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- Abdel-Rahman, Omar, 134
- ABM Treaty. See Anti–Ballistic Missile Treaty
- Achille Lauro, 132
- Afghanistan, 13, 112, 176
- Africa, 77, 78, 80
- Agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho Area, 167
- Agriculture Department, 108
- Aidid, Mohammed Farah, 113–14, 135–36, 167
- Air Force, 2, 4, 33, 106
- Air Force Combat Control Team, 33
- Air Force One, 45; Clinton’s use of, 85–87; presidential travel and, 79–80
- Air Mobility Command, 79–80
- Albania, 112, 177
- Albright, Madeleine, 10, 141, 163, 178, 181
- Al Jihad, 179
- al-Qaeda, 131; Massoud and, 15; September 11 and, 14; Somalia and, 116; Yousef and, 135
- Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 136
- Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, 140–41
- Anti–Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, 162–63, 178
- Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987, 178
- APMT. See Asia-Pacific Mobil Telecommunications
- Arafat, Yasser, 166, 167, 172, 184
- Area of Operational Responsibility, 121
- Argentina, 76
- Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 118, 119, 169, 185
- Army: reduction of, 4, 106, 107; women in combat and, 106–7. See also military
- Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 97
- Asian Pacific Economic Conference, 82
- Asia-Pacific Mobile Telecommunications (APMT), 175
- Aspin, Les, 89, 91, 101, 103, 114
- “assertive multilateralism,” 113, 116
- Association of the U.S. Army, 107
- Australia, 77, 82
- Austria, 77
- Aviano Air Base, Italy, 124
- Balkans, 123
- Barak, Ehud, 183
- Baton Rouge, La., 45
- Belarus, 163
- Bennett, Tony, 73
- Berger, Sandy, 53; air strikes on Iraq and, 25, 27–30; bin Laden and, 129–30; military experience of, 89–90; terrorism and, 142
- Berube, Ron, 75
- Bethesda, Md., 50
- Bhutto, Benazir, 136
- Biden, Joseph, 121
- bin Laden, Osama, 165; Clinton and, 13; Declaration of Jihad of, 176; expulsion from Sudan of, 174; failed attack on, 140–41; Massoud and, 14; September 11 and, 185; Somalia and, 116, 136; strike opportunity against, 13, 129–31
- Black Hawk Down, 2, 36
- Bojinka, Operation, 135, 139
- Bolton, Michael, 73
- Bork, Robert, 99–100
- Bosnia-Herzegovina, 19, 35, 42, 76, 91; civil war in, 2; Clinton and, 154–56; Dayton Peace Accords and, 119, 120, 124, 155–56, 172; NATO and, 123, 126–27, 165, 168, 171; Russia and, 155; UN and, 121, 122; U.S. military intervention in, 5, 31, 36, 111, 112, 119–24
- Bowles, Erskine, 59
- Brazil, 99
- Broad, Eli, 175
- Brown, Ron, 9, 75
- Brown, Willie, 74
- Bulgaria, 78
- Burundi, 167
- Bush, George H. W., 2; military and, 35, 36; Somalia and, 36, 112; travel of, 76, 77; Balkans and, 123; Iraq and, 166
- Bush, George W., 152, 161–62
- California, 39
- Cambodia, 5, 178
- Campbell, Harold N., 95
- Camp David, 45, 62–66
- Canada, 78
- Carter, Jimmy, 32, 76; North Korea and, 157; nuclear “football” and, 57; “smile” diplomacy and, 8
- Castle Grande, 64
- Central African Republic,174
- Central America, 78
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 135, 140
- Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., 32, 43, 132
- Cheney, Dick, 158
- Chicago, Ill., 26
- Chiles, Lawton, 74
- China: Clinton and, 8–9, 167; “Friends of Bill” and, 9; North Korea and, 8; Pakistan and, 169, 172–73; two-war strategy and, 159; U.S. nuclear technology and, 8–11, 173–74, 177–78
- China Aerospace Corp., 175
- China Great Wall Industry Corp., 175
- Christopher, Warren, 89, 154
- Chung, Johnny, 175
- CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
- “clash of civilizations,” 13
- Clausewitz, Karl von, 111
- Clinton, Bill: bin Laden and, 13; character of, 62–72, 74–76, 147; “co-presidency” of, 1, 72; dishonesty of, 51, 52–54, 191; draft-dodging of, 36, 38, 88, 95; foreign policy chronology of, 165–85; fundraising and, 73–74; gays in military and, 38, 91, 95, 99, 100–102; golf and, 23–25, 48, 50–51, 59, 191; Hillary and, 67–72; impeachment of, 77, 181, 184–85; “Jogger Watch” and, 48–50; lack of professionalism of, 59–62; lack of respect for, 38–39, 94–95; media and, 50; military and, 4, 6–7, 20–22, 21, 35–39, 93–94, 158–62, 158–62; national security and, 7–15, 20, 52–54; nuclear “football” and, 21, 54–58; personal scandals of, 9–10, 22, 36, 54–56, 76, 77, 85–87, 94, 143, 168; terrorism and, 133–42; travel of, 47–48, 72–73, 76–81
- Clinton, Chelsea, 63, 66–67, 79, 93, 124
- Clinton, Hillary Rodham: Bill Clinton and, 67–72; “co-presidency” of, 1, 72; military and, 6–7, 93; Senate campaign of, 78; travel of, 77–78, 79
- Clinton administration: China and, 8–9; day-to-day character of, 51–52, 64–65; foreign policy and, 116; Iraq and, 25–30, 152–54; lack of professionalism of, 82–83; lack of respect for, 8; military and, 2–7, 87–91, 97–100; military deployments of, 111–28; national security and, 1, 9–10, 87; North Korea and, 8; nuclear threat and, 8–13; political machine of, 52; racism of, 60–62; terrorism and, 131–32
- CNN, 82, 112, 118
- Cold War, 6, 13, 35, 158
- Cole, USS, 141
- Colombia, 5
- Combat Control Team, 34
- Commerce Department, 9, 78
- Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, 183
- Congo, 112, 177
- Congress, 3, 13
- Cox Committee, 11, 182
- Craighead, Kelly, 66, 67
- Croatia, 122, 123, 154, 169
- Cuba, 32, 33, 35
- Currie, Betty, 43, 55, 79
- Czech Republic, 78
- DACOWITS. See Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
- Dayton, Ohio, 172
- Dayton Peace Accords, 119, 120, 124, 155–56, 172
- Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS), 103
- Defense Department: Chinese threat and, 9; presidential travel and, 78, 79; reinvention of government and, 5, 106
- Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA), 177
- Deliberate Force, Operation, 171
- Democratic National Committee (DNC), 9, 73, 85
- Democratic National Convention, 26
- Denmark, 76
- Desert Storm, Operation, 2, 36
- Diego Garcia (U.S. Navy Support Facility), 27
- DNC. See Democratic National Committee
- Dodd, Chris, 51
- DOE. See Energy Department
- Dole, Bob, 121
- domestic politics: foreign policy and, 21; military and, 127, 152
- Donnelly, Mark, 86, 87, 125
- Dreyfuss, Richard, 74
- DTSA. See Defense Technology Security Administration
- Dungy, Tony, 61–62
- East Timor, 112
- Ecuador, 112
- Egypt, 132, 167
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 76
- Eisenhower, USS, 105
- Election 2000, 108–9
- Emerson, Steven, 134
- Emmanuel, Rahm, 53
- Energy Department (DOE), 11–13
- “engagement and enlargement,” 113–16
- Engskov, Kris, 86–87
- ESPN, 24
- “ethnic cleansing,” 124
- European Union, 123, 171
- Executive Order 12919, 168
- FAA. See Federal Aviation Administration
- FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 139–40
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 54, 64, 140
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 168
- FEMA. See Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Finch, Linda, 69–71
- Finchem, Tim, 24
- Fiske, Robert, 167
- Florida, 48
- FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States). See Clinton, Hillary
- Fogleman, Ron, 92–93, 146
- Fonda, Jane, 74
- foreign policy: chronology of Clinton’s, 165–85; Clinton administration and, 116; domestic politics and, 21; media and, 21
- Fort Bragg, N.C., 32
- Fort Jackson, S.C., 103
- Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., 103
- Foster, Vince, 54, 64
- France, 78
- Frankfurt, Germany, 119
- “Friends of Bill,” 9, 59, 61
- fundraising, 73–74, 85
- Gabon, 112, 177
- Garfunkel, Art, 73
- gays in military, 38, 91, 95, 99, 100–102
- General Accounting Office, 77
- Germany, 76, 78, 103
- Glenn, John, 6
- golf, Clinton and, 23–25, 50–51, 59, 191
- Gore, Al, 70; character of, 91–92; Election 2000 and, 108; military experience of, 89; reinvention of government and, 106; terrorism and, 139; travel of, 77
- government, reinvention of, 5, 106
- Graham, Bradley, 5
- Greece, 78
- Grenada, 2, 19, 117; Cuba and, 32, 33, 35; government in, 35; invasion of, 31, 32–37; preparation for, 32–33; Russia and, 32; strategy in, 36
- Guevera, Dave “Bubba,” 121
- Gulf War, 3
- Haiti, 2, 19, 169, 170; Clinton and, 117–19; presidential elections in, 172; U.S. military intervention in, 5, 31, 35–37, 111, 112, 117–19
- Hanks, Tom, 74
- Hanlin, Kirk, 70
- Harlan County, USS, 118
- Hawkins, Jim, 42
- Hector Peterson Memorial, 97
- Herman, Alexis, 60–61
- Hernreich, Nancy, 43
- Hilton Head, S.C., 66–67
- Hobe Sound, Fla., 48
- Hollywood, 9, 74
- Honolulu, Hawaii, 82
- House Armed Services Committee, 5, 107
- House International Relations Committee, 134
- House Judiciary Committee, 184
- Hussein, King, 172
- Hussein, Saddam, 25–27, 152–54
- Ickes, Harold, 53
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, 140
- India, 9, 14, 77
- intelligence community, politicizing of, 7–8
- Internet, 12
- Inter-Service Intelligence Agency, 169
- In the Arena: A Memoir of the 20th Century (Weinberger), 151–52
- Iran, 8
- Iraq, 169; Clinton administration and, 25–30, 152–54; missed opportunity in, 25–30; North Korea and, 8; threat of, 152–54; UN and, 26; U.S. military intervention in, 5, 112, 165, 166
- Irbil, Iraq, 25
- Ireland, 77, 78
- Israel, 103, 132, 166
- Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank, 171
- Italy, 76
- Jackson, Jesse, 61, 62, 79
- Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan, 179
- Japan, 8, 10, 135, 157
- “Jogger Watch,” 48
- Johannesburg, South Africa, 81, 97–98
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 76
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 92, 144
- Jones, Paula, 54–55, 94, 168, 179, 184
- Jordan, 78
- Jordan, Vernon, 24, 25
- Kamel, Hussein, 171
- Kazakhstan, 163
- Kennedy, John F., 76
- Kenya, 140, 180
- Kerry, John, 50–51
- Key, Scott, 33, 35
- Khmer Rouge, 178
- Kim Jong Il, 8
- King’s Bay, Ga., 108
- Klinghoffer, Leon, 132
- Korea. See North Korea
- Kosovo, 5, 111, 123, 181, 182, 183
- Kross, Walter, 144, 146
- Kurdish Democratic Party, 26
- Kuwait, 112
- Laden, Osama bin. See bin Laden, Osama
- Lake, Tony, 89–90, 91
- Lake Manassas, Va., 23
- Lang, Bill, 49
- Lanxade, Jacques, 91
- Lawrence, T. E., 85
- Lewinsky, Monica, 56, 77, 179, 180
- Liberia, 112, 173
- Libya, 8, 133
- Lieberman, Evelyn, 43
- Limbaugh, Rush, 158
- Lindsey, Bruce, 43, 49, 53, 55, 57–58, 70, 75, 97
- Lister, Sara, 104, 105–6
- Liu Chaoying, 175
- Lockhart, Joe, 58, 75, 99
- Loral Space and Communications Corporation, 170, 173–74, 177–78
- Los Angeles, Calif., 9
- Los Angeles Times, 173
- Louisiana, 26
- Luck, Gary, 6
- Macedonia, 112, 123, 154, 166, 169
- Magraw, Michael, 108
- Manila, Philippines, 82
- Mariano, Connie, 43
- Marine One, 45, 65, 80–81, 106–7
- Marines: reduction of, 107–8; women in combat and, 104. See also military
- Marshall Plan, 69
- Marswell Investment, Inc., 175
- Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., 51
- Massoud, Ahmad Shah: assassination of, 15; bin Laden and, 14
- Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., 101
- McAuliffe, Terry, 59–60
- McCaffrey, Barry, 90
- McCallum, Edward, 12–13
- McDew, Darren, 125; Patterson as military aide and, 40–45
- media: Clinton administration’s concern with, 50; Clinton’s loss of nuclear codes and, 57–58; foreign policy and, 21
- Middle East, 6, 78
- military: Clinton administration and, 2–7, 20–22, 35–39, 87–91, 97–100, 158–62; Cold War and, 6, 35, 158; costs of, 160–61; domestic politics and, 127, 152; gays in, 38, 91, 95, 99; morale of, 2, 22, 35–39, 94–95, 107, 161; pay freeze and, 7, 107–8; Reagan and, 2, 32, 35; rebuilding of, 2, 32; reduction of, 2–5, 35–36, 106–8
- “military poor,” 107
- Mill, John Stuart, 129
- Milosevic, Slobodan, 156
- Mogadishu, Somalia, 36, 113, 114
- Morris, Dick, 26, 73
- Morris, Madeleine, 104
- MTV, 133
- Mubarak, Hosni, 172
- Mudd, Mike, 41, 45
- Myers, Dee Dee, 52
- National Intelligence Estimate (1995), 183
- national security: American people’s concern for, 163–64; Clinton administration and, 1, 9–10, 20, 87; Clinton’s dishonesty and, 52–54; degradation of, 3, 7, 157–58
- National Security Council (NSC), 90, 91, 92, 129
- National Taxpayers Union, 77
- NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Navy, 45; Grenada and, 33; rebuilding of, 161; reduction of, 4, 106; women in combat and, 105
- Netherlands, 69, 76, 83
- New York Times, 10, 181
- NGOs. See nongovernmental organizations
- Nixon, Richard, 76, 77
- nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 177
- Norman, Greg, 48–49
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 58; Bosnia and, 123, 126–27, 165, 168, 171
- North Carolina, 32, 108
- Northern Alliance, 14, 179–80
- North Korea: Clinton and, 8, 156–57; nuclear activities of, 7, 8, 10, 157; two-war strategy and, 159
- Norway, 166
- NSC. See National Security Council
- nuclear “football,” 1, 19, 21, 24, 54
- Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, 169
- nuclear threat, 8–13
- Nunn, Sam, 102
- Office of Safeguards and Security (DOE), 12
- O’Grady, Scott, 171
- Oklahoma City, Okla., 170
- O’Leary, Hazel, 11, 13
- On War (Clausewitz), 111
- Oslo Accords, 166
- Pakistan, 14, 136; China and, 169, 172–73; North Korea and, 8; nuclear weapons program of, 174
- Palestine Liberation Organization, 166, 178
- Paltrow, Gwyneth, 92
- Panama, 2, 36, 77, 117
- Panetta, Leon, 43, 89
- Parade magazine, 3, 108
- Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, 26
- Patterson, Nichole, 146
- Patterson, Robert “Buzz”: career of, 1–3, 19–20, 31–32, 35; Clinton and, 19–21; as military aide, 39–45; nuclear “football” and, 1, 19, 24–25, 54–58; performance reports of, 187–90; post-Clinton career of, 143–48
- PDD-25. See Presidential Decision Directive 25
- PDD-56. See Presidential Decision Directive 56
- PDD-60. See Presidential Decision Directive 60
- “peace dividend,” 22, 35
- People’s Liberation Army, 9, 175
- Philippines, 76, 82
- Pitt, Brad, 92
- Podesta, John, 54, 57–58, 99
- Pope Air Force Base, N.C., 32
- Portugal, 77
- POTUS (President of the United States). See Clinton, Bill
- Powell, Colin, 101, 163
- Powell Doctrine, 116
- President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 11, 13
- Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces (1992), 102
- Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD-25), 116–17, 170–71
- Presidential Decision Directive 56 (PDD-56), 177
- Presidential Decision Directive 60 (PDD-60), 178–79
- Presidential Emergency Operations Center, 69
- Presidents Cup golf tournament, 23–25
- Préval, René, 172
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 167, 172, 184
- racism, 60–62
- Raderstorf, Chuck, 41
- Rangers, 34
- Reagan, Ronald: defense and, 158, 162; Grenada and, 2; military and, 2, 32, 35, 36, 88; nuclear “football” and, 57; terrorism and, 132–33; travel of, 76
- Reagan Doctrine, 116
- Regional Forum of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 10
- Reno, Janet, 167
- Republican Guard (Iraq), 25, 27
- Restore Hope, Operation, 112, 165–66
- Rhein-Main Air Base, Germany, 119
- Rice, Condoleezza, 163
- Richardson, Bill, 11, 14, 179
- Richardson, John, 41
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 99
- Rodham, Hugh, 59–60
- Rodham, Tony, 59–60
- Rohrabacher, Dana, 14
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 41, 76
- Roosevelt, USS, 105
- Rose Law Firm, 64
- Rudman, Warren, 12–13
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 163, 183
- Russia, 10, 14, 32, 77, 103, 155, 163
- Rwanda, 19, 35, 168; humanitarian operations in, 31; military exhaustion in, 5; U.S. military intervention in, 36, 111, 112, 117
- Ryan, June, 41
- Sadat, Anwar, 134–35
- St. George Medical College, 32
- St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 66–67
- San Antonio, Tex., 108
- Sandia Nuclear Laboratory, 11
- Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2, 119, 120, 126
- Saudi Arabia, 153, 174, 175
- Schwartz, Bernard, 170
- Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 143
- Scott Air Force Base, Ill., 79, 125
- Secret Service, 40, 65, 66, 70, 78
- Senate Armed Services Committee, 5, 102
- September 11 terrorist attacks, 2, 13, 14, 21, 185
- Seven Pillars of Wisdom, The (Lawrence), 85
- Shultz, George, 89
- Sierra Leone, 112, 177
- Sigonella Naval Air Station, Sicily, 132
- Slouching Towards Gomorrah (Bork), 99
- Slovenia, 154
- “smile” diplomacy, 8
- Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Relief Act of 1940, 94
- Somalia, 19, 35, 165–66; ambiguous operations in, 36; Clinton and, 36, 112–17; explanation of military involvement in, 116–17; humanitarian mission in, 2, 31, 36, 112–13; military exhaustion in, 5; tragedy in, 36, 114–17, 135–36, 167; U.S. military intervention in, 111, 112; withdrawal from, 167
- Sopranos, The, 59
- South Africa, 76, 97–98
- South America, 78, 81
- South Carolina, 32
- South Korea, 8
- Soweto, South Africa, 97
- Special Operations Forces, 33, 34, 130
- Spence, Floyd, 107
- Split, Croatia, 122
- Starr, Kenneth, 181
- START II arms treaty, 182, 183
- State Department, 9, 78, 162
- Stowe, Graham, 99, 100
- Sudan, 112, 174, 180–81
- Sullivan, Al, 42
- Sun City, Arizona, 27
- Sun Tzu, 97
- Switzerland, 78
- Taiwan, 159, 173
- Taiwan Strait, 9, 10
- Talbott, Strobe, 163
- Taliban, 13–14, 176
- Tampa, Fla., 61
- Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 61–62
- Tanzania, 140, 180
- terrorism: Clinton and, 131–42; as law enforcement issue, 136, 141–42; nuclear threat and, 12; Reagan and, 132–33; war on, 22, 129–42
- Texas, 69
- Thailand, 77
- Theodore Roosevelt, USS, 95
- Thomason, Harry and Linda, 74
- Toledo, Ohio, 53
- Trade Department, 78
- Travelgate, 54, 64
- Travis Air Force Base, Calif., 39
- Treasury Department, 78
- Trie, Charlie, 173
- Truman Doctrine, 116
- Tunisia, 132
- Turkey, 14, 78
- Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 122, 126
- two-war strategy, 5–6, 158–59
- Ukraine, 163
- United Kingdom, 77, 78
- United Nations (UN): Bosnia and, 121, 122, 126; Iraq and, 26; military operations under, 98; Security Council Resolution 1199, 181; Somalia and, 36, 114–15
- United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM II), 165, 170
- United States: international reputation of, 21–22; peacekeeping and, 156
- UNOSOM II. See United Nations Operation in Somalia
- Uphold Democracy, Operation, 37, 118, 169
- Urgent Fury, Operation, 32–37
- U.S. Information Agency, 78
- U.S. Military Airlift Command, 2
- Walker, Jennone, 91
- Wang Jun, 173
- Warner, John, 121
- Washington, George, 43
- Washington Post, 5, 55
- Washington Times, 182
- weapons of mass destruction, 8
- Weinberger, Caspar, 89, 151–52, 158
- Weldon, Curt, 11
- West Palm Beach, Fla., 48
- White House Advance Office, 100
- White House Commission on Aviation Safety, 139
- White House Communications Agency, 25, 53, 65, 66
- White House Medical Unit, 65, 66
- White House Military Office (WHMO), 41–42, 44
- White House Social Office, 92
- White House Transportation Agency, 60
- Whitewater, 54, 64, 68, 167
- WHMO. See White House Military Office
- WIC. See Women, Infants, and Children aid program
- women: in combat, 99, 102–6; as “security risks,” 56
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) aid program, 108
- World Islamic Front, 179
- World Trade Center bombing (1993), 133, 165
- Wye River Conference, 181