Chapter 29. Investigating Protista

Equipment and Materials

You’ll need the following items to complete this lab session. (The standard kit for this book, available from, includes the items listed in the first group.)

Materials from Kit

  • Goggles

  • Coverslips

  • Magnifier

  • Methylcellulose

  • Pipettes

  • Slides, flat

  • Slide, deep well

  • Stain: eosin Y

  • Stain: Gram’s iodine

  • Stain: methylene blue

Materials You Provide

  • Gloves

  • Microscope

  • Slides, prepared (see text)

  • Specimens, live (see text)


In this lab session, we’ll examine live specimens and prepared slides of a representative assortment of protista, focusing on the four species listed in Figure 29-1. We chose these four species because they illustrate a wide range of protist characteristics, and because they are ubiquitous and easily obtained from a nearby pond or one of the microcosms we built in an earlier lab session. (You can, if you prefer, instead purchase live protist cultures from Carolina Biological Supply or another full-range vendor, either separately or as mixed cultures.) Also, as common representatives of their respective phyla, most or all of these four species are usually included in standard prepared slide sets.

Spirogyra is immediately recognizable as thin green unbranched filaments made up of a line of individual square or rectangular cells butted end-to-end. Most of the cellular features of Spirogyra are easily observed at low to moderate magnification and without staining. Begin at low magnification, and increase magnification as necessary to observe details of all of the features. As you observe your live and mounted specimens, look for the following features:

Spirogyra can reproduce asexually or sexually. In asexual reproduction, new filaments are formed by intercalary mitosis. Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra occurs via conjugation. In conjugation, one cell acting in the male role extends a tubular protuberance known as a conjugation tube. That tube links to a second cell, acting in the female role. Cytoplasm is transferred from the “male” cell to the “female” cell, where the “male” cytoplasm reacts with the “female” cytoplasm to produce a zygospore. (Note that cells are actually neither male nor female, but merely assume one of those roles during conjugative reproduction.)

Conjugation can occur between adjacent cells on a single strand (called lateral conjugation) or between two cells on different strands that are in close physical proximity (called scalariform conjugation). If you’re lucky, you may find conjugation occurring naturally in your live specimen. If not, you can encourage it to occur by adding a drop of sugar water to the slide.

From the large to the small. While Spirogyra forms filaments that are often visible to the naked eye, most Euglenoids are tiny creatures. (A few species are much larger, as much as 0.1mm in length, but these are very uncommon.) Euglenae are visible as tiny spots at 40X magnification. You may be able to see some detail at 100X, but observing full detail requires 400X or higher. If you have an oil-immersion objective (1,000X), now is a good time to use it.

Euglenae hold an important place in the history of biological taxonomy. Beginning with Linnaeus, biologists classified living things in two kingdoms: Animalia, or animal-like creatures, and Plantae, or plant-like creatures. Protista were originally classified into one of these two kingdoms, with animal-like protists (such as Amoebae) classified in Animalia and plant-like protists (such as Algae) classified in Plantae.

Euglenae presented these early taxonomists with a real problem, because Euglenae were simultaneously animal-like (were motile and heterotrophic) and plant-like (possessed chlorophyll and were autotrophic). Accordingly, Euglenae were ultimately responsible for taxonomists expanding the original two-kingdom system to a three-kingdom system, with Euglenae and other protists classified in the new kingdom Protista.

Unlike Spirogyrae, Euglenae are motile. They use two methods of movement. First and more obvious is their constant alterations in shape, changing back and forth from an extended, worm-like form to a nearly circular form, a form of motion known as Euglenoid movement. Second, and less obvious, Euglenae possess flagella, tiny whip-like tails that they use to drive themselves from place to place.

Some of the cellular features of Euglena are visible at medium to high magnification without staining, but most are much more clearly visible in stained specimens. As you observe your live and mounted specimens, look for the following features:

From the small back to the very large. The Amoeba is certainly the most recognizable microorganism; even nonscientists can identify it immediately by its appearance. The Amoeba, or at least many of its species, is one of the largest microorganisms. Depending on species and the individual organism, some may be as large as a pinhead, and easily visible to the naked eye. Amoebae from other planets are apparently capable of eating entire buildings (cf. the 1958 horror/SF movie, The Blob, which featured one of these gigantic alien amoebae.)

Amoebae live in water, but are seldom found free-floating. Instead, they attach themselves to gravel, branches, leaves, or other solid materials. As heterotrophs, Amoebae must obtain nourishment from their environments. They do so by engulfing prey, including bacteria, other protists, and other tiny organisms.

An Amoeba moves by extending a pseudopod, with which it grasps the surface and then pulls the rest of the organism to the new location, a process called amoeboid movement or, more casually, oozing. (Not all microorganisms that use amoeboid movement are amoebae, but all amoebae use amoeboid movement.) Amoebae reproduce by mitosis and cytokinesis, a process that superficially resembles the binary fission by which prokaryotes (bacteria) reproduce. During reproduction, the nucleus splits in two and the cell “pinches” in until the pinched portion closes on itself and cuts the cell in two, forming two individual cells, which can then repeat the process to form four cells, and so on. If you’re patient while observing a live culture at low magnification, you may be fortunate enough to observe cytokinesis.

Most people’s initial impression of the internal structure of an Amoeba (or lack thereof) is that it is completely chaotic. In fact, Linnaeus originally assigned the binary name for the common Amoeba now known as Amoeba proteus as Chaos chaos. Because of its size, with proper lighting most of the cellular features of larger Amoebae are visible at low to medium magnification without staining, but most are much more clearly visible in stained specimens. As you observe your live and mounted specimens, look for the following features:

The paramecium is the sprinter of this group. Spirogyrae are not motile. Amoebae slowly ooze from place to place. A Euglena, with its single flagellum, might achieve speeds of 100 μm/s or a bit more, taking about 10 seconds to move a single millimeter. But the Paramecium—with its thousands of cilia beating synchronously like thousands of tiny rowers—has been clocked at speeds of 2,000 μm/s, which means it can move completely though a microscope’s field of view in a small fraction of a second.

That means observing live Paramecia is challenging, to say the least. You can slow them down significantly by adding a drop of methylcellulose or glycerol to the drop of culture liquid, or by placing a tiny tuft of cotton fibers in the drop of culture to present a physical barrier to their movement. Even then, it’s almost impossible to observe fine detail. For that, you’ll need a prepared slide.

Paramecia reproduce both sexually and asexually. In sexual reproduction, called conjugation, two individuals align longitudinally and exchange nuclear material. In asexual reproduction, called transverse fission, one individual splits laterally, with the macronucleus and cell body dividing in two and the micronucleus replicating by mitosis. Fission occurs much more commonly than conjugation, but if your live culture contains numerous individuals you may have the opportunity to observe both forms of reproduction.

As you observe your live and mounted specimens, look for the following features: