Actium, Battle of: won by Mark Antony, 2, 98
Adamson, John, 32–33, 103, 114
Alba, Victor, 15
Alexander the Great: conquers Rome, 2
Allen, Louis, 20
Allende, Salvador: avoids coup, 20–21
America, United States of: becomes another Canada, 23; defeated by Confederacy, 10–12, 23, 90; destroys British Empire, 49–55; does not invade Afghanistan, 60; drops atomic bomb on Germany, 72, 113; existence avoided, 1, 19, 21, 23, 61, 99, 101, 109–10; friendship with Germany, 13; neutral in World War II, 50; no Civil War, 1, 23; peace with Nazi Germany, 79; preempted by Spanish conquest, 14; war with Nazi Germany, 80–81, 100, 104; writers dominate counterfactualism, 66, 96
Anglo-Saxons: rule England into twentieth century, 98
Antarctica: Nazis in, 87
Argentina: Hitler escapes to, 85, 91; wins Falklands War, 100–101
Armada, Spanish (1588): fails, 65; makes no difference, 103; succeeds, 1, 2, 13, 22, 89, 106
atomic bomb: American, 118; dropped on Germany, 72, 113; dropped on London and Chicago, 68; Nazi, 118; used by partisans, 117–18
Auschwitz, 72, 76, 83, 86, 121
Austria, Don John of: marries Mary Queen of Scots, 10–11
Austria-Hungary: conquers Italy and France, 14; and World War I, 47, 58, 122
Battle of Britain: RAF loses, 71
Beauharnais, Joséphine de, 4
Beckett, Francis, 97
Bismarck, Otto von, 11, 40, 75, 113
Black, Conrad, 104
Black, Jeremy, 28, 31–33, 37, 94–95, 106
Blakemore, Harold, 20
Bonaparte, Napoleon: chance in career, 40; conquers world, 3–6; decides not to conquer world, 6, 8; defeated in 1812, 104; disregards constraints, 46–47; loses Battle of Waterloo, 65; survives to 1845, 92; wins Battle of Waterloo, 1, 8–9, 33, 107
Boston Tea Party: called off, 23
Braun, Eva: escapes bunker, 84–85
Britain, Great: anti-Germanism in 1990s, 73–74; concludes separate peace in 1940, 48–49, 52–53, 57, 120; debate on decline (1970s), 73–74; does not join EU, 105; enters World War I, 58, 65; under German occupation, 68–73, 80–81, 94; invades South America, 8; neutral in 1914, 48, 57, 61, 99; war movies, 69–71 writers dominate counterfactualism, 66, 96. See also Catholic Church; England
British Empire: collapses before separate peace, 54; destroyed by Nazis, 121; destroyed by USA, 49–55; saved, 45, 49–55, 57, 89, 101
Brownlow, Kevin, 70
Bukharin, Nikolai, 35
Bunting, Madeleine, 76
Burleigh, Michael, 95
Butler, R. A.: Nazi collaborator, 76–77; prime minister, 121
Byron, George Gordon, Lord: king of Greece, 10, 11; social rebel, 8; survives to 1845, 92
Byzantium: defeats Turks, 2
Carr, Edward Hallett, 1, 17, 25, 30, 33–35, 110
Carrère, Emmanuel, 60
Casas, Fernando Vizcaíno, 16
Castro, Fidel: becomes baseball pro, 23
Catholic Church triumphs in England: after the Armada, 1, 13–14, 22, 42, 89, 98, 103; after the failure of the Glorious Revolution, 23, 98, 109–10, 121–22; under Mary Stuart, 10; after success of Gunpowder Plot, 41–42, 103, 107
Charles I (king of England): executed, 114; not executed, 3; wins Civil War, 100–101, 103
Charles Stuart (“Bonnie Prince Charlie”): becomes king, 10–11
Charmley, John, 48–53, 56, 61, 75
Charnay, David, 83
Chiang Kai-Shek: survives, 17; triumphs, 89
Chicago: bombed, 68
Churchill, Winston: considers options in 1940, 106; crosses floor, 12; destroys British Empire, 48–55; hides Duke of Windsor, 80; imagines union of UK and USA, 11–12; killed fighting Nazis, 71, 76; warns against separate peace, 51–53, 62
Civil War, American: won by Confederacy, 10, 12
Civil War, English: Cavaliers win, 45, 99, 103, 114; late seventeenth-century, 122; mid-twentieth-century, 98
civil war, French, 64
civil war, German, 118
Clark, Jonathan, 60–61, 63, 109–10
Clinton, William Jefferson, 30
Communism, 46, 65–66, 82, 111–12
Cooper, Giles, 70
Counter-Reformation: succeeds, 14
Coward, Noël, 68
Cowley, Robert, 27, 31, 32, 37, 106–107
Cromwell, Thomas, 93
Cuba: revolution avoided, 23
Dawkins, Richard: Catholic cardinal, 98
D-Day: fails, 100
Deighton, Len, 71
determinism, 19, 31–46, 57, 63, 99, 109, 118
Disraeli, Benjamin, 93
D’Israeli, Isaac, 3, 8, 11, 29
Dolezel, Lubomir, 107
Edward VIII (king): restored by Nazis, 71, 76–77, 79, 121; spurned by Nazis, 79–80, 121
Edwards, Owen Dudley, 19
Egypt: replaces Rome, 98
Elizabeth I (queen of England), 44
Elizabeth II (queen of England, seventeenth century), 103
Elizabeth II (queen of England, twentieth century), 70
Elster, Jon, 60
England: incorporated into France, 4; merged with USA, 11–13; stays Catholic, 1, 7, 10, 13–14, 22, 23, 41–42, 89, 98, 121–22. See also Britain, Great
European Union: damages UK, 105; destroyed, 102; as Fourth Reich, 74–80, 91, 99–100; German-dominated, 55–56, 61, 94; medieval, 7; nature of, 55–56; in nineteenth century, 104; UK rejects, 105; after World War I, 14–15, 47–48, 107
Euroscepticism, 74–83, 94, 98, 101–102, 104–105
Falklands War (1972), 73, 100 Ferguson, Niall: on Carr, 35; on decision-making, 106; defines determinism, 38–46; Euroscepticism, 48, 55, 75; evidence for speculations, 52; on Germany in World War I, 50; ignores own rules, 123–24; limited nature of claims, 62, 106; on Marxism, 34–37; neutrality counterfactual, 57, 61; on origins of World War I, 95; pioneers modern counterfactualism, 27, 31–33; polarizes debate, 36; on rise of European domination, 108–109; on Snowman, 19; wishful thinking, 19, 62–63, 104; writes parallel history, 99–103
Fischer, Herbert (H.A.L.), 24–25
Foot, Michael: causes collapse of the West, 100–102
Forester, C. S., 69
Fox, Charles James: leads Anglo-French Revolution in 1789, 98
France: absorbs England, 4; allied with England in seventeenth century, 103; avoids revolution, 10, 61, 99; avoids war in 1870, 19; becomes Protestant, 38; Catholicism, 11; civil war, 64; conquered by Holy Roman Empire, 99–100; conquers world, 4–6; counterfactuals in, 66–68; Revolution, 65; ruled by Nazis, 66; World War I, 47
Franco, Francisco: arrested, 15–16; drowned in excrement, 16; loses Civil War, 65
Franklin, Benjamin, 19
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke: killed, 58; not killed, 22, 23, 41–42, 59, 96, 104, 107, 123
Frederick III, German Emperor: prevents World War I, 10–11
Frum, David, 105
Fry, Stephen, 89
Fuentes, Carlos, 94
Galba, Martí Joan de, 2
General Strike (1926): creates Soviet Britain, 10–11
Geoffroy, Louis-Napoleon, 3–6, 8, 29
George VI (king): deposed, 76–77; does not flee, 79–80; flees, 71; not deposed, 80
Germany: becomes democracy, 10; cannot destroy USSR, 80–81, 103–104, 119–20; conquers Britain and France, 99–100; counterfactuals in, 66–67; declares war in 1914, 58; defeated by liberal Russia in 1938, 105; dominates EU, 73–80; invades Belgium in 1914, 58; loses World War I, 65; not a threat to UK in 1914, 50; occupies UK in 1914, 68, 93–94; occupies UK in 1940, 53, 68–69, 70–73, 76–80, 98, 121; occupies USA, 88–89; politics in 1933, 111–12; post-Hitler Nazi regime in, 78–80; reunified in 1952, 20; stays Catholic, 14; wins World War I, 14, 47–48, 53, 57, 68; wins World War II, 28, 52–53, 66–67, 68, 88–89. See also Fourth Reich; Hitler, Adolf; Nazis; Weimar Republic
Gettysburg, Battle of: won by Lee, 10, 12–13, 27
Gibbon, Edward, 2, 3, 6, 11, 12
Gladstone, William Ewart: solves Irish Question, 19–20
Glorious Revolution (1688): defeated, 23, 65, 98, 109–10, 121–22
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 117
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 104
Gore, Albert, Jr., U.S. president, 1, 60, 96, 105–107
Grey, Edward, 47–48, 59, 62, 95, 106, 122
Gunpowder Plot (1605): fails, 65; succeeds, 41, 103, 106–107
Halifax, Lord: prime minister, 49, 51, 97, 121
Haslam, Jonathan, 104
Hastings, Battle of: Harold wins, 98
Hawkins, Martin, 68
Hawthorn, Geoffrey, 108
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 92
Heath, Edward, 96
Heffer, Simon, 105
Henry V (king of England): rules France, 98
Herwig, Holger, 54, 57, 62, 97, 121, 124
Heseltine, Michael: prime minister, 105
Heywood, Joseph, 83
Hindenburg, Paul von, 14–15, 111
Hitler, Adolf: cannot end war, 81; commits suicide, 90; defeats USSR, 52–53; did not kill Jews, 86; did not want to survive war, 90; dies after war, 119; disregards constraints, 46–47; does not come to power, 102; ends war, 80–81; escapes to South America, 83–86, 89–91; few German counterfactuals about, 66; intends war, 119–20; invades UK, 53, 76–81; killed in 1930, 1, 25; killed in 1944, 118; killed in World War I, 115–16; loses war, 113; not tried for crimes, 90; offers peace to UK, 51; replaced by double, 84, 92; Second Book, 80; shocked by Hess’s flight, 51; supported by Germans, 13; stalemate on Eastern Front, 50, 53, 80–81, 119; survives war, 90; tried for crimes, 83; triumph in 1933 not inevitable, 40–41, 89–90, 110–11; wins World War II, 67, 124. See also Germany
Hoare, Samuel: collaborationist prime minister, 71, 76, 121
Holocaust, 1, 13, 48, 50, 75–76, 78–80, 82, 117 (see also Auschwitz); denial of, 44, 86–87
Holy Roman Empire: conquers Britain and France, 99–100; not abolished, 99, 101
Hunt, Tristram, 29, 33–34, 107
Hutchinson, Governor: prevents Boston Tea Party, 23
Hynek, J. Allen, 87
Incas: discover Europe, 94
Iraq War: does not happen, 96
Islam: conquers Europe, 2, 11; destroyed by Napoleon, 4; survives in Spain, 10
Israel, State of: nonfoundation of, 1
James II (king of England): defeats revolution, 23; overthrown, 110; wisdom of, 122
Japan, 4, 45, 50, 66, 68, 88–89, 100, 104, 105
Jews, 7, 13, 50, 71–72, 76, 82, 84, 87, 121. See also Holocaust
Joan of Arc: affair with Henry V, 98
Johnson, Boris: prime minister, 97
Juárez, Benito, 19
Kaye, Simon, 32
Kennedy, Joseph: U.S. president, 79
Kennedy, Paul, 45
Kepler, Johannes, 122
Kerensky, Alexander: prevents Bolshevik Revolution, 20, 105
Kershaw, Ian, 20
Korean War: avoided, 17
Lebow, Richard Ned, 27
Lee, Robert E.: wins Battle of Gettysburg, 10, 12
Leister, Murray, 90
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich: becomes Orthodox priest, 99; fails to reach Russia in 1917, 123; killed in 1917, 105; survives after 1924, 1, 25, 30
Lloyd George, David: prime minister under Nazis, 76, 121
London: atomic bomb dropped on, 68
Lorca, Federíco Garcia, 16
Lord Haw-Haw (William Joyce): becomes director-general of the BBC, 97
Louis XIV (king of France), 122
Louis XVI (king of France): not captured at Varennes, 41; not executed, 10–11
Ludwig, Emil, 10
Lukes, Steven, 60
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 9, 44
Mackie, Philip, 70
Mantel, Hilary, 93
Mao Zedong, 17
Marie-Antoinette: escapes, 41
Marino, James, 83
Martel, Charles: defeated by Moors, 2, 3, 10–12, 22, 106
Martorelli, Joanot, 2
Mary, Queen of Scots, 10–11, 44
Mary II (queen of England), 121
Mason, Tim, 81
Maurois, André, 10
Maximilian (Mexican emperor): defeats rebels, 19, 21
Maya: discover Europe, 94
McNeill, William H., 107
Megill, Allan, 36–37, 59, 114–15
Meinecke, Friedrich, 25
Mexico: revolution fails, 19, 21
Montefiore, Simon Sebag, 103
Moore, Joseph Ward, 12
Moors: conquer Europe, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 22, 106
More, Thomas, 92
Morgan, Roger, 20
Morton, H. V., 68
Mosley, Oswald: collaborationist prime minister, 71, 121; creates European Union, 97; crosses floor, 12; does not become prime minister, 76; gains power after separate peace, 52
Muggeridge, Malcolm: clerical dictator, 98
Munich agreement (1938), 120
Native Americans: discover Europe, 2
Nazis: after Hitler, 78–80; alternatives to, in 1933, 110–12; in Antarctica, 88, 92; conquer USA, 13; create European Union, 55–56; without Hitler, 116; inspire counterfactualism after 1945, 65–66; occupy UK, 69–73; win World War II, 66. See also Germany; Hitler
Newton, Isaac: dismissed by James II, 122
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 125
Obama, Barack H.: as Antichrist, 88
Octavian (Augustus Caesar): loses Battle of Actium, 2, 98
Otto, king of Greece, 11
Papen, Franz von, 111
Parker, Geoffrey, 13–14, 27, 32–33, 61–62, 109–15, 121, 124–25
Patagonia: Hitler lives in, 85
Pavelic, Ante, 80
Pearl Harbor: not attacked, 104
Pearton, Maurice, 19
Pestana, Carla Gardina, 122
Petrie, Charles, 10
Philip II, king of England, 11, 13, 22, 103
Pocahontas: does not rescue John Smith, 23
Poland: not oppressed by Russia, 104
Pomeranz, Kenneth, 107
Portillo, Michael: prime minister, 96
Princip, Gavrilo: misfires, 96
Quiroga, Cesares, 16
Ranke, Leopold von, 3
Renouvier, Charles, 6–8, 15, 29
Revolution, Bolshevik, 25, 92, 101
Revolution, French: avoided, 61, 99, 101; national trauma, 65; takes different course, 40
Rjndt, Philippe van, 83
Robban, Randolph, 68
Roberts, Andrew: attacks Marxism, 32–34, 36–37, 52–53; on Channel Islands, 76; contradictory views, 120, 124 edits counterfactual essays, 27, 103–104, 106; neutrality counterfactual, 57; writes novel, 77–79, 94
Robespierre, Maximilien, 40
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 17
Rosenfeld, Gavriel, 28–30, 66, 67, 81–83, 125
Rudolf II (Holy Roman Emperor), 122
Russell, Conrad, 121
Russia: defeated by Germany, 100–101; defeated by Napoleon, 4; history doctored in, 92; no purges in, 25; occupied by Germany, 66; occupies San Francisco, 90; partitions Ottoman Empire, 105; policy changes in, 94–95; role of borscht in, 23; UK does not declare war on, 47; and World War I, 58, 122. See also Soviet Union
Sadowa, Battle of, 113
Saki, 68
Sandbrook, Dominic, 28, 97–100
Sansom, C. J., 53, 57, 62, 79, 119
Semprún, Jorge, 64
Shakespeare, William, 103
Sheers, Owen, 77
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: survives until 1845, 92
Shirer, William L., 13
Shukman, Harold, 19
Somerset, Anne, 103
Southcott, Joanna, 35
Soviet Union, 10, 25, 49–50, 53, 68–69, 80, 119; See also Russia
Spain: avoids Civil War, 15–17; Civil War won by Republic, 16, 65; conquered by Moors, 2, 10, 12; conquered by Napoleon, 4; conquers England, 1, 2, 13, 22, 89, 103; declares independence from Rome, 7; does not conquer England, 65
Squire, John Collings, 9, 12, 17, 93, 100
Stalin, Josef: conquers Europe, 120; crimes, 30; does not die in 1953, 66; edits Trotsky out of history, 92; fickleness, 107; as Orthodox Patriarch, 100; reunites Germany, 20–21; Short Course, 36; shot by Molotov, 103; stalemate on Eastern Front, 50; Stalinism, 35; subject of 1984, 67; tactics on Eastern Front, 96. See also Russia; Soviet Union
Stalingrad, Battle of: won by Germans, 28
Steiner, George, 83
Stone, Lawrence, 45
Stone, Norman, 105
Stresemann, Gustav: survives into 1930s, 96
Stuarts: constitutional monarchy, 99, 102. See also Charles I
Swift, Jonathan, 92
Teske, M. Robert K., Jr., 87–88
Tetlock, Philip, 27, 32, 61–62, 109–15, 121, 125
Thatcher, Margaret: Anglo-Saxon, 98; confronts unions, 73; does not become prime minister, 96, 101; Eurosceptic, 79; killed in 1984, 105–107; liberalizes economy, 56; loses Falklands War, 100; ousted, 34
Thiers, Adolphe: prevents Franco-Prussian War, 19, 21
Thomas, Hugh (historian), 69
Thomas, W. Hugh (surgeon), 84, 86, 88
Thompson, Roger, 19
Tojo, Hideki: saves Pearl Harbor, 20–21
Tolkien, J. R. R., 124
Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 8, 33, 39
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 86
Trollope, Anthony, 93
Tsouras, Peter, 28
Tuchman, Barbara, 17
Tucker, Aviezer, 24, 39, 43–45, 66, 95, 101, 109, 115–16, 120
Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr., 110
Unamuno, Miguel de, 94
unification of Britain and USA, 10–11
Vietnam War: avoided, 17; fought, 65
Vikings: conquer Europe, 12
Virginia, colony of: fails, 23
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet): advises American revolutionaries, 23
Warsaw Pact: does not invade Czechoslovakia, 20
Waterloo, Battle of: won by French, 5, 8–9, 33, 106
Weimar Republic, 40–41, 96, 102, 111–12
Wheeler-Bennett, John, 93
White, Hayden, 43
Wilhelm II, German emperor (Kaiser), 14–15, 47, 55, 70, 112–13
William the Conqueror: loses Battle of Hastings, 98
William III (king of England), 110, 121
Windsor, Philip, 20
World War I: British neutrality, 46–49, 99, 107; causes, 24, 58, 114, 122; does not happen, 21, 22, 122; foreshadowed, 68, 93–94; Germans lose, 113; Germans win, 14–15, 102; Hitler refights, 80; in Italy, 65; Rathenau on, 125; USA avoids, 21
World War II: anniversaries, 74; avoided, 22, 48; British movies of, 69–71; continues until 1952, 11; Germans win, 51–53; military history rewritten, 96; outbreak, 119–20; refought in Thatcherite rhetoric, 73–76; stalemate, 129–30. See also America, United States of; Britain, Great; Churchill, Winston; Germany; Hitler, Adolf; Soviet Union; Stalin, Josef
Wright, Esmond, 19
Zamoyski, Adam, 104
Zho Enlai, 17
Zhukov, Georgy, 103
Zinoviev, Grigory, 35