

Title Page

Copyright Page

Foreword by Paul Borthwick    7

Preface    9

Acknowledgments    11

Introduction    13

Part 1: Looking through a Wide-Angle Lens: Globalization and the Church

1. One World: Snapshots of the Globe    21

2. One Church: The Changing Face of Christianity    33

Part 2: Conflicting Images: The North American Perspective versus the Majority World Church Perspective on Short-Term Missions

3. Motivation: “Missions Should Be Fun!”    47

4. Urgency: “Just Do It!”    59

5. Common Ground: “They Don’t Fly Planes in India When It Rains”    67

6. The Bible: “Just Stick to the Bible and You Can’t Go Wrong!”    77

7. Money: “They’re So Happy”    89

8. Simplicity: “You’re Either for Us or against Us!”    99

Part 3: Sharpening Our Focus and Service with Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

9. Try, Try Again: CQ Drive    113

10. Seek to Understand: CQ Knowledge    125

11. On Second Thought: CQ Strategy    141

12. Actions Speak Louder than Words: CQ Action    153

13. The Heart of the Matter: Shema    163

Appendix: Recommended Resources    179

Notes    183

About the Author

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