A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E
F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J
K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O
P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T
U  |  V  |  W  |  Y  |  Z

Aaron, Daniel, 145

Abbott, Grace, 103

Abernathy, Ralph, 349, 351, 356, 362-3, 367, 369, 382

abolitionism, 646, 655

abortion issue, 439, 440, 447-9, 452, 458, 628, 654

Abrams, Gen. Creighton, 475

Abstract Expressionism, 621, 622

Abzug, Bella, 439, 452, 457-8

Acconci, Vito, 623

Acheson, Dean, 28, 37, 80, 229, 276, 285, 334-412, 593

as Secretary of State, 240, 243-4, 252, 253, 289, 342, 402, 468

Adam, Margie, 451

Adams, John, 626, 634

Addams, Jane, 10, 121

affirmative action, 651

Afghanistan, 529, 531, 626, 644

AFL-CIO, 371, 457

Africa, 304, 338, 644

poverty in, 303

see also North Africa

Agent Orange, 406

Agnew, Spiro T., 460, 474, 488, 505, 558

Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War (1973), 485-6

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 25, 30, 34, 42, 49, 64-6, 77, 122

Supreme Court invalidation of, 72, 82, 91

Aiken, Conrad, 140

Aiken, George, 484

aircraft industry, 183, 188, 189, 268

air pollution, 574

control, legislation, 389, 466


black voter registration in, 382-4

condition of blacks in, 1950s, 313-14, 322

see also Birmingham

Albert, Carl, 389

Aldrich, Winthrop, 71

Aldridge, John W., 616

Aldrin, Edwin, 581-2

Alexander, Charles, 138

alienation, in age of technology, 275

1960s youth, 394, 396

Alinsky, Saul, 566, 570

Allen, Pamela, 443

Allende, Salvador, 524

Alliance for Progress, 328, 331, 336

Allies, World War II, 182, 199-202, 210-11, 223-4

conferences, 195-9, 205-9, 224-226

Council of foreign Ministers, 226, 229

munitions edge over Axis, 183, 199, 200

second front discussions, 177-8, 180-1, 196-201, 207, 221-2

suspicions and differences, 197, 206-8, 210-11, 218, 220-2

Altgeld, John Peter, 249

Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 46, 55

Ambrose, Stephen, 255, 258, 262

“America Firsters,” 154

American Civil Liberties Union, 50, 310, 667

American Conservative Union, 637

American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 359

American Enterprise Institute, 624-5, 658

American Farm Bureau Federation, 49, 65

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 33, 45-6, 53, 54-6, 79, 97, 107-8, 157, 205, 603 see also AFL-CIO

American Guide Series, FWP, 139-40

American Independent party (1968), 415-16

American Labor party, 111

American League Against War and Fascism, 53

American Legion, 41

American Liberty League, 42-3, 45, 50, 63, 77, 81, 96

American Medical Association, 389

American Mercury, The (magazine), 252

American Political Science Association, 457

American Progress (monthly), 62

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 236, 293, 310, 324, 326, 408, 607

American Telephone & Telegraph, 268, 439

American Writers’ Congress, 53

American Youth Congress, 53

Anderson, Marian, 113

anomie, 275, 285, 600

Anthony, Susan K., 452

antiballistic missiles, 478, 479

anticommunism, 230-2, 242-6, 282-3

in Congress, 230, 231-2, 233, 258-9

of Dulles under Eisenhower, 254

McCarthy, 244-6, 251-3, 258

of Nixon, 230, 232, 244, 418, 468, 480

of Reagan, 607, 642-4

in Truman Administration, 228-34, 238, 239, 243, 245

as unifier of conservative factions, 629

anti-nuclear movement, 391-2, 544, 546

churches involved in, 537-8

anti-Semitism, 45, 85, 218-19, 353

in Congress, 169, 219

anti-trust policies, 32, 214, 215, 563

anti-Vietnam War movement, 401, 407-10, 412-13, 418, 420-6, 431, 460-1, 536-7, 623

Apollo, Project, 581-2, 584-5

Appalachia, poverty in, 316

appeasement, 497

charged by anti-arms-control hawks, 333

LBJ’s fear in case of Vietnam, 401-2

Munich 1938, 158, 159

Appel, John, 308

Aptheker, Bellina, 395-6

Arab nations, 486-7, 525, 527, 558

oil, 255, 641, 644; embargo (1973), 574

Arendt, Hannah, 593

Argentina, 328, 329


exports, 155-6; to Middle East, 487; prewar embargo on, 158-9, 160

technology, 268

World War II production, 182-4

see also nuclear weapons

arms control, 333, 476-9, 488, 586

ABM Treaty (1972), 479

Eisenhower and, 256-7

Kennedy Test Ban Treaty (1963), 390, 392

SALT: I, 477-9; II, 523, 528-9, 645

arms race, 264, 333, 335, 396, 478, 527, 538, 552, 586-7

US superiority, 259, 264, 265, 333-4, 335

Armstrong, Neil, 581-2

Arnold, Gen. Henry “Hap,” 196

Aron, Raymond, 277

Arthur, Chester A., 625

art, artists, 138-9, 296, 615, 620-4, 664-5

New Deal programs for, 132-5, 138

New York School of, 621, 664

and red-baiting, 132, 134, 138, 231

Artists’ and Writers’ Union, 134

Ashmore, Harry S., 353, 355

Asia, 303, 304, 337-8

colonialism in, 338-9, 341-2

communism in, 342, 343

see also specific regions and countries

Asquith, Herbert, 90

astronomy, astrophysics, 541-2, 587

Atkinson, Brooks, 137

Atkinson. Ti-Grace, 444

Atlantic, Battle of the, 169-70, 171-2, 173, 175, 180, 197, 217, 403

Atlantic Charter, 171, 192, 338

atom bomb, 223, 224-6, 227, 465, 545, 548-9

Soviets in possession of, 239-40

atomic energy, 229, 256, 273, 548, 549, 552

Atomic Energy Commission, 391, 549

“Atoms for Peace,” 256

Attica prison (New York), 520

Attlee, Clement, 224

Auden, W. H., 159

Australia, 176, 265

Austria, German annexation of, 158

auto industry, 98, 572-8

foreign competition, 578,

production, 101, 182-3; postwar, 573

strikes, 187; 1930s, 49, 97-9; 1970, 573

automation, 272-4, 279, 285, 396, 543, 550

in printing, 281-2

Axis, Berlin-Rome-Tokyo, 157, 159, 166, 173, 177, 223-4

Allied munitions edge over, 183, 199, 200

Aycock, Alice, 623

baby-boomers, 279, 517, 660

Bachrach, Elinor, 577

Baez, Joan, 371, 396, 407, 427, 428

Bailey, Josiah W., 94

Bailyn, Bernard, 125

Baker, Ella, 357-8, 375, 379, 384

Baker, George Pierce, 136

Baker, Howard, 504

Baker, Newton D., 11

Bakke, Allan, 653

Baldwin, James, 369, 615, 620

Baldwin, Roger, 54

Balkans, 206, 211

Soviet domination of, 226, 229, 232

Ball, George, 334, 343, 410, 499

bank holiday of 1933, 24

Banking Act of 1935, 75

bankruptcies, 1980s, 640

banks and banking:

failures: Depression, 21; 1980s, 640

FDR policies, 75, 127, 213

regulation, 16, 40, 41

Baptist churches, 355, 594

Baran, Paul, 564

Barber, James David, 466

Barber, Philip, 136

Barkley, Alben, 76, 110-11, 164, 192, 203, 319

Barnett, Ross, 365

Baruch, Bernard, 10, 13, 45

bases, US, 239, 264-5

Russia encircled by, 265, 286, 334, 337

Batista, Fulgencio, 331

battered women and children, 449, 534

Bay of Pigs fiasco, 331-7, 343, 524

Beard, Charles A., 169

Beard, Mary, 29

Beatles, 429-30, 431, 432

Beat subculture, 394, 426-32

Begin, Menachem, 525-6

Belafonte, Harry, 369

Belfrage, Sally, 381

Belgium, 162, 295

Bell, Daniel, 274, 277, 278

Bellah, Robert, 595, 598-9

Bell Laboratories, 550

Bellow, Saul, 297, 300, 408, 615, 619-20

Benes, Eduard, 158

Ben-Gurion, David, 546

Bennett, Harry, 573

Benny, Jack, 193-4

Benson, Elmer, 111, 114

Bentham, Jeremy, 600

Benton, Thomas Hart, 133

Benton, William, 287

Bentsen, Lloyd, 658, 659

Berkeley student rebellion, 394-6, 432

Berkshire County, Mass., 673-6, 682-3

Berle, Adolf, 13, 17, 28, 37, 64, 74, 101, 129, 213, 564

Berlin, Irving, 194

Berlin, Isaiah, 213, 219

Berlin crises, 238, 239, 240, 261, 333

Berman, Larry, 511

Bernstein, Barton, 127, 224

Bernstein, Carl, 501

Bernstein, Irving, 50, 55

Berrigan, Daniel and Philip, 421, 537

Berry, George L., 55

Bethlehem Steel, 100

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 113, 434

Bevel, James, 356, 380, 383

Bibby, John F., 663

Biddle, Francis, 190

Biddle, George, 133

Bigelow, Albert, 361

Bill of Rights, 131, 277, 281, 296, 309, 375, 539, 540, 634-640, 667, 679, 680

English, 539

Bird, Larry, 611

Birmingham, Ala., 361-2, 366-9, 372, 375

Black, Hugo, 321, 365, 667

black culture, 399-400

Blackmun, Harry A., 506, 653

Black Muslims, 386, 398, 401

black nationalism, 398-9, 401

Black Panthers, 386, 399, 401

Black Power movement, 387-8, 398-401

blacks, 120, 122, 347, 460-1, 539, 610, 667 see also civil rights movement; racial

discrimination; segregation education and income, 571

FDR and, 113, 117, 321, 359, 371

loss of unity, 388, 400-1

middle class, 314, 316

migration of, 315, 385

and New Deal, 39, 81, 358-9

one-parent families and welfare, 631

and poverty, 313-16, 385, 570-1

radical leaders, 385-8

rural South, 313-16

stereotypical attitudes toward, 353

urban North, 385-6, 388, 397-401

versus the federal government, under Kennedy, 358-72, 374-5

violence against, 352, 357, 361-2, 365, 368-9, 372, 380, 382-4, 386

violent action by, 383, 388, 399, 413; race riots, 398, 400

voting rights for, 321-3, 357, 366, 371, 378-84; registration drives, 356, 378-81, 382-4

voting Democratic, 87, 237, 382, 657, 660

as wartime labor, 188-9, 358

women, 189, 315, 434, 439-40, 451-4, 570

black separatism, 398-9

Blair, Thomas L., 399

Blinder, Alan S., 562

Blitzstein, Marc, 138-9

Bloodworth, Dennis, 470

Bloom, Allan, 665

Blum, John, 195

Blumenthal, Sidney, 629

“boat people,” 489, 494

Bohlen, Charles, 252-3

Boland Amendment, 644

Bolivar, Simon, 331

Boiling, Richard, 389

book publishing, 612, 615-17, 620

Boone, Buford, 353

Boorstin, Daniel, 278

Borah, William, 154, 158, 160

Bork, Robert IL, 505, 654, 669

Born, Max, 547

Bosch, Juan, 404

Boston Irish, 306-9, 314

Bowen, Howard R., 597, 664

Bowles, Chester, 286, 287, 340, 343, 344

Bowles, Samuel, 564

Boyer, Ernest, 597

Bozell, L. Brent, 627

Brademas, John, 559

Bradley, Bill, 641

brain trusters, 13-14, 28

Brandeis, Louis D., 13, 45, 71, 73, 89, 91, 95, 112, 122, 667

decentralization advocate, 28, 64, 74, 77, 128

Brauer, Carl, 364

Braun, Ernest, 543

Brazil, 329, 330

Brecht, Bertold, 605

Breech, Ernest R., 573

Breines, Wini, 393

Brennan, William L., 652

Breslin, Jimmy, 409

Brett, George, 610

Breytenbach, Breyten, 620

Brezhnev, Leonid, 476-7, 485-8, 523, 529

Bricker, John, 111, 191, 203, 204

Bridges, Harry, 47, 48

Brinkley, Alan, 60, 671

“brinkmanship” in foreign policy, 286, 288

Broder, David, 414, 416, 612

Brokaw, Tom, 613

Brookhaven National Laboratory, 542

Brooks, Robert R. R., 48

Broun, Heywood, 15

Browder, Earl, 53, 137, 188, 204

Brown, Harold, 524

Brownmiller, Susan, 449

Brown v. Board of Education, 321-2, 347, 354-5, 596, 651

Brubeck, Dave, 593

Bryan, William Jennings, 600, 655

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 522, 523, 527-9

Buckley, William F., Jr., 246, 626-7, 628

Budenz, Louis, 243

Bundy, McGeorge, 343, 403, 412

Burger, Warren E., 505-6, 652-4

Burke, Edmund, 626

Burma, 176, 201, 341, 495

Burns, Arthur F., 467, 556-7

Burns, James MacGregor, 513

Bush, George, 638, 639, 670

Bush, Vannevar, 549

business, 86, 101-2, 462, 600, 646

mergers and acquisitions, 267

1930s: Depression effects, 18, 19; NRA provisions, 32-3, 41; opposition to New Deal, 41-5, 63, 71-3, 102-3

postwar, 267, 575-8; federal bailouts, 577-8; white-collar crime in, 514-15

small: New Deal and, 71, 103; wartime, 186

US enterprise abroad, 295, 329, 330-1

wartime gains of, 185-6

Business Advisory Council, 103

Business Week (magazine), 185

bus segregation, 315, 348-52, 361

Butler, Hugh, 244

Butler, M. Caldwell, 507

Butler, Samuel, 274

Byrd, Harry F., 30, 119, 126

Byrd, Robert C., 378

Byrnes, James F., 24, 203, 226, 229-30, 235, 244

cable television, 607, 610, 611, 612, 613

Cadmus, Paul, 134

Cahill, Holger, 134-5

Cairo conferences (1943), 195, 198

Caldwell, Erskine, 49, 298

California, Southern, 601-4, 608-9

farm labor, 50

Calvinism, 276, 533, 600

Cambodia, 342, 418, 424-5, 527

Camp, Lawrence, 110

campaigns, political, see elections and campaigns

Camp David accord, 526

campus movement, 394-7, 413-14, 421-3, 425, 460, 532, 548

Camus, Albert, 298, 394

Cannon, Lou, 607

Cantwell, Robert, 140

capitalism, capitalists, 16, 52, 58, 101, 121, 200-1, 228, 292, 444, 517, 543, 563-5, 618, 608

ex-colonialist revolts against, 305

Khrushchev quoted on, 302

Marxist view not valid for US, 48

and New Deal, 41, 44, 45, 50-1, 72, 122-3, 131

capital punishment, 519

Cardozo, Benjamin N., 71, 89, 112

Carey, James B., 273, 287

Caribbean, 264, 328

see also Cuba; Dominican Republic

Carmichael, Stokely, 386-8, 399, 409, 442

Carnegie, Andrew, 99, 100, 543, 625

Caro, Robert, 552

car searches, 653-4

Carson, Rachel, 389

Carter, Hodding, 353

Carter, Jimmy, 521, 522, 629

and civil rights, 522, 524

as President, 521, 522-31; economic policy, 558-60, 562, 639, 641;

evaluation, 529-31; foreign policy, 522-9, 531, 644; human rights policy, 522-4, 526, 528, 539; “malaise” speech, 529-30, 591-3, 601, 638; self-evaluation, 530

presidential candidacies: 1976, 521, 558, 613, 625; 1980, 530, 559, 638

Carter, Rosalyn, 522

Casablanca Conference (1943), 195-7, 206

“cash and carry” exports, 160, 161

Castro, Fidel, 331-2, 336

Cater, Douglass, 283

Cather, Willa, 605

Catonsville Nine, the, 421

CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 59, 285, 530

censorship, 449, 534-5, 619, 635, 654

Central America, 626

US interventionism in, 328, 330-2, 490, 524, 527, 633, 644 see also Latin America

centralization vs. decentralization debate, 28-9, 66, 74, 77, 103-4, 122, 128, 560

Century Group, 164

Century of the Common Man, The (Wallace), 237, 277

Challenger space shuttle tragedy, 583-4

Chamberlain, Neville, 158, 161, 402

Chambers, Whittaker, 231-2

Chandler, A. B. “Happy,” 110-11

Chappaquiddick, 499, 511

checks and balances, see Constitution, US

chemistry, 268, 541, 553

Chevalier, Maurice, 429

Chiang Kai-shek, 171, 195, 198, 201, 208, 240, 254, 255, 337, 338, 341, 470, 473

Chiang Kai-shek, Madame 198, 240

Chicago, 19, 100, 400

Chicago Tribune. 31, 169, 202, 230, 283

child care services, 112, 440, 668

child labor, 32, 33, 667

children’s rights, 668

Chile, 330, 524

China, 218, 240, 469-70

Communist, 240, 254; bombardment of Quemoy and Matsu, 255; and India, 340, 472; in Korean War, 241-3, 418; Nixon/Kissinger policy, 468-9, 470-5, 488; nuclear weapons of, 485; Soviet estrangement, 260, 265, 469, 472, 474-6, 485-6, 488, 526-9; in triangular policy, 469, 474-6, 488, 496, 526-9; and Vietnam, 405, 472, 476, 529

Japanese aggression, 158, 170-1, 173, 470

“loss” of, 241, 243, 247, 342, 402, 404, 468

Nationalist, 240, 243, 254, 472, 578; US break with, 474, 529, 644; Western Allies and, 197, 198, 201, 470

Open Door policy, 170, 470

Stimson Doctrine, 170, 470

views in the US of, 469-70

views of the US in, 337-8, 470

“China card,” 528

China Lobby, 243, 468, 475

Chisholm, Shirley, 439, 457-8, 499

Chou En-lai, 405, 472-5

Christian, Meg, 451

Christian Voices, 627-8

Chrysler Corporation, 99, 577-8

churches, 594-6

as civil rights battle base, 355-6

degendering of, 457-8

membership statistics, 594-5

peace stance of, 536-8

Churchill, Sir Winston, 7, 122, 158, 161, 232, 255, 592

FDR and, 38, 161, 171, 177, 195, 217, 338-9, 341-2

“iron curtain” speech of, 229

prime minister, wartime, 162, 167-9, 171, 172-3, 175, 177-8, 182, 195-9, 211, 222, 224, 495; at Casablanca, 195, 196; and India, 178, 208, 338-9; at Teheran, 195, 198-9; at Yalta, 159, 205-8

and United Nations, 178, 208

visits to US, 177-8, 195, 228-9

Church of Christ, 594

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 261-2, 277, 331-2, 343, 499, 501, 524

civil defense, 193, 333, 391

civil disobedience:

civil rights struggle, 352, 366, 367-8

peace movement, 391, 409-10, 421

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 25, 29, 34, 104, 191, 214

civil liberty, 131, 393

see also liberty

civil rights, 466, 538-9, 629, 657

Congress and, 321-3, 360, 365, 370-1, 375-8, 383

Eisenhower and, 322-3, 352, 359

as election issue: 1948 Democratic plank, 237; in 1952, 250; 1960 Democratic plank, 325, 359; in 1968, 415, 416

Johnson and, 322-3, 324, 375, 377-8, 381-2, 383-4

Kennedy and, 323-4, 326, 359-60, 362, 365-6, 367-72, 374-5, 376

Supreme Court decisions, 321-2, 347, 352, 365, 596, 651, 652, 653

Truman’s stand for, 236, 249, 321, 359

Civil Rights Act of 1957, 322, 376

Civil Rights Act of 1960, 323-4

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 375-8, 437, 651

civil rights movement, 401, 460-1

Big Six, 371

Black Power, 387-8, 398-401

leadership split, 386-8, 398-9

nonviolence, 352, 357, 363, 364, 366-8, 383, 400; abandoned, 386, 388, 398, 400

in North, 384, 385-6, 388, 397-401

and peace movement, 401, 408, 418

sexism in, 441-3

in South, 321-3, 347-72, 375-84, 386-8; Freedom Summer, 380, 384, 395; group-centered vs. charismatic leadership debate, 356-8, 364, 384, 388; vs. the Kennedy Administration, 359-72, 374-5; murders, 352, 372, 380, 382-3, 384; strategy debate on desegregation vs. pursuit of political clout, 321-2, 359, 363-4, 366, 371, 378-8.

Civil War, 175, 313, 646, 665

Civil Works Administration (CWA), 34

Clark, Bennett Champ, 83, 94, 155

Clark, Kenneth B., 369, 385, 571, 631

class relationships, 189, 443-5, 564, 600-1

conflict engendered by New Deal, 41-54

Clean Air Acts:

of 1963 and 1965, 389

of 1970, 466

Cleveland, Grover, 655, 657

Clifford, Clark, 411-12

Coburn, Charles, 136

Cocker, Joe, 427

Coffin, William Sloane, 513

Cohen, Ben, 45, 74

Cohen, Jacob, 127

Cohn, Nik, 428

Cohn, Roy, 251

Colby, Bainbridge, 122

cold war, 225-9, 232-4, 239, 253-4, 286, 288, 332-5, 340, 526-9, 536, 546

Berlin crises, 238, 239, 240, 261, 333

intellectual critics of US policies of, 288-94

newspaper reporting on, 282-3, 286

seeds of, 218, 220-2

Soviet and US mutual perceptions and misperceptions, 220-2, 227-8, 229, 233-4, 241-2, 254, 262, 301-2, 526-8

see also Afghanistan; arms race; Cuban missile crisis; détente; Korean War

Cole, Wayne S., 154

collective bargaining right, 33, 46-8, 70, 75, 90

colleges, 597-8, 622, 663

Collier’s magazine, 284

Collins, Judy, 407

Collins, Michael, 581

colonialism, 208, 218, 304-5, 338-9, 341-2, 470

Colson, Charles, 426, 499, 513

Columbia University, student unrest, 413-14

Cominform (Communist Information Bureau), 233

Comintern (Communist International), 52, 123

Commentary (journal), 627

Commission on the Status of Women, 433, 434, 438

Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO), 79, 97, 99-100, 107

see also Congress of Industrial Organizations

Committee for Nonviolent Action (CNVA), 391-2, 407

Committee on Administrative Management, 115

Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 370

Committee on the Constitutional System, 645

Committee to Reelect the President (CRP, CREEP), 500-1, 503

communism, communists, 220-1, 532, 538, 618

American, 42, 50, 51, 52-4, 79, 84-5, 123, 142, 165, 408, 603

American fears of, 45, 47, 48-9, 112, 220, 230-2, 243-6, 252, 254, 258-9, 266, 353, 401-4, 546; blacklisting, 231; see also anticommunism

American intellectuals and, 277

doctrinal disputes within, 336

FDR charged with, 43, 44-5, 81-2, 85, 112, 204-5

global: Soviet promotion of, 221, 227-8, 242; Soviet-Chinese split, 265, 469, 474, 476, 485-6, 488, 526-9

imputed to artists, actors, writers, 132, 134, 138, 139, 140, 141-2, 231, 607

in North Korea, 240-1

in Poland, 206-7, 214, 224, 644

State Department charged with, 231-2, 243-5, 252

Third World, 305, 404; Cuba, 336;

Indochina, 342, 343, 401-4, 481-2

Communist Control Act, 258-9

Communist party, US, 52-3, 123, 243, 258-9

community action programs, 569, 570-1

computer-related crime, 515

computers, 543, 550-1

Conant, James B., 270, 549

conformity, 280, 285

in newspaper world, 282

Congress, US, 116, 126, 647

and civil rights measures, 321-3, 360, 365, 370-1, 375-8, 383

cross-party coalitions in, 87, 109, 119, 132, 191, 466, 638, 640, 645

and ERA, 439, 458

FDR and, after 1936, 93-6, 104-7, 108-11, 112-13, 116, 126, 132, 135, 191-2; in foreign affairs, 155-6, 158-9, 162, 210, 491, 494-5

and Great Society legislation, 389, 566

isolationism in, 154, 155-6, 158-9

and Marshall Plan, 233

and New Deal: arts programs killed, 132, 135, 138; First Hundred Days, 23, 24-7, 30; obstructionism and opposition, 104-5, 106, 108, 112-13, 135, 191, 215, 376; Second Hundred Days, 75-6

Reagan and, 633, 639-40, 642

seniority system, 116, 126, 321

special-interest pressures on, 107, 192, 642, 647-8

Tonkin Gulf Resolution of, 403-4

and World War II, 160, 167, 169-70

see also elections and campaigns: congressional; House of Representatives; Senate

Congress for Cultural Freedom, 277, 296

“congressional” parties, Democratic and Republican, 119, 126, 236

and civil rights legislation, 321-2, 376-8

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 107-8, 186-7, 603

see also AFL-CIO; Committee for Industrial Organization

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 189, 356, 361, 369, 371, 387-8, 394, 399

Congress to Unite Women, 450

Conkin, Paul, 127

Connally, John, 657

Connally, Thomas, 94

Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 367-9

consciousness-raising, 445, 454-6

conservation, 25, 26, 40, 76, 213, 214

conservatism, conservatives, 123, 540, 624-9, 652, 655, 667

agenda of, 627-9

anti-abortionism of, 448, 628

anticommunism of, 629

coalitions across party lines, 87, 109, 132, 191, 466, 638, 640

definition of freedom by, 42, 123, 667, 672

Democrats, 30, 42, 73, 108-9, 117-19, 191, 320; Reagan and, 638; Southern, 80, 112, 118-19, 236-7, 248-9, 250, 320, 466, 640

doctrinal factions, 627-9

economic views of, 42, 560, 562, 627

FDR denounced by, 41-5, 71

journals, think tanks, etc., 627, 630

Nixon as disappointment to, 557, 625

populists, 626, 627-8, 629

Reagan as disappointment to, 642-4

Reagan as unifier of, 628-9, 636-8

Republicans, 42, 109, 119, 120, 466, 560, 636-8; anti-New Deal, 43, 83 (see also Republican party)

resurgence of, 462, 558, 624-6; and

capture of GOP, 636-8

views on crime, 516, 519

see also right wing

Constitution, US, 42, 88, 95, 115-16, 126, 277, 294, 507, 532-3, 633-4, 642, 645-50, 654-5, 665, 680

checks and balances problems, 42, 88, 115, 491, 632, 633, 645-9

interstate commerce clause, 73-4

majority rule vs. minority rights, 42, 88

progressive era democratization of, 646-7

reform proposals, 648, 649-50

see also Bill of Rights

Consumer Advisory Board, 33

consumer protection, 5, 33, 236

consumption trends, 184-5, 601, 668

containment policy, 239, 286-7, 290, 491, 496

Contras, 633, 644

Cook, Bruce, 427

Coolidge, Calvin, 20, 27, 71, 152, 328, 329, 466

Cooper, Gary, 231

Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms, 377

Coors, Joseph, 637

Copland, Aaron, 593

Coral Sea, battle of, 179

Corbett, Jim, 307

Corcoran, Thomas G., 74

corporate taxes, 72, 191, 554, 558, 639

Corwin, Edward S., 92

Costigan, Edward Prentiss, 73

Coughlin, Fr. Charles E., 57-60, 63, 70, 73, 79, 80, 84, 85-6, 105

isolationism of, 154, 160, 169

Council on United Civil Rights Leadership, 371

counterculture of 1960s, 431-2

Country Joe and the Fish (rock group), 430-1

Court-packing plan, FDR, 93-6, 105, 118

Cousins, Norman, 392

Cowan, Ruth S., 551

Cowley, Malcolm, 299

Cox, Archibald, 505, 512

Cox, Edward E., 106

Cox, Harvey, 293

Cox, James, 24, 152

Cradle Will Rock, The (FTP production), 138-9

Crankshaw, Edward, 220

Crawford, Alan, 626

creationist theory, 667

credit, sex discrimination in, 439

Creel, George, 69, 195

crime, 514-17, 594

control, 466

poverty and, 516, 518, 568-9, 571

statistics, 516, 517

white-collar, 514-16, 517

criminal justice system, 517-20, 651, 653-4

Croly, Herbert, 122

Cronin, Thomas E., 510

Cronkite, Walter, 411

Crosby, Bing, 194

Crucible, The (Miller), 297, 300

Cuba, 330-1, 333, 336

Soviet military in, 333-4, 526, 527

US policy toward, 328, 331, 336; Bay of Pigs invasion, 331-2, 333, 336-7, 524

Cuban missile crisis, 333-5, 336, 337, 528

Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace (1949), 277

cultural programs of Roosevelt Administration, 132-41

Cummings, Homer S., 24, 90-2, 112

Cuomo, Mario, 662

Curley, James Michael, 311, 312

Currie, Lauchlin, 102

Curry, John Steuart, 138

Czechoslovakia, 149, 158, 159

Soviet control over, 233, 469, 527

Daily Worker, 52, 243, 252

Daley, Richard, 400, 414-15, 477

Dallek, Robert, 156, 217

Dallin, David, 260

Daniels, Josephus, 48, 329

Danto, Arthur, 623

Dark Ghetto (Clark), 385

Darlan, Jean, 181, 217

Darwin, Charles, 269

Daughters of the American Revolution, 113

Daughters of Bilitis, 450

Davis, Chester, 66

Davis, Elmer, 193

Davis, Jefferson, 384

Davis, John W., 43, 81

Davis, Kenneth S., 465

D-Day, World War II, 200

Dean, John, 499-504, 510

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 297, 300-1

de Beauvoir, Simone, 298, 444, 447, 454

Debray, Régis, 336

Debs, Eugene, 53, 631

Declaration of Independence, 277, 341, 665

Declaration of Rights of Man, 539, 540, 665

Declaration of the United Nations, 178

Deconstruction, 624

Deeter, Jasper, 136

Defense Mediation Board, 186

defense spending:

Eisenhower and, 255, 256, 262

Reagan increases in, 639, 640

deficit spending, see federal budget

de Gaulle, Charles, 195, 208, 217, 294, 332

Degler, Carl, 353

de Kooning, Willem, 135, 621, 622

Delano, Laura, 212

Delors, Jacques, 538

democracy, 88, 347-8, 600, 619, 645-7, 661

Lippmann’s pessimism, 289-90, 294

Democratic Advisory Committee (later Council, DAC), 287

Democratic Leadership Council, 659

Democratic National Committee, 29, 42, 80, 458, 499-500, 511

Democratic party, 116-18, 629, 632, 649, 655-60 (see also elections and campaigns)

centrists, 658-9, 662

congressional majorities of, 126; 1935-36, 37; 1937-38, 87; 1939-40,111; 1949-50, 238; 1951-52, 245; 1955-56, Senate, 320; 1965-66, 389-90; 1973-74, 461; 1981-82. House, 639

“congressional” vs. “presidential,” 119, 126, 236, 287; and civil rights legislation, 321-2, 376-8

conservative wing, 80, 112, 117-19, 191, 320, 466; and FDR’s New Deal, 30, 42, 73, 108-9, 112; Reagan and, 638

conventions of: 1924, 11-12; 1932, 3, 4-6, 10-12, 15, 42, 61; 1936, 83-4; 1940, 164; 1944, 203; 1948, 236-7; 1952, 249; 1956, 287-8; 1960, 325; 1964, 381-2; 1968, 414-15, 458; 1972, 458; minority representation in, 381-2, 648; two-thirds rule for nomination, 10-11, 83; women’s representation in, 458, 648

FDR as leader of, 108-11, 116-18, 666; his liberalization goal, 109-11, 118-20

fragmentation of, 426, 639-40; in civil rights issues, 236-7, 249, 250, 321-2; in New Deal era, 236-7, 247; in foreign policy of cold war, 236, 285-8; hawks vs. doves, 236, 285-6, 334, 404; in 1920s, 10-11; in 1932, 10-13, 15, 20; in 1930s New Deal era, 42-3, 64, 73, 79, 81-2, 106-7, 108-11, 116-19; in 1930s foreign policy, 154; in 1960, 323-6; in 1968, 412, 414-15

liberalism, 13, 15, 64, 73-4, 87, 109, 319, 320, 322, 324, 326, 359, 389-90, 414, 466, 629-30, 661-2; liberal-labor-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 632

midterm policy conference, 659

New Deal coalition of voters for, 80, 238, 656-7

1980s constituency search, 658-60, 661-2

overlap with Republican party, 119, 126, 320, 466

reconstruction of, 656-7, 670-1

Southern wing of, 11, 80, 112, 118-19, 320-2, 354, 360; and civil rights, 236-7, 248-9, 250, 321-2, 325, 354, 360, 365, 376-8; coalition with Republicans, 132, 191, 466, 640; defections of 1980s, 657

Dempsey, Jack, 609

Deng Xiaoping, 529

Denmark, Nazi invasion of, 161

Dennis, Eugene, 243

Denver school desegregation case, 653

Depression, Great, 18-19, 31, 52, 58, 313, 648

literature, 141-6

see also New Deal

destroyers-for-bases deal, 164

Derrida, Jacques, 624

détente, 265, 286, 287, 461, 488-9, 490-1, 496

Carter efforts, 528-9

Eisenhower attempts, 256-7, 259-62

Nixon years, 476-9, 485-7

Detroit, 292

Depression effects in, 58

race riots: of 1943, 189; of 1967, 574

school busing case, 653

Dewey, John, 121, 124-5, 135, 292, 593, 658

Dewey, Thomas, 111, 163, 190-1, 236, 246, 248

as presidential candidate: in 1944, 203-5, 237; in 1948, 236-8, 239, 286

Dewson, Molly, 29, 64, 83, 103, 434

Dialectic of Sex, The (Firestone), 445

Diem, Ngo Dinh, 342, 343-4, 419, 504

Dien Bien Phu, 342, 465

Dies, Martin, 112

Diggins, John P., 534

direct action:

civil rights movement, 356-8, 366, 371, 379

student movement, 396

women’s movement, 445-7, 449

Dirksen, Everett, 245, 248, 253, 320, 377, 499

disarmament, 392

see also arms control


“double,” against minority women, 189, 452

economic cost of, 385

outlawed, 378

“reverse,” 653

see also education; employment; public facilities and transport; racial discrimination; sex discrimination; voting rights

Divine, Robert A., 286

“Dixiecrats” (1948), 237, 238

Djilas, Milovan, 227

Dobrynin, Anatoly, 476, 485-6, 523

Doctorow, E. L., 615, 617

Dohrn, Bernadine, 421

dollar, 555-6, 557

Dollfuss, Engelbert, 54

Domenici, Pete, 640

Dominican Republic, 329-30, 404, 524, 527

domino theory, 232, 342

Doolittle, James, 179

Dos Passos, John, 12, 277, 298, 605

Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 468

Douglas, Lewis, 28, 35, 37, 80

Douglas, Paul, 319-20

Douglas, William O., 112, 203, 227, 321, 667

Douglass, Frederick, 395, 399

Dow Chemical, 409, 421

Dowling, Eddie, 136

Dozier, Bishop Carroll T., 537

draft, 287, 461

Vietnam War: card-burning, 408, 410, 513; evasion, 420-1, 522

World War II, 165

Dred Scott decision, 652

Dreiser, Theodore, 299

Drew, Elizabeth, 487, 512

drug abuse, 466, 552, 569, 571, 594

and crime, 517

Dubinsky, David, 46, 54, 55-6, 84, 243

Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 675

Duchamp, Marcel, 621, 623

Dukakis, Michael, 658, 659

Dulles, John Foster, 253-4, 255, 257, 259, 265, 286, 289, 342, 473, 643

Dunne, Edward F., 249

Dunne, Finley Peter, 54

Dunne, Ray, 47-8

Du Pont family and capitalism, 39, 42-3, 81, 98, 155, 592

Durant, William Crapo, 572

Durkheim, Emile, 275, 600

Duvalier, François, 330

Dworkin, Andrea, 535

Dylan, Bob, 421, 428-9, 671

Eagleton, Thomas, 458

“Eastern Establishment,” 246-8, 250, 522

Eastern Europe:

anti-Soviet unrest, 257-8

“liberation of captive peoples” goal of US, 256, 257-8

Soviet domination over, 210-11, 221, 226, 229, 258, 469

Yalta discussion on, 206-7, 211

Eastland, James, 319-20, 323

Eastman, Max, 202, 628

Eccles, Marriner, 75, 102, 287

“economic bill of rights” of FDR, 16, 202-3, 276-7, 344, 666

economic equality, 77, 84, 538, 637, 667

see also equality of opportunity

Economic Opportunity Act, 566, 567

economic planning, 77, 102-3, 560, 563-5

corporate, 563, 573

“democratic,” 565

New Deal era failures, 130-1, 214-15

economics, 553-4, 560-5, 571-2

Chicago School of, 562

Galbraith, 562-3

Hayek, 560

Keynesian, 102, 103, 130, 561-2

laissez-faire views, 42, 560-1

Marxist, neo-Marxist, 564-5

monetarism, 562, 564

supply-side, 639-40, 641

economic security, 16, 41, 75, 122, 202-3, 213, 538-9, 560, 666


Carter policies, 558-60, 562, 639, 641

centralization vs. decentralization debate of 1930s, 28, 74, 77, 103-4, 128

Great Depression, 18-19, 31, 39-41

interventionism in, 554-7, 560-1 (see also economic planning)

New Deal programs, 23-7, 30-5, 37, 40-1, 62, 63-6, 75-6, 214-15 (see also New Deal)

in 1950s, 264, 267, 555

Nixon/Ford policies, 554-8

Reagan years, 633, 638, 639-42;

recession, 562, 640-1

Roosevelt recession of 1937-39, 101-4, 114, 128, 130, 214

rural South, 314, 315

stagflation, 557-8, 559, 639

wartime, 182-4, 186, 215

see also banking; business; industry; inflation; unemployment

Eden, Anthony, 195, 206, 255, 341, 405

Edison, Thomas, 270, 542

Editor & Publisher, 282

education, 553, 594, 596-8, 663-5, 681-2

federal role in, 553, 629;

Eisenhower measures, 285, 320;

Great Society (LBJ) measures, 389, 566; K

ennedy measures, 370, 566;

Reagan cuts, 639

racial discrimination in, 236, 314, 321-3, 365, 370, 378 (see also schools)

sex discrimination in, 433, 439

trivializalion of, 597-8, 601

Egypt, 257, 486-7, 574

Camp David accord, 525-6

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 295

Ehrlichman, John, 467, 503-5, 513

Einstein, Albert, 269, 544-7

Eisenhower, David, 510

Eisenhower, Dwight D,, 236, 246, 263, 266, 289, 448, 543, 593, 607

and McCarthy, 249-50, 252-3, 258

and Nixon, 250, 326

as President, 252-63, 267, 277, 285, 418, 466, 467, 560-1, 573, 630; “Atoms for Peace” plan, 256; and civil rights issue, 322-3, 352, 359; domestic measures, 285, 320, 321, 322-3; evaluation and criticism, 255-6; foreign policy, 253-63, 285-7, 331, 340, 342, 490; and Korea, 254, 255, 418; military spending, 255, 256, 262; recession, 555; rejects atomic strikes and foreign adventurism, 255; and space program, 259, 579, 584, 585; Supreme Court appointments, 322, 652; U-2 incident, 261-3, 476

presidential candidacies, 460, 479, 637; 1952, 246-8, 249-51, 253, 286, 312; 1956, 257, 286

in World War II, 180, 198; as ETO commander, 199-201, 205, 206

elderly, Townsend proposals for, 67

elections and campaigns, 646-7

congressional: 1918, 190, 191; 1932, 19; 1934, 37, 63, 70; 1936, 87; 1938, 108-11, 117-18; 1942, 190-1; 1946, 230; 1948, 238; 1950, 245; 1952, 253, 285; 1964, 390, 404; 1972, 461, 479; 1980, 629, 632, 639

media use in, 312, 324, 613

presidential, 1860 and 1896, 655-6; 1912, 118-19, 236; 1924, 11-12, 46, 416, 656; 1928, 656; 1932, 3-6, 10-18, 42, 61, 656, 662; 1936, 79-86, 87, 91, 117-18, 656; 1940, 161, 163-5, 656; 1944, 203-5; 1948, 235-9; 1952, 246-51, 253, 625, 637; 1956, 257, 286, 287, 637; 1960, 262, 323-6, 331, 512, 555, 625, 637: 1964, 380-2, 625, 637; 1968, 412-16, 555-625, 637: 1972, 458, 460-2, 469, 479, 481, 511, 557; 1976, 521, 558, 613, 625, 637-8, 656; 1980, 530, 559, 638, 649, 656; 1984, 641, 644, 649, 661; 1988, 657-8, 659, 661-2, 668, 669-70; primary system, 117, 647, 662; reform proposals, 650

state: 1972, 53; 1934 (Wisconsin), 68; 1936, 87; 1938, 111; 1942, 190-1

voter turnout decrease, 646, 661

electric power, 13, 14, 264

New Deal programs, 26, 76, 191, 214

electronics industry, 268, 273, 542-3, 550-1, 572

Eliot, T. S. 136, 233

Ellison, Ralph, 297, 408, 615, 620

Ellsberg, Daniel, 425-6, 499, 504, 513

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 546

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 142, 338


discrimination in: ethnic, 308; outlawed, 378, 437; racial, 188-9, 315; sex, 81, 188, 433, 437, 439, 446-7, 457

fair, 1948 and 1952 proposals, 236, 250

full, inflationary effect of, 561

wartime, 184, 188, 453, 648

women in, 188, 453

see also job programs

End Poverty in California (EPIC), 69, 603, 604

energy crisis, 1970s, 530, 574-5, 591

Engels, Friedrich, 567

entitlement programs, 41, 218, 641

environmental pollution, 552, 574, 575

environmental protection, 466, 629, 651

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974), 439

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 437, 439, 446

equality, 124-5, 635, 667-9

of condition, 124, 668

economic, 77, 84, 538, 635, 667

and liberty, 125, 267, 635, 679-80; as

competing values, 631, 679

of opportunity, 77, 122, 124-5, 278, 440, 454, 668, 679; FDR on, 16, 84, 203; JFK on, 370

equal pay for equal work, 188, 538

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 434, 438-9, 452, 457, 458-9, 628

Erikson, Erik, 348

Ervin, Sam, 502, 503-5

Escape from Freedom (Fromm), 279

estate tax, 76, 191, 639

Ethiopia, 63, 79, 156, 527


1939 war danger, 149-51, 153, 155-9

postwar, 260, 294-6; goals of Eisenhower Administration for, 254, 256, 257-8; Marshall Plan aid to, 233, 265, 295, 496, 555; and NATO, 265; reaction to American literature in, 297-301; Soviet military buildup in, 528; Soviet sphere of domination, 210-11; Yalta discussions on, 206-7, 211

World War II in, 159-64, 166-70, 177, 180, 182, 196, 199-201, 206, 211, 223-4; cross-Channel attack, 177-8, 180-1, 196-201, 207

see also Eastern Europe; Western Europe

European Economic Community, 538

Evans, M. Stanton, 626

Evers, Medgar, 372, 380

executive branch (federal), 114-15, 647-8

FDR’s reorganization bill, 105-6, 115, 131

executive privilege, doctrine of, 505-6

existentialism, 394

Ezekiel, Mordecai, 102

Fairbank, John K., 469

Fair Deal, 236, 239, 320, 359, 461, 629, 639, 652

fair employment, 1948 and 1952

proposals for, 236, 250

Fair Employment Practices Committee, 321

Family Assistance Plan (FAP), 567

Fanon, Frantz, 388

Faraday, Michael, 269, 542, 547

Farley, James, 4, 11, 14, 15, 23, 80, 82, 102, 110-11, 117, 164, 243

Farmer, James, 356, 361-3, 371

Farmer-Labor party, 68

Farmers’ Alliance, 655

farming, farmers, 16, 49, 64-6, 81, 114, 122, 656

Depression effects on, 19

FDR’s goals for, 5, 16, 35, 64

foreclosures: 1930s, 19, 25; 1980s, 640

New Deal programs for, 25, 40-1, 64-6, 81, 107, 213

production increases, 268

as special interest group, 107

subsidies and price controls, 629; Eisenhower Administration, 285, 320; Fair Deal, 236; Nixon Administration, 466

surpluses, 16, 64-5

technological advances in, 268

farm labor, 40, 54, 66, 81, 141, 268-9

strikes, 49-50, 452

Farm Security Administration, 104, 191

Farrell, James T., 144

fascism, 20, 54, 101, 137, 220, 279

FDR charged with, 43

Niebuhr and, 292-3

Faulkner, William, 297, 298-9, 593, 605, 615, 620

Fay, James H., 111

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 230, 361, 514, 546

in Watergate affair, 499-500, 501, 508

Federal Art Project (FAP), 134-5

federal budget, 559, 639

balancing, 13, 79, 560; Carter’s problems, 559; FDR’s dilemma, 19, 21, 35, 64, 101, 103, 214-15, 374; Ford and, 558; Kennedy and, 374; Reagan and, 639, 640, 641; supply-side theory, 639

deficit, 102, 103, 130, 215, 333, 555, 562; Reagan years, 633, 640, 645 see also federal spending

Federal Employee Loyalty Program, 230

federal regulation, see government regulation

Federal Reserve Board, 75, 102, 555, 556, 562, 647

federal revenue sharing, 466-7, 556

federal spending, 466, 554-5, 558, 561-2

Keynesian arguments, 102, 103, 130, 215, 561-2

New Deal, 30, 64, 104, 107, 128, 214, 561

Reagan cuts, 639

special interest pressure for, 107, 641

Roosevelt cuts and recession, 101 see also defense spending; federal budget

Federal Theatre Project (FTP), 135-8

Federal Writers’ Project (FWP), 139-41

Federation of American Scientists, 549

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 436

feminism, 436-60, 534-5, 618 (see also women’s liberation movement)

Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce (FACT), 535

feminist publications, 439, 447

Feminists (group), 444

Field, Marshall, III, 283

Fields, Gracie, 184

filibuster, 321, 322, 323, 360, 376-7, 647

film industry, 601-3, 604-8, 612, 620

Finland, 160-1, 221

Firestone, Shulamith, 443-5

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 515

First Amendment rights, 281, 395, 426, 534-5, 651, 654, 667

fiscal policy:

FDR’s lack of strategy, 130-1, 214-15

Keynesian, 102-3, 130, 561-2

Nixon, 555

see also federal spending

Fish, Hamilton, 41, 165, 169, 190, 507

Fish, Hamilton, Jr., 507

FitzGerald, Frances, 406

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 296, 298, 568, 605, 608

Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,” 309-10

Flacks, Richard, 422

Flanagan, Hallie, 136-8

Fletcher, Rear Adm. Frank Jack, 179

Flink, James, 574

folk music, 428-9

Fonda, Jane, 499

food stamp program, 639

Ford, Gerald R., 488, 521

as President, 557-8, 560, 586, 625, 630, 637; foreign policy, 488-9, 523, 524; pardon of Nixon, 498, 522, 558

as presidential candidate, 613, 625, 637-8

Ford, Henry, 21, 32, 543, 573, 576, 578

Ford, Henry, II, 271, 573, 575, 576-7

Ford Foundation, 296

Ford Motor Company, 56, 99, 183, 187, 188, 485, 515, 572-3, 576-7

as leader in automation, 272, 273, 274

Foreign Affairs (journal), 229

foreign affairs and policy, 489-96, 535-40

bipartisanship in, 204, 235, 285-6, 493, 494, 497

brinkmanship in, 286, 288

Carter Administration, 522-9, 531, 644

containment, 239, 286-7, 290, 491, 496

economics, 555-6

Eisenhower Administration, 253-63, 285-7, 331, 340, 342, 490

Ford Administration, 488-9, 523, 524

human rights, 496, 538-40, 638

intellectual critics of cold war policies, 288-94

Johnson Administration, 391, 401-6, 410-13, 467, 491, 524 (see also Vietnam War)

Kennedy Administration, 328-9, 331-7, 339-44, 390, 491, 495-6, 524

massive retaliation policy, 254, 286

national interest and, 291-2

Nixon Administration, 417-20, 422-6, 467-88, 491, 492-4, 496, 524

power exercised in, 291-2, 496

Reagan Administration, 537, 538, 624-5

realist thinking in, 290-2, 293-4

Realpolitik, 159, 216, 217, 223, 465, 488

Roosevelt Administration, 35-7, 149-57, 158-74, 205-12, 234, 290, 328 (see also World War II)

sphere-of-interest, balance-of-power policy, 232, 234, 239-40

triangular diplomacy, 469, 474-6, 488, 496, 527

Truman Administration, 229-30, 232-5, 239-43, 285-6, 289, 290, 340, 342, 402, 468, 490

see also arms control; cold war; détente; internationalism; interventionism; isolationism; summit meetings; unilateralism

foreign aid, 339-40, 669

foreign trade, 35-6, 264, 555-6

deficit, 557

tariffs, 17, 36, 490, 556

Forman, James, 371, 379, 384, 386

Forrestal, James, 229

Forsythe, David, 540

Fortune magazine, 55, 98, 108, 273, 276, 280, 563

Foster, William Z, 18

Four Freedoms, 203, 266, 276, 281, 666, 672

four-party politics, 119, 126, 236, 491

Fourteenth Amendment, 321, 438, 653

Fourth Amendment, 653

Fox, Richard W., 293

Frady, Marshall, 415

France, 126, 295, 296

Allied D-Day invasion, 199-201; deliberations on, 177-8, 180-1, 196-9, 207

American writers celebrated in, 297-8

appeasement of Hitler by, 157-8

in Indochina, 171, 178, 208, 255, 341-2

nuclear weapons of, 257

in Suez crisis, 257

in World War II, 159, 162-3; Vichy government, 171, 181

Franco, Francisco, 149, 156, 181

Frank, Anne, diary of, 619

Frank, Jerome, 66

Frankel, Charles, 666

Frankel, Max, 497

Frankenthaler, Helen, 621

Frankfurter, Felix, 13, 28-9, 45, 73, 74, 77, 95, 112, 231, 321, 667

Franklin, Benjamin, 593

Frazier, E. Franklin, 355

“freed intelligence,” 124

freedom, 266-7, 275-81, 337-8, 532, 538-40, 598, 665-7, 679

American literary treatment of, 299-301

Atlantic Charier, 192, 338

Bill of Rights, 281, 296, 375, 667

civil-political vs. economic-social, 124, 303, 538-40, 666

Declaration of the United Nations, 178

definition, problems of, 121, 124, 276, 281, 539-40, 665-6, 672

economic intervention and, 42, 560

FDR’s achievements for, 131, 202-3, 213, 216, 218, 666; Four Freedoms, 203, 266, 276, 281, 666, 672

Hitler’s perversion of, 202, 666

as ideology, 276-8

Kennedy’s concept and inaugural words, 326-7, 335, 370, 375

Lippmann’s concept of, 289-90

meaning for blacks, 371-2, 375, 401

middle classes and, 278-9

PEN Congress debate on, 617-20

technology of, 266-75

Third World demands for, 305-6, 337-44, 404, 407, 539

Western tradition and sources, 539-40

Freedom Democratic Party, Mississippi, 380-2

“Freedom Summer,” 380, 384, 395

Freeman, Jo, 443, 453, 455-6

Freeman, Orville, 325

free-marketers, 267, 627-9

see also laissez-faire

Free Speech Movement (FSM), 395-6, 397

Freidel, Frank, 16, 24

Freud, Sigmund, 274, 276, 436

Frey, John, 55

Frick, Henry Clay, 99, 100

Friedan, Betty, 436-8, 439-41, 450, 454-5, 618

Friedman, Milton, 562, 627

Fromm, Erich, 279, 599

Frost, Robert, 297, 299-300, 593, 615, 674

Fulbright. J. William, 291

fundamentalism, 448, 458, 534, 627-8

Gable, Clark, 166, 605, 606

Gaddis, John Lewis, 496

Gagarin, Yuri A., 580, 581, 584

Gagey, Edmond, 137

Gaither, H. Rowan, Jr., 259

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 287, 340, 343, 510, 562-3, 573

Galenson, Walter, 98

Gandhi, Mohandas, 338, 339, 348, 352, 357, 364, 409, 421, 461, 546

Gannett, Frank, 105

Gans, Herbert, 622

GAP Communications, 613

Garfield, James R., 122

Garner, John, 11, 14, 22, 37, 93, 96, 110, 126, 159, 164

Garthoff, Raymond, 487

Garvey, Marcus, 385

gays, see homosexuals; lesbians

Gaza Strip, 482, 525-6

Gemini, Project, 582

General Electric Company, 268, 607

General Motors Corporation, 42, 43, 56, 98, 557, 572, 575-6

strikes: 1937, 98-9; 1970, 573

General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes), 130

genetic experimentation, 552

Geneva Accords on Vietnam (1954), 342, 405

Geneva summit meeting (1955), 257

George, Walter, 110-11, 116, 118, 119, 126, 285, 319

George VI, King, 199

Gephardt, Richard, 641

Germany, 150, 219

Nazi regime, 20, 149-51, 166, 207; acts of aggression, 149, 157-8, 159; Axis member, 157, 159, 167, 173, 176; Holocaust, 218-19, 267; pact with Soviet Union, 151, 159, 197; in World War II, 159, 161-4, 166, 168, 175-6, 177-8, 180-1, 197, 200, 206, 211, 223-4

postwar, 224, 240; reunification issue, 256, 332 (see also West Germany)

Giap, Vo Nguyen, 419, 480

Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 269, 270, 542

Gide, André, 298

Gilford, Walter, 71

gift tax, 76, 191, 639

Gilder, George F., 627

Ginsberg, Allen, 394, 430

Ginzburg, Aleksandr, 523

Giraud, Henri, 195

Girdler, Thomas, 100

Gitlin, Todd, 431, 432

Glad, Betty, 521, 559, 643

Glass, Carter, 24, 30, 75, 110, 118

Glenn, John, 580-1, 586

Goebbels, Joseph, 224

Golan Heights, 486-7

Gold Clause cases, Supreme Court, 72, 89

Golden, Harry, 353

gold policy:

FDR, 35, 36, 37, 72

Nixon, 555-6

Goldwater, Barry, 378, 381, 382, 390, 404, 491, 508, 566, 625-6, 637, 638, 656

Gompers, Samuel, 45, 54

Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 258

Goodman, Paul, 394

Good Neighbor League, 83, 117

Good Neighbor Policy, 328, 524

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 633, 644

Gordimer, Nadine, 620

Gordon, Kermit, 561

Göring, Hermann, 150

Gorky, Arshile, 621


American system: conditions of, 115, 120, 125-6, 129, 491, 632, 645-8, 655, 663; democratization of progressive era, 646-7; reform proposals, 648-50 (see also party system)

federal: centralization of, 16, 29-30, 42, 74, 646; centralization vs. decentralization debate, under FDR, 28-9, 66, 74, 77, 122; invigorated by FDR, 213; prolabor, divergence from Marxist model, 48; reorganization bill (1937), 105-6, 115, 131

Lippmann’s concept of, 289-90

press as fourth branch of, 283

government planning, see economic

planning; planning, comprehensive government regulation, 466, 560

New Deal, 42, 121, 122

Reagan reversal, 639

Graham, Billy, 465

Graham, Martha, 593

Graham, Otis, 122

Grahn, Judy, 451

grain deals, US-USSR, 476, 478, 644

Grange, 49, 65

Grant, Ulysses S., 178, 505

Grass, Günter, 618-19

Graubard, Stephen, 553

Great Britain, 125, 295, 296

appeasement of Hitler by, 157-8

colonialism, 208, 338-9

nuclear weapons of, 257

in Suez crisis, 257

in World War II, 159, 161-4, 175-6, 177-8, 180-1, 196-7, 199-200, 211, 222, 223-4; Battle of Britain, 164, 167; US aid, 161, 162, 164, 166-70

“Great Marianas Turkey Shoot,” 201

Great Society, 390, 401, 516, 629, 630, 639

Greece, 149, 169, 211, 229, 232-3, 239, 265

Green, Theodore, 48

Green, William, 33, 55-7, 105

Greenberg, Daniel, 549-50

Greenfield, Jeff, 428

Greenstein, Fred I., 255

Griffin, Susan, 449

Griffith, D. W., 602

Grissom, Gus, 580

Gromyko, Andrei, 206, 211, 477, 486, 491

Gross, Chaim, 135

gross national product (GNP): US, 1950s, 264

Western vs. communist bloc vs. Third World nations, 304

Group, the (experimental theater), 145-6

Grove Press, 447

Gruening, Ernest, 403, 407

Guadalcanal, battle of, 179

Guantánamo Naval Base, 330, 337

Guatemala, 331, 524

Guevara, Ché, 336

Guffey Bituminous Coal Act, 72, 90

Gumbleton, Bishop Thomas J., 537

Guthrie, Woody, 142-3, 428

Haber, Al, 392

Hagler, “Marvelous Marvin,” 609

Hague, Frank, 16

Haig, Alexander, 480, 482, 638, 645

Haight-Ashbury culture, 430

Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, 79, 137

Haiti, 329-30

Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 418, 473, 479, 503-4, 505, 513, 554, 557

Hall, Gus, 243

Hamer, Fannie Lou, 379-82

Hamilton, Alexander, 507, 646, 648

Hand, Learned, 667

Hansen, Alvin, 561

Harding, Warren G., 466, 505, 636

Hargrove, Erwin C, 531

Harlem, New York City, 385

Harriman, W. Averell, 103, 206, 285, 287-8, 343

Harris, David, 426

Hart, Gary, 658

Hartz, Louis, 122, 626

Harvard Educational Review, 596-7

Harvard University, 271, 519, 532, 538

Havens, Richie, 427

Hawaii, 176, 264

Hawks, Howard, 605

Hawley, Ellis, 214

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 299, 674

Hayden, Casey, 442

Hayden, Tom, 392

Hayek, Friedrich August von, 560, 627

Healey, Dorothy, 603

health programs, 112, 389, 466, 559, 639

Hearst, William Randolph, 10, 11, 31, 35, 82, 154, 282

Hearst newspapers, 10, 31, 41, 46, 82, 105, 123, 205, 243, 282, 606

Hechinger, Fred, 597

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 281, 461

Height, Dorothy, 371

Heisenberg, Werner, 269

Heller, Walter, 287, 561

Helsinki Accords, 488-9, 523

Hemingway, Ernest, 297, 298-9, 593, 605, 615, 620

Henderson, Leon, 102

Hendrix, Jimi, 427

Henry, Patrick, 634

Herblock cartoons, 465, 624

Hernandez, Aileen, 437, 440

Herring, George, 406

Hersey, John, 195, 311

Hersh, Seymour M., 498, 500

Hicks, Granville, 300

High, Stanley, 68

High Culture, 622, 623-4

Hillman, Sidney, 46, 55-6, 84, 107, 204, 287

hippie culture of 1960s, 394, 426-32

Hiroshima, 225, 234, 391, 408

Hiss, Alger, 231-2, 244, 252, 426, 468, 625

Hitler, Adolf, 7, 20, 63, 105, 149-52, 221, 222, 260, 545

acts of aggression, 149, 157-8, 159

perversion of meaning of freedom, 202, 666

Roosevelt and, 149-52, 173, 176, 202, 210

and war declaration on US, 172, 175-6

in World War II, 161-2, 164, 166-7, 169-72, 175-6, 180-1, 200

Hobbes, Thomas, 600

Ho Chi Minh, 341, 402, 406, 418

Hoffman, Abbie, 432

Hofstadter, Richard, 44, 288, 626

Hollywood, 194, 601-3, 604-8, 620

alleged communism in, 231

Khrushchev’s visit to, 260, 301

Hollywood Production Code, 606

Hollywood Ten, 231

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 112, 216, 231

Holocaust, 218-19, 267, 525

home foreclosures, Depression years, 26, 41

homelessness, Reagan years, 540

homosexuality, 450, 533

Hook, Sidney, 276, 277, 278

Hoover, Herbert, 22, 58, 62, 123, 600, 625

as enlightened conservative, 668

1932 presidential candidate, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17-18, 55, 521

in 1936 campaign, 83, 85

as President, 20-1, 35, 101, 170, 253; and Latin America, 328, 329; and Supreme Court, 71, 93

Hoover, J. Edgar, 462, 499

Hoover Administration, 25, 40, 45-6

Hopkins, Harry, 34, 102, 112, 114, 163, 168, 174-5, 196, 206, 223, 566, 570

as WPA director, 76; cultural projects, 133, 134, 136, 140

Hopkins, Jerry, 430

Home, Lena, 369

Horner, Henry, 249

hostage crisis of 1979-80, 530, 531, 638

Houghton Mifflin, 139, 140

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 112, 132, 230-2, 395, 546

Houseman, John, 136

House of Representatives, US, 647-8, 655

arts bills of 1938-39, killed by, 132

and civil rights measures, 321, 375-6

Democratic majorities in, 37, 87, 111, 238, 245, 390, 479, 555, 558, 639

four-year term proposal, 650

1937 reorganization bill killed, 106, 107

Reagan coalition majorities in, 639-40

Republican gains in, 1938, 111; 1942, 191

Republican majorities in: 1947-48, 230; 1953-54; 253, 285

House Judiciary Committee, 498, 506-7

House Rules Committee, 106, 111, 321, 375-6

House Un-American Activities Committee, see House Committee on Un-American Activities

House Ways and Means Committee, 192

housing problems, 540, 570, 633

housing programs:

Eisenhower Administration, 285, 320

Fair Deal, 236

Great Society (LBJ), 389

New Deal, 26, 214, 648

Reagan cuts, 639

Howe, Irving, 409, 616, 631

Howe, Louis, 3-4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 64

Howells, William Dean, 299

HUAC, see House Committee on Un-American Activities

Hubble Space Telescope, 587

Hudson, Marion, 434, 441

Hughes, Charles Evans, 22, 71, 72, 88, 89, 90, 92, 119, 593

and Court-packing plan, 93, 94-5

Hughes, Howard, 504

Hughes, Robert, 622

Hull, Cordell, 13, 17, 23, 35-6, 151, 154, 158-9, 163, 164, 166, 203, 219, 328

human rights, 496, 522-3

Helsinki Accords, 488-9, 523

UN Declaration of, 523, 538-40

US policy, 538-40; Carter, 522-4, 526, 528, 539; Reagan, 540, 638

Humphrey, Hubert, 237, 259, 325, 381, 412

as presidential candidate: in 1960, 324; in 1968, 415-16, 417, 461, 555

as Senator, 319-20, 376-7

as Vice President, 389

Hungary, 158

1956 revolt in, 258, 286, 288, 527

Hunt-Perry, Patricia, 537

Hurd, Peter, 135

Huston Plan, 499

Hutcheson, William “Big Bill,” 55, 56

Hutchins, Robert, 594

hydrogen bomb, 240, 256-7, 287, 391, 546, 549

Soviets in possession of, 256

Iacocca, Lee, 573, 577

Ickes, Harold, 23, 29, 34, 37, 71, 73, 93, 102, 113, 114, 118, 133, 165, 216, 593

opposes internment of Japanese, 190

“soft on communism” charges against, 112

as unilateralist, 154

illiteracy, 566, 594

immigration laws, 389

impeachment, 506-7, 511, 648, 650

imperialism, 208, 218, 338, 419, 444, 470

American, 264-5, 397, 524;

economic and cultural, 295-6

“imperial presidency,” 510, 511, 646


family: black vs. white, 314, 571; 1950-60s vs. 1970-80s increase, 660; rich vs. poor, 669; wartime increase, 184

per capita, 266

see also wages

income tax, 76, 191, 554-5, 639

India, 176, 208, 218, 338-9, 348, 472

Eleanor Roosevelt’s visit to, 339

Jacqueline Kennedy’s visit to, 340-1

Kennedy policy toward, 339-41

living conditions, 303, 305, 339

question of independence for, 178, 208, 338, 341

individualism, individual rights, 16, 42, 121, 123, 124, 213, 267, 275, 280-1, 296, 338, 539, 598-601, 672

equality as competing value, 631

of libertarians, 534, 627

of New Left, 393

vs. other-directedness and conformity, 279-80

and self-indulgence, 600-1

see also liberty, individual

Individualism Reconsidered (Riesman), 280

Indochina, 338, 341, 424

French colonialism in, 178, 208, 255, 341-2

Geneva Accords of 1954, 342, 405

Japanese designs on, 171, 172

“loss” of, 342, 401-2, 404

US involvement: Eisenhower and, 255, 342; under Johnson, 401-2; Kennedy

and, 342-4 (see also Vietnam War)

industrial revolution, 57, 273, 274, 279

industry, 31, 268-9

automation in, 272-3, 274, 279, 543

“human engineering” and “human relations” in, 271

New Deal revival of, 30-1

production, 266; mid-1930s, 101;

postwar, 264; wartime, 182-4, 186, 199


1970s, 531, 554-62 passim, 591

postwar, 230,

World War II, 187

information revolution, 550-1, 552

Ingersoll, Ralph, 283, 593

initiative, referendum, recall, 647

Institute for Advanced Study, 296, 545

intellectualism, intellectuals, 15, 276-81, 298, 546-8

critique of cold war policies by, 288-94

left wing, 394, 409, 462, 565, 625, 629-32

of 1960s movements, 394, 401, 409, 459-60, 461-2

right wing, 625-8

“New York,” 616-17

intellectual leadership, 671-2

gap, 35, 129-30, 214-16, 344, 667, 671

Tocquevillian void in, 125, 214, 294, 518-19, 548, 593, 595, 665, 667-8, 671

Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (1947), 265

interest rates, 1970-80s, 531, 555, 562, 638

Interim Agreement, US-USSR, 478

internationalism, 36, 152-5, 165, 208

postwar, 236, 247, 253

of Roosevelt, 152, 155

Wilsonian, 11, 35, 152

International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU), 46, 55, 138

International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), 46-7

International Monetary and Economic Conference (London, 1933), 35-6

International Union of Electrical Workers, 273

International Women’s Year Commission, 452

interstate highway system, 285, 573-4

interventionism, interventionists, 497

1930s and World War II, 154, 155, 157, 165, 167, 169

in Latin America, 328, 330-2, 490, 524

investment tax credit, 556

Iowa, U.S.S., 198

Iran, 229, 266

US relations with, 255, 643; hostage crisis, 530, 531, 638; secret dealings of Reagan White House, 495, 633

Iran-Contra affair, 633, 644, 645, 647, 651, 655

Irish immigrants, 305, 306-9, 313, 387

“iron curtain,” 228

IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 499

isolationism, isolationists, 219

postwar, 234, 236, 247, 286

prewar, 36, 151, 153-7, 158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 167; and Lend-Lease, 169

Israel, 546

Camp David accord, 525-6

Six-Day War, 486

in Suez crisis, 257

Yom Kippur War, 487, 574

Italian-Americans, 387

Italy, 295, 337

fascist, 20, 149; as Axis member, 157, 159, 176; invasion of Albania, 149, 158; invasion of Ethiopia, 79, 156; in World War II, 163, 177, 196, 197-8, 211, 217

Iwo Jima, 206, 211, 224, 675

Jackson, Andrew, 88, 90, 218, 648, 679

Jackson, George, 520

Jackson, Henry M., 521

Jackson, Jesse, 658, 661, 662

Jackson, Jimmie Lee, 382-3

Jackson State College, 425

Jagger, Mick, 430

James, Henry, 620

James, William, 125, 217, 292, 671

Janowitz, Morris, 612

Japan, 341

as Axis member, 157, 159, 167-8, 173, 176

invasion of China, 157-8, 170-1, 173, 470

postwar, 472, 548;

economic competition, 556, 578, 633; US defense partner, 265

prewar US relations with, 170-1, 172-4

views of the US in, 337-8

in World War II, 173-80, 201-2, 207-8, 210, 211, 224; capitulation, 225, 226

Japanese-Americans, wartime “relocation” of, 189-90, 218

Jaworski, Leon, 505

Jefferson, Thomas, 88, 137, 142, 213, 218, 337, 341, 549, 634, 648

Jefferson Airplane (rock group), 427, 430, 431

Jeffersonians, 11, 13, 23, 42, 116, 679

Jenner, William, 230, 249

Jennings, Peter, 613

Jews, 353, 387, 525, 595, 601

Nazi persecution of, 218-19

New York intellectuals, 616-17

in Soviet Union, 488

Jim Crow laws, 313, 355

Job Corps, 390

job discrimination, see employment: discrimination in

job programs, 556

New Deal, 25, 27, 34, 76, 81, 104

training, 370, 566

War on Poverty, 566

John XXIII, Pope, 536

Johnson, Andrew, 506

Johnson, Hiram, 14, 16, 24, 36, 73, 94, 151

Johnson, Gen. Hugh, 13, 32-3, 55, 77, 114

Johnson, Lyndon B., 306, 317-20, 584

background and education of, 317-18, 323

and civil rights issue, 322-3, 324, 375, 377-8, 381-2, 383-4, 657

as Congressman, 110-11, 318-19, 323

exposure to poverty, 317-18, 323

as a politician, 318-20

populist compassion of, 319

as President, 375-8, 382, 409, 496, 499, 549, 561, 651, 656-7; domestic program of, 375, 377-8, 383-4, 389-90, 439, 461; foreign policy, 467, 524; tax policy, 554-5; and Vietnam War, 391, 401-7, 410-13, 417-19, 491, 593; War on Poverty, 516, 566-7, 568, 570-1

as presidential candidate: in 1960, 323-5; in 1964, 381-2, 637

and Robert Kennedy, 325, 402, 413

as Senator, 319-20; Majority Leader, 313, 320, 322-3, 578-9

vice-presidential candidacy of, 325, 360, 373

Johnson, Rebekah Baines, 317

Johnson, Sam Ealy, 317

Johnston, Eric, 267

Jones, Jesse, 28, 48, 318-19

Jong, Erica, 618

Joplin, Janis, 430, 431

Jordan, 486, 526

Jordan, Barbara, 507

Jordan, Hamilton, 530

journalism, 282-3, 612

see also newspapers

Journal of Philosophy, The, 121

Judaism, 57, 536

judiciary, 116, 646, 651-2, 667

see also Supreme Court, US Justice Department, and Watergate, 500, 505

juvenile delinquency, 569