Using Interrupts

JavaScript provides access to interrupts, a method by which you can ask the browser to call your code after a set period of time, or even to keep calling it at specified intervals. This gives you a means of handling background tasks such as Ajax communications, or even things like animating web elements.

There are two types of interrupt, setTimeout and setInterval, which have accompanying clearTimeout and clearInterval functions for turning them off again.

When you call setTimeout, you pass it some JavaScript code or the name of a function, and a value in milliseconds representing how long to wait before the code should be executed, like this:

setTimeout(dothis, 5000)

Your dothis function might look like this:

function dothis()
    alert('This is your wakeup alert!');


In case you are wondering, you cannot simply specify alert() (with parens) as a function to be called by setTimeout, because the function would be executed immediately. Only when you provide a function name without argument parentheses (for example, alert) can you safely pass the function name, so that its code will be executed only when the timeout occurs.

Once a timeout has been set up, you can cancel it if you previously saved the value returned from the initial call to setTimeout, like this:

handle = setTimeout(dothis, 5000)

Armed with the value in handle, you can now cancel the interrupt at any point up until its due time, like this:


When you do this, the interrupt is completely forgotten, and the code assigned to it will not get executed.

An easier way to set up regular interrupts is to use the setInterval function. It works in just the same way, except that having popped up after the interval you specify in milliseconds, it will do so again after that interval again passes, and so on forever, unless you cancel it.

Example 20-9 uses this function to display a simple clock in the browser, as shown in Figure 20-4.

Every time ShowTime is called, it sets the object date to the current date and time with a call to Date:

var date = new Date()

Then the innerHTML property of the object passed to showtime (namely, object) is set to the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds, as determined by a call to toTimeString. This returns a string such as “09:57:17 UTC+0530”, which is then truncated to just the first eight characters with a call to the substr function:

object.innerHTML = date.toTimeString().substr(0,8)

By combining a few CSS properties with a repeating interrupt, you can produce all manner of animations and effects.

For example, the code in Example 20-10 moves a square shape across the top of the browser window, all the time ballooning up in size, as shown in Figure 20-5. Then, when LEFT is reset to 0, the animation starts all over again.

In the <head> of the document, the box object is set to a background color of 'orange' with a border value of '1px solid red', and its position property is set to absolute so that it is allowed to be moved around in the browser window.

Then, in the animate function, the global variables SIZE and LEFT are continuously updated and then applied to the width, height, and left style attributes of the box object (adding 'px' after each to specify that the values are in pixels), thus animating it at a frequency of once every 30 milliseconds. This gives a rate of 33.33 frames per second (1000 / 30 milliseconds).

This completes your introduction to all the topics covered in this book, and you are well on the way to becoming a seasoned web developer. But before I finish, in the final chapter I want to bring everything I’ve introduced together into a single project, so that you can see in practice how all the technologies integrate with each other.