The last of the main modules is Example 21-11,
messages.php. The program starts by
checking whether a message has been posted in the POST
variable 'text'
. If so, it is inserted into the messages
table. At the same time, the value of
is also stored. This indicates
whether a message is private or public: a 0
represents a public message and 1
is private.
Next, the user’s profile and a form for entering a message are displayed, along with radio buttons to choose between sending a private or public message. After this, all the messages are shown: if they are public, all users can see them, but private messages are visible only to the sender and recipient. This is all handled by a couple of queries to the MySQL database. Additionally, when a message is private, it is introduced by the word “whispered” and shown in italic.
Finally, the program displays a couple of links to refresh the
messages (in case another user has posted one in the meantime) and to view
the user’s friends. The trick using the variables $name1
and $name2
is again used so that when a user views
his own profile the word Your is displayed instead of
the username.
You can see the result of viewing this program with a browser in Figure 21-7. Note how users viewing their own messages are provided with links to erase any they don’t want to preserve.
<?php // messages.php include_once 'header.php'; if (!$loggedin) die(); if (isset($_GET['view'])) $view = sanitizeString($_GET['view']); else $view = $user; if (isset($_POST['text'])) { $text = sanitizeString($_POST['text']); if ($text != "") { $pm = substr(sanitizeString($_POST['pm']),0,1); $time = time(); queryMysql("INSERT INTO messages VALUES(NULL, '$user', '$view', '$pm', $time, '$text')"); } } if ($view != "") { if ($view == $user) $name1 = $name2 = "Your"; else { $name1 = "<a href='members.php?view=$view'>$view</a>'s"; $name2 = "$view's"; } echo "<div class='main'><h3>$name1 Messages</h3>"; showProfile($view); echo <<<_END <form method='post' action='messages.php?view=$view'> Type here to leave a message:<br /> <textarea name='text' cols='40' rows='3'></textarea><br /> Public<input type='radio' name='pm' value='0' checked='checked' /> Private<input type='radio' name='pm' value='1' /> <input type='submit' value='Post Message' /></form><br /> _END; if (isset($_GET['erase'])) { $erase = sanitizeString($_GET['erase']); queryMysql("DELETE FROM messages WHERE id=$erase AND recip='$user'"); } $query = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE recip='$view' ORDER BY time DESC"; $result = queryMysql($query); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); for ($j = 0 ; $j < $num ; ++$j) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($row[3] == 0 || $row[1] == $user || $row[2] == $user) { echo date('M jS \'y g:ia:', $row[4]); echo " <a href='messages.php?view=$row[1]'>$row[1]</a> "; if ($row[3] == 0) echo "wrote: "$row[5]" "; else echo "whispered: <span class='whisper'>" . ""$row[5]"</span> "; if ($row[2] == $user) echo "[<a href='messages.php?view=$view" . "&erase=$row[0]'>erase</a>]"; echo "<br />"; } } } if (!$num) echo "<br /><span class='info'>No messages yet</span><br /><br />"; echo "<br /><a class='button' href='messages.php?view=$view'>Refresh messages</a>". "<a class='button' href='friends.php?view=$view'>View $name2 friends</a>";?> </div><br /></body></html>