
     *    Flourish fanfare    Prologue i.e., actor who speaks these lines

    1    maidenheads virginities

    2    followed sought after    gi’en given

    3    stand remain    sound free from error/uninfected (with venereal disease)

    5    shake tremble

    6    stir activity (sexual)

    8    pains exertions

  10    breeder parent/author

  11    went existed

  12    Po river of northern Italy    Trent English river

  14    There i.e., in his works

  15    let fall fail to live up to

  18    fan separate (corn from chaff)

  20    bays laurels (symbol of poetic fame)

  21    Robin Hood “Tales of Robin Hood are good for fools” (proverbial)

  22    endless unattainable

  25    Do…hands i.e., applause

  26    tack about change direction like a ship, due to wind (of applause)

  32    leave i.e., give up acting

Act 1 Scene 1

 1.1    Location: unspecified, in or near Athens    Hymen Greek god of marriage    Nymph young woman dressed as nature spirit    encompassed…tresses i.e., with hair worn loose (signifying virginity)    wheaten garland symbol of fertility/virginity    chaplets garlands, wreaths    Emilia sometimes “Emily”

    2    royal…hue “royal purple” (actually red)

    5    quaint pretty

    7    Ver personification of spring

    8    harbinger herald

  10    cradles i.e., circle of leaves

  11    deathbeds blowing i.e., growing on graves

  12    Lark’s-heels larkspurs—tall blue plants of the delphinium family

  15    sense senses

  19    sland’rous i.e., toward married men by calling “cuckoo,” implying “cuckold,” a husband whose wife is unfaithful

  20    boding prophesying evil    chough hoar jackdaw

  21    ’pie magpie

  22    bride-house house where a wedding is held    stained dyed (black)

  26    respect pay attention to

  30    Jove Jupiter, the supreme Roman god

  31    honour…bed i.e., your future bridegroom

  34    raze erase    o’th’book of trespasses i.e., record of sins kept by heaven

  38    No knees i.e., do not kneel

  39    stead help

  43    Creon King of Thebes

  46    suffer permit

  49    Phoebus Roman god of the sun

  51    purger cleanser, healer

  53    chapel place into a chapel

  54    of out of    note notice

  57    vault roof (i.e., the sky)

  59    transported captivated, carried away    suffered…themselves i.e., wrongly allowed them to remain kneeling

  64    should was about to

  66    Mars Roman god of war

  67    Juno wife to Jupiter, and associated with the life of women and the sanctity of marriage

  68    Your…blasted i.e., you were still a virgin/untroubled by misfortune

  70    Hercules mythological hero famous for his strength and courage

  72    Nemean of the Nemean lion, slain by Hercules

  73    thawed dissolved (with desire)

  77    Whereto to which

  78    undertaker champion, helper

  80    Bellona Roman goddess of war

  86    wast were    make making

  88    uphold…in i.e., maintain the world in the order in which it was created

  90    bound boundary, limit

  92    poise balance

  94    ow’st ownest

  96    tenor meaning, purpose    glass mirror, model

100    key tone

102    Lend…knee i.e., kneel with us

105    i’th’blood-sized in the blood-soaked

109    lief soon    trace follow

111    taken seized

115    Set…ice i.e., coldly made    uncandied thawed, melted

116    form expression

117    pressed…matter forced out by feeling

125    know…too i.e., dig deep

128    sundry wits some minds

133    ground-piece i.e., an example to be copied

134    gainst in anticipation of    capital fatal, mortal

136    natural real (as opposed to painted)/having natural feelings

137    ardently burningly

138    shall…counter-reflect i.e., be reflected by me

141    jot smallest part

145    suppliants’ petitioners’, i.e., the war begged by the widows

146    Knolls rings, tolls

148    meditance meditating, prolonged thought

150    ospreys birds of prey, thought to have a power that made fish roll and yield to them

156    drams poisons    precipitance falling headlong/rapid working (of poisons)

161    visitating inspecting, surveying

164    To give by giving

166    presents…th’doing i.e., needs to be done now

168    bootless futile

170    puissance power

172    clear pure/more intelligible

178    draw out choose

179    prim’st i.e., primest, best

180    levy enlist

181    instruments i.e., soldiers

185    widows…woes i.e., our complaints are dead (because unacknowledged)

186    famishing starving

189    Cull choose carefully    unpanged untroubled by pain

192    service action

193    more imports matters more to

194    foregone previously undertaken

195    cope encounter

196    The more proclaiming i.e., making it more clear that

198    lock keep    synod meeting (of the gods)

199    warranting authorizing    corslet hold tightly (like close-fitting armor)

200    twinning cherries lips

201    taste-full i.e., full of sweet taste

202    blubbered tear-stained

208    bids invites

209    unlike unlikely/not liking

213    surfeit illness through excess (of grie)

214    present immediate    pluck bring down

215    scandal discredit

218    aye always

219    Prorogue postpone

221    fee possession

229    hardy bold

234    get you go

236    pretended intended

238    Aulis seaport in southeast Greece

240    moiety part, portion    business…look’t i.e., a bigger, future conflict

242    current moving away (since he is leaving)/authentic, genuine (as of a coin); may play on “currant,” i.e., sweet, red as a red currant berry

246    full fully    bate lessen

248    solemnity i.e., the ceremony of the occasion

249    want be lacking

250    Cousin courteous form of address

253    abatement decrease

254    tongue o’th’world i.e., reputation

257    affections human feelings, passions

261    sensually subdued i.e., conquered by our senses

262    human title i.e., claim to humanity

Act 1 Scene 2

 1.2    Location: Thebes

    1    blood kinship

    2    prime first/favorite

    3    crimes of nature i.e., human vices

    5    Sully stain, tarnish

    6    shame are ashamed

    7    incontinence lacking self-restraint

    9    frustrate striving i.e., make effort useless

  10    eddy whirlpool

  14    cried up supported by    ruins i.e., ruined individuals

  16    bare weeds ragged clothes

  17    o’th’martialist of the soldier    propound i.e., set as a goal for himself

  18    ingots coins

  19    flurted scorned

  24    purge…repletion i.e., make up for her excess

  25    retain take into service

  28    out in error

  30    cranks winding streets

  37    paid…’em i.e., are treated with cold contempt

  40    respect honor

  43    colour appearance

  44    jump exactly

  46    mere absolute

  48    apes imitators of fashion    tutor’s tutor us

  50    Affect imitate    gait manner of walking    catching infectious

  51    faith self-reliance    fond upon infatuated with

  53    conceived understood

  54    truly accurately, truthfully

  55    generous bond noble obligation    follow imitate

  56    haply perhaps

  57    make pursuit i.e., for unpaid bills

  59    for because

  60    glass image    canon law

  61    rapier light sword used for fencing

  65    i’th’sequent trace i.e., in the following train of horses

  66    plantain herb used to treat wounds

  73    deifies…chance i.e., makes chance his only deity

  74    Voluble inconstant

  77    boot booty, profit

  78    good, dares not i.e., dares not do good

  79    sib related

  80    break burst

  82    clear-spirited noble-spirited

  84    loud notorious    milk…pasture i.e., they will be contaminated by the environment

  86    vile wretched, shameful

  92    due audience of proper attention from

  93    leaden-footed slow

  95    whipstock whip handle

  96    but only

100    appals dismays, terrifies/causes to lose color

102    seal…wrath i.e., do as he has promised

105    But except

107    Thirds reduces to a third

108    dregged made cloudy

110    Leave that unreasoned i.e., do not think about that

112    Yet to continue

115    bounded set the limits of

118    On fail of if we fail to agree to or meet

120    intelligence of state i.e., official news of war

121    defier challenger

125    as…health i.e., like a medical bloodletting    spent wasted

126    laid…purchase i.e., invested for a profit

127    hands…damage i.e., if we don’t fight with our hearts, how much damage can we do

129    th’event the outcome

132    becking beckoning

Act 1 Scene 3

 1.3    Location: the outskirts of Athens

    4    timorous fearful

    5    an’t if it

    6    dure endure    Speed success

    7    Store plenty

  11    affections inclinations

  12    best-tempered pieces i.e., most finely crafted works

  17    terrene earthly

  23    helms helmets

  24    broached impaled

  25    sod boiled

  27    stay wait    spinsters i.e., women who remain at home and spin

  30    As while

  31    requiring praying for

  33    his i.e., Theseus’

  34    slightly neglectfully

  35    execution performance    nor neither

  36    or nor

  39    twins i.e., his sport and his desire to be with Theseus

  41    labour effort

  42    cabined been confined together (in a soldier’s tent)

  44    skiffed traveled (in a small boat)

  47    where…lodged in classical mythology, Pirithous and Theseus went to the underworld, the abode of the dead

  48    brought them off i.e., saved them

  50    cunning skill

  52    umpire mediator

  54    like equal    which i.e., Pirithous or Hippolyta

  58    enjoyed had/took pleasure in

  60    proud splendid/brave

  61    count age

  66    more ground i.e., a firmer basis

  67    buckled fastened    hearses biers or coffins

  71    for because

  73    operance operation

  76    arraignment trial, examination

  80    phoenix-like…perfume i.e., the death of the plucked flower gives rise to the perfume    phoenix mythical bird that lived for 500–600 years before burning on a pyre and being reborn from the ashes

  81    toy trivial ornament

  82    pattern model    affections things she fancied (to dress in)

  83    happily perhaps

  84    decking dressing

  86    coinage improvisation

  87    sojourn reside

  88    rehearsal story

  89    wots knows

  90    importment’s bastard i.e., a false, illegitimate version of the original events    importment significance

  92    dividual different

103    ripe ready

106    in i.e., go in

Act 1 Scene 4

 1.4    Location: outside Thebes    Cornets brass wind instruments signifying sounds of battle    battle struck within i.e., the noise of a battle is heard offstage    retreat the signal to retire is sounded    Flourish fanfare to announce the arrival of a person of distinction, i.e., Theseus    victor i.e., victorious in battle, perhaps signified by a laurel wreath

    2    dark i.e., unfavorable

    6    mounted high

  12    invest clothe

  13    even make even, complete

  17    quality rank

  18    appointment armor and arms

  22    make lanes cut paths through

  23    mark notable sight

  26    Wi’leave with permission

  33    have…men i.e., are still alive enough to be called this

  34    use treat

  35    lees dregs    rates times

  37    Convent assemble    behoof behalf, benefit

  38    niggard grudging

  40    in…state i.e., as they were this morning

  41    would wish

  44    unkind i.e., because it might infect their wounds

  49    mark goal, target

  50    imposition obligation

  52    Apollo Greek sun god associated with healing, prophecy, poetry, music, and archery

  54    bound things scattered i.e., restored order

Act 1 Scene 5

    3    dole mourning/fate

    4    gums resins for incense    cheers looks

    8    quick-eyed sharp-eyed/lively

    9    convent convene

  16    straying winding

  17    severally independently, separately

Act 2 Scene 1

 2.1    Location: a garden outside a prison in Athens

    1    depart part

    2    cast give

    4    salmon large princely fish, i.e., rich man

    5    minnows small, miserable fish, i.e., poor men    given out reputed

    6    better lined wealthier    report rumor

    8    delivered reported    Marry by the Virgin Mary, i.e., indeed

    9    assure settle

  12    estate endow

  15    solemnity i.e., the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta    of from

  16    tender grant/give

  18    name speak about

  19    old business i.e., marriage

  20    hurry excitement, activity

  21    tenderly carefully

  23    strewings rushes (for the floor)

  27    all…chamber i.e., their friendship is everything to them

  29    absolute perfect, complete

  30    By my troth by my faith

  31    stammers speaks inadequately of    grise step

  34    only doers i.e., the only ones worth mentioning

  38    enforce strengthen/compel

  40    toy trifle

  45    restraint captivity

  46    divided broken

  47    martyred…i’th’deliverance i.e., prevented from getting out

  48    presently immediately

  50    chid reproved    above on the upper stage

  54    yonder over there

  57    lower shorter

  59    Go to get on (exclamation)    leave leave off

  62    of between

Act 2 Scene 2

 2.2    Location: within the prison

    4    chance outcome/fortune

    8    Laid…come i.e., resigned the rest of my life

  11    kindreds families

  13    hardy bold

  14    favours tokens of regard (scarves, gloves)

  15    start move off

  18    wagging moving (quickly)    wanton carefree

  19    Outstripped moved quicker than/exceeded

  21    twins i.e., equals

  24    red-eyed…war i.e., Mars

  25    Ravished torn from

  28    blast destroy

  32    too-timely too early

  33    heaviest hardest to bear

  35    Loaden…Cupids referring either to “wife” or “embraces”    Cupid Roman god of love, son of Venus

  36    issue offspring

  37    figures copies

  38    glad gladden    like…arms “only the eagle can gaze at the sun” (proverbial)

  42    ever-blinded Fortune Fortune is traditionally represented as blind or blindfolded

  46    tells counts

  52    hallow call

  53    swine wild boar

  54    Parthian of Parthia, an ancient kingdom of western Asia, famed for skilled horsemen and archers

  55    well-steeled tipped with steel    uses occupations

  58    lastly finally

  63    mere pure, unalloyed

  64    hold maintain

  65    enjoying experiencing

  69    main major

  72    gall of hazard i.e., bitterness inflicted by fate

  73    sink give up    say even if

  74    willing stoic, accepting    sleeping i.e., peacefully

  80    yet still/nevertheless

  81    common of ordinary people

  83    Woo persuade

  86    mine i.e., resource

  87    begetting giving birth to

  94    surfeits excesses that would lead to illness

  98    consume destroy

105    wanton jovial, free from care

107    abroad outside

109    more greater

111    sufficient capable

112    gaudy extravagant, colorful    shadow passing show/delusion, phantom

114    What…old i.e., what would we have been if we had grown old

118    ill immoral, wicked

121    still continuously, without interruption

133    narcissus botanical name for genus of spring flowers, grown from bulbs; in classical mythology Narcissus was a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection in water and pined to death, after which he became a flower

136    forward i.e., go on (speaking)

140    Thou wouldst not i.e., be hard-hearted

142    wench girl

143    heed to care of

145    mad wild

146    go forward continue (speaking)

147    work embroider

151    Rarely beautifully

152    Dainty excellent

164    emblem symbol

166    blows blossoms    paints the sun i.e., colors the sun’s rays and makes them more beautiful

167    north i.e., north wind

168    Rude rough

170    base non precious    briars thorns

173    falls from the stem/is seduced    for’t because of it

176    wanton mischievous/lewd

178    extant in existence

180    art i.e., embroidery

182    lie down “laugh and lie down” (proverbial), plays on sexual innuendo

183    one someone

184    bargain come to terms

188    but only, merely

192    Beshrew curse

204    enjoy possess (sexually)

208    deny forbid

212    blast destroy

213    fellow companion/contemptuous form of address

214    title claim, right    blood kinship

216    upon about

218    name family    lay i.e., were staked

222    free noble

227    moved upset

228    coldly calmly

232    affections emotions

235    cunningly deviously

236    strangely i.e., like a stranger

239    unjust false (to honor)

243    let…down i.e., fail to act honorably

250    branded marked

253    worthy sensible/honorable

254    hazard put at risk

256    Fie exclamation of indignation

257    play the child i.e., behave childishly

259    justly truly (to honor)

264    filch steal

265    baser more dishonorable/lowborn    cutpurse thief, pickpocket

266    more again

267    to’t i.e., to the window frame

271    pitch land, position myself

275    By your leave I beg your pardon

280    bereave deprive

284    goodly handsome/kindly/excellent

286    blood parentage    falsehood disloyalty

294    Yon that (little tree) over there    apricock apricot (plays on allusion to “cock”)

296    window with sexual innuendo of “vagina”    bring her fruit plays on sense of “impregnate her”

298    Still as whenever/even while

310    Fall on i.e., attack in force    fortune chance

312    strike a battle i.e., make war

321    charge order

324    open with a view/easy to escape from

326    Prithee I pray thee, please

328    By…light mild oath

331    pelting contemptible    scurvy worthless

337    for because    dangerous difficult to deal with/reluctant to comply

341    morris form of folk dance for which dancers wear bells

Act 2 Scene 3

 2.3    Location: countryside outside of Athens

    4    studied carefully calculated

    7    pluck bring down

    9    break i.e., like daybreak

  17    Tempests violent storms    wanton sportive/free from care/changeable/reckless

  20    own i.e., kingdom (Thebes)

  21    redress assistance

  22    shape disguise    make bring success to

  28    have with ye i.e., I’ll join you    chiding scolding (for not working)

  29    tickle’t flog, beat it

  30    jades worn-out horses/disreputable women    tails horse tails/female genitalia/women (derogatory)

  32    jealous…turkey turkeys spread their tails to defend their territory

  33    all one i.e., no matter    mumble grumble

  34    Clap her aboard i.e., board her (sexually)    stow fill, cram (with the penis)

  35    made up reconciled/filled (sexually)

  37    fescue pointer used in a schoolroom/penis

  38    Take…out i.e., learn a new lesson

  39    hold against stick to our intentions/hold close (sexually)    maying May Day celebrations

  40    ail stop, prevent

  45    dainty fastidious/fine    domine “master” (Latin), i.e., the schoolmaster    touch his promise

  46    does all i.e., is organizing everything

  47    hornbook leaf of paper protected by a piece of thin horn displaying the alphabet/plays on sexual innuendo relating to the “horns” supposedly worn by a cuckold (a man with an unfaithful wife)

  48    driven pursued/carried forward/thrust (with sexual implication)

  49    let slip i.e., break off (the relationship/intercourse)    must see i.e., insists on seeing

  51    lusty lively

  52    blow…on’s i.e., run to keep up with us/break wind

  53    i’th’breech in the buttocks

  55    hey hurrah

  57    O, pardon me exclamation of mild disagreement

  58    By any means certainly    thing of learning i.e., the schoolmaster

  59    edify instruct

  60    parlously amazingly

  62    makes no cry i.e., is not heard/regarded

  64    tackle equipment for the dance/male genitalia

  66    do perform, with play on sexual sense

  67    Content i.e., agreed

  68    hold wait a moment, i.e., when he sees Arcite

  70    whither go you where are you going

  78    marry indeed, literally “by the Virgin Mary”

  83    pretty naïve

  88    misgives me makes me uneasy

  89    vengeance formidable    trick o’th’hip a successful wrestling throw

  92    plum-porridge exclamation of contempt

  93    He roast eggs! i.e., he might just as well do that as wrestle

  95    durst dared    could have wrestled knew how to wrestle

  98    wealthy abundant    ears i.e., of corn    never ever

100    girt circled

101    prefer promote

Act 2 Scene 4

 2.4    Location: in or near the prison

    1    ’Tis odds i.e., the chances are remote that

    2    affect love    base lowborn

    3    mean of low rank/poor

    5    witless foolish    Out upon’t! exclamation of disgust

    6    pushes measures

    7    When…us? once we reach the age of fifteen, i.e., puberty

  10    bestow give

  13    maidenhead virginity

  18    coil he keeps i.e., turmoil he causes

  23    salutes greets

  30    fain wish to    enjoy i.e., sexually

Act 2 Scene 5

 2.5    Location: near a stadium in Athens

    2    Hercules greatest mythological hero, renowned for his strength    sinews muscles/nerves/strength

    3    Whate’er whoever

    4    allow acknowledge

  10    gentle uses i.e., gentlemanly pursuits    gave me life i.e., dedicated me to

  14    What proves you? What do you learn/demonstrate/set yourself to accomplish?

  15    qualities accomplishments

  16    could have knew how to have

  19    piece accomplishment, skill

  21    perfect completely accomplished

  22    proper admirable/complete, worthy/handsome

  27    sort social rank

  28    Believe i.e., believe me

  30    goes that way i.e., suggests it

  32    illustrate give evidence of

  35    got begotten (i.e., born)

  38    purchase name win fame

  39    well-found established

  43    travel journey, puns on “travail” (effort)

  45    Dispose of make arrangements for

  49    observe respect, pay homage to

  58    use treat

  59    furnished i.e., provided with what you need

  60    needs of necessity

  61    one horse

  66    observance dutiful ceremony

  67    Dian i.e., Diana, Roman goddess of the moon associated with chastity and hunting

  69    afoot on foot

  72    want need

  76    that i.e., that which

  81    beshrew my heart mild oath

Act 2 Scene 6

 2.6    Location: near the prison

    2    ventured taken a risk

    4    hence from here

    6    Fast close    close hidden

  10    Durst…endured i.e., would rather have risked    cold iron imprisonment in fetters/stabbing

  12    wit sense

  15    dirge funeral song

  18    purpose intend/resolve

  29    kindly affectionately/according to nature (sexually)

  31    no man i.e., impotent

  34    So provided

  39    keep yourself i.e., be in jail

Act 3 Scene 1

 3.1    Location: a forest near Athens

    2    several separate    laund clearing in a wood

    3    bloomed in bloom

    4    To…ceremony i.e., with all possible ceremony

    6    buttons buds

    7    enamelled knacks brightly colored ornaments (i.e., flowers)    mead meadow    yea yes

    9    makes…flowers i.e., because they are reflected in the water

  10    pace passage, narrow way (some editors emend to “place”)

  11    With…presence i.e., by being there alone/merely by being there

  12    eftsoons occasionally    come…chop i.e., enter into and seize (her thoughts)

  14    drop on come across

  15    Most guiltless on’t i.e., without having expected to

  17    proud elated/confident (in his belief of her regard), plays on sense of “sexually aroused”    takes strong note pays close attention

  19    prim’st finest

  20    brace pair

  21    backed ridden    field i.e., battlefield

  22    That…tried i.e., where claims to the throne were tried in combat

  24    upon about

  26    deem’st judge, estimate to be

  27    therein in that (situation)

  29    eared listened to

  30    passion anger    enclose imprison

  36    perfidious treacherous

  37    void’st emptiest

  38    bore gentle token i.e., appeared like a gentleman

  41    appointment weapons

  42    chaffy worthless (like chaff)

  44    house-clogs prison shackles

  46    Cozener cheater, puns on “cousin”    give…feat i.e., let your words correspond to your actions

  49    circuit compass    gross vulgar, abhorrent    stuff quality

  50    blazon description

  55    skip overlook

  56    maintain justify

  57    generous well-bred, mannerly

  58    question’s quarrel is

  59    clear…way make his own way/prove himself innocent

  62    advertised informed

  64    of…doubted i.e., you would not let another call me a coward

  66    i’th’sanctuary i.e., in a holy place where silence was the rule

  71    temper temperament

  73    compelled bears i.e., at bear-baiting

  76    glass mirror

  78    up forward

  79    Quit rid    gyves shackles

  85    carry’t i.e., win the fight    shades Hades, the underworld in classical mythology

  90    Betake go

  91    With…night i.e., in secrecy    counsel confidence

  92    viands food

  96    plight fit condition

  99    guilty shameful

101    bold courageous, confident/presumptuous

105    Wind blow, play    horns wind instruments traditionally accompanying a hunt

108    musit hiding place/gap for escape (of a hare)

109    crossed prevented

113    bent brow i.e., frowning

115    oil glibness

116    cuff blow    stomach anger

119    pardon me i.e., excuse me from using    hard harsh

121    face outward appearance

123    office duty

126    Unjustly dishonestly

127    ’Tis…title i.e., I earned it

128    question quarrel

129    bleeding bloodletting (medical practice used to cure illness)/bloodshed (in fighting)    I…suitor i.e., I beg you

130    plea quarrel (legal)

141    remedy alternative/cure

Act 3 Scene 2

    1    brake thicket    gone…fancy i.e., wandered off

    2    well-nigh very nearly

    7    wreak care    jaw devour    so provided that

    8    hallooed called out, shouted; to halloo or    hallow is a louder sound and would require a stronger voice than if she    whooped

  11    but that service i.e., calling a wolf to attack him

  12    livelong long—an intensive form

  15    fell savage

  17    set it down record it

  20    Be…bell i.e., do not hesitate to ring his death knell

  21    chared done

  25    death by dozens i.e., in dozens of ways    moped bewildered

  28    scoured…brine i.e., were closed to get rid of their tears

  29    Dissolve release/melt

  31    state of nature i.e., existence    together all at once

  34    errant wandering    beside i.e., in another direction

  36    offices duties, tasks

  37    Save…in i.e., finding Palamon and removing his shackles

Act 3 Scene 3

    6    matter significance

    7    hereafter later

    8    beastly i.e., like an animal

  12    good now please

  13    parleys arguments

  14    ancient former/long-established

  16    Do i.e., do drink

  21    pledge drink to

  22    it…blood “good wine makes good blood” (proverbial)

  24    Stay wait

  28    stomach appetite

  30    mad lodging i.e., a strange place to live    woods woodland, plays on sense of “wood” meaning “mad”

  31    wild erratic, mad/uncivilized

  32    hunger…sauce proverbial

  36    lusty well-flavored/productive of lust

  46    o’th’virginals on the virginals (small keyboard instruments); with sexual innuendo

  47    Something a little

  48    groan i.e., in childbirth

  51    tales rumors    abroad at large

  55    hey ho a sigh

  57    strained forced

  59    Break i.e., your promise not to mention Emilia

  60    wide i.e., of the mark, mistaken

  68    Fear doubt    foul dirty

  69    trinkets i.e., shackles

  72    keep touch i.e., keeps his promise

Act 3 Scene 4

    2    aglets spangles

    5    tumbles rolls around, plays on sense of “copulate”

    8    leak sprung a hole made, plays on sexual sense of a woman who had lost her virginity    sound large

    9    Run her sail her swiftly

  10    course small sail attached to lower yard of a ship    tack about change direction, plays on “tackle” meaning “male genitalia”

  14    carrack large cargo ship    cockleshell small, frail boat/shell of the cockle (shellfish)/perhaps playing on “vagina,” i.e., a shell for a “cock” or “penis”

  16    rarely admirably

  17    trussed up i.e., hanged    trice instantly/at a single pull

  21    nonny a nonsense word, often used in place of an indelicate word in song refrains and as a euphemism for “vagina”

  22    He’s he shall    cut horse (with a cut tail, or gelded), plays on sexual sense of “genitals”    ride plays on sexual meaning also

  25    prick thorn (which the nightingale supposedly presses against to stay awake), plays on sense of “penis”

  26    like a top i.e., soundly (proverbial);    top has a bawdy sense of “copulate with”

Act 3 Scene 5

 3.5    Taborer player of a small drum (tabor)

    1    tediosity i.e., tediousness    disinsanity i.e., madness

    2    rudiments instructions

    3    by a figure metaphorically speaking

    4    very…marrow i.e., rich and nutritious substance

    7    coarse-frieze rough woollen cloth    capacities capabilities, intellects    jean cotton cloth

    9    Proh deum! “O God!” (Latin)    Medius Fidius! “So help me the god of truth” (Latin)

  11    close hidden

  14    hums murmurs encouragement    ‘Rare!’ “excellent!”    go forward carry on

  16    Meleager Greek warrior in classical mythology who organized a hunt in which he killed the Calydonian Boar; Theseus also participated

  17    comely gracefully    lovers i.e., loyal subjects    cast…body i.e., form a group

  18    decently properly

  19    trace tread, step (in dancing)

  21    Draw gather

  23    have at ye exclamation signifying attack

  27    bouncing strapping    Barbary woman’s name/Barbary hen (guinea fowl)—slang for “prostitute”

  29    Swim move gracefully

  30    deliverly nimbly

  31    favour curtsy    frisk caper

  32    Let us alone i.e., leave it to us

  33    music musician

  35    Couple pair off, with sexual meaning

  36    wanting missing    bavian baboon (sometimes also spelled “babion”), an animal thought to be a cross between a dog and an ape; the word could also mean “crafty knave”

  37    tail baboon’s tail/penis

  39    tumble perform acrobatic feats/have sexual intercourse    manhood manliness, courage

  42    Quo usque tandem? “How long then?” (Latin)—quotation from Cicero’s first oration against Catiline    wanting missing

  43    whistle i.e., give up—“you may whistle for it” (proverbial)    all…i’th’fire i.e., everything is ruined (proverbial)

  45    washed a tile i.e., labored in vain (proverbial)

  46    fatuus “foolish” (Latin)

  47    piece woman (derogatory)    hilding worthless individual (especially woman)

  49    sempster tailor

  50    dogskin i.e., cheap leather

  51    an if

  52    break i.e., her promise

  53    eel…says “who has a woman has an eel by the tail” (proverbial)

  55    either both

  56    position hypothesis

  57    fire ill burning disease (possibly venereal)    flinch fall short/abstain from drink or sex

  61    nullity nonevent

  64    frampul disagreeable    piss o’th’nettle i.e., be in a bad temper (proverbial)

  65    Go thy ways be off    fit get even with, plays on sexual sense

  66    George Alow name of a ship

  68    gallants of war i.e., warships

  74    howlet owlet (small owl)

  79    dainty fine

  80    Comes i’th’nick arrives just in time/experiences sexual orgasm    nick slang term for “vagina”

  81    made assured success

  82    warrant pledge for    rarest gambols most wonderful antics, perhaps with sexual implication

  88    Tell count to    posed baffled    Buzz! exclamation of impatience

  89    eat…bread i.e., father no illegitimate children

  90    Your…bleed it was believed that a man’s teeth ached when his wife was pregnant

  91    tinker mender of pots and pans/rascal

  92    Stop…holes i.e., do not mend anything/do not have intercourse

  93    Dii boni “Good gods” (Latin)

  95    raise summon/cause an erection

  96    Chi passa beginning of a popular dance tune    bells and bones used as percussion instruments; plays on “bellibones” (i.e., pretty girls/prostitutes)

  99    Et…ignis “And I have completed a work which neither the anger of Jove nor fire [shall undo]” (Latin)—quotation from Ovid’s Metamorphoses

101    trip skip

105    meditation time to think

106    Pallas Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom    Train retinue

108    edify gain instruction

112    stay wait for/endure

113    doughty valiant

114    cold calm, deliberate, plays on “hail”

117    distinguish describe as

118    fable lie

119    rout company    rabble crowd

120    chorus as in a Greek tragedy

122    rectifier director/one who puts things right

123    pedagogus    “teacher” (Latin)

124    birch birch rod or bunch of twigs used to discipline children    breeches short trousers

125    ferula cane

126    machine entertainment, device    frame construction

127    dismal unlucky/dreadful/fatal, malign

128    Dis Roman god of the underworld (also called Pluto)    Daedalus Athenian builder of the Cretan labyrinth

129    well-willer well-wisher

131    mickle great

132    ‘Is’ possibly an old spelling of “ice,” creating a pun

134    body main part    of…study i.e., the result of careful thought

136    tenor summary (of the performance)

137    penner pen case/authorship

140    silent hanging i.e., curtains or wall hangings that will hide them while they make love    host innkeeper

142    gallèd sore (from riding)

143    tapster innkeeper or waiter; originally a woman    inflame augment, inflate    reck’ning bill

144    beest-eating i.e., drinks the thick milk a cow gives after calving (beest)

145    eke also    tool penis

146    Cum multis aliis    “with many others” (Latin)

148    domine    “master” (Latin)

149    Produce i.e., bring them on

150    Intrate filii! “Come in, my children!” (Latin)    foot it dance away

152    derry word of no meaning, commonly used in chorus of folk songs

157    twain two

166    paint your pole i.e., something extra, playing on sexual innuendo in “pole” (maypole/penis)    withal with/in addition

170    lets hindrance

171    dowsets testicles

172    dii deæque omnes “all you gods and goddesses” (Latin)

173    rarely splendidly    wenches girls

Act 3 Scene 6

    1    faith pledge

    3    armours suits of armor

  10    outdure outlast

  11    when…hearing i.e., when things are generally known

  12    fatting i.e., being fattened up

  14    refuses i.e., Arcite is to have the choice of weapons

  15    If…hold i.e., if it does not break

  27    recompense repayment, return

  28    quit repay

  29    show i.e., show yourself to be

  35    birthright i.e., the right belonging to one of us from birth

  36    pertains belongs

  40    fitting fit, ready

  41    stay wait

  43    spared i.e., from his duties

  45    Though…died i.e., from the effort of suppressing his feelings

  49    lusty vigorous

  51    exceed i.e., surpass me

  57    find it i.e., that it is true

  60    soundly in full

  62    arm you put your armor on

  73    grand guard extra, heavy piece of armor worn to protect the chest and shoulder while jousting

  75    fain gladly    that i.e., on horseback

  79    warrant guarantee (that I will)

  80    casque helmet

  83    o’th’least too small

  86    fall’n much away i.e., much thinner

  88    home unsparingly/to the end/to the heart

101    bay reddish-brown horse

104    Nor…you i.e., I could not catch you up/equal your performance

106    virtue courage

113    strait tight

117    perfect i.e., fully armed

119    hold consider

120    lies depends    several ways in different directions

124    aught anything

135    commend i.e., to God    within i.e., offstage

140    Lo look (drawing attention)

143    retire withdraw

144    presently immediately

149    contempt i.e., disregard of his banishment

150    difference quarrel

151    base disposers i.e., dishonorably settled

154    adventure venture

156    faints loses courage    Put…guard i.e., stand on guard immediately

163    crosses obstacles

166    fears frightens

170    ignorant unwitting    malicious wicked

172    appointed armed

173    officers of arms supervising officials

174    Castor son of the Roman god Jupiter

175    Hold keep

182    begged i.e., had his freedom begged for    contemns scorns

184    follows serves/pursues

191    spoken i.e., said to be

195    woo implore

202    no more moved i.e., with as little emotion    Where whereas

210    For as for

215    Stop close

217    thy…memory i.e., Hercules, who famously completed twelve tasks set him by Eurystheus (King of Mycenae and Tiryns); he was friend and companion to Theseus but not related, although Palamon calls them cousins

228    not…denied i.e., persuasively

233    kill kills

234    Yet to show

235    grow to become one with    but unless

243    that…have i.e., whatever you would invoke to create

246    chaste married, lawful

247    conjurings invocations, entreaties

251    that…maid i.e., your duty as a knight to help a damsel in distress

257    want be lacking in

263    make…reel i.e., you shake my constancy to my oath

264    place it i.e., arrange matters

266    right typical

273    question quarrel

274    credit reputation

277    Bow cause to bend

280    hold uphold

281    express will final decisions

284    passion anger    heed consideration

290    maim wound, damage

297    be become

298    groaned i.e., in childbirth

302    worth become of

307    contention quarrel    know i.e., show that they know

318    piece i.e., of ground

324    basely dishonorably

327    Make…devil i.e., despise death as a poor fellow/regard him as an enemy and fight willingly

331    must i.e., must be

332    to as

342    from that mouth i.e., as a result of the words she speaks

348    For on account of    of from

355    pyramid obelisk, pillar or column of stone    whether whichever of the two

359    grudge to fall i.e., feel that he is unjustly executed

360    with interest in a claim to

366    must i.e., be content

367    miscarry die

370    hold your course i.e., keep your resolve

373    usage treatment

374    settle here i.e., establish in Athens

375    bier movable stand on which a corpse is placed before burial

Act 4 Scene 1

 4.1    Location: the prison in Athens

  10    handsome naturally graceful

  11    staggering hesitating

  15    Half…too i.e., who shares Theseus’ heart with Hippolyta    that so that

  18    hold continue

  21    They i.e., the news

  23    discovered revealed

  30    ever constantly

  33    But they prevailed i.e., without getting what they asked for    fairly completely

  45    How he looks! i.e., anxious

  51    mind think of

  55    innocent simpleton

  57    Nothing…pity i.e., I’m only sorry (at what I have to tell)

  58    by from

  61    right in her right mind

  69    miscarrying on being punished for

  73    late recently    angling fishing

  76    attending sport i.e., waiting for a fish to bite

  79    smallness high pitch

  80    angle fishing rod

  81    To…skill i.e., to fish by itself

  83    encompassed surrounded

  85    glade clearing

  92    Pretty naïve

  94    bevy company of

  96    chaplets wreaths

  97    damask variety of red rose

  98    antic grotesque dance

102    handsome proper

103    ‘Willow, willow, willow’ chorus of a popular song—refers to the wearing of a willow garland by a forsaken lover

105    tall brave

106    careless tresses untidy locks of hair

107    rounded encircled

109    nymph spirit in the form of a maiden inhabiting and tending the lake

110    Iris Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the gods

113    posies short rhyming mottoes often inscribed on rings

118    made i.e., my way

119    straight…flood i.e., at once threw herself into the water

124    cross intercept

125    stayed stopped

126    scarce with difficulty

128    May…(etc.) et cetera indicates that more of the song would have been sung, but the remaining words are lost

133    ‘The…Robin’ both popular songs

138    I…else i.e., otherwise I shall be away from home

140    maidenhead virginity    cocklight dawn, playing on “cock” (penis)

141    thrive go well/grow (in pregnancy)

142    O…sweet first words to the seventh of Sir Philip Sidney’s Certain Sonnets

143    ev’n just

150    cross contradict    distempered deranged

156    For because of

157    gone…undone pregnant, seduced and ruined

160    let…alone i.e., pay no attention to them

163    close secretive

164    Close…cockle proverbial

165    the trick on’t i.e., the technique for only fathering boys

166    gelt castrated, to preserve their singing voices

173    tickle’t up give pleasure/arouse to erection or orgasm

174    if…in metaphorically lucky/literally, using his hand to achieve sexual pleasure

179    know recognize

187    wood forest/state of madness

188    tackling rigging/male genitalia

189    Let me alone i.e., let me handle it    weigh i.e., weigh anchor

190    Owgh! exclamation suggesting exertion    Top the bowline! i.e., tighten the rope that keeps the sail steady in a wind

194    to the top i.e., of the mast (the lookout position)

197    kenn’st see, make out

198    wood forest/madwoman

200    Cynthia Roman goddess of the moon

Act 4 Scene 2

 4.2    Location: Theseus’ palace in Athens

  11    coy modest

  13    quick lively

  15    Ganymede in classical mythology, the beautiful boy snatched from earth by Jove to become his cupbearer

  18    constellation Ganymede was eventually changed into Aquarius

  21    Pelop’s shoulder in classical mythology, Tantalus killed his son Pelops and offered him as food to the gods who then reassembled him and replaced his eaten shoulder with an ivory one

  22    hence i.e., his brow    promontory mountainous stretch of land jutting into the sea

  23    Pointed coming to a peak

  24    underworld i.e., the earth as seen from above

  25    near ’em i.e., like them in character

  26    foil one who sets off another to advantage

  27    swart swarthy, dark    meagre thin    heavy sorrowful

  28    still lethargic

  29    stirring animation

  30    this i.e., Arcite’s    smile hint

  32    sad serious

  33    bent direction

  35    choice capacity for choosing    lewdly ignorantly

  42    only solely

  43    is complexion i.e., is the only attractive complexion

  44    changeling ugly or stupid child left by the fairies in exchange for another    gipsy i.e., dark, hence unattractive

  45    sotted besotted

  46    faith constancy

  48    Whether which one    had would have

  52    go look i.e., for an answer (unsuccessfully)

  53    gauds toys

  54    distinguish choose between

  60    end resolve, settle

  62    unspotted pure

  74    fall untimely die prematurely

  76    a while briefly

  86    seeming appearance

  87    stout brave

  88    say proclaim

  92    he looks i.e., his expression shows

  95    long and round i.e., his arms

  96    baldric belt or girdle    when…with i.e., to carry out his will when he is angry

  97    Better…friend i.e., there was never a better sword

102    speak describe

104    show appearance

106    he i.e., the messenger

108    felt…for i.e., love

109    apter more likely

113    extremes violent emotions

116    Hard-haired tightly curled    tods bushes

117    undo uncurl

118    livery uniform    warlike maid Bellona, Roman goddess of war

122    character sign

123    fit for i.e., to kiss/like those belonging to

126    lineaments form, shape

127    clean well-built

128    staff handle

132    great eminent

136    they i.e., the freckles    sweet attractive

137    well satisfactory

140    white-haired blond

141    wanton white very light so as to be feminine/childlike

142    nimble agile

145    new-conceived newly pregnant

146    labour hard work, punning on childbirth

148    grey-eyed having blue or blue-gray eyes, thought to denote compassion

153    shows looks like

154    oak wreath of oak leaves awarded for valor

157    charging staff lance for jousting    embossed ornamented with figures in relief

163    show Bravely look splendidly (in fighting)

168    steeled given strength to, perhaps playing on sense of “struck (with a steel sword)”

169    the field i.e., management over the tournament

174    be royal i.e., show regal generosity in the arrangements

175    want lack    bravery splendor

Act 4 Scene 3

 4.3    Location: the prison

    1    time…moon at certain phases of the moon/her menstrual cycle

    2    some i.e., times

    3    harmless distemper nonviolent derangement

    7    lards is inserted into (like pieces of fat into a meat roast)    farces stuffs (in cooking), plays on sense of “makes comic”

    8    withal moreover

  11    burden refrain

  14    fantastical fanciful    as…legs i.e., as any man

  15    Dido…Aeneas in Virgil’s Aeneid, Dido (Queen of Carthage) fell in love with the Trojan hero, Aeneas, who afterward left her and she killed herself on a funeral pyre

  20    silver…ferry in classical mythology, the dead were provided with a piece of silver to pay Charon, the ferryman, to take them across the River Styx to the underworld

  23    livers thought to be the seats of human passions

  26    Proserpine Roman queen of the underworld

  27    mark notice

  28    prettily charmingly    amiss ill/in error, plays on senses of “miss” meaning “unmarried woman/whore”

  31    barley break country game involving couples whereby one couple who are in “hell” must try to catch the others, often employed as a metaphor for “having sex”

  32    i’th’other place i.e., in hell

  34    shrewd measure harsh punishment

  38    usurer’s grease moneylender’s sweat (the traditional punishment for usurers was to be boiled in oil and lead)

  40    be enough i.e., fully cooked

  41    coins fabricates ideas

  48    leprous suffering from leprosy, often confused with “pox” (venereal disease)

  49    rid on’t avoid it

  51    engrafted implanted (horticultural metaphor)

  54    were would be    an if

  57    arras tapestry used as a wall hanging

  58    suing fellow persistent suitor    garden-house small house or bower in the garden

  64    affected cared for

  65    ere before

  68    account consider

  69    great penn’orth on’t good bargain    state estate

  70    unfeignedly sincerely

  72    intemperate…eye i.e., excessive gazing at Palamon

  75    faculties functions

  76    vagary wandering

  80    commune talk

  81    beats upon is obsessed by

  83    friskins antics

  84    green youthful

  86    stuck decked

  88    compounded odours perfumes    grateful pleasing

  91    carve i.e., carve for

  92    still among intermittently

  94    play-feres playfellows, can be used with sexual connotation

  95    repair go

  96    tokens small gifts of love

  97    suggested pleaded

  99    reduce restore    out of square disordered

101    approved successfully demonstrated

103    passages stages

104    appliance remedy

105    success result

Act 5 Scene 1

 5.1    Location: a forest near Athens, outside of temples to Mars, Venus, and Diana

    4    swelling billowing

    6    will i.e., that will

  10    german closely related

  11    nearness i.e., of kinship and friendship

  12    Lay by set aside    dove-like peacefully

  14    stubborn antagonistic

  15    ire anger

  16    regard watch over

  18    part divide

  20    glass hourglass

  22    show appear as

  26    parcel part

  27    tender regard

  31    confound ruin, destroy

  32    port bring to port/carry

  33    limiter arbiter, judge

  35    turn i.e., around and depart

  40    sacrifices i.e., because they will die if he fails

  42    apprehension awareness

  44    profession solemn vow/occupation (soldiering)

  45    Require ask

  46    breath endurance

  47    on forward

  48    Else otherwise

  49    feat deed of valor

  50    garland victor’s wreath    sticks…flowers i.e., Emily will be the most beautiful flower he is crowned with/there will be a rose in the garland that Emily crowns him with    sticks places/adorns/stands out

  51    intercession prayer

  52    cistern large vessel or receptacle for liquids

  56    Neptune Roman water god (symbolizing the sea)    purple i.e., with blood

  57    havoc slaughter    field battlefields    prewarn foretell; comets were popularly supposed to be omens of forthcoming events

  58    Unearthèd excavated/unburied

  59    teeming fertile, abundantly productive    Ceres Roman goddess of crops and fruit    foison harvest

  60    armipotent powerful in arms

  61    masoned built of stone

  62    girths walls

  64    laud praise

  65    streamer banner

  66    styled named

  68    enormous disorderly

  69    o’er-rank overripe, rotten

  70    blood bloodshed/bloodletting

  72    O’th’pleurisy of excess

  75    stars fates    glister sparkle

  76    extinct extinguished

  79    free generous

  83    secrets part of the code of courtly love was secrecy

  88    flourish brandish

  90    vassal servant

  91    Stale gravity grave old man    polled bald

  93    skipped jumped over, avoided

  95    young lays youthful love songs

  96    Phoebus i.e., the sun/sun god Apollo

  98    his mortal son i.e., Phaethon, who drove his father’s sun chariot one day but was unable to control it, so that the earth was in danger of being burnt up until Zeus intervened by hurling a thunderbolt at Phaethon who fell into a river    the huntress i.e., Diana

  99    moist because of the moon’s influence on the tides    cold chaste

101    yoke servitude

106    kenned known    practised Upon tried to seduce

107    libels slanders (against women)

108    liberal licentious

109    betray reveal the love secrets of

111    large confessors men who boast of their many sexual conquests    hotly angrily

115    brided married

116    cramp rheumatism

117    screwed twisted    square sturdy

119    globy bulging

120    drawn their spheres come out of their sockets

121    anatomy skeleton

122    fere wife

124    Brief in short

125    prate chatter, tattle

126    defier one who distains or challenges boasts

128    close offices secret affairs

129    concealments what should be concealed

130    boldest coarsest

134    merit reward

137    chase hunting ground

139    laid unto added to

142    comes on approaches    Still soft    hind female deer    aloof at a slight distance

148    order’s robe i.e., symbol of modesty

149    vouchsafe grant, bestow

151    maculate spotted

153    scurrile scurrilous    port portal, opening

154    wanton lewd

155    Seasoned infused    fear awe

156    bride-habited dressed as a bride

157    ’pointed appointed to me

160    guiltless i.e., of condemning either Palamon or Arcite to death/of choosing to marry and therefore betraying Diana    election choice

162    doom sentence, pronounce judgment against

164    pretenders claimants, suitors

165    title claim

166    wheaten garland symbol of virginity

167    file and quality rank and status (a virgin)

168    band fellowship

169    ebbs and flows the tides (influenced by Diana as moon goddess)

172    well inspired of divine origin    confound destroy

176    gathered i.e., lose my virginity

178    Unclasp reveal

Act 5 Scene 2

 5.2    Location: the prison    habit costume

    1    upon toward

    6    ‘Presently’ immediately

  10    watch sit up

  11    fit attack of fever/sexual desire

  13    fit her provide her with what she needs/enter her sexually    home thoroughly

  18    observe humor

  20    confirm strengthen

  21    That’s all one that doesn’t matter    if as long as

  23    Lie lie down/have sex

  27    honesty chastity

  28    niceness excessive scruple

  29    cast…away i.e., abandon her to her madness

  30    will wants to

  38    physic treatment

  43    all one i.e., makes no difference

  46    Videlicet “that is to say” (Latin)    ‘way of flesh’ i.e., sexual desire

  49    ipso facto “by the very act” (Latin)

  50    humour inclination, mood (also a reference to the four “humors,” or fluids, that were believed to influence human health and disposition)

  56    bound obliged

  65    come…tail i.e., whatever happens (proverbial)    cut with a cut tail/gelded    tail horsetail/penis

  66    ye for you

  69    founder lame    hobby-horse man dressed as a horse in a morris dance/prostitute

  70    skill judgment

  71    ‘Light o’ love’ popular song referring to a faithless lover/prostitute

  77    hand handwriting    casts calculates

  78    provender feed

  79    betime early    cozens cheats

  83    coy aloof

  85    bottles bundles (of hay)

  86    strike measure

  88    miller’s mare “as sober as a miller’s mare” (proverbial)

  98    stool-ball game similar to cricket in which a stool was used as the wicket and women usually caught the ball in their laps/innuendo for sexual intercourse

101    keep celebrate

105    nice overscrupulous

111    petticoat overskirt    smocks undergarments (shifts, slips)

115    then after we are married

117    fain be nibbling gladly be eating/having sex

120    against in preparation for

130    grown got taller

131    grow have an erection

133    hard meat coarse food

134    up erect

139    bear a charge have official duties

140    straight immediately

144    How…her? i.e., what did you think of her

146    from leave

147    still…way continue with the current treatment

158    marry by the Virgin Mary, i.e., indeed; plays on sense of “get married”

Act 5 Scene 3

 5.3    Location: in the forest, near the field of combat

    3    hawk at pursue

    4    decision trial (by combat)

    7    bell death knell

  10    deafing…hear no way not to hear

  14    kind actuality

  15    pencilled painted

  16    belief i.e., in the story

  17    sealed authenticated, confirmed

  18    meed reward

  19    question’s title winner’s right in the contest

  21    wink close both eyes

  25    extinct extinguished

  26    envy malice

  28    dam mother

  33    Set off compensate for    whereto of which

  36    kindle incite

  39    give…pay reward/be the reward for (the winning knight)

  42    Out of itself i.e., outside its boundaries

  49    know know to be

  52    engine bent weapon (bow) ready to be discharged

  55    aspect look

  56    graved engraved, playing on “grave”

  57    to in accordance with

  58    quality nature

  64    Stick misbecomingly seem out of place

  66    spurs to spirit i.e., the trumpets

  67    proof trial

  69    spoiling…figure mutilation of his body

  70    Enough would be enough

  73    ward defensive action    offence offensive action

  74    craved…time was needed at that very moment

  76    What…chance? What has happened?

  81    prim’st best

  85    servant i.e., Arcite

  86    still always

  88    end purpose

  89    sinister left

  90    best boding most auspicious

  95    Th’assistants the supporting knights    redemption rescue

  96    titlers those fighting over the title

102    values shortness coming short in value

110    consummation end

112    Half-sights those who are half blind

113    God’s lid by God’s eyelid (a mild oath)

114    costliness rarity    looked through was transparent

116    go…with take legal action against

117    drift driving

120    coming off leaving the arena

126    struck at head fought

127    plighted betrothed

136    race descendants

138    Alcides Hercules

139    sow bar of metal/female pig/fat, slovenly person

141    Did would

143    emulous rival    Philomels nightingales

145    Anon straightaway

146    out-breasted outsung    sense i.e., hearing

148    Good space for some time

149    hardly with difficulty

150    subdued defeated

151    present justice immediate execution

152    pinch torture

154    Arm give your arm to

155    lose part with/be deprived of

161    unfriended bereaved of his friend

166    one Emilia

167    blind closed for ever

Act 5 Scene 4

 5.4    pinioned tied up

    5    to…wishes people wish that we might live longer

    6    prevent forestall

    7    beguile outwit

    8    rheum catarrh    lag last

    9    grey approachers the elderly approaching death

  10    unwappered unexhausted    halting limping

  11    stale old

  12    such as he has been talking of

  13    clear pure

  18    title possession

  22    tott’ring fluctuating

  23    reels wavers

  26    Taste act as taster, go first

  28    see’t done give me freedom (in death)

  29    kind of ill type of illness, i.e., insanity

  34    latest last

  36    piece her portion add to her dowry

  39    Is…maid? Is it her first marriage?/Is she a virgin?

  40    Verily truly

  42    quite repay

  44    requite reward

  51    done finished

  62    owing owning

  64    Weakens his price all-black horses were thought to be vicious

  65    note characteristic

  66    allowance confirmation

  67    calkins raised edges of horseshoes that prevent slipping

  68    tell count

  69    length pace, stride

  70    pride mettle, spirit

  72    iron…origin based on the biblical story of Jubal (Genesis 4:21–2)

  74    Saturn Roman god associated with the harvest, but originally perhaps a blight god and regarded as malevolent

  77    comment speculate

  78    toy foolish aversion    fell abandoned himself

  79    comes on end i.e., rears up on his hindquarters

  80    school-doing training

  81    kind manage gentle handling

  82    rowell spur

  84    jad’ry behavior of an inferior horse/ignoble behavior    disseat unseat, throw off

  86    curb controlling chain or strap passed under a horse’s jaw    girth saddle-securing belt    diff’ring plunges different sudden, violent movements

  87    Disroot dislodge    grew i.e., stayed as though rooted

  92    poise weight

  94    floats…approaches i.e., only until the next wave comes

104    told counted    false i.e., against Palamon’s prior claim to Emilia

108    Elysium final resting place in the underworld of classical mythology for the souls of the heroic and virtuous

111    This day the anniversary of this day

114    sundered parted

118    arrouse bedew, sprinkle, plays on “arouse” meaning “excite sexually”

121    vouched upheld

122    grace favor, success

123    this i.e., Arcite’s body

130    passage of arms

131    equal impartial

134    fancy love

139    lovers supporters    stage of death i.e., scaffold

142    in whose end at the end of which

147    charmers the gods (who work charms or enchantments)

150    kind way/disposition

152    above beyond our capacity

153    bear…time behave appropriately for the funeral and then the wedding


     *    Epilogue i.e., actor who speaks these lines

    2    say speak (for shyness)

    3    cruel terribly

    5    goes hard is going badly

    9    market chances of success/profit

  10    Have at let us face

  12    cause purpose

  14    meant intended for

  15    end purpose