
Boldfaced page numbers indicate an article on the topic.

An attempt has been made to include as many thematic entries as possible. Some of them, such as “research problems,” are designed to stimulate future scholarship; others, such as “homosexuality, mandatory,” seek to throw some light into little-known but interesting comers. For this reason, browsing through the Index may prove rewarding to a wide variety of users.

Titles of books, poems, short stories, plays, and films generally do not appear, but the names of their authors, directors, stars, and the like will be found. The most significant periodicals have been entered, but others omitted. Names in run-on series (e.g., Tom, Dick, and Harry) have been omitted. Scholars7 names have been entered if found in the text, but not from the bibliographies or article signatures. Page numbers flow together (e.g., 88–92) even across articles, and a single page number may cover references in more than one article on the same page. The extent of this Index and its inherent complexity have precluded absolute uniformity of criteria and standards for listing. Subheadings do not appear under entries; if some of the resulting long strings of page numbers seem formidable, at least they will reward patient researchers with aspects of the subject at hand which they might otherwise never have encountered.

Abderrahman: 471

Abelard, Peter: 1006

aberration: 3, 312–14

abnormality: 3–4, 665

abomination: 4–5, 313, 1054

aborigines, Australian: 937

Abraham: 1229

Abrahamic religions: 5–7, 221–25, 583–84, 648–49, 915–17, 984, 1228–30, 1281; see also Judeo-Christian tradition, Islam

Abse, Leo: 1402

abstinence: 221–22; see also asceticism, celibacy

abstract art: 701, 914–15

Abu Nuwas: 7–8, 476, 849, 1237

Académie Française: 156–57

Accursius: 686

Achilles: 8–9, 16, 495–96, 551–52, 864, 995, 1006, 1322

Ackerley, J. R.: 9, 1297

Ackerman, Gery: 335

Ackland, Valentine: 1383–84

ACLU—see American Civil Liberties Union

acolyte tales (chigo monogatari): 635

Acosta, Mercedes de: 405

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome—see AIDS

acrobats: 1292

ACT UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power): 847, 901

active and passive: 9–11, 204, 206, 231 32, 347–49, 354, 361, 376–78, 393–94, 410, 493–94, 557, 619, 678–79, 683, 691, 794–97, 800, 807, 827, 929–31, 1036–40, 1121, 1143, 1156–58, 1174, 1190–91, 1201, 1204–07, 1289, 1309–10, 1330, 1333, 1365

activism, gay: 11, 164, 470, 487, 674, 835–47, 927, 1259, 1265, 1348, 1402

actors and actresses: 218, 404–05, 634–35, 1025–27, 1290–1303, 1314–23

acute aggresion panic: 942

Ada, William of: 686

Adams, John: 122

addiction: 330–34, 1265

Adelswàrd Fersen, Baron Jacques d’: 11 12, 380, 425, 1033, 1360

adhesiveness: 12–14, 1389

Adi, Mohammed el: 418

Adler, Alfred: 14, 370, 736, 1075

adolescents: 308, 341–44, 361–63, 370–71, 409–10, 412, 423, 428, 433, 438, 454, 491–92, 514, 592, 597–98, 624, 750, 797, 866, 959–70, 1083–86, 1095, 1099, 1163, 1197, 1204–1205, 1265, 1309–10, 1335, 1365, 1409–15; see also boys, girls, youth, ephebes, pederasty

adoption: 128, 186, 718, 892

Adomo, Theodor Wiesengrund: 99–100, 1079, 1249

adult-adult homosexuality—see androphilia, mutual

Adventists: 1067

advertisements, personal: 15, 258, 1034, 1057

Advocate, The: 251, 426, 738, 746, 842, 1034

Aelred of Rievaulx, St.: 240, 355

Aeneas: 472

Aersdone, Jan van: 123

Aeschines: 8, 15–16, 232, 683, 1172, 1205

Aeschylus: 8, 16, 497, 1290

aesthetic movement: 16–17, 293, 187–88, 953–54, 1369

aesthetic paganism: 521

aesthetics—see beauty

Aethelbert of Kent: 688

affection: 492

Afghanistan: 17–19, 263, 962

Afonso IV-VI, kings of Portugal: 1029

Afranius, Lucius:

Africa, North: 19–22, 119, 161, 477, 796, 863, 997, 1056, 1108, 1198

Africa, Sub-Saharan: 22–24, 57, 147, 162, 176, 200, 302, 305–06, 532, 875–76, 878, 965, 1189

African-Americans—see black gay Americans

African diaspora: 516

Afro-American religions: 396

Agata, Gaetano d’: 994

Agathias: 504

Agathon: 16, 293, 1290

age-differentiated relationships: 10, 15, 19–29, 58, 67, 204, 206, 261–62, 355, 361–63, 409–10, 421, 434, 438, 444, 463, 542, 597, 873, 937–38, 959–64, 964–70, 1085–86, 1095, 1153–54, 1198, 1289, 1335–36, 1406, 1410, 1413; see also ephebes, gerontophilia, pederasty, pedophilia

ageism: 15, 24–26, 27–29, 230, 253, 270, 421, 711–12, 914, 1144–45

agent: 10

agents provocateurs: 95

aging: 24–25, 26–29, 141, 146, 310, 421; 711, 717, 892, 1214, 1350

Agis ID, king of Sparta: 1244

Agni: 590

Agostinelli, Albert: 1070

Agrippina: 884

Aguiar, Asdrubal de: 1030

Ahmed, Ejaz: 591

Ahriman: 517

Ai, emperor of China: 216

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): 29–32, 49, 69, 84, 97, 115, 125, 145, 164, 171, 193, 208, 266, 269, 287, 322–23, 333, 405, 410, 426, 516, 535, 553, 564, 568–69, 657, 667–68, 696–97, 723, 743, 747, 788, 847, 870, 878, 892, 926, 930, 946, 982, 1011, 1026, 1056, 1146, 1151, 1178, 1187, 1188–89, 1214, 1242, 1264, 1284, 1303, 1351–52, 1354, 1372, 1381, 1401

Aiken, Loretta May—see Mabley, “Moms”

Akademos: 11, 1033

Akhenaten, king of Egypt: 351, 436, 486

AKOE (group): 847

Alan of Lille: 32–33, 795, 880

Alaska (USA): 940–41

Albania: 33, 502

Albee, Edward: 789, 1299

Albertine complex: 33–34, 1393

Albertus Magnus: 71, 74, 529, 684, 791

Albigensian heresy: 173, 422, 528, 602, 762

Alcaeus: 496, 573

Alcibiade Fanciullo a Scola: 34, 211, 257, 343, 623, 732–33, 902, 1024, 1366

Alcibiades: 34, 87, 293, 985, 1018, 1227 28, 1291

Aleman: 995

alcohol and alcoholism: 35–39, 108, 110 12, 176, 198–99, 243, 278, 330, 332, 582, 715–16, 782–83, 1082, 1097, 1225–26, 1265, 1272–74

Alcuin: 795, 966

Alden, David: 923

Aldington, Richard: 325

Aldyne, Nathan: 865

Aleixandre, Vicente: 1240

Aletrino, Arnold: 39, 221, 370, 425, 513, 643, 740, 891, 1126

Alexander the Great: 39–40, 76, 272, 378, 496, 904, 917, 920, 1107, 1198, 1333

Alexander Severus, emperor of Rome: 1118, 1306

Alexander VI, pope: 943

Alexandria (Egypt): 40–42, 207, 238–39, 418, 522–23, 551, 670, 790, 883, 955–57, 986–87, 982–83, 1304, 1307, 1367

Alfonso V, king of Aragon: 1238

Alfonso VI, king of Leon: 1238

Alfonso X (the Wise), king of Castile and Leon: 686, 692

Algarotti, Count Francesco: 1278

Alger, Horatio: 42–43, 899

Alger, William: 441

Algeria: 19, 21, 1390

Algiers: 21, 213

Ali Pasha: 502, 1329

alienation: 450

allegations, false: 132–33, 181–82, 231–32, 240, 306, 1123

Allin, G. G.: 1088

Allport, Gordon W.: 1031

Allston, Washington: 43–45

Almeida, Pires de: 163

Almendros, Nestor: 406

Almodovar, Pedro: 404, 1242

Alpine County (California): 879

Alternative TV (band): 1087

Altolaguirre, Manuel: 1240

Alyson Press: 159

Alyson, Sasha: 159

Amanullah Khan, king of Afghanistan: 18

Amazonia (South America): 45–46, 162

Amazons, American Indian: 46–47, 128, 162, 593–95

amazons, classical: 47–48, 920, 1179, 1336

American Bar Association: 840

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): 842

American Indians—see Indians, American

American Library Association, Gay Task Force: 734

American Lutheran Church: 1060

American Psychiatric Association: 349 50, 576–77, 794, 841, 845, 1350

Amin, al-, caliph: 7, 476

Ammianus Marcellinus: 688

Ammirato, Scipione: 1359

Amnesty International: 382

Amory, Richard: 1025

Ampelos: 319,

Amsterdam: 312, 552, 847, 887–92, 1064

Amulet: 674

amyl inhalants—see poppers

Anabaptists: 1060

Anacreon: 379, 496, 984, 1235

anal sex: 21, 23, 45–46, 48–50, 148–49, 173, 237, 266–67, 324, 590, 678, 859–860, 867, 885, 930–31, 998, 1054, 1142, 1146–47, 1149, 1156–57, 1180, 1189, 1201, 1333, 1346, 1363

Anandrynes (secret society): 948, 1097, 1294

anarchism: 50–52, 117–18, 130, 162, 334 35, 344, 437, 484, 704, 729–31, 759, 772, 1087–88, 1343, 1382

Andalusia (Spain): 384–85, 489–90, 644 48, 846, 1006–07, 1237–38

Andean cultures (South America): 52–54

Andersen, Hans Christian: 54–55

Andersen, Hendrik: 632

Anderson, Laurie: 1011

Anderson, Margaret: 55–56, 407

Anderson, Patrick: 63

Anderson, Robert: 1299

Andrade, Mario de: 163

Andrews, Julie: 400

Andrews, Terry: 1145

androgyny: 56–58, 105–06, 127–28, 143, 157, 199, 243, 319–20, 347–49, 351, 362, 425, 433, 476, 481–82, 492, 530–32, 534, 590–91, 597, 609–11, 633–34, 650, 801, 868–69, 871, 923, 961, 970–71, 1001, 1085–86, 1149, 1164, 1171–72, 1194, 1315, 1394, 1397

androphilia, mutual: 25, 58, 61, 70, 242, 243–44, 350–51, 478, 491, 522, 832, 960, 962, 964, 981, 998, 1002, 1100, 1333

Andros, Phil—see Steward, Samuel M.

Andrzejewski, Jerzy: 1013–14

Angelakis, Andreas: 503

Anger, Kenneth: 403, 1346

Anglicanism: 59–60, 91, 95, 103–04, 224, 228, 241–42, 357, 700, 726, 1062–64, 1255

Anglo-Saxons: 60

Angola: 24, 1207

Angry Samoans: 1088

anilinctus: 48, 930–31

animal homosexuality: 60–63, 76, 142 43, 1005, 1216, 1280

animism: 174

Anna, empress of Russia: 1135

anniversaries: 416

anonymous sex—see impersonal sex

Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury: 355, 988

Anselm of Laon: 290, 422

Anstruther-Thomson, Kit: 703

anthologies: 63–64, 200, 218, 446, 503

Anthon, Kate Scott: 316

Anthony, St.: 828, 956

Anthony, Susan B.: 924

Anthropological Research Croup on Homosexuality: 66

anthropology: 64–67, 126–27, 152–53, 433, 435, 460, 673–74, 740, 881, 937–41, 1198, 1218, 1354, 1332; see also tribal cultures

Antigonus of Carystus: 1417

Antinous: 67–68, 78, 514, 965–66, 978, 1030, 1117

Antioch (Syria): 226

Antiochus (philosopher): 883

anti-Semitism: 68–69, 100, 155, 648–49, 877–78, 957, 1155, 1170, 1404

antiwar movement: 270, 1400

Antonioni, Michelangelo: 1376

Antwerp: 124–25

Aphrodite: 875, 1017, 1153

Apollinaire, Guillaume: 51, 627, 1031

Apollo: 867–68, 920

Apollodorus of Carystus: 1002

Apollonius: 40

apologetic and advocacy: 69–71, 458, 461

apostasy: 976

Apostles, Society of (Cambridge University): 187–88, 233, 343, 417, 661, 1254

apprentices: 445, 492, 808, 1335

Aprile, Giuseppe: 296

Apukhin, Alexei: 1136

Aquinas, St. Thomas: 71–72, 194, 529, 621, 684, 791, 813, 880, 959, 1018–19, 1281–82

Aquino, Corazon, president of the Philippines: 981–82

Arabian Nights: 176, 266

Arabs: 7–8 19–22, 41–42, 176–77, 234, 471, 308, 476, 612, 698–99, 791, 848–850, 1161, 1195, 1207, 1236–37, 1324; see also Islam

Aragon, Louis: 282

Aragon: 692, 1195–96

Aragona, Tullia d’: 1359

Arcadia: 72–73, 1108

Arcadie: 72–73, 839, 949, 1034

Archilaus: 1227

Archilochus of Paros: 496

architecture: 122–23, 514, 676, 675–76, 884

archives: 135–36, 193, 409–10, 417, 625 26, 735–736, 889, 1364

Arci-gay (organization): 625

Arenas, Reinaldo: 287

Aretino, Pietro: 73, 808, 1105, 1292

Argentina: 381, 385, 390, 798, 846, 905

Argento, Dominick: 926

argot: 656–57,

argr: 60, 688, 810, 1156–58, 1275, 1336

Arguijo, Juan de: 1007

Arian heresy: 957

Ariosto, Ludovico: 920

“aristocratic vice”: 1212 74–75, 423–24, 815,

aristocrats: 11–12, 74–75, 179, 187–89, 206, 216–17, 235–38, 262–63, 308, 314, 326–37, 345–46, 354–57, 365, 374–76, 377–78, 379–82, 423, 480, 486, 497, 526–527, 691, 750, 812, 832, 851–52, 901, 960–62, 999–1000, 1069–71, 1083–85, 1111, 1135, 1141–42, 1146, 1149, 1153–54, 1206, 1234–35, 1243–45, 1305, 1329, 1365, 1390

Aristogiton: 78, 497, 1235

Aristophanes: 35, 75–76, 266, 293, 347, 494, 497–98, 961, 1001–02, 1017, 1179, 1248, 1290–91

Aristotle: 39, 71, 76–77, 142, 209, 442–43, 499, 511, 790–91, 985, 1018, 1158, 1161, 1171, 1220, 1244, 1280

Armenia: 1373

army—see military, soldiers

Arne, Thomas: 1322

Arnold of Vemiolle: 762

Arnold, Thomas: 1083

Arnould, Sophie: 1098

Arran, earl of: 1402

arrested development: 362, 370

arson: 845

art: 16–17, 32, 43–45, 77–82, 108–09, 122 23, 314, 471, 720, 824–26, 943–44, 1406; see also art, visual

art criticism: 1382

art history: 1395

art, visual: 43–45, 57, 77–82, 125, 153, 160–61, 162, 165, 174–75, 199, 208–09, 247, 250–51, 297, 299, 310–11, 372–73, 380, 454, 471, 488, 490, 495, 497, 625, 767, 800, 807, 868, 909–12, 914–15, 961, 993–95, 1023–28, 1106, 1178, 1230–31, 1270, 1278, 1349, 1363, 1372–73, 1381–84, 1493–95

Artaud, Antonin: 1375

Artemidorus of Daldis: 82, 329

Arthur, Gavin: 87, 1388

Article 248bis (Netherlands): 886

artificial intelligence: 1328

Aryans: 595–97

Ascalon: 1171

asceticism: 82–84, 92–93, 221–22, 226–27, 359, 366, 482, 498, 700, 761–62, 828–29, 954–59, 971–74, 977, 987, 1131, 1183

Asch, Sholem: 1296

Ashbee, Henry Spencer: 166, 734, 904, 1052

Ashbery, John: 161

Asian-Americans, gay and lesbian: 84–85

Asimov, Isaac: 1167

Aspinall, Michael: 927

Association for Social Knowledge (ASK): 193, 846

Assyria: 234, 377, 682, 800, 1373; see also Mesopotamia

astrology: 85–87, 500, 790–91, 808, 1229

astronomy: 107, 487, 840

Athenaeus: 41, 87–88, 209, 501, 1273

Athenagoras: 194

Athens, ancient: 15–16, 35, 75–76, 166, 238, 279, 291, 293, 342–43, 363, 492, 497–98, 510, 683, 882–83, 904. 918, 985–86, 1000–02, 1054–55, 1172, 1205, 1234–35, 1244, 1273, 1313, 1362

Athens, modem: 502–03

Atherton, James: 926

Atherton, John, bishop: 613–14

Athletic Model Guild: 994, 1025

athletics: 25, 88–91, 120–21, 131, 206, 362, 453–54, 492, 864, 917–19, 1083, 1307–08, 1381

Atlanta (Georgia): 855

Atthis: 1153

Auber, Daniel: 921

Aubigné, Agrippa d’: 1065

Aubrey, John: 103

Audébert: 132, 1064

Auden, W. H.: 91–92, 165, 188, 320, 334, 614–15, 925

Augustine of Hippo, St.: 92–93, 86, 139, 194, 221–22, 762, 869, 883, 959, 917, 987, 1018–19, 1367

Augustinian order: 124

Auriol, Vincent: 465

Ausonius: 794

Austin, Alice: 995

Australia: 90, 93–97, 305, 352, 532, 766, 847, 854, 937, 968, 1201–03, 1257

Austria: 14, 97–99, 121, 124, 151, 198, 304, 365, 374–76, 430, 434, 472–73, 668–69, 686, 835, 847, 903, 1100–01, 1159–60, 1364, 1374

authoritarian personality: 99–100, 726, 1079, 1079, 1249

autobiography—see biography

auto-da-fé—see burning of sodomites

autoeroticism—see masturbation

Autolycus: 87

Avalle d’Arco, Silvio: 296

aversion therapy: 95, 101, 437, 967

Axgil, Axel: 312

Ayappa: 590

Ayaz: 18

Azana, Manuel: 102, 1241

Azande tribe: 22, 24, 965

Azevedo, Aluizio: 163

Azevedo, Àlvares de: 163

Azevedo, Odilon: 163

Aznavour, Charles: 860

Aztecs: 803–805

Ba’alat: 136

Babbage, Charles: 1322

Babilonia: 626

Babur, emperor of India: 18

Babylon(ia): 86, 234, 377, 482, 500, 557, 761, 869; see also Mesopotamia

Bacchae: 319–20

Bacchus—see Dionysus

Bachardy, Don: 28, 615

Bachofen, Johann Jakob: 65

“backrooms”: 111, 827, 900,

Bacolod (Philippines): 980

Bacon, Francis: 81, 103, 989, 1162

Bad Brains: 1088

Baez, Joan: 859

Baffo, Giorgio: 1366

Baghdad (Iraq): 7, 476, 848

Bagoas: 378

Baha’i religion: 613

Bahia (Brazil): 163–64, 516, 846

Bahr, Hermann: 1296

Bahrgebuhr, Frederick P.: 647

Bailey, Canon Derrick Sherwin: 59, 103–04, 228, 571, 653–54, 976, 1062, 1401

Bailey, Jim: 1321

Baines, Richard: 125, 769

Baiqara, Husain: 17

Baker, Ida Constance: 764

Baker, Thomas: 1293

Baker Memorial Library: 919

Bakker, Jim: 1068

Bakunin, Mikhail: 51, 704, 772

Bala (Basongye) tribe: 23

Baldwin, James: 104, 148, 855, 906, 1301

Bale, John: 1293

Bali (Indonesia): 1315

Balkans: 794

ballet—see dance

balls, drag: 518, 806, 1091; see also mardi gras and masked balls

Balsamon, Theodore: 202

Baltimore (Maryland): 107, 1325

Balzac, Honoré de: 105–06, 112, 310, 425, 531, 902, 948, 1295, 1306

Bamberg (Germany): 1199

Bandinelli, Baccio: 208

Bando Tamasabura: 1316

Bang, Herman: 106–07, 400, 905, 1270, 1295

Bangala tribe: 23

Bangladesh: 586

banishment—see exile

Banneker, Benjamin: 107, 1162

Bannon, Ann: 416, 908

Baptists: 1061–62

banquets—see symposia

baraka: 21

Baraka, Imamu Amiri (LeRoi Jones): 1300–01

Barber, Samuel: 402, 863, 926

Barbette (Vander Clyde): 1318

Barbey d’Aurevilly: 293

Barcelona (Spain): 603, 846, 1241–42

Barnabas, Epistle of: 955

Barnes, Djuna: 108, 115, 907, 1346

Barney, Natalie: 108–09, 115, 165, 522, 907, 1009, 1327, 1346, 1377

Bamfield, Richard: 109, 966, 1007

Baroja, Pio: 1240

Barr, James: 906

Barradas, François de: 747

Barrett, Ellen: 229

Barry, James: 1314

bars: 37, 96, 110–112, 121, 125, 130, 148, 155–56, 159, 176, 178, 214, 219, 243, 286, 291, 333, 403, 410–11, 426, 468, 490, 518, 579, 598, 715, 746, 786, 806–807, 827, 841–42, 844, 846, 860–61, 891, 894–96, 899–900, 914, 949, 1016, 1026, 1087–88, 1089, 1108, 1144, 1225, 1251–54, 1289, 1347, 1366, 1414

Barthes, Roland: 105–06, 112–13, 950, 1315

Bartley, William Warren, HI: 1399

Bartsch, Jürgen: 854–55

Barwasser, Karlheinz: 1046

Basil the Great, St.: 829, 957

Basil II, Byzantine emperor: 182

Basil the Macedonian, Byzantine emperor: 182

Basmanov, Feodor: 1134

Bassani, Giorgio: 904

Basques: 846

Bates, Katherine Lee: 158, 863, 1009

bathhouses: 96, 98, 113–15, 125, 166, 193, 214, 310, 408, 426, 479, 680, 746, 806, 895–96, 899–900, 949, 1122, 1151, 1289, 1347

Bâthory, Erzsébet: 852

Batista, Fulgencio, president of Cuba: 286

Batman: 251

Batten, Mabel: 517

battery (legal): 721

Baudelaire, Charles: 682, 1368

Baudoin, François: 132

Baudri of Bourgueil: 795, 966, 1006

Baudry, André: 72, 426, 839

Bauer, Wolfgang: 1302

Baum, Terry: 1362

Bauman, Robert: 141, 487

Bavaria (Germany): 752–53

Baxt, George: 865

Bayezid I, sultan of Turkey: 1329

Beach, Sylvia: 115

beaches: 42, 96, 115–17, 1108

Beaney, J. C: 95

“beat” (Australian slang): 96

beat generation (literature): 117–18, 119 20, 333, 659, 915, 1010, 1348

Beatles, The: 859

beatniks: 117–20, 156, 244, 270–71, 541, 1252

Beaton, Cecil: 995, 925

Beaumanoir, Philippe de: 687

Beaumont, Charles: 1164

beauty: 67–68, 120–21, 153–54, 297, 361, 397, 411–12, 428–29, 477, 491, 514, 844, 866–67, 883, 909–12, 913, 961, 1262–63, 1277–79, 1363

beauty competitions: 120–21, 852, 918, 980

Beauvoir, Simone de: 1154

Bebel, August: 704, 945, 1168, 1211

Beccadelli, Antonio: 422, 1007, 1104, 1196, 1238

Beccaria, Count Cesare: 97–98, 121–22, 198, 359–60, 388, 601, 623, 730, 885, 1200, 1380

Beck, Julian: 52

Beckford, William: 122–23, 379, 421, 966

Bedborough, George: 353

Beddoes, Thomas Lovell: 1008

Bedouin: 1228

Beer, Theodore: 433

Beerbohm, Max: 1319

Beethoven, Ludwig van: 921

behaviorism: 101

Behn, Aphra: 1293

Béjart, Maurice: 292

Belbeuf, Marquise de: 1361

Belfast (Ireland): 614

Belgium: 123–25, 200–01, 846, 884, 903, 967, 1409

Belich, Sam Michael: 926

Bell, Clive: 153, 1404

Bell, Thomas: 51

Bell, Vanessa: 153, 490, 1404

Bellas, Bruce: 994

Bellezza, Dario: 974

Bellincioni, Bernardo: 173

“beloved disciple”: 125–26, 229, 355, 639, 898

Bern, Sandra L.: 57

Bembo, Pietro: 1105

Benavente, Jacinto: 1240

Bendale, Edith: 764

Bendow, William: 1361

Benedict, St.: 829, 959

Benedict IX, pope: 240, 943

Benedict, Moritz: 740

Benedict, Ruth: 66, 126–27, 313

Benelli, Sem: 1296

Benin: 23, 516

Benjamin, Harry: 1310–11

Benjamin, tribe of: 916

Benkert, Karl Maria—see Kertbeny, Kâroly Maria

Bennett, Arnold: 1297

Bennett, Michael: 1303

Benson, R. H.: 406

Bentham, Jeremy: 127, 141, 360, 599, 726, 731, 990–91, 1020–21, 1184

Bentinck, William: 1391

Bentley, Gladys: 147–48, 518,

Bentley, Ronald: 926

Béranger, Pierre Jean de: 241

Berbers: 1237

berdache: 46–47, 49, 66–67, 127–29, 162, 192, 239, 337, 454, 497, 526, 532, 541, 593–95, 597, 939, 940, 1218, 1313–14, 1336, 1342

Berenson, Bernard: 703

Berg, Alban: 923

Berg, Vernon: 696

Berger, Helmut: 1376

Bergler, Edmund: 129, 370, 601, 1074, 1076, 1278

Berkeley, University of California at: 334, 420, 658

Berkman, Alexander: 51–52

Berlin: 98–99, 108, 110, 129–31, 152, 162, 376, 473–474, 536–39, 548, 614–15, 759, 767, 835–36, 838, 903, 1111, 1167–70, 1270, 1361

Berlin Society for Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases: 450

Berman, Ed: 1301

Bemac, Pierre: 863, 1030–31

Bemal, Martin: 596

Bernard of Clairvaux, St.: 240, 1285

Bernard of Pavia: 195

Bernard, Fritz: 968

Bernardino of Siena, St.: 196, 409, 1104

Bemays, Martha: 431

Bemesque poetry: 131–32, 173–74, 306, 1007, 1105

Bernhardt, Sarah: 1319

Bemi, Francesco: 131–32

Bernstein, Leonard: 858, 864, 926

Berossus: 869

Berrigan, Phillip: 1256

Berryman, John: 574

Bertinazzi, Carlo: 1294

Bertolucci, Bernardo: 404

Besant, Annie: 701

Beth Simchat Torah (New York): 644

Bethe, Erich: 595, 495

Bèze, Théodore de: 132–33, 224, 1064

Bibbiena, Bernardo Dovizi da: 33

Bible: 103–04, 296–99, 896–98, 915–17; see also Old Testament; New Testament

bibliography: 133–36, 919

Bickerstaffe, Isaac: 1294

Bieber, Irving: 1076

Big Boys: 1088

Bilac, Olavo: 163

Bilbao: 1242

Bilitis: 136–38, 1010; see also Daughters of Bilitis

Bill of Rights: 122, 600, 1050

biography and autobiography: 138–42, 212, 245–46, 245–46, 395–96, 404–05, 465, 478, 901, 997–99, 1046, 1162–63, 1254, 1308; see also memoirs

biology: 60–63, 76–77, 142–43, 143–47, 263–65, 361–62, 369–71, 421, 462, 492, 536, 541, 891, 913, 964–65, 1180–82, 1215–19, 1331–32, 1334, 1375

birds: 61, 142–43

Biren, Joan E. (JEB): 81, 995

bisexual liberation: 145, 1350

bisexuality: 35, 39–40, 98, 101, 105–06, 117–20, 126–27, 138–42, 143–46, 153–54, 155–56, 161, 175, 179–80, 185, 199, 206, 208–09, 215, 248–49, 252, 266, 283–84, 284, 306–310, 315–17, 325–37, 356, 399–406, 411, 427–28, 432–433, 458, 471, 477, 484, 492, 497, 518, 520, 525, 555, 558, 574, 673, 677, 757, 764, 769, 771, 786, 801, 818, 825, 855, 859–61, 872, 884, 901, 920–27, 931, 943, 960, 964, 978–79, 981, 1004–05, 1022, 1027, 1035–48, 1055, 1076, 1085–88, 1095, 1111, 1122–23, 1135, 1142, 1164–67, 1191, 1197–98, 1219, 1258, 1290, 1308, 1309–10, 1326–27, 1333, 1349, 1366, 1388, 1412

bisexuality, universal: 433, 677, 1198

Bithynia: 185, 978

Black and White Men Together (organization): 148, 399

black gay Americans: 104, 107, 147–50, 302, 335, 398–99, 516, 518, 711, 757, 767, 893, 908, 1042–43, 1164, 1341, 1385–86; see also Harlem

blackmall: 44, 106–07, 114, 150–52, 283, 326–37, 487, 356, 365, 403, 547, 787–88, 808, 810, 828, 882, 887–88, 945, 948, 1015–16, 1084, 1127, 1168, 1264, 1374, 1385

Blackstone, William: 255, 873, 1062

Blade, The: 1385

Blais, Marie-Claire: 193, 1089–90

Blanchard, Roger: 920

Blaser, Robin: 1245

blasphemy: 1286

Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna: 86, 140, 701

Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Cisela: 964–65, 1314

Bleuler, Eugen: 1128

Bliss, Tamara: 926

Blitzstein, Marc: 924–25

Bloch, Iwan: 152–53, 433, 458, 643, 1401

Blok, Diana: 995

Blondel, Maurice: 11

Bloolips: 1321, 1361

bloom, adolescent: 411, 491, 961

Bloomington (Indiana): 414–17, 664

Bloomsbury: 140, 153–54, 188, 340, 418, 490, 661, 698, 1254, 1404

Blount, Charles: 109

“blowjobs”—see oral sex

Bloxam, John Francis: 327

Blüher, Hans: 154–55, 343, 430, 438, 446, 537–39, 815, 963, 1083, 1112, 1333

Blunt, Anthony: 188, 365, 877

Boabdil, king of Granada: 489

Boadicca, queen of Iceni Britons: 374

boarding schools—see public schools and schools, boarding (non-British)

Boas, Franz: 65, 126

Boccaccio, Giovanni: 454, 622, 1105

Bodenheim, Maxwell: 155

Bodin, Jean: 1396

body language—see gesture and body language

Body Politic, The: 63, 193, 735, 846, 1034, 1256

Boeotia: 1004

Boétie, Etienne de la: 50, 832

Bogarde, Dirk: 405, 1376

Bogomils: 528, 762, 812

Bogoras, Waldemar: 941, 1171, 1192

bohemianism: 96, 108, 110, 118–20, 155–56, 189–90, 328, 476, 518, 899, 948, 971, 1159, 1252–53

Boiano, Vincilao: 131

Bohrne, Jakob: 57

Boise, Idaho: 1015, 1348

Boisrobert, François de: 156–57, 423

Bolivia: 1111

Bologna: 203, 625, 685, 689, 690–91, 1292

Bolger, Ray: 1361

Boisée, Jérôme: 132

Bolton, Isabel: 906

Bonaparte, Marie: 1075

bondage: 1143, 1146–47

bonding—see friendship

Bonehill, Bessie: 1319

Bonheur, Rosa: 79, 157

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: 1059

Boniface Vili, pope: 241

Bonin, William G.: 855

bookburning: 735

Borghese, cardinal: 204

Boris, Prince: 1133

Bork, Robert: 1186

Bory, Jean-Louis: 544

Bose, Miguel: 1242

Boston: 43–44, 85, 114, 158–59, 230, 299, 750, 967, 1067

“Boston marriage”: 159–60, 205

Boston Asian Gay Men and Lesbians (organization): 85

Boswell, John: 228, 556, 686

botany: 1340

Botelho, Abel: 1030

Botelho, Diego: 163

Botticelli, Sandro: 57, 160, 325, 410, 943, 1022

Botto, Antonio: 978, 1008, 1030

Bouchard, Michel Marc: 1090

Bouilhet, Louis: 407–08

Bourdet, Edouard: 411, 1296, 1346

Boursicot, Bernard: 1315

Bousono, Carlos: 1241

Boussac de Saint-Marc, André: 1295

Boutilier v. Immigration é> Naturalization Service: 577

Bowdler, Thomas: 211

Bowers v. Hardwick: 693, 931, 1200

Bowie, David: 58, 860, 1321

Bowles, Jane: 161

Bowles, Paul: 161

bowling: 90

Bowne, Alan: 1300

Bowra, Maurice: 189

Boy George: 58, 861, 1321

“boy love”—see pedophilia, pederasty, ephebophilia

Boyd, Robert N.: 1046

Boyfrank, Manuel: 470

Boyle, Kay: 407

boys: 17–19, 22–24, 34, 42–43, 45, 67–68, 75–76, 124, 131, 142, 166–68, 187–89, 202–04, 227, 240, 242, 266, 279–81, 291, 299, 308, 341–44, 354–56, 361–63, 372–73, 377, 405, 409–10, 434, 438, 445, 454, 484, 491, 582, 589, 597–98, 604, 673, 691, 833, 851–56, 866–67, 899, 938, 943–44, 959–70, 975, 981–82, 998–99, 1083–85, 1095, 1121–22, 1124, 1142, 1149, 1198, 1243, 1324, 1329, 1333, 1335, 1344, 1410–1414; see also youth, adolescents, pederasty, ephebes, pedophilia

Bracegirdle, Anne: 1318

Bradford, William: 569

Bradley, Marion Zimmer: 1165

Brady, Maureen: 908

Brahe, Tycho: 67, 514

Braly, Malcolm: 1046

Bram, Christopher: 1175

Brand, Adolf: 130, 161–62, 263, 437, 669, 836, 963, 966, 1168

Brandeis, Louis D.: 1049

Brandes, Georg: 106–07

Brando, Marlon: 403

Brandt, Paul (“Hans Licht”): 629

Brantôme, Pierre de: 367

Brazil: 45–47, 147, 162–64, 201, 796, 846, 905, 1027, 1175, 1189, 1207, 1325

Brecht, Bertolt: 925, 1296, 1383

Breker, Amo: 877

Bresson, Arthur J.: 405

Brethren, Church of the: 1060

Breton, André: 80, 247, 281, 681

Breuer, Joseph: 431

Brewster, Henry: 1207

Breza, Tadeusz: 1013

Brian, J.: 405

Brice, Fanny: 1361

Bridges, Robert: 1322

Bridget, St.: 1268

Briggs Initiative: 845

Bright, Susie: 1027

Brines, Francisco: 1241

Brinham, George: 1212

Britain—see England

British Museum: 734

Britt, Harry: 1151

Britten, Benjamin: 91, 164–65, 863, 923 24

Broch, Hermann: 98, 381, 903

Broekmans, Mario: 995

Brongersma, Edward: 968

Bronnen, Amolt: 1296

Bronski Beat: 861

Brooks, David Owen: 854

Brooks, John Ellingham: 165, 783

Brooks, Richard: 906

Brooks, Romaine: 80, 108–09, 165–66

brothels, male: 129, 166–68, 176, 214, 217, 286, 465, 587, 592, 888, 899, 1055–57, 1204, 1329; see also prostitution

Broughton, James: 233

Brown, Arch: 405

Brown, Charles Brockden: 440

Brown, Forman: 906

Brown, Howard: 1349

Brown, Joe E.: 401

Brown, Norman O.: 1022

Brown, Rita Mae: 453, 908, 1256

Brown, Slater: 278

Browne, Stella: 249

Browning, Oscar: 188

Brownshirts: 882

Bruant, Aristide: 1010

Bruce, Kenilworth: 1330

Bruce, Robert the: 345

Brucke, Ernst: 431

Bruckner, Ferdinand: 1296

Brummel, Beau: 293

Brundage, James A.: 196

Brunelleschi: 325

Brunner, John: 1166

Brussels: 123–25, 292

Bryant, Anita: 845, 1350 “Bryher”—see Ellerman, Annie Winifred

Bucini, Pancrazio: 480

Buckingham, Bob: 418

Buckingham, George Villiers, duke of: 631

Buddhism: 83, 118–20, 168–71, 174–75, 200, 235, 477, 509, 573, 587, 591, 635, 667, 962, 989, 1289

buddy films: 401–02

Buero-Vallejo, Antonio: 1296

Buffalo (New York): 178

Buffon, G. L. L. de: 142

buggery: 94–95, 123, 171–73, 255–56, 282, 373, 383, 528, 602, 692, 741, 812, 827, 875, 931, 1173, 1342

Bullins, Ed: 1301

Bullough, Vem: 134, 591

Bumke, Oswald: 547, 1112

Bunch, Charlotte: 1179

Buñuel, Luis: 404

Burchard of Worms: 195, 223, 973

Burchiellesque poetry: 173–74, 1007, 1105

Burckhardt, Jakob: 427

Burg, B. R.: 997–99

Burgess, Anthony: 1167

Burgess, Guy: 365

Burke, Edmund: 724

Burma: 168, 174–75, 850

burning of sodomites: 123–24, 197–98, 255, 311, 383, 422, 601–04, 620–21, 687, 690–92, 805, 885, 1029, 1059, 1286, 1366, 1374

Bums, John Horne: 176, 906

Burroughs, William: 117–18, 212, 333, 659, 906, 1165

Burton, Sir Richard: 22, 176–77, 587–88, 874, 976, 1235–36, 1323

Busch, Charles: 1301

Busching: 428–29

Buse, Franz: 627

Busi, Aldo: 625

business: 339–41

Bussy-Rabutin, Roger de: 1294

butch-fem(me) relationships: 10, 177–79, 236, 273, 709–10, 739, 1044–45, 1246, 1336

Buti, Francesco da: 295

Butler, Lady Eleanor 379, 438, 739

Butthole Surfers, The: 1088

Buzzcocks, The: 861, 1087

Byne (Boulton), Ernest: 1319

Byng, Douglas: 1321

Byme, J. C.: 94

Byron, George Gordon, lord: 141, 179–80, 187, 233, 356–57, 380, 410–11, 502, 966, 1008, 1158, 1278

Byzantine empire: 82, 180–83, 194, 202, 226–27, 683, 685, 810, 883, 1195, 1206, 1364

Cabanes, Auguste: 874

cabaret—see variety, revue, and cabaret entertainment

cabin boys: 799, 1174

Cadinot, Jean-Daniel: 405, 1026

Cadmus: 1303

Cadmus, Paul: 80, 402, 1175

Caesar, Julius: 185, 523, 926, 1116

cafés: 99, 893–94

Cage, John: 292, 863

Caillavet, Henri: 430

Cain, James M.: 402, 865, 1376

Cairo: 42, 408

Calais (eromenos): 868

Calamites: 185–86, 963

calamus: 185–86, 412, 1388

Caldwell, Alice: 757

California (USA): 334–35, 694, 745–46, 842, 845, 854, 879, 1046, 1088; see also Berkeley; Los Angeles; San Diego; San Francisco

Caligula, emperor of Rome: 982, 1116

Call, Hal: 1150

call boys: 981, 1054–58

Callimachus: 40, 500, 524

Calvinism: 132–33, 224, 1064–65, 1342

Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques Régis: 186–87, 486, 874

Cambridge: 153, 187–89, 199, 233, 283, 406, 417–19, 563–64, 660–61, 768, 878, 1008, 1254, 1317, 1398–1400

Camden (New Jersey): 199, 1388

Caminha, Adolfo: 163, 905, 1175

Cammelli, Antonio: 173

camp (humor): 95–97, 116, 176, 189–90, 347, 413, 568, 615, 675, 850, 1129, 1403

Campaign Against Moral Persecution (CAMP): 96

Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE): 743

Campbell, Michael: 951, 1084

Campbell, Peter: 263

Campbell, Roy: 1007

camps, concentration and forced labor: 286, 473, 548–49, 882

Canaanites: 190–91, 234, 368, 493, 653 54, 1172, 1194

Canada: 135, 192–94, 229, 242, 448, 594, 693, 735, 846, 905, 1046, 1068, 1089–90, 1257, 1299, 1349

Canler, Louis: 166

Cannon, John Dyson: 1255

canon law: 194–96, 223, 602, 683, 685, 931, 1051, 1198–99

Cantarella, Eve: 1122

cantigos de amigo: 1006

Cantor, Peter: 197

Canute the Great, king of Denmark: 688

capability, universal, for homosexuality: 433, 501, 677; see also bisexuality, universal; situational homosexuality

capital crime, homosexuality as: 18, 71, 98, 123–24, 127, 129, 158, 172, 181, 197–98, 223, 255, 290, 311, 355, 408, 409, 472, 602–03, 684–85, 687–89, 805, 811, 827, 885–87, 899, 915, 948, 957, 1029, 1059, 1173, 1231, 1237, 1268–69, 1342, 1366, 1374, 1397

Capote, Truman: 198–99, 402

Capri: 12, 328, 380, 388, 1108, 1116, 1196

Caracalla: 1118

Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da: 79, 199, 320, 966

Carco, Francis: 155

“carding”: 148

cardplaying: 1326

Caribbean: 285–87, 998, 1187

Carlini, Benedetta: 831

Carlotti, Ugo: 437

Carmines, Al: 859, 921, 926, 1301

carnations: 411

Carney, William: 1145

carnival—see Mardi Gras and masked balls

Caro, Anibal: 1105

Carolina, Constitutio Criminalis: 472, 692, 885

Carpenter, Edward: 63, 75, 118–19, 186, 199–200, 236, 239, 446, 418–19, 704, 758, 868, 935, 1008, 1192, 1313, 1388

Carpus: 185, 412

Carpzov, Benedict: 1371

Carrington, Charles: 457

Carrington, Dora: 1254

Carrington, Steven: 1283

Carter, Jimmy, president of the United States: 845

Carter, Lynn: 1321

Carthage: 20, 92, 191, 408, 810, 1304

cartoons—see comic strips

Carvic, Heron: 866

Casanova, Giacomo: 203–04, 440, 1366

Case, Willem: 123

Casement, Sir Roger: 200–02, 614, 877

Casper, Johann Ludwig: 792

Cassady, Neal: 659

Cassidy, Jack: 1028

castaways: 1414

Castellioli, Fray Luis: 603

Castiglione, Baldassare: 1104

Castile (Spain): 489, 603, 692, 1237–38

Castillo, Bernal Diaz del: 804

Castlehaven, Mervyn Touchet, earl of: 355, 873

Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, viscount: 486, 1374

castrati: 105–06, 202–04, 376–78, 802–03, 862, 920

castration: 194, 202–04, 291, 376–78, 409, 686–87, 689, 692, 811, 849, 852, 854–55, 884, 979, 1029, 1082, 1207, 1237, 1345; see also eunuchs, castrati

Castro, Fidel, president of Cuba: 286–87

Castro Street (San Francisco): 1151

casual sex: 577–80

Catalines: 231

Catalonia (Spain): 385, 846

catamite: 204, 241, 348, 377, 852, 944, 1329

“catcher”: 1039

Cathar heresy: 528, 602

Cather, Willa: 33, 205–06

Catherine the Great, empress of Russia: 304, 1135

Catholicism, Roman: 71–72, 95, 99, 123 24, 194–96, 202–04, 221–25, 239–42, 285–86, 289–91, 306, 308–09, 406–07, 441, 602–04, 614, 943–44, 951–53, 957–59, 970–71, 971–74, 979–80, 1012–13, 1059, 1211, 1237–43, 1350, 1379; see also Christianity; monasticism

Cato the Elder: 303

cats: 1354

Catullus: 41, 185, 206–07, 924, 1006, 1123, 1206, 1367

Cauldwell, David O.: 1311

causes of homosexuality—see etiology

Cavafy, Constantine P.: 42, 207, 418, 502–03, 521–22, 1008, 1409

Cavalcanti, Giovanni: 397

Cavalieri, Tommaso de’: 454, 808, 1359 60

Cavalli, Pier Francesco: 920

cave-dwellers: 307

Cecchi, Domenico: 409

celibacy: 82–84, 207–08, 221–22, 239–42, 289–90, 309, 944, 955–56, 1059

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand: 386

Cellini, Benvenuto: 139–40, 208–09, 690, 966

Celts: 209, 368, 421, 596, 1194

censorship and self-censorship: 77, 79, 86, 106–07, 124, 127, 130–31, 138–42, 177, 180, 189, 209–11, 241, 256–57, 317–18, 329, 352–53, 399–406, 418, 421, 623, 680–81, 726, 743, 808, 858–61, 869, 908, 1023–25, 1028, 1052, 1163, 1283, 1290, 1297, 1323, 1344, 1363, 1399

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): 787

Cephalos: 373

Cephalos, Constantine: 504

Cephidorus: 385

Cerha, Friedrich: 923

Cemuda, Luis: 212–13, 381, 1241

Cervantes, Miguel de: 213, 1239

Céspedes, Elena de: 1242

Ceylon—see Sri Lanka

Chaeronea: 1004

Chalandritsanos, Loukas: 180

Challans, Mary—see Renault, Mary

Chambers, Jane: 1302

Chambers, Whittaker: 788

Chandler, A. Bertram: 1166

Chandler, Raymond: 865

Chang Pao: 998

Chantecleer. 1033

chanties—see sea shanties

Charcot, Jean-Martin: 431

Charlemagne, king of the Franks: 686, 811

Charles I of Anjou, king of Naples and Sicily: 686, 1195

Charles IV, king of France: 345

Charles V, Holy Roman emperor: 472, 692, 885

Charles IX, king of Sweden: 1268

Charmides: 87

Chamas, Suzy M.: 1166

chastity—see asceticism; celibacy

Châtelet, Madame du: 1378

Chaucer, Geoffrey: 1007

Ch’en Wei-sung: 1315

Cheney, Russell: 782

Cheng-I: 998

Cherry Grove (Fire Island, New York): 899

Chesneau, Emilien: 976

Chess, Harry: 251

Chevalier, Julien: 425, 607, 1072

Chhatarpur, Maharaja of: 9

Chiang Ching: 1315

Chicago, Judy: 81

Chicago: 90, 114, 213–15, 448, 470, 476, 837, 843, 853, 855, 1252, 1347

Chicago, University of: 212, 1220

Chicherin, Georgii Vasil’evich: 670

“chicken”: 142

Ch’ien Lung: 1315

child custody: 695, 713–14

children (general)—see boys; girls; youth; ephebes; adolescents; children (prepubic)

children of lesbians: 714

children (prepubic): 370–71, 377, 394, 409, 463, 593, 597, 604, 892, 946–47, 964–70, 981–82, 1095, 1329, 1354—see also consent, age of; parents; pedophilia

Childress, Alice: 757

Chile: 905

China: 49, 84, 166, 168–69, 215–20, 367, 485, 633, 777, 956, 998–99, 1007, 1024, 1291, 1315

Chizh, Vladimir Fiodorovich: 220–21, 793, 1072–73

Choisy, François Timoléon: 1313

Chorier, Nicolas: 211, 902

choruses, gay men’s: 861, 926

Christ—see Jesus of Nazareth

Christian V, king of Denmark: 311

Christian, Marc: 564

Christian, Meg: 720

Christian, Paula: 908

Christian Science: 1067

Christianity: 5–6, 59–60, 71–72, 79, 83, 92–93, 95, 103–04, 125–26, 132–33, ISO-52, 194–96, 197–98, 202–04, 208, 221–25, 226–31, 239–42, 289–91, 308–09, 311, 320, 324, 354–57, 378, 396–97, 421–22, 432, 436, 446, 476, 481–482, 570, 589, 594, 610, 648–49, 683, 688, 777, 793, 809–13, 845, 873–74, 877–78, 879–80, 882–84, 896–98, 915–17, 943–44, 954–59, 971–74, 982–83, 1002, 1012, 1018–19, 1058–69, 1073, 1093–94, 1118–19, 1131, 1146–47, 1157, 1169, 1183, 1206, 1231, 1251, 1266, 1281, 1285–87, 1342, 1372, 1379–80, 1387, 1395, 1418; see also Judeo-Christian tradition; Abrahamic religion; Catholicism; Protestantism; Orthodox

Church Christianopoulos, Dinos: 502–03

Christina, queen of Sweden: 225–26, 1268, 1295

Christmas: 869

Christopher St. (New York City): 1349

Christopher Street: 63, 251

Chrysippus: 372, 867, 926, 1094, 1303

Chrysostom, St. John: 194, 226–27, 298, 957, 1317

Chubb, Ralph: 227, 1008

Church of England—see Anglicanism

churches, gay: 26, 227–31, 701, 842, 845 46, 1260

Churchill, Caryl: 1320

Churchill, Winston, prime minister of Britain: 1173

Cicero: 231–32, 442–444, 573, 880, 1049, 1116, 1123

Cieza de Leon, Pedro: 53

cinaedus: 1124

cinema—see film

Cinq-Mars, Henri de: 748

circles and affinity groups: 108–09, 115, 117–20, 153–54, 165, 187–89, 192, 232–34, 328, 376, 786, 895

circumcision: 234–35, 351

Cities of the Plain: 1228–30

City University of New York: 1257

civil liberties: 121–22, 320–23, 418, 1349

civil rights movement, American: 148, 320–23, 842

civil service, American: 321, 842

Civil War, American: 1384, 1388–89

civilization: 479–80, 493

Clarac-Schwarzenbach, Annemarie: 789

Clarke, Arthur C.: 1165

Clarenbach, David: 487

class: 74–75, 150, 235–38, 418, 493, 742, 774, 1036, 1041–42, 1213–15, 1220–21, 1248–49, 1277, 1290, 1344, 1405–06; see also aristocracy; working class

Classy, Ed: 214

Claudius, emperor of Rome: 1116

Clause 28 (Britain): 743, 847, 1213

Cleisthenes: 1291

Cleland, John: 902

Clement of Alexandria: 41, 194, 238–39, 656, 956, 987, 1281, 1292

Clement V, pope: 422, 1286

Clement VU, pope: 603

Clenny, David: 926

Cleomenes ID, king of Sparta: 1244

clergy: 83, 239–42, 289–91, 374; see also clergy, gay; monasticism; papacy; patristic writers; Christianity; Protestantism; Buddhism

clergy, gay: 131, 139, 181–82, 187, 195, 227–31, 239–42, 283–84, 289–90, 396–97, 423–24, 472, 502, 602, 604, 686, 691, 941, 943–44, 1029, 1063, 1286

Clift, Montgomery: 243, 405

Cline, Walter: 1198

Clinton, Kate: 1362

cliques—see circles and affinity groups

Clive, Kitty: 1319

clone: 243–44, 758, 1151

Close, Roberta: 164

closet: 149, 244–46, 251–54, 366–67

“closet rights”: 366

clothing: 243–44, 246–47, 293–294, 335, 416–17, 1275, 1312–14, 1406

Coalition for Reform of the Law on Sexual Offenses: 837

Coates, Paul: 781

COC (organization): 839, 889–90, 949

cocaine: 1350

Coccinelle (Jacques-Charles Dufresnoy): 1320–21

Cockettes: 1321

“cocksucking”—see oral sex

Cocteau, Jean: 81, 140, 247–48, 249, 465, 627, 426, 903, 923, 1129, 1155, 1175, 1298, 1318, 1376

Code Napoléon: 124, 163, 186–87, 198, 286, 303, 305, 388, 424, 472, 806, 874–75, 876, 886, 1029

Cody, John: 316–17

coffee: 330, 332

Cohen, Alfred J.: 905

Cohn, Roy: 574, 788

Coindreau, Maurice: 658

Coke, Sir Edward: 74, 172, 368, 873, 880, 1355

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: 43, 1278

Colette: 248–49, 903, 951, 1085, 1361

Colie, Charles: 1294

college: 1254–57, 1413

Collin, Edvard: 54–55

Collins, Jess: 335

Colquhoun, Maureen: 487

Cologne: 155, 468

Colombia: 846, 905

color symbolism: 249–50, 996–97

Colson, Jaime González: 81

Columbia University: 117, 126, 344, 658–59, 842–43, 900–01, 1252, 1255–56, 1349

Combe, George: 12

comedy: 73, 75–76, 277–78, 757, 1002–03, 1290–1303

comic strips: 250–51

coming out: 243–45, 251–54, 268–69, 366, 413, 415, 574, 674, 710, 717–18, 845, 860, 947, 1223, 1256, 1309, 1373, 1411

commedia dell’arte: 1317

Commodus: 1117

common law: 151, 172, 198, 254–56,

OS, 355, 507–08, 721–22, 931, 1049, 1233, 1401–03

communes: 270, 1179, 1400

communications: 256–58, 1282–84, 1372 73

Communism: 51–52, 282, 286–87, 305, 382, 487, 704–05, 779–81, 788, 838, 841, 951–53, 1035, 1137–38, 1170, 1211, 1348, 1376, 1384

community centers, gay: 746, 841, 1350

community, gay: 110, 258–60, 340–41, 680–81, 719, 1016, 1257–60; see also subculture

Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT): 846

composers: 164–65, 384–85, 753–54, 92027, 1028, 1031–32, 1159–60, 1207–08, 1274, 1279–80

compulsory homosexuality—see mandatory homosexuality

computer data bases: 135–36

computers: 1328

Comstock, Anthony: 211

comstockery: 825

Comte, Auguste: 1219

concentration camps—see camps, concentration and forced labor

Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de: 1149

Condivi, Ascanio: 808

condom: 1146–47, 1189–90

Cone, Etta: 80, 1246

confession: 971–74

conformism: 243–44

Confucianism: 217, 633, 667

Congo: 23, 200–01

Congregationalists: 1065

Congress, U.S.: 576–77, 1386; see also House of Representatives, Senate

Congreve, Hubert: 702

Conradin Hohenstaufen: 428, 1195

conscience: 435

consciousness raising: 96, 260–61, 728

consent, age of: 125, 256, 261–62, 305, 312, 361, 549, 886, 892, 963, 964–70, 1013, 1169, 1270, 1289, 1415

consent, legal and general: 261–62, 969, 1397, 1402

conservatism: 99–100, 262–63, 729, 1350, 1398

conspiracy theory: 1032

Constans, emperor of Rome: 181, 1119

Constantine the Great, emperor: 683

Constantine V, Byzantine emperor: 182

Constantine VHI, Byzantine emperor: 182

Constantine DC, Byzantine emperor: 182

Constantine, L. L.: 969

Constantinople: 180–83, 207, 226; see also Istanbul

Constantius, emperor of Rome: 1119

constitution, United States: 122, 693

constitutional homosexuality: 71, 152 53, 263–65, 433, 437, 499, 791, 1167–68, 1241; see also biology

construction workers: 1406

constructivism: 360; see also social construction

contagion: 265–66, 286–87, 370, 435

contest literature: 266, 494, 501, 798, 1006

“contrary sexual feeling”: 266, 352, 826

convents—see monasticism

Cooper, George: 858

Cooper, James Fenimore: 905

Cooper, Ronald Frank: 854

Copenhagen (Denmark): 312

Copi: 1302

Copland, Aaron: 926

Corigliano, John: 925

Combury, Edward Hyde, lord: 899, 1313

Corcoran Gallery: 212

corerasty—see korophilia

Corinth (Greece): 1054

Corinthians: 897–98

Corll, Dean Allen: 854

Cornell, Michiyo: 85

Cornell University: 875, 1256, 1387

Corona, Juan V.: 854

corophilia—see korophilia

Correggio, Antonio Allegri da: 966

Cortes: 804

Corvo, Baron—see Rolfe, Frederick

Cory, Donald Webster (pseud, of Edward Sagarin): 63, 134, 570–71, 820, 901, 1250

Corydon: 862, 1367

Cosmico, Niccolò Lelio: 1105

Costanza, Midge: 845

Costello, John: 365

Cotgrave, Randle: 454

Cotton, John: 158

Cotyttia: 1313

Cotytto: 1291

Council on Religion and the Homophile: 746

Council(s) on Religion and the Homosexual (CRH): 841, 1151, 1415

counseling: 267–70, 337, 1096, 1213–15, 1256, 1265, 1413

counterculture: 25, 118–20, 200, 270–71, 333, 384, 484, 659, 913, 928, 1103, 1151, 1253, 1258

Counterreformation: 622–23, 1106, 1360

County, Wayne/Jane: 1087

Couperus, Louis: 271–72, 904–05

couples (general): 150, 159–60, 177–79, 236–38, 272–77, 354, 398–99, 694, 716–17, 750, 770, 1039–40, 1063, 1181, 1222, 1271, 1336, 1347, 1375

Courbet, Gustave: 80

Courtenay, William: 122–23, 966

courtship: 474, 492

Coutinho, Cámara: 163

Coward, Noel: 277–78, 858, 1297–98

cowboys: 562, 858, 1345, 1406

Cowell, Henry: 863

Cowley, Abraham: 298

Cox, Joan: 1165

Crabbe, George: 164, 923–24

Crane, Hart: 278–79, 519, 1009

Cranko, John: 292

Cratinus: 87

Craven, Arthur: 786

Crawford, Joan: 405

creativity: 1178, 1248–49

Crespin, Régine: 926

Crete: 87, 279–81, 368, 454, 510, 918, 965, 984, 1194, 1234, 1243–44, 1273

Crevel, René: 281–82, 426

crime and criminology: 39, 121–22, ISO 52, 155–56, 313–14, 465, 562, 740, 899, 948, 997–99, 1035–48, 1085–86, 1094–98, 1196, 1345, 1370–72, 1405; see also murder; violence; police; prisons, jails and reformatories; pirates; blackmail

crime, organized: 900, 1196, 1347

Criminal Law Amendment Act (British): 94–95, 152, 192, 256, 282–83, 507, 807, 1050

criticism, literary: 17, 92, 112–13, 213, 751, 762–763, 782, 1409

Critobulus: 1205

Croce, Benedetto: 1180

Crocker, Lester: 1142

Crompton, Louis: 127, 141, 1020

Cros, Antoine: 1368

Crosby, Bing: 858

cross-dressing—see transvestism

Crowley, Aleister 283–84

Crowley, Mart: 1299

Crozier, Eric: 924

Cruikshank, Margaret: 141

cruising: 06, 110–12, 113–15, 116, 149, 284–85, 310, 467–68, 474, 577–80, 680, 888, 1026, 1345, 1385, 1414

Cruse, Howard: 251

“crushes”: 951

Cruz, San Juan de la: 1239

Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la: 1239

Cuba: 285–87, 380, 406, 723, 773, 1212

Cubism: Jaco, 1246

Cueva, Beltrán de la: 641

Cullen, Countee: 147, 518

cult prostitution—see prostitution, sacred

Culver, Cal—see Donovan, Casey

Cunard, Nancy: 407

cunnilinctus: 930

Cunningham, Merce: 292, 863 “cure”: 101, 129, 437, 549, 826, 967, 1074

Curry, Tim: 401

Curtis, Harold: 448

Curtis, Jackie: 1301

Curtis, Tony: 400–01

Cushman, Charlotte: 1319

custody of children: 947

Cybele: 291

Cyparissus: 867

Cyprus: 191, 1286

Cymus, 1305

Czechoslovakia: 173, 389

Dada: 1161

daisy chain: 411

Dali, Salvador: 282, 743, 1240

Dallessandro, Joe: 1382

Dall’Orto, Giovanni: 549

Damian, Peter: 195, 197, 223, 240, 289–91, 621, 880, 943

dance: 175, 291–92, 314–15, 755, 1029, 1193–94

dandy: 246, 292–94, 406–07, 807, 1240

Dank, Barry: 1223

Daniel: 883

Daniel, Marc: 540

Daniel, Metropolitan: 1134

D’Annunzio, Gabriele: 165

Dante Aligheri: 294–96, 621, 1007, 1105, 1355

Dar’a: 699

Dardel, Nils: 1270

Dario, Rubén: 1240

Darlan, Jean François, French admiral: 426, 549

Darnley, Henry, lord: 925

Darrow, Clarence: 853

Darski, Krzysztof: 1014

Darwinism—see evolution

Dashkova, Princess: 1135

Daughters of Bilitis: 96, 134–35, 137–38, 159, 719, 781, 840, 842, 900, 1150

Davenant, William: 1293

David, king of Israel: 296–99, 325, 910, 916, 1006, 1295

David, Jacques-Louis: 79

Davies, Ray: 860

Davis, Alan J.: 1042–43

Davis, Allison: 673

Davis, Bette: 399

Davis, Madeline: 178

Davis, Roger: 1361

Davydov, Bob: 863, 1279

Day, Fred Holland: 80, 299, 966, 994

Dazzi, Andrea: 1022, 1104

Deacon, A. B.: 940

Dead Sea: 1228

Dean, James: 401–02, 405

death penalty—see capital crime, homosexuality as

Debeuckelaere, Geert: 123

Debussy, Claude: 922

decadence: 106–07, 189–90, 299–303, 347 49, 387–90, 425, 615, 681, 773, 870, 971, 1012, 1125, 1184–85, 1330, 1369, 1374

De Cecco, John: 272–75, 1034, 1151

decriminalization: 95, 99, 103–04, 121 22, 124, 127, 186–87, 193, 215, 256, 303–06, 312, 388, 487, 624, 685, 693, 729, 746, 841, 845–46, 886, 1210–13, 1380, 1401–03

deepthroating: 929

DeForrest, Michael: 906

De Gaulle, Charles, president of France: 426, 949

degeneration: 301–303, 370, 668–69, 791

Deiter, Newton: 1284

Delaney, Shelagh: 402

Delannoy, Jean: 403

Delany, Samuel R: 148, 1164–65, 1167

delinquency: 484

Della Casa, Giovanni: 306

Del Monte, Francesco Maria, cardinal: 199

Delphi (Greece): 918

delusions: 942

Delvau, Alfred: 318

Delville, Jean: 79

D’Emilio, John: 843

democracy: 1234–35—see also social democracy

Democratic Party (USA): 487, 845, 878, 1252, 1350, 1385

demography: 306–10, 871, 1100

demons: 589

demonstrations, pickets, etc.: 842–44, 846, 1271, 1349, 1385

Demosthenes: 15

Demuth, Charles: 80, 310–11, 490, 519, 911, 1175

Denmark: 54–55, 106–07, 304, 311–12, 657, 688, 770, 846, 1025, 1059, 1156, 1212

Dennis, Sandy: 403

Depardieu, Gérard: 402

depravity: 421

depression: 1097, 1265, 1347, 1414

deprivation model: 1046–47

Dermit, Edouard: 247

Des Barreaux, Jacques Vallée: 1369

Descartes, René: 733, 989, 1162

Deschauffours, Benjamin: 1380

Desfontaines, Abbé: 1380

Desgouttes, Franz: 545

Despenser, Hugh le: 346

detective stories—see mystery and detective fiction

Detroit (Michigan): 845

Deveau, Jack: 405, 1026

Devi, Shakuntala: 586, 591–92

deviance and deviation: 3, 118–20, 312–14, 577, 673–75, 791, 1224, 1348

Devlin, Baron Patrick: 1184–85

DeWaere, Patrick: 402

D’Ewes, Simonds: 103, 313

D’Halmar, Augusto: 1240

Diaghilev, Sergei: 247, 292, 314–15, 670, 1030, 1136, 1278

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: 349 50, 554

Díaz, Porfirio, president of Mexico: 806

Dickinson, Emily: 315–17, 1009

Dickinson, Peter: 866

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: 188, 417

Dickinson, Violet: 1404

Dicks (band): 1088

dictionaries: 317–18

Diderot, Denis: 317, 358–59, 424, 902

Diether, Paul Burger 1270

Dietrich, Marlene: 247, 405, 858

differently-abled—see handicapped

digital stimulation: 518

Dignity (organization): 196, 224, 230, 242, 944, 1069

dildo: 49, 930

Dilsner, Ludwig: 1296

Dio Cassius; 202

Diogenes the Cynic: 776, 985

Diogenes Laertius: 139, 363

Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse: 1195

Dionysius the Areopagite: 873

Dionysus: 291, 318–20, 348, 372, 765, 867, 932, 1290, 1314–15

Diot, Jean: 948

Diphilus: 87

diplomats: 376, 1387

disasters: 870

Disch, Thomas M.: 1165

Disciples of Christ: 1066

disco music: 860–61

discos: 111, 125, 291, 468, 860, 981

discrimination: 68–69, 96–97, 145, 148, 192, 286–87, 320–23, 339–41, 379–82, 552–55, 598, 695, 711, 713, 891–92, 927–29, 1031, 1038, 1066, 1080, 1180, 1265, 1350, 1373; see also oppression; homophobia; persecutions; prejudice

disease—see medical theories

disgust: 323–25, 446, 793

disorderly conduct: 1015

Divine (Glen Milstead): 401, 1322

Dmitriev, Ivan: 1135

documentaries: 405–06

Dodds, E. R.: 320

Dodge, Mabel: 108

Dodson, Betty: 777

Doe v. Commonwealth: 1050

Doerr, Tom: 674

Dogon tribe: 532

dogs: 191, 654

Dolan, Terry: 245

Dolin, Anton: 292, 315

Dolls, The New York: 860, 1087

dominance and submission: 61, 76, 148 49, 206, 350, 465, 1036–42, 1085–86, 1094–98, 1121–22, 1143, 1155, 1204–07, 1289, 1336, 1355, 1373, 1406

Dominican order: 602, 686, 689, 690, 1286

Domitian, emperor of Rome: 1117

Donaldson, Stephen: vii, xii, 344, 842, 844, 900–01, 967, 1255–56, 1415

Donatello: 161, 297, 325, 1022

Dondukov-Korsakov, Mikhail, prince of Russia: 1135

Dong Xian: 216

Donnay, Maurice: 1360

Donnell, Bruce: 925

Donovan: 859

Donovan, Casey: 405

Doolittle, Hilda (H.D.): 325–36, 335, 522

Doors, The: 859

Dorian Creeks: 595–97

Domseiff, Franz: 656

Dorsey, Issan: 171

Doryphorus: 884

Dostoyevsky: 1131

Doucé, Joseph: 229, 1069

Douglas, Lord Alfred: 187, 326–27, 486, 873, 1008, 1390

Douglas, Lord John Sholto, marquess of Queensbury: 326–27, 1390

Douglas, Mary: 5

Douglas, Norman: 327–28

Dover, Sir Kenneth: 189, 495, 1305, 1363

Dovizi da Bibbiena, Bernardo: 1292

Doyle, Peter: 1388

drag—see transvestism; transvestism, theatrical

drag balls—see balls, drag

drag queens: 1312, 1314

drama—see theatre

dreams: 82, 328–30, 351, 431–32, 800

Dreuilhe, Emmanuel: 32

Dreyfus, Alfred: 69, 877

drugs: 111, 115, 117–18, 119, 198–99, 243, 270, 283, 286, 314, 330–34, 465, 577, 715, 1057, 1077, 1097, 1253, 1265, 1350, 1382

Drummond of Hawthomden: 454

Drummond, Lewis A.: 1062

Drury, Allen: 906

“Dryad”—see Doolittle, Hilda

DSM-III[R]—see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

dualism, religious: 1417–18

Dublin (Ireland): 614

Dubois, René-Daniel: 1090

Du Bois, W. E. B.: 518

Dubsky, Mario: 81

Du Camp, Maxime: 407

Ducasse, Isidore—see Lautréamont, Comte de

Duchamp, Marcel: 80, 825, 1382

Dudgeon, Jeff: 305, 614, 1051

Dukahz, Casimir: 1025

Dumézil, Georges: 1171, 1307

Duncan, Robert: 52, 233, 326, 334–35, 658

Dunphy, Jack: 198

Dunton, John: 255

Duquesnoy, Jérôme: 79, 124

Durdevic, Bartolomej: 1329

Dürer, Albrecht: 173, 933

Durkheim, Emile: 1220

Duroc, Géraud general: 874

Durova, Nadezhda: 1135

Durrell, Lawrence: 42

Düsseldorf: 251

Dwight, Louis: 1343

Dyer, Charles: 1298

“dyke”: 335–36, 374, 676, 1203

Dynes, Wayne R.: xiii, 135

dysphoria, gender: 336–37, 580–82, 1310 12

dystopias: 360

eagle: 143

Eagle, Morris: 1077

earthquakes: 870

East Coast Homophile Organizations (ECHO): 844, 900; see also Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations

Easter Sunday rising (Ireland): 201

Eastern Orthodox Church—see Orthodox Church

Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHO): 844, 1256

Eastern Roman Empire—see Byzantine Empire

Ebermeyer, Erich: 1407

Echo, nymph: 875

Eckhardt, Karl August: 546–47

economics: 306–10, 339–41, 660–62, 679, 1024–26, 1055–56, 1204–07, 1355–56

Eddy, Mary Baker: 1067

Edelston, John: 179, 187

Eden, William: 599

education: 154, 321, 334, 341–44, 381–82, 494, 588, 960, 964–65, 984, 1085, 1153, 1243, 1254–57, 1350, 1387, 1406–07, 1413; see also schools

Edward I, king of England: 355,

Edward II, king of England: 345–46, 355, 769, 1007, 1109, 1286

Edwardes, Allen: 18, 587

Edwards, Blake: 400

Edwards, Eliza: 1294

Edwards, John Menlove: 88

Eekhoud, Georges: 124, 903

effeminacy: 75, 119, 149–50, 231–32, 243, 249–50, 332, 346–49, 354, 377, 384, 433, 494, 500, 520, 523, 535, 590, 592, 610–11, 674, 741, 748, 796–98, 801, 827, 849, 870, 955, 961, 982, 1025, 1036–39, 1090–91, 1093–94, 1156–58, 1168, 1171–72, 1192–93, 1196–97, 1201, 1248–49, 1289, 1314, 1333, 1339, 1349, 1403

Efron, Sergei: 1326

Egica, king of the Visigoths: 689

Eglinton, J. Z.: 186, 522, 600, 901, 963, 968

ego-dystonic homosexuality: 349–50, 794, 1074

Egypt, ancient and Hellenistic: 40–41, 67, 82, 234, 307–08, 350–51, 436, 486, 514, 916, 982–83, 1198, 1373

Egypt, medieval and modem: 42, 407–08, 418, 485, 760, 962, 1198

Eichelberger, Ethyl (Roy): 1322

Eigene, Der. 130, 161–62, 263, 630, 966, 1033

Einstein, Albert: 381

Eisenhower, Dwight D., president of the United States: 1385

Eisenstein, Sergei: 404, 1138

Ekelund, Vilhelm: 1008, 1270

Elagabal: 520

Elagabalus—see Heliogabalus

Eliade, Mircea: 941

Eliot, Charles William: 158, 1066, 1152

Eliot, T. S.: 108, 351–52, 502

Elis: 917–18

Elizabeth I, queen of England: 630, 1062

Ellerman, Annie Winifred (Bryher): 325 26

Ellicott, Major Andrew: 107

Ellie, Francis: 405

Ellis, Albert: 318,

Ellis, H. Havelock: 246, 249, 267, 352–53, 357, 457–58, 464, 507, 570, 875, 976, 964, 1272, 1313, 1353–54

Ellmann, Richard: 140, 1391

Eltinge, Julian: 400, 1320

Emde Boas, Coenraad van: 1185

Emiles, Societe des: 948

employment: 321–22, 695, 713, 787–88, 841–42; see also discrimination; economics

“empress”: 1091

En Mishpat: 654–55, 917

Enarees: 497

encyclopedias: ix, 317–18

endogamy, gay: 259

endorphins: 1146

Engels, Frederick: 51, 771–72

Engelschman, Niek: 889

Engh, M. J.: 1165

England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom: 16–17, 43–44, 59–60, 91–92, 93–95, 103–04, 108, 109, 110–12, 122–23, 127, 152, 153–54, 164–65, 171–72, 175, 179–80, 187–89, 197–98, 199–200, 200–02, 209, 210–11, 224, 227, 228, 233, 236–37, 254–56, 277–78, 282–84, 300–01, 304, 309, 326–28, 345–46, 352–53, 354–57, 365, 368, 382, 406–07, 417–19, 438, 440, 443, 445, 485–86, 490, 535, 541–42, 563–64, 586–88, 629, 692–93, 698–703, 740–43, 757, 764, 768–69, 783, 837, 840, 846–47, 850, 855, 857, 859–61, 874, 876, 901, 904, 922–24, 933–35, 963, 997–98, 1047, 1061–63, 1083–85, 1086, 1106, 1109–10, 1111, 1115–16, 1141, 1146, 1173, 1190–91, 1199–1200, 1207–08, 1212–13, 1254, 1271–72, 1286–87, 1292–95, 1297–98, 1308, 1317–21, 1322, 1327–29, 1333, 1342, 1383–84, 1388–92, 1401–03, 1404–05, 1413–14; see also London; Scotland; Wales

Enkidu: 479, 496

Enlightenment (eighteenth century): 121–22, 127, 300, 303–04, 317, 358–61, 364, 423–24, 429, 435, 534, 684, 703, 733, 834, 872, 990, 1019–20, 1051, 1081, 1343, 1371

Enquist, Per Olof: 1295

Enrique IV, king of Castile: 489, 640–41, 645, 1238

entrapment: 95, 192–93, 693, 780, 842, 900, 1014–15

Eon de Beaumont, Charles d’: 353, 464, 1313

eonism: 353, 1313

Eos: 373

Epaminondas: 385, 1244, 1303

ephebes and ephebophilia: 58, 67–68, 162, 206, 227, 332, 361–63, 363, 405, 421, 490, 496, 753, 808, 850–51, 932–33, 960, 964, 1025, 1085–86, 1124, 1136, 1243, 1333, 1345, 1388, 1390, 1414

epic: 479, 495–96

Epictetus: 1251

epicureanism: 363–64, 986, 979, 1123, 1141, 1367

Epimenides: 281, 1235

Epiphanius of Salamis: 528

Episcopalianism—see Anglicanism

Epperson, John: 1321

erastes: 491, 1363

erasure: 861

Erauso, Catalina de: 1242

Erik XIV, king of Sweden: 1268

Erikson, Erik: 573

Erlangen, University of: 999

Erlingsson, Magnus, king of Norway: 1157

eromenos: 491, 866–68, 1363

Ersine, Noel: 456

Esbensen, Axel: 1270

Esenin, Sergei: 1137

espionage: 151, 188, 364–66, 376, 783, 787, 877, 1100–01

Esquirol, Jean Etienne Dominique: 607 OS, 791

essentialism: 1208, 1333

Estienne, Henri: 1326

Etherege, George: 1293

ethics: 101, 127, 168–71, 245–46, 366–68, 844, 983, 1056

ethnology—see anthropology

ethnophaulism: 368–69, 619, 1249

ethology: 60–63, 76, 881

etiology: 263–65, 369–71, 680, 794, 891, 964–65, 967–69, 1215–19, 1331–32

Eton: 1083, 1293

Etruscans: 371–73, 1120

Etting, Ruth: 858

etymologies: 4, 60, 142–43, 172–73, 189, 204, 313, 335, 347–49, 373–74, 383, 455, 475, 477, 674, 872, 1086, 1093–94, 1403

Eugene of Savoy: 374–76

Eulenburg, Prince Philipp zu: 365, 376, 425, 473, 478, 537, 555, 787, 877, 1070, 1169, 1340, 1360, 1387

eunuchs: 18, 182, 202–04, 376–78, 502, 523, 587, 801, 920, 979, 982, 1117, 1195

euphemism: 675

Eupolis: 1290

Euric, king of the Visigoths: 688

Euripides: 16, 319–20, 497, 611, 867, 1290

Europe, Council of: 847

European Charter of Human Rights: 614, 693

European Court of Human Rights: 305, 614, 685

European Court of Justice: 847

European Parliament: 847

Eurydice: 868, 932

Evans, Arthur: 319

Evans, Jean: 906

evolution: 263–66, 265, 300–01, 342, 371, 435, 792, 1215–19, 1260

exclusive homosexuality and exclusivism: 145, 310, 534, 557–559, 585, 606, 965

exegesis: 228–29

exemplar theory of history: 539, 1005

exhibitionism: 1147

exiles and émigrés: 35, 43–45, 91–92, 104, 108–09, 115, 122–23, 124, 140–41, 151, 166, 179–80, 187–88, 286–87, 309, 325–36, 334, 345, 357, 374–76, 379–82, 388, 410–11, 426, 432, 457, 469–470, 615, 624, 691–92, 762, 835, 903, 948–49, 975, 1108, 1164, 1195, 1235, 1238

existentialism: 119–20

exogamy: 259, 435, 937

experimentation, sexual: 1348, 1332, 1335, 1411

exploitation, sexual: 624, 969–70, 981–82

exploration: 176–77, 565, 1071–72

expressionism: 381, 535

extortion: 150

extramarital homosexuality: 1217

Eyde, Edith: 746

Eyen, Tom: 1322

Eysenck, Hans J.: 1076

Eysteinn, Archbishop: 1157

Ezekiel: 653

Faber, Doris: 1128

Fabius Valens: 378

Fag Rag: 159

fagbashing—see queerbashing

faggot: 374, 383–84, 529, 602, 675, 871 72, 1202, 1403, 1410

Fahs, Ned: 334

Fairbanks, Douglas: 401

fairy: 384, 1202, 1397

fall of Rome: 870, 1124–25

Falla, Manuel de: 381, 384–85, 490, 1240

Falwell, Jerry: 845, 1068, 1350

families (general): 717–18

family patterns and sexual orientation: 582–84, 1215–19

famous homosexuals, lists of: 70, 359, 385–86

fantasies, erotic: 386–87, 848, 1023, 1143, 1146

fantasy (literary)—see science fiction

Farajallah: 760

Fargue, Léon-Paul: 637

Farinelli (Carlo Broschi): 803, 862

farmhands: 1406

fascism: 100, 387–90, 390–91, 480, 624, 882, 1241

“fascist perversion”: 390–91, 404, 773, 882, 1103, 1155

fashion: 129, 243–44, 1278

Fassbinder, Rainer: 391–92, 404, 1175, 1302

favorites (court): 215–16

Feast of Fools: 1316

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (USA): 487, 727, 946, 1348, 1385

Feldman, Maxine: 861

Felipe (Philip) n, king of Spain: 687, 1029, 1238

fellatio: 21, 62, 368, 589, 591, 674, 929 31, 1174; see also oral sex

Fellini, Federico: 402, 979, 1376

female impersonation—see transvestism

female infanticide: 308, 1195

femininity: 346–47, 1044, 1336

feminism: 57, 144, 146, 160–61, 178–79, 200, 212, 260, 441, 522, 719, 727, 844, 908, 922, 981, 991, 1027, 1094, 1165–66, 1180–82, 1352, 1382, 1404–05

fem(me)—see butch-fem relationship

Fennely, Tony: 865

Fenwick, John: 187

Feodorova, Maria: 1136

Ferdinand, king of Aragon: 686, 1238

Ferdinando HI of Habsburg-Lorraine: 410

Ferenczi, Sandor: 392–94

Fernandez, Dominique: 920

Fernández de Córdoba, Gonzalo: 1239

Ferro, Robert: 1196

festivals: 416, 893, 1122

fetishes: 162, 394–95, 1144, 1312

Fetting, Rainer: 81

Feuchtersleben, Ernst von: 791

Feyerabend, Paul: 1161

Fichte, Hubert: 395–96, 903

Ficino, Marsilio: 86, 160, 343, 396–97, 410, 442–444, 520, 807, 883, 910, 989, 1021, 1105, 1228, 1359–60

fiction—see novels and short fiction

Fidentian poetry: 397–98, 1105

Fidus (Hugo Hoppener): 877

Fiedler, Konrad: 768

Fiedler, Leslie: 398–99, 799

Fiedler thesis: 398–99

Fielding, Henry: 1313

Fields, Annie: 160

Fierstein, Harvey: 1300

Filelfo, Francesco: 1104

Filiger, Charles: 966

film: 32, 106–07, 125, 130, 141, 190, 198, 199, 211, 219, 226, 243, 257, 292, 326, 391–92, 399–406, 418, 537, 564, 592, 625, 728, 745, 853, 874, 905, 952, 979, 980, 1025–26, 1046, 1165, 1169–70, 1175, 1197, 1242, 1252, 1270, 1331, 1345, 1376–77, 1381–83, 1385

Finch, Peter: 404

Fini, Leonor: 81, 531, 911

Finiguerra, Stefano: 1105

Finkelhor, David: 582

Finland: 847

Finocchio, Joe: 1150

Firbank, Ronald: 189, 406–07, 904, 1297

Fire Island (New York): 469, 899, 1109, 915

firemen: 562

First Amendment: 1232

First International: 51

Fiser, Ivo: 587

“fisting”—see handballing

Fitzgerald, F. Scott: 785

fixation: 370

Flagg, Jared: 44

“flaming”: 412

Flanders, Ralph: 788

Flanner, Janet: 407

Flaubert, Gustave: 407–08, 1383

Fleck, John: 1322

Fleta: 686

Fleury (Abraham-Joseph Bénard): 1294

Fleury, Thérèse de: 1098

Fliess, Wilhelm: 98, 431, 433–434, 945, 1077

Florence: 78, 110, 155, 208–09, 233, 294, 297, 325, 328, 380, 396–97, 408–11, 669, 690, 702–03, 707–08, 753, 807, 857, 883, 909–10, 1021–22, 1359–60

Florio, John: 600

“flower child”: 270

flower symbolism: 310, 411–12, 1403

Flowers, Wayland: 1361

Fluvià, Armand de: 1241

Flynn, Errol: 405

Fogh-Andersen: 1310

folklore, gay male: 412–14, 458, 1173–74, 1177

folklore, lesbian: 414–17

Fondazione Sandro Penna: 626

Fone, Byrne R. S.: 72

Fontaine, Joan: 402

Food and Drug Administration: 847

Foote, Samuel: 1294

Forberg, Friedrich Karl: 1325–26

Forbundet af 1948:312, 1270

Ford, Charles Henri: 906

forensic psychiatry: 1073–74

forgery: 811

fornication: 222

Forster, E. M.: 9, 33, 42, 140, 153, 188, 200, 404, 417–19, 698, 904, 924, 1405

Foster, Jeannette: 920, 1360

Foster, Stephen (composer): 858, 863

Foster, Stephen Wayne (scholar): 1009

Foucault, Michel: 419–20, 522, 541, 544, 950, 1130, 1209

Fourier, Charles: 420–21, 704, 730, 991, 1356

Fowler, Emily: 315

Fowler, Owen Squire: 13

Fox, George: 1061

France: 11–12, 56, 72–73, 104–06, 108–09, 112–14, 115, 22–23, 127, 140, 151, 156–57, 157, 165, 172–73, 186–87, 192, 197–98, 202, 208–09, 247–49, 251, 281–82, 301, 303, 332–33, 345, 356, 365, 374–75, 379–80, 407–08, 419–20, 420–21, 421–27, 430, 440, 464–65, 469, 471, 477, 490, 525, 543–45, 549, 681–82, 684, 687, 747–48, 753–54, 785–86, 831–33, 837, 839, 846–47, 852–53, 856–57, 860, 874–75, 902–03, 915, 947–50, 970–71, 989–91, 993, 1015, 1024, 1064, 1069–71, 1084–85, 1098–99, 1110, 1129–30, 1148–49, 1154–55, 1213, 1285, 1294, 1300, 1343, 1360–61, 1367–70, 1377–80, 1390

Franciscan order 124, 604, 689, 691, 1286

Franco, Francisco, generalisimo of Spain: 389–90, 1242

Franco, Matteo: 1105

Franco, Niccolò: 73, 1105

Frank, Barney: 487, 1351

Frankie Goes to Hollywood: 861

Franks, Bobbie: 853

Fraser, Morris: 968

Frazer, Sir James: 65

Frederick II (the Great), king of Prussia: 129, 428–29, 526, 1278, 1378–80

Frederick II Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman emperor: 71, 195, 427–28, 602, 658, 686, 689, 1195

FREE (organization): 1256

Freedman, Mark: 450, 1080

freedom, sexual—see liberation, gay; sexual liberty and the law

freemasonry: 425, 429–30, 779, 871, 971, 1259

Frémiot, L. Memmius: 856

frequency—see incidence

Freud, Anna: 98, 382

Freud, Sigmund: 14, 82, 98, 129, 140, 154, 326, 392–93, 430–432, 433–437, 458, 510, 570, 643, 649–50, 655–56, 677, 699, 708, 867, 875, 945–46, 989, 1022–23, 1075–77, 1102–03, 1229

Freudian concepts: 264, 353, 432–37, 875, 1073, 1075–77, 1107, 1348

Freund, Kurt: 1003

Freundin: 1033

Freundschaft und Freiheit: 1033

Freyburg, Karl von: 81, 519

Friar, Kimon: 502

Friedan, Betty: 727

Friedel, Johann: 129, 473

Friedkin, William: 403

Friedlaender, Benedict: 162, 437–38, 537, 630, 669, 758, 963, 1168

Friedrich Wilhelm I, king of Prussia: 428

Friend, Albert Mathias: 381 658

friendship, female: 159–60, 315–17, 438–42, 560–61, 593, 739, 951, 1044–45, 1085

friendship, male: 8–9, 12–14, 45–46, 76, 155, 161–62, 168–71, 187–89, 213, 390–91, 398–99, 438, 438, 442–47, 472, 560–62, 593, 799, 781, 950–51, 953, 1083–85, 1191, 1342, 1411

Friendship and Freedom: 1033

Fritsch, Werner von: 548

Fritscher, Jack: 1027, 1145

Friuli: 951–52

Front d’Alliberament Gai de Catalunya (FAGC): 846

Front Homosexuel d’Action Révolutionnaire (FHAR): 543, 846

frontier, American: 1343

Froriep, Robert: 792

“fruit”: 447–48

Fry, Roger: 153, 490

Fuchs, Hanns: 1296

Fuller, Henry Blake: 448, 905, 1297

Fuller, Margaret: 441

functioning: 448–51, 1079–81

fundamentalism: 212, 229, 845

funnel effect: 146

Furie, Sidney J.: 402–03

Fusco, Domenico: 73

Fuseli, Henry: 43

Futurs: 949

Gacy, John Wayne, Jr.: 855

Gadda, Carlo Emilio: 625

gag reflex: 929

Gage, Joe: 405, 1026

Gai Pied: 738, 949, 1034

Gai Saber: 1034

Gaia’s Guide: 508

Gala, Antonio: 1242

Galdi, Vincenzio: 994

Gales, J.: 886

Galicia (Spain): 471

Galileo: 733

Galton, Francis: 492

Games, Gay: 90, 453–54, 919, 1381

Gamez Quintana, Manuel: 1242

Gandhi, Mahatma: 588

gangs: 1039–41

Ganymede: 78, 109, 204, 208–09, 266, 280, 332, 454, 551, 610, 769, 772, 808, 866, 961, 966, 995, 1094, 1239, 1293, 1363

Gaozu, emperor of China: 216

Garbo, Greta: 226, 400, 405

Garcia-Gômez, Emilio: 1241

García Lorca—see Lorca, Federico García

Garcilaso de la Vega: 53–54, 873

Garde, Noel L: 386

Garland, Judy: 405

Garnett, David: 490

Garrick, David: 1294

Gassendi, Pierre: 364

Gastone, Gian, grand-duke of Florence: 410

Gauguin, Paul: 627, 784

Gauls: 421

Gautama, Siddhartha (the Buddha): 168 71

Gautier, Théophile: 1306

Gaveston, Piers, duke of Cornwall: 345

gay: 384, 455–56, 676, 1403

Gay Academic Union (GAU): 344, 459, 900–01, 1034, 1257

Gay Activists Alliance (GAA): 11, 674, 727, 844–45, 900–01, 1349

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD): 1284

Gay Books Bulletin/Cabirion: 1034

Gay Community News (GCN): 159, 1034

Gay Community Services Center (Los Angeles): 746

“Gay is Good” slogan: 843

Gay, John: 1322

gay liberation—see liberation, gay

Gay Liberation Front (Denmark): 657

Gay Liberation Front (UK): 927

Gay Liberation Front (USA): 727, 844, 900, 1256, 1265, 1349

Gay Media Task Force: 1284

Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC): 847, 901

Gay News: 743, 846

gay rights: 144–45, 148, 193, 214–15, 227 31, 320–23, 470, 697, 713, 845, 889–90, 1066, 1068, 1210–13, 1251, 1253–54, 1271, 1330, 1386

gay rights laws—see law, protective

Gay Rights Association (N. Ireland): 846

gay studies: 39, 103–04, 127, 133–36, 344, 456–61, 473, 560, 562, 847, 892, 919–20, 1167–70, 1226, 1257, 1334, 1339–40, 1350, 1352–53, 1384; see also research, scholarship

Gay Sunshine: 1034

Gay Sunshine Press: 1027

gay switchboards: 1087, 1414

gay towns—see Fire Island; West Hollywood

Gayellow Pages: 508

Gaznavi, Sana’i: 17

Gearhart, Sally M.: 1165

geese: 61

Geheeb, Paul: 1406

Gellert, Roger: 1297

Gellius, Aulus: 246

Gelug monastic order: 170

gemblakan: 598

gender: 56–58, 127–29, 143–47, 251–54, 318–20, 336–37, 346–49, 461–64, 530, 594, 673–74, 679, 849, 868, 871, 940–41, 1085–86, 1156–58, 1163–67, 1171–72, 1180–82, 1191–93, 1215–19, 1242, 1268, 1289, 1292, 1309–14, 1335, 1342, 1345, 1410

gender-differentiated homosexuality: 9 11, 46–48, 67, 127–29, 177–79, 336–37, 346–49, 376–78, 461–64, 476–77, 580–82, 592–95, 608–11. 653–54, 678–81, 794–97, 807, 849, 938–39, 840–41, 980–81, 1038–40, 1085–86, 1090–91, 1114, 1167–68, 1171–72, 1191–93, 1196–97, 1218, 1288–90, 1306–07, 1309–23, 1312–14, 1335

gender dysphoria—see dysphoria, gender

“gender fuck”: 464

gender studies: 461–64, 1314

Genesis: 482, 1228

Genet, Jean: 51, 247, 392, 396, 402, 404, 426, 464–65, 543, 903, 1046, 1155, 1175, 1299, 1321, 1383

genetics: 369–71, 458–59, 546, 1215–19, 1331–32

Geneva (Switzerland): 99, 132–33, 1064

Genji, prince of Japan: 635

Genshin: 170

Gentele, Goran: 921

gentrification: 467, 476

geography, social: 110, 113–15, 115–17, 166–68, 213–15, 284–85, 467–469, 475–76, 680–81, 1107–09

George the Hungarian: 1133

George, Stefan: 334, 343, 381 469–70, 658, 1009, 966

Georgetown University: 1257

Georgia (United States): 305, 693, 789

Gerassi, John: 1348

Gerber, Henry: 214, 470–71, 837, 1033, 1347

Géricault, Théodore: 471

Germain, Jean-Claude: 1090

German Friendship Association: 836

Germanic law—see law, Germanic

Germany: 100, 110–12, 114, 125, 133–34, 140, 161–62, 194, 201, 251, 255, 304, 365, 376, 380–82, 390–92, 395–96, 400, 404–06, 425–26, 427–28, 428–29, 437, 441, 445–447, 457, 469–70, 471–74, 480, 483, 546–50, 657–58, 666–67, 686, 688, 692, 728, 734, 759, 762–63, 767, 817, 826, 834–38, 846, 853–54, 876–78, 882, 885, 889, 903–04, 911–12, 944–45, 949, 962–63, 966–67, 989–90, 999–1000, 1046, 1059–60, 1111–12, 1158–59, 1167–70, 1199, 1211–12, 1275, 1294–98, 1339–40, 1373, 1377, 1386, 1393–95, 1406–07; see also Berlin

Gemreich, Rudi: 381

gerontology: 26–29

gerontophilia: 25, 58, 421, 1333

Gerrold, David: 244, 1165

Gershwin, George: 858

Gerson, Jean: 777

Gervaise de Latouche, Jean-Charles: 424

Gesner, Johann Matthias: 521, 1228

gestalt therapy: 484

gesture and body language: 114, 346–47, 474–75, 675–76, 888, 1363

Ghana: 23

ghazels: 999

Ghent (Belgium): 124, 692

ghettos, gay: 145, 158–59, 467, 475–76, 624–25, 680–81, 728, 1225–26, 1257–60, 1350

Ghibellines: 689, 690

Ghulamiyya: 476–77

Gibbon, Edward: 22, 1124

Gibeah: 916, 1229

Gibran, Kahlil: 299

Gide, André: 140, 213, 282, 386, 425, 477–78, 522, 640, 772, 788, 903, 966, 1006, 1108, 1295, 1356, 1361, 1409, 1390

Gielgud, John: 742, 1297

Gil de Biedma, Jaime: 1241

Gil-Albert, Juan: 1241

Gilbert, Felix Mendelsohn: 658

Gilbert, Sue: 316

Gilbert and George: 81

Gilbert and Sullivan: 857

Gilgamesh, epic of: 479–80, 496, 801, 916, 1006

Gilles de Rais: 852

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: 1179

Ginastera, Alberto: 925

Giner de los Rios, Francisco: 1240

Ginsberg, Allen: 117, 171, 173, 333, 659, 1010, 1255, 1348, 1388

Giordano, Fra: 690

Giovanni, Domenico di: 173

Giovio, Paolo: 1022

girls: 476–77, 674, 712, 1095, 1336, 1409 1414

Girth and Mirth clubs: 913

Gittings, Barbara: vii, 734, 841, 1349

Giusti, Giuseppe: 132

Glagolin, Boris: 1321

Glassco, John: 786

Glines, John: 1302

glitter rock: 860

Gloeden, Wilhelm von: 12, 79, 299, 380, 480, 911, 966, 994, 1025, 1196

“glory holes”: 1309

gnosticism: 172, 221, 481–82, 527, 544, 638, 670, 955–56

goats: 61

God and gods: 57, 318–20, 350, 443, 454, 482–83, 514, 482–83, 590–91, 804–05, 866–67, 883, 1019

God’s purpose: 482–83, 616, 1019

Godwin, William: 50

Goeñng, Hermann: 546, 1112

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 446, 483–84, 666, 1294

Goffman, Erving: 1224

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich: 1135–36, 1295

Gold, Herbert: 773

“golden showers”—see urination

Goldman, Emma: 51–52

Goldschmidt, Richard: 370

Golif, Louis Le: 998

Golloway, David: 63

Gombrowicz, Witold: 1013

Gómez de la Sema, Julio: 1240

Gómez de la Sema, Ramón: 1240

Gómez-Arcos, Agustín: 1242

Gomorrah: 915

Goncourt brothers: 1368

Góngora y Argote, Luis de: 1239

gonorrhea: 1187

Gonzaga, Federico: 73

González, Felipe, prime minister of Spain: 1213

Goodich, Michael: 621

Goodman, Paul: 52, 334–35, 344, 484–85, 906

Gordon, Charles George: 485

Gorgol, Tadeusz: 1014

Gorky, Maxim: 391, 670

gospels: 896–98

Gottschalk: 795

Gounod, Charles: 921

government: 50, 151–52, 185, 303–06, 321, 364–66, 377–78, 486–67, 575–577, 598, 624, 724–27, 729–31, 760, 779, 786–88, 841–42, 889, 891–92, 1035–48, 1213–15, 1234–35, 1348, 1385

Goytisolo, Juan: 905, 1241–42

Grafenberg spot: 1054

graffiti: 487–89, 674, 1122, 1308, 1363

Graham, Clayton R.: 31

Granada: 384, 489–90, 647, 743, 1006, 1237–38

Grant, Cary: 405

Grant, Duncan: 153, 490–91, 661, 1254

graophilia: 1333

Grasso, Sal: 1026

Gratian: 194, 223, 959

Graus, Hans: 853

Gravina, Gian Vincenzo: 802

Gray, Patrick: 631

Gray, Simon: 1298

Gray, Thomas: 1278

Great Britain—see England

Greece, ancient: 8–10, 15–16, 40–41, 47 49, 75–78, 82–83, 86–88, 113, 120–21, 138–39, 234, 266, 279–81, 302–03, 308, 318–20, 342–43, 362–63, 368, 372, 419, 444, 477, 491–501, 561, 650, 675, 748, 814, 866–70, 901–02, 909, 917–19, 932–33, 961–61, 964–66, 1000–02, 1004–06, 1016–18, 1024, 1054–55, 1094, 1107, 1120, 1153–54, 1179, 1180, 1182, 1194–95, 1205–06, 1227–28, 1234–35, 1243–45, 1250–51, 1272–74, 1280, 1290–91, 1303–05, 1314–15, 1333, 1356, 1362–64, 1384, 1393–95, 1410, 1417

Greece, medieval and modem: 179–80, 207, 656–57, 501–04, 847, 1213, 1373

Greek Anthology: 40, 63, 133, 500, 504–05, 524, 961, 1006

Greek mythology—see mythology, classical

Green, Julien: 903, 1298

Green, Richard: 370–71

Greenberg, Clement: 1382

Greenwich Village (New York City): 91, 108, 111, 120, 155, 243, 310, 381, 818, 844, 859, 899–900, 1252–53, 1349, 1361

Greer, Michael: 1361

Gregory of Nyssa, St.: 883

Gregory the Great, pope: 873, 972

Gregory VII, pope: 289, 943

Gregory IX, pope: 686

Greif, Martin: 386

Greig, Noel: 200

Gregg, Frances: 325

Gregory IX, pope: 602

Grier, Barbara: 134, 1360

Grierson, Francis: 505–06, 863

Griesinger, Wilhelm: 608

Griffes, Charles T.: 506–07, 863

Grillparzer, Franz, 1294, 1296

Grimaud, Alfred de, Count d’Orsay: 293

Griswold v, Connecticut: 1050

Groningen (Netherlands): 885

Gross, Hans: 473

gross indecency: 95, 256, 282, 507–08

Grove Press: 211–12

Grünbaum, Adolf: 1077

Gründgens, Gustav: 405, 1298

Grynszpan, Herschel: 949

Guadalajara (Mexico): 807

Guaita, Stanislas de: 971

Guatemala: 905

Gudden, Bernhard von: 753

Guelphs: 689, 690

Guérin, Daniel: 52, 236, 1405

Guevara, Che: 287

Guggenheim, Peggy: 108

Guichard, Henri: 753

guides, gay: 490, 508, 1324

Guillot: 422

guilt: 717–18, 782, 1023–24, 1097, 1264 66, 1310, 1406; see also Judeo-Christian tradition, penitentials

gulags: 1138

Gunnison, Foster: 843

Gunther, Archibald Clavering: 1318

Gunther, Hans F. K.: 546

Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich: 56, 764

Gustav(us) HI, king of Sweden: 921, 1269

Guyon, René: 508–10, 1289

Guyther, Anthony: 994

gymnasia: 78, 88, 120–21, 181, 510–11, 867, 909, 913, 1122, 1243, 1273

gynecophilia: 1333

gypsies: 369, 546–47

Gysin, Brian: 118

Haan, Jacob Israel de: 513–14, 905

Haarman, Fritz: 853

Habsburgs: 375

Hadith: 616–17

Hadrian, emperor of Rome: 67–68, 78, 504, 514, 965, 978, 1030, 1117, 1236, 1409

Hafiz: 514–16, 1262

Hague, The (Netherlands): 271

Haigh-Wood, Vivien: 352

Haire, Norman: 318, 509

Haiti: 147, 516, 796

Hajjaj, Ibn al-: 848

Hakim, Eleanor: 926

Halffter, Ernesto: 385

Hall, Ewen: 858

Hall, Radclyffe: 165, 178, 247, 380, 418, 516–17, 561, 904

Hall, Richard: 865

Hallam, Arthur: 1287

Halle, Felix: 1211

Halliwell, Kenneth: 851, 933–34

Halsted, Fred: 405

Ham, son of Noah: 1277

Hamburg (Germany): 395–96, 627–28

Hamilton, Mary: 1313

Hamilton, Newburgh: 1293

Hamilton, Wallace: 299

Hammond, Charles: 167

Hammond, Harmony: 81

Hammond, Percy: 1320

Hampton, Christopher: 1298

handballing: 49, 49, 517–18, 1054, 1144

Handel, George Frideric: 298, 862, 926

handicapped: 720, 1058

Hannover (Germany): 853

Hansbury, Lorraine: 148

Hansen, Joseph: 865, 907

“hard-boiled” novels: 864–65

hardcore (music): 1088

Harden, Maximilian: 365, 376, 1169

Hardy, Thomas: 784

harems, female: 17, 308, 377, 590, 1118, 1195, 1337

harems, male: 40, 52, 183, 523, 1118, 1329

Hari Singh, maharajah of Kashmir: 588

Haring, Keith: 488

Harlem (New York): 104, 147–48, 155, 310, 518–19, 757, 899, 1361

Harmodius: 78, 497, 1235, 1273

Harms, Gottlieb: 627–28

Harris, Barbara: 1062

Harris, Frank: 1390

Harrison, Lou: 926

Harrow: 951, 1083–84, 1271

Harry, Joseph: 273

Hart, Donn V.: 940

Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus: 1184–86

Hart, Lorenz: 858

Hart-Davis, Rupert: 140

Hartland, Claude: 141

Hartley, Marsden: 80, 108, 310, 363, 490, 519, 785, 1009

Harvard University: 43, 158–59, 176, 351, 782, 840, 843, 914, 1152

Harvey Milk School: 1413

Hasan of Ali, vizier: 18

hashish: 332

Hassan II, king of Morocco: 19

Hatch, Orrin: 878

Hatshepsut, queen of Egypt: 351

Havana (Cuba): 285–86

Hawarden, Viscountess Clementis: 995

Haxton, Gerald: 783

Hay, Harry (Henry): 381, 384, 774, 779 81, 839, 1150, 1348

Hay, James: 631

Hayek, F. A.: 360

Hayes, Billy: 1046

Hayley, William: 439

Hayward, John: 352

“head”: 929

Head, Murray: 404

health—see medical

Heap, Jane: 55–56

Heard, Gerald: 381, 615

Hebrew (language): 191

hedonism: 117–20, 153–54, 359, 489, 1348

Heiban tribe: 22

Heidegger, John James: 742, 766

Heidegger, Martin: 70

Heimsoth, Karl-Günther: 86, 552

Heine, Heinrich: 1000

Heinecke, Alfred: 994

Heinlein, Robert: 1167

Heliogabalus, emperor of Rome: 139, 240, 272, 337, 519–20, 904, 943, 1118, 1315

Hellberg, Lillian: 1297

Hellenism: 40–41, 207, 377–78, 495, 520–22, 563–64, 1194–95, 1287, 1395, 1407

Hellenistic monarchies: 40–41, 378, 523–24

Heilman, Allan: 1270

Heilman, Lillian: 1297

Hemingway, Ernest: 115, 407, 524–25, 785, 1197, 1246

Hemingway, Mariel: 404

Henri HI, king of France: 348, 423, 525–26, 629, 766, 1065, 1126, 1306, 1360

Henry, prince of Prussia: 129, 429, 526–27, 1294

Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor: 289, 427

Henry VDI, king of England: 172, 198, 224, 241, 355, 692, 741, 1062

Henry, George William: 1360

Hensley, Elmer Wayne: 854

Henze, Hans Werner: 320

hepatitis: 48, 1146, 1189

Hephaistion: 40

Hera: 867–68

Heracles: 496, 868, 995, 1243, 1304

Heraclides of Pontus: 87

Herberstein, Sigmund von: 1134

Herbert, John: 403, 1046, 1299

Herbert, Philip: 631

Hercules—see Heracles

Herder, Johann Gottfried von: 65

Herdt, Gilbert H.: 937–38, 1373

heresy: 103–04, 126, 171–73, 195, 197, 221–23, 422, 527–30, 602, 686, 737, 762, 805, 812, 1059, 1259, 1286, 1395–98

Herlihy, James Leo: 1331

Herman, Jerry: 1300

hermaphrodite: 56, 78, 354, 526, 530–32, 590, 608, 1164–67, 1202, 1289

Hermaphroditos: 530–31, 868

Hermes: 496, 776

hermits: 956

Hernández Catá, Alfonso: 1240–41

Herodotus: 64, 234, 497–98, 1171–72

heroes: 8–9, 479, 485, 866–68

herpes, genital: 1189

Herskovits, Melville: 516

Heruls: 596

Hervey, Lord John: 486

Herzer, Manfred: 1377

Hesiod: 300, 496

Hesselschwerdt: 753

hetairai: 492

heterosexism: 534–35, 710, 1032, 1181

heterosexuality: 50, 113–14, 144, 148–49, 155, 208, 251–54, 306–10, 315, 347, 354, 532–35, 578, 660, 770, 931, 1027, 1035–1037, 1042, 1054, 1085–86, 1095, 1189, 1197–98, 1309–10, 1313, 1388

heterozygote advantage: 1216–18

Hichens, Robert: 249, 411

Hickock, Lorena: 1128

hierarchy: 1036–40

Hiero, tyrant of Sicily: 995, 1195

hierodule: 653–55

Highet, Gilbert: 652

Highsmith, Patricia: 401, 865

Hijra (Hinjra): 532, 592, 1336

Hilali, Badru’d-din: 17

Hildebert of Lavardin: 795

Hildebrand, Adolph von: 768

Hiller, Kurt: 11, 312, 382, 535, 548, 630, 643, 731, 820, 837, 1170, 1185, 1211, 1260

Himmler, Heinrich: 197, 546, 569–70, 882, 1112

Hincmar of Reims: 973

Hinduism: 57, 83, 200, 235, 532, 587–91, 1354

Hipparchus: 1235

Hippias: 1235

hippies: 117–20, 156, 270–71

Hippocrates of Cos: 499–500, 535

Hippocratic Corpus: 535–36, 789–90, 1171

Hippocratic Oath: 536

Hirschberg, Herbert: 1296

Hirschfeld, Magnus: 110, 130, 134, 151 52, 152–53, 154–55, 162, 264, 267, 311, 361, 365, 386, 390, 400, 433, 437, 450, 457, 471, 473, 510, 535, 536–39, 540, 548, 556, 565, 581, 608, 628–39, 643, 650, 660, 668, 734, 759, 787, 826–27, 835–38, 944, 1033, 1103, 1126–27, 1154, 1167–70, 1211–12, 1264–65, 1270, 1306, 1313, 1333, 1340, 1374, 1407

Hirschfeld Centre (Dublin): 614

Hiss, Alger: 788

historicism: 540

historiography: 58, 103–04, 138–42, 218, 385–86, 419–20, 539–42, 709–10, 735, 857, 908, 1004–05, 1208–10, 1275–76

Hitchcock, Alfred: 401

hitchhikers: 1095, 1309

Hitler, Adolf: 302, 369, 388, 391, 734, 882, 949, 1059, 1111–12, 1170

HIV—see Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Hobbes, Thomas: 1019

Hobhouse, L. T.: 725

hoboes: 120, 456, 542–43, 1085

Hobson, Laura Z.: 907

Hockney, David: 81, 405

Hocquenghem, Guy: 543–44

Hoess, Rudolf: 548

Hoessli, Heinrich: 63, 385, 457, 521, 540, 544–45, 580–82, 660, 834

Hoey, Clyde: 787

Hoffman, Dustin: 403

Hoffman, William: 31, 69

Hofmann, Hans: 381

Hohmann, Joachim S.: 64

Hokke-shu (Nichiren) Buddhism: 170

Holberg, Ludvig: 311

Holbrook, Hal: 1283

Holiness Code (Leviticus): 653

Holland, Vyvyan: 1390

Holland—see Netherlands

Holleran, Andrew: 907

Hollywood (California): 399–406

Holmes, Sarah: 415

holocaust: 69, 99, 197–98, 473, 546–50, 627, 649, 882, 949, 996–97, 1374

Holroyd, Michael: 140, 154, 1254

Holy Roman Empire: 375, 427–28, 472, 692, 943, 1199

Home, William Douglas: 1298

Homer: 8, 396, 495–96, 550–52, 748, 1006, 1235, 1367

“Homeric love”: 965

“Homintem”: 68, 430

Homologie: 1034

homophile: 552, 839

homophile movement—see movement, homosexual

homophobia: 32–33, 36, 53–54, 62–63, 99 100, 127, 129, 138–42, 148–49, 164, 194–96, 226–27, 227–31, 237–39, 251, 265–66, 268, 354–57, 399, 402, 437, 552–55, 598–99, 601, 712, 743, 771–73, 813, 845, 861, 885–88, 942, 954–59, 1031–33, 1054–69, 1087, 1122, 1167, 1174, 1214, 1289, 1341, 1398, 1404

Homosexual Law Reform Society/Albany Trust: 840

homosexuality, concept of: xi, 58, 126 27, 144, 148–49, 237, 251–54, 263–65, 263–67, 310, 433, 556–60, 618, 675, 796–98, 931–32, 1036–40, 1167–69, 1342

homosexuality, mandatory: 937–38, 962, 1166–67, 1410

homosexuality, models/paradigms/typology of—see typology of homosexuality

homosexuality, term: 555–56, 659–60, 673–75, 745, 891

Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI; organization): 99, 847

homosociality: 445, 560–62, 830–31; see also friendship, male; friendship, female romantic

Hong Kong (China): 219

Honorius m, pope: 311

Hooker, Evelyn: 449, 459, 781, 841, 1129

Hoover, J. Edgar 487, 1385

Horace: 562–63, 1367

hormones: 462

Horne, Herbert: 161

Horney, Karen: 1355

Homig, Richard 752

Horowitz, Paul: 32

Horowitz, Vladimir: 864

Horst, Horst: 1376

Horthy de Nagybanya, Nicholas, admiral: 389

Horton, Edward Everett: 401

Horus: 350

Hosea: 653–54

Hosmer, Harriet: 80

Hospitaler order: 1285–86

Hot Peaches: 1362

House of Representatives, United States: 487, 1351; see also Congress

Houser, Jacob: 1033

housing discrimination: 321–22, 695

Housman, A. E.: 563–64, 1011, 1152

Houston (Texas): 466, 854

Howard, Edward: 1293

Howard, Richard: 298

Howe, Mark De Wolfe: 160

Hoyos y Vinent, Antonio de: 1240

Huber, Richard: 42

Hudson, John Paul: 508, 865

Hudson, Rock: 405, 564, 1284

Hugh of St. Cher: 869

Hughes, Anne: 439

Hughes, Langston: 147, 518

Hughes, Thomas: 1084

Hughes, Will: 327

Huguenots: 1064–65

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): 29–30, 1146, 1187–89, 1350

human rights: 697, 1329; see also civil rights

humanism: 396, 1104

Humbert of Romans: 690

Humboldt, Alexander von: 43, 565–66, 1162

humor: 68, 131–32, 189–90, 250–51, 412, 415, 566–69, 702, 848; see also comedy

Humperdinck, Engelbert: 506

Humphreys, Laud: 367, 673, 841, 1222, 1308

Hungary: 375, 329–94, 659–60, 852

Hunt, George and Molly: 142

Hunt, Lester: 403, 1385

Hurles, David: 1027

Hurt, William: 402

hustlers—see prostitution

Huston, John: 243, 403

Hutchinson, G. Evelyn: 1216

Hutter, David; 81

Hutter, Jacob: 1060

Huysmans, Joris-Karl: 293, 301, 425, 611

hwarang: 667

Hyacinth: 867

Hyde, H. Montgomery: 140

Hyde, Louis: 782

hydraulic metaphor: 359, 569–70

hyena: 62

Hylas: 1304, 868

hypocrisy: 567, 570–72

Iamblichus: 883

Ibiza: 469

Ibn Ezra, Moses: 646

Ibn Gabirol: 646

Ibn Nagrilla, Samuel: 647

Ibycus: 379, 497, 573, 984

Iceland: 688, 1156

icons, gay: 399, 404–05

ideal types: 1332

identity: 56–58, 127–29, 143–47, 158, 243 44, 244–46, 251–54, 258–60, 267–70, 310, 336–37, 462–463, 503, 556, 573–75, 561–62, 673–74, 679–80, 710–11, 796, 822, 844, 940–41, 1036–40, 1079, 1085–88, 1097, 1175–77, 1191–93, 1208–10, 1223, 1242, 1249, 1257–61, 1269, 1289, 1309–10, 1336, 1350, 1409, 1411–12

Iemitsu, shogun of Japan: 635

Iglesia, Eloy de la: 1242

Ignotus, Auctor (Gerald Heard?): 1166

Igra, Samuel: 369

Iliad: 8, 47–48, 280, 550–52

Illinois (USA): 213–15, 304, 470, 840, 1233, 1349

immaturity theory: 575

immigration: 84–85, 193, 309, 379–82, 575–77, 696–97

“imperial courts”: 1091

impersonal sex: 111, 113–15, 116, 421, 577–80, 895, 1326, 1350

importation model: 1046–47

impotence: 1097

imprinting: 463

incarceration—see prisons, jails, and reformatories

incarceration motif: 580–82

Incas: 52–54, 873

incest: 434–35, 582–84, 682

incidence: 74–75, 146, 149, 306–10, 584–86, 720, 1042–43, 1095

increase of homosexuality, purported: 870–71

indecency—see gross indecency

indecent exposure: 95, 722

India: 9, 85, 119, 168–69, 174, 200, 305, 418, 485, 532, 586–93, 846, 851, 858, 1007, 1323, 1336

Indiana (USA): 414–17

Indiana University: 662–63

Indians, American: 46–47, 127–29, 162, 235, 593–95, 1336, 1341

Indo-Europeans: 308, 492, 521, 541, 595–97, 1090, 1125, 1307, 1417–18

Indonesia: 272, 597–98, 846, 888, 1315

infamy: 599–600, 1029

infanticide: 308

Inge, William: 1299

“ingle”: 600–01

inheritance: 694, 714

initiations: 45, 209, 341–43, 488, 492, 495, 503, 937–38, 960–61, 998, 1038–39, 1099, 1145, 1335, 1337, 1354, 1373

injustice collecting: 129, 601, 1076

Innaurato, Albert: 1300

Innocent HI, pope: 959

Innocent VIII, pope: 1395

Innocente, cardinal: 944

Inquisition: 162–63, 195, 210, 379, 422, 601–06, 686, 689, 692, 805–06, 812, 1196, 1238, 1286, 1292, 1365, 1374

insanity, moral: 606–08, 792

insemination, artificial: 946–47

Institute for Sex Research—see Kinsey Institute for Sex Research

Institute for Sexual Science: 734, 838, 1170

insurance: 697, 714

Integrity (organization): 60, 230, 1063, 1069

intergenerational—see age-differentiated

intermediate stages, sexual: 608–09, 628 29, 1167–68, 1306

International Committee for Sexual Equality: 552, 839

International Gay Association: 847

International Gay Games—see Games, Gay

interracial: 149–50, 162–64, 200–02, 237, 398–99, 404, 434, 760, 893, 1042, 1097, 1207, 1309, 1406

intertestamental literature: 103–04, 609–10

interviewing: 663–64

intimacy: 1355

intonation: 676–77

intracrural sex: 589, 1333

inventors: 1161

inventor legends: 610, 862, 867, 932

inversion: 155, 266–67, 313, 352–53, 393 94, 433, 478, 610–11, 676, 792, 796–98, 1072, 1171–72, 1312, 1333, 1345, 1403

Ioanou, Yiorghos: 503

Iolaus: 496, 868, 1243

Iran: 198, 517, 612–13, 618–19, 1006, 1142–43, 1417–18; see also Persia

Iraq: 1324

Ireland: 194, 200–02, 209, 305, 309, 379, 613, 739, 846–47, 1341, 1344, 1389

Irenaeus of Lyon, St.: 172, 958

irrumation: 10, 929–30

Irving, Washington: 43, 573

Isabel(la) the Catholic, queen of Castile: 19, 686, 1238

Isabella, queen of England: 345–46

Isaiah: 653

Isherwood, Christopher: 28, 91, 363, 381, 402, 614–15, 904, 906

Ishtar: 377, 479, 495, 653–55, 682, 800–01, 1054, 1172

Isidore, bishop of Seville: 373, 959

Islam: 5–6, 7–8, 17–22, 33, 41–42, 49, 113, 235, 266, 291, 332, 489–490, 515, 587–88, 592, 598, 612–13, 615–20, 683, 686, 777, 796, 962, 965, 1006, 1132–33, 1142–43, 1195, 1198, 1228, 1236–37, 1261–64, 1278, 1329–30, 1335, 1356; see also Arabs; Sufism; Abrahamic Religions

Israel, state of: 644, 846, 1063

Istanbul (Turkey): 1329–30; see also Constantinople

Italian Association for the Recognition of Homosexual Rights: 846

Italy: 12, 73, 108–09, 131–32, 135, 139–40, 160–61, 165, 173–74, 179, 202–04, 208–09, 213, 272, 289–91, 294–96, 306, 325, 328, 356, 368, 372–74, 380, 387–89, 396–98, 407, 408–11, 417, 423, 427–28, 457–58, 483, 490, 549, 603, 620–26, 689, 690, 733, 740, 767, 773, 794–97, 802, 807, 846, 856, 883, 902, 904, 920, 933, 951–53, 974–75, 1007, 1103–06, 1108, 1115–16, 1166, 1179–80, 1194–96, 1230–31, 1355, 1359–60, 1364–67, 1376–77, 1390

Ivan IV (the Terrible), tsar of Russia: 1134

Ivanov, Vyacheslav: 1315

Ives, Charles: 863

Ivo of Chartres: 195, 223

Ivy League: 382

Iwaszkiewicz, Jaroslaw: 1013