Retrieving Submitted Data

Example 11-1 is only one part of the multipart form handling process. If you enter a name and click on the Submit Query button, absolutely nothing will happen other than the form being redisplayed. So, now it’s time to add some PHP code to process the data submitted by the form.

Example 11-2 expands on the previous program to include data processing. Type it in (or modify formtest.php by adding in the new lines), save it as formtest2.php, and try the program for yourself. The result of running this program and entering a name can be seen in Figure 11-2.

Example 11-2. Updated version of formtest.php
<?php // formtest2.php
if (isset($_POST['name'])) $name = $_POST['name'];
else $name = "(Not entered)";

echo <<<_END
        <title>Form Test</title>
    Your name is: $name<br />
    <form method="post" action="formtest2.php">
        What is your name?
        <input type="text" name="name" />
        <input type="submit" />

The only changes are a couple of lines at the start that check the $_POST associative array for the field name submitted. The previous chapter introduced the $_POST associative array, which contains an element for each field in an HTML form. In Example 11-2, the input name used was name and the form method was POST, so element name of the $_POST array contains the value in $_POST['name'].

The PHP isset function is used to test whether $_POST['name'] has been assigned a value. If nothing was posted, the program assigns the value “(Not entered)”; otherwise, it stores the value that was entered. Then a single line has been added after the <body> statement to display that value, which is stored in $name.

Before security became such a big issue, the default behavior of PHP was to assign the $_POST and $_GET arrays directly to PHP variables. For example, there would be no need to use the instruction $name=$_POST['name'];, because $name would be given that value automatically by PHP at the program start!

Initially (prior to version 4.2.0 of PHP), this seemed a very useful idea that saved a lot of extra code writing, but this practice has now been discontinued and the feature is disabled by default. Should you find register_globals enabled on a production web server for which you are developing, you should urgently ask your server administrator to disable it.

So why disable register_globals? It enables anyone to enter a GET input on the tail of a URL, like this: If your code were ever to use the variable $override and you forgot to initialize it (for example, through $override=0;), the program could be compromised by such an exploit.

In fact, because many installations on the Web have this gaping hole, I advise you to always initialize every variable you use, just in case your code will ever run on such a system. Initialization is also good programming practice, because you can comment each initialization to remind yourself and other programmers what a variable is for.

Sometimes it’s convenient to offer your site visitors a default value in a web form. For example, suppose you put up a loan repayment calculator widget on a real estate website. It could make sense to enter default values of, say, 25 years and 6 percent interest, so that the user can simply type in either the principal sum to borrow or the amount that she can afford to pay each month.

In this case, the HTML for those two values would be something like Example 11-3.

Take a look at the third and fourth inputs. By populating the value parameter, you display a default value in the field, which the users can then change if they wish. With sensible default values you can often make your web forms more user-friendly by minimizing unnecessary typing. The result of the previous code looks like Figure 11-3. Of course, this was created just to illustrate default values, and because the program calc.php has not been written, the form will not do anything if submitted.

Default values are also used for hidden fields if you want to pass extra information from your web page to your program, in addition to what users enter. We’ll look at hidden fields later in this chapter.

HTML forms are very versatile and allow you to submit a wide range of different types of inputs, ranging from text boxes and text areas to checkboxes, radio buttons, and more.

When you need to accept input of more than a single line of text, use a text area. This is similar to a text box but, because it allows multiple lines, it has some different parameters. Its general format looks like this:

<textarea name="name" cols="width" rows="height" wrap="type">

The first thing to notice is that <textarea> has its own tag and is not a subtype of the <input> tag. It therefore requires a closing </textarea> to end input.

Instead of a default parameter, if you have default text to display, you must put it before the closing </textarea>, like this:

<textarea name="name" cols="width" rows="height" wrap="type">
This is some default text.

It will then be displayed and be editable by the user. To control the width and height, use the cols and rows parameters. Both use the character spacing of the current font to determine the size of the area. If you omit these values, a default input box will be created that will vary in dimensions depending on the browser used, so you should always define them to be certain about how your form will appear.

Lastly, you can control how the text entered into the box will wrap (and how any such wrapping will be sent to the server) using the wrap parameter. Table 11-1 shows the wrap types available. If you leave out the wrap parameter, soft wrapping is used.

When you want to offer a number of different options to a user, from which he can select one or more items, checkboxes are the way to go. The format to use is:

<input type="checkbox" name="name" value="value" checked="checked" />

If you include the checked parameter, the box is already checked when the browser is displayed (the string you assign to the parameter doesn’t matter; the parameter just has to be present). If you don’t include the parameter, the box is shown unchecked. Here is an example of an unchecked box:

I Agree <input type="checkbox" name="agree" />

If the user doesn’t check the box, no value will be submitted. But if he does, a value of “on” will be submitted for the field named agree. If you prefer to have your own value submitted instead of the word “on” (such as the number 1), you could use the following syntax:

I Agree <input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="1" />

On the other hand, if you wish to offer a newsletter to your readers when submitting a form, you might want to have the checkbox already checked as the default value:

Subscribe? <input type="checkbox" name="news" checked="checked" />

If you want to allow groups of items to be selected at one time, assign them all the same name. However, be aware that only the last item checked will be submitted, unless you pass an array as the name. For example, Example 11-4 allows the user to select her favorite ice cream flavors (see Figure 11-4 for how it displays in a browser).

If only one of the checkboxes is selected, such as the second one, only that item will be submitted (the field named ice will be assigned the value "Chocolate"). But if two or more are selected, only the last value will be submitted, with prior values being ignored.

If you want exclusive behavior—so that only one item can be submitted—you should use radio buttons (see the next section). If, however, you want to allow multiple submissions, you have to slightly alter the HTML, as shown in Example 11-5 (note the addition of the square brackets, [], following the values of ice):

Now when the form is submitted, if any of these items have been checked, an array called ice will be submitted that contains any and all selected values. In each case, you can extract either the single submitted value or the array of values to a variable, like this:

$ice = $_POST['ice'];

If the field ice has been posted as a single value, $ice will be a single string, such as "Strawberry". But if ice was defined in the form as an array (like in Example 11-5), $ice will be an array, and its number of elements will be the number of values submitted. Table 11-2 shows the seven possible sets of values that could be submitted by this HTML for one, two, or all three selections. In each case, an array of one, two, or three items is created.

If $ice is an array, the PHP code to display its contents is quite simple and might look like this:

foreach($ice as $item) echo "$item<br />";

This uses the standard PHP foreach construct to iterate through the array $ice and pass each element’s value into the variable $item, which is then displayed using the echo command. The <br /> is just an HTML formatting device, to force a new line after each flavor in the display.

By default, checkboxes are square.

The select tag lets you create a drop-down list of options, offering either single or multiple selections. It conforms to the following syntax:

<select name="name" size="size" multiple="multiple">

The parameter size is the number of lines to display. Clicking on the display causes a list to drop down showing all the options. If you use the multiple parameter, the user can select multiple options from the list by pressing the Ctrl key when clicking. So, to ask a user for his favorite vegetable from a choice of five, you might use HTML like that in Example 11-7, which offers a single selection.

This HTML offers five choices, with the first one, Peas, preselected (due to it being the first item). Figure 11-6 shows the output where the list has been clicked on to drop it down, and the option Carrots has been highlighted.

If you want to have a different default option offered first (such as Beans), use the selected tag, like this:

<option selected="selected" value="Beans">Beans</option>

You can also allow for users to select more than one item, as in Example 11-8.

This HTML is not very different; the only changes are that the size has been changed to "5" and the parameter multiple has been added. But, as you can see from Figure 11-7, it is now possible to select more than one option by using the Ctrl key when clicking.

You can leave out the size parameter if you wish, and the output will be the same, but with a larger list the drop-down box might take up too much screen space, so I recommend that you pick a suitable number of rows and stick with it. I also recommend against multiple select boxes smaller than two rows in height—some browsers may not correctly display the scroll bars needed to access it.

You can also use the selected tag within a multiple select and can, in fact, have more than one option preselected if you wish.

Now we return to PHP programming. It can never be emphasized enough that handling user data is a security minefield, and that it is essential to learn to treat all such data with the utmost caution from the word go. It’s actually not that difficult to sanitize user input from potential hacking attempts, and it must be done.

The first thing to remember is that regardless of what constraints you have placed in an HTML form to limit the types and sizes of inputs, it is a trivial matter for a hacker to use her browser’s view source feature to extract the form and modify it to provide malicious input to your website.

Therefore, you must never trust any variable that you fetch from either the $_GET or $_POST arrays until you have processed it. If you don’t, users may try to inject JavaScript into the data to interfere with your site’s operation, or even attempt to add MySQL commands to compromise your database.

Instead of just using code such as the following when reading in user input:

$variable = $_POST['user_input'];

you should also use one or more of the following lines of code. For example, to prevent escape characters being injected into a string that will be presented to MySQL, you should use the following (remembering that this function takes into account the current character set of a MySQL connection, so it can be used only with an open connection):

$variable = mysql_real_escape_string($variable);

To get rid of unwanted slashes, such as those inserted using the (now deprecated) magic_quotes_gpc directive, use:

$variable = stripslashes($variable);

And to remove any HTML from a string, use the following:

$variable = htmlentities($variable);

For example, this would change a string of interpretable HTML code like <b>hi</b> into &lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;, which displays as text and won’t be interpreted as HTML tags.

Finally, if you wish to strip HTML entirely from an input, use the following:

$variable = strip_tags($variable);

In fact, until you know exactly what sanitization you require for a program, Example 11-9 shows a pair of functions that bring all these checks together to provide a very good level of security.

Add this code to the end of your PHP programs and you can then call it for each user input to sanitize, like this:

$variable = sanitizeString($_POST['user_input']);

Or, when you have an open MySQL connection:

$variable = sanitizeMySQL($_POST['user_input']);