Jackson, Jesse: 148

Jackson, Moses: 563

Jackson, Peter: 1290

Jacob, G.: 172

Jacob, Max: 627

Jaeger, Gustav: 267, 532, 555, 629, 660, 1340

Jahangir, emperor of India: 1323

Jahiz, al-: 266

Jahnn, Hans Henny: 395, 627–28, 903

Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen: 133–34, 162, 457, 537, 628–30, 668, 835, 1033, 1168, 1333

jails—see prisons, jails and reformatories

Jakarta (Indonesia): 271

Jakobovits, Immanuel: 1063

Jam, The: 1087

James I, king of England: 103, 121, 355, 374, 630–31, 1091, 1356, 1370

James, brother of Jesus: 637, 897

James, Alice: 160, 632

James, Henry: 160, 165, 631–32, 702

James, Jimmy: 1321

James, P. D.: 866

James, Robert: 318

James, William: 631–32, 1078, 1246

Janet, Pierre: 1129

Janis, Elsie: 1360

Janissaries: 502

Janni, Gulgielmo: 81

Jansen, Wilhelm: 437

Jansson, Eugen: 1270

Japan: 49, 84, 112, 126, 169–70, 266, 522, 632–36, 477, 815, 822–24, 846, 905, 913, 961–62, 965, 1007, 1024, 1147–48, 1149–50, 1291, 1316, 1333

Jarman, Derek: 199

Jarry, Alfred: 636–37

Java (Indonesia): 597–98

Jay, Karla: 63

jazz: 117–20, 518

Jefferson, Thomas: 1343

Jehovah’s Witnesses: 549, 1067

Jellinek, Georg: 820

Jenkins, Walter: 487

Jennings, Dale: 746, 780

Jerome, St.: 313, 869

Jerusalem: 511, 1276–77, 1285

Jerusalem, Latin kingdom of: 195, 686, 812, 1285

Jesuit order: 124, 224, 228, 241, 1149

Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ): 83, 125 26, 221, 229, 235, 296, 355, 378, 570, 637–39, 896–97, 955, 1367

jewelry: 417

Jewett, Sarah Ome: 160, 295

Jews—see Judaism; Judaism, Sephardic

Jiménez, Juan Ramón: 722

Jiménez, Orlando: 406

Jiménez de Asúa, Luis: 1241

Jin Diyi, emperor of China: 217

Ji-shu (Pure Land) Buddhism: 170

Joan of Arc: 852, 921

Joáo HI, king of Portugal: 604, 687

Jocasta: 867

Jochelson, Waldemar: 1192

“jocker”: 542–43, 1037–38, 1085–86

Johannesburg (South Africa): 854

Johansson, Warren: 901

John, Gospel of: 125, 637–38

John of the Cross, St.: 490

John the Apostle—see “beloved disciple”

John the Baptist: 638

John XII, pope: 240, 943

John XXm, pope: 242, 944

John, Elton: 860

John Jay College: 901

John Paul II, pope: 944

Johns, Jasper: 1382

Johnson, Joe: 251

Johnson, Lionel: 326

Johnson, Lyndon B., president of the United States: 487

Johnson, William: 188

jokes: 566–69

Jonathan, prince of Israel—see David

Jones, Ernest: 393, 1075

Jones, James: 906

Jones, T. C.: 1321

Jonson, Ben: 600, 631, 1317

Joplin, Janis: 859

Jorgensen, Christine: 312, 1310

Joseph, patriarch of Israel: 916

Joseph II, emperor of Austria: 97–98

Josephus, Flavius: 638, 639–40, 642

Jouhandeau, Marcel: 140, 640, 903

Journal of Homosexuality: 1034

journalism: 9, 106–07, 108, 151, 166–67, 376, 407, 490, 555, 758, 781, 841, 846–47, 900, 1225–26, 1283, 1351, 1390

Joyce, James: 108, 115, 785

Juan II, king of Castile: 489, 640–41, 645, 1237–38

Jubilees, Book of: 609, 642

Judaism: 4–5, 5–6, 68–69, 190–91, 213, 221, 234–35, 296–99, 378, 392, 430, 432, 434, 436, 482, 546–547, 493, 524, 609, 641–49, 654–56, 682, 688, 740, 767, 816–17, 853, 877–78, 896–97, 915-17, 949, 959, 986–88, 982–83, 997, 1006–07, 1063, 1167, 1207, 1237–38, 1417–18

Judaism, Sephardic: 644–48, 740

Judeo-Christian tradition: 5–6, 197–98, 221–25, 227–31, 296–99, 432, 435, 648–49, 728, 897, 915–17, 928, 954–59, 1228–30; see also Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity

Julius Caesar—see Caesar, Julius

Julius II, pope: 241, 943–44

Julius ID, pope: 241, 944

Jung, Carl Gustav: 57, 434, 531, 649–51, 1075

Justinian, Byzantine emperor: 181, 197, 683, 685, 810, 870, 987, 1015, 1119, 1232

Juvenal: 348, 651–52, 1104, 1123

juveniles—see boys, girls, youth, children (pre-pubic)

Juventius: 206

Kabbala: 581, 645, 656

kabuki: 635, 1291, 1316

Kabul (Afghanistan): 18

kadesh: 191, 486, 533, 541, 646, 653–56, 682, 916, 1054, 1172, 1276, 1336

Kadesh Barnea (Palestine): 436, 654–56

Kahlo, Frida: 82

Kainis (Kaineus): 531

Kainz, Joseph: 753, 1295

Kaliardâ: 656–57

Kallman, Chester: 91–92, 320

Kallmann, Franz J.: 459, 1331

Kamasutra: 586

Kameny, Franklin E.: 487, 840–43, 1255 56, 1349, 1385

Kampmann, Christian: 657

Kamran, king of Afghanistan: 18

Kang Xi (K’ang Hsi): 217

Kansas City (Missouri): 843–44

Kant, Immanuel: 725, 914, 990

Kantorowicz, Ernst: 330, 381, 657–58

Kaposi’s Sarcoma: 30, 98

Kapparah, Rabbi Bar: 313

Karachi (Pakistan): 176

Kardiner, Abraham: 66

Karlinsky, Simon: 1295

Karsch-Haack, Ferdinand: 65, 629

kat(h)oey: 1289, 1336

Katte, Lt. Hans Hermann von: 428

Katz, Jonathan Ned: 1302

Kautilya: 589

Kawaguchi, E.: 171

Kawabata Yasunari: 636

Kazantzakis, Nikos: 281

Kelley, Leo P.: 1165

Kelly, Raymond: 937

Kemp, Lindsay: 1321

Kempf, Edward J.: 941–43, 1267

Kenna, Peter: 1302

Kennedy, Liz: 177

Kenya: 24, 305

Kepner, Jim: vii, 735

kept boys: 741, 1054–58

Kerouac, Jack: 117, 658–59, 1348

Kertbeny, Kàroly Maria: 4, 267, 373, 411, 532, 548, 555, 629, 659–60, 676, 1072, 1340

Key West (Florida): 469, 1109

Keynes, John Maynard, lord: 140, 153, 188, 340, 490, 417, 660–62, 901, 1398

Khartoum (Sudan): 485

Khatib, Ibn al-: 489

Khayyam, Omar: 515, 612, 1006

khlysty: 1135, 1137

Khomeini, ayatollah: 198, 619, 878

Khronas, Yiorghos: 503

kin selection theory: 1216–17

King, Billie Jean: 88

King, Martin Luther: 1061

King James Version: 631

kings—see royalty

Kinks, The: 860

Kinsey, Alfred C: 459, 510, 534, 559, 570, 584–86, 609, 662–66, 1216, 1334

Kinsey Institute for Sex Research: 662 66, 734

Kinsey Reports: 74, 129, 144, 146, 149, 238, 253, 264, 329, 346, 361, 584–86, 662, 664–66, 685, 709, 777, 881, 1348, 1412

Kinsey scale: 584–86

Kinsman, Gary: 1087

Kipling, Rudyard: 1397

Kirkup, James: 1008

Kirkwood, James, Jr.: 865

Kirsch, John: 1217

Kitchen, Dennis: 251

Kitchener, Horatio Herbert: 757

Klare, Rudolf: 547

Klein, Debbie: 1362

Kleist, Heinrich von: 666–67, 1294, 1374

Kliuev, Nikolai: 1137

Klumpke, Anna Elizabeth: 157

Knesset: 644

knights: 263, 308, 354–55, 812, 814–15, 965,

Knowles, John: 951

Knox, John: 1064

Koch, Martin: 1270

Koestler, Arthur: 318

König, Ralf: 251

Koop, Everett: 1351, 1354

Kopay, David: 88

Koran: 617

Kornaros, Themis: 503

korophilia (corerasty): 493, 964, 1085, 1153–54, 1244, 1333

Korea: 667, 961, 1056, 1291

Körner, Theodor: 1318

Kotzebue, August von: 1294

Koukoules, Mary: 503

Koumandareas, Menis: 503

kouros: 78

Kozlov, Piotr: 1072

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von: 98, 163, 220, 369–70, 458, 534, 608, 629, 650, 668–69, 793, 964, 976, 1072, 1143, 1354, 1272, 1333, 1340

Kramer, Larry: 31, 69, 907

Krasheninnikov, Stefan: 1192

Krauss, Friedrich S.: 488

Kray, Ronald: 853

Kreis, Der: 63, 80, 755, 838, 1033

Kretschmer, Emst: 913

Krishna: 591

Krishnamurti: 701

Kristallnacht: 949

Kropotkin, Peter: 51, 704

Krupp, Alfred: 537

Krylenko, Nikolai: 1138

Kuhn, Thomas S.: 420, 1160, 1332

Kukai: 169–70, 635

Kulturkreis: 541

Kupffer, Elisàrvon: 63, 446, 669–70, 1296

Kutschinsky, B.: 970

Kuzmin, Mikhail: 42, 670–71, 904, 1007, 1136–37, 1295

Kyd, Thomas: 768

Kynaston, Edward: 1294, 1317

labeling: 208, 556, 673–74, 675, 1223, 1410

labor unions: 892, 928, 1212

Labouchere, Henry: 167, 507

Labouchere Amendment: 95, 256, 282 83; see also Criminal Law Amendment Act

Labour Party (UK): 1212–13

Lacan, Jacques: 875, 1077

Lacenaire, Pierre François: 852

Lacey, E. A.: 1008

Lachèvre, Frédéric: 1148

The Ladder: 63, 134, 719, 840, 1034, 1150

Lafitau, Joseph François: 192, 950

Lahr, Bert: 858, 1361

Laistner, M. L. W.: 658

Lait, Jack: 1385

Laius (Laios), king of Thebes: 372, 612, 867, 926, 1094, 1290, 1303

lambda: 413, 674, 900, 997, 1177

Lambda Rising bookstore: 1385

Lampedusa, Giuseppe di: 1376

Lampridius, Aelius: 1315

Lancaster (Pennsylvania): 310

Landowska, Wanda: 864

language and linguistics: 142–43, 171–73, 368–69, 412, 415, 461–62, 600–01, 656–57, 674–77, 1156–57, 1200–04, 1290, 1325–26, 1340–41, 1352–53, 1360, 1403

Lapathiotis, Napoleon: 503

Larkin, Christopher: 403

La Rue, Danny: 1321–22

Lartet, Edouard: 1387

latent homosexuality: 434, 677–78, 1332

Lateran Councils, Third and Fourth: 649, 686

Latin (language): 398, 797–98

Latin America: 10, 45–46, 52–54, 127, 162–64, 390, 474–75, 678–81, 758, 796–98, 846, 874, 905, 1056, 1086, 1225–26, 1333

Latini, Brunetto: 294–96, 621

Laughton, Charles: 381, 405

Lautmann, Rüdiger: 549

Lautréamont, Comte de (Isidore Ducasse): 637, 681–82, 1010

lavender: 249–50

Law, Bernard, Cardinal: 230

law, American—see law, United States

law, British—see common law

law, Buddhist monastic: 168–71

law, canon—see canon law

law, common—see common law

law, European—see European Court of Human Rights

law, feudal and royal: 172, 197, 255, 599, 602, 685–87

law, Germanic/Teutonic and German: 130, 194, 255, 304, 687–89, 944–45, 1029; see also Paragraph 175

law, Indian: 588–90

law, Islamic: 618

law, major traditions in: 50–52, 121–22, 171–73, 181–82, 197–98, 254–56, 303–06, 682–85, 686–97, 1231

law, municipal: 321, 689–92, 695

law, national and state—see entries for those jurisdictions

law, natural: 195

law, protective (for homosexuals): 193, 215, 321–23, 430, 487, 695, 729, 844–47, 891–92, 900, 1061, 1271, 1350, 1386

law reform: 94–95, 99, 121–22, 124–25, 127, 130, 186–87, 193, 198, 256, 303–06, 311–12, 320–23, 410, 424, 470, 472, 474, 487, 684, 693, 886, 874–75, 945, 1013, 1061, 1066, 1136–37, 1211–13, 1270–71, 1339, 1342, 1401–03

law, Roman: 194–95, 599, 1122, 1281

law, United States: 122, 198, 255, 303 OS, 320–23, 577, 692–698, 705–07, 721–22, 1014–16, 1048–51, 1232–34, 1342, 1370–72

Lawrence, D. H.: 153, 199, 418–19, 441, 698–99, 764

Lawrence, T. E. (“of Arabia”): 365, 699 700, 1094

Leadbeater, Charles Webster: 17, 228, 700–702

Leal, Raul: 1030

Lear, Edward: 567, 702, 1278

Lear, Norman: 1383

learning theory: 37

leather. 29, 411, 758

Lecomte, Raymond: 365, 376, 1169

Lee, Vernon: 328, 380, 702–03

Lees, Edith: 352

Leexow, Karl Franz von: 758

Lefebvre: 124

left, gay: 51–52, 703–05, 727–28, 779–81, 843–44, 927–29, 1252–53, 1256

legal defense funds: 1350

legal philosophy: 1048–51, 1183–86

legal procedure: 705–07

Legg, W. Dorr: vii, 919, 1348

Legman, Gershon: 250

Le Guin, Ursula: 57–58, 531, 1164, 1167

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: 989

Leiden, University of: 233

Leigh, John: 1294

Leitsch, Dick: 841

Lemeshev, Sergei: 1138

Lemmon, Jack: 400–01

Lempicka, Tamara de: 80

Lenbach, Franz von: 767

Lennox, Charlotte: 439

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich: 772, 1137

Leno, Dan: 1317

Lenoir, Bruno: 948

Leo IX, pope: 223, 290

Leo X, pope: 944

Leo Xin, pope: 72

Leonardo da Vinci: 57, 79, 140, 161, 707–08, 690, 970, 1128, 1162

Leopardi, Giacomo: 625

Leopold, grand duke of Tuscany: 388

Leopold, Nathan, and Loeb, Richard: 853

Leopoldina, empress of Brazil: 163

lesbianism: 5, 7, 15, 24–26, 46–48, 55–56, 61, 77–82, 84–85, 88–90, 94–99, 106, 108–09, 112, 115–17, 121, 126–27, 130, 136–38, 140–41, 146–48, 157–59, 161, 163–64, 172–73, 177–79, 196–97, 205–06, 219–20, 225–26, 229, 236, 247–49, 251–54, 258–61, 272–77, 310, 315–17, 325–36, 335–36, 340, 342, 351–53, 357, 359, 373, 380, 393, 395, 404–05, 407, 411, 414–17, 421, 425, 434, 438–442, 449–50, 467, 471, 473, 489, 493–94, 517–18, 524, 556–57, 560–62, 589, 590, 598, 632, 634, 636, 683, 694–95, 708–21, 739, 746, 750–51, 757, 764, 789, 795, 802, 806, 811, 818, 825, 830–31, 852, 858–59, 861, 868, 882, 888, 890, 892, 894–95, 899–901, 901–09, 911, 923–24, 930, 940–41, 948–49, 955, 971, 973, 980, 991, 995, 1009–10, 1015, 1027, 1034, 1044–45, 1080, 1085, 1098–99, 1109, 1121, 1127–28, 1135–38, 1148, 1154–55, 1155, 1166–67, 1173, 1176–79, 1187, 1201, 1203–04, 1207–08, 1225–26, 1242, 1244–47, 1248, 1256, 1268, 1284, 1325–27, 1332, 1335, 1360, 1386, 1377, 1342, 1344, 1352, 1375, 1385, 1396, 1409–15; see also korophilia; parthenophilia

lesbian separatism—see separatism, lesbian

Lesbos (island): 342, 368, 496, 932, 1153

Leslie, C. R.: 44

Létinois, Lucien: 1368

Leto, Pomponio: 1105

Lettermen, The: 859

Levetzow, Karl von: 1296

Levi, Judah ha-: 646

Levin, James B.: 299

Levin, Meyer: 906

Lévi-Strauss, Claude: 45, 112

Levita, Benedict: 811

Levites: 528, 655–56

Leviticus: 4–5, 197, 313, 641, 653, 682, 917, 983, 1276, 1418

Levy, Robert L: 938, 940

lewdness, open or public: 721–22

Lewis, Edith: 205

Lewis, Wyndham: 153

Lex Julia de adulteriis: 1123

Lex Sca(n)tinia: 683, 1119, 1122

Ley land, Winston: 1151

Ley land Publications: 1027

Lezama Lima, José: 286, 722–23, 905

Li Yu: 218–19

Liang Jianwen, emperor of China: 217

Libanius of Antioch: 226, 1273

Liberace: 723

Liberal Catholic Church: 228

liberalism, classic: 723–27, 729, 1210–13, 1183–86

liberation, gay: 96–97, 148, 193, 260–61, 366–67, 455, 534, 681, 727–29, 774, 844, 900–01, 927–29, 1155, 1251–53, 1255–57, 1271, 1349 1400–01, 1403

libertarian perspectives: 50–52, 262–63, 729–731, 1017

libertinism: 34, 355–56, 364, 527, 732–34, 1111, 1370

liberty, sexual—see sexual liberty

libraries: 625, 734–36

Libya: 20

Licht, Hans (Paul Brandt): 629

Lichtenstein, Ulrich von: 472

Lietz, Hermann: 1406

Lifar, Serge: 315

lifestyle: 14, 117, 159–60, 243–44, 270–71, 292–94, 409–11, 473, 534, 624, 736–39, 982, 1079, 1258

Lim, Alfredo: 981

Lima (Peru): 846

Lindsay, Alexander: 631

Lindsay, John V.: 900

linguistics—see language

Linton, Ralph: 1257

Lippmann, Walter: 1247

Lira, Jack: 817

List, Herbert: 994

Little Review: 55, 825

“Little Richard”—see Penniman, Richard

Liu Zun: 217

Liviera, Giambattista: 398

Livy: 319

lizards: 61

Llangollen, ladies of: 379, 438, 739

Llorente, Antonio: 605

Lloyd, Constance: 1390

Lloyd, Harold: 401

Locke, John: 573, 724, 730, 990, 1177, 1378

Locri: 1194

Lodge, Thomas: 438

loitering: 468, 693, 739–40, 1015

Lombroso, Cesare: 140, 300, 740

Lommel, Uli: 853

London: 56, 74, 110, 123, 153–55, 166–67, 233, 277–78, 293, 325, 326–27, 354–58, 418, 432, 740–43, 812, 827, 846, 850, 853, 855, 857, 1055, 1063, 1109, 1202–03, 1413–14; see also England

London Gay Teenagers Group: 1413–14

London, Jack: 456, 542

Long Beach (California): 745

Long Yang: 216

Longus: 902

“looksism”: 914

Lopez, Mel: 981

Lopez de Hoyos, Juan: 213

Lopotova, Lydia: 661

Lorca, Federico Garcia: 286, 385, 389, 490, 743–44, 1240–41, 1297

Lorde, Audre: 148

Lorenz, Konrad: 61

Lori, Andrea: 131

Loring, Katherine: 160

Los Angeles: 171, 228–229, 405, 448, 460, 615, 735, 744–47, 779–81, 839, 842, 845, 855, 919–20, 1016, 1025, 1284, 1347

Los Angeles, University of California at: 449

Los Angeles Times: 746

Lost Generation: 1246

Lot: 7, 610, 617, 916, 1229

Loud, Lance: 1087

Louis IX, king of France: 687

Louis Xin, king of France: 423, 747–48, 1369

Louis XIV, king of France: 291, 423, 754, 862, 920, 1317

Louis XV, king of France: 1379

Louis, Murray: 292, 402

Louys, Pierre: 136–37, 425, 1010, 1242

love: 278, 296–99, 396–97, 463, 479, 492, 748–50, 1344

Lovejoy, Arthur O.: 541

lover (term): 496, 750, 1414

Lowell, Amy Lawrence: 158, 750–51, 1009

Lowzow, Wenche: 487

Loy, Tana: 85

Lozang, Tsongkhapa: 170

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide-25): 119, 330, 333

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: 920

Lucas, Henry Lee: 854

Lucian of Samosata: 751–52, 902, 1163, 1180

Lucie-Smith, Edward: 471

Lucilius: 562

Lucretius: 363–64, 569, 749, 986, 1123

Ludlam, Charles: 1301, 1322

Ludwig H, king of Bavaria: 752–53, 922, 1376

Luke, Gospel of: 637–39, 955

Lully, Jean-Baptiste: 753–54, 857, 920,

Lulu (El Niño Farini): 1318

Lumet, Sidney: 403

Luna, Alvaro de: 640–41, 1238

Lushington, Franklin: 702

Luther, Martin: 472, 1059–60, 1356

Lutheran Church in America: 1059

Lutheranism: 223–24, 229, 311, 1059–60

Luxorius: 1006

Luynes, Charles d’Albert de: 747

Luziana (entertainer): 1361

Luzio, Alessandro: 73

Lvov, Pavel, prince of Russia: 314

Lyautey, Marshall Louis: 21

Lycophron: 8

Lycurgus: 281, 960, 1234, 1243

Lydon, John—see Rotten, Johnny

Lyly, John: 444, 1217

Lynch, Lee: 416

Lynes, George Platt: 755, 994

Lynn, Elizabeth A.: 1165

Lyon (France): 420–21, 425

Lyon, Phyllis: 840, 1150

Mabley, Jackie “Moms”: 147, 518, 757

Macaroni Club: 293

MacCown, Eugene: 282

MacDonald, G. B.: 254

Macdonald, Sir Hector: 201, 757–58, 1324

MacDonald, William: 854

MacDowell, Edward: 863

Macé, Gustave: 1015

Macedonia (Greece): 15, 39–40, 76

Machado, Manuel: 1240

Machiavelli, Niccolò: 110, 410, 1104–05, 1292

machismo/macho: 88–90, 110–12, 148, 236–38, 243–44, 413, 678–79, 758–59, 795–96, 1036–38, 1088, 1403, 1405; see also masculinity; manhood, loss of

Machover, Karen: 346

Mackay, John Henry: 51, 704, 730, 759–60, 903, 962–63, 967

Mackenzie, Compton: 904

Mackenzie, Ronald: 1297

Maclean, Donald: 365

MacNeill, Eoin: 201

Macnish, Robert: 12

Madagascar: 22, 67

Mader, Donald: 186

Madrid (Spain): 603, 743, 846, 1240

Madsen, Scott: 89

Maecenas: 1367

Maga’im: 644

Magee, Brian: 1158

Maghrib: 19–22

magic: 283, 941, 1171, 1191–93, 1354, 1336, 1395–98

Magnani, Anna: 407

Magnus, king of Sweden: 1268

Mahay ana Buddhism: 169–71

Mahmud the Chaznavid, sultan: 18, 1006

mahu: 938–39, 1313, 1336

Maier, Karl: 838

Maine, Charles £.: 1166

Makos, Christopher: 89

Malanga, Gerard: 1382

male impersonation—see transvestism

Mallarmé, Stéphane: 469

Malzberg, Barry: 1166

Mamluks: 33, 42, 760–61, 962

Mammen, Jeanne: 80

Manaseina, Natalia: 1136

Mandelstam, Osip: 1326

Mandeville, John: 65

manhood, loss of: 149, 202–04, 206, 226 27, 435, 1038–39, 1085–86, 1096, 1202

Manichaeanism: 92–93, 221, 528, 761–62, 1418

Manila (Philippines): 981

Manilius: 563

Maniotis, Yiorghos: 503

Mann, Klaus: 381, 762–63, 903, 1279, 1296, 1298

Mann, Thomas: 165, 381, 404, 437, 762, 763–64, 1366, 1376

Mansfield, Katherine: 764–65, 1361

Mantegazza, Paolo: 458, 976

Mantegna, Andrea: 933

Mantua (Italy): 933

Manuche, Cosmo: 1293

Manuel, king of Portugal: 1029

Manyoshu: 634

Maoism: 391

Map, Walter: 240, 812

Mapplethorpe, Robert: 81, 212, 995

Marais, Jean: 247, 249, 1376

Marahon, Gregorio: 1241

Marathus: 1307

Marbod of Rennes: 795

Marca, Cornelius a: 1292

March, Ausias: 1238

Marcus, Frank: 1298

Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome: 1117, 1251

Marcuse, Herbert: 70, 1022, 1076

Marcuse, Max: 318

Mardi Gras and masked balls: 97, 147, 214, 291, 742, 765–67, 893–95, 949, 1313, 1317

Marées, Hans von: 79, 767–68, 911

“maricón”: 678, 795

Marie Antoinette, queen of France: 440

marijuana: 119, 270–71, 286, 330, 332, 1350

Marina, St.: 1313

Marino, Giambattista: 1007

Marius, Simon: 454

Mark, Secret Gospel of: 638, 955

Mark Antony: 231–32

Markevitch, Igor: 315

Markland, George Herchmer: 192

Markopoulos, Gregory: 403

Marlowe, Christopher: 110, 125, 355, 732, 741, 768–69, 1007, 1293

marriage, heterosexual: 308–09, 769–70, 1218–19

marriage, homosexual: 46–48, 128, 159 60, 218, 272–77, 416, 593–94, 694, 770, 941, 946–47, 1043–44, 1063, 1123–24, 1192, 1271, 1275

Marseilles (France): 1194

Marshall, John: 1384

Mars-Jones, Adam: 32

Marston, John: 1293

Martial, Marcus Valerius: 246, 249, 770–71, 1006, 1104, 1121, 1123–24, 1149, 1236, 1325

Martin, David: 855

Martin, Del: 840, 1150

Martin, Robert A.—see Donaldson, Stephen

Martinez, Nicolô: 803

Martinez Sierra, Gregorio: 1240

Martinez Sierra, Maria: 1240

Martini, Virgilio: 1166

martyrdom: 1145, 1391

Marvin v. Marvin: 694

Marx, Karl: 51, 771

Marxism: 74–75, 112–13, 130–31, 188, 260, 286–87, 305, 704, 771–75, 780, 927–29, 1032, 1101–03, 1210–11, 1356

Mary, queen of England: 1392

Maryland (USA): 107

masculinity: 88–90, 110–12, 236–38, 274 75, 291–92, 444, 561, 597, 678–79, 758, 795, 799, 814, 929–30, 937–38, 997–98, 1036–38, 1085–86, 1096, 1155, 1248–49, 1333, 1375, 1405; see also machismo; manhood, loss of

masochism: 465, 1143–46, 1329, 1355, 1373, 1406; see also s/m scene

masochism, psychic: 129

Masood, Syed Ross: 418

masquerades—see mardi gras and masked balls

Massachusetts (USA): 158–60, 750, 879, 1063, 1065, 1349, 1385

Massignon, Louis: 5–6

Massilia (Marseilles): 1194

Massimo, Pacifico: 1104

Massine, Léonide: 315

Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff: 1077

Masters, William H. and Johnson, Virginia E.: 776

masturbation: 7, 21, 45, 71, 83, 169, 181, 192, 196, 235, 241, 317–18, 353, 358, 662, 775–79, 875, 955, 1023, 1142, 1146, 1155, 1333, 1342

masturbation, hysteria over: 777

matelot: 997–98

mateship (Australian): 94

mathematics: 107, 1328

Mathurin, Jean-Thierry: 856

Matlovich, Leonard: 696, 845

Matos, Gregorio de: 163

Matou, Michael: 1321

matriarchy: 1357

Mattachine Society: 159, 228, 430, 459, 471, 746, 774, 779–82, 839, 841–42, 900, 1150, 1214, 1253, 1255, 1348, 1385

Matteo: 690

Matthew, Gospel of: 637–39, 1093–94

Matthiessen, F. O.: 782, 1346

Maugham, Robin: 784

Maugham, W. Somerset: 33, 141, 328, 783–85, 877, 1289

Max, Edouard de: 1295

Max’ Kansas City: 1088

Max Spohr (firm): 1053

Maxey, Wallace de Ortega: 228

Maximin: 1009, 966

Maximum Rock & Roll: 1088

Maxwell, Gavin: 1324

May 1968 events (France): 543

Mayans: 804

Mayer, Eduard von: 669

McAlmon, Robert: 326, 519, 524, 785–86

McCarthyism: 100, 148, 152, 193, 231 32, 365, 381, 403, 487, 576, 658, 696, 704, 779, 786–88, 816, 839, 906, 1101, 1164, 1348, 1385

McClave, Stephens: 1400

McClung, Isabelle: 205

McClure, Sam: 205

McConnell, Vicki P.: 866

McCullers, Carson: 407, 788–89, 1299

McDonald, Boyd: 1027

McDonald, Gary J.: 253

McGee, Brian: 1283

Mcllvenna, Ted: 841

McIntosh, Mary: 1113

McNeil, John: 228

MDC, Dave: 1088

Mead, Margaret: 66, 126–27, 313

Meagher, John F. W.: 249

medical problems: 29–32, 48–50, 235, 330–31, 517, 715, 930–31, 1097, 1146–47, 1186–90

medical theories: 95, 143–44, 265–67, 349–50, 364, 369–70, 433–434, 446, 499, 576, 619, 709, 740, 777, 789–94, 826, 841, 1072–75, 1081–83, 1137, 1241, 1344–45

Medici, Catherine de’: 423

Medici, Cosimo de’: 325, 883, 1104

Medici, Giovanni de’: 73

Medici, Lorenzo de’: 883, 1021

Medici family: 396, 409, 808

medieval Latin poetry: 794–96

Mediterranean homosexuality: 58, 148 49, 503, 592, 623, 678, 691, 796–98, 893, 952, 997–98, 1036, 1086, 1196, 1289, 1309, 1336, 1341

Meeker, Richard—see Brown, Forman

Mehmed (Mohammed) II, the Conqueror, sultan of the Ottoman empire: 182–83, 1329

Mehmed (Mohammed) IV, sultan of the Ottoman empire: 1329

Mei Lan-fang: 1315

Meigs, Mary: 1090

Meiji period (Japan): 634

Melanesia: 522, 597, 937–40, 962, 965, 1335, 1373, 1410

Melbourne (Australia): 96

Melchiorites: 1060

Meleager 40, 500, 504

Melville, Herman: 398, 798–99, 905, 1175

Melzi, Francesco: 708

memoirs: 32, 56, 109, 208, 208, 477–78, 1393, 1347; see also biographies and autobiographies

Memphis (Tennessee): 1062

Men of All Colors Together (organization): 399

Ménage, Gilles: 156, 306

ménage-à-trois: 215

Menander: 363, 1002

Mendes, Catulle: 902

Mennonites: 1060

Menotti, Gian-Carlo: 402, 863, 926

Menshikov, Alexander: 1135

Mepsche, Rudolph de: 887

Mercedarian order: 1239

merchant marine—see sailors

Meredith, H. O.: 417

Meres, Francis: 769

Merezhkovsky, Dmitri: 951

Merle, Robert: 1167

Merlini, Francesco: 904

Merlo, Frank: 1393

Merrill, George: 200, 419

Merrill, Stuart: 51

mescaline: 283

Mesoamerica: 678–81

Mesomedes: 67

Mesopotamia: 307, 376–77, 479–80, 486, 496, 682, 799–802, 1006

Messiaen, Olivier: 1030

Metastasio, Pietro (Pietro Trapassi): 862, 802–03, 920

Methodism: 1065

methodology: 557–60—see also gay studies; historiography; typology

Metrodorus: 363

Metropolitan Community Church (MCC): 95, 224, 229, 746, 842, 845–46, 1069

Mettrie, Julien Geoffroy de La: 359, 364

Meun, Jean de: 795

Mexico: 381, 678–81, 803–807, 846, 854, 1226

Mexico City: 605, 805–07

Meyer, Eduard: 655

Meyerbeer, Giacomo: 204

Miami (Florida): 845

Micas, Nathalie: 157

Michael DI, Byzantine emperor: 182

Michaels, Dick: 842

Michals, Duane: 81

Michéa, Claude-François: 792

Michelangelo Buonarroti: 79, 86, 164, 208, 297, 362, 402, 454, 707, 807–09, 910, 943, 1007, 1296, 1359–60

Michener, James: 18

Michigan (USA): 507

Micronesia: 937

Middle Ages: 32–33, 71–72, 113–14, 123, 125, 155, 194–96, 197, 202, 210, 222–23, 239–41, 266, 289–91, 308–09, 311, 345–46, 348, 421–22, 444, 454, 471–72, 557, 570, 601–03, 621, 686–92, 741, 749, 791, 794–96, 809–14, 857, 902, 909, 933, 943, 954, 966, 971–74, 987–88, 1006–07, 1103, 1109–10, 1133–34, 1156–58, 1186, 1230–31, 1243, 1259, 1281, 1285–87, 1312, 1335, 1395–98

midrashim: 642

Mieke (entertainer): 1361

Mieli, Mario: 543, 927

Mikulski, Andrzej: 1013

Milan (Italy): 121, 626, 846

Milestone, Lewis: 401

military: 363, 485, 495, 548, 550, 561, 695–97, 814–17, 841–42, 845, 892, 960–61, 1055, 1083–84, 1111–12, 1149–50, 1172–75, 1234–35, 1243–45, 1285–87, 1309, 1347, 1373, 1402, 1405; see also soldiers, sailors, navy

Milk, Harvey: 406, 487, 817–18, 845, 928, 1151

Milk, Harvey, School—see Harvey

Milk School

Mill, John Stuart: 434, 660, 731, 1021, 1184, 1403

Millay, Edna St. Vincent: 818–19, 899, 1009

Miller, Isabel: 908

Miller, Vsevolod: 1171

Miller, William: 1067

Millions of Dead Cops (band): 1087

Min: 350

Minanojo: 1316

Mine Shaft, The: 900

Mineo, Sal: 401

minions: 204, 231, 423, 524, 631, 818–820

Minnesota (USA): 1349

Minnesota, University of: 1257

minorities: 1031

minority, bisexuals as a: 145

minority, homosexuals as a: 269, 334, 385–86, 429–30, 433, 444, 535, 720, 726–27, 738, 781, 820–22, 834, 927–29, 1208–10, 1253, 1260

Minos, king of Crete: 279

Minow, Newton: 1283

Minusio (Switzerland): 669

mirror stage: 875

Mirza, Huseyn: 18

Mishima Yukio: 170, 633, 636, 822–24, 905, 1149, 1302, 1409

Mishnah: 642

misogyny: 169, 438, 1288, 1403

Mississippi Gulf Coast (USA): 892–96

Missouri Synod Lutheran Church: 1060

Mitchison, Naomi: 1167

Mitropoulos, Dimitri: 864

Mitterand, François, president of France: 1213

Mizer, Bob: 994, 1025

Mizi Xia: 215

Moberg, Vilhelm: 1271

Model Penal Code: 840, 1402

models of homosexuality—see typology of homosexuality

modernism: 207, 314–15, 351, 417–19, 824–26, 1008, 1246–47, 1382, 1404

Moeller, Monique: 968

Moix, Ana Maria: 1242

Moix, Terenci: 1242

Molay, Jacques de: 1285

Moll, Albert: 163, 386, 458, 537, 540, 826, 1077, 1126

mollis: 826–27

“molly”: 541–42, 356, 827

molly houses: 110, 742, 827–28

Molina, Tirso de: 1239

Moltke, Count Kuno von: 1169

Mommsen, Theodor: 381, 658

monasticism: 83, 123–24, 131, 139, 168 71, 174–75, 182, 208, 209, 239–41, 90, 343, 359–60, 472, 477, 503, 638, 689, 828–31, 856, 902, 956–57, 959, 1197, 1284

Monette, Paul: 32, 865, 907

money: 1091, 1355–56

Money, John: 262, 461

monkeys—see primates

Monnier, Adrienne: 115

monogamy: 738, 1351

monomania, erotic: 791–93

Monroy y Silva, Cristóbal de: 1292

Montaigne, Michel de: 50, 140, 831–32

Monteiro, Arlindo Camillo: 1030

Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron: 65, 358–59, 724, 990, 1019

Montesquiou-Fezensac, Robert de, count: 293, 832–33, 949, 1070

Monteverdi, Claudio: 920

Montherlant, Henry de: 426, 833–34, 1085, 1298

Montreal (Canada): 192–93, 1089

Moorcock, Michael: 1165

Moore, G. E.: 153, 417, 991

Moore, Marianne: 325

Moore, Paul, Jr.: 60, 229

Mootangs: 667

Moral Majority (group): 1062

morals—see ethics

Morante, Elsa: 904

Moravia, Alberto: 904

Moravians: 1060

Morcom, Christopher: 1327–28

Moreau, Gustave: 79

Morel, Bénédict Auguste: 791, 1340

Moreno, Marguerite: 249

Moreti, Francesco: 410

Mori Ogai: 634

Mori Rammaru: 635

Morla Lynch, Carlos: 1241

Mormons: 224, 230, 1066–67

Morocco: 21–22, 161, 1323

morophilia: 1406

Morris, Mark: 292

Morris, William: 954

Morrison, Jim: 859

Morrissey, Paul: 1382

Mortimer, Lee: 1385

Mortimer, Roger: 346

Moschus: 1195

Moscone, George: 487, 818

Moscow: 1134–35

Moses: 436, 655

Moses the Hungarian, St.: 1133

Mossi tribe: 22–23

Motello, Elton: 1087

mothers, lesbian: 718–19

Motion Picture Production Code: 399

motion pictures—see film

motorcycle clubs: 1144

Mott, Luiz: 604

Moussaye, Marquis de la: 375

movement, bisexual: 145

movement, gay/homophile/homosexual: II, 27, 39, 72–73, 84–85, 89–90, 95–97, III, 124–25, 127, 130–31, 133–35, 140, 145, 148, 160, 164, 193, 214–15, 227–31, 270–71, 311–12, 340, 366–68, 381, 426–27, 434, 437, 447, 459, 464, 470–71, 473, 487, 491, 535, 552, 540, 625, 669–70, 674–75, 681, 704, 719, 727, 746, 758, 779–82, 796, 807, 834–48, 896, 900–01, 911, 919–20, 927–29, 949–50, 962–63, 967, 1010–11, 1014, 1016, 1053, 1073–74, 1089, 1126–27, 1150–51, 1155, 1167–70, 1173, 1225, 1242, 1251–53, 1255, 1255–57, 1259–60, 1348, 1385, 1413, 1415

movement, pederastic: 759, 901, 962–63, 1033

movement, pedophilic: 967

movie houses, gay: 1026

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: 920

Mudd Club: 1088

Mudie, Major James: 95

mujun: 7–8, 848–49 1024

mukhannath: 849–50, 1133

Müller, Karl Otfried: 1244

Mumps (band): 1087

Munich (Germany): 391, 767

Munro, H. H. (Saki): 567, 850–51

Münzer, Thomas: 1060

Murasaki Shikibu (Lady): 634–35

murder: 95, 151, 164, 346, 401, 408, 487, 503, 520, 548–49, 553, 743, 753, 768, 846, 851–56, 933–34, 949, 1112, 1212, 1235, 1265, 1373, 1394

Murdoch, Iris: 904

Muret, Marc-Antoine: 379, 856–57, 1064 65

Murger, Henry: 948

Murnau, Friedrich W.: 404

Murray, Billy: 858

Murray, Dian: 999

Murray, Natalia Danesi: 407

Murray, Stephen O.: 1334

Murry, John Middleton: 764

music, popular: 147–48, 190, 857–62, 863, 1010–11, 1087–88, 1242

music, women’s: 720

musicals: 1028

musicians: 296, 625, 720, 862–64, 920–27, 1087–88; see also composers; music, popular; music, women’s; punk rock; singers

Musil, Robert: 98, 903

Musonius Rufus: 83, 986, 1123, 1251

Musset, Alfred de: 425, 902

Mussolini, Benito, leader of Italy: 368, 387–90, 549

Mussorgsky, Modest: 921

Mwanga, king: 23

Mykonos (Greece): 469, 502

mystery and detective fiction: 864–66

mysticism: 1261–64

mythology, classical: 8–9, 47–48, 78, 185 86, 279–80, 291, 318–20, 372–73, 412, 434, 454, 530–531, 539, 866–69, 875–76, 932–33, 1021, 1075, 1094, 1106, 1313

mythology, non-classical: 54, 136, 175, 350, 479–80, 517, 590, 804

mythology, private: 227, 247

myths and fabrications: 70, 195, 265–66, 361, 869–72

Näcke, Paul: 740, 875

Nader, George: 1165

Nafzawi, al-: 849

Nag Hammadi (Egypt): 481

Nagid, Samuel ha-: 646

Najmajer, Marie von: 99

Nakamura, Hirohiko: 170

Nakamura Utaemon: 1316

NAMBLA—see North American Man Boy Love Association

nameless sin/crime: 255, 873–74

Names Project: 32, 1178

Namsadang: 667, 1291

Naomi: 916

Naples (Italy): 176, 458, 796, 1196, 1238

Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France: 151, 186–87, 874–75

Napoleon DI, emperor of France: 388

Napoleonic Code—see Code Napoleon

Narcissus and narcissism: 412, 433–34, 478, 875

Nardi, Peter M.: 1226

Nashe, Thomas: 600

Nasrullah, amir of Afghanistan: 18

National Committee for Sexual Civil Liberties: 841

National Gay Task Force (NGTF): 727, 845, 901, 1284, 1349, 1385

National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH): 841

National Planning Conference of Homophile Organizations—see North American Conference of Homophile Organizations

National Socialism—see Nazism

nationalism: 875–79

Native Americans—see Indians, North American

nature and the unnatural: 32–34, 60–63, 195–96, 222, 239, 359, 478, 494, 498, 533, 732, 879–881, 983, 1001, 1215–19, 1280–82

nature-nurture debate: 263–65, 463, 1208–10, 1215–19

Navratilova, Martina: 88

navy: 487, 696, 860, 997–99, 1172–75, 1346; see also sailors

Nazario: 251

Nazism: 152, 242, 302, 380–81, 387, 390 91, 404–05, 432, 446, 469, 472–73, 537, 546, 688, 838, 882, 886, 888, 911–12, 945, 949, 996–97, 1059, 1067, 1102, 1111–12, 1137–38, 1170, 1212, 1241, 1374

Nechaev, Sergei: 51

Neill, A. S.: 1103

Nelson, Charles: 907

Nemesianus: 794

Neon Leon: 1087

neoplatonism: 221, 396–97, 882–84, 933, 986–87, 1118–19

Nepos, Cornelius: 368

Nerciat, Andréa de: 948

Nerciat, Charles de: 1294

Nero, emperor of Rome: 378, 472, 884, 514, 920, 978–79, 1117, 1275, 1315

Nesor, Dave: 405

Netherlands: 39, 271–72, 303, 379, 473, 603, 884–92, 513–14, 552, 629, 835, 839, 847, 898–99, 904–05, 949, 963, 967–69, 1064, 1126–27, 1173, 1374, 1391–92

networking: 1257–61

Neuburg, Victor: 283

Neugebauer, Franz Ludwig von: 530, 629

New Age religion: 384

New Guinea: 937–38, 962

New Haven colony (America): 1065, 1342

New Hebrides: 940

New Mexico (USA): 1234

New Museum of Contemporary Art: 1372–73

New Orleans (Louisiana): 147, 198, 892–96, 1343

New School for Social Research: 126, 381

New South Wales (Australia): 95–97, 847

New Testament: 125–26, 221, 347, 499, 541, 609–10, 637–39, 879, 896–98, 954–55, 1093–94

New York City: 42–43, 90, 91–92, 104, 111, 108, 114–15, 117, 129, 147–48, 155, 161, 198, 205, 229, 233, 243, 243, 249, 278–79, 287, 310, 334, 344, 381, 384, 405, 407, 459, 466–67, 476, 484, 518, 674, 720, 727, 803, 818, 821, 841–42, 844–45, 847, 857, 898–901, 905, 914–15, 1015–16, 1027, 1088, 1109, 1232–33, 1251–53, 1255–57, 1284, 1346–47, 1349 1381–83, 1385, 1387, 1413

New York State (USA): 305, 713

New York Times: 456, 1255

New York University: 900, 1256

New Zealand: 693, 847

Newlin, Jon: 896

Newman, Paul: 402

Newport (Rhode Island): 487, 1173, 1346

Newton, Sir Isaac: 1281–82, 1378

Nicholas H, pope: 686

Nicholas V, pope: 603

Nichols, Beverly: 1390

Nicoladoni, Joseph: 98

Nicolson, Harold: 140, 901, 1141

Nicolson, Nigel: 140

Nicomedes IV, king of Bithynia: 185, 514, 523, 926, 1116

Nieberding: 1211

Niemoller, Martin: 1059

Nietzsche, Friedrich: 301, 320, 419, 990, 1126, 1206, 1395

Nigeria: 846

Night of the Long Knives: 391, 404, 882

nightclubs—see bars

Nijinsky, Vaslav: 314–15

Nikolais, Alwin: 292, 402

Niles, Blair: 518, 905

Nilsen, Dennis: 855

Nilssen, Gösta Adrian: 1270

Nimmo, H. Arlo: 939

Nin, Anais: 1027

Nin Frías, Alberto: 1240

Nineveh: 479

Nixon, Nicholas: 32

Nobel Prize: 478

Noble, Elaine: 487, 879, 1349

Nogent, Guibert de: 290

Noguera, Gary: 63

Noh drama: 635

Nokes, James: 1294

Nonnus of Panopolis: 867, 1006

Nordau, Max: 302

Norden, Eric: 1167

Norfolk (Virginia): 1174

Norfolk Island (Australia): 94

normal: 3–4, 449, 458, 534, 575, 790

Norman, Karyl: 1320

Norris, Senator David: 614

North Africa—see Africa, North

North American Conference of Homo-phile Organizations (NACHO): 843–44, 847, 962, 967, 1057, 1256, 1349, 1415

North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA): 159, 963, 967

Northern Territory (Australia): 95

Norway: 312, 487, 687, 847, 1156, 1212

Noth, Martin: 653

Nott, Peter: 1063

Novarro, Ramon: 405

novels and short fiction: 31–34, 42–43, 54–55, 102, 104, 105–06, 106–07, 108, 117–18, 124, 147–48, 161, 162–63, 176, 198–99, 205–06, 213, 218–19, 247–49, 271–72, 281–82, 327–28, 350, 395–96, 398–99, 400–404, 406–07, 407–08, 417–19, 439–40, 448, 464–65, 477, 483–84, 503, 518, 524, 544, 615, 625, 722, 783–85, 789, 798–99, 822–823, 833, 848, 850, 864–66, 901–09, 934, 950–54, 970–71, 978–79, 1013, 1023–27, 1046, 1069–71, 1084–85, 1089–90, 1107, 1115–16, 1122, 1129–30, 1136–37, 1141–42, 1145, 1147–48, 1153–55, 1163–67, 1239–42, 1245–47, 1250, 1265, 1290, 1308, 1345, 1377, 1383–87, 1389–91, 1392–93, 1404–05, 1409

Novello, Ivor: 1297

Nubia: 22

nude in art: 78–80, 299, 372–73, 480, 768, 808, 877, 909–12, 993, 1363

nudity: 231, 281, 480, 372–73, 492, 728, 909–12, 918, 1107, 1122, 1235, 1243, 1324, 1363

Nuevo Mundo: 846

Nugent, Bruce: 147, 518

Numa Praetorius—see Wilhelm, Eugen

NWHK (organization): 889

Nyström, Anton: 1270

obesity: 913

obituaries: 447, 750

objectification, sexual: 120, 366–68, 913–14, 990, 1180

O’Brian, Richard: 1301

obscenity: 117–18, 209–12, 517, 846, 904

occult: 283–84, 700–02, 970–71

O’Connor, John Cardinal: 230, 1350

Oda Nobunaga: 635

O’dett (comedian): 1360

Odysseus: 496

Odyssey: 550–52

Oedipal complex: 435–36

Oedipus: 867, 1303

Offenbach, Jacques: 1317

offensive behavior: 96

O’Flaherty, Wendy: 586

Ogden, C. K.: 127

O’Hara, Frank: 914–15, 1011, 1252, 1278

O’Keeffe, Georgia: 80

old people—see aging

Old Testament: 5–6, 296–99, 436, 482, 583–84, 653–56, 609–610, 682, 653–56, 915–17, 1155–56, 1276, 1313

Olivia Records: 861

Olivio, Robert: 1382

Olympia Press: 457, 1053

Olympic games: 88, 454, 917–19, 995

Oman: 24, 850

Ombrosi, Luca: 410

ONE, Inc., and ONE: 134, 211, 344, 460, 471, 615, 735, 746, 781, 839, 900, 919–10, 1033, 1226, 1348

O’Neill, Eugene: 310

onnagata: 1291, 1316

Onomacritus: 1243

Onomarcus: 87

Ontario (Canada): 192–93, 846

opera: 164–65, 202–04, 310, 753, 802–03, 862–63, 920–27, 933, 1011, 1274, 1322, 1376

Opffer, Emil: 278

Oppenheim, Meret: 80

oppression: 145, 150–52, 181–82, 192–93, 268, 286–87, 320, 379–82, 712, 728, 775, 844, 885–88, 927–29, 1085–86

oral sex: 237–38, 276, 323, 493, 589, 591, 859, 929–31, 937, 1146–47, 1174, 1201, 133, 1346, 1410; see also cunnilingus; fellatio; irrumation

Oranienburg/Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp: 130

ordination: 229, 242

Oresme, Nicole: 1356

Orestes and Pylades: 868

Orff, Carl: 924

organists: 242, 863–64

organizations, homosexual—see movement, homosexual

orgasm: 361

orgies: 310–11, 319, 405, 411, 943, 1273

Orgone Institute: 1102

orgy rooms: 114, 895, 1026; see also backrooms

orientation, sexual: 58, 143–47, 251–54, 263–65, 265, 320–23, 433, 494, 498–99, 530, 556–57, 573–75, 610–11, 674, 676, 863–64, 931–32, 1003, 1022, 1036–40, 1097–98, 1112–15, 1167–68, 1097–98, 1215–19, 1312, 1334, 1410, 1412

Origen of Alexandria: 956

origin myths—see inventor legends

Orioli, Pino: 328

Orléans (France): 687, 692

Orlova, Aleksandra: 1279

Orpheus: 610–11, 862, 868, 932–33, 1007, 1021

Orthodox Christian Church: 180–83, 222, 226–27, 241, 957, 1068; see also Byzantine empire

Orton, Joe: 22, 141, 402, 743, 851, 933–34, 1298

Orwell, George: 1356

Osborne, Clarence: 968

Osborne, John: 1298

ostracism: 435

Oswald, Richard: 400

Otoro tribe: 22

Otto I (the Great), Holy Roman emperor: 686, 943

Ottoman Empire: 365, 375, 1373; see also Turkey

Otway, Thomas: 1293

Otway, Travers: 1297

Ovid, Publius: 284, 530, 580, 867

Owen, Robert: 704

Owen, Wilfred: 934–35

Oxford University: 91, 109, 187–89, 326 27, 351, 953–54, 1008, 1271, 1384, 1389

Ozerov, Vladislav Aleksandrovich: 1295

Pabst, G. W.: 400

Pachomius, St.: 956–57

Pacific cultures: 937–40, 1336

Pacino, Al: 404

Padua (Italy): 325, 343, 1366

Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE): 967

page boys: 263, 354–55, 812, 815, 961–62, 965, 1149, 1391

Paget, Violet—see Lee, Vernon

Pagsanjan (Philippines): 981, 1324

Pai Hsien-yung: 219

Paidika: 968

pain: 1143–46

Paine, Stanley: 605

painting—see art, visual; nude in art

Pakistan: 586, 588

Paksoos: 667

Palazzeschi, Aldo: 411, 625

Paleolithic: 307

Paleo-Siberian peoples: 939, 940–41, 1170–72, 1191–93

Palermo (Sicily): 1196

Palestine: 5–6, 513, 915–17

Palm Springs (California): 469

Palud, Pierre de la: 195

Pan: 868

Pan Yue: 217

Panama: 1373

Pancrates: 67, 514

Pangbom, Edgar: 1165

Pangbom, Franklin: 401

panic, homosexual: 434, 677, 941–43

pansies: 411

Pantaenus: 238

papacy: 240–41, 311, 385, 602–04, 622–23, 689, 943–44, 1286

Papandreou, Andreas, prime minister of Greece: 502, 1213

Papanikolaou, Mitsos: 503

Papeete (Tahiti): 938

Papua (New Guinea): 1354

paradigm (general): 1161

paradigm shifts: 354–58, 419–20, 775, 1332–33

paradigms of homosexuality—see typology

Paragraph 175 (German penal code): 99, 130, 151–52, 196, 242, 256, 304, 391, 434, 472–73, 535, 537, 546, 608, 629, 684, 835, 882, 944–45, 997, 1199, 1211

paranoia: 432, 434, 696, 945–46, 1097, 1167, 1229

parents (general): 251–54, 717–18, 1411

parents, lesbian and gay: 717, 946–47

Paris: 11, 51–52, 55–56, 80–81, 104, 105, 108–09, 112, 115, 123, 132, 155, 156–57, 164–66, 185, 201, 211, 233, 248–49, 257, 281–82, 310, 314–15, 351, 380, 407, 419–20, 421–27, 431, 469, 524, 753, 755, 785–86, 812, 856, 947–50, 970–71, 1014–15, 1069, 1286, 1346, 1390; see also France

Parker, Jay: 1042, 1046, 1085, 1373

Parker, Karen: 1362

Parker, Robert: 866

Parker, Theodore: 1066

Parker, William: 134

Parmenides of Elea: 984, 1195, 1205

Parmigianino, II (Francesco Mazzola): 966

Pamok, Sofia: 1327

Parsis: 1417

parthenophilia: 361, 1153–54, 1333

“particular friendships”: 403, 950–51

Parvati: 532, 590

Pasolini, Pier Paolo: 404, 625, 904, 951–53, 974, 1008

passive: 9–11, 15–16, 377–78, 444, 520, 619, 688, 849, 1037–38, 1085–86; see also active and passive

pastoral: 72

Patai, Raphael: 916

Pater, Walter 17, 161, 187, 521, 703, 953–54, 1389

pathic: 10, 156, 1085–86, 1117, 1309

patriarchy: 710, 712–13, 1179, 1181

Patrick, Robert: 1300

patristic writers: 41, 71, 221–22, 954–59, 987

Patroclus: 8–9, 16, 551–52, 495–96, 868

Patterson, Rebecca: 316

Patzer, Harald: 1244

Paul of Tarsus, St.: 202, 235, 683, 873, 897, 955

Paul of Thurn and Taxis: 753

Paul II, pope: 241, 943

Paul VI, pope: 242, 944

Paulin, Thierry: 856

Paulinus of Nola, St., 794

Pavia, I. Leo: 629

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich: 101

Peacock, Thomas Love: 1008

Pears, Sir Peter: 164, 923

Pearson, Carol Lynn: 32

Pecora, Elio: 974

Pedanius Secundus: 1275

pederasty: 7–8, 9–12, 15–25, 33–34, 40–43, 52, 58, 67–68, 70, 75–76, 87–88, 103, 105–06, 120–121, 129–30, 131–33, 138–39, 142, 162–63, 165, 166–68, 170, 176, 179–80, 187, 194, 204, 206, 209, 212–213, 216–17, 226–28, 231–32, 242, 252, 263, 266, 279–81, 283, 308, 312, 319, 325, 328, 341–44, 351, 354–58, 361, 368, 373, 377, 379, 385, 403, 407–12, 421, 426, 433–34, 438, 448, 454, 472, 477–78, 483–84, 486, 488, 491–502, 504, 510–11, 514–15, 520, 523–24, 542, 551, 562–63, 573, 587–88, 592, 597–98, 610, 623, 635, 675, 683, 730, 744, 748–49, 752, 771–72, 790, 797, 800, 814, 832–33, 866–68, 870, 898, 909, 918, 932–33, 953, 959–70, 974–75, 981–83, 984–86, 998, 1000–02, 1005, 1017, 1024, 1030, 1099–1100, 1115, 1117, 1122, 1142, 1149–50, 1168, 1194–95, 1198, 1205, 1227–28, 1234–37, 1243–45, 1261–64, 1269, 1271, 1303–05, 1309, 1323, 1329, 1335, 1363, 1365, 1384, 1390, 1402, 1407, 1410

pedophilia: 58, 101, 125, 227, 242, 361, 405, 434, 491, 544, 597, 888, 959–63, 964–70, 981–82, 998, 1004, 1082, 1048, 1333, 1397—see also pederasty

Pedro I, king of Portugal: 1029

Peel, Robert: 122, 256, 282, 742

Peisistratus: 281, 1235

Péladan, Joséphin: 57, 301, 425, 531, 903, 970–71

Pelagia, St.: 1313

Pelops: 866–67, 995

penis: 143, 201, 234–35, 362, 929–30, 1054, 1308–09

penis envy: 1077

penitentials: 104, 194, 197, 209, 223, 239–40, 613, 811, 971–74

penitentiary: 1036; see also prisons, jails and reformatories

penology—see prisons, jails and reformatories

Penn, William: 1012, 1061, 1342

Penna, Sandro: 974–75, 1008

Penne, Luca da: 957, 1281

Penniman, Richard (“Little Richard”): 859

Pennsylvania (USA): 198, 303–05, 310, 325, 1061, 1012, 1342

Pennsylvania, University of: 325

Pentecostalism: 1067

Pentheus: 1291

Pepy II Neferkare, king of Egypt: 350–51, 486

Perceau, Louis: 977

Percy, Jocelyn, bishop of Clogher: 614

Pérez, Antonio: 975, 1238

Perini, Gherardo: 1360

Perón, Juan Domingo, president of Argentina: 390

Perrenot, A.: 885

Perry, Troy: 229, 1069, 842, 845

persecutions: 123–25, 129–30, 148, 181 82, 226–27, 286–87, 379–82, 601–04, 690–91, 787, 805, 886–88, 927–29, 967, 1126–27, 1173, 1253, 1366, 1373

Pershing Square (Los Angeles): 746

Persia, ancient: 35, 39–40, 63, 378, 379, 493, 682, 917, 962, 1417–18

Persia, medieval: 127, 515, 850, 988, 1024, 1094; see also Iran

Peru: 52–54, 201, 603, 846, 873, 1363

Perugia: 621, 690

perversion: 313, 534, 668, 976–77, 791, 1022, 1099

Pessoa, Fernando: 68, 977–78, 1008, 1030

Pet Shop Boys: 861

Pétain, Henri Philippe, premier of Vichy France: 549

Peter Leopold of Habsburg-Lorraine: 409

Peter the Chanter 195, 686, 869

Peter the Great, tsar of Russia: 1135

Peters, Fritz: 56, 906

Petronius Arbiter: 78, 332, 902, 978–79, 1124, 1276

Petropoulos, Elias: 503, 657

Peurifoy, John: 787

Peyrefitte, Roger: 12, 72, 242, 403, 426, 833, 944, 950, 1084

Peyser, Joan: 926

Pézard, André: 295

Pfuel, Ernst von: 666–67

Phaedrus: 166, 1325

phallic worship: 590

phallus: 351, 590

Philadelphia (Pennsylvania): 114, 251, 310, 843–44, 1042–53, 1061, 1349

Philemon: 1290

Philip II, king of Spain—see Felipe II

Philip IV, the Fair, king of France: 241, 422, 687, 812, 1285

Philippe of Orléans, prince of France: 423

Philippines: 939, 979–82, 1056, 1314, 1324

Philippus: 504

Philips, Katharine: 438

Philistines: 235, 296

Philo Judaeus of Alexandria: 6, 41, 74, 197, 239, 642, 879, 955, 982–83, 986, 1280, 1356

philosophy: 71–72, 127, 358–61, 363–64, 366–68, 396–97, 419–20, 420–21, 731–33, 882–84, 983–92, 1000–1002, 1151–55, 1158–59, 1161–62, 1227–28, 1269, 1250–51, 1378–80, 1398–1400, 1417

Philostratus: 139

Phoenicians—see Canaanites

phone and computer sex: 387, 992–93

photography: 32, 82, 299, 380, 480, 755, 993–95, 1003, 1025, 1049, 1146

phrenology: 12–14, 1389

pianists: 863–64

Picano, Felice: 865, 907

Picasso, Pablo: 315, 627, 1246

Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu François: 948, 1098

Pierce, Charles: 1321

Pierrugues, Pierre: 318

Pieterse, Monica: 968

Pignatelli, Marianna, countess of Althann: 802

Pilgrims (religious group): 1065

pillory: 379, 742, 1200

Pilsudski, Jozef, president of Poland: 389, 1013

Pindar 138–39, 362, 497, 866–67, 918, 995–96, 1303

Pinel, Philippe: 607

Pinera, Vergilio: 287

pink triangle: 130, 250, 413, 473, 548, 882, 945, 996–97, 1177

Pinter, Harold: 934

pirates: 19, 285, 309, 561, 997–99, 1173, 1343, 1373

Pisa (Italy): 690

Pisander of Cameiros: 867

Pisani, Ugolino: 1292

Pisis, Filippo de: 81

“pitcher”: 1037

Pius II, pope: 241, 944

Pius IV, pope: 687

Pius V, pope: 599, 944

Pius X, pope: 196

Plaine, William: 1065

Plant, Richard: 549

Plascencia, Juan de: 981

Plaskin, Glenn: 864

Platen-Hallermund, August von: 380, 473, 515, 999–1000, 1009, 1160, 1259, 1270, 1366

Plato: 8, 62, 76, 244, 280–81, 293, 342–43, 364, 373, 396, 396–97, 442–443, 493, 498–99, 511, 531–33, 541, 748, 867–69, 871, 879, 882–83, 954, 955, 985, 988, 1000–02, 1017–18, 1205, 1227–28, 1280, 1303, 1306, 1333, 1352, 1384 “Platonic love”: 396–97, 883

Plautus: 1002–03, 1291

Playboy: 841

plethysmography: 1003–04

Plotinus: 883, 986–87

Plummer, Kenneth: 968, 1209

Plüschow, Wilhelm von: 480, 994

Plutarch: 62, 139, 385, 494, 539, 960–61, 1004–05, 1304

Pneumocystis Carinii (PCP): 30

poetry: 7–8, 11–12, 109, 131–33, 147–48, 173–74, 179–80, 185–86, 206–07, 212–13, 217, 278–79, 294–96, 315–17, 325–36, 334–35, 397–98, 423, 425–26, 438, 441, 464–65, 469–70, 472, 489, 495–96, 518, 524, 545, 621, 625, 681, 722, 743, 749–51, 768, 770–71, 785, 797, 818, 848, 914–15, 934–35, 974–75, 977–79, 995–96, 999–1000, 1005–12, 1021–22, 1028, 1104–05, 1110–11, 1123, 1132–33, 1136–37, 1142–43, 1148–49, 1152–54, 1190–91, 1237, 1240–42, 1245–46, 1261–64, 1270, 1286–87, 1304–05, 1307, 1326–27, 1367–70, 1377, 1387–91

Pohl, Frederik: 1165

Poirier, Jean: 1300

Poland: 304–05, 389, 1012–14, 1231, 1274

police: 95–98, 110–12, 114, 117, 118, 129 30, 150–52, 192–93, 230, 562, 600, 690, 693, 780, 806–07, 839, 827, 844, 888, 899–900, 948, 1014–16, 1057, 1094, 1232, 1251–53, 1308–09, 1329, 1346–47, 1374, 1414

political clubs: 896

political theory: 50–52, 262–63, 334, 387 90, 724–27, 729–31, 771, 875–79, 1016–21

politically correct sex: 10–11

politics and politicians: 15–16; 102; 148; 185–86; 231–32; 374–78; 387–91; 486–87; 817; 845; 896; 900; 1125–27/1179–80, 1210–13, 1234–35, 1349–51, 1386

Poliziano (Politian), Angelo: 160, 933, 1007, 1021–22, 1104

Poll, Christabel: 96

Polycrates: 379, 511, 1235

polygamy: 307–08

Polymnus: 867

polymorphous perverse: 144, 264, 394, 1022–23

Polynesia—see Pacific cultures

Pompeii: 372, 488, 1122, 1145

Ponorogo (Indonesia): 597–98

Ponse, Barbara: 1223

Ponsonby, Sarah: 379, 438, 739

Pontano, Giovanni: 1104

Pontormo, Jacopo: 79

Poole, Wakefield: 405

Pop Art: 1382

Popper, Karl: 1160

“poppers”: 333, 1350

pornography: 29, 89, 121, 150, 193, 211 12, 257–58, 311–12, 361, 387, 405, 848, 969–70, 990, 992–93, 1010, 1022–28, 1053, 1165, 1175, 1283, 1351, 1369, 1406

Porphyry: 883

Porter, Cole: 402, 858, 1028

Porter, Eugene: 1095

Porter, Katherine Anne: 789

Portland (Oregon): 845

Portman, Brett: 52

Portugal: 123, 162, 379, 678, 687, 692, 977–78, 1028–30

Posada, Guadalupe: 806

Poseidon: 866–67, 996

Potiphar: 916

Pougy, Liane de: 109

Poulenc, Francis: 863, 923, 1030–31

Pound, Ezra: 55, 109, 115, 325, 351, 750, 825, 880

Pound, Louise: 205

poverty: 970

power: 465

Power, Tyrone: 405

Prados, Emilio: 1240

Praetorius, Numa (Eugen Wilhelm): 629, 1033

Prague (Czechoslovakia): 173

Praunheim, Rosa von: 405–06, 728

prehistoric: 307, 492

prejudice: 68–68, 99–98, 127, 552–55, 1031–33 1079, 1180–82; see also authoritarian personality; homophobia; stereotyping

Prelati: 852

Preminger, Otto: 403

Presbyterians: 1064

Presley, Elvis: 859

press, general—see journalism

press, gay: 15, 97, 130–31, 134–35, 258, 502, 626, 719, 807, 835, 842, 949–50, 1029–30, 1033–35, 1226, 1290, 1350

press, underground: 15, 119, 257, 949

presses and publishers, gay and lesbian: 81–82, 130–31, 256–57, 1027, 1051–54

Prêt or, Alfred: 1084

Priapus, St., Church of: 777

Prichard, James Cowles: 605, 792

Prichard, Matthew Stuart: 351

PRIDE (organization): 746

Prieto, Gregorio: 81

primates: 60–63, 307

Primo de Rivera, José Antonio: 389, 1241

prince-and-pauper syndrome: 9, 1405

Princeton University: 381

printing: 256–57

prisoners of war: 9, 18–19, 376, 494

prisons, jails, and reformatories: 10, 52, 93–94, 105, 124, 146, 149, 238, 286–87, 356, 359–60, 362, 402, 419, 448, 450, 465, 542–43, 574, 697, 768, 830, 853, 858–59, 934, 1024, 1035–48, 1085–86, 1097, 1138, 1179–80, 1197, 1309, 1343–44, 1337, 1373, 1390

privacy: 324, 350, 592, 680, 685, 693, 722, 817, 931, 1048–51, 1309, 1372, 1411

private presses: 1051–54

Procopius: 688

promiscuity—see impersonal sex

prostate: 1054

prostitution: 15–16, 19–22, 28, 53, 75, 114–15, 125, 129, 146, 151, 155, 166–68, 206, 217, 237, 243, 249, 261, 286, 309, 340, 351, 355–57, 361, 387, 403, 406, 409–10, 421, 433, 465, 477, 493, 498, 503, 548–49, 592, 598, 615, 622, 683, 689, 712, 742, 800–802, 804, 844, 849, 851, 860, 893, 899, 930, 948–49, 962, 970, 981–82, 1014, 1054–58, 1087, 1108, 1117, 1119, 1124, 1174, 1198, 1202, 1204, 1221, 1258, 1270, 1289, 1309, 1324, 1329, 1337, 1342, 1366, 1374, 1385, 1388, 1390, 1406, 1411, 1414–15; see also prostitution, sacred

prostitution, sacred: 53, 191, 351, 436, 486, 493, 653–55, 916, 1054, 1172, 1194, 1418; see also kadesh

protégés: 339; see also minions

Protestantism: 59–60, 95, 103–04, 123–24, 132–33, 223–24, 228–31, 241–42, 306, 379, 472, 477, 1058–69, 1268, 1282, 1293, 1350

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph: 50

Proust, Marcel: 33, 247, 291, 293, 478, 611, 632, 425, 722, 903, 949, 1069–71, 1240, 1278

Provincetown (Massachusetts): 159, 469, 1109

proxemics: 475

“prushun”: 542

Prussia: 129–31, 198, 428–29, 472

Prynne, William: 1317

Przhevalsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich: 1071–72, 1136, 1162

Psellus, Michael: 883

pseudohomosexuality: 677–78, 941–43

psychiatry: 220–21, 266–67, 349–50, 369 71, 431–436, 446, 448–51, 534, 575, 677, 696, 791–94, 841–45, 945–46, 976–77, 1072–75, 1081–83, 1096, 1143, 1248, 1254, 1259, 1266–67, 1283, 1347, 1350, 1401

psychoanalysis: 14, 36–37, 129, 329–30, 346, 369–71, 392–94, 430–436, 441, 567, 575, 609, 610, 643–44, 677, 749, 794, 841, 875, 1022–23, 1075–77, 1078, 1101–03, 1126, 1156, 1160, 1248, 1348

psychology: 99–101, 361–63, 432–433, 448–49, 484, 554, 964–65, 968–69, 945–46, 1073, 1078–81, 1086, 1129–30, 1197–98, 1247–49, 1264–66, 1332, 1405, 1411

psychopathology: 668–69, 1072–75

psychosurgery: 95

psychotherapy: 101, 261, 267, 369–71, 392–94, 583, 649–51, 716, 728, 1072–75, 1078, 1081–83, 1096, 1147, 1213–14, 1312

psychotherapy, compulsory: 369–70

Ptolemies, kings of Egypt: 40–41

Ptolemy, Claudius, of Alexandria: 86, 791

puberphilia: 361, 964, 1414

puberty: 45, 251–54, 361, 377, 463, 394, 395, 491, 964, 1412

Public Health Service (USA): 576–77

public opinion: 96, 358–61, 690, 752, 1081, 1168–70, 1247–49, 1332

public schools (British): 187–88, 326, 343, 355, 383, 511, 561, 614–15, 951, 988, 990, 1008, 1083–85, 1146; for non-British, see schools, boarding

public sex: 324, 844, 888, 1147

pubs—see bars

pueri delicati: 1124, 1307

Puerto Rico (USA): 1343

Puig, Manuel: 402, 798, 905

Pulci, Luigi: 1105

punk: 1038–41, 1085–86

punk rock: 52, 291, 861, 1086–87

Puritans: 158, 1065

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich: 1007

Pyrrho: 986

Pythagoras: 379, 984, 1195

Quakers (Religious Society of Friends): 198, 224, 229, 1012, 1061, 1342

quarantine: 286

Quebec (Canada): 192–93, 846, 905, 1089–90

Queen, Ellery: 865

queen: 1038, 1085, 1090–91, 1202, 1336, 1403

“queens’ tanks”: 1038

Queensland (Australia): 95

queer: 673, 675, 1091

queerbashing: 860, 1088, 1097, 1290, 1373

Quennel, Peter: 180

quilting: 32, 1178

Quinn, Aidan: 32

Qumran: 83, 638

Rabearivalo: 1007

Rabelais, François: 86

racha: 897, 1093–94

Rachilde (Marguerite Aymery Vallette): 637

racism: 148–50, 711, 1042

Radbruch, Gustav: 836, 1211

radical faeries: 1397

radicalesbians: 1179

radicalism—see left, gay

Radiguet, Raymond: 247

radio: 125, 257, 426, 448, 1290

Rado, Sandor: 144, 1076

raerae: 938

Raffalovich, Marc-André: 370, 425, 457, 643, 740, 1340, 1353

Rage, Christopher: 405, 1026

Rahman, Abd al-, king of Afghanistan: 18

Raile, Arthur Lyon: 1384

railways: 542–43

Rainey, Ma: 147, 518, 858

Rama VI, king of Thailand (Siam): 1289

Ramakrishna: 591

Ramdohr, F. W. B. von: 472

Ramone, DeeDee: 1087

Ramones, The: 861, 1087

Ramsay, John: 631

Rand, Lou: 865

Randall, Marta: 1166

Randall, Tony: 926

rape crisis centers: 1094, 1096–98

rape of females: 1094–96

rape of males: 18–19, 149, 206, 261, 350, 403, 409, 435, 454, 494, 588, 682–83, 685–86, 697, 699–700, 800, 851–55, 866–68, 915–16, 998, 1040–42, 1085, 1087, 1094–98, 1122, 1147, 1202, 1205, 1229, 1290, 1303, 1329, 1337, 1344, 1366, 1373

rape trauma syndrome: 1086, 1094–97

Raphael Sanzio: 943

Rath, Ernst vom: 949

Rattigan, Terence: 1297–98

Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal: 230, 944

Raucourt, Françoise la: 1098–99, 1294

Rauschenberg, Robert: 1382

Read, Brian: 1008

Real, Mart: 604

Réaux, Tallement des: 748

Recciswinth, king of the Visigoths: 689

Rechy, John: 907, 1025

reciprocity, sexual: 9–11, 237–38, 1040, 1289, 1309, 1335

recruitment: 1099–1100, 1413

Redfem, June: 81

Redford, Robert: 402

Redl, Alfred: 365, 487, 787, 1100–01, 1298

Redon, Odilon: 933

Reed, Lou: 860, 1087

Reeves, Tom: 52

Reformation, Protestant: 132–33, 354–55, 1058–60, 1064–65

reformatories and reform schools—see prisons, jails and reformatories

Regino of Prüm: 973

Reich, Wilhelm: 208, 391, 570, 773, 1076, 1101–03, 1182

Reid, Anthony: 227

reincarnation: 168–69, 532, 581, 591

Reise, Jay: 926

Reiss, Albert J.: 1221

Reitman, Dr. Ben: 214

religion (general): 168–71, 227–31, 234–35, 239–43, 283–84, 318–20, 350, 366, 378, 432, 435–36, 384, 395–96, 465, 593–94, 597, 732, 796, 804–05, 831, 841, 986–88, 1058–69, 1171–72, 1191–93, 1344, 1354, 1413

Renaissance: 73, 78–79, 121, 131–32, 13940, 160–61, 173–74, 208–09, 241, 309, 325, 343, 354–55, 364, 372, 379, 396–97, 409–10, 423, 438, 444–45, 511, 520, 539, 622, 690–91, 749, 883–84, 856, 902, 909–10, 920, 943–44, 966, 1005, 1007, 1021–22, 1103–06, 1359–60, 1364

Renault, Francis: 1320

Renault, Mary: 40, 904, 1106–07, 1291

René Guy on Society: 510

Renoir, Jean: 1376

Repgow, Eike von: 129

Répide, Pedro de: 1240

Republican Party (USA): 263, 487, 787 88, 878, 1351, 1385

research needs: ix, 123, 133–36, 146–47, 175, 310, 371, 541, 553–54, 574, 623, 677, 831, 1048, 1086, 1175, 1310, 1331–32, 1375, 1412

research problems: xii, 69–71, 133, 136, 141–42, 146–47, 251–52, 367–68, 461, 967–69, 997–99, 1048, 1412

Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid): 1240

resorts: 159, 469, 1056, 1107–09, 1196, 1242

Rettilbeini, Rognvaldr: 688

Reuvens, J. E.: 1374

Reve, Gerard: 272, 905

Revolution, French: 424, 703, 1141, 1380

Rex: 1027

Reynolds, Burt: 403

Rhadamanthus: 280

Rhode Island (USA): 1346

Rhodes, Cecil: 363, 877

Rhum (clown): 1360

rhyming slang: 1203

Ribeiro, Domingos Firminio: 163

ricchione: 794–96

Rice, Anne: 1027, 1145

Rich, Adrienne: 1010

Rich, Penelope: 109

Richard I, king of England: 355, 1109–10, 1285

Richard of Devizes: 155, 355, 741, 812

Richardson, Frank M.: 874

Richardson, Samuel: 440

Richelieu, cardinal: 156, 423, 748

Richmond, Len: 63

Richter, Sviatoslav: 1138

Rigby, captain: 355

Rimbaud, Arthur: 155, 164, 425, 503, 1010, 1110, 1368

rimming: 48, 930, 1189, 1286

Rinuccini, Ottavio: 933

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): 164, 846, 1325

Ríos, Femando de los: 1240

Ritsos, Yiannis: 503

ritual: 591, 597, 888, 937–38, 960–61, 1040, 1337, 1354, 1410; see also initiations

Rivas Cherif, Cipriano: 102

Roback, Abraham: 368

Roberts, Pudgy: 1321

Robertson, Pat: 1068

Robigalia: 1122

Robinson, Tom: 861, 1087

Rocco, Antonio: 34, 211, 343, 733

Rocco, Pat: 405

Rochester, John Wilmot, earl of: 355, 733, 1007, 1111, 1293

rock (& roll) music: 118, 859–61, 1087–88

Rocke, Michael: 409

rococo: 910–11

Rode, Léon de: 124

Roditi, Edouard: 921

Rodman, James: 1217

Rodwell, Craig: 901, 1253

Rofes, Eric E.: 1265

Rogers, Adrian: 1062

Rogers, Carl R.: 267–68

Röhm, Ernst: 391, 404, 446, 547, 656, 882, 1111–12, 1376

role models: 386, 709, 712–15, 814

role, sexual and gender: 9–11, 49, 57–58, 149–50, 177–79, 231–32, 235–38, 274–77, 333, 336–37, 347–49, 361–63, 376–78, 461–64, 494, 503, 594, 618–19, 674, 678–79, 710, 796–98, 814, 882, 884, 929–31, 940–41, 1036–40, 1085–86, 1096, 1112–15, 1121–22, 1156–58, 1163–67, 1219, 1221, 1226, 1248–49, 1269, 1312, 1335, 1365, 1410

Rolfe, Frederick (“Baron Corvo”): 406, 1008, 1115–16, 1366

Rolling Stones, The: 859–60

Romains, Hippolyte: 251

Roman Catholicism—see Catholic Church

Roman emperors: 67–68, 139, 180–81, 337, 378, 486, 514, 531, 884, 1005, 1116–19, 1275, 1281

Romania: 126

Romanina, La: 802–03

Romans: 499, 533, 879, 897

Romanticism: 179–80, 212–13, 301, 446

Rome, ancient: 9–10, 67–68, 79, 82, 113, 139, 180, 185, 202, 206, 209, 231–32, 291, 300, 302–03, 308, 319, 348, 362, 363–64, 371–73, 377–78, 419–20, 444, 488, 491, 514, 519–20, 523, 562–63, 683, 752, 770–71, 807, 826, 870, 883–84, 902, 929, 954–55, 958, 965–66, 978–79, 1002–03, 1006, 1036, 1055, 1086, 1094, 1116–24, 1195, 1206, 1275–76, 1280, 1291, 1307, 1313, 1315, 1354, 1367, 1373

Rome, medieval and modem: 43, 164, 165, 188, 199, 204, 225, 325, 379–80, 402, 943–44, 951–53

Rome, Peter de: 1026

Römer, L. S. A. M. von: 272, 457–58, 629, 891, 1126–27, 1335

Romero Murube, Joaquin: 1240

Rondeaux, Madeleine: 477

Roosevelt, Eleanor: 1127–28

Roosevelt, Franklin D., president of the United States: 1346, 1385

Roosevelt, Theodore, president of the United States: 1197

Rorem, Ned: 863, 925, 1031

Rorschach test: 1129–30

Rosai, Ottone: 411

Rosales, Luis: 1241

Rose, Sir Francis: 80, 1246

Rose, Jon: 96

Rosebery, Archibald Philip, earl of: 486

Rosenbaum, Julius: 1171

Rosenberg, Harold: 244, 1382

Rosicrucianism: 971

Ross, Robert: 140, 327, 935, 1390

Rossetti, Christine: 1009

Rossman, Parker: 968

Roswitha of Gandersheim: 471

Rotten, Johnny: 1087

Rotterdam (Netherlands): 887

Rouen (France): 156

rough trade—see trade

Rousseau, G. S.: 233

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: 140, 724

Roussel, Raymond: 1129–30

Rowse, Alfred L.: 189

Royalle, Candida: 1027

royalty: 17–18, 23–24, 39–41, 97–98, 139, 215–17, 225–26, 296–99, 345–46, 350–51, 376–78, 421–23, 427–29, 486, 489, 514, 520–21, 523, 525, 604, 747, 752, 819–20, 851, 884, 920, 1109–10, 1116–19, 1135, 1237–39, 1268–69, 1329, 1391–92

Rozanov, Vasily Vasilievich: 290, 748, 1130–32

Rudolf II, emperor of Austria: 97

Rule, Jane: 404, 908

Rumi: 515, 849, 1006, 1132–33, 1262, 1329

runaways: 1055, 1214, 1414

rural: 469

Russ, Joanna: 1165–66

Russell, Ada: 750–51

Russell, Bertrand: 837, 1398–99

Russell, Craig: 1321

Russell, Charles Taze: 1067

Russia: 220, 249, 292, 304, 314–15, 365, 772, 904, 940–41, 974, 1068, 1071–72, 1130–32, 1133–38, 1170–72, 1212, 1279–80, 1326–27

Rustin, Bayard: 148, 1138–39

Ruth: 916

Rwanda: 23

Rydberg, Viktor: 1270

Ryder, Mitch: 860

Saba, Umberto: 974

Sabisch, Christian: 63

Sá-Cameiro, Mário de: 978

São Paulo (Brazil): 846

Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von: 1143

Sackville-West, Vita: 140, 901, 905, 1141, 1404

Sacred Band (Thebes): 814, 1303–04

sacrilege: 194–96

Sadatoki, Hojo: 170

Sadger, Isidor: 98, 370, 1354

Sade, D. A. F. de: 360, 364, 424, 681, 902, 948, 952, 990, 1024, 1052, 1141–42, 1143, 1228, 1374

Sa’di: 515

sadism: 227, 465, 979, 1143–46, 1329, 1373; see also s/m scene

safe sex: 31, 115, 405, 1026, 1144, 1146 47, 1351

Sagan, Leontine: 400

Sagarin, Edward—see Cory, Donald Webster

SAGE (group): 26–27

Sagitta—see Mackay, John Henry

Saikaku Ihara: 635–36, 815, 905, 1024, 1147–48

sailors: 15–16, 142, 163, 278, 307, 310, 356, 487, 562, 745–46, 799, 893, 997–99, 1013, 1172–75, 1187, 1197, 1309, 1343, 1337

Sainctes, Claude de: 132

St. Denis, Ruth: 1193–94

Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin: 232

St. Louis (Missouri): 147, 351

Saint-Méry, Moreau de: 440

St. Paul (Minnesota): 845

Saint-Pavin, Denis Sanguin de: 423, 1007, 1148–49

St. Petersburg (Russia): 1136, 1279

Saint-Saens, Camille: 22, 862–63, 921, 974

Saint-Simon, Claude de: 747

saints: 21, 125–26, 127, 139

Saki—see Munro

Sakibhava cuit: 591

Saladin: 1285

Salai: 708

Salazar, Adolfo: 1240

Salinas, Pedro: 1240

Salmony, Alfred: 381

Salome (artist): 81

Salvian: 64–65, 300, 1125

samizdat: 508, 1138

Samos (Greece): 379, 1235

samurai: 170, 263, 815, 961–62, 965, 1148, 1149–50, 1266, 1335

San Antonio, Juan Francisco de: 981

San Diego (California): 230

San Francisco: 90, 114, 117, 137–38, 149, 171, 233, 243, 334–35, 406, 420, 453, 466–67, 476, 487, 777, 780, 782, 817–18, 839–845, 870, 1016, 1057, 1088, 1150–51, 1357, 1349, 1415

San Pedro (California): 745

Sandfort, Théo: 362, 969

Sandow, Eugene: 121, 994

Sansone, Tony: 994

Santayana, George: 159, 991

Santesson, Nils: 1270

Santi, Piero: 411

Santos-Dumont, Alberto: 163

Sappho: 137, 139, 206, 342, 373, 396, 493, 496, 522, 748, 868, 995–96, 1006, 1084, 1153–54

Sarduy, Severo: 287

Sargent, John Singer: 702

Sarton, Mary: 908

Sartre, Jean-Paul: 70, 244, 426, 465, 991, 1154–55

Sassoon, Siegfried: 935

satiation: 1155–56

satire: 7–8, 75–76, 397–98, 752, 978–79

satyrs: 868

Saul, king of Israel: 296–97

saunas—see bathhouses

Saussure, Ferdinand de: 112

Savater, Fernando: 1242

Savonarola: 690

Savoy, Bert: 1320

Saxon, Lyle: 894

Saxons, ancient—see Anglo-Saxons

Sayers, Dorothy L: 864

Saymari, al-: 777

Scacco, Anthony: 1046, 1095

Scandinavia, medieval: 10, 311, 348, 810, 1036, 1086, 1156–58, 1267–68, 1336

Scandinavia, modem: 111–12, 967, 1059, 1267–71, 1325; see also Denmark, Sweden, Norway

scapegoat: 684, 811

Schau, Jens Michael: 657

Schérer, René: 544

Schiller, Friedrich von: 483, 1294

schizophrenia: 1229

Schlesinger, John: 404

Schmeer, Josefine: 1319

Schmitt, Gladys: 298

Schober, Franz von: 1159

scholarship: ix-xii, 69–71, 133–35, 192–93, 234, 344, 380–81, 456–61, 464, 541, 747, 774, 847, 919–20, 1226, 1250, 1271, 1332–37; see also research needs, research problems

scholasticism: 71–72, 1281

schoolboys: 588

schools, boarding (non-British): 98, 122, 359–60, 448, 588, 598, 833, 1084–85, 1197, 1310, 1337, 1406–07; for British see public schools

schools, general: 321, 355, 361–63, 691, 983–92, 1083–85, 1254–57, 1373, 1413

schools, public (British)—see public schools

Schopenhauer, Arthur: 990, 1156, 1158–59

Schorer, Jacob van: 734, 889

Schreker, Franz: 923

Schrenck-Notzing, Albert Freiherr von: 370, 458, 1073

Schubert, Franz: 98, 862, 1159–60

Schulman, Sarah: 908

Schutte, Wolfgang U.: 1377

Schweitzer, Jean-Baptiste von: 771

Schwinge, Erich: 547

Science: 103, 107, 437, 565, 881, 1160–63, 1287–88, 1327–29

science fiction (sf) and fantasy: 57–58, 531, 752, 1163–67, 1357

Scientific-Humanitarian Committee: 39, 69, 98, 130, 158, 162, 234, 304, 376, 394, 400, 434, 437–38, 457, 473, 535, 537, 540, 608, 628–30, 684, 835–36, 838, 889, 944, 1167–70, 1211, 1270, 1378

Scola, Ettore: 388

Scortia, Thomas N.: 1165

Scotland: 255, 304, 847, 855, 1008, 1064

Scott, Bruce: 842

Scott, Sarah: 439

scouting: 1413

Scroffa, Camillo: 343, 397–98

sculpture: 48, 67, 78–79, 125, 208–09, 372–73, 497, 514, 531, 909–12

Scythians: 48, 64, 332, 368, 497, 500, 536, 1170–72

sea shanties: 1172, 1343

seafaring: 1172–75—see also sailors

“seafood”: 1174–75

Searle, Alan: 784

Sebastian, St.: 240, 1145

Secret Gospel of Mark: 638

security clearances: 841–42

seduction: 370, 409, 890

Seefeld, Adolf: 853

self-esteem: 88–90, 385–86, 598, 675, 1175–77

Sellin, Ernst: 436, 655

semantics: 373–74, 976–77

semen: 590, 937–38, 1026

Semerano, Giovanni: 1022

semiotics: 112, 129, 243–44, 284–85, 468, 674, 676, 1177–78

Senate, United States: 365, 403, 487, 576, 786–88, 1385; see also Congress

Seneca: 884, 979

Senegal: 23

sensibility: 108, 440–441, 1178

Sension, Nicholas: 1342

separatism, lesbian: 47–48, 1166, 1178–79

Sephardic Judaism—see Judaism, Sephardic

Septimius Severus, emperor of Rome: 202, 238, 1118

Sergent, Bernard: 209, 521, 595–97, 965

Sergius and Bacchus, Sts.: 1313

Serrault, Michel: 1300

Seth: 350

Settembrini, Luigi: 625, 1179–80, 1196

Seville: 603, 605, 686

Sewall, Richard: 316–17

sex education: 1351, 1413

sex negative, sex positive: 522, 1182–83

Sex Pistols, The: 861, 1087

sex research and sexology: 39, 60–61, 115, 152–53, 352–53, 662–66, 668–69, 1054, 1215–19

sex toys: 1144, 1146

sexism: 1180–82

Sexuaalinen Tasavertaisus (SETA): 847

sexual liberty and the law: 1183–86, 1356

sexually transmitted disease (STD): 29 32, 214, 579, 715, 930–31, 1146–47, 1183, 1186–90, 1350

Sgricci, Tommaso: 410–11

Sha’ar Zahav (San Francisco): 644

Shadwell, Charles Lancelot: 953

Shaffer, Peter 1298

Shairp, Mordaunt: 1297

Shakespeare, William: 34, 109, 327, 355, 454, 1007, 1190–91, 1292

shamanism: 54, 127–29, 239, 346, 384, 497, 654, 667, 939, 940–41, 1171–72, 1191–93, 1309, 1313, 1314, 1336

Shams al-Din: 1132

shanties—see sea shanties

Shapiro, Al: 251

Shapiro, Susan: 348

Shaw, Anne Howard: 924

Shaw, Peggy: 1362

Shawn, Ted: 292, 1193–94

Shearer, Mike: 1027

Sheeler, Charles: 310

Sheen, Martin: 1283

Sheldon, Alice: 1166

Shelley, Percy Bysshe: 50, 1008

Shelley, Pete: 861, 1087

Shenatir, Zu: 851

Shepherd, William: 448

shepherds: 94, 454

Sherman, Martin: 1300

Sherwood, Bill: 32, 404

Sherwood, Robert: 243

Shi Pei Pu: 1315

Shilts, Randy: 245

Shingon Buddhism: 170

Shiva: 532, 590

Shively, Charley: 159

Shively, Donald: 1316

Shockley, Ann: 908

shoes: 416–17

Shochiku Revue: 1316

Shu’ayb, Abu: 17

Siam—see Thailand

Siberia: 939–41, 1191–93, 1336

Sicily: 35, 283, 427, 480, 603, 690, 996, 1000, 1153, 1194–96, 1304, 1367

Sidney, Henry, earl of Rodney: 1392

Sidney, Philip: 109

Siemsen, Hans: 903

Siena (Italy): 690–91

Sienkiewicz, Henryk: 884

Siff, Ira: 926, 1321

Silleto, Violet: 1377

Silver, Fred: 1362

Silverberg, Robert: 1165, 1167

Simmel, Georg: 446

Simonides: 573, 1235

Sinatra, Frank: 243, 859

singers: 202–04, 378, 920–27, 932–33, 1087–88, 1242

Singh, Runjeet: 588

Singopoulos, Alexander: 207

Sinistrari d’Ameno, Ludovico: 873

Sisin(n)e: 350–51, 486

sissy: 370–71, 674, 1196–97, 1361, 1403

“sissy films”: 401, 1197

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence: 1321

situational homosexuality: 93–94, 146, 265–66, 306–07, 359–60, 542, 560–62, 812, 908, 997–99, 1035–48, 1135, 1166–67, 1173–75, 1197–98, 1324, 1333, 1335, 1343, 1411

Siwa Oasis (Egypt): 1198

sixteenth-century legislation: 1198–1200

Sixtus IV, pope: 241, 943

sixty-nine: 930

Skanda: 590

skinheads: 244, 1088

Skinner, Francis: 1399

skoptsy: 1135

slander: 682, 800

slang: 25, 96, 142–43, 171–73, 313–14, 335–36, 368–69, 383–84, 447–448, 475, 656–57, 675–76, 786, 795, 1000, 1085–86, 1089, 1174, 1196–97, 1200–04, 1318

Slater, Don: vii, 1348

slavery: 10, 19, 105, 147, 166, 206, 232, 285, 376–78, 444, 523–24, 962, 1002, 1054, 1086, 1091, 1097, 1121–22, 1145, 1157, 1195, 1204–07, 1275, 1329, 1333, 1343

sleeves, cut: 216

Slonczewski, Joan: 1166

s/m scene: 250, 293, 517, 1143–46, 1156, 1177, 1354–55

“smashes”: 951

Smenkhkare, prince of Egypt: 351

Smith, Adam: 340

Smith, Bessie: 147, 518, 858, 1319

Smith, Chris: 487

Smith, Jack: 403

Smith, Joseph: 1066

Smith, Morton: 898, 955

Smith, Patti: 861, 1087

Smith, Robertson: 435

Smith, Timothy d’Arch: 186, 227, 1008, 1353, 1405

Smith, William Benjamin: 1281

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll: 440

Smollett, Tobias: 902, 1278

Smyth, Dame Ethel: 863, 922, 1207–08

social construction theory: 419–20, 460, 522, 541, 556, 1208–10, 1259, 1334

social democracy movement: 704, 772, 1059, 1168–70, 945, 1210–13

social psychology: 99–100, 462–64, 673 74, 1247–49; see also psychology

social separation: 1257–61

social work: 1213–15

socialism: 199–200, 426, 704–05, 1210–13

Society for Human Rights: 470, 837,

Society for Individual Rights (SIR): 841, 1151

Society for the Study of Sex Psychology: 837

Socinians: 1060

sociobiology: 263–64, 306–10, 370, 561, 881, 1215–19

sociolinguistics: 675–76

sociology: 306–10, 312–14, 419–20, 461, 466, 475–76, 673–74, 736–39, 968–69, 1035–48, 1085–86, 1197–98, 1209, 1219–27, 1258, 1332, 1412

Socrates: 34–35, 139, 166, 358, 498, 985, 1161, 1205, 1227–28, 1244

“Socratic love”: 35, 359, 397–98, 1359

Sodom and Gomorrah: 5–6, 74, 104, 227, 228, 448, 481–82, 609–11, 616, 639–40, 642, 655, 675, 683, 691, 869, 915–16, 971, 1119, 1228–30, 1277, 1292, 1387

Sodoma (G.A. de’ Bazzi): 669, 707, 1034, 1230–31

sodomy: 121–22, 192–93, 197–98, 223, 311, 355, 357, 360, 373, 378, 422, 472, 502, 533, 557, 675, 684–85, 690–93, 804, 885–87, 973, 990–91, 1230, 1231–32, 1268, 1286, 1342, 1366, 1386

Soft Celi: 861

softball: 90

Solanas, Valerie: 1382

Solarius, Martin: 1065

soldiers/warriors: 17–18, 46–48, 170, 182, 185, 192, 279–81, 296–99, 307–09, 350–51, 361–63, 372, 374–76, 377, 403, 421, 428–29, 446, 470, 485, 492, 502, 514, 520, 526, 548, 550, 562, 696, 789, 814–15, 868, 948, 960–62, 964–65, 1055, 1094, 1122, 1135–36, 1149, 1156–57, 1198, 1234–35, 1243–44, 1266, 1304, 1309, 1329, 1336, 1347, 1373, 1384, 1388, 1406

solicitation: 15, 95, 693, 806, 899, 1232–34

solidarity: 414–15, 1405

Solomon, Rosalind: 32

Solomon, Simeon: 79, 531, 954

Solon: 281, 496, 1205, 1234–35

Soloviova, Polyxena: 1136

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isayevich: 572

Somov, Konstantin Andreevich: 671

songs: 277–78, 920–27, 1087–88, 1173

Sophocles: 87, 497, 1290, 1303

Sorbonne (University of Paris): 422

sorcery: 688, 1395–98

Sorolla, Joaquín: 966

Sotades: 611

Sotadic Zone: 22, 176, 1235–36

Soto de Rojas, Pedro: 1239

Sotomayor, Alvarez de: 933

Souck (Sourques), Jeanne-Francoise-Marie: 1098

Soukaz, Lionel: 544

South Africa: 24, 854, 1106

South America—see Latin America

South Australia: 95

South Carolina (USA): 43

Soviet Union: 242, 286, 301, 380, 391, 772, 837–38, 940–41, 1102, 1210–12; see also Russia

Sozzini, Fausto: 1060

Spain: 51, 102, 123, 212–13, 251, 285–86, 384–85, 389–90, 469, 471, 489–90, 601, 603, 644–48, 678, 743, 770, 794, 797, 810, 846, 905, 975, 980–81, 1207, 1213, 1236–43, 1343

Spark, Muriel: 406

Sparta: 35, 281, 814, 960–61, 1234, 1243–45, 1273, 1304, 1313, 1335

Spartacus International Gay Guide: 508

Spear, Alan: 487, 1349

Spears, Steve J.: 1302

Spellman, Francis Cardinal: 242

Spencer, Colin: 1300

Spender, Stephen: 188

Spenser, Edmund: 443

Sperr, Martin: 1302

Spicer, Jack: 52, 334

spies—see espionage

Spillane, Mickey: 865

Spinoza, Benedict: 989

Spitzer, Robert: 350

Spong, John S.: 1063

sports—see athletics

Sporus: 378, 884

Spungen, Nancy: 1087

Spurzheim, Johann: 12–13

squires: 308, 812, 815

Sri Lanka (Ceylon): 200, 1324

Stack, Peter 1321

Stadion, Emmerich: 1318

Stafford, Harry: 1388

Stalin, Joseph: 391, 1212

Stanley, Julia: 415

Stapledon, Olaf: 1165

statistics of homosexuality—see incidence; demography

Stavorinus, John: 587

Steam, Jess: 1348

Stefani, Mario: 1366

Stein, Gertrude: 80, 334, 380, 519, 825, 907, 924, 1278, 1347

Stekel, Wilhelm: 98, 458

Stella, Frank: 199

Stephen, Leslie: 1404

stereotype: 68–69, 74–75, 84–85, 88–90, 116, 148–49, 177–79, 198–99, 291–92, 401, 447, 463, 467, 475, 518, 674, 814, 1031, 1114, 1144, 1167, 1180, 1196–97, 1220, 1247–49, 1284, 1312, 1382

Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von: 527

Stevens, Wallace: 915

Stevenson, E. I. Prime-: 458, 905, 1250, 1353

Stevenson, Richard: 865

Steward, Samuel M. (“Phil Andros”): 1025, 1145, 1347

Stewart, Fred M.: 1166

Stewart, Rod: 860

Stieglitz, Alfred: 299, 519

stigma: 259–60, 268, 321, 517, 712, 718, 1097, 1156–57, 1224, 1330

Stiller, Mauritz: 107, 400, 1270

Stimpson, Catherine R.: 1010

Stimer, Max: 51, 437, 730

Stockholm (Sweden): 1269

Stoddard, Charles Warren: 1150

stoicism: 221, 363–64, 499, 882, 979, 985–86, 1123, 1280, 1250–51, 1417

Stokaert, Jan: 124

Stokvis, Benno: 891

Stonewall Rebellion: 111, 511, 580, 674, 842, 900, 1015, 1034, 1256, 1251–54, 1349

Stout, Rex: 864

Strachey, Lytton: 140, 154, 188, 417, 490, 661, 1254, 1295

“straight”: 119, 313–14, 455

Strato of Sardis: 500, 504, 794, 961, 1006

Strattis: 1290

Strauss, Bodo: 1302

Strauss, Richard: 922

Stravinsky, Igor: 91, 315

Strieker, Der: 472

Strindberg, August: 1295

structuralism: 112

Stuart, Robert Pringle: 94

“stud broad”: 1044

Studds, Gerry: 487, 1351

student groups: 124, 187–88, 344, 842, 1255–57, 1415

Student Homophile League (SHL): 344, 842, 844, 900–901, 1255–56, 1349, 1415

students: 98, 122, 155–56, 187–89, 341 44, 355, 484, 983–92, 1109, 1254–57, 1349, 1413; see also schools

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS): 727–28, 1400

stuprum: 1122

Sturgeon, Theodore: 1164, 1166

Sturm und Drang: 483

Stuttgart (Germany): 291

subculture: 95–96, 98–99, 124–25, 129–31, 159–60, 163–64, 192–93, 214–15, 409–11, 423–27, 458, 473, 475–76, 490, 622–23, 691, 737, 741, 743, 745, 795, 812, 846, 888–90, 899–900, 948–49, 1014–16, 1029, 1031, 1035–48, 1054–58, 1079, 1087–88, 1099, 1170, 1174–75, 1209–10, 1225–26, 1250, 1257–61, 1269, 1345, 1347, 1365–66, 1384, 1406, 1412

submission—see dominance and submission; s/m scene

Subuktagin: 18

Sudan: 24, 485

Suetonius: 139, 920, 1116–17, 1124, 1261, 1315

Sufism: 119, 332, 515, 965, 1132–33, 1142, 1261–64, 1329

suicide: 151, 279, 282, 448, 485, 549, 782, 789, 817–18, 824, 867, 884, 934, 978–79, 1041, 1087, 1097, 1264–66, 1324, 1347, 1374, 1385, 1414, 1417

Sullivan, Harry Stack: 1082, 1266–67

Sullivan, Mark: 52

Sulu Archipelago (Philippines): 939

Summerhill School: 343

Summers, Montague: 1293

Suppé, Franz von: 1322

Supreme Court (USA): 304–05, 577, 693, 919, 931, 1050

Suraj-ud-Dowla: 588

surgery: 1310–11

surrealism: 51, 247, 281–82, 381, 637, 681, 1374

Susa, Conrad: 925

Sutherland, Alistair: 63

Swaggart, Jimmy: 1068

Swales, Martin: 1077

Sweden: 225–26, 304, 312, 770, 1059, 1156, 1212, 1267–71,

Swedenborg, Emanuel: 106, 531

Swinburne, Algernon Charles: 186, 1009

switchboards—see gay switchboards

Switzerland: 122, 132–33, 304, 326, 838 39, 967, 1060, 1064

Sybaris (Italy): 1228

Syberberg, Hans Jurgen: 922

Sybilline Oracles: 609

Sydney (Australia): 93, 96–97, 228, 701, 847, 854

Sylvester: 860–61

symbols: 674

Symonds, John Addington: 75, 140, 185, 189, 352, 357, 363, 457–58, 507, 521, 850, 951, 1084, 1008, 1271–72, 1353, 1366, 1404–05

Symons, Scott: 905

symposia: 87–88, 110, 372, 1235, 1244, 1272–74, 1363

synagogues, gay: 644

syndicalism: 387

syphilis: 368, 1159, 1187–88

Syracuse (Sicily): 1195

Syria: 234

Szasz, Thomas: 271

Szymanowski, Karol: 863, 923, 1013, 1274

taboo: 7, 48–50, 110, 130–31, 323–24, 329, 434–35, 441, 516, 566, 675, 873–74, 1094, 1253, 1290, 1323, 1348, 1375

Tacitus: 64, 139, 197, 255, 596, 687–88, 810, 882, 978–79, 1116, 1124, 1156, 1275–76

Tahiti: 938

Taiwan: 219

Takahashi, Mutsuo: 170, 636, 1007

Takarazuka Revue Company: 634, 1316

Talmud: 642, 1276–77

Tamassia, Arrigo: 266, 313, 611, 740

tamizdat: 1052, 1138

“Tandem”: 311

Tangier(s)(Morocco): 21–22, 108, 161, 1108, 1324

Tantalus: 995

Tantrism: 532, 587, 591

Taoism: 119

Taormina (Sicily): 380, 1196

Tardieu, Ambroise: 163

Tam, Pauline Mary: 1377

Tamovskii, Veniamin Mikhailovich: 793

Tasmania (Australia): 95

taste: 236, 1011, 1178, 1277–79

tastemakers: 1278–79

Tatchell, Peter 1213

Tatian: 955

Tatius, Achilles: 266, 501, 901

Tavel, Ronald: 1301

Tavern Guild: 841, 1151

Taxil, Léo: 151, 1015

Taxmoruw: 517

Taylor, Jeremy: 224

Tchaikovsky, Peter L: 863, 1136, 1279–80

Tchelitchew, Pavel: 81, 381

teachers: 321, 334–35, 341–44, 588, 695, 845

tearooms—see toilets

Teiresias—see Tiresias

Teleki, Michael Albert: 506

Telemachus: 496

teleology: 482, 983–92, 1158, 1280–82

telephone—see phone and computer sex

Telesio, Bernardino: 989

television: 31–32, 251, 257–58, 399, 842, 1282–84, 1372–73

Tellier, André: 1330

temperance: 110

Templars, order of: 240, 422, 529, 655, 686–87, 812, 1285–86

tennis: 1307–08

Tennov, Dorothy: 749

Tennyson, Alfred, lord: 1008, 1286–87

Terence: 1002

Terrell, John: 858

territoriality: 110, 115–16, 1354

Tertullian: 957

Tesla, Nikola: 1162, 1287–88

Thadani, Giti: 586, 590

Thailand: 126, 508–09, 1027, 1056, 1288–90, 1324, 1333, 1336

Thaletas: 280, 1243

Thamyris: 610

Thatcher, Margaret, prime minister of Britain: 1063

Theadorakopoulos, Loukas: 503

theatre: 16, 31, 33–34, 73, 104, 107, 108, 175, 188, 211, 219, 243, 247, 277–78, 319, 448, 464, 477, 483–84, 503, 598, 625, 634–35, 667, 741–43, 783–84, 789, 833, 915, 933–34, 1002–03, 1090, 1098–99, 1144, 1148, 1155, 1190–91, 1239, 1242, 1253, 1290–1303, 1314–23, 1345, 1386, 1389–91, 1393–94

Thebes (Egypt): 351

Thebes (Greece): 87, 319, 814, 867, 995 96, 1244, 1303–04

Theocritus: 40, 500, 524, 1006, 1123, 1195, 1304–05, 1367

Theodosius the Great, emperor of Rome: 511, 987, 1119, 1281

Theognis: 497, 1006, 1273, 1305

theology: 32–33, 71–72, 132–33

Theosophy: 86, 119, 228, 283, 334, 505, 700–02

Theravada Buddhism: 168–69

Theron of Akragas: 996

Theseus, king of Athens: 279, 1235

Thesiger, Wilfred: 1324

Thing, Miss: 251

third sex: 200, 250, 377, 437, 437, 835, 1167, 1306–07, 1336, 1339

Third World: 970, 1183, 1357

Thistlethwayte, Robert: 187

Thomas, Brandon: 400

Thomas, Ward: 906

Thompson, Clara: 1267

Thompson, David: 1162

Thompson, J. Eric: 804

Thomson, Virgil: 924, 1246

Thoreau, Henry David: 171, 1009

Thorp, Roderick: 865

Thorsell, Eric: 1270

Thorwaldsen, Berteli: 79

Thoth: 350

Thrace (Greece): 932

Thurman, Wallace: 147

Tiberius, emperor of Rome: 380, 1116 17, 1275

Tibet: 170–71, 1072

Tibullus: 1123, 1307

Tifashi, al-: 849

Tiger, Lionel: 446, 561

Tilden, William: 88, 1307–08

Tilley, Vesta: 1319

Timarchus: 15–16, 683, 1172

Time: 845

Times Square (New York City): 403

Tin Pan Alley: 858

Tindall, R. H.: 969

Tiptree, James—see Sheldon, Alice

Tipu Sultan, maharajah of Mysore: 588, 851

Tiresias: 531, 868

Tissot, S. A. D.: 318, 358

Titus, emperor of Rome: 920, 1117

Tobias, Herbert: 994

toilets: 96, 116, 579, 592, 888, 894, 930, 934, 1308–09, 1222, 1414

Toklas, Alice B.: 907, 924, 1246

Tokyo: 632–36

Toledo, Council of: 689

Tolson, Clyde: 487

Tolstoy, Leo: 1136

Toltecs: 804

Tom of Finland: 251, 1027, 1087, 1144

tomboys: 674

Tomlin, Lily: 1320, 1362

Tomoemon: 1316

Tonner, Waldemar: 505–06

Toole, Otis: 854

Toronto (Canada): 85, 90, 192–93, 448, 735, 846, 1256

Torquemada, Tomás de: 603

Torroella, Pere: 1238

torture: 121–22, 602–04, 887, 1286

Toulouse (France): 686

tourism: 286, 312, 388, 502, 624, 892–96, 900, 981–82, 1056, 1108–09, 1196, 1207, 1242, 1289, 1323, 1364

Toumier, Michel: 903

Tovar, Juan de: 975

Townsend, Larry: 1025, 1355

Townsend, Peter: 363, 860

Townsend, Prescott: 159

toys, sexual: 1144

trade: 236–37, 310, 326–27, 362, 403, 795 97, 930, 1026, 1147, 1175, 1221, 1309–10, 1336, 1346

tragedy: 16, 479, 867

Trajan, emperor of Rome: 1117

transmigration of souls—see reincarnation

transsexual: 312, 336–37, 349, 403–04, 590, 592, 941, 1135, 1192–93, 1289, 1310–12, 1345

transvestism: 18, 22, 96, 164, 177–79, 192, 196, 214, 225–26, 267, 291, 336–37, 349, 351, 353, 356, 461, 464, 476–77, 503, 523, 591–92, 598, 694, 795–97, 804, 806, 849, 920–21, 938–41, 980, 1003, 1029, 1038, 1191–93, 1217, 1242–43, 1252, 1289, 1312–14, 1336, 1345, 1385

transvestism in entertainment: 110, 121, 214, 291, 400–01, 464, 525, 857, 859–61, 894, 920–21, 939, 980, 1088, 1314–22, 1347

Trapassi, Pietro—see Metastasio

Traubel, Horace: 518, 1388

travel and exploration: 176–77, 327–28, 407–08, 514, 1182, 1279, 1322–25, 1357; see also tourism

Trefusis, Violet Keppel: 901, 1141

Tremblay, Michel: 193, 1091–92, 1299

Trent, Council of: 140, 777

Tress, Arthur: 81, 995

tribade: 373, 1325–26

tribal cultures: 22–24, 45–47, 54, 64–67, 127–29, 145, 434–35, 532, 561, 593–95, 937–40, 962, 964–65, 1145, 1218, 1324, 1354

“trick”: 1326

Trickster: 532

Trifonov, Gennady: 1138

Trilling, Lionel: 270

Troilus: 8

Trojan War: 550

Trotsky, Leon: 1137

Trotskyism: 282, 773

troubadours: 749, 1006, 1029

Troubridge, Una, lady: 165, 178, 517

Troxler, Allen: 1400

Troyana, Alina: 1362

truckers: 1309, 1406

Truex, Ernest: 401

Truman, Harry, president of the United States: 365, 1385

Tsunayoshi, shogun of Japan: 635

Tsvetaeva, Marina: 1326–27

Tswana: 24

Tucker, Donald: 1046, 1373

Tuke, Henry Scott: 966

Tunisia: 20, 408

Turberville, George: 1134

Turenne, Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de: 375

Turin (Italy): 140, 626, 846

Turing, Alan: 1162, 1327–29

Turkey: 19–21, 33, 182–83, 380, 382, 407, 501, 850, 1007, 1046, 1094, 1329–30, 1373; see also Ottoman Empire

“turn out”: 1038, 1085

Turner, Frederick: 1167

Tuscany (Italy): 408–11

Tusquets, Esther: 1242

Tutu, Desmond: 1063

Twain, Mark: 398, 905, 1405

twilight men: 1330–31

twins: 264, 459, 1331–32

Tyler, Parker: 906

Tynan, Kenneth: 1300

Tyndale, William: 378

typology of homosexuality: 361–63, 557 60, 624, 794, 1121, 1332–37; see also adolescent experimentation; age-differentiated homosexuality; androphilia, mutual; ephebophilia; gender-differentiated homosexuality; paradigm shift; situational homosexuality

Tyrtaeus: 281, 1244

Udall, Nicholas: 1083, 1292

Uganda: 24–25

Ugrino: 627

Ullerstam, Lars: 421

Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich: 130, 234, 336, 380, 457, 471, 521, 532, 540, 545, 555, 558, 580, 660, 668, 771, 834–35, 891, 1017, 1072, 1306, 1339–40, 1352

Unamuno, Miguel de: 1240

unconscious: 431, 458

underworld: 341; see also crime and criminology

unions—see labor unions

unisexual: 1340–41

Unitarian-Universalism: 224, 228, 1065 66

United Church of Christ: 1067–68

United Fruit Company (entertainment group): 1362

United Kingdom—see England and United Kingdom; see also Scotland, Wales, Ireland

United Methodist Church: 1065

United Nations: 842

United States: 11, 29–32, 42–45, 55–56, 84–85, 88–90, 91–92, 104, 107, 108–09, 110–11, 115, 117–18, 118–20, 122, 126–27, 129, 141, 146–50, 158–60, 161, 165, 171, 176, 177–79, 198–99, 205–06, 211–12, 228–30, 235–38, 235–38, 243, 250–251, 255, 258–60, 260–61, 270–71, 272–77, 278–79, 299, 309–11, 315–17, 320–23, 325–26, 334–35, 351–52, 361–63, 365–66, 380–81, 383–84, 398–406, 407, 411, 414–18, 432, 436, 440–41, 447–48, 453, 459, 466–471, 484, 487, 503, 527, 542–43, 553, 575–77, 593–95, 692–98, 708–21, 723, 725, 727–29, 738–40, 750, 755, 779–82, 785–88, 789, 798–99, 816–18, 820–21, 837, 839–45, 853–55, 858–861, 892–96, 898–901, 905–08, 914–15, 919–20, 940–41, 967, 980, 992–93, 1024–27, 1034–48, 1059, 1061–63, 1065–69, 1084–88, 1091, 1094–98, 1127–28, 1138–39, 1150–53, 1163–67, 1173–75, 1187–90, 1193–94, 1196–97, 1220–27, 1245–47, 1250–57, 1266–67, 1282–84, 1297–1302, 1307–08, 1319–22; 1325, 1341–52, 1361–62; 1373, 1381–89, 1392–93, 1400–01, 1406, 1411, 1416

unnatural—see nature and the unnatural

uranianism: 555, 966, 1017, 1352–53

urbanization: 124

urination, erotic: 250, 931, 1144, 1308, 1353–55

Uming: 668, 891

USSR—see Soviet Union

usury: 172, 529, 983, 1355–56

utilitarianism: 127

utopianism: 72, 145, 421, 438, 520, 728, 872, 991, 1182, 1356–57

Uvarov, Sergei: 1135

Uzielli, Gustavo: 1022

Vacano, Emil Mario: 1318

Vaccaro, John: 1301

Vacha, Keith: 141

Vachell, H. A.: 1084

Vacher, Joseph: 853

Vachet, Pierre: 510

vagrancy: 745

Valencia (Spain): 603–04, 686–87, 1238

Valentino, Rudolf: 405

Valla, Lorenzo: 989

Valle, Adriano del: 1240

Vambery, Arminius: 1323

Vanbrugh, John: 1293

Vancouver (Canada): 90, 193, 846

Vandals (tribe): 810

Vanden, Dirk: 1025

Vanguard (group): 1057, 1415

Van Vechten, Carl: 310, 448, 518

Varchi, Benedetto: 131, 397, 1359–60

variant, sex: 1360

variety, revue, and cabaret entertainment: 110–12, 1360–62

Varley, John: 1166–67

Varro: 979

Vasari, Giorgio: 139, 1230–31

vase painting, Greek: 78, 143, 454, 474, 497, 909, 932, 1024, 1273, 1362–64

Vasily H, prince of Russia: 1134

Vassar College: 818

Vassi, Marco: 1025

Vatican Council H: 196

Vatsyayana: 587

vaudeville: 187–88

Vaughan, C. J.: 1084, 1271–72

Vedanta: 615

Vega, Lope de: 1292

Veidt, Conrad: 1298

Veldeke, Heinrich von: 472

Vendidad: 1418

venereal disease—see sexually transmitted diseases

Venice (Italy): 125–26, 155, 179, 306, 315, 335, 380, 423, 445, 525, 691, 742, 910, 1060, 1115, 1173, 1364–67

Veniero, Lorenzo: 73

Venus: 910

Verdenal, Jean: 351–52

Vereniging Martijn: 967

Vergerio, Pier Paolo: 306

Vergil: 72, 98, 109, 385, 562, 862, 1006, 1118, 1123, 1367

Verlaine, Paul: 155, 301, 425, 469, 505 06, 600, 949, 1110, 1367–69

Vermandois, Count de: 423

Vemiolle, Arnold of: 528

Verres: 231

Verrocchio, Andrea del: 707

Vestris, Madame (Lucy Elizabeth Bartolozzi): 1318

Vettori, Francesco: 1104

Viau, Théophile de: 423, 1148, 1369–70

vibrators: 930

vice squad (morals squad): 1014–16

Vice Versa: 746

Vichy regime (France): 426, 545

Vicious, Sid: 1087

victimless crime: 1370–72

Victoria (Australia): 95

Vidal, Gore: 865, 907, 1165

video: 399, 1026, 1283, 1372–73

Vidocq, François-Eugène: 166

Vienna (Austria): 98–99, 129, 375, 430, 433, 835, 847, 1170, 1374

Viereck, George Sylvester: 1009

Vietnam: 380, 843–44, 1212, 1252, 1385

Vignali de’ Buonagiunti, Antonio: 902, 1105

Vigo, Jean: 400

Village People, The: 860

Villamediana, Count of: 1239–40

Villena, Luis Antonio de: 1242

Villette, Marquis de: 1098

Villon, François: 155, 173, 422

Vincineau, Michel: 125

Vining, Donald: 141, 1347

violence: 151, 178, 197–98, 376–77, 403, 441, 465, 548–49, 553, 598, 851–56, 882, 1040–42, 1085–86, 1094–98, 1151, 1251–54, 1264–66, 1290, 1310, 1351, 1373–75, 1382, 1394, 1398, 1413

Virginia (USA): 1050, 1343

virginity: 82–84, 1413

Visconti, Luchino: 391, 404, 925, 1303, 1376–77

Vishnu: 590–91

Visigoths: 194, 197, 689, 810, 1029, 1236

visual art—see art, visual; photography

Vitalis, Ordericus: 348

Vitry, Jacques de: 422

Vivien, Renée: 109, 502, 1009, 1377

Voeller, Bruce: 845

Vogel, Bruno: 903, 1377

Voight, Jon: 403

volleyball: 90, 416

Voloshin, Max: 1326

Voltaire: 122, 241, 318, 358–59, 385, 424, 429, 526, 600, 730, 990, 1282, 1387

Voragine, Jacobus of: 870

Vordtriede, Werner: 334, 658

Voudon religion: 516

Waddell, Tom: 453–54, 1381

Wagner, Jane: 1362

Wagner, Richard: 752, 922, 1330

Wagner, Robert, Jr.: 900

Wajid Ali Shah, maharajah of Oudh: 588

Walbrook, Anton: 1298

Wales (UK): 256, 345, 739

Walker, Alice: 908

Wallace, Mike: 1283

Walpole, Horace: 1278

Walsh, David Ignatius: 487, 1385

Walter of Chatillon: 1006

Wandervogelbewegung: 963

Wang Xizhi: 217

Wangenheim, Gustav von: 391

Ware, John: 96

Warhol, Andy: 81, 190, 403, 825, 1252, 1301, 1322, 1349, 1381–83

Warner, Arthur Cyrus: vii, 841

Warner, Sylvia Townsend: 1383–84

Warren, Edward Perry: 1353, 1384

Warren, Patricia Nell: 89, 907

Warren, Samuel D.: 1049

warriors—see soldiers/warriors

Warsaw (Poland): 1014, 1274

Washington, D.C.: 107, 147, 152, 471, 487, 787, 841–43, 845, 847, 1257, 1349, 1384–86, 1388

Waste Land, The: 352

“water sports”—see urination, erotic

Waters, John: 401

Watson, James: 400

Waugh, Evelyn: 188, 406

weasels: 62

Weaver, Lois: 1362

Webber, Andrew Lloyd: 1301

Webber, Melville: 400

Weber, Bruce: 81, 89, 363

Weber, Max: 70, 1332

Wedekind, Frank: 310, 400, 1296

Weekley, Frieda von Richthofen: 698

Wei Ch’ang-cheng: 1315

Weihrauch, Anna Elisabet: 903, 1386

Weil, Brian: 32

Weimar (Germany): 483

Weimar, Melchior: 132

Weinberg, Martin: 26

Weininger, Otto: 98

Weinrich, James D.: 1218

Weissmuller, Johnny: 994

Wellcome, Syrie: 783

Welles, Paul: 1166

Welles, Sumner: 487, 1385

Wellhausen, Julius: 641

Wellman, William: 401

Wells, H. G.: 1356

Werther, Ralph: 141

Wesley, John: 1065

West, Benjamin: 43

West, Mae: 1297, 1320

West Hollywood (California): 467, 487

West Side Discussion Group (WSDG): 900

Western Australia: 95, 97

Westphal, Karl Friedrich Otto: 266–67, 369–70, 555, 608, 611, 658, 668, 1072

Wettstein-Adelt, Minna: 99

Whale, James: 404

Wherry, Kenneth: 787

Whig history: 539

Whistler, James McNeil: 165

White, Andrew Dickson: 457, 877, 1387

White, Dan: 818, 1151

White, Edmund: 32, 907

White, Minor: 994

White, Patrick: 905

White, T. H.: 1383

White House, The: 842–43, 845

Whitman, Walt: 12–14, 171, 185–86, 199 200, 278–79, 363, 412, 457, 478, 487, 505, 507, 636, 704, 869, 899, 978, 1009, 1272, 1384, 1387–89, 1405

Who, The: 363, 860

Wicca: 1397

Wichita (Kansas): 845

Wicker, Randy: 841–42

Wieners, John: 335

Wikner, Pontus: 1269

Wilafrid Strabo: 795

Wilberforce, William: 1065

Wildblood, Peter: 456

Wilde, Oscar: 17, 50, 69, 140, 187, 189, 233, 247, 256, 282–83, 293, 301, 326–27, 357, 380, 402, 411, 477, 502, 506–07, 513, 568, 783, 822, 857, 873, 922, 933, 935, 948, 954, 1008, 1295, 1389–91, 1405

Wilder, Billy: 400–01

Wilder, Thornton: 773

Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany: 365, 376, 1387

Wilhelm, Eugen (Numa Praetorius): 629, 1033

Wilhelm, Gale: 907, 1346

Wilhelm, Kate: 1166

Wilkinson, Francis: 93

William ID, king of England: 355, 1391–92

William of Auvergne: 873

William of Malmesbury: 348

William of Moerbeck: 791

William Rufus, king of England: 354, 1109

Williams, Raymond: 879

Williams, Roger: 1061

Williams, Tennessee: 36, 141, 402, 925, 1299, 1392–93

Williams, Wayne Bertram: 853, 855

Williams, William Carlos: 310, 325, 785

Williamson, Cris: 720

Willson, Henry: 564

Wilmot, Eardley: 94

Wilson, Angus: 904

Wilson, Edward O.: 370

Wilson, Harold, prime minister of Britain: 1212

Wilson, Lanford: 1300

Wilson, Paul: 968

“wimp”: 1197

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim: 67, 80, 380, 446, 502, 521, 911, 953, 1108, 1278, 1393–95

wine: 332

Winkler, John J.: 1334

Winsloe, Christa: 400, 903, 951, 1085, 1296

Winston, lady: 1027

Wisconsin (USA): 487, 723, 786, 845, 1350

witchcraft: 688, 1059, 1395–98

witchhunts—see persecutions

Wittgenstein, Ludwig: 99, 382, 991, 1398–1400

Wittig, Monique: 903, 1165–66

Wittman, Carl: 728, 1400–01

Wolfe, Susan: 415

Wolfenden Report (Britain): 104, 152, 193, 256, 283, 304, 402, 685, 693, 726, 742, 840, 1074, 1371, 1401–03

Wollheim, Richard: 1185

women’s names used for male homosexuals: 1202, 1403

Wonderwoman: 251

Wood, Thelma: 108

Woodberry, George Edward: 1009

Wooden, Wayne: 1042, 1046, 1085, 1373

Woolf, Leonard: 1404–05

Woolf, Virginia: 140, 153, 419, 901, 904, 1208, 1404–05

Woollcott, Alexander: 567

Woolley, Monty: 1028

working class: 9, 74–75, 177–79, 198–200, 235–38, 282, 309, 356, 418, 542, 623, 674, 808, 851, 1025, 1041–42, 1122, 1174–75, 1309–10, 1387–88, 1405–06, 1344, 1414

World Health Organization: 306, 350, 794

World League for Sexual Reform: 537, 838

World War I: 9, 154, 201, 365, 851, 934 35, 1346

World War H: 548, 816, 886, 904, 906, 1150, 1173, 1347

Wundt, Wilhelm: 1078

Wratislaw, Theodore: 1008

wrestling: 405

Wright, Cuthbert: 1009

Wright, Orville and Wilbur: 1162

Wright, Richard: 104

wrist, limp: 475

Wroclaw (Poland): 1014

Wu, emperor of China: 216

Wylie, Philip: 1166

Wyneken, Gustav: 343, 966–67, 1406–07

Wynne, John: 1166

Xango religion: 516

Xavier, St. Francis: 170, 1149

Xenophanes of Colophon: 984

Xenophon: 1205, 1227–28, 1244

Xi Kang: 217

Xirgu, Margarita: 1242

Yale University: 228, 782, 1257

Yemen: 851

Yevreinova, Anna: 1136

YM(W)CAs: 89, 511

yoga: 590

York, Michael: 403

Yoshida Kenko: 635

Yoshimitsu, shogun of Japan: 635

Yoshizawa Ayame: 1316

Young, Allen: 63

Young, Donna J.: 1166

Young, Ian: 52, 135, 1008

Yourcenar, Marguerite: 68, 207, 514, 903, 1107, 1409

youth: 24–26, 118–20, 122, 162, 204, 25154, 265–66, 306–10, 312, 341–44, 361–63, 372–73, 409–10, 421, 444, 484, 491–92, 514, 624, 674, 712, 844, 959–64, 964–70, 978–79, 981–82, 1025, 1036, 1055, 1083–85, 1085–86, 1095, 1173, 1176, 1227–28, 1254–57, 1333, 1350, 1363, 1409–15; see also boys, girls, adolescents, ephebes, children (pre-pubic)

Yturri, Gabriel: 832

Yüan Mei: 1007

Yukon (Canada): 193, 846

yuppies: 467

Yusuf III, king of Grenada: 489

Yusupov, Feliks Feliksovich, prince of Russia: 926

Yüzgün, Arslan: 1330

Zacchia, Paulus: 791

Zaleucus: 1194

Zamrak, Ibn: 489

Zamyatin, Evgeny: 1356

“zaps”: 845

Zeami: 635

Zeffirelli, Franco: 404, 925, 1303

Zeig, Sande: 1166

Zen Buddhism: 170

Zend Avesta: 1418

Zenge, Wilhelmine von: 666

Zeno of Citium: 986, 1417

Zerash: 851

Zeus: 78, 280, 318–19, 454, 866, 868–69, 961, 996, 1094, 1363

Zhou Xiaoshi: 217

Ziegler, Alexander: 903

Zinovieva-Annibal, Lydia: 670, 1137

Zohar: 656, 988

Zoroastrianism: 221, 528, 493, 612, 642, 682, 917, 1281, 1417–18

Zoyara, Ella (Omar Kingsley): 1318

Zschokke, Heinrich: 545

Zukor, Adolph: 400

Zulus: 22

Zumarruga: 805

Zurich (Switzerland): 368, 1060

Zuylen de Nyevelt, Hélène de: 1377