacts.insert, Share Contacts
default, deviation from, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
for share contacts, Voice CommandsVoice Commands
getting directions, Glass Is a Great Listener
Google’s control over, With Voice Commands, Google Has the Final Word
languages and, Location Becomes Localization
launching Glassware or services, Glass Is a Great Listener
matching across other platforms, Configuring Voice Commands
official list of, Configuring Voice Commands
searches, Google Search
sending messages, Glass Is a Great Listener
taking pictures or videos, Glass Is a Great Listener
voice controls, Using the System
voice print analysis, Think for Glass
voice triggers, supported, Don’t Deviate from Default: Using Categorial Voice Commands
VoiceTriggers.Command enumeration, Configuring Voice Commands


wearable computing, Forging Glass
with Glass, Welcome to Wearable Computing!
wearable computing devices
greater design goal of, Google Search
interactivity, Card Actions and Subscriptions
tactical wearable design, Tactical Wearable Design
WearScript, Writing Native Code for Glass, Give Me JavaScript, or Give Me…
weather monitoring applications, Context FTW
web browser (Glass), System Intents
web services, OAuth2 for authorization, OAuth: IDs and Secrets
web stack, using to produce native apps on Glass, Writing Native Code for Glass
web-based configuration, Provide Web-Based Configuration
Windows systems, Glass drivers for, Writing Native Code for Glass
Wink feature, using to take pictures, Glass Is a Great Listener
Winkfeed, Notify Responsibly, What Do You Want? Information
footer information, HTML: Even More Style
winking (input mechanism), Actions, Not Apps
Winky, The GDK
workout software for wearables, LynxFit, LynxFit: A Personal Trainer Strapped to Your Head


XML file, voice triggers defined in, Configuring Voice Commands


Glassware, Targeting Microinteractions
ViewTube for Glass, Two Flavors of Live Cards