What Experts Say About


“Finally, a diet book that looks at the science of eating in an accurate fashion. Most diet books have little basis in proven physiology. Dr. Fuhrman’s book Eat to Live deals with why we gain weight, how to lose weight, and how to stay thin and healthy for life, and he backs it up with real scientific data. All the controversy ends after you read this book. It will be the final word in diet books and the one I recommend to my patients.”

—Thomas Davenport, M.D., Massachusetts General Hospital

“Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live presents a compelling, scientific, practical approach to weight loss, health, and vitality that is a refreshing alternative to the plethora of popular but largely ineffective diets and weight-loss methods. For those who want to make dietary changes that will enable them to enjoy optimum health and appearance, this book is a must.”

—James Craner, M.D., M.P.H., Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, University of Nevada School of Medicine

Eat to Live is a comprehensive, valuable, scientifically focused contribution empowering nutrition knowledge and a healthier life.”

—Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., M.D., Preventive Cardiology
Consultant, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio

“Dr. Fuhrman’s new book gives us the nutritional road map to optimum health. His information is painstakingly researched and supported, yet he presents the results with an easy-to-follow style. He honestly states the facts and educates us to make the food choices that will help us overcome disease and regain health. This book marks the beginning of a genuine, scientifically based health revolution.”

—Mark Epstein, President, National Health Association

“Dr. Fuhrman’s book is a world of nutritional wisdom. He has illustrated a comprehensive familiarity with the world’s scientific literature, weaving in his extensive clinical experience and insight that is a must read for every physician in America. Dr. Fuhrman offers a new, more effective approach to the treatment of various diseases and safe and effective methods of prevention. I recommend everyone remember his health equation and follow it for life.”

—Alexander Fine, M.D., Champlost Family Practice,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“This is a book about achieving optimal health and weight that the scientific community has been waiting for, the ‘gold standard’ via which all other diets can be judged. Dr. Fuhrman takes the latest scientific information from thousands of research studies and puts together the most effective and healthiest dietary approach possible. Everything else is just second-rate.”

—Jeffrey Gilbert, M.D., Medical Director,
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York

“An awesome piece of work that fills the gap between the ivory tower–based nutrition research, which is difficult for the average person to interpret, and the unsubstantiated claims of New Age proponents of nutrition. For me this is a book that dropped out of heaven.”

—Groesbeck P. Parham, M.D., Avon Scholar for Cancer Control,
University of Alabama Comprehensive Cancer Center

Eat to Live is a landmark publication, a gimmick-free guide to the food and exercise requirements for a robust life…. Fuhrman deftly exposes the high protein and fad diets currently popular and includes case studies of the gratifying responses of his own patients to his simple food and exercise recommendations.”

—William Harris, M.D., Hawaii Permanente Medical Group

“To write a great and informative book on the cutting edge of health care, one that can really help people, it would take a pioneer doctor. Such is the nature of Eat to Live, whose author, Dr. Fuhrman, is a hundred years ahead of his time. Fortunate is the reader who happens to come across this book. He or she walks under a lucky star.”

—Roy A. Alterwein, M.D., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

“Simply a great piece of work. Dr. Fuhrman has painstakingly taken the time to wade through the ever-burgeoning mountain of evidence which proves that the American diet and many physician-supported fad diets are not only unhealthy but are a contributing if not direct cause of our enormous public cardiovascular and cancer problem. His references are excellent and exhaustive. As individuals and as a nation we cannot ignore this book.”

—Robert J. Warren, M.D., Fellow,
American College of Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery

“If you want or need to lose weight, this book will be of enormous practical value to you, showing you exactly what to do to become trim and healthy for the rest of your life. There are a lot of weight-loss books out there that aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. This is a rare and priceless exception. It’s a jewel. Get it. You’ll be very glad you did.”

—John Robbins, author of The Food Revolution
and Diet for a New America

What Readers Say About


“It has truly turned back time; how wonderful to be 52 and feel 25. I feel younger every day!”

—Bobby Smith, 15 pounds in 1 month

Eat to Live has helped me gain my life back and listen to my body!! Once you try it you will never go back!!”

—Bobbi Freeman, 110 pounds in 2 years

“Start today and you will not believe how fast the weight will fall off!”

—Anthony Masiello, 160 pounds in 20 months

“I went from puffy and very sick to slim and energetic.”

—Laurie McClain, 105 pounds in 11 months

“Thanks to Eat to Live, I lost 155 pounds, cured my asthma, and learned to love kale!”

—Cathy Stewart, 155 pounds in 4 years

“I lost weight and proved my cardiologist wrong. He said I could not lower my cholesterol/triglyceride levels without meds… my levels reduced by 62 percent… truly amazing results!”

—Mark Klein, 12 pounds in 6 weeks

“It’s the fastest, easiest, best-feeling, way-to-live ‘lifestyle’ EVER! I went from size 10 to size 4 in 28 days.”

—Terri Newton, 60 pounds in 3 months

Eat to Live is the education of a LIFETIME. It has been my health renaissance.”

—Freddie Palumbo, 60 pounds in 5 months

“I took the 6-Week Challenge, and now I am a believer! It works!”

—Gerald Fanning, 20 pounds in 6 weeks

“ETL is not a fad diet. It’s an education on diet. Here lies the secret of its success.”

—Rick Chavarria, 21 pounds in 6 weeks

“As an NCAA athlete, I struggled with weight holding back my times. I finally lost weight after years of trying!”

—Lauren Johnson, 20 pounds in 4 weeks

“In many cases, diseases that are labeled ‘incurable’ are NOT necessarily, especially when you Eat to Live! Try it—you have everything to gain and poor health to lose!!”

—Stacey Becker, recovered from lupus

“Lost 100 pounds and made my cystic acne disappear (like no medication ever could). Eat to Live changed my life.”

—Andrew B., 100 pounds in 7 months

Eat to Live showed me how to recover from chronic back pain, two heart attacks, and type 2 diabetes. I had tried all the ‘best’ diet plans, but only got worse. Eat to Live works! No more heart problems; back pain almost gone; and diabetes eliminated!”

—Gearald Lautner, 63 pounds in 4 months

“I’ve transformed from an overweight, depressed, and unhealthy vegan into a fit, happy, and half-marathon-running vegan.”

—Ellen Murray, 135 pounds in 2 years

“Dubious? ETL launched a new life on so many levels; 70 pounds shed in 6 months, no regain 3 years later!”

—Carla Gregston, 70 pounds in 6 months

“I no longer take insulin. Eat to Live is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

—Tina Brandenburg, 18 pounds in 3 months

“CHOOSE to Live should be the title of Dr. Fuhrman’s book. My CHOICE to follow this program cured my hypothyroidism.”

—Alba Jeanne MacConnell, 18 pounds in 11 months

“Bodybuilder finds lost abs under 40 pounds of fat! Stronger, healthier, fitter…. Thank you, Dr. Fuhrman!”

—Joel Waldman, 40 pounds in 12 weeks

“Completely cured my diabetic problem; the VA said they had never seen anyone do what I did. Energy levels shot up and a feeling of well-being pervades.”

—Jess Knepper, 96 pounds in 12 months

Eat to Live has been a blessing: I no longer suffer from diverticulitis; my cholesterol went from 330 to 235 (and still dropping); and the added bonus: weight loss of 50 pounds.”

—Jean Nelson, 50 pounds in 3 months

“It showed me that depression isn’t the mind crying out in pain, it’s the body crying out for nutrition!”

—Jamie Baverstock, 17 pounds in 4 weeks

“I didn’t know I was feeling bad until I started feeling great! I discovered that I can smell and taste better. I now have energy, I can jog up to 4 miles a day. Great eating standards to live by.”

—Brad Kruse, 76 pounds in 8 months

“I lost 80 pounds, lowered my blood pressure, and became a group fitness instructor at my local YMCA.”

—Marjorie Wimmersberger, 80 pounds in 2 years

“After over 20 years of dealing with a disabling illness and trying everything ‘under the sun’ to get better, I have found that following Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian lifestyle is the ONLY way to get better!”

—Jean Mau, 15 pounds in 5 weeks

“Not only did I lose 15 pounds, but my hormones stabilized, allowing me to conceive my beautiful baby girl!”

—Christine Eason, 15 pounds in 3 months

“No faith; tried as experiment. Lost migraines, PMS, digestive troubles; slept better; quit Celexa. Five years later, weight still off!”

—Deborah Bennet, 55 pounds in 7 months

“I took control of my rheumatoid arthritis. Eat to Live gave me hope, control, and a healthy future. My doctor’s response, ‘Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.’ I’m symptom free and medication free.”

—Cheri Robbins, 45 pounds in 6 weeks

“As a dietitian and lupus patient, I have had my health transformed with the enlightening nutritional knowledge emphasized in Eat to Live.”

—Elisa Rodriguez

“I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease at 19 and suffered with chronic hives since. I tried ETL and lost 8 pounds and all my hives in 2 months. This diet was a miracle. If you’ve been told it’s an autoimmune problem, try this diet!”

—Julie Wilding, 8 pounds in 2 months

“A wonderful way to truly enjoy your food and life. A simple, doable approach anyone can do, and not costly.”

—Kelly Tresia, 175 pounds and still going

“Dr. Fuhrman’s work and Eat to Live were the support and insight that finally put me on totally healthful eating and living. I’ve lost 40 pounds in 4 months.”

—Bill Welborn, 40 pounds in 4 months

“ ‘Eat to Live’ does not mean ‘Starve Yourself to Live.’ Eating to live is being satisfied and physically healthier, and enjoying yourself in mind, body, and spirit.”

—John Fleming, 87 pounds in 11 months

“Eat to Live and take a chance on health. Maybe you too can stop taking blood pressure medicine once and for all!”

—Kay Hickman, 60 pounds in 6 months

Eat to Live has been the single most impacting publication in my 20 years as a professional coach to endurance athletes.”

—James Herrera, 45 pounds in 6 months

“My addictions were transformed from cheese, meat, and medications to veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds! You can do it too!”

—Mark Graves, 50 pounds in 1 year

“In 5 months I’ve lost so much more than 43 pounds! I’ve lost my self-disappointment, my sad reflection, my depression, medications, acne, migraines, and best of all… I lost my fat jeans. Eat to Live rocks!”

—Jessica Marie Barriere, 43 pounds in 5 months

“Absolutely, unequivocally the program all others should be judged by! You will find Dr. Fuhrman’s program is the best obtainable!”

—Mike Springer, 40 pounds in 6 weeks

“I lost 40 pounds and feel better than I have in years. I’m a cancer survivor and also a Hep C survivor. With ETL… I’m on my way to total and complete recovery. I look younger and healthy.”

—Rebecca Grant, 40 pounds in 2 months

“My cholesterol went down 100 points and I lost 37 pounds. I totally agree with Dr. Fuhrman that poor nutrition is a major public health crisis. I encourage all of my patients to read the book and start their journey to better health.”

—Steve Hanor, M.D., 37 pounds in 3 months

“I tried every diet from the Zone to Blood Typing, and nothing worked long-term for me except Eat to Live. Friends tell me I look better now at 49 than I did when I was 17.”

—Jay Kamhi, 35 pounds in 6 months

“No calorie counting? Count me in! I feel amazing and I’ve kept the weight off for almost 2 years by following these principles.”

—Christopher Hansen, 30 pounds in 2 months

“Freedom to choose is so much better than calorie restrictions! My children have their mommy back!”

—Stephanie Harter, 27 pounds in 2 months

“Health occurs the way Nature requires, not the way Mankind desires.”

—Gust Andrews, 23 pounds in 7 weeks

“Following Dr. Fuhrman’s instructions, vitamin regimen, and diet, I have lost 24 pounds and cured myself of Hepatitis C.”

—Mike Jourdan, 24 pounds in 6 months