1.1 Location: Sicilia (now Sicily)
1 Bohemia Bohemia, a central European kingdom, formerly part of the Austrian Empire; its capital was Prague on…occasion in the same circumstances
2 on foot in employment
4 Bohemia the King of Bohemia
6 Wherein…loves in whatever manner our hospitality may shame us, we shall make up for it in our love for you
9 Verily truly in…knowledge as my knowledge enables me to do
10 rare exceptional/excellent sleepy sleep-inducing
11 insufficience inadequacy
16 Sicilia the King of Sicily trained educated (plays on the sense of “directed or joined horticulturally”)
18 branch flourish
19 necessities responsibilities
20 attorneyed represented
21 embassies messages
22 vast boundless space ends…winds opposite corners of the globe The may the
25 unspeakable indescribable of in the form of
26 note attention
28 physics the subject gives health to the people
29 ere before desire…life are determined to survive
30 else otherwise
1 wat’ry star the moon, which changes each month
2 note observation
3 burden i.e., occupant
5 perpetuity ever
6 cipher zero that, worthless in itself, may increase the value of a number it is added to
10 Stay restrain
13 questioned…truly’ plagued by anxieties as to what might happen in my absence and concerned that no biting (sneaping) winds of hostility should make me conclude I was right to be afraid
19 put us to’t prove by testing me
21 sev’nnight week
22 very sooth truly
23 between’s between us
24 no gainsaying not be refused
29 needful necessary
31 Were…me would be a punishment to me (although well-intentioned)
32 charge burdensome responsibility
37 Charge entreat
38 this…day such reassuring news was announced yesterday
39 Say if you say
40 ward defensive position (fencing term)
42 tell say (to us) strong i.e., as an argument
43 But only
45 distaffs cleft staffs around which wool or flax was wound for use in spinning
46 adventure risk
48 take receive
49 behind…parting after the time (gest) appointed for his departure
50 good deed indeed
51 jar tick behind…she less than any noble woman (loves)
57 limber vows limp protestations
58 t’unsphere the stars to unhinge the cosmos (each star was thought to be contained within its own hollow sphere)
63 pay…depart Elizabethan prisoners were required to pay a fee on being released
65 dread greatly to be feared
68 import offending imply that I had offended
73 Of about
74 pretty lordings fine young gentlemen
76 behind to come
80 verier wag more mischievous fellow
82 changed exchanged
86 weak…blood childish dispositions/innocence never developed into adult passions
88 the…ours excepting the inherited (original) sin of all mankind/and have been spared inherited (original) sin
91 tripped sinned
93 to’s to us
94 unfledged undeveloped, youthful
96 play-fellow i.e., Leontes
97 Grace to boot! Charming too!
98 Of …conclusion do not follow that statement (about temptation) to its logical conclusion
100 answer explain/respond to/repay
101 sinned …us had sexual relations with us and continued to do so only with us and no others
112 Cram’s cram us (i.e., me)
113 tame things domestic pets (fat plays on her pregnancy) tongueless unremarked upon
114 Slaughters…that means that all corresponding deeds go unrecognized as well
115 ride’s ride us (with sexual connotations)
116 furlong a furlong is 220 yards (200 metres) ere…acre before we will cover an acre as a result of (instead) being kicked with a spur
119 sister i.e., the first good deed Leontes mentioned
120 would I wish/if only Grace i.e., virtue/honor/divine favor
124 crabbèd bitter, frustrating (crab apples were a notoriously sour fruit)
126 clap seal a bargain by striking hands reciprocally
129 lo look to th’purpose effectively
131 friend companion (Leontes may pick up on the sense of “lover”)
133 mingling bloods process believed to occur during sex, since semen was assumed to be chiefly composed of blood
134 tremor cordis heart palpitations
135 entertainment hospitality (can have sexual connotations)
136 free innocent/open/generous
137 heartiness welcoming warmth bounty generosity fertile bosom profuse affection
138 well…agent still reflect well on the person behaving in such a way (Hermione) ’T it
139 paddling…fingers i.e., flirtatious gestures paddling fingering
140 practised studied/flirtatious
142 mort horn sounded at the kill of a deer/death deer puns on “dear”
143 brows forehead, from which cuckolds (men with unfaithful wives) were supposed to grow horns
146 I’ fecks! In faith!
147 bawcock fine fellow (from French beau coq, meaning “fine cock, rooster”) smutched dirtied, smudged
149 neat clean, smart (puns on the sense of “horned cattle”)
150 steer young male ox
151 virginalling…palm moving the fingers up and down, as if playing the virginals (a keyed instrument); with sexual innuendo
152 wanton wild/untrained/playful/lustful
155 Thou want’st you lack rough pash shaggy head shoots horns (signifying cuckoldry)
156 full complete, fully grown
159 o’er-dyed blacks fabric weakened by excessive dyeing/fabric that has had black dye applied over a preexisting color wind, as waters i.e., changeable, capricious
161 bourn…mine boundary between his and my possessions (of which he intends to cheat me at dice)
163 welkin sky-blue
164 collop piece of flesh, offspring Can thy dam is your mother capable (of infidelity)
165 Affection strong feeling/passion/animosity/delusion (sense apparently shifts between Hermione’s supposed erotic desire for Polixenes and Leontes’ intense reaction) intention intensity, forceful purpose (which strikes to his heart, the center of his being)
166 not so held deemed impossible
168 thou coactive art you collaborate
169 fellow’st are companion to credent likely, believable
170 co-join conjoin (sexual suggestion)
171 commission what is permitted find discover, discern
173 hard’ning…brows i.e., as a cuckold, beginning to grow horns
174 Sicilia i.e., Leontes
175 something seems appears somewhat
179 moved distressed
182 make…bosoms provide entertainment to those with harder hearts
185 unbreeched i.e., a child, not yet in breeches (short trousers)
186 muzzled sheathed or with its tip protected
190 squash unripe pea pod (familiar/contemptuous)
191 take…money i.e., be deceived into accepting something of inferior value (proverbial)
193 happy…dole may his destiny be good fortune/happiness
197 exercise usual occupation
199 parasite sponger, flattering courtier
201 childness childlike ways
202 Thoughts…blood i.e., melancholy, thought to thicken the blood
204 Officed in such a role
205 graver slower, more sedate
207 dear expensive/beloved cheap inexpensive/common
208 rover wanderer
209 Apparent in line to
211 shall’s attend shall we wait for
212 bents inclinations found discovered literally/exposed morally
215 Go to expression of impatient dismissal
216 neb, the bill nose and the mouth, i.e., she inclines her face as if to be kissed
217 arms…husband behaves as though she were with her own husband
219 forked horned
220 plays ambiguous: amuses herself/is busily engaged/practices deceit/has sexual intercourse; sense then shifts to “perform a role”
221 so…part i.e., the cuckold, butt of jokes issue outcome/end/action/offspring (plays on the sense of “children”)
222 hiss derisive response to Leontes’ performance in role of cuckold
223 knell funeral bells There have perhaps elided “There’ve” for sake of meter
224 cuckolds men with unfaithful wives
227 sluiced flushed out with water, i.e., semen
228 pond plays on sense of “vagina” fished plays on sense of “copulated with”
230 gates i.e., vaginas
232 revolted unfaithful
233 Physic remedy
234 bawdy lewd strike blast with a malevolent influence
235 predominant in the ascendant
237 barricado…belly i.e., defence against sexual entry
239 bag and baggage plays on the sense of “penis and testicles” on’s of us
246 ado trouble, fuss his anchor hold him (Polixenes) stay
247 still came home always returned, i.e., failed to take hold
249 petitions requests, entreaties
250 material urgent
252 They’re…already i.e., people are already talking about me rounding talking secretly
253 so-forth so-and-so, i.e., cuckold ’Tis…last it must be far advanced, if I am the last to realize it gust taste
257 pertinent appropriate (as a description of her)
258 so it is as matters stand taken understood, perceived
259 pate head
260 conceit is soaking understanding is receptive
261 blocks idiots
262 But of except by severals individuals
263 head-piece intellect Lower messes inferior classes
264 business plays on “sexual business” purblind blind
272 Satisfy Leontes picks up on the sense of “gratify sexually”
275 well well as with
276 chamber-councils personal business
277 cleansed my bosom heard my confession and given me absolution
278 we Leontes falls back on royal “we” to assert authority
282 bide dwell
284 hoxes cripples
285 counted accounted, deemed
286 grafted planted
288 game play son the sense of “sexual play/contest” home to its conclusion stake drawn prize collected (plays on the sense of “penis ready for action”)
296 wilful-negligent deliberately neglectful
299 weighing considering, anticipating
300 issue outcome
301 whereof …non-performance where, the deed being accomplished, it became clear that it should indeed have been undertaken
306 trespass crime
307 visage face, appearance
310 eye-glass lens of the eye
312 vision so apparent something so obvious
313 cogitation thought
315 slippery licentious/deceitful/unchaste
316 be…To shamelessly deny that you
318 hobby-horse whore
319 rank lustful flax-wench lowly woman (flax was spun on a—phallic—distaff, so this also signifies “whore/lecherous woman”) puts…troth-plight has sex before her betrothal
322 clouded i.e., defamed
323 present immediate ’Shrew curse (beshrew)
324 become befit, suit
325 were…true would be as sinful as the (adulterous) wrongs you describe, even if they were true
329 career full gallop
330 note infallible certain sign
331 honesty virtue, decency/chastity Horsing…foot foot-treading, a favorite erotic signal of the period; plays on sexual sense of “mount,” adopting sexual position
333 Hours wishing hours were
334 pin and web cataract
338 nothing of no significance; plays on “no thing” (i.e., vagina/no penis)
341 betimes quickly
348 temporizer procrastinator
350 liver thought to be the seat of sexual passion
352 glass hourglass
354 medal miniature portrait of the beloved
356 bare bore, had
358 particular thrifts personal profit
359 undo prevent, ruin doing action/sex
360 cupbearer servant who carried his master’s cup and was responsible for serving wine meaner form lower rank
361 benched given a position of authority worship honor, respectability
363 galled distressed, vexed bespice season (with poison)
364 lasting wink eternal sleep (death)
365 cordial health giving, heart restoring
367 rash immediately effective
368 dram draught, tiny amount
369 Maliciously violently
370 crack moral breach (with vaginal connotations) dread noble, respected
373 Make…rot! If you are going to dispute my accusations, then go and rot!
374 muddy dull-witted
375 appoint…vexation put myself in this distress
377 sleep peace of mind spotted stained
379 Give…blood raise questions about the legitimacy
381 ripe moving to’t full, compelling reason for it
382 blench turn aside
384 fetch off kill (plays on the sense of “rescue”)
387 for…tongues preventing damaging talk
390 Thou…down i.e., what you suggest is exactly what I had intended to do
394 countenance expression/appearance
395 keep keep company with
404 miserable doomed, unfortunate
405 case situation
406 ground reason, imperative
408 in…himself behaving uncharacteristically, defying his true nature
409 All…too all of his servants behave in such a way as well
410 If even if
413 brass…parchment monuments or materials on which history is recorded
416 break-neck i.e., death Happy favorable
419 warp contract/go astray
423 none rare nothing exceptional
425 As as if
427 customary compliment usual courtesy
428 Wafting…th’contrary looking away falling letting fall, pouting
434 intelligent informative, communicative ’Tis thereabouts it must be something of this sort, i.e., something you dare not say
435 to…must within your heart, if you know something, you cannot deny that you do
437 complexions appearance, expressions
442 distemper disordered constitution
444 Of from
446 basilisk mythical reptile that could kill with its sight and breath
447 sped fared/succeeded
448 regard look/favor, esteem
450 Clerk-like educated (and)
451 gentry gentlemanly role
452 whose success being descended from whom gentle honorable
453 aught anything behove benefit
459 conjure charge, solemnly appeal parts qualities
460 whereof…suit not the least of which is (to answer) my request
462 incidency event
467 charged commanded
468 mark pay attention to
469 ev’n even, just
471 goodnight i.e., the end
473 him by him/to be the one
479 vice force
483 his…best i.e., Judas, betrayer of Christ
485 savour smell strike blast, have an evil influence over dullest least receptive
489 Swear…over even if you swear what he says is untrue
491 influences an invisible substance was supposed to stream from stars and influence destiny
492 for to to
493 or either
494 fabric building, structure
496 The…body for the rest of his life
497 grow have developed
501 trunk body
502 impawned as a pledge
503 whisper to inform secretly of
504 posterns back gates of the city
505 Clear them make their way out
506 which …lost i.e., in revealing this information I have ruined my fortunes
509 prove test
510 stand by reaffirm publicly
515 pilot guide thy…mine your position/privileges shall always be related to mine places dignities, rank, honors
517 hence departure departure from here
523 Professed professed friendship
525 Good expedition prompt departure
526 theme concern, motive
527 ill-ta’en misinformed, unjustified
529 avoid leave
5 none of have nothing to do with
10 for because because
12 so provided
15 ’this you this
22 rounds apace grows larger rapidly (in pregnancy)
24 wanton with us (want to) play with us
27 Good …her! May she have a happy labor!
29 for ready for
31 sad serious/mournful
34 sprites spirits
41 Yond crickets i.e., the other women over there
44 tuft thicket
45 scour move swiftly
46 Even all the way
48 just censure accurate/justifiable judgment
50 in…infected i.e., a spider (thought to be venomous) would not poison the drink they were in unless the drinker knew of its presence steeped soaked
55 gorge stomach/throat
56 hefts heaves I have drunk perhaps elided “I’ve drunk” for sake of meter
57 pander pimp, go-between
59 mistrusted suspected false deceitful
62 pinched tormented trick trifle, toy
69 nurse breastfeed (babies of noble households were breastfed by wet nurses)
72 Sport? A joke?
74 sport entertain (plays on the sense of “have sex”)
79 Howe’er…th’nayward whatever you think to the contrary
83 justice rightful judgment
84 honest truthful/chaste
85 without-door public, outward
86 straight immediately
87 brands stigmas/slanders
88 calumny slander out wrong/angry/speechless
89 That…itself i.e., mercy, not slander, uses shrugs to suggest that Hermione is unchaste; slander attacks actual virtue (which she does not possess)
91 come between interrupt
96 replenished complete
97 He…villain saying so would make him an even greater villain
99 mistook plays on the sense of “wrongfully had sex with”
101 I’ll …place i.e., I will not desecrate your high rank by calling you what you really are (in fact Leontes does so: creature plays on the sense of “whore”)
103 a like the same degrees social classes
104 mannerly distinguishment the proper distinction
108 federary confederate, accomplice
109 know plays on the sense of “have sex”
111 bed-swerver unfaithful to the marital bed (“swerver” means offender, trespasser; possible play on “swiver”)
112 vulgars common people bold’st titles coarsest names Privy to secretly aware of
117 published publicly denounced Gentle my my noble
118 throughly thoroughly to say by saying
122 centre mainstay, support (i.e., if my supposition is incorrect, then the whole structure of my mind/the world will collapse)
123 top spinning-top, toy
124 afar off indirectly/by implication
125 But…speaks merely by speaking up
126 ill malevolent
128 aspect astrological influence
130 want lack
131 Perchance…pities may perhaps prevent you from feeling pity for me
132 here i.e., in my heart
134 qualified tempered, moderated charities senses of charity
135 measure judge
137 heard i.e., obeyed
140 plight situation, i.e., her pregnancy
144 better grace higher virtue (in the eyes of God)
146 leave permission (to go)
158 keep…wife i.e., treat my wife as I would an animal/segregate my wife from all men (as mares were from stallions in stables)
159 in couples leashed together (as hounds were for the hunt)
160 Than…her not trust her except when I can see or feel her
162 dram tiny portion
167 putter-on plotter, instigator
169 land-damn of unclear meaning; probably “thrash pitilessly”
171 some about
173 geld spay, make infertile
174 bring false generations have illegitimate children
175 glib castrate
176 fair issue legitimate offspring
180 doing thus perhaps Leontes touches Antigonus or places Antigonus’ hand on something withal in addition
181 instruments that feel i.e., fingers
183 honesty chastity/fidelity/truth
184 the…sweeten to perfume the face
186 credit credibility, (others’) belief
188 Upon this ground in this matter (plays on sense of “earth”)
189 suspicion doubt
193 instigation incentive, direction Our…this my royal privilege does not require your advice; I am informing you of this out of natural goodness
195 or stupefied either insensible
196 in skill falsely
197 Relish appreciate, understand
199 ord’ring on’t management of it
200 Properly personally
201 liege lord, superior entitled to feudal allegiance and service
203 overture public disclosure
205 ignorant by age grown stupid with age
208 gross…only obvious as any suspicion that lacked only visible proof (gross plays on the senses of “coarse/vile”)
209 nought for approbation nothing remained for proof
211 Made added deed event/sexual act proceeding course of action
214 wild rash post haste
215 Delphos Delos, the island where Apollo the sun god was born and home to an oracle; possibly conflated with Delphi, the Greek town more famous for its oracle
217 stuffed sufficiency complete competency
218 had having been heard
223 he any man/Antigonus
225 Come up to face
226 From away from free accessible/innocent/not imprisoned
227 treachery i.e., suspected plot to kill Leontes
230 raise rouse, incite
12 ado a fuss
13 gentle noble/kind
16 put apart dismiss, leave
24 passes colouring surpasses dyeing/is beyond all attempts at justification
27 forlorn outcast
28 On on account of
30 is…delivered has given birth prematurely
33 Lusty robust
37 lunes fits of madness, attributed to changes of the moon beshrew curse
38 on’t of it office task
39 Becomes is suited to
40 honey-mouthed deceitful
41 never…more may my tongue never be allowed to declare my anger again red-looked dressed in red, like the military herald who preceded the trumpeter
43 Commend…obedience send my devoted support
46 Her…th’loud’st her most vociferous representative
52 free generous miss…issue fail to achieve a positive outcome (thriving issue plays on the sense of “healthy offspring”)
54 meet suitable
55 presently immediately
57 hammered…design thought of this enterprise
58 durst…honour dared not ask a noble person
61 wit good sense, wisdom
67 I…it punishment I risk to let it out of the prison
1 Nor neither
3 in being alive
4 harlot lascivious (Polixenes)
5 blank target
6 level aim, range
7 hook attach
8 Given…fire burned at the stake (punishment for treason) moiety part
15 Conceiving learning of
19 solely alone
20 him i.e., Polixenes
23 parties, his alliance supporters, his allies
28 she she who is
30 be second to support
33 free innocent
37 hot rash, hasty
38 sleep i.e., peace
40 needless heavings pointless sighs or groans
41 awaklng sleeplessness
43 either both humour mood/sickness
46 needful conference necessary conversation
47 gossips godparents
48 How? What?
53 On…peril at the risk of your fury
55 rule control
56 From away from
58 Commit imprison
60 La you now there you are, then
67 in…yours when it comes to condoning your wrongs than those who seem superficially to be most loyal
70 queen may pun on “quean” (whore)
72 by…good prove her innocence by a duel
73 the worst even the most lowly
75 makes but trifles thinks little of, i.e., she’ll scratch them
76 hand touch On…off I’ll go when I decide
80 Out! Away!
81 mankind masculine/furious
82 intelligencing bawd spying pimp
84 ignorant inexperienced, unknowing
85 entitling calling
86 warrant assure (you)
90 dotard old fool woman-tired henpecked unroosted dislodged, usurped in domestic authority
91 Partlet traditional name for a hen
92 crone old woman/old ewe
94 Unvenerable unworthy of respect
95 by…upon’t under that base name (of bastard) he has forced on it
97 dreads fears (Paulina’s response seems to shift sense to “respects, reveres”)
107 as…opinion i.e., as he is king, it is a shame he cannot be forced to uproot the basis of his belief
111 callat nag/whore
113 baits provokes (plays on beats)
115 dam mother (contemptuous, usually applied to animals)
118 lay…charge apply the old proverb to you
119 ’tis the worse the child is the worse off for it
120 print copy matter substance/image
122 trick manner, habit nay even valley perhaps the groove between the nose and the lip or a cleft in the chin
126 got begot, conceived
127 ordering…mind temperament
128 No yellow let there be no yellow (traditionally the color of jealousy)
130 hag witch
131 lozel scoundrel
132 stay her tongue shut her up
141 It…in’t i.e., it is you, the one who orders the fire, who is a heretic as you are burning me unjustly
145 weak-hinged fancy fragile, unsupported imaginings savours smells
150 Where …life? i.e., I would have had her killed by now
153 Jove Roman king of the gods
154 What…hands? i.e., There is no need to manhandle me
155 You i.e., Leontes’ attendants
158 set on put up
162 straight immediately
164 testimony authority/evidence
167 proper own
176 credit credibility/honor
177 beseech’ beseech you
179 dear heartfelt/valuable
182 foul issue terrible outcome
183 I…blows I am exposed to every opinion
189 Lady Margery derogatory name for a woman; “Margery-prater” is a slang term for “hen”
191 this beard’s grey probably refers to Antigonus’ beard adventure risk
203 lewd-tongued outspoken/lascivious
204 enjoin command
205 liege-man loyal servant
207 desert deserted
209 it its
210 strange fortune unnatural circumstances/foreign events, i.e., Polixenes
213 commend…place commit it to some foreign land
214 nurse…it nurture or kill it
215 present instant, immediate
217 kites birds of prey ravens thought tobe a bird of ill omen
220 Like similar
221 more more ways require deserves
222 thy addressed to the baby
226 posts messengers
232 beyond account without precedent/beyond description
235 suddenly immediately
237 session legal hearing arraign put on trial
3.1 Location: on the road
1 delicate exquisite/fragrant
5 caught struck/charmed habits clothing
7 grave reverend, wise
12 Kin similar surprised assailed, overwhelmed
14 th’event the outcome
16 rare wonderful, exceptional
17 worth…on’t well spent
22 violent…it rash way it has been executed
24 great divine chief priest
25 discover reveal
3.2 Location: Sicilia
4 Of by
7 Even…purgation until we have established guilt or acquittal
15 pretence purpose
17 counsel advise/communicate with
22 boot profit
23 mine…received as I am thought to be a liar my claims shall be received accordingly
29 patience endurance, suffering
31 continent restrained/faithful
33 history any historical narrative or fictional tale pattern show, provide a model for
34 take spectators enthrall an audience
35 which owe who owns
36 moiety portion
38 prate prattle
39 For…spare I value life as I do grief, both of which I could do without
40 for…for honor is handed down from me to my children and it is only for that reason that I make a stand
43 conscience also “inward consciousness”
44 grace favor
45 merited deserved
46 With…thus by what unacceptable behavior have I transgressed that I appear on trial like this encounter behavior (plays on the sense of “sexual act”)
51 fie shame
52 I…first I’ve never heard that adulterers lacked the same audacity to deny (gainsay) their actions that was required to perform them
59 More…acknowledge I must not answer for more than those faults that I actually possess
69 friend…yours relative (Polixenes), who has professed his love freely for you since childhood
71 for as for
72 dished served up
76 Wotting knowing
81 level…dreams target, aim of your delusions
82 Which i.e., my life
86 of your fact who have committed your crime
87 concerns…avails is of more importance than practical advantage to you
88 like to itself which, as a bastard, it should be
91 in…death i.e., the very mildest form of your punishment will be death, perhaps preceded by torture
94 bug imagined terror, fearful threat
95 commodity thing of value
97 give acknowledge, give up for
101 Starred most unluckily born under an unlucky star
102 it its
103 Haled dragged post proclamations were nailed up publicly
104 strumpet harlot/whore immodest outrageous
105 child-bed privilege rights extended to women after they had given birth, including bed rest ’longs belongs
106 fashion ranks
108 strength of limit strength gained during the postnatal period of recuperation
113 free clear
114 sleeping else otherwise unforthcoming
115 awake create/muster
116 rigour…law severity rather than justice (plays on the phrase “the rigor of the law”)
125 flatness absoluteness
137 truly begotten conceived legitimately
144 sessions trial
148 conceit imagining
149 speed fate
154 mortal fatal
165 transported carried away, overcome
169 tardied held back from
172 Not…done depending on whether he did or did not do the deed
174 Unclasped my practice revealed my plot
176 commended entrusted
177 No richer than with nothing but glisters shines
181 lace laces that fasten the corset, cut to relieve faintness
184 studied planned
185 wheels to which victims were tied and beaten Rack torture instrument that stretched the limbs
190 Fancies imaginings green immature idle foolish
193 bygone fooleries previous mistakes spices slight tastes
195 of as inconstant disloyal
198 Poor trespasses small crimes
201 or either
202 shed…done’t wept from his fiery eyes, or while burning in hellfire before he would commit such a sin
205 tender young cleft broke
206 conceive understand sire father
208 Laid…answer something you are required to answer to
209 said finished speaking
211 dropped down emerged
215 Tincture or lustre color or brightness
218 heavier…stir more sorrowful/weightier than all your remorse/misery can shift
219 betake thee To prepare for/go to
222 still permanent
224 look…wert look in your direction, take pity on you
229 Howe’er…speech whatever the nature of events you have erred in being so outspoken
237 petition urging, request
238 minded reminded
243 remember remind
244 patience endurance, suffering
246 Thou…truth you spoke best when most truthfully
248 of by
250 them i.e., the gravestones/burial monuments
254 nature…exercise I am physically able
256 use undertake
3.3 Location: Bohemia (coast)
1 Thou…o’th’business dialogue between Antigonus and Mariner is set as verse, but may have been intended as prose perfect certain
2 deserts deserted coastal areas
5 present blusters impending storms conscience opinion
6 that…hand what we are undertaking
9 bark small ship
12 loud stormy
22 creature being, figure
23 some another sometimes on the other side
24 vessel container, figure
25 filled…becoming full of sorrow and so beautiful
26 sanctity holiness
29 fury strong passion anon presently
35 for because
36 Perdita literally “the lost one”
37 ungentle ignoble/cruel
39 shrieks ghosts were traditionally supposed to shriek in high-pitched voices
42 toys trifles
44 squared ruled
49 speed fare, survive
50 character written account of her history and parentage these gold and jewels later found with the baby
51 breed…thine pay for your upbringing with sufficient left over
53 fault crime
56 enjoined committed, obliged
59 clamour the noise of hunters and dogs or the roar of the bear
60 chase hunt (of Antigonus)/hunted bear bear a real polar bear cub was available at the time of the play’s first performance, but some scholars assume an actor in bear costume
64 ancientry elderly/ancestors
65 boiled-brains idiots this in this
68 browsing of feeding on an’t be thy if it be God’s
69 bairn child child baby girl
70 scape sexual transgression bookish well-read
71 stair-work …behind-door-work i.e., secret sexual liaisons (work plays on the sense of “sexual activity” and trunk plays on the sense of “body”)
72 warmer i.e., from sexual activity got begot, conceived
73 tarry wait hallooed called out Clown a rustic, comic character; the Shepherd’s son
76 on about
77 ailest troubles/prevents
79 firmament sky
80 bodkin pin/needle
82 chafes seethes takes up consumes/rebukes
84 boring piercing
85 anon then/shortly yeast foam
86 hogshead cask of alcohol land-service combat on land/food served on land (i.e., events on land)
88 make…ship finish the story of the ship/tell you how the ship met its end flap-dragoned consumed (as in a game of flapdragon, where raisins are plucked from burning brandy and swallowed)
93 winked shut my eyes
95 by nearby
96 your…footing you would have been unable to stand (footing puns on the sense of “establishment of a charity“)
98 Heavy grave, sorrowful
99 met’st met
100 bearing-cloth christening robe squire i.e., one of a relatively high social position
102 changeling child taken by the fairies, or the one substituted for it
103 you’re…live you will live prosperously
105 fairy gold if not kept secret, riches brought by fairies were thought to bring bad luck close secret
106 next nearest still yet/always
109 curst vicious
111 what who
113 Marry by the Virgin Mary
4.1 Location: the theater
1 try test (proverbial: “time tries all things”) both…Of bringer of both joy and terror to the
2 unfolds reveals
4 wings Time was traditionally depicted as winged
6 growth untried development unexamined
8 self-born selfsame/self-created (by Time)
9 plant and o’erwhelm create and overrule
10 ere…received since the beginning of time, before the oldest laws and customs were set down and before those of the present day
11 witness bear willing testimony
12 them i.e., law and custom do be
13 stale…present redundant and past what is now fresh and gleaming
15 seems to it seems old in comparison to the present
16 glass hourglass
17 As as if Leontes…himself leaving Leontes to the consequences of his foolish jealousies, so distraught he shuts himself away
20 Gentle noble, wellborn/excellent/polite, courteous
22 king’s i.e., Polixenes’
23 pace proceed
25 Equal with wond’ring as great as the admiration her grace inspires
26 list not prophesy wish not to foretell
28 adheres pertains
29 argument subject matter
31 yet yet allow
4.2 Location: Bohemia (court)
1 importunate persistent, urging ’tis…denying it makes me ill to deny
3 fifteen the discrepancy between Camillo’s fifteen and Time’s sixteen years may be a scribal error or a slip on Shakespeare’s part
4 been aired lived
5 feeling heartfelt allay comfort
6 o’erween presume
9 want be without made me businesses handled affairs for me
12 considered rewarded
13 heaping friendships growth of Camillo’s kindnesses/increase of mutual friendship fatal deadly
15 reconciled remorseful, confessed
18 unhappy miserable/unfortunate gracious virtuous
19 approved proved
21 missingly noted noticed in his absence retired absent
22 exercises activities, pastimes
25 eyes…service employees to watch him removedness absence/where he goes
28 unspeakable estate indescribable wealth
29 rare note exceptional report
30 begin originate
31 angle fishhook
33 question conversation
34 uneasy difficult
35 present immediate
4.3 Location: Bohemia (rural) Autolycus literally, “the wolf himself” or “the lone wolf”; in classical mythology, he was a crafty thief
1 peer peep out/appear
2 doxy whore/low woman
3 sweet o’ sweetest part of
4 pale paleness/domain
5 sheet…hedge spring-cleaning involved washing linen, which was hung out to dry on hedges
7 set…edge unclear; the general sense seems to be “whet my appetite for thieving” (“to pug” means “to tug or pull” hence possibly “to steal”); alternative possibility is sexual (“pug” meant mistress/whore and “tooth” was associated with desire, as in “toothsome”)
11 aunts whores, wenches
12 tumbling having sex
13 three-pile costly thick velvet out of service unemployed
19 tinkers menders of metal pots and kettles (also applied to beggars and thieves) leave to live permission to live freely
20 sow-skin budget pigskin toolbag
22 in …avouch it affirm that I am a tinker (rather than a vagabond) and thus escape punishment stocks instrument of punishment in which the arms or legs were confined
23 traffic trade, goods kite…linen the kite (a bird of prey) supposedly stole pieces of cloth to build its nest; Autolycus steals sheets that have been left out to dry
24 littered under fathered by/born under the influence of (the connotations of animal birth recall Autolycus’ wolfishness) Mercury Roman god of thieves/the planet
25 unconsidered disregarded, unattended die i.e., gambling drab whoring/pimping caparison clothing, outfit
26 silly cheat petty deception/foolish victim of my trickery Gallows and knock hanging and beating (punishments of a highwayman)
27 For…come as for the future/the afterlife
29 ’leven wether tods eleven sheep will produce 12 kg (a tod) of wool odd one
31 springe trap cock woodcock, a proverbially stupid bird
32 counters round metal discs used for calculating sheep-shearing feast festival held between May and July; the shearing of the sheep was accompanied by general celebrations
35 lays it on sets about it thoroughly made me made nosegays posies of flowers
36 three-man-song-men men who sing three-part songs
37 means boy altos or adult countertenors puritan pious Protestant, opposed to excessive festivity
38 hornpipes wind instruments/lively vigorous dance/piece of music for such a dance; the puritan is so religious he will only sing psalms to them warden pies made from a variety of pear Mace spice made from nutmeg
39 out of my note not on my list race root
40 o’th’sun sun-dried
42 I’th’name of me a mild, and unusual, oath
46 stripes lashes of a whip
48 great matter serious consequences/infected wounds
51 horseman…footman highwayman or robber on foot (who would wear inferior garments)
54 hot service active use, i.e., excessive wear
58 out dislocated
66 troll-my-dames loose women/whores
70 abide stay briefly
71 ape-bearer showman with a performing monkey
72 process-server officer who serves a summons compassed a motion traveled around with a puppet show prodigal son in the New Testament parable, the younger son who squanders his inheritance but is forgiven by his father (Luke 15)
73 living property
74 flown over dabbled with
76 Prig thief/tinker wakes country festivals
81 false of heart fearful
85 softly gently
87 good-faced honest, kind
89 hot full (plays on the sense of “spicy”)
90 cheat deception bring out lead to
91 sheep i.e., to be stupid unrolled removed from the list of thieves and vagabonds
94 hent grasp
1 unusual weeds special (festival) clothes
2 Flora Roman goddess of flowers
3 Peering…front appearing at the beginning of April
4 petty minor
7 chide…extremes rebuke your exaggerations
9 mark o’th’land object of public attention obscured concealed, disguised
10 swain’s wearing rustic clothing
11 pranked up dressed up, adorned
12 mess group of diners/collection of dishes folly lewd or foolish behavior
13 Digest…custom tolerate it because it is a tradition
15 show…glass look at myself in a mirror
20 difference i.e., in rank
22 accident chance event
25 Vilely bound up humbly/degradingly dressed (literally, bound like a book)
26 flaunts fancy clothes
27 sternness majesty
28 Apprehend be apprehensive about, imagine
31 Jupiter…bull in classical mythology the Roman supreme god Jupiter transformed himself into a bull and abducted Europa
32 Neptune…ram the Roman sea god Neptune took on the shape of a ram to carry off Theopane
34 Apollo…swain the classical sun god Apollo disguised himself as a shepherd to seduce Alcestis
37 in a way for an undertaking/in a manner
38 Run not before do not overtake
45 I my life possibly Perdita anticipates being threatened with death
47 forced unnatural/uneasy
48 Or either
52 Though even if
53 with…while i.e., by occupying yourself with anything else in the meantime
55 as as if
59 Stand you be/remain (Fortune was traditionally fickle)
61 Address prepare sprightly in a lively, cheerful manner
64 pantler pantry maid
65 dame hostess
68 On his at one person’s
70 to…sip toast each person retired withdrawn
83 rosemary herb symbolizing remembrance rue herb symbolizing repentance and grace
84 Seeming and savour appearance and smell
88 fit suit, match
90 the year …winter i.e., in autumn
93 gillyvors gillyflowers, a type of dual-colored carnation
94 nature’s bastards gillyflowers are a result of cross-pollination
96 slips cuttings (plays on sense of “sexual lapse”)
97 Wherefore why
98 neglect reject
99 For because
100 an…nature i.e., artificial cross-breeding, in its effect of creating streaked color, only imitates nature’s skill piedness being multicolored
103 mean method
104 over…makes i.e., man and his materials are created by nature, therefore anything he does is essentially natural too
107 gentler scion nobler shoot stock stem/ancestry
109 race root/ancestry, i.e., through cross-breeding, a superior plant is generated from a baser one
110 mend improve
116 dibble tool for making holes in which to plant seedlings set plant
117 painted wearing makeup
120 Hot herbs were divided into “hot” or “cold” varieties based on their supposed qualities savory a type of herb
121 goes…weeping the marigold closes at sunset and opens, filled with dew, at sunrise
127 Out, alas! exclamation of dismay
134 maidenheads virginities Proserpina in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Proserpina, the daughter of Ceres, is abducted by Dis (Pluto) as she gathers flowers, and is taken in his chariot (wagon) to the underworld where he rules
137 dares i.e., return from its migration take bewitch
138 dim modest/drooping
139 Juno queen of the Roman gods
140 Cytherea Venus
142 Phoebus the sun god malady…maids i.e., greensickness, a type of anaemia that caused pallor and weakness; it affected adolescent girls
144 crown imperial a lily first imported into England from Constantinople in the late sixteenth century
145 flower-de-luce fleur-de-lis, heraldic lily (actually a type of iris)
150 if if so
151 quick alive
153 Whitsun pastorals morris dances and plays celebrating Whitsun, seven Sundays after Easter
156 Still always
158 alms charity to the poor or sick
159 ord’ring arranging of
162 still plays on the sense of “motionless”
163 own…function perform no other activity your doing thing you do
164 singular exceptional (plays on the sense of “individual, particular“) particular individual aspect
165 what…deeds your present actions
167 Doricles the name Florizel has assumed
169 true honorable/faithful
170 give you out proclaim you to be
172 the false way with dishonorable intentions
174 skill cause
176 turtles turtledoves, thought to mate for life
180 greensward grass
184 blood look out blush sooth truth
185 curds and cream derived from milk and thus associated with shepherds
187 mistress dance partner
188 mend…with i.e., improve her breath (so bad that even garlic would help)
189 in good time expression of indignation
190 stand upon insist on
194 boasts say he boasts
195 worthy feeding rich pasture, grazing land
197 like sooth truthful
203 featly skillfully
206 light upon choose her (for marriage) Servant i.e., the Old Shepherd’s servant (whose presence indicates that though humble, the household is not impoverished)
209 tabor small drum used for morris dancing
210 tell count out ballads narrative songs sung and sold by itinerant pedlars
211 grew listened attentively/were drawn to
212 better at a better time
215 milliner vendor of fashionable hats and gloves
217 bawdry lewdness burdens refrains dildos and fadings nonsense words used in refrains (plays on the senses of “false penis” and “moment after orgasm”) ‘jump…her’ also with sexual connotations
218 stretched-mouthed wide-mouthed/obscene
219 break…matter interrupt the song with an obscenity (gap plays on the sense of “vagina”)
220 Whoop exclamation of outcry or excitement
222 brave excellent/impudent
223 admirable conceited extraordinarily witty, ingenious
224 unbraided untarnished, not shop-soiled (“braid” plays on the sense of “ribbon”)
225 points laces used to attach doublet and hose (plays on the sense of “arguments”)
226 by th’gross wholesale
227 inkles linen tape caddisses yarn tape used for garters cambrics fine linen from Cambray in Flanders lawns fine linen ’em over about them
228 smock woman’s undergarment
229 sleeve-hand cuff work about embroidery on square square piece of material on the chest area
232 You have there are some
233 go about wish
235 Cypress lightweight crepe fabric
236 sweet scented
237 Masks worn by women to protect the complexion from the sun
238 Bugle glittering
240 quoifs close-fitting caps stomachers decorated fronts for women’s dresses
242 poking-sticks rod for stiffening the folds of a ruff (with possible phallic play)
247 enthralled enslaved (by love) bondage (buying and) binding up
248 against in preparation for
249 more than that presumably marriage
250 paid you had sex with you/given you paid…again refers to pregnancy and the shame of an illegitimate child
252 plackets…faces i.e., reveal their most private affairs in public placket slit in a skirt or petticoat (hence “vagina”)
254 kiln-hole fire hole at an oven (somewhere to gossip)
255 Clamour silence
257 tawdry-lace Saint Audrey’s lace, a decorative neckerchief
259 cozened tricked
260 abroad roaming about behoves befits
263 charge value
265 alife on my life
267 usurer moneylender brought…of delivered
268 at a burden in one birth
269 carbonadoed scored and grilled
273 Tale-porter i.e., “tale-bearer” or bringer of “tail” (vagina), hence pimp
276 lay it by set it aside
279 fourscore eightieth (four times twenty) forty thousand fathom 240,000 feet (about 74,000 meters)
281 exchange flesh have sex
284 justices’ magistrates’ hands signatures pack bag, pack of goods
288 passing extremely
289 request demand
291 bear a part sing a part/play a role/handle genitals
293 on’t of it
294 Have…you let’s begin
304 Or either grange farmhouse
305 ill wrong
312 have…anon finish this song later
313 sad serious
321 toys ornaments, trinkets
325 utter offer for sale ware-a wares, goods
326 carters cart drivers neat-herds cowherds
327 made…hair dressed in hairy disguises, presumably animal skins, to resemble satyrs
328 Saltiers malapropism for “satyrs” (mythical creatures, part man, part goat) gallimaufry of gambols chaotic mixture of leaps
330 bowling i.e., a gentle, sedate activity
331 homely simple
333 threes trios
336 by th’square with great precision
337 prating chattering
339 stay are waiting
340 father respectful term of address for an old man you’ll…hereafter presumably refers to a conversation the men were having during the dance
342 He’s simple the Shepherd is ignorant/humble
345 handed handled wont accustomed
346 she with knacks lady with trifles, presents
349 marted bargained/bought
350 Interpretation should abuse should misinterpret
351 bounty generosity straited at a loss
352 make…her care about keeping her happy
356 looks looks for
358 delivered i.e., legally, through formal betrothal breathe my life i.e., pledge my love
360 sometime formerly, at some time
362 bolted sifted, refined
363 blasts winds
365 wash clean/whitewash
366 was that was put you out disconcerted you (by interrupting); also used for actor forgetting his lines
367 to return to protestation declaration
374 Thereof of all monarchs
378 Commend…perdition either commit them to her service, or consign them to ruin
386 By…his through understanding the purity of my own thoughts I recognize that of his (a dress-making metaphor)
391 portion dowry
393 one being dead i.e., when Polixenes dies and Florizel inherits the throne
396 Contract…witnesses the formal betrothal; a pledge of marriage uttered before witnesses was legally binding
399 Soft wait a moment swain country gallant or lover/young man/rustic
406 becomes befits
407 incapable Of unable to understand (through senility)
409 alt’ring rheums weakening catarrh or similar ailments of old age
410 Dispute deal with
411 does…childish i.e., suffers dementia and returns to a state of childish dependency
418 unfilial not like a son, unnatural Reason it is reasonable that
421 posterity family, descendants hold some counsel be involved, consulted
423 yield grant
434 Mark witness
438 affects aspires to/seeks to obtain/loves/assumes the character of/puts on a pretence of sheep-hook shepherd’s crook, and by implication a shepherd girl (derogatory)
441 excellent skilled of force by necessity
442 cop’st with deal with/embrace
445 homely ugly/humble fond foolish/doting
447 knack toy/piece of trickery
448 succession i.e., to the throne
449 Not…blood disown you
450 Far…off less linked in kinship than to Deucalion, in classical mythology the common ancestor of humankind and thus the most distant relation possible
451 churl rustic/villain, i.e., the Shepherd
453 dead…it i.e., execution enchantment enchantress, witch, i.e., Perdita
454 him i.e., Florizel
455 That…thee i.e., were it not for his royal blood, his behavior has made him even unworthy of a lowly person like you
457 rural latches metaphorical gates that lead from Perdita’s rustic world into Florizel’s
460 tender acutely receptive
461 undone ruined
465 visage face
466 alike both alike
475 fourscore three eighty-three
476 fill…quiet die peacefully
480 no…dust criminals were denied a Christian burial
481 adventure dare
482 mingle faith exchange vows (perhaps with play on the belief in the mingling of blood during sex)
488 straining…back determined for being deterred following…unwillingly being dragged against my will
493 purpose intend hardly with great dificulty/unwillingly
498 I think, Camillo? Camillo either takes off his disguise or is recognized by Florizel, even with it on
501 dignity worth
502 But only
504 violation…faith breaking of my oaths
506 seeds i.e., of life Lift…looks look at me/be cheerful
507 wipe erase
509 Be advised be cautious, think carefully
510 fancy feelings, love
514 desperate extreme/rash/dangerous
516 honesty right, honorable
517 pomp splendor, ostentation
519 close secret/enclosed wombs holds within profound deep
525 passion rage
526 Tug contend with one another
527 deliver report
530 rides fast by anchored nearby
531 What…hold where I intend to go
532 Shall…reporting will not benefit you to hear or me to tell you
535 for advice to advise
539 irremovable determined
541 frame…turn use for my purposes
543 Purchase obtain
547 fraught burdened curious difficult
548 ceremony courtesy (toward you)
550 poor meager
554 not…on and important to him to reward your service as fully as he values it
559 embrace…direction accept my advice, adopt my plan
560 ponderous weighty settled fixed, determined
561 suffer alteration permit some adjustments
562 receiving a reception
564 Enjoy make love to/love freely
565 disjunction separation
566 forfend forbid
568 discontenting discontented qualify pacify
569 liking giving his approval
573 after…to ever after trust
574 on of
577 th’unthought…do this unexpected event is responsible for our rash behavior now
579 flies…blows blown about like flies in the wind
581 list listen
586 habited dressed
590 As…person as though he were your father
591 divides…kindness veers between chastising himself for his past unkindness/unnatural behavior and endeavoring to be kind/fatherly now
596 colour pretext
600 bearing behavior
601 as as if
603 point…sitting direct you at every discussion (with regard to)
605 bosom most personal thoughts
608 sap life
611 unpathed uncharted
613 one one misery
614 nothing…as your only certainty
615 stay hold, keep
617 Prosperity’s…love good fortune secures love
619 Affliction alters (love) is changed by adversity
621 subdue the cheek make the complexion pale
622 take in affect/conquer
624 seven years i.e., for a long time
625 such such as Perdita
627 as…birth as superior to her lowly upbringing as she is inferior to us in rank
630 instructions education
638 furnished dressed/equipped
639 appear appear so
641 fortunes wealth
643 appointed provided for
644 mine written/performed by me instance proof
645 want go without
647 trumpery worthless finery stone gem
648 glass mirror pomander ball of sweet-smelling substances carried about for ornament or to prevent infection table-book notebook
649 horn-ring ring made from horn, thought to possess magical qualities fasting i.e., being empty
650 hallowed sacred benediction blessing
651 best in picture looked best (to steal)
652 use purpose/opportunity/profit wants lacks something some thing
653 grew plays on the phallic sense of “became erect” pettitoes feet (literally, pig’s trotters)
655 stuck in ears were devoted to hearing placket literally, slit in a petticoat, hence “vagina”
656 geld…purse cut a purse free from the codpiece it is attached to/castrate (geld) a scrotum
657 my sir’s i.e., the Clown’s
658 nothing meaninglessness/silliness (puns on musical “noting,” which was pronounced similarly)
659 whoo-bub hullabaloo
660 choughs small chattering birds of crow family, especially jackdaws (plays on “chuffs” meaning “rustics”) chaff wares, pickings/husks of grain after threshing/refuse
665 satisfy appease
670 Nothing nothing that
675 outside…poverty i.e., poor clothing
676 discase undress
677 think believe, understand
678 pennyworth bargain
679 some boot something more
681 dispatch hurry flayed stripped
682 in earnest sincere (sense then shifts to “advance payment”) trick knack/habit/trickery on’t of it, i.e., duping people
687 Come…ye be fulfilled
688 covert hiding place
689 pluck pull
690 Dismantle you take off your outer clothes disliken disguise
691 seeming appearance
692 eyes over spies
693 undescried undetected
694 lies plays on the sense of “dissimulates”
696 remedy alternative
703 twain two
708 after in pursuit
709 review see again
710 woman’s i.e., overwhelming
711 speed favor/hasten
715 cutpurse one who steals by cutting purses which were worn hanging from the waist
717 exchange conversation/exchange of garments/financial transaction without boot even without payment boot benefit/profit/shoe
718 connive at conspire with
719 extempore on a whim, spontaneously piece of iniquity wrongful act
720 clog burden (block of wood tied to man or animal to prevent escape)/mistress
721 withal with this
722 constant faithful fardel bundle
723 hot enthusiastic, active
724 session court session careful attentive, cunning
726 changeling fairy child (usually substituted for a stolen mortal baby)
729 Go to go ahead
738 I…ounce i.e., nothing at all
739 puppies i.e., silly ones
742 complaint lament, grounds for grievance
743 master i.e., Florizel
746 pocket up put away excrement i.e., moustache/beard
747 an it like if it please
748 condition nature
749 having means, wealth
750 discover reveal
751 plain simple (Autolycus plays on sense of “smooth”)
753 give…lie deceive us/accuse us of lying (a valid cause for a duel) pay…lie i.e., even if cheated or insulted, since soldiers pay with legitimate currency rather than by stabbing, tradesmen cannot claim to have given anything (free goods/the lie), and a duel is thus avoided
755 one the lie/a duel taken…manner behaved properly/caught yourself in time
759 enfoldings clothing gait posture, bearing measure graceful movement
760 baseness lowly status, which the court would find contemptuous
761 for that because insinuate draw out subtly toaze tease out
762 cap-a-pe from head to toe
763 open thy affair disclose your business
765 advocate representative
767 pheasant the only courts known to the Clown are those of local justices; he assumes Autolycus refers to bribing the judge with a gift
771 but anyone but
773 fantastical imaginative/eccentric
774 picking on’s teeth the way he picks his teeth (ornate toothpicks were a mark of fashion)
779 Age old man
782 be’st…serious are able to understand important things
786 hand-fast arrested fly flee, escape
789 wit…heavy ingenuity can make brutal
790 germane related
792 sheep-whistling rogue rascal who whistles to his sheep ram-tender one who looks after rams offer attempt
793 grace favor at court
794 sheep-cote building sheltering sheep
796 ’nointed anointed, covered
797 dram tiny bit
798 aqua-vitae liquor
799 prognostication proclaims the calendar forecasts
801 blown swollen with flies’ eggs (laid in wounds)
802 capital worthy of the death penalty
803 to to say to Being…considered as I am deemed noble/esteemed at court
804 tender offer, present
805 him in to him on man any man
807 Close make a deal
811 that what
812 in pawn as security
816 moiety half
817 case circumstances/skin
822 gone else dead otherwise
825 before ahead of me
826 look…hedge i.e., urinate
829 suffer allow
830 booties booty, benefits courted wooed occasion opportunity
832 him i.e., Florizel’s ship
833 shore them put them ashore
834 officious interfering
835 proof against impervious to
836 matter serious business/reward
5.1 Location: Sicilia
2 sorrow i.e., penitence
3 paid…trespass endured and repented more than the sin warranted
9 in them with regard to them
16 the…are all existing women
22 good now expression of entreaty
26 done…benefit been more helpful
32 sovereign name royal lineage, i.e., through an heir
33 fail of issue childlessness
35 Incertain lookers on subjects or spectators who are unsure and anxious about the future
36 well i.e., in heaven
42 Respecting compared to
45 tenor substance
48 monstrous incredible, unnatural
50 on my life I am certain
51 counsel advice
54 Great…th’worthiest Alexander the Great reportedly urged his followers simply to choose the worthiest man as his successor
60 squared me conformed
61 full perfect
66 One…used i.e., if I married an inferior woman and treated her better (than Hermione)
67 her i.e., Hermione’s
68 and i.e., and do so/and appear
69 now i.e., now stand (or perhaps a printer’s error for “mourn”) soul-vexed tormented (dying with a troubled soul was thought to make the dead rise as ghosts)
70 Why i.e., why offer this insult
72 had would have
75 should so would also incite you to do so
76 mark note, observe
79 rift split
80 mine i.e., my eyes
82 eyes else other eyes
85 leave permission
88 tempt test
91 Affront come before
95 office task, responsibility
98 walked…ghost were the ghost of Hermione to walk Servant so called in Folio, but clearly a gentleman courtier (he has once written poetry in praise of Hermione)
105 gives out himself claims to be
109 What i.e., what attendants, company
111 out of circumstance without ceremony
112 framed planned
113 accident chance event train retinue (has he with him)
115 mean humble
117 peerless…earth perfect mortal
120 As…now as every present moment claims to be superior to what’s past, so must you (Hermione) yield for the living
124 theme subject of your verses, i.e., the dead Hermione
126 shrewdly ebbed severely lapsed/wisely receded
129 one i.e., Hermione
131 tongue praise
133 professors else those dedicated to other religions proselytes converts
134 who whoever
143 prince i.e., the dead Mamillius
145 full a a full
151 Unfurnish deprive
153 print…off made an exact copy of Polixenes
155 hit exact
161 begetting producing
163 society company
164 Amity friendship
165 Though…him I desire to go on living, however miserably, in order to see him once more
168 touched arrived in Sicilia/moved Leontes
169 at friend in friendship
170 but were it not that
171 waits…times accompanies old age something…ability affected the strength he wishes he had
174 Measured traveled
175 sceptres…living i.e., living kings
179 offices kindnesses
180 rarely exceptionally as…slackness reveal to me how remiss I have been
183 paragon i.e., Perdita fearful usage frightening treatment
184 ungentle rough Neptune Roman god of the sea
185 pains trouble
186 Th’adventure …person risking of her personal safety
189 Smalus no definitive source has been found for Smalus
192 tears proclaimed grief at her departure demonstrated her to be
194 execute carryout charge duty/command
197 bend direct their course
203 climate spend time
204 graceful full of divine grace
207 issueless childless
209 his of his
213 bear no credit seem unbelievable
214 nigh nearby
216 attach arrest
217 dignity and duty royal status and his duty to his father
222 amazedly in a state of amazement/confusedly, distractedly becomes My marvel befits my astonishment
226 seeming apparent
232 Lay’t…charge accuse him directly
236 Has …question is questioning these miserable/humble men (the Shepherd and the Clown)
238 Forswear themselves renounce what they have said
239 stops blocks
240 divers several
243 contract betrothal
246 kiss…first i.e., fall to earth
247 The…alike random events of fortune affect those of high and low birth regardless/it is as likely that the high and the low should be united in marriage as it is that the stars will descend to earth
256 worth rank
258 look up i.e., keep your spirits up
262 since…now when you were no older than I am now
264 Step…advocate come forward as my supporter
267 trifle toy/sexual whim of yours
273 petition request
275 Your…desires provided you have not let lust corrupt your honor (i.e., had sex)/provided your wishes are not incompatible with your status
278 what…make how far I succeed
1 relation account, narrative
2 by nearby
4 chamber room/royal presence
6 issue outcome (plays on the sense of “child”)
7 broken delivery incomplete/confused report
8 notes of admiration marks of wonder
9 cases…eyes their eyelids (i.e., by staring in amazement)
10 as as if
13 importance meaning, import one one or the other
15 happily perhaps
16 bonfires i.e., celebrations
17 ballad-makers ballads often provided accounts of contemporary scandals and events
20 verity truth
22 pregnant by circumstance proven by evidence
24 mantle loose sleeveless cloak
25 character handwriting
26 affection of instinct toward, disposition of
33 countenance facial expressions/behavior
34 distraction frenzy favour face/appearance
37 worries he he harasses
38 clipping embracing like…reigns (weeping) like a fountain that has endured the reigns of many kings
40 lames…it makes any account of it seem deficient undoes defies do express
43 rehearse recount
44 credit belief with by
45 avouches vows innocence simple-mindedness, freedom from cunning
47 bark small ship
51 one …elevated i.e., experienced a mixture of happiness and grief
54 losing being lost
57 prettiest touches most ingenious/charming aspects
58 caught the water i.e., provoked tears
60 attentiveness intent listening
61 dolour grief fain be compelled to
62 marble hard-hearted
67 newly performed recently completed
68 Julio Romano Italian painter who died in 1546, infamous for erotic works
69 beguile cheat custom business
70 ape mimic done created
75 removèd isolated, remote piece add to
76 thence away from there
77 grace wonder unthrifty unprofitable, i.e., we waste an opportunity to add
79 dash trace preferment promotion
80 the i.e., the ship of the
85 relished tasted well discredits misdeeds
87 blossoms full-flowering
90 this the
93 Give…lie insult me so that I may challenge you to a duel try find out
103 preposterous utterly absurd; the Clown means to say “prosperous”
105 give…report speak well of me
106 gentle noble/kind
112 boors peasants franklins landowners ranking below the gentry
115 ne’er so false completely false in on
116 tall…hands brave/fine man
118 would wish
120 to my power as far as I can (perhaps implying his skill at using his hands for picking pockets)
123 picture likeness, statue
1 grave wise
3 What whatever
5 paid home rewarded fully vouchsafed agreed, granted kindly
6 contracted betrothed
8 which…answer which for all my life I shall not be able to repay
11 trouble i.e., demands on your hospitality
12 gallery long, large room
13 content pleasure
14 singularities objects of note
21 Lonely separate (Folio’s “Louely” is conceivably correct, but a printer’s error much more likely)
22 lively mocked realistically imitated
23 Still motionless well well-done
26 something near somewhat close to resembling her
37 As as if
44 stone hard-hearted/dead (from grief)
47 admiring full of wonder spirits vital energies
50 superstition idolatry
55 fixed painted
56 sore painfully/severely
58 So…dry and an equal number of summers cannot dry up
62 cause i.e., himself
64 piece up in add to
67 wrought moved, affected
70 fancy imagination
76 verily truly
79 fixture fixed setting motion movement, life
82 transported entranced
86 settled senses calm state of mind in
87 Let’t leave it
92 cordial restorative, beneficial to the heart
93 air…her she seems to breathe
97 ruddiness rosy color
98 mar spoil
103 forbear restrain yourself, withdraw
104 presently immediately chapel room set aside for worship resolve you prepare yourself
109 wicked powers witchcraft
116 On onward
120 strike strike up (sense then shifts to “affect”)
123 fill…up i.e., bring you back to life
124 him i.e., death
128 for…double by shunning her in this new life, you would kill her again
131 Is…suitor? i.e., Must she take your hand?
137 pertain to life is truly alive
138 make it manifest explain
141 hooted jeered
150 preserved kept alive, protected
153 in being alive
154 issue outcome/child
156 they …relation at this crucial moment others trouble your happiness by relating their own stories
159 Partake extend turtle turtledove, thought to mate for life
161 mate i.e., Antigonus
162 lost dead
165 match contract
166 between’s between us
170 For as for
173 justified confirmed, acknowledged
179 troth-plight betrothed
181 demand question
183 dissevered divided