Preparation time: 1 minutes |
4 servings |
Cooking time: 5 minutes |
61 calories per serving, 10% from fat |
RealAge effect if eaten 12 times a year: |
RealAge-effect ingredients: |
No RealAge effect, except to save you from the aging that other styles of popcorn can cause because of trans fat or saturated fats. |
Corn (fiber) |
½ cup popcorn kernels
Butter-, olive oil-, or garlic-flavored cooking oil spray
Garlic salt, or cinnamon and sugar (optional)
Place popcorn in a 2½-quart microwave-safe container; cover and cook at high power 4 to 5 minutes or until popcorn is popped but not scorched. After 3 minutes, if the microwave oven does not have a turntable, use oven mitts to shake the covered container. Pour the popcorn onto a sheet pan (see tips) and coat with cooking oil spray. To flavor the popcorn, sprinkle on your favorite seasoning—garlic salt or cinnamon and sugar.
tips: Yes, a sheet pan has no sides or very shallow sides, so you’re thinking the popcorn’s going to spill all over the place and make a mess, plus get cold. Then you’ve got to put it in a bowl from a flat, mostly sideless sheet. However, this really works. Try it. This recipe makes a great low-calorie snack with flavor.
nutritional analysis
Total fat (g) 0.8 |
Sodium (mg) 0 |
Vitamin A (RE) 0 |
Fat calories (kc) 7.2 |
Calcium (mg) 1 |
Beta-carotene (RE) 0 |
Cholesterol (mg) 0 |
Magnesium (mg) 0 |
Vitamin C (mg) 0 |
Saturated fat (g) 0.1 |
Zinc (mg) 0.5 |
Vitamin E (mg) 0 |
Polyunsaturated fat (g) 0.5 |
Selenium (mcg) 1 |
Thiamin B1 (mg) 0 |
Monounsaturated fat (g) 0.2 |
Potassium (mg) 0 |
Riboflavin B2 (mg) 0.01 |
Fiber (g) 0.4 |
Flavonoids (mg) 0 |
Niacin B3 (mg) 0.1 |
Carbohydrates (g) 10.0 |
Lycopene (mg) 0 |
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.01 |
Sugar (g) 0 |
Fish (oz) 0 |
Folic acid (mcg) 0 |
Protein (g) 1.0 |
Nuts (oz) 0 |
Vitamin B12 (mcg) 0 |