Angiography or catheterization passage of a small catheter into the cardiac circulation to release a radiographic dye permitting visualization of the lumen and detection of cardiac abnormalities
Angioplasty expansion of a blood vessel by means of a balloon catheter inserted into the chosen vessel
Arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis commonly occurring deposits of yellowish plaques containing lipoid material that thicken and stiffen the vessel walls; these deposits may narrow the lumen, causing chest pain (angina), or rupture, causing clots that lead to heart attacks
Chelation intravenous infusion of a chemical compound that sequesters metallic ions, traditionally used for heavy metal poisoning but controversially promoted as an intervention to reverse atherosclerosis
Detoxification the body’s efforts to reduce its toxic load by changing irritants to a less harmful form or one that can be more readily eliminated, or the body’s efforts to force the expulsion of such substances through channels of elimination, such as mucus, urine, or skin
Embolus a clot or plug brought by the blood from its original site to a place where it occludes the lumen of a smaller vessel
Epidemiologist one whose field of medicine is the study of factors affecting the frequency and distribution of diseases
Gastric bypass permanent division and separation of the main section (lower segment) of the stomach to create a small stomach pouch with the remaining (upper) segment, which is then reattached to the small intestine
Gastroplasty surgery to reduce the size of the stomach
Homocysteine an intermediate protein in the synthesis of cysteine, which elevates as a result of certain nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamin B12 or folate) or because of biochemical variance; the elevation of homocysteine has been implicated in coronary artery disease and heart attacks
Hypertension high blood pressure
Ischemia deficiency of blood flow and subsequent oxygenation secondary to constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel
Ketosis an abnormally high concentration of ketone bodies in the blood, caused by poorly controlled diabetes (high serum glucose) or prolonged carbohydrate insufficiency, such as in fasting or carbohydrate-restricted diets
Lipids a group of water-insoluble fatty substances that serve biological functions in the body: an expression to represent the group of lipoproteins affecting heart disease risk, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and their component subtypes
Macronutrients fats, carbohydrates, and protein, which supply calories (energy) and are necessary for growth and normal function
Micronutrients essential dietary elements required in small quantities for various bodily needs, but not a source of calories
Nutritarian a person who has a preference for foods and/or an eating style high in micronutrients
Phytochemicals numerous newly discovered micronutrients present in plant foods with substantial ability to maximize the body’s defenses against developing disease, including protection from toxins and carcinogens
Receptor a specifically shaped molecule on or within a cell that recognizes or binds with a particular similarly shaped molecule, inducing a specific response within the cell
Revascularization the restoration of normal blood supply by means of a blood vessel graft, as in coronary bypass surgery
Satiated full satisfaction of appetite or thirst without further desire to ingest more food or drink
Sequelae later illnesses or afflictions caused by an initial illness or affliction
Thrombus an aggregation of blood factors forming a clot, frequently causing vascular obstruction at its point of formation
Vascular pertaining to a blood vessel